SI20003A - Solid food composition with overrun filling and method of preparation - Google Patents

Solid food composition with overrun filling and method of preparation Download PDF


Publication number
SI20003A SI9720077A SI9720077A SI20003A SI 20003 A SI20003 A SI 20003A SI 9720077 A SI9720077 A SI 9720077A SI 9720077 A SI9720077 A SI 9720077A SI 20003 A SI20003 A SI 20003A
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composition according
nutritional composition
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Slovenian (sl)
Alexandrine Pingel
Manfred Schokols
Original Assignee
Compagnie Gervais Danone
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Application filed by Compagnie Gervais Danone filed Critical Compagnie Gervais Danone
Publication of SI20003A publication Critical patent/SI20003A/en



    • A23L9/00Puddings; Cream substitutes; Preparation or treatment thereof
    • A23L9/20Cream substitutes
    • A23L9/22Cream substitutes containing non-milk fats but no proteins other than milk proteins
    • A21D13/00Finished or partly finished bakery products
    • A21D13/30Filled, to be filled or stuffed products
    • A21D13/38Filled, to be filled or stuffed products characterised by the filling composition
    • A23C19/00Cheese; Cheese preparations; Making thereof
    • A23C19/06Treating cheese curd after whey separation; Products obtained thereby
    • A23C19/09Other cheese preparations; Mixtures of cheese with other foodstuffs
    • A23C19/093Addition of non-milk fats or non-milk proteins
    • A23C9/00Milk preparations; Milk powder or milk powder preparations
    • A23C9/12Fermented milk preparations; Treatment using microorganisms or enzymes
    • A23C9/13Fermented milk preparations; Treatment using microorganisms or enzymes using additives
    • A23C9/1315Non-milk proteins or fats; Seeds, pulses, cereals or soja; Fatty acids, phospholipids, mono- or diglycerides or derivatives therefrom; Egg products
    • A23G3/00Sweetmeats; Confectionery; Marzipan; Coated or filled products
    • A23G3/34Sweetmeats, confectionery or marzipan; Processes for the preparation thereof
    • A23G3/343Products for covering, coating, finishing, decorating
    • A23P30/00Shaping or working of foodstuffs characterised by the process or apparatus
    • A23P30/40Foaming or whipping
    • A23G2200/12COCOA; COCOA PRODUCTS, e.g. CHOCOLATE; SUBSTITUTES FOR COCOA OR COCOA PRODUCTS; CONFECTIONERY; CHEWING GUM; ICE-CREAM; PREPARATION THEREOF containing organic compounds, e.g. synthetic flavouring agents containing dairy products


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  • Polymers & Plastics (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Nutrition Science (AREA)
  • Microbiology (AREA)
  • Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Biophysics (AREA)
  • Dairy Products (AREA)
  • Confectionery (AREA)
  • Fodder In General (AREA)
  • Edible Oils And Fats (AREA)
  • Bakery Products And Manufacturing Methods Therefor (AREA)
  • General Preparation And Processing Of Foods (AREA)
  • Seeds, Soups, And Other Foods (AREA)


The invention concerns a solid food composition made of a filling coated at least partly with a protective layer, characterised in that the filling is in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion, overrun, with a milk product base, of one or several essentially vegetable fats, and in that it comprises one or several esters of fatty acids and of saccharose, said composition having an overrun ratio more than 30 % and a dry extract ratio between 60 and 85 wt %.


Trden prehrambeni sestavek z ekspandiranim nadevom in postopek za pripravoSolid Expanded Nutrition Composition and Preparation Process

Predloženi izum se nanaša na trden prehrambeni sestavek, narejen iz nadeva na osnovi mlečnega izdelka, zlasti svežega, fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega, prevlečenega vsaj delno z zaščitnim slojem, zlasti s čokoladnim oblivom ali glazumim testom ali slaščičarsko ali biskvitno maso.The present invention relates to a solid nutritional composition made from a dairy product-based stuffing, in particular fresh, fermented or non-fermented, coated at least in part with a protective layer, in particular a chocolate coating or a glaze dough or a confectionery or biscuit mass.

Prav tako se nanaša na postopek za pripravo takega sestavka. Nanaša se tudi na kremast sestavek za uporabo zlasti kot nadev.It also relates to a process for preparing such a composition. It also applies to a creamy composition for use especially as a filling.

Prav tako se nanaša na uporabo vodotopnih emulgatorjev v nadevu ali trdnem sestavku, kjer je delež suhe snovi med 60 in 85%, za pridobivanje emulzije olje-vvodi, ki je časovno in mehansko stabilna.It also relates to the use of water-soluble emulsifiers in a stuffing or solid composition having a solids content of between 60 and 85%, for the production of an oil-in-water emulsion that is time and mechanically stable.

Na področju prehrambenih sestavkov že nekaj časa obstajajo izdelki, imenovani jedilne ploščice, na osnovi različnih slaščičarskih izdelkov, nadevanih s čokoladnimi izdelki in/ali drugimi sladkimi izdelki.In the field of food ingredients, for some time there have been products called edible plates, based on various confectionery products filled with chocolate and / or other sweet products.

Večja količina sladkorja omogoča zmanjšanje aktivnosti vode in zato preprečuje razvoj bakterij, škodljiv za kvaliteto izdelka.Higher amounts of sugar reduce the activity of water and therefore prevent the development of bacteria that are detrimental to the quality of the product.

Potrošnik dojema ta tip izdelkov kot izdelke z dolgo dobo trajanja, ravno tako kot npr. trajne kolače.The consumer perceives this type of product as a product with a long shelf-life, just as e.g. permanent cakes.

Prav tako obstajajo jedilne ploščice na osnovi svežih nefermentiranih mlečnih izdelkov, ki imajo kratko dobo trajanja.There are also plates based on fresh unfermented dairy products that have a short shelf life.

Zato bi bilo zaželeno, da bi lahko imeli na voljo jedilne ploščice, ki obsegajo nadev na osnovi mlečnega izdelka, zlasti svežega, fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega, ki bi lahko zaradi svoje velike vsebnosti mlečnega izdelka, zlasti svežega, nudil potrošnikom garancijo uravnotežene prehrane, ki se čedalje bolj zahteva v naši modemi družbi.It would therefore be desirable to be able to have at their disposal cooking plates comprising dairy based stuffing, in particular fresh, fermented or unfermented, which, owing to their high content of dairy product, especially fresh, can guarantee consumers a balanced diet which is increasingly demanding in our modem society.

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Pri pripravi takih jedilnih ploščic naletimo na različne probleme, ki jih je treba istočasno razrešiti, namreč kot so zadostna konsistenca, stabilnost, po želji kvaliteta okusa, analogna svežemu izdelku. Npr. emulzija olje-v-vodi fermentiranega svežega sira in rastlinske maščobe vodi do tega, da dobimo svež izdelek, vendar pa konsistenca ni zadostna, če ne dodamo večje količine mačobe. Sicer pa taka emulzija postane sčasoma nestabilna.When preparing such plates, we encounter various problems that need to be solved at the same time, such as sufficient consistency, stability, optionally taste quality, analogous to a fresh product. E.g. the emulsion of oil-in-water of fermented fresh cheese and vegetable fat leads to a fresh product, but the consistency is not sufficient unless a large amount of machete is added. Otherwise, such an emulsion becomes unstable over time.

