FI92573C - Combined A-boom / reversing crane - Google Patents

Combined A-boom / reversing crane Download PDF


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FI92573C FI894878A FI894878A FI92573C FI 92573 C FI92573 C FI 92573C FI 894878 A FI894878 A FI 894878A FI 894878 A FI894878 A FI 894878A FI 92573 C FI92573 C FI 92573C
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FI894878A0 (en
FI92573B (en
Ernst-Helmuth Sprengel
Gunter Weingarten
Original Assignee
Gunter Weingarten
Sprengel Ernst Helmuth
Sprengel Heinz
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Application filed by Gunter Weingarten, Sprengel Ernst Helmuth, Sprengel Heinz filed Critical Gunter Weingarten
Publication of FI894878A0 publication Critical patent/FI894878A0/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI92573B publication Critical patent/FI92573B/en
Publication of FI92573C publication Critical patent/FI92573C/en



    • B66C23/00Cranes comprising essentially a beam, boom, or triangular structure acting as a cantilever and mounted for translatory of swinging movements in vertical or horizontal planes or a combination of such movements, e.g. jib-cranes, derricks, tower cranes
    • B66C23/60Derricks
    • B66C23/605Derricks employing ships' masts


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Jib Cranes (AREA)


>*2573> 2573 *

Yhdistetty A-puomi-/kååntonosturiCombined A-boom / crane crane

Keksinto koskee puomin sisåltåvåå kååntonosturia, joka puo-5 mille jårjestetyn lisålaakerin ja nosturin kiinteåsså osassa olevan vastaavan vastalaakerin avulla mahdollistaa vaihdon kååntyvåstå kåytostå ei-kååntyvåån kåyttåon asentamalla puo-mipultti tietysså puomin asennossa.The invention relates to a reversing crane comprising a boom, which, by means of an auxiliary bearing arranged on the boom and a corresponding counter-bearing in a fixed part of the crane, enables a change from a rotating drive to a non-rotating drive by installing a boom bolt in position.

10 Usein esitetty vaatimus kååntonostureiden kohdalla on, ettå tietyisså puomin asennoissa hyotykuorman tulisi olla oleel-lisesti korkeampi kuin tavallisen kååntoliikkeen aikana, mutta kuitenkin niin, ettei nostopuomia tarvitse kååntåå. Tunnettujen nosturien kohdalla puomi tukeutuu kååntdosaan.10 A frequently stated requirement for mobile cranes is that in certain boom positions the payload should be substantially higher than during normal turning, but without the need to turn the lifting boom. In the case of known cranes, the boom rests on a turntable.

15 Kun nyt hy6tykuorman tulisi tietyisså asennoissa olla korkeampi, tåytyy myås keskidlaakeri mitoittaa suuremmaksi. Mitå suurempi ero on, sitå suurempi on myos keskiålaakerin mitoi-tuksessa tapahtuva erotus, ja samalla myos kustannukset ovat suuremmat. Tåmån vuoksi eivåt mitkåån suuret erot kåånto-20 liikkeen kuorman ja kiinteån asennon kuormituksen vålillå ole mahdollisia.15 Now that the payload should be higher in certain positions, the center bearing must also be larger. The larger the difference, the greater the difference in the dimensioning of the central bearing, and at the same time the higher the cost. Therefore, no large differences between the load of the rotary-20 movement and the load of the fixed position are possible.

Mainitun haitan vålttåmiseksi on keksinnolle tunnusomaista se, mitå mååritellåån patenttivaatimuksen 1 tunnusmerkki-25 osassa. Esillå olevan keksinnån mukaisesti puomivarsia pi-dennetåån, ja tavallisen puomilaakerin alapuolelle sijoite-taan kååntoosan korkeudelle kaksi muuta laakerointia. Maini-tut renkaat liitetåån nivelyhteyteen nosturin kiinteåån alustaan sijoitettujen vastaavien tukikappaleiden kanssa, 30 jolloin mahdollistetaan A-puomikåytto samanaikaisesti toisen laakeroinnin irrotuksen aikana. Puomista suuntautuvat voimat ohjataan siten kååntåosan ohitse. Kååntdosan suuremman mitoituksen tarve korkeampaa kuormitusta vårten kiinteåsså asennossa jåå siten pois.In order to avoid said disadvantage, the invention is characterized by what is defined in the characterizing part of claim 1. According to the present invention, the boom arms are extended, and two other bearings are placed below the standard boom bearing at the height of the pivot portion. Said rings are connected in articulation with corresponding support members placed on the fixed base of the crane, thus enabling the use of the A-boom simultaneously during the removal of the second bearing. The forces acting on the boom are thus directed past the turntable. The need for a larger dimensioning of the turntable in the fixed position for higher loads is thus eliminated.

