TW448098B - Method for producing concave three-dimensional human image - Google Patents

Method for producing concave three-dimensional human image Download PDF


Publication number
TW448098B TW87112128A TW87112128A TW448098B TW 448098 B TW448098 B TW 448098B TW 87112128 A TW87112128 A TW 87112128A TW 87112128 A TW87112128 A TW 87112128A TW 448098 B TW448098 B TW 448098B
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concave surface
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Chinese (zh)
Jin-Shian Chen
Yung-Sheng Li
De-Shiung Jan
Original Assignee
Chen Jin Shian
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Application filed by Chen Jin Shian filed Critical Chen Jin Shian
Priority to TW87112128A priority Critical patent/TW448098B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TW448098B publication Critical patent/TW448098B/en



The present invention relates to a method for producing a concave three-dimensional human image, which comprises, on the surface of an object scheduled to form a human image or pattern, using a general reverse carving and molding method to form a concave three-dimensional human image contour on the concave surface of the object, which is characterized in that: the concave three-dimensional human image contour formed by the reverse carving particularly needs to be concavely installed on the contour position which originally will exhibit a protruded configuration. Upon completion of the above step, the concave surface is coated with a reflective film, or an illumination source is installed in front of the concave surface, or the concave surface is set as a transparent body and an illumination source is installed on the back thereof, thereby forming a shadow visual effect, so that the concave surface can display a vivid three-dimensional human image at different angles.


4 48 0 9 8 A7 B7 五、發明説明(―) 本發明係有關一種凹面立體人像之製法,尤指一種利 用凹形面人像輪廓上之凹凸交錯的設置,並佐以光線之折 射與反射效果,而得以多角度呈現逼真傳神之凹面立體狀 人像者。 5 按,國人對於佛教文物或古聖先賢,多所敬仰與信奉, 經濟部中央標隼局員工消費合作社印製 (請先間讀背而之注意事項再填艿本汙) 線 因此佛像、雕像或其相關人像即成為一種膜拜或欣賞的 圖騰;例如第一圖所示係為釋迦牟尼佛的立體人像,吾人 常將其作為擺飾物欣賞,或是佛教文物來紀念,而這種立 體人像是於立方物體上,依照欲展現人物之輪廓深淺及五 10 官比例,將人像造型具體呈現出來,其可以是一種雕塑方 式成型,或是利用金屬鑄造、或石膏、波麗灌注,或是射 出成型等方式來成型;然此種製法所作成之雕塑人像係為 一種具象化的型態,但缺乏一股全方位多角度的神韻;因 此,予人較為呆板之心靈及視覺感受。其無法猶如照片或 15 畫像般,予人活靈活現、栩栩如生的感覺。舉例來說,國 父的照片無論是正視、斜視、或是稍為俯視或仰視,在任 何角度觀賞,都可以感覺國父正在傳神的注視著你,那種 隨角度變化的視覺,筆墨難以形容》但如果是國父銅像, 無論你從那一個角度來觀賞,它始終佇立不動的神情,無 20法像照片或畫像般的予人活靈活現的視覺感受,稍有缺憾。 