Tak prehrambeni sestavek so npr. predlagali v FR-A-2 639 796, kjer je opisan prehrambeni izdelek, pripravljen iz nadeva na osnovi svežega nefermentiranega sira in maščobe, prevlečene z zaščitnim slojem na osnovi čokolade.Such nutritional compositions are e.g. proposed in FR-A-2 639 796, which describes a food product prepared from a filling of fresh unfermented cheese and a fat coated with a chocolate-based coating.

Za stabiliziranje take emulzije so v evropskem patentu EP-B-256 561 predlagali postopek za pripravo slaščice v obliki pene na osnovi emulzije olje-v-vodi, ki vsebuje sestavine mleka, eno ali več maščob, sladkor in vodo ter rožičevo moko.In order to stabilize such an emulsion, a European patent EP-B-256 561 has proposed a process for the preparation of an oil-in-water foam-based confectionery containing ingredients of milk, one or more fats, sugar and water and locust bean flour.

Vendar imajo lahko rožičeva moka ali rožičeva zrna neprijeten okus za določene potrošnike in poleg tega vodijo do končnega izdelka, katerega struktura je viskozna.However, cauliflower or carob beans may have an unpleasant taste for certain consumers and, in addition, lead to a final product whose structure is viscous.

V WO-A-95/22906 so prav tako predlagali prehrambene sestavke, ki obsegajo biskvit ali lupino iz čokolade in nadev na osnovi fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega mlečnega izdelka, ki je v obliki emulzije voda-v-olju. Čeprav sta konsistenca in stabilnost takega sestavka zadovoljivi, je kvaliteta okusa zelo blizu masla ali margarine in bi zaradi tega lahko omejila njegov razvoj.WO-A-95/22906 also suggested nutritional compositions comprising a biscuit or chocolate peel and a fermented or unfermented milk product, which is in the form of a water-in-oil emulsion. Although the consistency and stability of such a composition are satisfactory, the quality of the taste is very close to that of butter or margarine and could therefore limit its development.

Sicer pa so opisali uporabo estrov saharoze v prehrambenih sestavkih.They also described the use of sucrose esters in food compositions.

V tehnični brošuri od Societe Sistema B.V so opisani neionski emulgatorji, dobljeni z zaestrenjem primarnih hidroksilnih skupin saharoze z užitnimi maščobnimi kislinami, kot prehrambeni dodatki. Npr. pripravek mlečne kreme za kavo vsebuje po navedbah v tej brošuri: 10% rastlinskega olja, 5% koščkov koruznega sirupa, 3% mleka v prahu, p:\pr26974M99A technical brochure from Societe System B.V describes non-ionic emulsifiers obtained by esterification of primary hydroxyl groups of sucrose with edible fatty acids as dietary supplements. E.g. the preparation of milk cream for coffee contains, as stated in this brochure: 10% vegetable oil, 5% pieces of corn syrup, 3% milk powder, p: \ pr26974M99

1% natrijevega kazeinata, 0,3% estra saharoze in stearinske ali palmitinske kisline (HLB=11), 0,2% carrageenana in preostanek voda. Gre za zelo tekočo kremo.1% sodium caseinate, 0.3% sucrose ester and stearic or palmitic acid (HLB = 11), 0.2% carrageenan and the remainder water. It is a very liquid cream.

V JP-B-62-36649 je predviden tolčen sestavek tipa jogurta, ki je podoben tolčenemu sestavku tipa kreme, ki vsebuje v masnih odstotkih 18-35% maščobne baze, ki jo tvori emulgator, ki vsebuje:JP-B-62-36649 provides a whipped yogurt composition similar to a whipped cream type composition containing, by weight, 18-35% by weight of the fat base formed by an emulsifier comprising:

a) enega ali več emulgatorjev, izbranih izmed lecitina ter estrov nenasičenih maščobnih kislin in sorbitola,a) one or more emulsifiers selected from lecithin and esters of unsaturated fatty acids and sorbitol,

b) ester saharoze in maščobne kisline,b) sucrose and fatty acid esters,

c) enega ali več emulgatorjev, izbranih izmed estrov nasičenih maščobnih kislin in sorbitola, estrov maščobnih kislin in propilen glikola, estrov maščobnih kislin in glicerola;c) one or more emulsifiers selected from saturated fatty acid esters and sorbitol, fatty acid esters and propylene glycol, fatty acid esters and glycerol;

do 82% vodne faze, ki vsebuje sladkor, topen protein in stabilizator.up to 82% of the aqueous phase containing sugar, soluble protein and stabilizer.

Opažamo, da so uporabili zlasti v maščobni fazi emulgatorje, ki so različni od estrov saharoze (v maščobi topne emulgatorje). Sicer pa se primer 1 nanaša na sestavek, v katerem ima ester saharoze HLB 4. Poleg tega, če se sklicujemo na primere, se izkaže, da imajo sestavki na osnovi jogurta suh ekstrakt pod 50% in se zato ne morejo uporabiti kot nadev v smislu izuma.It is observed that emulsifiers other than sucrose esters (fat soluble emulsifiers) have been used in the fat phase in particular. Otherwise, Case 1 relates to a composition in which the sucrose ester has HLB 4. In addition, by way of example, it turns out that yoghurt-based compositions have a dry extract of less than 50% and therefore cannot be used as stuffing in terms of of the invention.

Vendar je glede na opisano stanje tehnike očitno, da bi bilo zaželeno predlagati trden prehrambeni sestavek, ki nima zgoraj navedenih pomanjkljivosti.However, in view of the prior art, it is obvious that it would be desirable to propose a solid nutritional composition that does not have the above disadvantages.

Eden od predmetov predloženega izuma je, da predložimo nov trden prehrambeni sestavek, katerega nadev na osnovi mlečnega izdelka, zlasti svežega, fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega, ima zadostno stabilnost za nameravano uporabo in po želji kvaliteto okusa, kije podobna fermentiranemu ali nefermentiranemu svežemu izdelku.One object of the present invention is to provide a novel solid nutritional composition whose milk-based filling, especially fresh, fermented or non-fermented, has sufficient stability for its intended use and, if desired, a taste quality similar to that of the fermented or un-fermented fresh product.

Drugi predmet predloženega izuma je, da predložimo nov trden prehrambeni sestavek na osnovi mlečnega izdelka, zlasti svežega, fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega, ki dopusti prijemanje z roko in njegov nadev ne teče pri običajnih temperaturah porabe.Another object of the present invention is to provide a novel solid food composition based on a dairy product, in particular fresh, fermented or non-fermented, which allows for hand-holding and does not flow at normal consumption temperatures.

