US1376355A - Vault and safe door - Google Patents

Vault and safe door Download PDF


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US1376355A US23478618A US1376355A US 1376355 A US1376355 A US 1376355A US 23478618 A US23478618 A US 23478618A US 1376355 A US1376355 A US 1376355A
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Edward H Phipps
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    • E05B65/00Locks or fastenings for special use
    • E05B65/0075Locks or fastenings for special use for safes, strongrooms, vaults, fire-resisting cabinets or the like
    • Y10T292/00Closure fasteners
    • Y10T292/08Bolts
    • Y10T292/096Sliding


  • Tlj e invention:relates fto an improved means on a closure (of a safe or vault ,for
  • startithe prying lopen of the door andsuch jparticularly, is what the present invention.
  • My invention eomprehends more particularly the use of a door of generally ovalforin and preferably of an elliptical form, 'WlllCll door. may be of the. same height ?(along the major .axis of Itheellipse) and strength as a circular door (witha diameter ElitS'Of the use of Platform". ducing the friction between, thejboltsand their sockets and-means for more efficiently 'operating'the same,
  • Anotherobject is to provide lneans for operating the locking devicesand the conipressorbar from a single hand wheel,.pro- -v1s1onbe1ng madefor selectively connecting the one or the otheras desired and also plac ngsald hand wheel intoa neutral orflinposltion whenthesame-is-pnot in equal-to .that of the major axis aforesaid) now generally use, ora rectan lar. or'
  • the central passage or e thespace between the vault'boxes or "drawers .issubstantially-eta; width equalto' the di amete'r of;thedoor but inlcase of using an ⁇ elliptical doorithis space hasa widthmerely equal to the minor 'axisofth'eoval orellipse and consequently since the stacks 30f the i i vault boz r'es are thus located nearer to each other,.thevault is accordingly narrower and.
  • a still further advantage isfobtajined by j providing rollers'upon which the-bolts are guided, thereby reducing to a minimumthe frictionbetweenthe socket wa-lls'f and the or shot into place in the sockets.
  • mechanism for. operatingthe boltoperating is a horizontal section ofthe hand wheel mechanism as well as'thecomp'ressor means;
  • Fig. 4- is a transverse section taken online a e of Fig. 3';
  • Fig.5 is adetailof the housing and gearing ofthe boltioperatin'g means;
  • Fig. 6 is a detail verticalfview of the gears and'bearings for the bolt rods;
  • Fig. 7. is a fragmentary longitudinal, 'sectionj'of door and vault chamber showingone form of internal construction of the door thatmay be used;
  • Fig. 8 is a fragmentary detail elevation of one of the bolts and its connection;
  • Fig. 9 is a transverse view thereof; partly L in section;
  • Fig. 10 is a longitudinalview, partly 1n;sect1on, of a bolt and its socket; Fig-.11 1s a horizontal section of a conventional circular form of door; Fig. 12 is a 7 similar sectionof an oval or elliptical form of door with the material thereoffof the same thickness as that in the conventional form of I door shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 13 is a sectionof.
  • FIG. 14 is a diagrammatic viewofa round door andan elliptical door with their respective vault chambers superposed one. upon theother for the purpose of comparison;
  • Fig. 15 is a diagrammatic View showing the advantage gained in the increased area of the socket and in the effective 1 contact area ofthe surface when the triangu lar form of bolt and socket is utilized;
  • 16' isa diagrammatic view showing in comparison the, objectionable conditions. in the use of the round bolt, and socket.
  • the door 1 of this invention is 1 preferably of the elliptical form and is shown'inplace i'n'Fig. 1 in the vestibule 2, the latter forming apart of'the vault strucopenedflnay be lowered and later brought back to the level of they floor in order that passage may be-made over the floor 1 as well as the-floorh intothe'vault without neces- A caused to be lowered to clear a spacefor p e e e p "the open position of the vault door 'I and is Other objects and advantageswill become adapted, when the door is closed'and the I elevator for the lowering platform is raised.
  • the door 1, as shown; is supported upon a crane 9 pivoteduponhinged members'fi by i the pins. 8 and further by means [of the ⁇ hinged straps 7 fixed to, said doorfand'p'ivoted upon the crane'by meansof the pins 8.
  • the opening-of thisdoor is accomplished 8" lie. in a plane "which is perpendicular to the door and which includes themajor
  • the door is also :provided with the present well-,kn'owm'may be used. in connection with the platform herein referred to.
  • This ringiis provided'with a plurality of sockets of a A preferablytriangular. form I T withinpwhich' the: bolts 14 are adapted" to fit and move; Tothe bolts llare connected threaded rods 25, which arehprov'ided at an ,end thereof 1 with lniter gears 25f mesh with: miter gears '31- secured to-the main driving shaft era-n01 at the other end thereof with a threaded portion for connection with .an adjusted sleeve'22 which is iii-connection with the threaded portion 23 of tha holt14.
  • the jamloof the'vestibuleand adjacent the edge-thereof is l cated: an elliptical docking ring '13 provided with a beveled face l -117 'against'whichtheendfof the bolt la is adapted to engage, the latter beingfprovicled v at the end with a heveledfac'e 18 corresponding to and adapted "cooperate with the beveled-face 17.
