USD14127S - Design for handles for spoons or forks - Google Patents

Design for handles for spoons or forks Download PDF


Publication number
USD14127S US D14127 S USD14127 S US D14127S
United States
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Thomas J. Pairpoint
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SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 14,127, dated July 24, 1883.
Application filed May 31, 183. Term of patent 7years.
To all whom it may concern:
Beit known that I, TnoMAs J. IArnrorn'r, of New Bedford, in the county of Bristol and State of Massachusetts, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Designs for Handles for Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Sac., and I do hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the inven-` tion, such as will. enable others skilled in the art to` which it pertains to make and use it, reference being hadto the accompanying draw- Y ings, which form part of this specification.
My invention relates to an improvement in designs for the handles of spoons, forks, ladles, &c. and it consists inthe ornamentation, which will be more fully described hereinafter, whereby the handles are given a pleasing appearance.
Figure l is a plan view of a spoon embodying my design. y Fig. 2is a'verticallongitudinal section of the spoon, showing the sunken background.
The upper portion of the handle has parallel sides, and the corners are made nearly square, as shown. Upon the extreme upper end of the handle there is formed upon a sunken background a branch of oleanderleaves, B, and around this background and leaves is formed a line, C. BeloT this sunken background is the plain surface or shield D, and below this shield are formed the two transverse lines E. One or more of these lines are made to extend along down the edge of the handle, where they terminate in a scroll, as shown. Just below the upper lines which eX- tend transversely across the handle are a row of points or beads, and formed upon a sunken background below these beads are the flower, leaves, and berries of the hibiscus. The sides of the handle A opposite the flower of the hibiscus are curved inward at G, so as to form an ogee scroll. Just below this scroll are the lines H, and in between these lines is a pointed frieze, I, on a threaded background. Below these lines and frieze is a plain section or shield, and then there is a second frieze, J, upon a sunken background, and inclosed between two lines, K.
The design above described gives the handle a very ornamental appearance, and renders the goods upon which the design is stamped very attractive on account of their beauty.
Having thus described my invention, claimy y l. The design for the handles of spoons, forks, and ladles, consisting in a rectangular shape, and which. shape terminates in ascroll, and has a decoration of leaves upon the sunken background, terminating in the scroll, as shown. l
2. The design for the handles of spoons, forks, and ladles, consisting in the decoration of leaves upon a sunken background, and which extend across the outer end of the handles, as described.
3. The design for the handles of spoons, forks, and ladles, consisting of theleaves, and the leaves, flowers, and berries, with a plain surface between the two, as specified.
4L. A design for the handles of spoons, forks, and ladles, consisting of a sunken net-work backgrounchwith leaves, -fiowers, and plants upon the same, as shown.
In testimony whereof I affix my signature in presence of two witnesses.
Witnesses Tr-roMAs A. .'lRrrP, GEO. B. CASE.



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