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Drugi predmet predloženega izuma je, da predložimo prehrambeni sestavek, ki se da primerjati na nivoju predpisov s svežimi izdelki, t.j. izdelek, ki se hrani pri 4 do 6°C nekaj tednov, prednostno reda velikosti od 4 do 6 tednov.Another object of the present invention is to provide a nutritional composition that can be compared at the regulatory level with fresh products, i.e. the product is stored at 4 to 6 ° C for several weeks, preferably in the order of 4 to 6 weeks.

Te probleme smo rešili s pomočjo predloženega izuma, ki se nanaša na trden prehrambeni sestavek, pripravljen iz nadeva, vsaj delno prevlečenega z zaščitnim slojem, pri čemer je sestavek označen s tem, daje nadev ekspandirana emulzija olje-vvodi na osnovi fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega mlečnega izdelka, po želji svežega, ene ali več maščob, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, ki vsebuje enega ali več estrov maščobnih kislin in saharoze, pri čemer ima nadev stopnjo ekspandiranja nad 30 vol.%, stopnjo suhega ekstrakta med 60 in 85 mas.%, prednostno med 65 in 80 mas.%.These problems were solved by the present invention pertaining to a solid nutritional composition prepared from a stuffing, at least partially coated with a protective layer, wherein the stuffing is an expanded oil-based emulsion based on a fermented or non-fermented milk product. , optionally, fresh, one or more fats, essentially vegetable, containing one or more fatty acid and sucrose esters, the filling having a rate of expansion of more than 30% by volume, a rate of dry extract of between 60 and 85% by weight, preferably between 65 and 80% by weight.

Na splošno ima nadev aktivnost vode med 0,65 in 0,90, prednostno med 0,75 in 0,90, ter kisel ali nevtralen pH.Generally, the stuffing has a water activity of between 0.65 and 0.90, preferably between 0.75 and 0.90, and an acidic or neutral pH.

S fermentiranim svežim mlečnim izdelkom je mišljena mlečna osnova, ki je bila fermentirana po cepljenju z mlečnimi bakterijami, nato pa pomešana z drugimi sestavinami, da dobimo fermentiran svež mlečni izdelek. Ta fermentiran svež mlečni izdelek, hranjen med 4 in 10°C, ima še žive bakterije, prednostno vsaj 10 do 10 živih bakterij na ml, 4 do 6 tednov.Fermented fresh dairy product means a milk base that has been fermented after being vaccinated with milk bacteria and then mixed with other ingredients to produce a fermented fresh milk product. This fermented fresh dairy product stored between 4 and 10 ° C still has live bacteria, preferably at least 10 to 10 live bacteria per ml, for 4 to 6 weeks.

Prav tako navajamo jogurt v prahu.We also list yogurt powder.

Z nefermentiranim mlečnim izdelkom so mišljeni mleko v prahu, posneto mleko, polposneto mleko, delno posneto mleko, polnomastno mleko, kondenzirano mleko.Non-fermented milk product is meant powdered milk, skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk, partially skimmed milk, whole milk, condensed milk.

Prednostno fermentiran mlečni izdelek izberemo iz skupine, v kateri so sveži siri, jogurti ali njim podobni in drugi mlečni izdelki, ki sami ali v zmesi vsebujejo žive mlečne bakterije, kot S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. bifidus, L. lactococcus in Leuconostoc.Preferably the fermented dairy product is selected from the group consisting of fresh cheeses, yoghurts or the like, and other dairy products containing live milk bacteria on their own or in a mixture, such as S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. bifidus, L. lactococcus and Leuconostoc.

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Mlečni izdelek na splošno doziramo med 10 in 40%.The dairy product is generally dosed between 10 and 40%.

Važna karakteristika sestavka nadeva je, da je v obliki emulzije olje-v-vodi, t.j. hidrofobne kapljice so obdane z vodo, pri čemer je ta suspenzija stabilizirana z emulgatorjem. Torej gre za fizikalno stanje, kije radikalno različno od emulzij olje-vvodi, v katerih hidrofobna faza obdaja kapljice vode in zagotavlja strukturo trdnega sestavka.An important characteristic of the stuffing composition is that it is in the form of an oil-in-water emulsion, i.e. hydrophobic droplets are surrounded by water, with this suspension stabilized by an emulsifier. So it is a physical condition radically different from the oil-inlet emulsions, in which the hydrophobic phase surrounds the droplets of water and provides the structure of a solid composition.

Maščobe v smislu izuma so lahko tudi hidrogenirane. Te maščobe imajo na splošno tališče med 25 in 40°C. Maščobe so prednostno v masnem deležu med 10 in 40%, zlasti 15% in 40%, glede na nadev.The fats of the invention may also be hydrogenated. These fats generally have a melting point between 25 and 40 ° C. Fats are preferably in the proportion by weight of between 10 and 40%, in particular 15% and 40%, depending on the filling.

Izmed maščob navajamo zlasti olje iz jedra kokosovega oreha.Of the fats, in particular, coconut kernel oil is mentioned.

Nepričakovano smo ugotovili, da vdelava učinkovite količine vodotopnega emulgatorja, ki obstoji iz estra maščobne kisline in sladkorja tipa mono- ali zlasti disaharida, ki ima hidrofilno/hidrofobno ravnotežje (HLB) med 6 in 18, prednostno 8 in 18, prednostno nad 10 in še bolj prednostno med 12 in 16, omogoča, da dosežemo cilje, navedene pri predstavljanju izuma.It has been unexpectedly found that the incorporation of an effective amount of a water-soluble emulsifier consisting of a fatty acid ester and a mono- or especially disaccharide-type sugar having a hydrophilic / hydrophobic balance (HLB) between 6 and 18, preferably 8 and 18, preferably greater than 10 and more more preferably between 12 and 16, it is possible to achieve the objectives stated in the present invention.

Se bolj nepričakovano smo ugotovili, da tak emulgator omogoča, da se izognemo bistveni prisotnosti vsakega drugega emulgatorja. Ta vodotopen emulgator je prisoten v masnem deležu med 0,1 in 2%, prednostno nad 0,2%.More unexpectedly, we found that such an emulsifier avoids the essential presence of any other emulsifier. This water-soluble emulsifier is present in a weight ratio between 0.1 and 2%, preferably above 0.2%.

Izum se nanaša tudi na trden prehrambeni sestavek, pripravljen iz nadeva, vsaj delno prevlečenega z zaščitnim slojem, označen s tem, da je nadev ekspandirana emulzija olje-v-vodi na osnovi fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega mlečnega izdelka, po želji svežega, ene ali več v bistvu rastlinskih maščob, ki vsebuje enega ali več vodotopnih emulgatorjev tipa estra maščobne kisline in sladkorja s HLB med 6 in 18, pri Čemer ima nadev stopnjo ekspandiranja nad 30 vol.%, stopnjo suhega ekstrakta med 60 in 85 mas.%, prednostno med 65 in 80 mas.%.The invention also relates to a solid nutritional composition prepared from a stuffing, at least partially coated with a protective layer, characterized in that the stuffing is an expanded oil-in-water emulsion based on a fermented or non-fermented milk product, optionally fresh, one or more Essentially vegetable fats containing one or more water-soluble fatty acid and sugar ester type emulsifiers with HLB between 6 and 18, wherein the filling has an expansion rate of more than 30% by volume, a dry extract rate of between 60 and 85% by weight, preferably between 65 and 80% by weight.

