US1018536A - Pencil-sharpening machine. - Google Patents

Pencil-sharpening machine. Download PDF


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US1018536A US62107511A US1911621075A US1018536A US 1018536 A US1018536 A US 1018536A US 62107511 A US62107511 A US 62107511A US 1911621075 A US1911621075 A US 1911621075A US 1018536 A US1018536 A US 1018536A
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Edgar P Webster
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Priority to US629040A priority patent/US1040069A/en
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    • B43L23/00Sharpeners for pencils or leads
    • B43L23/008Sharpeners for pencils or leads with rotating cutting bodies


  • My invention relates to certain new and useful improvements in pencil sharpening machines.i and 'nos for its ⁇ object to provide a machine of this description in which the pencilL and the cutter shall he revolved con-d tinuously in the seine direction so that et their ⁇ points of Contact said pencii and cutter will he traveling in opposite directions, While-:it the same time, by proper adjustments, u variable length of sharpened snrface on the pencii may oe obtained, a further objectof my invention being to hold the pencii in e novel manner so that it may be automatically fed hy gravity to the sharpu ening device, irrespective oic any ineens employed for determiningthe nature of the pencii point.
  • my invention consists in certain details of construction und cor hination of parts such as ivili 'be hereinafter more uily described and then particularly pointed out in the claims which conclude this description.
  • FIG. i is e sectionui elevation of my improved Inechine,l ⁇ ai detail sectional elevation oit the pencil clamping mechanism, Fig. 3 a section at the' line se, a3, of Figi, and Fig. e detail broken Sectional elevation of o modification of my improvement.
  • l' is any suitable casing to inciose the parte of my improvement, and Q'ere horizont-oily disposed bottoni pletes'eecured to seid caeing. 3 ie the fingerne of the machine, preferably o cnet metal, and. Secured to seid plates menne oi screws .5 is e hori zontaliy disposed ennuius upon which r plates 2 norterrorismly rest seid ennuue having secured thereto end depending therefrom suitehie lege ii.
  • the upper structure, cornposed o' he casino i' and 2, is hi to the annuius o et 7, the inner upper surface of said ennulus is counter-bored end e bottoni cup S aseemhied therein sg) es to he reediiy removable therefrom in any ordinary manner, seid cup being forni-ed with a laterally extending iieng'e 9 which iite Within seid counter-'bored portion so es to be iush with the upper surface or" seid ennulus.
  • the bushingV lil l employ a coil spring 2f) which is housed within the connscrew driven within the end ot the latter, and after this bushing, ⁇ has once been sutliciently depressed so as to be in the proper position for eoperating with the cutter roll 10 this position ot said bushing is maintained by means of a stop 31 driven into the traine 3 immediately above the upper edge of the bushing.
  • lournalcd within the traine fl is a crank shaft h-l to whose outer extremity beyond thc casinalv is tixed a crank 311A. and' carried by this sha'tit is a bevel ,Q'ear fl?) which meshes with a comparatively large annularshaped bevel gear I'lt.
  • 37 is an annulus restingupon the gear lti, and 35% is'a hollow hub upon said annulus, and said gear, annulus, and hub are tirmly secured together by means ot' screws fit). so that it' will be clear that these three parts will all rotate in harmony.
  • the annulus 3T has spur teeth '-lt) which mesh with the pinion Il, and the hub 38 at its upper end is journaled around a reduced portion 4l ot' the lrame. which portion is in the 'torni ol a vertically disposed socket and is exleriorl)Y threaded at its upper end.
  • a ring 54 Secured within the inner wall of thelower part of the enlarged portion of the tliimble 47 is a ring 54, and this portion of the vthiinble cut away at intervals to form a suitable number of recesses 55, and loosely swung on this ring and contained freely withln these recesses are the pencil 'chimpt ing jaws 56 that are-preferably roughened on their exterior surfaces and of a general ovoidal shape, these jaws being loosely litted around the ring near 4their upper portions.
