US1700225A - One-wire peiettnta-tblegkaph system - Google Patents

One-wire peiettnta-tblegkaph system Download PDF


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US1700225A US1700225DA US1700225A US 1700225 A US1700225 A US 1700225A US 1700225D A US1700225D A US 1700225DA US 1700225 A US1700225 A US 1700225A
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    • H04L19/00Apparatus or local circuits for step-by-step systems


  • This inif'ention relates to printing' telcgraph systems et the in which a single t1'a1i:5ii'iisf,-:i n circuit between the transn'litter and the receiver (or receivers) controls all the operations et the latter, including ⁇ setting ot the ty .ve Wheel or type-carrier, making' the imp t d eltecting spacing' between iinprints.
  • the type or printing' charm Yers are arranged in two rows on the type wheel, which is rotated step by under the control ot 'the usual electro- Y escapement t bring the desired to jthe priiiting' position, but in orm either row at will one or ments ot the printin couple must be To make the shitt it is necessary to rotate the type Wheel to a shift position and make what is virtu ally an idle. stroke ot tlf-e p' ating elements.
  • supetters ot the alphabet are in one row pe Wheel and the numerals, iracpiu'ictuation marks 'in the other, and desired to print the letter G, toliL-l Y; tilde E loweil by a n'. faber, say 5, then another letter.
  • the type Wheel is rotated step by sten until C p lf is at the impression point.
  • the letter is then printed, atter Which the type wheel is to the suitt position.
  • An idle stroke is then made (or a period is printed type has a period the shi'lftposition), by proper cooperation with the printaten shifts the latter to the other or ron' oil type.
  • the 'wheel is new rotatefjl to bring' 5 to the printing' position, '-iprint is made. then in order to shift back Lie letters rouv the type Wheel must be again rotated the shitt position and anothei die stroke.
  • the Cti-cker may lag a hlt more. whereas at surh timori; .it
  • n is based on a Widely used system in which the current sent over the transmssion circuit is ot alternating ⁇ polarity, causing ⁇ corresponding' alternations in the polarity ot the electromagnets which control the type Wheel. escapement oit the recei Ver thereby causing; or permitting' the type wheel to rotate step by step. 1When the dcsirod chara-.ifter has thus been brought to the impression point the linal current impulse is prolonged, ei abling such impulse to energize a magnet ot longer time-constant, known generally the printing' or press magnet. 'lhe latter, thus energized, actuates the platen and spaces the tape along one step.
  • n'eak current causes imprints to be made from one row et type, say the row containnier-1l ates lo operate llie pres zuid shi'iil ningneis en local eireuils inner the control ol relays in vhe transmission line.
  • Ciiliie il lo say that shell is driven ey eensenlly running ⁇ inotor 'hreiigli 'the niediuin el e friction clutch, so that the shfr" and perl; driven l'hereby een be arrested l ⁇ tl e elneii it any iiie Without siopping rh-e nietor.
  • hnl die clueh reliiy 57 is iii series with the ⁇ wiper 5l, but that the sunflower segii'ients ere eonneeed lo the respective lower contacts All', 4:8, 9, 50) of the keyboard; hence the eluteli is not energized, Sind the eoniinufior und Wiper Continue lo revolve, causing' lternadine' impulses to be trensn'iited, es long; es no liey depressed.
  • the trensn'iission line is ek nneeed to the contents 8G, 8'? o" ine relays 6l, :ind the ernizilires el these relays ere conne fertil lo :i resiszinee 8O.
  • rllie lzil'ler is eonnefee (iy wire 80, part oi the i, ,ion line) through n rniiiing' relay 89 lo 'kho eseiipeineu; nnignets 'L3 olf the lieker, which ii'mggjnelzs are eonuee'i'ed fireugg'h lahe shifly relay 90 lo lhe third Wire 91.
  • lieross ie resisliuiee S8 is :i sliuul' ⁇ through ille ernmu olf releiy ($1), so lhzil when the relay iergized libe resislziiiee shunted oui, ,"ibv allowing' sirene; e ,iri'enl le flow over s ei l lne, s will be readily understood.
  • aucl also euei'gizes relay 58, which draws; its aru'iatul'e away iii'oul Contact S6; but bel'oie lliese operations talle plaire thereteialiing i pulaes Sent by the ti'ansiaittiug pole-chau TU-Tl-TL lloweil 'lioiu aull io ila?.
  • ol 'Llie couiiuul'aloi' is; uot strong eaouggli lo euifiaf; lzlie aiuiaiviu'e l0() Viulzo engagea 2 willi ee'alaelv lOl, aull eouuequeuily llie alii'i' magg'uelz uol, energized since illu (zii-nuit 1'euiaiu'-; open at eoulwarllOl..