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Prednostno je vodotopen emulgator v bistvu edini emulgator, prisoten v sestavku.Preferably, the water-soluble emulsifier is essentially the only emulsifier present in the composition.

Prav tako smo nepričakovano ugotovili, da vdelava učinkovite količine emulgatorja, izbranega iz skupine, v kateri so estri maščobnih kislin in saharoze, omogoča, da dosežemo cilje, navedene pri predstavljanju izuma. S pridom so ti estri prisotni v masnem deležu med 0,1 in 2%, prednostno nad 0,2%.It has also been unexpectedly found that incorporating an effective amount of an emulsifier selected from the group consisting of fatty acid and sucrose esters enables us to achieve the objectives stated in the present invention. Preferably, these esters are present in a weight ratio between 0.1 and 2%, preferably above 0.2%.

Maščobne kisline so zlasti kisline s Ci4 do C2o, prednostno Ci6 ali Cjg, prednostno nasičene.Fatty acids are in particular acids with Ci 4 to C 2 o, preferably Ci 6 or C 1 g, preferably saturated.

Po prednostni varianti izberemo estre iz skupine, v kateri sta palmitat saharoze ali stearat saharoze, sama ali v zmesi.Preferably, the esters are selected from the group consisting of sucrose palmitate or sucrose stearate, alone or in a mixture.

Hidrofilno/hidrofobno ravnotežje (HLB) teh estrov bo prednostno med 6 in 18, prednostno 8 in 18, s pridom nad 10 in še bolj prednostno med 12 in 16. Ti estri izvirajo iz zaestrenja ene ali več primarnih alkoholnih funkcij saharoze.The hydrophilic / hydrophobic balance (HLB) of these esters will preferably be between 6 and 18, preferably 8 and 18, with a yield greater than 10, and more preferably between 12 and 16. These esters result from the esterification of one or more of the primary alcoholic functions of sucrose.

Prednostno so ti estri edini emulgatorji, prisotni v sestavku. T.j. sestavek v bistvu ne vsebuje v maščobi topnih emulgatorjev.Preferably, these esters are the only emulsifiers present in the composition. I.e. the composition does not essentially contain fat-soluble emulsifiers.

Za zmanjšanje aktivnosti vode je zaželeno, da sestavek vsebuje enega ali več sladkorjev. Ta prisotnost lahko prav tako izboljša kvaliteto okusa.In order to reduce the activity of water, it is desirable that the composition contains one or more sugars. This presence can also improve the quality of the taste.

Aktivnost vode izdelka je pojem, ki je dobro znan na prehrambenem področju, pri čemer je ta veličina (okrajšano Aw) veličina razpoložljivosti vode v izdelku. V večini primerov ta aktivnost vode ni sorazmerna vsebnosti vode izdelka.Water activity of a product is a term well known in the nutritional field, this magnitude (abbreviated Aw) being the magnitude of the availability of water in a product. In most cases, this water activity is not commensurate with the water content of the product.

Kot primer ima sadni jogurt 82% vode in Aw 0,99; sveži sir vsebuje 16% vode in ima Aw 0,99.As an example, fruit yogurt has 82% water and Aw 0.99; fresh cheese contains 16% water and has an Aw of 0.99.

Metode, ki omogočajo merjenje Aw izdelka, so strokovnjakom znane.Methods for measuring Aw product are known to those skilled in the art.

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Nadev prehrambenega sestavka bo vseboval tak delež sladkorja, da bo njegova aktivnost vode med 0,65 in 0,90, prednostno med 0,75 in 0,90. Treba je upoštevati, da je z aktivnostjo vode mišljena aktivnost vode sestavka po ravnotežju, če je potrebno. Aktivnost vode pri ravnotežju bo odvisna od uporabljenega zaščitnega sloja in od začetne aktivnosti vode nadeva.The filling of the food composition will contain such a proportion of sugar that its water activity will be between 0.65 and 0.90, preferably between 0.75 and 0.90. It should be borne in mind that water activity means the activity of the water of the composition after equilibrium, if necessary. The water activity at equilibrium will depend on the protective layer used and the initial water activity of the filling.

Prednostno bomo uporabili sladkorje, katerih sestava ne poveča preveč sladilne moči medija, tako da ohranimo v jedilni ploščici okus svežega izdelka. Torej bo šlo prednostno za zmes sladkorjev, ki lahko naenkrat zagotovijo zmanjšanje Aw ter kvalitete okusa in dietetične kvalitete.Preferably, we will use sugars, the composition of which does not increase the sweetening power of the medium too much, so that the taste of the fresh product is preserved in the plate. Therefore, it will be preferable to have a mixture of sugars, which can at one time guarantee the reduction of Aw and the taste and dietary qualities.

Izmed sladkorjev bomo navedli dekstrozo (zmanjševalec aktivnosti vode), glukozo v obliki glukoznega sirupa, maltozo, fruktozo, poliole, kot sorbitol, glicerol.Among the sugars we will mention dextrose (water activity reducing agent), glucose in the form of glucose syrup, maltose, fructose, polyols, such as sorbitol, glycerol.

Sladkorji so prednostno prisotni v deležu med 10 in 60%, zlasti 15 in 40%, glede na nadev.Sugars are preferably present in a proportion between 10 and 60%, in particular 15 and 40%, depending on the filling.

Za izboljšanje karakteristik svežine in maslenosti nadeva je stopnja ekspandiranja nad 30%, prednostno od 100 do 250%. Ekspandiranje zagotovimo z injiciranjem inertnega plina. V določenih primerih bi stopnja ekspandiranja lahko dosegla ali presegla 300%.To improve the freshness and butteriness of the stuffing, the expansion rate is above 30%, preferably from 100 to 250%. Expansion is ensured by the injection of inert gas. In some cases, the expansion rate could reach or exceed 300%.

Nadev bi lahko prav tako vseboval aditive, kot fermentirano mleko v prahu, posneto ali neposneto mleko v prahu, zlasti jogurt v prahu, arome in sredstvo za stabiliziranje ekspandiranja.The filling could also contain additives such as fermented milk powder, skimmed or skimmed milk powder, in particular yogurt powder, flavors and a stabilizer for expansion.

pH tega nadeva je prednostno med 4 in 5 za fermentiran mlečni izdelek. Na splošno je za izdelek brez pasterizacije pH med 4 in 7 ter za izdelek s pasterizacijo pH med 6 inThe pH of this filling is preferably between 4 and 5 for the fermented milk product. In general, for a product without pasteurization, the pH is between 4 and 7 and for a product with pasteurization, the pH is between 6 and

7. pH lahko reguliramo z uporabo kalcijevega hidroksida.7. The pH can be adjusted using calcium hydroxide.

Prav tako je mogoče vdelati enega ali več stabilizatorjev, kot želatino, guar, ksantan, pektin, od 0,2 do 2%, da dobimo bolj kremast in časovno bolj stabilen izdelek.It is also possible to incorporate one or more stabilizers, such as gelatin, guar, xanthan, pectin, from 0.2 to 2%, to obtain a more creamy and more stable product.