  • - a. is a vertical slot 'in the outer surface of sleeve 45, and within thisl slotextends the inner lipper'edgeof cap 44,'so that it will be evidentthat Vsaid c ap and sleeve will re- ⁇ - volve 'in harmony.
  • the lugs 48, 52 are then compressed in the manner above described and the pencil dropped through the thimble 47 so that its lower end will rest by gravity within the pencil bushing 13; the lugs are then released thereby causing the thimble to be forced downwardly so that the jaws willv firmly grip the pencil, and the sleeve 45 will remain elevated so that. in addition to theV weight of the pencil there will be the weight of the sleeve, the thimble and the parts connected therewith to constantly force the pencil downwardly by gravity and. thus keep relation with respect to the cutter.
  • the pencil are effected in theiii'annerabove described by the adjustment'of'the gage pin 15, and when the process jof sharpening'is complete-d Athe operatormerely compresses the lugs 48, 52, and withdraws the pencil.
  • ,60 is an opening eccentrically Vlocated'lengthwise in the ank Shafts?, throughout the iengui.
  • G6 is a plug which is driven within the outer end of the opening and'tlirough which the rodtii loosely extends
  • 67 is a coil spring surrounding said rod and confined between t-lie plunger' ,G1 'and plug 6G, said spring acting to normally project the stud G2 within the recess 63. Tn cutting a round point on' apencil the rod 64 is re-A tracted and kept in this position by the abutment of 'a pin 68-extending from the hub of the knob against the outer end of the shaft 33 as shown at Fig.
  • the shape of the recess (i3 is suoli that there is more or less lost motion while the stud (32 ,is operating withinsaid recess, and therefore the depression of the bushing 13 and gage pin 15 by the operation of the crank 34 is lsuch that it would occur only'throughout about one-sixth ot a complete reyolut-ion of said crank, althoughthis proportion might be altered to a greater or lesser degree as' the occasion might demand.
  • the proportion between the gears 35 and 3G ifssuch that a complete revolution ot the former will el'ect only a haltl revolution ot' thevlatter, and.
  • a pencil sharpening machine comprising a casing, a frame secured therein, a rotary cutter journaled in said frame, a pencil bushing stationary as to rotation and having extending therethrough a tapered opening and cut away adjacent to said cutter, rotaiv pencil clamping devices freely movable vertically, and means supported and jouriialed within said frame for causing said devices aml cutter to simultaneously and continuously travel in reverse directions at their points of Contact.


  • Mechanical Pencils And Projecting And Retracting Systems Therefor, And Multi-System Writing Instruments (AREA)


I APPLICATION FILED APR.14, 1911; 1,018,536.
1, m 9 mm W u 5 mgm W F n ,Dil w. m H 75 n@ ovm .m -..n w 2. D1 v. 6 r Q v -e 2 ./v l. T24 ,5 4,1 B u .wm 2 3,. n.m/ E 9 o W. W 232 2 3 nlvllhhdr///lrlrlfdnhhr A., m/ NW fi,
Awww/1431.727452* Y a WITNESSES:
Saleem-cation of Letters een't.
Jppiication filed April 15:, 19H. Sci-iai 3io. 521,9?5.
To all vwhom t may concern f Be it known that I, EDGAR F. i/Tnnernn, :i citizen ci? the -illnited States, residing in the city of Bridgeport, county of Faireld, State of Connecticut, have invented certain new and useiul improvements in Pencil-Sharpening Machines.; and I do de clure the following to be a full, cieer, and exact description of the inventi n, such as will enablel other skilled in the art to 1which it nppertains to make and use the same.
My invention relates to certain new and useful improvements in pencil sharpening machines.i and 'nos for its` object to provide a machine of this description in which the pencilL and the cutter shall he revolved con-d tinuously in the seine direction so that et their `points of Contact said pencii and cutter will he traveling in opposite directions, While-:it the same time, by proper adjustments, u variable length of sharpened snrface on the pencii may oe obtained, a further objectof my invention being to hold the pencii in e novel manner so that it may be automatically fed hy gravity to the sharpu ening device, irrespective oic any ineens employed for determiningthe nature of the pencii point.