  • rollers both in its longitudinal movea 11181113 during @the locking and vwithdrawing operation and in its lateral movement from beveled face 17 whereby'the" forward end of v the bolt 14 is moved rela'tively'to the socket "in the ring 15 a ainst the inclined wallsof 1 said socket (see “purpose in first lateiallyimoving the forh "with the faces of the socket atthe end of its the socket walls' as thei inclined walls ofthe bolt 'arecaused to engagewith or disengage from the walls of the socket. This latter movement is [more clearly hereinafter dis closed in connection with the clearance features ,fA, shim 21" may be provided between;
  • the adijustable wedge or inclined means at therear end of the bolt maintains the" bolt parallel with the vresistin surfaces of, the socket with the advantage 0 an equally distributed con- I tact of the resisting surfaces throughoutthe lengthof the bolt rather than at a particular point onthe bolt.
  • V 7 p I It will be noted that the sockets are made of exactly the, same form as the bolt but of slightly larger dimension which latter is" for The difference in the cross sectional. area of the socket and thebolt, as clearly shown in .Fig. 9, provides aclearance space 16 forthe purpose given above, which clearance space is shown, when'the bolt isin locked position, be1owthesame,as viewed in Fig. 9; .When the bolt is withdrawn it will'be caused, by
  • V H invention isnot to be considered lim'
  • Figs. land 2 to6, inclusive, . which disclose the operating means formoving the bolts, a 'singlehand wheel 32-has been provided forthe purpose of performing the various functions" mentioned.
  • the handwheel is secured to a shaft 33 rotatably andslidably supported in the housing secured to, the front of, the'door 1.
  • the inner end ofthe' shaft has a bearing 7 40 which is adapted to rotate, as well as slide longitudinally, in a bearing socket-Q41 of the coupling sleeve 42.
  • the coupling sleeve 42' is mounted so as to be, able ;to rotate in-the rear portion of the'housmg mentioned above "and is also secured by anygsuitablemeans,
  • V to the sha'ft'43 leading to a Emiter.-gear .44.
  • Onthe shaft 33 is -fi'xeda double jawclutch member, 34, which is provided ion opposite sides with jaws adaptedfto cooperate with 'cl utchij'aws 35 and 36;
  • the clutch jaw 35 is secured to a miter gear 37, loosely fitting over shaft 33 and which-,jgear is enmeshed h 1 ofthefc'ompressor bars 12.0
  • sleeve 39 isfixed at one end tethe v. inner end of the coupling sleeve 42 and houses the clutch'34and clutch .jaws 35 and .36, as well asl'the shaft 33, in coaxial rela *tion. clutch 34 i's, therefore, adapted .to longitudinally slide-"therein when the;
  • sleeve 42 in a suitable manner, as bymeans of a pin.
  • the shaft leads toa gear 4e secured thereto atthe end thereof, which gear meshes with the gears 45 mounted upon theendof the horizontal rods and also meshes with-two of the gears 31. mounted at various intervals uponthe vertical shaft 31.
  • the remaining gears, 31 in turn engage with the r gears 25 mounted uponthe ends of inclined and vertical. shafts 25.
  • thefdoor may be constructed of sheet metal providing a space within the door-in: which is disposed a platebr similar member 'of 7 hard metal around which is f also disposed l a largeJnumbefi-of loose elementsfsuch as spheres or. balls of relatively hard material,
  • j ofabrasive character such assandQYcemeDt, or other hard andvitreous substances.
  • Fig. 12 shows, a section taken on the same horizontal planeas that of Figlll of an oval or elliptical form of dooriwherein the same thickness ofmaterial i'sutilizedi' Itnis material used in the frame thereof, the oval or elliptical form of door would be considerably stronger than the circular (10101:; Fig. 1 a it 1 13 shows a section similarto thatxofYFig. Figs. 2,3,
  • Fig. 14' is a diagrammatic view-showing the comparison of the two forms of doors and also showing the saving inspace and material obtained by the use I of anova'l or elliptical form of doorover the circular form. Itis evident thatwiththe "u ed the ovaljorelliptical fornrf of door, that-the 1 space represented by the crescent shaped area on the opposite sides fof said: door, shown in Fig. 1 is economized in door mar terial and that the vault space'on' each side offtheoval or elliptical door of the vault is economized similarlyb- This feaim'rehas? been described'hereinbefore. V Figs.'15 and 16 are.
  • a 1 willalso benoted that; aside as the n i s reng h in: th l s in t e us f the triangular form, there is alsoa similar gain in the strength of thebolt ring by reasonof the amount and the form of the. materialin the portion thereof resisting the lateral action of Qthebolt, Figs, 15 and l6, therefore, also serve the purpose to comparatively represent by the lined areasshown therein, therelativej strengths of the portions of the ring referred to.