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Emulzija, dobljena ob teh pogojih, je zelo stabilna, vendar se stopi v ustih z okusom svežega izdelka.The emulsion obtained under these conditions is very stable but melts in the mouth with the taste of a fresh product.

Po eni varianti nadev obogatimo z aromami in/ali znanimi trdnimi prehrambenimi polnili. Med trdnimi polnili navajamo zlasti sadne pripravke, čokoladne delčke (mrvice), žitarice, lešnike.In one embodiment, the filling is enriched with flavors and / or known solid food fillers. Among the solid fillers, we particularly mention fruit preparations, chocolate chips (cereals), cereals, hazelnuts.

Prednostno ima prehrambeni sestavek v smislu izuma naslednje masne deleže različnih sestavin, ki ga sestavljajo, v kombinaciji ali pa ne.Preferably, the nutritional composition of the invention has the following weight percentages of the various constituent constituents, whether or not combined.

Ta območja sestave so navedena tako, da ne upoštevajo arom ali trdnih polnil, ki jih lahko dodamo sestavku:These composition areas are listed in such a way that they do not take into account flavors or solid fillers that can be added to the composition:

mlečni izdelek 10 do 40%, zlasti 20 do 40% maščobe, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, 10 do 40%, zlasti 15 do 40% sladkorji 10 do 60%, zlasti 15 do 40% ester maščobne kisline in saharoze 0,1 do 2%.dairy product 10 to 40%, in particular 20 to 40% of fat, which is essentially vegetable, 10 to 40%, in particular 15 to 40%, sugars 10 to 60%, in particular 15 to 40% of fatty acid and sucrose esters 0,1 to 2%.

Lahko dodamo 0 do 30% arom ali trdnih polnil glede na sestavek.0 to 30% flavors or solid fillers may be added depending on the composition.

Po prednostni varianti je prehrambeni sestavek označen s tem, da ima nadev naslednjo sestavo v masnih odstotkih:According to a preferred embodiment, the nutritional composition is characterized in that the filling has the following composition by weight:

mlečni izdelek 10 do 40%, zlasti 20 do 40% maščobe, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, 10 do 40%, zlasti 15 do 40% sladkorji 10 do 60%, zlasti 15 do 40% ester maščobne kisline in saharoze 0,1 do 2%, po želji arome, trdna polnila, stabilizator, pri čemer so odstotki navedeni tako, da ne upoštevajo trdnih polnil in/ali arom, suh ekstrakt 0,65 do 0,8.dairy product 10 to 40%, in particular 20 to 40% of fat, which is essentially vegetable, 10 to 40%, in particular 15 to 40%, sugars 10 to 60%, in particular 15 to 40% of fatty acid and sucrose esters 0,1 to 2%, optionally flavorings, solid fillers, stabilizer, the percentages being indicated not taking into account solid fillers and / or flavors, dry extract 0.65 to 0.8.

Prednostno ima nadev naslednjo sestavo:Preferably the filling has the following composition:

mlečni izdelek, ki vsebuje žive mlečne bakterije, 10 do 40%, zlasti 20 do 40% p:\pr26974M99 maščobe, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, 10 do 40%, zlasti 15 do 40% sladkorji, izbrani izmed dekstroze, saharoze, sirupa dehidratizirane glukoze, maltoze, fruktoze, 17 do 31% poliol(i) 0 do 10% ester maščobne kisline in saharoze 0,1 do 2%, po želji arome, trdna polnila, stabilizator, pri čemer so odstotki navedeni tako, da ne upoštevajo trdnih polnil in/ali arom, suh ekstrakt 0,65 do 0,8.dairy product containing live lactic bacteria, 10 to 40%, in particular 20 to 40% p: \ pr26974M99 essentially vegetable fats, 10 to 40%, in particular 15 to 40% sugars, selected from dextrose, sucrose, syrup dehydrated glucose, maltose, fructose, 17 to 31% polyol (i) 0 to 10% fatty acid and sucrose esters 0.1 to 2%, optionally flavoring, solid fillers, stabilizer, with percentages not being taken into account solid fillers and / or flavors, dry extract 0.65 to 0.8.

Mlečni izdelki, primerni za gornje sestavke, so po želji sveži, fermentirani ali nefermentirani.Dairy products suitable for the above compositions are, if desired, fresh, fermented or unfermented.

Na splošno vsebuje trden prehrambeni sestavek 50 do 90% nadeva in 10 do 50% zaščitnega sloja, kije lahko kombinacija različnih slojev.In general, a solid nutritional composition contains 50 to 90% of the filling and 10 to 50% of the protective layer, which can be a combination of different layers.

Kot smo že povedali zgoraj, je nadev spojen z zaščitnim slojem, ki je lahko slaščičarska masa. To slaščičarsko maso, narejeno na znan način, damo na nadev ali lahko nadev damo na to slaščičarsko maso.As stated above, the stuffing is fused with a protective layer that can be a confectionery mass. This confectionery mass, made in a known manner, is put on the stuffing, or the stuffing can be put on that patisserie mass.

Čeprav lahko količine nadeva in slaščičarske mase variirajo v znatnih deležih, so na splošno v naslednjih deležih:Although the amounts of stuffing and confectionery mass can vary in significant proportions, they are generally in the following proportions:

nadev 50 do 90% slaščičarska masa 10 do 50%.stuffing 50 to 90% confectionery weight 10 to 50%.

Predmet izuma je prav tako jedilna ploščica, pripravljena iz preje opisanega nadeva, oblitega s čokoladno lupino ali glazumim testom v skladu z naslednjimi deleži:The subject of the invention is also a plate made from the yarn described above, covered with chocolate peel or glazed dough according to the following proportions:

nadev 50 do 90% lupina iz čokolade ali glazumega testa 10 do 50%.stuffing 50 to 90% chocolate or glazed dough 10 to 50%.

Lahko prav tako naredimo kombinacijo različnih zaščitnih slojev.We can also make a combination of different protective layers.

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Ena od karakteristik, ki prav tako omogoča definiranje prehrambenega sestavka, je postopek za njegovo pripravo. Dejansko seje izkazalo, daje pomembno, da se naredi zmes in ekspandiranje po spodaj precizirani izvedbi.One characteristic that also allows defining a food composition is the process for its preparation. The actual session proved to be important to make the mixture and expansion after the specification below.

Sestavek je torej tudi označen s tem, da pripravimo emulzijo olje-v-vodi s homogeno fazo, ki vsebuje mlečni izdelek, po želji svež, fermentiran ali nefermentiran, ester saharoze in maščobne kisline ali vodotopen emulgator s HLB 6 do 18, sladkorje, po želji fermentirano mleko v prahu, zlasti jogurt v prahu, in arome, z oljnato fazo, ki vsebuje rastlinsko maščobo, in da dobljeno emulzijo podvržemo dinamičnemu ekspandiranju v prisotnosti stabilizatorja ekspandiranja.The composition is also characterized in that an oil-in-water emulsion is prepared with a homogeneous phase containing a dairy product, optionally fresh, fermented or unfermented, a sucrose and fatty acid ester or a water-soluble emulsifier with HLB 6 to 18, sugars, after if desired, fermented milk powder, in particular yogurt powder and flavorings, with an oily phase containing vegetable fat, and subjected to a dynamic emulsion in a dynamic expansion in the presence of an expansion stabilizer.