With tuese ends in view my invention consists in certain details of construction und cor hination of parts such as ivili 'be hereinafter more uily described and then particularly pointed out in the claims which conclude this description.
in the accompanying drawing Figure i is e sectionui elevation of my improved Inechine,l `ai detail sectional elevation oit the pencil clamping mechanism, Fig. 3 a section at the' line se, a3, of Figi, and Fig. e detail broken Sectional elevation of o modification of my improvement.
Similar numereis of reference denote iike ports in the several figures of the drawing.
l' is any suitable casing to inciose the parte of my improvement, and Q'ere horizont-oily disposed bottoni pletes'eecured to seid caeing. 3 ie the freine of the machine, preferably o cnet metal, and. Secured to seid plates menne oi screws .5 is e hori zontaliy disposed ennuius upon which r plates 2 nornieily rest seid ennuue having secured thereto end depending therefrom suitehie lege ii. The upper structure, cornposed o' he casino i' and 2, is hi to the annuius o et 7, the inner upper surface of said ennulus is counter-bored end e bottoni cup S aseemhied therein sg) es to he reediiy removable therefrom in any ordinary manner, seid cup being forni-ed with a laterally extending iieng'e 9 which iite Within seid counter-'bored portion so es to be iush with the upper surface or" seid ennulus.
Journeied Within the frame 3 in angular disnosition is a cutter roll l0 which carries e pinion il et its upper extremity, and iocated within e vertical opening i2 in the frame 8 is e pencii bushing 13 which ie capable ci? vertical movementmwithin seid opening, Within prescribed ii "ts, as iviii he hereinafter more uily deecribed, This bushing is orniet'i with a downwardly teporing opening le extending from toi;= to hottoin, end said bushing is eut ovey at one sideiso as to admit the cutter roii l@ in juxtaposition Within seid openiig, so that it xviii he clearly understood that e peneii introduced down through this opening lli would oe Within the ieid of operetion 'of the cutter roll.
15 is e gage pin passed, upwerdiy and iooseiy through u thimble 16 held absoluteiy stationery between one of the plates 2 and the frame 3, the upper end of said pin heving` secured thereto a heed 17 in proximity to the lower end of the bushing 13, While the lower extremity of said pin is eniareged Whose function is to normally eievete seid pin.
The lower edge of the thimble 16,/ has formed therein notches 2l, 22, the letter of which is deeper than theformer, and around the pin 15 and immediately backed by the upper edge of thes enlarged part 18 is a collar 23 that is secured to seid 'goinas to rotation and is provided with e, tooth'2i extendingupwardly thereirornnnd adopted to coperete with the notches Q1, 22, in 'the manner oresentiy to tie exiiieined, immediately ieeneeh this enligne @E engaging e threaded.
part portion it? iS Q5,
icoeeiy terough une openingy in the pin is a screw bolt 26 whose upper extremity 27 is threaded and driven within the pencil bushing- 13, the lower end oit this bolt being provided with a head 28 which is contained within the counter-bore 19. ln assembling the machine this screw bolt 26 with its head against the upper wall of the counter bored portion 19 iswturned or driven until the bushing- 18 is drawn downwardly to a plane where the cutter roll will be etiiective in opeating against a pencil contained within said bushing, and this adjustment ot the latter will be readily understood when it is borne in mind that the screw bolt itseli3 can not advance because its head is in abutment against the inner 'all of the counter bored portion 19.