  • a locking means comprising a locking bolt mounted on
  • abolt socket-member in which said'bolt is-adapted to move, a locking ring provided with a beveled surface mounted on said safe or vaultadjacent said bolt socket, member, and across which the'end ofsaid: bolt .moves, said bolt provided at its end with a beveled surface corresponding toand adapted to contact with the beveled surface on said locking ring, said bolt socket member providedwith a beveled surface, said bolt alsoprovided with a second bei eled sur- ;V face adapted to contact the beveled surface on said bolt socketfmember whereby the bolt in its; movement to locking position maybe wedged into locking position in said socket and against-said locking ring, I
  • saidlocljingbolt alsoprovided with a-second V beveledsurfaces contact and'said' bolt is- I beveled surface icorresponding toand adapt;


  • Lock And Its Accessories (AREA)


1,3?6,355@ Emmi 86 Apr-v 26; 1921.
APPLICATION FILED MAYI5!1918- 1,37s,355.- Patented A r. 26, 1921.
Patented Apr. 26, 1921.
J K I i INVENTOR l 1 K Eklwardf/fi/w'c am a arromvs vs l 0 all may 063mm Be it known that I, EDWARD H; Piirrr s, a citizen of the United States, anda resident. of Philadelphia, county of Philadelphia, State of l ennsylvania, have. invented certain new and useful Improvements in jlYault and Safe Doors, of which the follow- 7 fling is a specification.
" Tlj e"invention:relates fto an improved means on a closure (of a safe or vault ,for
Llocking-said closure-to said safe or ,vault Iand formaintannngsaidclosure locked,
' comprises bolts and Sockets 0]": specialshapef preferably. of triangular shape, I whereby. creased "strength "as well as an increased area. of contact between. the icontacting s'urfacs 1 An object ofthe invention is to construct afsafe or .vault with-new and -.improved 5;.
means for efliciently closing and maintain- ;ing'closed said safe or vault and for rendering the same as nearly proof against unauthorized access thereto. as is pjossiblev Another. object is t -pr vide a special form of lockingnleans 'for the door which areobtained. A still further obj ect isto providea means vby whichthe door maybe quickly and ale-I curately wedged into place and which Will hold'fthefdoor in. constantly .tigl1t".contact 30' A door and thevaultlafter the bolts are shot .withoutany play betweenthe jainbs of the :1 into place.- Inasmuch as the sockets .i'ri'ust always'be' larger thanthe bolts they ardpro n vided. with a requisite. clearance spaceffor thereinto; andit is obvious, therefore,' that ffunless .somefzspeclal provision bejmade to practical and ready insertion. ofthe bolts prevent it, the door must. alwayshave a certain amount "of Inovenientlrelative-"to the vault whenlocked, due to the clearance rnentioned. This, therefore, permits the lnje'ction'of a highexplosivasuch "as nitro-glycerin, which may be used to force the .door
it i5:
, startithe prying lopen of the door andsuch jparticularly, is what the present invention.
to.;avoijdland in fact .prevents;-f.;.-
{ope n, or even the insertion ofja tool which may be manipulated to a sufficient extent" to Another'obj ect is to provide Ineans forrei'ilpplication filed May. 15', 1918., Seria1 No. 234, 786.
effective use. .i v n n w My invention eomprehends more particularly the use of a door of generally ovalforin and preferably of an elliptical form, 'WlllCll door. may be of the. same height ?(along the major .axis of Itheellipse) and strength as a circular door (witha diameter ElitS'Of the use of Platform". ducing the friction between, thejboltsand their sockets and-means for more efficiently 'operating'the same,
Specification of Iletters liatent- Patented ADI, 26,1921.
Anotherobject is to provide lneans for operating the locking devicesand the conipressorbar from a single hand wheel,.pro- -v1s1onbe1ng madefor selectively connecting the one or the otheras desired and also plac ngsald hand wheel intoa neutral orflinposltion whenthesame-is-pnot in equal-to .that of the major axis aforesaid) now generally use, ora rectan lar. or'
square form of door of equal heig t occasionallyfound in use, with theresultant 1, saving or considerable weight and material in'the door aswell as in the cost of thelat- .ter. Byfusing the ovalor elliptical form of l door econoinyspace and material in the vault structure; as well as floorspace f out- ."side" of the vault, isalso. obtained. Where a circular door is used the central passage or e thespace between the vault'boxes or "drawers .issubstantially-eta; width equalto' the di amete'r of;thedoor but inlcase of using an {elliptical doorithis space hasa widthmerely equal to the minor 'axisofth'eoval orellipse and consequently since the stacks 30f the i i vault boz r'es are thus located nearer to each other,.thevault is accordingly narrower and.
lessyrnaterialobviously isnecessa'ry in builde .ing a vault of equalcapacity to that having" a-Lcircular door s This is particularly adof an ovalorfelliptieal tforrnlof door, it is Another advantage arising from the use ofanoval' or elliptical formof door is that in installationsof vaults where alowering platform is utihz'ed; this form .of door per- A still further advantageis obtained froin a corresponding smaller also evident ampere latter also presents 'a jlnore attractive appearance than any other form of door heretofore used. 5 7' the use of triangularjsoclrets and bolts infihc locking means whereby-there may be aniiquse of the triangular bolts in lieu of the usual round or cylindrical forms yin-that for the same cross-sectional area thereof, a tri.-.
angular bolt is stronger under a I lateral.
stress than a circular bolt. Consequently a triangular bolt of equal strength to that of a circular bolt contains less material, and; therefore, is not as he'avy.; Further economy of r l as well as costthereoffis th r fore secured. I a
A still further advantage isfobtajined by j providing rollers'upon which the-bolts are guided, thereby reducing to a minimumthe frictionbetweenthe socket wa-lls'f and the or shot into place in the sockets.