Dobljeni nadev nato oblijemo na znan način bodisi z lupino čokolade bodisi z glazumim testom bodisi z glazuro bodisi prekrijemo z rezinami slaščičarske ali biskvitne mase bodisi s kombinacijo teh različnih slojev.The resulting filling is then poured in a known manner, either with a chocolate shell or with a glaze dough or with a glaze, or covered with slices of confectionery or biscuit or a combination of these different layers.

Po želji lahko v nadev vdelamo s statičnim mešalnikom sadne pripravke ali čokoladne mrvice ali žitarice.Optionally, it can be embedded in the stuffing with a static mixer of fruit or chocolate crumbs or cereals.

Po prednostni varianti pomešamo mlečni izdelek, zlasti jogurt, z estrom saharoze, pripravljenim v obliki 10% raztopine, če ni na razpolago dovolj vode ali če izdelka ne podvržemo pasterizaciji, v skladu z navedenimi deleži v zgoraj precizirani sestavi nadeva pri primerni temperaturi med 35°C in 50°C, nato pa dodamo še vedno pri isti temperaturi sladkorje, arome, mleko v prahu.According to a preferred variant, the milk product, in particular yogurt, is mixed with sucrose ester prepared in the form of a 10% solution, if there is insufficient water or if the product is not pasteurized, in accordance with the above proportions in the above-mentioned composition of the filling at a suitable temperature between 35 ° C and 50 ° C, then sugars, flavors, milk powder are added at the same temperature.

Sicer stopimo rastlinsko olje, po želji v prisotnosti hidrofobnega emulgatorja tipa mono- in digliceridov, nato dodamo prejšni zmesi, vedno pri isti temperaturi, tako da dobimo emulzijo olje-v-vodi. Emulzijo ohladimo z izmenjevalnikom s spraskano površino.Otherwise, the vegetable oil is melted, optionally in the presence of a hydrophobic emulsifier of the mono- and diglyceride type, then added to the previous mixture, always at the same temperature, to obtain an oil-in-water emulsion. Cool the emulsion with a scratched surface exchanger.

Sestavek nato podvržemo dinamičnemu ekspandiranju z vdelavo, po želji istočasno, hidrokoloida. Druga možnost je, da ohladimo in ekspandiramo istočasno v hladilniku.The composition is then subjected to dynamic expansion by incorporating, if desired, a hydrocolloid. Alternatively, refrigerate and expand simultaneously in the refrigerator.

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Po želji v sestavek vdelamo sadni pripravek ali koščke čokolade ali žitarice.Optionally, incorporate a fruit preparation or pieces of chocolate or cereal into the composition.

Izum se prav tako nanaša na kremast sestavek, uporaben zlasti za izdelavo nadeva, kot je preje opisano, z po želji eno ali več prednostnimi variantami.The invention also relates to a creamy composition particularly useful for making a stuffing as described above, with one or more preferred variants, if desired.

Izum se prav tako nanaša na uporabo vodotopnega emulgatorja s HLB 6 do 18, zlasti estra saharoze in maščbne kisline, kot je preje definirano, v nadevu ali trdnem sestavku, ki ima delež suhe snovi med 60 in 85%, za pripravo časovno in mehansko stabilne emulzije olje-v-vodi.The invention also relates to the use of a water-soluble emulsifier with HLB 6 to 18, in particular sucrose and fatty acid esters, as defined above, in a stuffing or solid composition having a solids content between 60 and 85%, for the preparation of a time and mechanically stable oil-in-water emulsions.

Izum bomo sedaj opisali z izvedbenimi primeri v nadaljevanju.The invention will now be described by way of example examples below.

Primer 1Example 1

Nadev dobimo na naslednji način:The stuffing is obtained as follows:

g jogurta pomešamo pri 45°C s 6 g 10% raztopine estra palmitinske kisline in saharoze ter estra stearinske kisline in saharoze s HLB 15, nato dodamo pri isti temperaturi 2 g jogurta v prahu, 25 g sirupa dehidratizirane glukoze, 2 g sorbitola, 4 g glicerina, da dobimo homogeno fazo.g of yogurt is mixed at 45 ° C with 6 g of 10% solution of palmitic acid and sucrose ester and stearic acid and sucrose ester with HLB 15, then 2 g of yogurt powder, 25 g of dehydrated glucose syrup, 2 g of sorbitol, 4 are added at the same temperature. g of glycerin to give a homogeneous phase.

Homogeno fazo na osnovi jogurta pomešamo pri 45°C z 28,6 g olja iz jedra kokosovega oreha, v katerem smo stopili 0,4 g mono- in digliceridov, v mešalni kadi, nato ohladimo na 14°C z izmenjevalnikom s spraskano površino. Dobljeno emulzijo olje-v-vodi podvržemo v hladnem dinamičnemu ekspandiranju v aparatu tipa Mondomix z vdelavo raztopine hidrokoloida (4 g).The homogeneous yogurt-based phase is mixed at 45 ° C with 28.6 g of coconut kernel oil, in which 0.4 g of mono- and diglycerides are melted in a mixing tub, then cooled to 14 ° C with a scratch-exchanger. The resulting oil-in-water emulsion was subjected to cold dynamic expansion in a Mondomix-type apparatus by incorporating a hydrocolloid solution (4 g).

Dobljeni nadev ima vsebnost maščobe 30%, vsebnost vodne faze 30% in vsebnost sladkorja 27%. Razmerje maščobna faza/vodna faza je 1.The resulting filling has a fat content of 30%, an aqueous phase content of 30% and a sugar content of 27%. The fat phase / aqueous phase ratio is 1.

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Aktivnost vode nadeva je 0,9, stopnja suhega ekstrakta je 70% in stopnja ekspandiranja je 200%. Nadev nato obdamo na znan način z biskvitom, narezanim na trakove.The water activity of the filling is 0.9, the dry extract rate is 70% and the expansion rate is 200%. The filling is then coated in a known manner with a biscuit cut into strips.

Npr. ploščica iz dveh biskvitov, med katerima se nahaja nadev iz jogurta, ki vsebuje koščke sadja in tehta 28 g, vsebuje 72% nadeva in 28% biskvita, Aw izdelka po ravnotežju je 0,88 (medtem ko je Aw 0,75 za biskvit), stopnja suhega ekstrakta je 75%.E.g. a plate of two biscuits, containing a yoghurt filling containing 28 g of fruit and containing 72% of the filling and 28% of the biscuit, the Aw of the product by equilibrium is 0.88 (while Aw is 0.75 for the biscuit) , the dry extract rate is 75%.