Toisista syistå kåytetåån julkaisun DE-1075813 rakenteessa my5s lisålaakerointia ja puomin pidennystå sekå vastalaake-ria nosturin ei-kååntyvåsså osassa. Tåmån ratkaisun haitta- 35 2 92573 puolena kuitenkin on, ettå vaihdettaessa kååntyvån ja ei-kååntyvån kåyton vålillå ja påinvastoin joudutaan puomira-kennetta purkamaan ja vastaavasti jålleen kokoamaan, mikå varsinkin suurten nosturien kyseesså olien on vaikeaa.For other reasons, additional bearings and boom extensions as well as a counter-bearing in the non-rotating part of the crane are also used in the construction of DE-1075813. However, the disadvantage of this solution is that when switching between swivel and non-swivel drives and vice versa, the boom structure has to be dismantled and reassembled, which is difficult, especially in the case of large cranes.


Kevennettåesså nosturin pylvåstå, joka olisi myos mitoitet-tava suuremmaksi korkearnman hyotykuorman vuoksi, asetetaan tavallisesti kiinteå osa pylvåån pååstå alustaan; tåmå ei kuitenkaan salli pylvåån optimaalista kevennystå. Optimaali-10 nen kevennys saadaan aikaan esillå olevan keksinnon mukai-sesti siten, ettå huipputaljan kiinteå(t) osa(t) johdetaan pylvåån påån ylitse ja sieltå edelleen useampaan kertaan kierrettynå taljaan. Mainittu talja on toisesta pååståån kiinnitetty pylvåån kiristyskappaleeseen ja toisesta påås-15 tåån nosturia kannattavaan alustaan. Kiristystaljan ja huipputaljan vålinen yhteys saa kiristyksesså aikaan mååråtyn suuruisen tukipaineen. Kiristystaljan sopivan siirron avulla saadaan tukipaineet jaetuksi optimaalisesti pylvåån ja ki-ristyksen kesken, t.s. kiristys voidaan silloin valita sel-20 laiseksi, ettå pylvååseen ei A-puomikåytosså kohdistu sen suurempia rasituksia kuin kååntokåytonkåån aikana. Kiristys mitoitetaan suhteellisen pieneksi samalla kun pylvås saavut-taa maksiminsa vapaasti valittavissa olevan tukipaineen avulla.When lightening a crane column, which should also be dimensioned to be larger due to the higher payload, a fixed part of the column is usually placed at the base of the column; however, this does not allow for optimal lightening of the column. Optimal lightening is achieved according to the present invention by passing the fixed part (s) of the top pulley over the top of the column and from there further by twisting the pulley several times. Said pulley is attached on one end to a column clamping piece and on the other end to a base supporting this crane. The connection between the tensioning pulley and the top pulley creates a specified support pressure during tightening. By means of a suitable displacement of the clamping pulley, the support pressures are optimally distributed between the column and the clamping, i. the tension can then be selected so that the column is not subjected to greater stresses during A-boom operation than during reversing operation. The tension is dimensioned relatively small while the column reaches its maximum with a freely selectable support pressure.


Edellytyksenå siile, ettå voidaan vaihtaa kååntokåyt6n ja ei-kååntokåyton vålillå on se, ettå vetotangot voidaan ir-rottaa laakereista, ts. vetotangoista on poistettava kuormi-tus. Pienillå nosturin kuormamomenteilla tai kun nosturi 30 kannattaa vain pientå kuormaa on nosturipylvåån taipuma niin pieni, ettå taljat voidaan vetåå suunnitelmallisesti eril-leen ja vetotangoille laakerissa tulee riittåvå vålys laa-keripultin poistaxnista vårten.A prerequisite for being able to switch between pivoting and non-pivoting is that the drawbars can be detached from the bearings, i.e. the drawbars must be unloaded. At low crane load torques or when the crane 30 supports only a small load, the deflection of the crane mast is so small that the hoists can be pulled apart separately and there will be sufficient clearance for the drawbars in the bearing from the removal of the bearing bolt.