  • the piesf u :igual: is; 'illus eueifgizml aiufl the tii'liei' plal'ei'i ia aetuaed., making au ,imprint 'lii'oui 'lie selected type ou izlie type filiaal uo eoifieripouiliug to the o
  • 'lliia opens the liue circuit (Willimil., liowe causing; any moveu'ieut of the lio fel' ype wheel since the anteeli relay 57 reaiaiu f luegizeil permitting the pif as maggiiet 'lll Lo be (le-uew'izeil aud ie-eueigizeil, lala-:ing a :faerfoiul imprint. lli a strong Cui'- Teul.
  • l-i might bei-elaine be structuriiposfieil llialj l'lieee 'elaya llave uo useful func-li m
  • bul' ⁇ iu 'lia/et liej are iii lily i "yjeaur, i s will new be uplaiuelllslilia.
  • ilie relays are ('miiitefl. Wiie El@ beiiigg' eouuecled Lliieelly to Wire 110 aucl vestirsi,- aiu e SS. auil WiieS'lllT.
  • a printing telegr ph receiver in coinbination, a single Vtransmission circ uit, a plurality ol' type Wheels and means controlled hy current over Faiiilcircuit lo set the type .vheels, a platen cooperating with the type wheels, platen-actua-ting means, incluis actuated hy the movement trl llli'e platen Al'or shitting the platen trom one type Wheel to another, a member adapted when actuated to determine the l he shilted, and elcctron'iagnetic means iior actuating said member, dependent ttor operation upon change ol current strength over the single transmission circuit.
  • a printing telegraph receii'fer in combination, a plurality oil type wheels, a platen cooperating therewith, platen -actuating means, means 'lor shitting the platen Afrom one type wheel to another, actuated hy movenient ot the platen itself, a pivoted shittcontrol arm cooperating with the. platen sh llting means to determine the type Wheel to which the platen will he shifted, a transmission circuit, and an electromagnet tor actuating the shift-controlarm, dependent for energization upon change oit current strength over said Transmission circuit.
  • a printing telegral'ih receiver in combination, a plurality oit type wheels, a rplaten cooperating therewith and shiltahle ⁇ from one to another, platen-aetuating means, platenshilting means including a memlier movable in dillicrent directionsl to shi'l't the platen, shi ltalole actuating lingers to move said menilier when. the platen is actuated to .malte an imprint, and electromagnetic means lor shitting said lingers.
  • a printing telegraph receiver in combination, a. plurality ot type wheels, a platen coolierating therewith and shittalile 'from one to another, platen-actuating means, platenshilting means including a member movable in dilierent directions to shi'lt the platen, shittselecting means comprising an arm Chittable to a plurality of positions relative to said member, lingers carried loy the arm to shift the member in one direction or another accordingl to the position ofthe arm, andan electron'iagnet for shitting the arm.
  • a printing ⁇ telegraph receiver in combination, a plurality ot type Wheels, a platen cooperating ⁇ with the type wheels, a platenactuating arm on which the platen is shittalole 'from onetype Wheel to another, a lever associated with'the platen to shit't the saine on said arm, a shitting-control member shiltahle to a plurality ot positions relative to said lever to variahly actuate the same flor shitting movement according to the position ot said member when the platen is mov ld ⁇ toward the type wheels liy sai d arm, and an electr oma-gn et lor shitting the said member.
  • ll. ln a printing telegraph receiver, in combination, a plurality of type wheels, a platen movable toward and l'rom the type Wheels to take imprints theretroni; means -lor shifting' the platen lrom one type wheel to another, comprising a ⁇ lever connected with the platen, a shilt-arm movable relatively to the lever, and a plurality of lin ers carried hy the arm to roel; the lever v ahly when the platen is moved toward ⁇ the type n'h els to take an imprint; and electromagnetic means 'tor positioning the shift-arm.
  • a pair ot type Wheels rotatable to bring to the impression point characters in pairs, one on cach Wheel, a 'lorled platen, a platen-actuating arm on which the platen is pivoted whereby the platen can he rocked to cooperate with either type Wheel singly, a ⁇ lever carrieifl hy the platen-actuanng arm and connected With the platen to rock the same, a shitt-control arm adapted to swi- Y transversely of said lever and having mea-nm d apted to cooperate with the ⁇ lever to roclfzthc same in one direction or the other according to the position of the arm when the platen is actuated to maltean imprint, a traiismission circuit, and electromagnetic mechanism lor aetuating said arm according-to the st-rengtl'i of current Vin said transn'iission circuit.