Primer 2Example 2

Drugi nadev lahko dobimo na naslednji način:The second stuffing can be obtained as follows:

Suho pomešamo 12 g dekstroze, 27% sirupa dehidratizirane glukoze, 0,5 g estra saharoze ter palmitinske in stearinske kisline HLB=5 s 16,43 g posnetega mleka v prahu, 1 g želatine in 0,07 g kalcijevega hidroksida. To zmes dodamo k 15 g vode pri 90°C, nato močno mešamo 28 g olja iz jedra kokosovega oreha, da dobimo emulzijo olje-v-vodi. pH zmesi ponovno naravnamo na 7 z dodatkom kalcijevega hidroksida. Ta izdelek segrevamo 3 minute pri 80°C. Ohladimo in ekspandiramo pri 20°C na izmenjalniku s spraskano površino do stopnje ekspandiranja 30%.Dry mixed with 12 g of dextrose, 27% of dehydrated glucose syrup, 0.5 g of sucrose ester and palmitic and stearic acid HLB = 5 with 16.43 g of skimmed-milk powder, 1 g of gelatin and 0.07 g of calcium hydroxide. This mixture was added to 15 g of water at 90 ° C, then vigorously stirred 28 g of coconut kernel oil to obtain an oil-in-water emulsion. The pH of the mixture was again adjusted to 7 with the addition of calcium hydroxide. This product is heated at 80 ° C for 3 minutes. Cool and expand at 20 ° C on a scratch exchanger to 30% expansion rate.

Dobljeni nadev ima delež maščobe 28% in delež suhe snovi 83%. Vsebnost sladkorja je 49,5 %. Razmerje vodna faza/lipidna faza je 2,6. Aktivnost vode tega nadeva smo določili kot 70%.The resulting filling has a fat content of 28% and a dry matter content of 83%. The sugar content is 49.5%. The aqueous phase / lipid phase ratio is 2.6. The water activity of this filling was determined to be 70%.