35 On myds mahdollista tuottaa kiristysvoima hydraulisia sylin-tereitå sisåltåvån taljan avulla.35 It is also possible to produce a clamping force by means of a pulley with hydraulic cylinders.

li 3 92573li 3 92573

Kiinteå(t) osa(t) liittyvåt hydrauliseen sylinteriin, joka tuottaa painetta hydraulisessa jårjestelmåsså. Mainittu pai-ne johdetaan toiseen, poikkileikkaukseltaan vastaavasti suu-rempaan hydrauliseen sylinteriin, jolloin se saa tuotetuksi 5 mååritetyn korkean kevennysvoiman.The fixed part (s) are connected to a hydraulic cylinder which produces pressure in the hydraulic system. Said pressure is applied to a second hydraulic cylinder of correspondingly larger cross-section, whereby it produces a specified high relief force.

Esillå olevan keksinnon mukaista sovellusesimerkkiå on kuvat tu kaaviomaisesti piirroksissa, joissa 10 kuvio 1 on kaaviomainen kuva kååntokåytosså olevasta nostu-rista, kuvio 2 on kaaviomainen kuva nosturista vaihtoasennon aika-na, j a kuvio 3 on kaaviomainen kuva nosturista A-puomikåyt6sså.An exemplary embodiment of the present invention is schematically illustrated in the drawings, in which Figure 1 is a schematic view of a crane in rotary operation, Figure 2 is a schematic view of a crane in a shift position, and Figure 3 is a schematic view of a crane in A-boom operation.


Kuviossa 1 on nåhtåvisså puomi 1 laakeroituna tavanomaisella tavalla kååntoosaan 2 pulttien 16 avulla. Puomin jatkokappa-le 3 voi yhdesså lisåkååntåpisteiden 4 kanssa liikkua va-paasti nostettaessa tai laskettaessa puomia 1 huipputaljan 5 20 avulla.Figure 1 shows the boom 1 mounted in a conventional manner on the pivot part 2 by means of bolts 16. The boom extension 3 can move freely together with the additional pivot points 4 when raising or lowering the boom 1 by means of the top pulley 5 20.

Nosturin alustassa 7 sijaitsevan puomin tukikappaleet 6 on muotoiltu siten, ettå ne eivåt puomin missåån asennossa osu kååntopisteisiin 4.The support pieces 6 of the boom located in the crane base 7 are shaped so that they do not hit the pivot points 4 in any position of the boom.

25 : Huipputaljaa 5 kåytetåån ylåvintturin 13 avulla nouto-osan 14 kautta. Huipputaljan 5 kiinteå(t) osa(t) 12 on pylvåån påån 15 kautta liitetty vålipyoriin 10 ja 11. Silloin, kun kiristyskappale 8 ei tukikappaleensa 9 kanssa ole yhteydesså 30 nosturin alustaan 7, vedetåån vålipyoriå 10 ja 11 vastakkain kiinteån osan 12 vetoliikkeen avulla, jolloin vålipyoråt tuottavat ainoastaan sisåisiå voimia.25: The top pulley 5 is operated by means of an upper winch 13 via a pick-up part 14. The fixed part (s) 12 of the top pulley 5 are connected to the intermediate wheels 10 and 11 via a column head 15. When the tensioning piece 8 is not in contact with its support piece 9, the crane base 7 and in which case the intermediate wheels produce only internal forces.

Kuvio 2: Vaihdettaessa nosturin kååntoliike A-puomiliikkeek-35 si asetetaan puomi 1 esimerkiksi jyrkimpåån asentoonsa.Figure 2: When changing the crane rotation A-boom movement 35, the boom 1 is set to its steepest position, for example.

Kååntopisteet 4 liitetåån tukiin 6 pulttien avulla. Pultti ; 16 poistetaan. Kiristyskappale 8 liitetåån tukikappaleeseen- sa 9.The pivot points 4 are connected to the supports 6 by means of bolts. Bolts; 16 is deleted. The clamping piece 8 is connected to its support piece 9.

>'2572 4> '2572 4

Kuviossa 3 on nåhtåvisså puomi 1 A-puomikåytosså. Kåånt6osa 2 on vapautettu ja kiristyskappale 8 on kiinteån osan 12 kautta vålipyorien 10 ja 11 kuormittama.Figure 3 shows boom 1 in A-boom operation. The hinge part 2 is released and the clamping piece 8 is loaded by the intermediate wheels 10 and 11 via the fixed part 12.


Nosturia voidaan kåyttåå sekå kååntoliikkeesså ettå oleelli-sesti korkeampien kuormien kohdalla A-puomikåytosså; sen puomi on jatkettujen varsien (3) kohdalla varustettu lisåtu-kipisteillå (4), jotka A-puomikåyton aikana tukeutuvat kiin-10 teåsti sijoitettuihin tukikappaleisiin (6) muiden laakerien (16) sijasta.The crane can be used both in a reversing motion and at substantially higher loads in an A-boom operation; its boom is provided at the extended arms (3) with additional clamps (4) which, during use of the A-boom, rest on fixedly placed support pieces (6) instead of other bearings (16).