Astill further advantage is obtained in that the difiiculties accompanying broaching processes which. are usually necessary for providing a proper clearance" in the bolt bolt surfaces as the latter are, drawn out-of sockets for the practical insertion of bolts and for the proper contactofthe usualcylindrical surfaces of the bolts andflsockets;
are wholly avoidedin the form of t-device constituting the subject "matter of this in vention by merely making the socket and the boltof exactly the same'shape, 'thelatter onlybeing smaller-than the. former in order that it maybe inserted therein.
, apparent from" the followingspecification and appended claimsf' or I r draw1ngs,'F1gure 1 In the-accompanying is a front view in elevation of a bank vault and" an elliptical form "of door used therewith; Fig 2 isa rear elevation of the door 1 and the bolt operating mechanism; Fig. 3
. mechanism for. operatingthe boltoperating is a horizontal section ofthe hand wheel mechanism as well as'thecomp'ressor means;
Fig. 4- isa transverse section taken online a e of Fig. 3'; Fig.5 is adetailof the housing and gearing ofthe boltioperatin'g means; Fig. 6, is a detail verticalfview of the gears and'bearings for the bolt rods; "Fig. 7. is a fragmentary longitudinal, 'sectionj'of door and vault chamber showingone form of internal construction of the door thatmay be used; Fig. 8 is a fragmentary detail elevation of one of the bolts and its connection; Fig. 9 is a transverse view thereof; partly L in section; Fig. 10 is a longitudinalview, partly 1n;sect1on, of a bolt and its socket; Fig-.11 1s a horizontal section of a conventional circular form of door; Fig. 12 is a 7 similar sectionof an oval or elliptical form of door with the material thereoffof the same thickness as that in the conventional form of I door shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 13 is a sectionof.
. sity of mounting or descending steps.
portion ef'of-z the elevator floor is so connected thatfas the vault door 1 is swung 'back into its complete open position, it is axis thereof.
an ellipticalform of door with less material than that shownin Fig.12 but of'equal strength to the conventional round door shownin Fig. '11;Fig. 14 is a diagrammatic viewofa round door andan elliptical door with their respective vault chambers superposed one. upon theother for the purpose of comparison; Fig. 15 is a diagrammatic View showing the advantage gained in the increased area of the socket and in the effective 1 contact area ofthe surface when the triangu lar form of bolt and socket is utilized; Fig.
16' isa diagrammatic view showing in comparison the, objectionable conditions. in the use of the round bolt, and socket.
Referring now more particularly to" the drawings; the door 1 of this invention is 1 preferably of the elliptical form and is shown'inplace i'n'Fig. 1 in the vestibule 2, the latter forming apart of'the vault strucopenedflnay be lowered and later brought back to the level of they floor in order that passage may be-made over the floor 1 as well as the-floorh intothe'vault without neces- A caused to be lowered to clear a spacefor p e e e p "the open position of the vault door 'I and is Other objects and advantageswill become adapted, when the door is closed'and the I elevator for the lowering platform is raised.
to be'returned toit's normal pos'ition relative to thefloors'e and 4. Inasmuch as'the structure of the "elevator forfthe lowering form of 'elevator,' many' of which' are at when the. door'l" is openmaybe coveredby afoot bridge or'filled with a spacer, which may be located in'placeby handas desired.
The door 1, as shown; is supported upon a crane 9 pivoteduponhinged members'fi by i the pins. 8 and further by means [of the {hinged straps 7 fixed to, said doorfand'p'ivoted upon the crane'by meansof the pins 8. The opening-of thisdoor is accomplished 8" lie. in a plane "which is perpendicular to the door and which includes themajor The door is also :provided with the present well-,kn'owm'may be used. in connection with the platform herein referred to. The narrow space that is left between the edge of the elevatorfloorand the vault floor "in" the usual manner; The axes of the pins form of compressor bar 12 at the outer ends of which; are provided the cams 10 adapted Rtdtkspetag n the brackets irfiiwdtd the vault 3; Theinner ends of the bars 12 are v provided with niter "gears 38fi11fmesh with miter gear 37' secured to the hand wheel shaft 33 by which the compressor bars 1 may f be rotated forltheli urpose ofcausing the y preliminarily force cams 10 to bear agalnst-thebracketsf11' and his he i nt? {a tight position." 1 This compressor system, it will he noted,
lis similarto those in use'on vault doors in I general but with the "exception that. fewer I, {compressor b'arsare necessary on account of the reduced width and'perimeter of the oval form of door. Far less power isrequired to force such door to a'tight position. 11'
a. After the door ha's been properlyfseated under the action of the co npressor cams the locking of thedooris accomplished by forcing a series {of bolts llthrough thesockjets of the'loolt ring 15 against a locking ring 13.
4 For this purpose the rear ofthe doorisjprovided with a ring 15' of elliptical for-melooated adjacent to theperiphery of the door.