By turning,l or driving the nut on the enlarged portion 18 of the pin the latter will he drawn downwardly against the resiliency oit the spring Q0 thereby causing thc head 1T to draw away from the bushing 13, and this adjustment is made in the assembling` of the machine in order to tix the normal distance between said bushing and. head, since, as will be hereinafter explained, the point ot the pencil rests upon this head. and the greater the distance between the latter and said bushing the longer and sharper will the pencil point be fashioned by the cutter roll. This adjustment of the normal position of the head 1T with respect to the bushingl 13 may he ellected while the tooth 2l is within either the shallow notch 2l or deep notch QQ, and. it said adjustment is made while said tooth is within the deep notch Q2 this will be elt'eeted tor the shortest or bluntest point on the pencil, whereas it said' tooth is within the shallow notch Q1 such adjustment will be for the longest or sharpestl point. if this adjustment; has been made while the tooth 2st is within the deeper notch 22, the operator, in the event. that he desires a long point, merely ,erasps the part 18 and turns the pin until the tooth Q11 has ridden into the shallow notch 2l, thereby forcing the pin downwardly againstthe resiliency of the spring' Qt), and, as above described, withdrawing' the head 17 at a greater distance Yfrom the l'nishing 1?. 'lhis adjustment, by means ot the nut and screw bolt Qt) are merely lactory cxjiedients and are, utilized solely t'or the purpose oli properly tixin; normal'conditions of the parts, since, in the sharpening ot pencils, it is merely desired to obtain` a sharp or blunt point and a long or sharp point, and these results arc obtained by merely turning the pin bodily so as to cause the tooth to cooperate with the notches 22 and 2l.
ln order to preserve thepropcr elevati-d position olE the bushingV lil l employ a coil spring 2f) which is housed within the connscrew driven within the end ot the latter, and after this bushing,` has once been sutliciently depressed so as to be in the proper position for eoperating with the cutter roll 10 this position ot said bushing is maintained by means of a stop 31 driven into the traine 3 immediately above the upper edge of the bushing. But, as a matter of fact, l prefer to adjust the gage' pin with respect to the bushing when the tooth Qf-t is within the shallow notch 21 and this adjustment is ot course made :tor the longest and sharpest point, and when the pin is turned to throw the tooth into the deeper notch Q0 to elevate the pin, this will cause the inner wall of the counter-bore 1f) to draw away from the head 28 so that there will be a space 3Q between said wall and head, whereby when the tooth is shifted into the shallow notch the pin will be depressed without alt'ectinathe bolt QG or the bushing 13.' But, as above stated, these adjustments by means oli the screw bolt 2G and nut 25 are mere manufacturing expedients tor convenience in the proper scmbly ot' the partsand have nothingl whatever to do with the operation ot my iniproved machine, and Yt'or all j'nL-actical purposes, in cutting a round point on a pencil, the gage pin could be solid throughout its length and its adjustments elleeted precisely as above described, and the pencil bushing could be isolated troni said pin or any part connected therewith, and the proper cuttingr plane ot said bushingr located by ordinary experiment and then fixed, as, tor instance, by a pin or screw. 'the culte and the pencil are rotated simultaneously and continuously so as to travel at their points o'l2 coi'itact in reverse. directions by means ol the following` instrumentalities which lV will now describe.