  • a printingl telegraph receiver in combination, a pair ot type wheels rotatabl on a common axis to bring pairs oi' chars s, one on each Wheel, to the printing position simultaneously, a platen shi'ltalileto coop-erate with the type wheels singly, a lever associalr-d with the platen to cause shitting nievement thereot by and trom the platen morenient and whenthe platen is actuated to print a cl'iaracter, a shit't arm extending across the lever and having means to cooperate with the lever lo roel; the same when the platen is aeli-uateffl, according to the position ol.I the arm relative to the lever, an electromagnethaving an armature connected with the shirt-arm to move the same in one direction, and a springT :tor moving the shift-arm in the opposite direetion.
  • a printing telegraph receiver in combination, a pairottype Wheels, a platen movahlc upwardly to cooperate therewith, a platen-actuating memloer on which the platen is sangetahly mounted Wherehy to cooiierate with the type Wheels singly, a lever mounted on the I Jlaten-actuating member to shift the platen ⁇ when the latter is moved upwardly, an arm overhanging the lever,fshittalhle transversely thereof and having lingers to engage lil() vrin or the other ot tli e lover incl rook the in opposite direotions :recording to the nt?
  • no z relef'f to control the local relay being adapted to be inclutLU eten with reepeet to the Wheels to permiten to imprint troni one or the other ele ine; ne for selectively Controleoinlnnation a Mnrelit 1 e oreseicl lateral sln'lftino'netion,said 7 7 lA .Y l ,i h 1 1c: l tumble on horizontal :una to brine' L aluine-nue coin Jusino'ineens; denenoent tor o 3er- D J.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Computer Networks & Wireless Communication (AREA)
  • Signal Processing (AREA)
  • Handling Of Cut Paper (AREA)


f l k G. s. HIL-rz ET AL.
ONE-WIRE PRINTING TELEGRAPH SYSTEM Filed Oct. 26, 1926 Sheets-Sheet l G. s. HlLTz ET AL ONE-WIRE PRINTING TELEGRAPH SYSTEM 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed Oct. 26, 1926 Sid j'wvemtom GS. HLTZ mE PURCELL Jan. 29, 1929.
1,700,225 G. Sa HLTZ ET AL,
ONE-WIRE PRINTING TELEGRAPH SYSTEM Filed OOG. 26, 1926 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 UNITED STATES .lars 239,.
Auoleaten filed Gcteber 2G,
This inif'ention relates to printing' telcgraph systems et the in which a single t1'a1i:5ii'iisf,-:i n circuit between the transn'litter and the receiver (or receivers) controls all the operations et the latter, including` setting ot the ty .ve Wheel or type-carrier, making' the imp t d eltecting spacing' between iinprints. in systems et this class the type or printing' charm Yers are arranged in two rows on the type wheel, which is rotated step by under the control ot 'the usual electro- Y escapement t bring the desired to jthe priiiting' position, but in orm either row at will one or ments ot the printin couple must be To make the shitt it is necessary to rotate the type Wheel to a shift position and make what is virtu ally an idle. stroke ot tlf-e p' ating elements. For example, supetters ot the alphabet are in one row pe Wheel and the numerals, iracpiu'ictuation marks 'in the other, and desired to print the letter G, toliL-l Y; tilde E loweil by a n'. faber, say 5, then another letter.
this operation the type Wheel is rotated step by sten until C p lf is at the impression point. The letter is then printed, atter Which the type wheel is to the suitt position. An idle stroke is then made (or a period is printed type has a period the shi'lftposition), by proper cooperation with the printaten shifts the latter to the other or ron' oil type. The 'wheel is new rotatefjl to bring' 5 to the printing' position, '-iprint is made. then in order to shift back Lie letters rouv the type Wheel must be again rotated the shitt position and anothei die stroke.
Upon ection it will be seen that rotati 'type Wheel to the shiitt position and man 'gj an idle stroke requires a certain amount ot time, and that this time is lost since soi/'ul letter or nun'ieral printed in the operation. ,in usine' the system to les on stock oxclanges or other ei:- rlianzfrs the loss ot time is sometimes very ions. as when the uiarkotf7 is active. On
i the Cti-cker may lag a hlt more. whereas at surh timori; .it
i irable to have all sales re- A y si ce prices change most aetire market.