Pylvåån tuki A-puomikåytosså saa aikaan tarvittavan tukipai-neen mååritellyn suuruisen kohoamisen vålipyorien (10, 11) 15 kautta, joita kåytetåån huipputaljan avulla.The support of the column in the A-boom operation provides a specified increase in the required support pressure via the intermediate wheels (10, 11) 15, which are operated by means of a top pulley.

Tåmån rakenteen avulla saadaan kååntoosa ja pylvås A-puomi-kåytosså kevennetyksi korkeammista hydtykuormista.With this design, the pivot and column are relieved of higher hydraulic loads in A-boom operation.

Claims (2)

1. Svångkran med en bom, vilken kran medelst ett hos bommen anordnat ytterligare lager (4) och ett motsvarande motlager (6) i kranens fasta del mojliggor ombyte från ett svångande bruk till ett icke-svångande bruk genom att placera bombul-30 ten vid ett beståmt bomlåge, kånnetecknad av att det ytter-.. ligare lagret (4) har placerats hos fdrlångningar (3) av bommens (1) armar, varvid lagren (16; 4, 6) år så anordnade, att ombyte från ett svångande bruk till ett icke-svångande bruk eller tvårtom forsiggår utan att demontering och respektive 35 nyuppforing av bommen behovs. >'2573A boom boom with a boom, which boom can be switched from a swinging mill to a non-swinging mill by means of a further bearing (4) and a corresponding counter bearing (6) in the fixed part of the boom by placing the bomb at a fixed boom flame, characterized in that the additional bearing (4) has been placed in spring extensions (3) of the arms of the boom (1), the bearings (16; 4, 6) being so arranged as to change from a swinging use for a non-swinging use or two-way operation without disassembly and respective new construction of the boom is required. > '2573 2. Svångkran med en bom enligt patentkrav l, kånnetecknad av att i samband med det icke-svångande bruket minskas boj -ningsspånningen i kranpelaren genom en beståmd dragkraft hos ett tillspånningsstycke (8), vilken åstadkommes genom att 5 koppla en topptalja (5) till pelarens tillspånningsstycke via en fast del (12) med hjålp av mellanhjul (10 och 11) och att belastningen avlågsnas från pelarens tillspånningsstycke under små belastningsmoment genom att dra planmåssigt mel-lanhjulen (10, 11) till motsatta riktningar så, att till-10 spånningsstycket (8) kan losgoras från stodstycket (9), vil-ket mojliggor det svångande bruket. • « It =2. A boom with a boom according to claim 1, characterized in that in conjunction with the non-swinging mill, the bending tension in the crane pillar is reduced by a determined tensile force of a tensioner (8), which is achieved by coupling a top hoist (5) to the chuck of the column via a fixed part (12) with the aid of intermediate wheels (10 and 11) and that the load is removed from the chuck of the column under small loading moments by drawing the intermediate wheels (10, 11) to opposite directions so that the chuck piece (8) can be detached from the supporting piece (9), which causes the swinging mill. • «It =
FI894878A 1988-10-15 1989-10-13 Combined A-boom / reversing crane FI92573C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE19883835231 DE3835231A1 (en) 1988-10-15 1988-10-15 Combined A-frame/slewing crane
DE3835231 1988-10-15

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
FI894878A0 FI894878A0 (en) 1989-10-13
FI92573B FI92573B (en) 1994-08-31
FI92573C true FI92573C (en) 1994-12-12



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
FI894878A FI92573C (en) 1988-10-15 1989-10-13 Combined A-boom / reversing crane

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DE (1) DE3835231A1 (en)
FI (1) FI92573C (en)
NL (1) NL191147C (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FR771409A (en) * 1934-03-07 1934-10-08 Jules Weitz Fils De Assembly method of tower lifting cranes
DE976018C (en) * 1953-05-21 1963-01-17 Hans Tax Tower crane with a tower that can be erected around a horizontal axis of the crane carriage
DE959221C (en) * 1954-10-27 1957-02-28 Werner Weissmann Dipl Ing Cable guide for the luffing mechanism of a tower crane
DE3521833A1 (en) * 1985-06-19 1987-01-02 Blohm Voss Ag Mast crane

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FI894878A0 (en) 1989-10-13
NL191147B (en) 1994-09-16
FI92573B (en) 1994-08-31
NL8902558A (en) 1990-05-01
NL191147C (en) 1995-02-16
DE3835231A1 (en) 1990-04-19

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