lournalcd within the traine fl is a crank shaft h-l to whose outer extremity beyond thc casinalv is tixed a crank 311A. and' carried by this sha'tit is a bevel ,Q'ear fl?) which meshes with a comparatively large annularshaped bevel gear I'lt. 37 is an annulus restingupon the gear lti, and 35% is'a hollow hub upon said annulus, and said gear, annulus, and hub are tirmly secured together by means ot' screws fit). so that it' will be clear that these three parts will all rotate in harmony. lhe inner periphery ot the annulus 3T has spur teeth '-lt) which mesh with the pinion Il, and the hub 38 at its upper end is journaled around a reduced portion 4l ot' the lrame. which portion is in the 'torni ol a vertically disposed socket and is exleriorl)Y threaded at its upper end. Owing` to theI tact that the hub is journalcd around a reduced portion of this part of the trame, said hub will bo supported by the trame itsclll and will maintain the geur lt' and annulus l'i" in proper horizontal position so that they will properly mesh with the gear rio tt-1 bi re l) and is confined by means ol' a l 55 and pinion ll` and this hub is capable ot l'ltl tion of thi'shulo'v is exteriorly threade free revolution around said reducedortion. 42 is a leather ,or other washer encirc ing the reduced portion of the frame and resting upon`= the -top of the hub 38 and confined by means of a nut 43 driven on the threaded portion of said frame againstsaid washer suiiicientlytight to keep the hub from jumping upwardly duri-ng operation but not so ti ht as to interfere with the free rotation ogsaid hub'. Thelupwardly projecting porand an interiorly threaded cap 44 is secured thereto sc afs to' vrevolve therewith.' 'Contained within the socket portion of the reduced upwardly extending portion of the frame 41 is a loose sleeve 45' capable o free vertical and rotary movements within said socket and having its lower extremity extending in'wardly and beveled as shown at 46, and 47 is a .thimble whose lower portion is enlarged and fits loosely within the' sleeve so as to be capable of independent vertical and rotary movement therein, the upper end of which tlii'rnble is provided with a laterally extending linger lug 48 and a peri heral beveled `tootl'i 49 which latter is a apted to engage with a' beveled notch 50 formed within' the upper edge of a ring 5l that loosely 'encircles the upper portion of the th'inible 47 -and is rigidly secured to the inner upper wall of the sleeve 45, said ring being likewise provided with a fingering 52 A coil sprin vfencircles vthe reduced portion of the thimble 47 -and is confined lietween the enlarged portion thereof and the lower edge of the ring 5l, so that it will lie clear that when the operator grasps these. lugs 48, 52, vand exerts suilicient force` the beveledtooth 49 'will ride upwardly along the'beveled wall 'of the notch 50 thereby slightlyrotating the thimble 47 and elevating the same against the resiliency of the spring 53. f Secured within the inner wall of thelower part of the enlarged portion of the tliimble 47 is a ring 54, and this portion of the vthiinble cut away at intervals to form a suitable number of recesses 55, and loosely swung on this ring and contained freely withln these recesses are the pencil 'chimpt ing jaws 56 that are-preferably roughened on their exterior surfaces and of a general ovoidal shape, these jaws being loosely litted around the ring near 4their upper portions.
- a. is a vertical slot 'in the outer surface of sleeve 45, and within thisl slotextends the inner lipper'edgeof cap 44,'so that it will be evidentthat Vsaid c ap and sleeve will re-`- volve 'in harmony. When the thimble 47 `is elevated themanner above described these Jawswill swing to a verticalA plane as shown at-Fig.2,`but when the operator releases thd'nger lugs 48, 52, the spring 53 will force the thimble downwardlytherby'focing the. lower ends of these jaws against the beveled surfaces 46, and this will throw the jaws inwardly toward each.
Inoperating my improvement the sleeve. l
45 is elevated and the lugs 48, 52, are then compressed in the manner above described and the pencil dropped through the thimble 47 so that its lower end will rest by gravity within the pencil bushing 13; the lugs are then released thereby causing the thimble to be forced downwardly so that the jaws willv firmly grip the pencil, and the sleeve 45 will remain elevated so that. in addition to theV weight of the pencil there will be the weight of the sleeve, the thimble and the parts connected therewith to constantly force the pencil downwardly by gravity and. thus keep relation with respect to the cutter.
lt is necessary to' provide somen'ieans for the lower end voli-said pencil always in proper preventing the rotation of they pencil bushing 13, and therefore I utilize an ordinaryl device for this purpose suoli as a screw 5 7 ,l
driyeii through the frame and having a revl duced tip which extends within an elongated slot 58 in the side of said bushing, and I furthermore provide any ordinary handle y 59 at the end of the crank arm 34 in order to aetuate the latter. In operating iny improvement to cut the ordinaryround'point on a l`endl, 'the latter .l
is' inserted within the thimble 47 with' its lower end resting by gravity .within thel j; 'A
bushing 13 and clainped'by 'the jaws 56, inl M pencil and the cutter to trai-el `:it-their points of contact simultaneously and continuously .p
As the cutter ,oper-l the manner hereinbefore described, and the crank 34 is then revolved thus causing the in reverse directions. ates to -bevel ofi1 the lower end of-the pencil the latter will automatically descend until its point touches the head 17, "the cutter meanwhile operating to 'constantly 'sharpen or bevel oil the end ofthe pencil, and this operation is exceedingl s'moothand rapid are revolved iii 'reverse directions.