,cordine'ly been led to devise our tion. which has tor its chief to .-fingle circuit or one Wire system vsPEI SYSTEM.
serial No. 144,230.
in which the shitt from one row ol' type to another can be effected at any position of the type Wheel, thereby effecting' a marked increase in speed ot operation. In tact, With the preferred embodin'ient hereinafter de sci'il. ed We have been able to increase the speed much as 'forty per cent, depending somewhat, et course, upon the skill of the sending;` operator. Another object is to provide tor the purpose stated instrumentalities which can be added to or incorporated in exiting; systems at reasonable expense. A Yfurther object is to provide shift mechanism and shitt controlling mechanism Which is not lin ilcd to use in one-ivire systems. To these and other ends the invention comprises the novel iteatures and combinations hereinafter described.
lfn carrying` out our invention in the prer red manner We make use of a principle which has been employed 'for other purposes in printing; telegraphs, namely, variation 'in the strength ot the current used to control. or
@were this principle has not heretofore been employed to elicct the shitt in a one-Wire tape-printer or ticker system. By such n'ieans, We are able to do with a single transri circuit what has hitherto required t two in such. systems, and We thus obhe desired increase ot speed Without to the large expense of a second Wired the various forms in which the invention can be euibodied We have selected tor speci'lin llustration and description herein the one which at the present time We consider the most etllective. This for n is based on a Widely used system in which the current sent over the transmssion circuit is ot alternating` polarity, causing` corresponding' alternations in the polarity ot the electromagnets which control the type Wheel. escapement oit the recei Ver thereby causing; or permitting' the type wheel to rotate step by step. 1When the dcsirod chara-.ifter has thus been brought to the impression point the linal current impulse is prolonged, ei abling such impulse to energize a magnet ot longer time-constant, known generally the printing' or press magnet. 'lhe latter, thus energized, actuates the platen and spaces the tape along one step. ln accordance with our invention as applied in the preterred manner to the system referred to, n'eak current causes imprints to be made from one row et type, say the row containnier-1l euses lo operate llie pres zuid shi'iil ningneis en local eireuils inner the control ol relays in vhe transmission line.
Referring' nonY lo lig. 5, l0 represen i? iiisniitting keyboard, lim/'ing fire eo s i trierinnuler busses 4:1, 42, eeen provid YTi'h spring-raised eon'zies er l? y@ lwo fx in l vil oi the eufren i- L L 1Q. #il l m, i Llc@ LluLJl \i .i i t The wiper 5l .is rolilled piu/elle speed by ineens o'l2 suil'zibl. (ne shown) from the shell (i2, carries zi een'u'nul'ziler eoniprisii gg e@ engaged by :i bi' ish 6l eer J ai vd :L slip ring` ($5 Cooper Y brushes 6G, 57, und having en insulzit Y nien'li 68. The shaft 62 een be erre/sied, w
Jdie eoininulfior and Winer iiL any pos'tion by en eleetroiiieggnetie clutch Controlled by the reley 57. rlie einin' eter :ind eluleh n'ieeliaiiisn are el e Well linown tn/ipe, de- T scribed in the prior paient of 1, oliiL Bury, lilo. fllflfzl), issued June 4r. 1895, end henee need no t be described in detail here. Ciiliie il lo say that shell is driven ey eensenlly running` inotor 'hreiigli 'the niediuin el e friction clutch, so that the shfr" and perl; driven l'hereby een be arrested l` tl e elneii it any iiie Without siopping rh-e nietor.
@lill lhe :illerniling curi i die ticker escapeiiieni i die l eireuil' by :i inlay eeinp; i ei'nuiture, reprei-ienled Y belinreeii lined eoniees v ingr lhe eonneelions it will lie :zriuziliire engr" eleelriwi1 59 bi' Wire ifi; o i con iel ieeeled le llie i .uy wire "l 'lfhe rela' 1:; eoiuieel'ee lo eoninii l. \s 66, (3T, respeeliirely, und
e eoinii'ion lend I lo vllie lfilli the een'iinutxrlor in n. enrrenl i4 e 78 lo nu Cannot go through TO since the b l'lie insulatingl segment G8. Hence bui the eurreiit ller-fs through magnet 7l, Wire 9, brush slip rings G5, 63, brush 6%',- o ground G. This ener;':es magnet Tl, lhe 'firinziliu'e 'Z2 ol *Ei pole-eheuging or treusniuiting relay is dreWn over to eonliziel; 73, sind a posi @he impulse is transinited to the line 80. lfhen, however, the insulating seguier" cernes over ln'usli (57 zuid liis it out of Conliaiel; with slip ring 65, rele,Y magnet TO is energized, erniiilure is swungl over te conm 'l' TI, with llie resuli thai; the Current in ehe line is reversed, or, in popular language, e negative impulse is lransinilted Ylreni iii-,1in i' and Wire 7?'. ll: will therefore be seen lihzit so long; es the coinniuz lier is operating, current impulses el alternating polzirily Wil be l'i'zinsniitted.