This ringiis .provided'with a plurality of sockets of a A preferablytriangular. form I T withinpwhich' the: bolts 14 are adapted" to fit and move; Tothe bolts llare connected threaded rods 25, which arehprov'ided at an ,end thereof 1 with lniter gears 25f mesh with: miter gears '31- secured to-the main driving shaft era-n01 at the other end thereof with a threaded portion for connection with .an adjusted sleeve'22 which is iii-connection with the threaded portion 23 of tha holt14. The'threads upon the rods 25 andthe' sleeve -22 are of opposite pitch, as is clearly shown in'Fig -s. By providing these parts with f' threads I of 3 Opposite "pitch itis j p ssible; to
40 V '1 properly positioning the bolts for their look fing functions as we'llas"foretakingup for any wear that may occur during said funcf a a "may-be made through the 'sleeve22 -and the niake relative adjustment of it the parts for tioning. After an adjustment is" made; a locking pin may be insertedin aboring that l rod 25 forthe purposefof permanently locle ing the parts in their adjusted position, fThe adjusting sleeve 22 may also he provided with a knurled rim 24; by which the adjust ingsleeve may be operated during its adj ust-' fling operation."
r Qn the jamloof the'vestibuleand adjacent the edge-thereof is l cated: an elliptical docking ring '13 provided with a beveled face l -117 'against'whichtheendfof the bolt la is adapted to engage, the latter beingfprovicled v at the end with a heveledfac'e 18 corresponding to and adapted "cooperate with the beveled-face 17.
ff'At-the rear endfof holtfl i fis provided aninsert of "hard metal 21which, maybe secured in any manner desirableto the loolt :14;: This insert member 21 is provided: with 'iS'carI'iedoutg p )Another reason for tl'll f pecullar movea beveled-{face} "20 which: corresponds to is adapted to engage with a similar beveled face 19'provided upon the jamb of thedoor 1. i The beveled faces 17 'and18 asfshown,
are ofjdifferentf inclinationthan that of 19 1 p and 20. The purpose of this-is that asthe bolt 14 is moved into f locking position, that is in a direction to the left as shown inFig'. 12, theloeveled face 18"first engageswith the iigfi9)" andfjust as the bolt has nearly completed'its limit of throw to the locking positionf-the beveled faces 19* and ZOthen conie into-contact and quickly cause the rear end of the bolt 14; to rise in the socket and'bring the contacting surfaces into parallel and contacting-position. The
ward end of the bolt and then" quickly hringingfthe rear endjof the bolt i-nto parallelism throw is to reduce the friction between the bolt and the socketiias the locking operation 'nientis for the purpose of sofplacing the bolts in the socketsthat the load thereon ispractical all of thefriction arising therein.
is providedwitha face 28 adaptedfto engage said. rollers both in its longitudinal movea 11181113 during @the locking and vwithdrawing operation and in its lateral movement from beveled face 17 whereby'the" forward end of v the bolt 14 is moved rela'tively'to the socket "in the ring 15 a ainst the inclined wallsof 1 said socket (see "purpose in first lateiallyimoving the forh "with the faces of the socket atthe end of its the socket walls' as thei inclined walls ofthe bolt 'arecaused to engagewith or disengage from the walls of the socket. This latter movement is [more clearly hereinafter dis closed in connection with the clearance features ,fA, shim 21" may be provided between;
the-insert member 21-and=thefbolt 14 for the purpose of taking 'up i for "wearthat-fmay arise 'loetwee'n the contacting su fa e M 19 and-20, Y
g I 7 Clearance w ys animportant feature yin i connection with'allj-holts; The-round bolts 1 1su"ally have a a very slight clearance; just sufficient 'to avoid excessive friction, but
however slight the-clearance may be it is tendency; to reduce the resisting surface 'to nevertheless suflicient to divert the holtfrom Q 7 its parallelrelationwith the socket wall in its lockedposition and; therefore,:has a the smallest possible area The triangular bolt, however, takes advantage of-the clear ance space'to releaseitself of all friction the the purpose of permitting the .boltto readilyenter into and withdraw. from the-socket.