Claims (23)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Trden prehrambeni sestavek, pripravljen iz nadeva, vsaj delno prevlečenega z zaščitnim slojem, pri čemer je sestavek označen s tem, da je nadev ekspandirana emulzija olje-v-vodi na osnovi fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega mlečnega izdelka, po želji svežega, ene ali več maščob, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, ki vsebuje enega ali več estrov maščobnih kislin in saharoze, pri čemer ima nadev stopnjo ekspandiranja nad 30 vol.%, stopnjo suhega ekstrakta med 60 in 85 mas.%, prednostno med 65 in 80 mas.%.A solid food composition made from stuffing, at least partially coated with a protective layer, wherein the stuffing is an expanded oil-in-water emulsion based on a fermented or non-fermented milk product, optionally fresh, one or more fats, essentially vegetable, containing one or more fatty acid and sucrose esters, the stuffing having an expansion rate of more than 30% by volume, a dry extract rate of between 60 and 85% by weight, preferably between 65 and 80% by weight . 2. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da nadev vsebuje enega ali več sladkorjev, ki omogočajo zmanjšanje aktivnosti vode med 0,65 in 0,90.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 1, characterized in that the filling contains one or more sugars which allow the water activity to be reduced between 0.65 and 0.90. 3. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sladkorje izberemo iz skupine, v kateri so glukoza, saharoza, dekstroza, maltoza, sorbitol, glicerol.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 2, characterized in that the sugars are selected from the group consisting of glucose, sucrose, dextrose, maltose, sorbitol, glycerol. 4. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da rastlinsko maščobo izberemo iz skupine, v kateri so olja, po želji hidrogenirana, katerih tališče je med 25°C in 40 °C.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 1, characterized in that the vegetable fat is selected from the group consisting of oils, optionally hydrogenated, whose melting point is between 25 ° C and 40 ° C. 5. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 1 ali 4, označen s tem, da je rastlinska maščoba prisotna v masnem deležu med 10 in 40%, zlasti 15 in 40%.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 1 or 4, characterized in that the vegetable fat is present in a weight ratio between 10 and 40%, in particular 15 and 40%. 6. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po enem od zahtevkov 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da imajo estri maščobnih kislin in saharoze hidrofilno/lipofilno ravnotežje med 6 in 18, prednostno nad 10.Solid nutritional composition according to one of claims 1 or 2, characterized in that the fatty acid and sucrose esters have a hydrophilic / lipophilic balance between 6 and 18, preferably above 10. 7. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 1 ali 5, označen s tem, da estre maščobnih kislin in saharoze dobimo iz zaestrenja ene ali več primarnih alkoholnih funkcij, prisotnih na saharozi.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 1 or 5, characterized in that the fatty acid and sucrose esters are obtained from the esterification of one or more of the primary alcoholic functions present on sucrose. p:\pr26974M99p: \ pr26974M99 8. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 6 ali 7, označen s tem, da maščobne kisline izberemo iz skupine, v kateri so maščobne kisline s C14-C20, prednostno nasičene.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 6 or 7, characterized in that the fatty acids are selected from the group consisting of fatty acids with C14-C20, preferably saturated. 9. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 8, označen s tem, da estre maščobnih kislin in saharoze izberemo iz skupine, v kateri sta ester palmitinske kisline in saharoze ter ester stearinske kisline in saharoze, sam ali v zmesi.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 8, characterized in that the fatty acid and sucrose esters are selected from the group consisting of palmitic acid and sucrose esters, and stearic acid and sucrose esters, alone or in a mixture. 10. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je stopnja ekspandiranja med 100 in 250%.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 1, characterized in that the rate of expansion is between 100 and 250%. 11. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da svež fermentiran mlečni izdelek vsebuje žive mlečne bakterije in nefermentiran mlečni izdelek izberemo izmed mleka v prahu, posnetega mleka, pol-posnetega mleka, delno posnetega mleka, polnomastnega mleka, kondenziranega mleka.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 1, characterized in that the fresh fermented milk product contains live milk bacteria and the non-fermented milk product is selected from powdered milk, skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk, partially skimmed milk, whole milk, condensed milk. 12. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 11, označen s tem, da svež fermentiran mlečni izdelek vsebuje žive mlečne bakterije, same ali v zmesi, izbrane iz skupine, v kateri so S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. bifidus, L. lactococcus in Leuconostoc, zlasti sveži siri in jogurti ali podobno.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 11, characterized in that the freshly fermented milk product contains live milk bacteria, alone or in a mixture selected from the group consisting of S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. bifidus , L. lactococcus and Leuconostoc, in particular fresh cheeses and yoghurts or the like. 13. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevkih 1 do 12, označen s tem, da nadev obogatimo s trdnimi polnili in/ali aromami.Solid nutritional composition according to claims 1 to 12, characterized in that the filling is enriched with solid fillers and / or flavors. 14. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 13, označen s tem, da trdna polnila izberemo iz skupine, v kateri so sadni pripravki, čokoladni delci, lešniki, žitarice.Solid nutritional composition according to claim 13, characterized in that the solid fillers are selected from the group consisting of fruit preparations, chocolate particles, hazelnuts, cereals. 15. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po enem od prejšnjih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da ima nadev naslednjo sestavo v mas. odstotkih:Solid nutritional composition according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the filling has the following composition by weight. percent: mlečni izdelek 20 do 40% maščobe, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, 10 do 40%, zlasti 15 do 40% sladkorji 10 do 60%, zlasti 15 do 40% p:\pr26974M99 ester maščobne kisline in saharoze 0,1 do 2%, po želji arome, trdna polnila, stabilizator, pri čemer so odstotki navedeni tako, da ne upoštevajo trdnih polnil in/ali arom, suh ekstrakt 0,60 do 0,85.dairy product 20 to 40% fat, essentially vegetable, 10 to 40%, in particular 15 to 40% sugars 10 to 60%, in particular 15 to 40% p: fatty acid and sucrose ester 0.1 to 2% , optionally flavorings, solid fillers, stabilizer, the percentages being indicated not taking into account solid fillers and / or flavors, dry extract 0.60 to 0.85. 16. Prehrambeni sestavek po zahtevku 15, označen s tem, da ima nadev naslednjo sestavo:Food composition according to claim 15, characterized in that the filling has the following composition: mlečni izdelek, ki vsebuje žive mlečne bakterije, 10 do 40%, zlasti 20 do 40% maščobe, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, 10 do 40%, zlasti 15 do 40% sladkorji, izbrani izmed dekstroze, sirupa dehidratizirane glukoze, maltoze, fruktoze, 17 do 31% poliol(i) 0 do 10% ester maščobne kisline in saharoze 0,1 do 2%, po želji arome, trdna polnila, stabilizator, pri čemer so odstotki navedeni tako, da ne upoštevajo trdnih polnil in/ali arom, suh ekstrakt 0,60 do 0,85.dairy product containing live milk bacteria, 10 to 40%, in particular 20 to 40% of fat, essentially vegetable, 10 to 40%, in particular 15 to 40% sugars, selected from dextrose, dehydrated glucose syrup, maltose, fructose , 17 to 31% polyol (i) 0 to 10% fatty acid and sucrose esters 0.1 to 2%, optionally flavoring, solid fillers, stabilizer, the percentages being given in a way that does not take into account solid fillers and / or flavors , dry extract 0.60 to 0.85. 17. Trden prehrambeni sestavek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 16, označen s tem, da nadev lahko dobimo po naslednjem postopku:Solid nutritional composition according to one of claims 1 to 16, characterized in that the filling can be obtained by the following procedure: pripravimo emulzijo olje-v-vodi s homogeno fazo, ki vsebuje mlečni izdelek, po želji svež, fermentiran ali nefermentiran, ester saharoze in maščobne kisline, sladkorje, po želji fermentirano mleko v prahu in arome, z oljnato fazo, ki vsebuje rastlinsko maščobo, in da dobljeno emulzijo podvržemo dinamičnemu ekspandiranju in ohlajenju v prisotnosti stabilizatorja ekspandiranja.prepare an oil-in-water emulsion with a homogeneous phase containing the milk product, optionally fresh, fermented or unfermented, an ester of sucrose and fatty acids, sugars, optionally fermented milk powder and flavorings, with an oily phase containing vegetable fat, and subjecting the resulting emulsion to dynamic expansion and cooling in the presence of an expansion stabilizer. 18. Jedilna ploščica, označena s tem, da je narejena iz 50 do 90% nadeva, kot je definiran v enem od zahtevkov 1 do 17, in 10 do 50% zaščitnega sloja, ki je lahko kombinacija različnih slojev.18. Dining plate, characterized in that it is made from 50 to 90% of the filling as defined in one of claims 1 to 17, and 10 to 50% of the protective layer, which may be a combination of different layers. 19. Jedilna ploščica, označena s tem, da je narejena iz 50 do 90% nadeva, kot je definiran v enem od zahtevkov 1 do 17, in 10 do 50% slaščičarske mase.Dining plate, characterized in that it is made from 50 to 90% stuffing as defined in one of claims 1 to 17 and 10 to 50% by weight of confectionery. p:\pr26974M99p: \ pr26974M99 20. S čokolado oblita jedilna ploščica, označena s tem, da je narejena iz 50 do 90% nadeva, kot je definiran v enem od zahtevkov 1 do 17, in 10 do 50% čokoladnega obliva ali glazumega testa ali glazure.20. A chocolate-coated plate, comprising 50 to 90% of the filling as defined in any one of claims 1 to 17, and 10 to 50% of a chocolate coating or glaze dough or glaze. 21. Postopek za pripravo prehrambenega sestavka po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 17, označen s tem, da pripravimo emulzijo olje-v-vodi s homogeno fazo, ki vsebuje mlečni izdelek, po želji svež, fermentiran ali nefermentiran, ester saharoze in maščobne kisline, sladkorje, po želji fermentirano mleko v prahu in arome, z oljnato fazo, ki vsebuje rastlinsko maščobo, in da dobljeno emulzijo podvržemo dinamičnemu ekspandiranju in ohlajenju v prisotnosti stabilizatorja ekspandiranja ter da dobljeni nadev spojimo z zaščitnim slojem.Process for the preparation of a nutritional composition according to one of Claims 1 to 17, characterized in that an oil-in-water emulsion is prepared with a homogeneous phase containing a dairy product, optionally fresh, fermented or non-fermented, sucrose and fatty acid ester, sugars, optionally fermented milk powder and flavorings, with an oily phase containing vegetable fat, and subjected to dynamic emulsion and cooling in the presence of an expansion stabilizer, and to combine the resulting filling with a protective layer. 22. Kremast sestavek, uporaben zlasti za pripravo nadeva, kot je opisan v zahtevkih 1 do 17, označen s tem, da je v obliki ekspandirane emulzije olje-v-vodi na osnovi mlečnega izdelka, po želji svežega, fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega, ene ali več maščob, ki so v bistvu rastlinske, in da vsebuje enega ali več estrov maščobnih kislin in saharoze, pri čemer ima sestavek stopnjo ekspandiranja nad 30% in stopnjo suhega ekstrakta med 60 in 85 mas.%.A creamy composition particularly useful for the preparation of a filling as described in claims 1 to 17, characterized in that it is in the form of an expanded oil-in-water emulsion based on a milk product, optionally fresh, fermented or unfermented, one or more fat being essentially vegetable and containing one or more fatty acid and sucrose esters, the composition having an expansion rate of more than 30% and a dry extract rate of between 60 and 85% by weight. 23. Uporaba vodotopnega emulgatorja, ki obstoji iz estra sladkorja in maščobne kisline, zlasti estra saharoze in maščobne kisline, v nadevu ali trdnem sestavku na osnovi ekspandiranega mlečnega izdelka na osnovi fermentiranega ali nefermentiranega mlečnega izdelka, katerega delež suhe snovi je med 60 in 85%, za pripravo časovno in mehansko stabilne emulzije olje-v-vodi.23. Use of a water-soluble emulsifier consisting of a sugar and fatty acid ester, in particular sucrose and fatty acid esters, in a stuffing or solid composition based on expanded milk product based on fermented or non-fermented milk product having a solids content between 60 and 85% , for the preparation of a time and mechanically stable oil-in-water emulsion.
SI9720077A 1996-10-31 1997-10-30 Solid food composition with overrun filling and method of preparation SI20003A (en)

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