而,第一圖所示之立體人像(1)其鑄造、射出成型或 是灌注成型時,都須要利用反向刻模成型的模具(2)來製 造,如第二圖之部分示意圖所示,亦即模具(2)之內部係依 據立體人像(1)之輪廓,以1:1的比例,反向雕刻而成凹模 第3頁 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4坭格(210X 297公及) 448098 經濟·郅中央標隼局員工消費合作衽印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明(二) (20)狀態,舉例來說,立體人像(1)之嘴唇(11)是凹的,則凹 模(20)內相對須雕成凸狀(21);又,立體人像(1)之眼睛(12) 是呈現凹陷的,則凹模(20)內相對亦須雕成凸狀(22);由 於第二圖是一種正側視剖面圖型態,因此不易顯示該凹模 5 (20)內之眼睛(22)的型體,因此,請再參閱第三圖所示,其 係揭示由眼睛部分方向的側視剖示圖,即可清楚顯示該凹 模(20)內,相對於立體人像(1)之眼睛(12),係呈現凸出狀 態(22);因此,如果吾人由第二圖中之A-A方面來看模具 (2)的凹模(20)時,會呈現一種不明顯的人像輪廓,亦即原 10 本凹陷的眼睛(12)及嘴唇(11)在凹模(20)內都是呈現凸 出狀,予人一種巔倒怪異的視覺感受》 由於,本發明人長期從事相關人像製造及設計,發現 凹模(20)所呈現的人像輪廓雖然巔倒怪異,但是卻有一種 立體人像(1)無法達到之特殊情境與視覺感受。職是之故, 15 乃積極加以研究,經不斷測試改進,終有本發明之完成。 緣是,本發明之主要目,係在提供一種凹面立體人像 之製法,其利用凹形面人像輪廓上之凹凸交錯的設置,並 佐以光線之折射與反射效果,以多角度呈現逼真傳神之凹 面立體狀人像之功效者》 2〇 為使貴審査委員能對本發明之方法、特徵及功效 有更具體的瞭解,茲舉較佳實施例並配合圖式說明如后: (一)附圖說明: 第一圖係習用立體人像之外觀立體圖。 第二圖係習用立體人像之製法示意圖。 __第4頁 _ 本紙張尺度適用中囡闼家標準(CNS ) Λ4^ ( 2U>x2y7公犮) ------------Λ------、玎------^ - (請先閱裱背面之没意事項再填巧本Κ ). δ 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 4 4 09 8 A7 B7 五、發明説明(三) 15 20 第三圖係第二圖以一不同角度顯示之剖面示意圖。 第四圖係本發明之一可行實施例的外觀立體圖。 第五圖係本發明之一可行實施例的剖示圖。 第六圖係本發明另一可行實施例的示意圖。 第七圖係本發明又一可行實施例的正視圖。 第八圖係本發明又一可行實施例的右斜視圖。 第九圖係本發明又一可行實施例的左斜視圖。 第十圖係本發明再一可行實施例的側視剖示圖。 )圖號說明: (3)物體 (36)脖子 (31) 凹形面 (37)透光體 (32) 反光薄層 (4)發光源 (33) 、(34)凸出物(w)牆面 (33’)、(34’)凹陷狀 (21)、(22)凸狀(35)鼻子 首先,請參閱第四、五圖所示,本發明之一可行實施 例,其係在一物體(3)之表面,將所預定之人像或圖像,藉由 一般反向刻模成型方式,形成一凹入之立體人像輪廓在物 體(3)的凹形面(31),其特徵在於: 該以反向刻模成型方式所設成之凹形立體人像輪廓, 特別須於成型時原本會呈現凸出型態之輪廓部位,令其反 向凹陷而設置,變成深入凹形面(3 1)的型態;並於上述步 驟完成後,在凹形面(31)表面塗覆反光薄層(32),藉以形 成折線或反射,而有陰影視覺效應,使凹形面(3 1)在不同 (1) 立體人像 (11) 嘴唇 (12) 眼睛 (2) 模具 (20)凹模 第5頁 本紙张尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS ) Λ4规格(210X2^7公t ) (請先閲請背面之"意"項再填本页) 訂 線 448 09 8 A7 B7 五、發明説明(四) 角度都得以浮現逼真傳神之立體人像者。 上揭實施例中,所述之物體(3),係可為較小體積且可 移動、攜帶、擺飾之獨立物件;該物件包括可由金屬鑄造、 射出成型、雕塑、波麗灌注,或是其他材質所構成者。 5 而,所述成型時原本人會呈現凸出型態之輪廓部位, 特別包括有:眼睛、嘴唇等部位,請參閱第五圖所示,在凹 形面(31)內,假想線所示之凸出物(33)、(34),係分別為一 般反向刻模成型之眼睛及嘴唇的位置,本發明乃將其反向 設置,改為深入凹形面(31)之凹陷狀(3 3’)及(34’);而鼻子 10 (35)部分原本就是凹陷狀,因此沒有影響。至於假想線(36) 所代表的脖子部位,則可使其向內位移而緊鄰下巴至箭頭 (3 6’)所指之位置,以避免遮光而無法完整展現陰影視覺 效應。而該陰影視覺效應係藉助凹形面(31)表面所塗覆 之反光薄層(32)來達成。且該反光薄層(3 2)係以金箔或 15其等效塗料所構成者為較佳,此因金箔其反射及折射效果 極佳,可以使浮現之立體人像極為逼真傳神,猶如第四圖 所展現之情境。 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印裝 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本页) 由第四、五圖所示之實施例是乎很難展現本發明之 功效,此因圖式不易表現凹形面(31)所展現出來的逼真傳 20神視覺效果,稍後將以實物照片作補充說明。 本發明之凹面立體人像除了前述實施例可以設在鑄 造、射出成型、雕塑或灌注成型之物件上之外,其亦可設 在大型建築物或廟宇之牆面(W)上,足以展現雕樑畫棟、 氣勢磅薄之雄偉景觀。