instant it is moved, in unlockingoperation, the weight of the bolt being transferred immediately tofth'e friction rollers." The adijustable wedge or inclined means at therear end of the bolt maintains the" bolt parallel with the vresistin surfaces of, the socket with the advantage 0 an equally distributed con- I tact of the resisting surfaces throughoutthe lengthof the bolt rather than at a particular point onthe bolt. V 7 p I It will be noted that the sockets are made of exactly the, same form as the bolt but of slightly larger dimension which latter is" for The difference in the cross sectional. area of the socket and thebolt, as clearly shown in .Fig. 9, provides aclearance space 16 forthe purpose given above, which clearance space is shown, when'the bolt isin locked position, be1owthesame,as viewed in Fig. 9; .When the bolt is withdrawn it will'be caused, by
reason of the inclinedsurfaces 17 and 18 "as Welles surfaces19 and 20, to move later-ally ,overthe roller 27 and at the same time longitudinallyover said'roller. In this operation the inclined surfaces of the bolt will. part from the corresponding surfaces of the sockets-and produce new' clearance spaces v 14 ,14 "AS the bolts-restupon therollers 27 there is'little tendency of-the face L14 of the bolt 14 contacting with the .face 14 of the socket In case they should contact the 1 sameis but slightandthe area'ofjthe contact is far less tha'nthearea of the surfaces at 14 and 14 andthe friction is"accordingly reduced. r
40. V H invention isnot to be considered lim'
the particular form of bolt shown anddescribed.hereinbutthat it also comprehends i It be understood; wevea; that he the idea of the use of bolts of .anycr ss-sectionalaform; suitable to meet the requirements enumerated above in connection --with the tr angular form. 4
Referringnow more particularly to, Figs. land 2 to6, inclusive, .which disclose the operating means formoving the bolts, a 'singlehand wheel 32-has been provided forthe purpose of performing the various functions" mentioned. "The handwheel is secured to a shaft 33 rotatably andslidably supported in the housing secured to, the front of, the'door 1. r The inner end ofthe' shaft has a bearing 7 40 which is adapted to rotate, as well as slide longitudinally, in a bearing socket-Q41 of the coupling sleeve 42. The coupling sleeve 42' is mounted so as to be, able ;to rotate in-the rear portion of the'housmg mentioned above "and is also secured by anygsuitablemeans,
V =to the sha'ft'43 leading to a Emiter.-gear .44.
' Onthe shaft 33 is -fi'xeda double jawclutch member, 34, which is provided ion opposite sides with jaws adaptedfto cooperate with 'cl utchij'aws 35 and 36; The clutch jaw 35 is secured to a miter gear 37, loosely fitting over shaft 33 and which-,jgear is enmeshed h 1 ofthefc'ompressor bars 12.0
throu h the jaw 36ffor fitting in t esocket .4l-.
sleeve 39 isfixed at one end tethe v. inner end of the coupling sleeve 42 and houses the clutch'34and clutch .jaws 35 and .36, as well asl'the shaft 33, in coaxial rela *tion. clutch 34 i's, therefore, adapted .to longitudinally slide-"therein when the;
shaft 33 is shifted asQdescribed'below The {other end of-the sleeve abuttingly bears aga nst the innerface ofthe gear (Sec V Fig;
In theoperation of the hand 'wheiwiin ,1, v
the same ismoved inwardly in the housing '50 from the. posit-ionshown in Fig. .j3, ;the clutch jaw on thezclutch34 nearest; to the clutchjaw- 36 will' engage with the latter and any'lrotationj given, the handwheel32 and shaft 33willfbe imparted tothejaw 36 and sleeve 42, as well as shaft 33 and gear .44, Inasmuch as gear 44 is in mesh with gears45 secured to the ends of the rods 25 the latter .willrotate accordingly and by: reasongof thefthreaded connectiona23 be- 1 tween the sleeves 221 and thejbolts 14,- the v V latter will becaused to be fedor movedlongitudinally; in f the sockets of the socket in g 15to a .reverse move- ..ment the same Inlay be withdrawn fromthe 1 Said l ckingposition In the event of withdraw ng the hand wheel and shaft outwardly from the housing aforesaid, the clutchimember 34 will be disengaged from the clutcht36, and brought into' engagement with the clutch35 where p by? upon any rotation given the hand fwheel the gear 37will becaused to operate the compressor'ba'rs 12 as well aswcams 10 to perform the function of preliminarily jam ming the doorto its closed position. =In-the clutch memberl34 is provided, a" groove'in wh-ichis adapted tolproject azdetent 49 ,(see Fig.4) normally p'ress'ed into-position by a spring with suflicient forceto maintain the clu'tchmember-in mid osition out. of engagement with either 0 utch jaw 35 or 36 but'not with sufficient-forceto prevent the detent slipping out of said groovewhen the shaft 33 is forcibly movedinward1y or outwardly for the purposesabove described.
The purpose of thedetent is merely-to maintain the hand operatingi'neans nor- 1 .fmally in neutralor inoperative position and clutch member 34, and, thecase ofpredescribed. e
engages in the groove with merely sufiicient engagement toiprevent'any accidental op-f eration ofthe clutch members. I
7 Referring more particularly to 5 and 6 of the drawingpthe shaft 413, is
shown as secured to the coupling. sleeve 42 in a suitable manner, as bymeans of a pin.
The shaft leads toa gear 4e secured thereto atthe end thereof, which gear meshes with the gears 45 mounted upon theendof the horizontal rods and also meshes with-two of the gears 31. mounted at various intervals uponthe vertical shaft 31. The remaining gears, 31 in turn engage with the r gears 25 mounted uponthe ends of inclined and vertical. shafts 25.