Referring; still to Fig. 5, it will be observed hnl: die clueh reliiy 57 is iii series with the `wiper 5l, but that the sunflower segii'ients ere eonneeed lo the respective lower contacts All', 4:8, 9, 50) of the keyboard; hence the eluteli is not energized, sind the eoniinufior und Wiper Continue lo revolve, causing' lternadine' impulses to be trensn'iited, es long; es no liey depressed. @n he other hund, when :L hey is depi issed she eluieli relay circuit is Clos-:ed es soon is the Wiper reaches die seg- .iiient which is connected with the depressed key, Whereiumii the eluteli relay energized and closes lie clutch Circuit iiroin iniiin 59 i'hroiigli wire 82, armature 88 and Wire 84E lo greun d T he Coininuetor and Wiper ere thus arrested, and the les;v impulse t'ansinitlied, Whether positive or negative, is prolonged until die depressed key is released zuid breaks 'lie elul'eh relay eireui, thereby permitting the eeinniuhitor and Wiper to stort again. lt 'will be understood, el course, thm the ticker eseepeinent rid type Wheel are Constructed lo epefiite in. hnrinony with the wiper and eeniii'iu'hilior, so 'l'lizit the iinpulses sent over the is the k are successively depressed will redire die A+:Spe Wheel in unison and linking; the eoi'res'ionding type 'to the printing poiir.
Referring :again to Fig'. 5, the trensn'iission line is ek nneeed to the contents 8G, 8'? o" ine relays 6l, :ind the ernizilires el these relays ere conne fled lo :i resiszinee 8O. rllie lzil'ler is eonnefee (iy wire 80, part oi the i, ,ion line) through n rniiiing' relay 89 lo 'kho eseiipeineu; nnignets 'L3 olf the lieker, which ii'mggjnelzs are eonuee'i'ed lireugg'h lahe shifly relay 90 lo lhe third Wire 91. lieross ie resisliuiee S8 is :i sliuul'` through ille ernmu olf releiy ($1), so lhzil when the relay iergized libe resislziiiee shunted oui, ,"ibv allowing' sirene; e ,iri'enl le flow over s ei l lne, s will be readily understood.
The operation el the syseni illustrated iii Selig'. 5 will noi.v be readily undersood. Suppose for example hzit lie); in the outer keyboard bus all is depre if-is soon es the "ed, wiper reaches he sunnorfer segment which .is Connected with the depressed key current flows frein inein 59 tl? Y ir egli Wire relay 5S, Wire 95, bus 4l, the depressed key and the sunillmveif eeg'iiieut couueeleil lliei'ewilll, Wip-ei' 5l, brush 5G, wire 95 auil relay suagguelv lo ground G. This euei'giazes tbe clutch GS) aud stops tile eouiuiutato as already described., aucl also euei'gizes relay 58, which draws; its aru'iatul'e away iii'oul Contact S6; but bel'oie lliese operations talle plaire the alteialiing i pulaes Sent by the ti'ansiaittiug pole-chau TU-Tl-TL lloweil 'lioiu aull io ila?. aiiiiaiui'e l2 tlil'ougrli liue uf'ii'e 80 (iiiclufliugg' the repeat key 95) i. ilfoulaelu S7, ai'iuatu i ol' i'eiay (il7 wire 9b, resse-:taime 85%, liue wiie illlfl, piew relay im esezpeuieiui iiiaguele l2-3, u'iife 1 `T ifi? relay 5)() aiul wii'e QS, to he groumleil liliii'il wire Ol,
ielaiively wel k. '.l`l1e liieliei' Sliiilt-i'elay 90 is quielbaeluiug ou strong); current but ie so fleeil (including elle leuaiou olf spiiug: 99 which u1'g,:;je:-; ilu aiuialuie l0() au 'ay lfi'oiii :eatael; lOl.) llial. libe lielll liufoflueeil by lle weak (tu Veut 'llou'iuglj u'lieu llie liu; l li'ausauiiieil iaiyu'ilae is: pifoliinui'ml by l be ari-essi. ol 'Llie couiiuul'aloi' is; uot strong eaouggli lo euifiaf; lzlie aiuiaiviu'e l0() Viulzo engagea 2 willi ee'alaelv lOl, aull eouuequeuily llie alii'i' magg'uelz uol, energized since illu (zii-nuit 1'euiaiu'-; open at eoulwarllOl.. llie pi'olfmgecl Weak cum-eul- (loes, however, give the pi relay 89 a field eii'ougg euouggli to actuaie ils aii'iiaiiure 102, whereupon local e u'ieul; 'Home from iuaiu ilii'oilgfjli Wii'e l0?)` Contact loll, ai'ufiaizuie 102, pire `i iuagygiiel 1G, aud wiiea lili?? 'i106 to llie luliii'fl wiie 971., The piesf u :igual: is; 'illus eueifgizml aiufl the tii'liei' plal'ei'i ia aetuaed., making au ,imprint 'lii'oui 'lie selected type ou izlie type filiaal uo eoifieripouiliug to the o|ileil keyboard bus fl-l. Nw.' suppose izlial, lzlie opeifatoi depreeeee; a key iu elle iuueiggvoup, aasoifaied willi the iuuel' bue fl-2 auil willi libe oiliei' ifoW ol ly-oe ou lllie lielei type Wheel1 auil l'lleu rele: am ilie key llial'. bail been (lepre il l llie eui'ieuli Seul. over l'lle liue.` iiurlufli'rig lilie prolonged liual iiiipula\Ji if; flifoiijif1 u lli lilie result tlialidie field oli luie lielfei abile-relay alle 'from l'lie gype rou' eoii'eepauiliiig to lille i mei' group o' keys at ille keyboard.