short or blunt or 4'long'- or 'sharp 'points the pencil are effected in theiii'annerabove described by the adjustment'of'the gage pin 15, and when the process jof sharpening'is complete-d Athe operatormerely compresses the lugs 48, 52, and withdraws the pencil.
In the process of sharpening pencils .a flat point is frequently desired particularly for will now describe.
A Referring to Fig. vlof the drawing, ,60 is an opening eccentrically Vlocated'lengthwise in the ank Shafts?, throughout the iengui.
of the latter, andl is Liu-plunger within said opening and l capable of free movements therein andhaving extending from; its for- "i owing tothe fact that t epenci'l 'andcutter ward end a stud 62 immediately opposite a suitably shaped recess 63- in the pencil bushing 13. 64; is a rod connected to said plunger, and to the outer end of said rod beyond the crank 3l is secured any suitable knob 65. G6 is a plug which is driven within the outer end of the opening and'tlirough which the rodtii loosely extends, and 67 is a coil spring surrounding said rod and confined between t-lie plunger' ,G1 'and plug 6G, said spring acting to normally project the stud G2 within the recess 63. Tn cutting a round point on' apencil the rod 64 is re-A tracted and kept in this position by the abutment of 'a pin 68-extending from the hub of the knob against the outer end of the shaft 33 as shown at Fig. l, but by turning this knob so that said pin will come opposite to a notch 69 inthe edge of said shaft the spring 67 will then force the plunger 61 inwardly and thereby cause the stud 62 to enter the recess 63. Now when this stud G2 is within the recess (t3, the revolution of the crank 34 will force said stud downwardly against the lower wall of said recess and will thereby momentarily depress the bushing13 as well as the gage pin 15, the spring 29 'being inoie powerful than the spring 20. The shape of the recess (i3 is suoli that there is more or less lost motion while the stud (32 ,is operating withinsaid recess, and therefore the depression of the bushing 13 and gage pin 15 by the operation of the crank 34 is lsuch that it would occur only'throughout about one-sixth ot a complete reyolut-ion of said crank, althoughthis proportion might be altered to a greater or lesser degree as' the occasion might demand. The proportion between the gears 35 and 3G ifssuch that a complete revolution ot the former will el'ect only a haltl revolution ot' thevlatter, and. theretore this depression of the bushing 13 and pin 15 will occur twice during a complete revolution ol' the gear 3G, and .since the pencil is revolved in hariuon'y with the gear It it. t'ollows flintthe cutting at the point ot the pencil will be deeper on opposite sides ot .said point during a complete revolution ol' the peni-il while the, cutting of the restote the point will be etifected as in the instanceol a round point. 'llierefoi'e it will be. clear that b v throwing the point into closer eiigagement witli' the cutter al predetermined times so that. opposite portions ol' said point will be cut .deeper than the rest'. ot' the point a llatpoint may' be obtained and this is souietliingytliat has times nearer to the pencil, and accordingly I have illustra-ted at4 Fig. 4 a. modification away from the casing l, and when the lug 72 engages the lug 71 it will force said lever toward said casing, a coil spring 73 having its extremities secured respectively to said lever and to a pin 74C rising from theplate 2 serving to normally retract said lever. The lower journal of the cutter roll-10 is carried by the horizontal member ofthis lever 70.