Upon the rear offlthe door is mounted a set of time locks 29 "of anyjsuitableform. Theselocksmay be connected to suitable cams 30 mounted upon the main shaft 31 for the purpose of locking and releasing the same 'at p'redetermined times. F om the abeve it will be seen that mo-* tio lij communicated through the hand wheel 32' is transmitted'from the shaft. 33, to the liminarily forcing the door'to closedposiwhereby thelocking bolts '14. are moved into locking positionin-the manner -hereinbefore Attherear of thedooris provided a gear frame 46 which serves the-purpose.'of'supporting the various" gears-completing the connection, from the shaft 4z3i'to the-jshafts H i we t will be seen that thefdoor may be constructed of sheet metal providing a space within the door-in: which is disposed a platebr similar member 'of 7 hard metal around which is f also disposed l a largeJnumbefi-of loose elementsfsuch as spheres or. balls of relatively hard material,
the interveningfspaces between, these balls being'filled with a relatively loose material,
j ofabrasive character, such assandQYcemeDt, or other hard andvitreous substances.
obvious that a door of oval or elliptical formis narrower tha'nf that of the circulariexeemanatew th ne f Figs. 11, 12andj13 are referred to tor-a 7 comparison of the relative strengths er the forms of {the doorsmentioned above. Fig.
11 'showsja section of the conventional form. of doorwhich usually is of acirc'ular shape.
Fig. 12 shows, a section taken on the same horizontal planeas that of Figlll of an oval or elliptical form of dooriwherein the same thickness ofmaterial i'sutilizedi' Itnis material used in the frame thereof, the oval or elliptical form of door would be considerably stronger than the circular (10101:; Fig. 1 a it 1 13 shows a section similarto thatxofYFig. Figs. 2,3,
12 of the oval or elliptical form of door the exception that the materialused'is thlnnerl With this formof door having a f reduced thickness of the niateriaL-the same strength, as that possessed the j circular;
formof door shown in Fig. 11 isjobtained.
Fig. 14' is a diagrammatic view-showing the comparison of the two forms of doors and also showing the saving inspace and material obtained by the use I of anova'l or elliptical form of doorover the circular form. Itis evident thatwiththe "u ed the ovaljorelliptical fornrf of door, that-the 1 space represented by the crescent shaped area on the opposite sides fof said: door, shown in Fig. 1 is economized in door mar terial and that the vault space'on' each side offtheoval or elliptical door of the vault is economized similarlyb- This feaim'rehas? been described'hereinbefore. V Figs.'15 and 16 are. more or lessidiagrammatic views showing the section of the tri; angular bolt and the socket in" which the bolt is adapted to move-as well'asthe conventionaliform "of cylindrical bolt used in 1 the socketof the conventional doer.;'-=- These figures clearly ShOWj that when the triangu= lar form ofxbolt is used and the same has been moved into locking'po'sition, the contacting surfaces, upon two sides of this boltare in complete contact throughout thesurfaces with the twocorr'esponding, faces of the socket. Therefore, the line "repre sents a projected line or surface of strength,
said line being equal";to'substantially the' length of thebase ofthe"trianglefrepresenfluing a section of this bolt. Thisline, it will be seen, is considerablylonger than the di-' ameter of a circlehaving the-same area of-' cross section as the triangular-bolt. FigQlG showsthe relative position of the cylindrical boltin' the socket Walls within 'which the same operates. In this case,- when the bolt is presented in the socket, on theory, but one line of contact occurs between said bolt andsaidl socketjwall, but inpractice the line a4) 'is' 'shown to indicate the projectedlengthbf thesurface of contact between said rod a and socket. 'lhe jbolt of V cylindrical form cannot c'onta'ct; the 'wa1ls of the cylindricalgsocket with equal-stress. throughout one-halflof itssurfacej and the contact betweenthe surfaces of {the bolt and socket could not be" represented by the projected line equal to the length-of the diam; eter of-the bolt. Consequently, Figs. 15'and 16show a comparison of the strength of the two forms of locking means.
a 1 willalso benoted that; aside as the n i s reng h in: th l s in t e us f the triangular form, there is alsoa similar gain in the strength of thebolt ring by reasonof the amount and the form of the. materialin the portion thereof resisting the lateral action of Qthebolt, Figs, 15 and l6, therefore, also serve the purpose to comparatively represent by the lined areasshown therein, therelativej strengths of the portions of the ring referred to.