rlf l'epeai; a. el;iz=iaeel' it is; only ueeeseaiy lo keep ille ilep essed llzey flown and depiess xl ieleaee. epi'iug-aclualecl repeat liey 95, wuieli is Conveniently looaled ou or near lie leyl'iifai'il. 'lliia opens the liue circuit (Willimil., liowe causing; any moveu'ieut of the lio fel' ype wheel since the eluleli relay 57 reaiaiu f luegizeil permitting the pif as maggiiet 'lll Lo be (le-uew'izeil aud ie-eueigizeil, lala-:ing a :faerfoiul imprint. lli a strong Cui'- Teul. were familia., opening the line fle/enervir-ieu libe @bill relay 90, bul.` when the line il: i ...,eaSe ol" the repeat key lue lie/(l ri. eue/tained and the ssliilt ein lbei'eby 1' asizored to the eeufli- ,iug asili beloife llie line was op luefl. fue bi'evioie-ily slafed, the prees; uiiaggue 1li :ual ul'iiflaiiaaguet 'll can be iia Series Willi, the eafapeiiieui'. iiiaggiele; l), omitting lille l'elayss Sii). 9i). This aiva'eg'eiueul. is; illutiatefl, iu llig. `6. lu lliis ligure line wire SO goea lo llie pi'eurl: mag 'Wliieli is Connected to elle (=;-;eapeiiieiit may' wie, auil the latte.' aie couneeled lo the :sliiiin magnet. The relay :iisl'eui olz eoiui'i'ol ia pw ewed, however, e being' less: critical in design and adjustment, aucl afliei'fliugg' positive actual-ion of the printing; :mil shife ineeliaifisms by reason of 'L-lie giealzei amount o'i" euiieiit available in the l Cal Ci'- c ils.
lili will l teil l'ialwhen a key iu Jdie oui zeyboai'cl (Fig. 5) ifa (lepre/aseo, energized aufl its aimatuie drawn 3G but that the line eiieuity is not uca il'- Still eloeefl by Way of cont l aucl libe aiiuaiiui-e ol relay 6l, JL-lie liwo uiilaiuifes: beiue ifouueelecl toggeilief and lille 'vo Coilaes beiua; connected oaelliei. Sila Alieu a key Viu lilie iuue' iiiue' Cle- "elay (il irl: eiieig'izml mul il` ai'uiziluie Hwang; oil ('euljaeli ST. but l'lie iiue eil'eiiii ia dill eoiixpleie l'liiiougli couuei S6. l-i might bei-elaine be stiuiposfieil llialj l'lieee 'elaya llave uo useful func-li m, bul'` iu 'lia/et liej are iii lily i "yjeaur, i s will new be uplaiuelllslilia.; ilie relays are ('miiitefl. Wiie El@ beiiigg' eouuecled Lliieelly to Wire 110 aucl vestirsi,- aiu e SS. auil WiieS'lllT. i053 beine; eouiieoed; :mil iliali it is (leali-eil lio piiut llie eliz-iii'acleieoii'eapouiliug: lo oulallfey lollou'eil by llfe vlaiaeiei' ol ille acljaifeiii iuuei' key ll-Sl. l u ollui' Woi'Jls: a rfliai'aelei' iu oue iow oll libe iii-lm* ivi/'pe Wheel ivf lo be :followed by the imi ly' aula/faul: eliai'aclnei' iu die olliei you'. iii Quell eaae llie obviousK procedure ymule .u fior tbe operator lo depressa key e115.