and extends through an enlarged opening 75 in the frame 3, so that it will be clear that as the crank 3st is revolved the cutter roll 10 will be thrown inwardly toward the pencilbushing whenever the lug 72 engages the lug 71 and this engagement 'of these lugs and the. consequent inward throw of the cutter roll occurs throughout only about onesixth ot the revolution of the crank 34, the pencil being rotated .only half a complete revolution while the gear 35 is completing a whole revolution, and therefore the same results. as to the formation of a 4flat point will be obtained as in the instance above described with respect to Fig. 1. But, although I have .illustrated and described instrumentalities for forming a flat point on-a pencil, I do iiotwi'ish to be understood as making any claim thereto in the present application.
llaving thus described my invention what; AI claim as new and desire lto secure by Letters Patent is 1. A pencil sharpening machine, comprising a casing, a frame secured therein, a rotary cutter journaled in said frame, a pencil bushing stationary as to rotation and having extending therethrough a tapered opening and cut away adjacent to said cutter, rotaiv pencil clamping devices freely movable vertically, and means supported and jouriialed within said frame for causing said devices aml cutter to simultaneously and continuously travel in reverse directions at their points of Contact..
2. ln a machine ot the characterdescribed,
the'eombination ot a easing, a frame Secured therein, a rotary cutter Journaled in said -frame and carrying a vsmall spur gear, a pencil bushing having extending therethrough a tapered opening and cut away adjacent said cutter, rotarypencil clamping devices adapted tohold the pencil with the -lower extremity resting by gravity within said bushing, a rotary crank shaft' journalcd in said frame and carrying a bevel gear, a horizontal gear suppoijtcdon said t ame'and meshing at its outer periphery with the first A named gear, connections between said horizontal gear and the pencil clamping devices whereby the latter will be rotated, and a ring rigid with said horizontal gear and having spur teeth on its inner periphery which engage said spur pinion whereby the cutter and pencil clamping devices are simultaneously and continuously caused to travel in reverse directions at their points of contact.
3. In a machine of the character described, the combination of a pencil bushing having extending therethrough a tapered opening, a stationary thimble having in its bottom edge shallow and deep notches, a gage pin extending freely through said thimble and whose head is immediately below said bushing, a spring acting to normally project said pin toward said bushing, and a collar carried by said pin and having a tooth adapted to engage said notches when the pin is rotated whereby a maximum and minimum distance may be eected between `said bushing and pin.
li. In a pencil sharpening machine, the combination with a rotary cutter and a pen? cil receiving bushing adjacent said cutter, of a rotary pencil clamp freely movable vertically whereby when elevated a pencil clamped therein will rest by gravity within said bushing, and means for causing said pencil and cutter to simultaneously and continuously travel in reverse directions at their points of contact.
5. In a machine of the character described,
the combination of' the casing, the frame supported therein, a rotary cutter journaled in the frame, a vertically adjustable pencil holder bushing guided within said frame and having extending therethrough a tapering recess said bushing open at one side to admit. the cutter, an adjustable 'gage pin immediately below said bushing, means carried by said pin and connected with said bushing for regulating the distance between said pin and bushing, pencil clamping devices supported within said frame and capable of free vertical movements whereby the pencil may be clamped with said devices attached thereto in elevated position thereby causing the lower end of said pencil to constantly bear against said bushing owing to the -gravity of the pencil and said devices, and means for causing said cutter and devices to si1nultaneously and continuously travel in reverse directions at their points of contact.
ln testimony whereof I atliX my signature in presence of two witnesses.
EDGAR P. "WEBSTER Witnesses:
US62107511A 1911-04-14 1911-04-14 Pencil-sharpening machine. Expired - Lifetime US1018536A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US62107511A US1018536A (en) 1911-04-14 1911-04-14 Pencil-sharpening machine.
US629040A US1040069A (en) 1911-04-14 1911-05-23 Pencil-sharpening machine.

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US62107511A US1018536A (en) 1911-04-14 1911-04-14 Pencil-sharpening machine.

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US1018536A true US1018536A (en) 1912-02-27



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US62107511A Expired - Lifetime US1018536A (en) 1911-04-14 1911-04-14 Pencil-sharpening machine.

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