Whilethe foregoing discloses one specific form of embodiment for carrying out my invention, it is not my intention to limit myself in any way thereto and my invention contemplates the use of the improvements Having thus describedmy'invention, what I desire to secure by Letters Patent and claim as my invention, is;
v In a safe, vault and the like, provided vwith a door, the combination of a locking means comprising a locking bolt mounted on;
said door, abolt socket-member in which said'bolt is-adapted to move, a locking ring provided with a beveled surface mounted on said safe or vaultadjacent said bolt socket, member, and across which the'end ofsaid: bolt .moves, said bolt provided at its end with a beveled surface corresponding toand adapted to contact with the beveled surface on said locking ring, said bolt socket member providedwith a beveled surface, said bolt alsoprovided with a second bei eled sur- ;V face adapted to contact the beveled surface on said bolt socketfmember whereby the bolt in its; movement to locking position maybe wedged into locking position in said socket and against-said locking ring, I
2. In a vault, safe and the like rovided with an opening and a door therefor,- the combination of a locking bolt, a socket member therefor, in which said bolt is adapt ed to freely move, a lockingv ring having a beveled surface, said bolt provided with a beveled surface corresponding to the beveled surface upon, the locking ringand I adapted to contact therewith, said socket 7 member provided withjabeveledvsurface,
' saidlocljingbolt alsoprovided with a-second V beveledsurfaces contact and'said' bolt is- I beveled surface icorresponding toand adapt;
ed to contact with thebeveled surface on said sockct m'ember, and means to move said locking bolt -throughsaid socket member and across said locking ring-whereby said wedged Within said 1 socket ,membjerfand againstsaid lockingaringif 3. In a vault, safe 'andthe like provided with-an opening and a doorgtherefor, the combination of a locking'bolt mounted on said door, a, socket member in which said, bolt moves also mounted OII S ELId door ,..a"
looking ring over which said locking bolt 1;
moves mounted on said Vault or safe, 00
acting inclined surfaces upon said ringfan'dsald'bolt, co-actmg ncllned surfaces ofdi'fferent inclination upon said socket member and said bolt, a rollerin said'socket member; upon which said bolt may rest. upon separa-' tion of the second mentioned co-acting'sun- I faces, a rod adjustablyl connected ,tofisaid bolt, and means connectedto said rod adapted to impartmovement to said rod and sa d bolt. 7 r v 4; In a safe, vault and the like provided with an opening and a door therefor, the combination of compressing, locking andun locking systems comprisinga .handwheel, a
shaft moved thereby, power transmitting means; thereon, power transmitting connections for operating said compressing system, power transmitting: means for operating said locking and unlocking system. and
. means by which saidhand wheel may be dis;
connected from one system and conn ected 'withthe other. v 1 I V I V 15.[In a safe, vault and the ,lIke pIOVldGd withv an openi-ngand-a door therefor,' the combination .ofcompressing, locking unlocking systems comprising a hand wheel,
a :shaft 'moved thereby, power transmitting means thereon," power transmitting corinec tions for operating said compressingsystem,
power transmitting jmeans for operating I said locking and unlocking system;
eans for holding saidawheel in can n imediate inoperative position. 1
6. In a safe,. vaultand the like,-.provided with an opening and a ,door therefor,- the combination of a lockingloolt' of polygonal section mounted on said door, a socket member-with-a socket, in whichgsaidf bolt may move, of like section. of larger dimension whereby aclearance maybe provided betweenfthe walls of the socketand the faces V of the: bolt, and means, for moving: saidbolt members and said: bolts provided .with co:
5 longitudinally in saidsocket,- said socket acting inclined surfaces for, effecting/a transverse movement to said bolt: in sa id socket through' saidclearance -w-hen -jsaid bolts are moved longitudinally; v
7 ln safes, vaults and he like' with anovalopening the combination ofan' oval formft of door adapted to closefs aid open ng, and locking means on said door for holdmg said door in closed position comprising rotat'able'control shafts disposed longie tudinallyf and; centrallyithereoffgearsj on said shaft, a plurality of. operating rods disposed "in positions normal to the tangents to gaglng the gears on said shafts, a plurality the margin of the door at the, lockingfpoiut thereof,lgears; oni said rods operatively en locking points along the margin of said door, said bolts being threaded to said rods whereby; rotation of said rods, causes a longi tudinal movement of said bolts, and a hand wheel on said door providedwith clutch and gear means for operating said shafts.
with an elliptical opening,'the combination of an elliptical door adapted to close said opening, con'trol'i shafts rotatably mounted on one side of said door and disposed along the major axis thereof, rotatably mounted ferent directions from said shafts along lines normal tothe tangents to the locking points at the margin of said door, gears conpoints connected to said rods, rollers for I supporting the locking bolts, a hand Wheel 8. In safes, vaults and the like provided on the other side of said door, and means including gears connected to said hand wheel and said shafts whereby an operation of the former causes arotation of the latter;
In Witness Whereof,I have vhereunto set .my hand this13th day of May, 1918. operating rods extendinglaterally in dif- EDWARD H. PHIPPS'."
necting said rodsto said shafts,longitudinally movable-locking bolts at said locking I Y
US23478618 1918-05-15 1918-05-15 Vault and safe door Expired - Lifetime US1376355A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US23478618 US1376355A (en) 1918-05-15 1918-05-15 Vault and safe door

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US23478618 US1376355A (en) 1918-05-15 1918-05-15 Vault and safe door

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US1376355A true US1376355A (en) 1921-04-26



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US23478618 Expired - Lifetime US1376355A (en) 1918-05-15 1918-05-15 Vault and safe door

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US (1) US1376355A (en)

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2869485A (en) * 1954-08-03 1959-01-20 Diebold Inc Vault door construction
US3043410A (en) * 1959-08-10 1962-07-10 Boeing Co Locking means for swing-tail airplanes
EP0145079A2 (en) * 1983-11-30 1985-06-19 Lips Vago Societa Per Azioni Hinging device for security enclosure door

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2869485A (en) * 1954-08-03 1959-01-20 Diebold Inc Vault door construction
US3043410A (en) * 1959-08-10 1962-07-10 Boeing Co Locking means for swing-tail airplanes
EP0145079A2 (en) * 1983-11-30 1985-06-19 Lips Vago Societa Per Azioni Hinging device for security enclosure door
EP0145079B1 (en) * 1983-11-30 1988-10-05 Lips Vago Societa Per Azioni Hinging device for security enclosure door

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