l nou a5 lille imprint Triade. depress Bui; eueli "-'l u ul al' oui-e 'release key .lion would uol open the line ziifcuit and .'iie..l1y Cause lowering; oli ilie platen ausl eeaeiaggj oi"- izbe lape 'foi' the next iu'ipi-iul. mia/ce :i aou eireul lzlufougli lille sunflower and @laziali relay wm eulablislged l y ille fleplfeusiiiiu type wheel to wliichthe platen ivi 6 weones actuated lay ithe movement of the platen lor shitting the platen trom one type Wheel to another, controlling means tor the shi'lt mechanism, an electroniagnet :tor aiituating the controlling means, a local circuit tor the electromagnet, and a relay in said single transn'iission circuit to control the l cal c ircuit, the relay itselt `being energized only `hy strong current over the single transmission circuit.
(i. ln a printing telegr ph receiver, in coinbination, a single Vtransmission circ uit, a plurality ol' type Wheels and means controlled hy current over Faiiilcircuit lo set the type .vheels, a platen cooperating with the type wheels, platen-actua-ting means, incluis actuated hy the movement trl llli'e platen Al'or shitting the platen trom one type Wheel to another, a member adapted when actuated to determine the l he shilted, and elcctron'iagnetic means iior actuating said member, dependent ttor operation upon change ol current strength over the single transmission circuit.
7. ln a printing telegraph receii'fer, in combination, a plurality oil type wheels, a platen cooperating therewith, platen -actuating means, means 'lor shitting the platen Afrom one type wheel to another, actuated hy movenient ot the platen itself, a pivoted shittcontrol arm cooperating with the. platen sh llting means to determine the type Wheel to which the platen will he shifted, a transmission circuit, and an electromagnet tor actuating the shift-controlarm, dependent for energization upon change oit current strength over said Transmission circuit.
8. ln a printing telegral'ih receiver, in combination, a plurality oit type wheels, a rplaten cooperating therewith and shiltahle `from one to another, platen-aetuating means, platenshilting means including a memlier movable in dillicrent directionsl to shi'l't the platen, shi ltalole actuating lingers to move said menilier when. the platen is actuated to .malte an imprint, and electromagnetic means lor shitting said lingers.
E). ln a printing telegraph receiver, in combination, a. plurality ot type wheels, a platen coolierating therewith and shittalile 'from one to another, platen-actuating means, platenshilting means including a member movable in dilierent directions to shi'lt the platen, shittselecting means comprising an arm Chittable to a plurality of positions relative to said member, lingers carried loy the arm to shift the member in one direction or another accordingl to the position ofthe arm, andan electron'iagnet for shitting the arm.
l0. ln a printing` telegraph receiver, in combination, a plurality ot type Wheels, a platen cooperating `with the type wheels, a platenactuating arm on which the platen is shittalole 'from onetype Wheel to another, a lever associated with'the platen to shit't the saine on said arm, a shitting-control member shiltahle to a plurality ot positions relative to said lever to variahly actuate the same flor shitting movement according to the position ot said member when the platen is mov ld `toward the type wheels liy sai d arm, and an electr oma-gn et lor shitting the said member.
ll. ln a printing telegraph receiver, in combination, a plurality of type wheels, a platen movable toward and l'rom the type Wheels to take imprints theretroni; means -lor shifting' the platen lrom one type wheel to another, comprising a `lever connected with the platen, a shilt-arm movable relatively to the lever, and a plurality of lin ers carried hy the arm to roel; the lever v ahly when the platen is moved toward `the type n'h els to take an imprint; and electromagnetic means 'tor positioning the shift-arm.
l2. in a printing telegraph receiver, in combination, a pair ot type Wheels rotatable to bring to the impression point characters in pairs, one on cach Wheel, a 'lorled platen, a platen-actuating arm on which the platen is pivoted whereby the platen can he rocked to cooperate with either type Wheel singly, a `lever carrieifl hy the platen-actuanng arm and connected With the platen to rock the same, a shitt-control arm adapted to swi- Y transversely of said lever and having mea-nm d apted to cooperate with the `lever to roclfzthc same in one direction or the other according to the position of the arm when the platen is actuated to maltean imprint, a traiismission circuit, and electromagnetic mechanism lor aetuating said arm according-to the st-rengtl'i of current Vin said transn'iission circuit.
lil. ln a printingl telegraph receiver, in combination, a pair ot type wheels rotatabl on a common axis to bring pairs oi' chars s, one on each Wheel, to the printing position simultaneously, a platen shi'ltalileto coop-erate with the type wheels singly, a lever associalr-d with the platen to cause shitting nievement thereot by and trom the platen morenient and whenthe platen is actuated to print a cl'iaracter, a shit't arm extending across the lever and having means to cooperate with the lever lo roel; the same when the platen is aeli-uateffl, according to the position ol.I the arm relative to the lever, an electromagnethaving an armature connected with the shirt-arm to move the same in one direction, and a springT :tor moving the shift-arm in the opposite direetion.
ill. ln a printing telegraph receiver, in combination, a pairottype Wheels, a platen movahlc upwardly to cooperate therewith, a platen-actuating memloer on which the platen is shilftahly mounted Wherehy to cooiierate with the type Wheels singly, a lever mounted on the I Jlaten-actuating member to shift the platen `when the latter is moved upwardly, an arm overhanging the lever,fshittalhle transversely thereof and having lingers to engage lil() vrin or the other ot tli e lover incl rook the in opposite direotions :recording to the nt? and actuating means for -eliitnng inen'iber, con@ 'ieing a 45 position el sind a fin relative to the lever7 11n/l iet below the type wheels and nente; for shit 1g Said o; t el7 to tno or n; ture tor the eleetromegnet,
onneetecl with the armature for n sind arm extending upto the 'platen-shifting inem- 50 i to 'cooperate ziriably to the position of Suid e levei,eoinpris1ng electron acieptecl to me eontrolled my current over e treneinssion circuit "lf lA receiver? in lo. ln ai printing eoinbnmtion, i pair o tnt/pe whe-Sie7 a Ulmen lo movable upwardly to Cooperate thq i fila -aetna' ginenibe on Wliielv it; ably n'iounted whereby to will; the type Wheele singly, o, lever nn u Control the rotation on the plaen-admitting; mei'nler to Sli e lo the operation ot the 15 pinten wnen the letter is mover/'l ugjiwaiwl. 111er, 2r local cireuit tor erin overl-mireille; the lever, Sii e fr d :i relay in Smid trans- \'ei':-1ely tliereot and lmviug ting.2 e to e 1 i e trol tlv lo el circuit ae- 6U one eren or the other of the le fer :xml t: wording; 'to me etrenlgth et the current in Suid the latter in opposite liieetii'msf: according' ,o circuit.,
2o the position ot Seial erin relative to the lever. A* repli receiver adaptzind ineens for eliifting seid erin r ively to ggle tiuisniission eirthe lever, comprising an eleetronnignet lim ci; ting elements eomo5 ing' an miniature Connected 'with the Seid erin p f t J"ype Wheels und a to Shift the Saune in one tliree en the p Pipi-intetlierefioniyineans g5 magnet energizel, zi eprinr' shift 'the for {ro-uncino' re ntive approaching n1oVeerin .in the other direction Wh the niegg'net nient of the prin-tino elements to Cause the is; doen ized, u local circuit its platen to teli-e an imprint from the Wheels, To
no z relef'f to control the local relay being adapted to be inclutLU eten with reepeet to the Wheels to permiten to imprint troni one or the other ele ine; ne for selectively Controleoinlnnation a Mnrelit 1 e oreseicl lateral sln'lftino'netion,said 7 7 lA .Y l ,i h 1 1c: l tumble on horizontal :una to brine' L aluine-nue coin Jusino'ineens; denenoent tor o 3er- D J. 0 L i rollt f or characters to t e mlnt'zno' 'Josition :mon u )on :t elimine oi Current strength over i l l? y 1 I .b L l 3,; sunnitaneously, e plzienee'net1zig :ii-ni die Si le armislnieeion onCint,fu1tl1ne:ins tor pivoted in rear of the type Wire/ls and er? producing actuel lziternl slettlng movements tenting forwardly below the :so no, platten as Selefeted by 'tie aioref'zu'tl ineens by :1nd so mounted on the. erin below the type Wheels upon the rel Je imprinting inovenient et and slnftable on the arin to Cooperate with one tlie puntino' e t, leinents. im type wheel or another singly, 'L platenehittnon) whereof We hereto our j member connected with the platen and 'retiens for relatively laterally shifting the im nneeion cire'nt.
lr'. in e Bunting; teler mlziptetl when actuated to ,f-:hit't Ythe platen GEO Gl HL'Z. when the pletei'in eenling erm le swung up WYLLV l?. PUR lill ,JL
US1700225D One-wire peiettnta-tblegkaph system Expired - Lifetime US1700225A (en)

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US1700225A true US1700225A (en) 1929-01-29



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US1700225D Expired - Lifetime US1700225A (en) One-wire peiettnta-tblegkaph system

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