如第六圖之另一實施例所示者。 第6頁 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X 297公犮) 448096 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 A7 _ B7 五、發明説明(五) 當然,該凹形立體人像亦可設在其他諸如壓克力板等物體 上,容不贅述。 此夕卜,請再回到第四、五圖所示,本發明之又一可行 實施例,係在凹形面(31)之前方(以前下方為最佳)設有一 5 可將光線投射在凹入立體人像表面之發光源(4)。而該發 光源(4)係可由蠟螞、燈泡、或是其他能發出光線之物品 所構成者。 藉由發光源(4)將光線投射在凹形面(31),則其具有 與在凹形面(31)表面塗覆反光薄層(3 2)之效果相當,可產 1〇 生陰影視覺效應,使凹形面(31)展現出逼真立體人像效 果》 為使貴審査委員能具體瞭解本發明所達成之功效, 發明人以手工設製一個樣品,其樣態如第七圖〜第九圖所 示,其中第七圖係正視圖;第八圖係右側斜視圖;第九圖係 15左側斜視圖;而該物體(3)之凹形面(31)所設置之人像輪 廓則為彌勒佛造型,且其設置則依照上揭凹凸交錯製法完 成後,在凹形面(31)表面塗覆反光薄層(32)或利用前方之 發光源(4),使其凹形面(31)展現陰影效應;於是,利用上揭 製法所造成之功效則如附件一之照片所示;其三張照片排 20列係與第七〜第九圖所示者相同。而由照片中清楚顯示, 該凹形面(31)會浮現逼真傳的立體人像,且無論是正視或 斜視,佛像始終注視著你,有多角度呈現功能,予人活靈活 現、栩栩如生的視覺感受,較之傳統立體人像更具真實感。 請再參閱第十圖所示,本發明之再一可行實施例,係 _ 第7頁 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4规格(2丨ϋ X W7公及) ----------i------ΪΤ------ί (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填巧本页) 448 0 9 8 A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(六) 將構成凹形面(3 1)的全部背面部位,為利用透光材料所構 成之透光體(37),而位於凹形面的立體人像輪廓,則,仍依 照前揭實施例所述之凹凸交錯方式而設置;惟本實施例之 凹形面(31)表面,勿須塗覆反光薄層,但須在背部適當位 5 置設有發光源(4),藉由發光源(4)之光線投射穿過透光體 (37),使得正面所視之凹形面(31)具有陰影視覺效應,且 此種利用投射穿過透光體(37)所獲致之立體人像的視覺 效果,與前述利用反光薄層(32)或是在凹形面(31)前方設 有發光源(4)之製法相較,贲有異曲同工之妙。因此可依 10 照人像的特性而選用適當之製法,例如佛像就很適合在表 面塗覆反光薄層(32),如此可獲得極佳之視覺效果。此夕卜, 其他人像則可依其輪廓或背景,選擇正面投射光源或是背 部投射的方式,以達最佳實施狀態。 是以,本發明確係利用自然法則所產生的技術思想, 15 表現在方法或物的用途上,而依據此一方法所製成之凹形 立體人像,確實可達預期之功效增進;是故,當己符合發明 專利要件,祈請惠予審査,如有任何質疑,發明人可提供 樣品或接受面詢,請不吝指正,並盼核賜專利,以勵創新, 無任德感。 20 附件一係本發明實施樣品之照片三張。 第8頁 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4現格(210x2y7公A ) ---------^------訂------線1 I - (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填艿木頁)4 48 0 9 8 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (―) The present invention relates to a method for making a concave three-dimensional portrait, especially a setting that uses the unevenness of the concave and convex on the outline of a concave portrait, and is supplemented with the effects of refraction and reflection of light. , And can present a realistic three-dimensional concave three-dimensional portrait with multiple angles. 5 Press, Chinese people respect and worship Buddhist cultural relics or ancient sages. It is printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions and fill in the original stains). Or its related portrait becomes a totem of worship or appreciation; for example, the first picture shows a three-dimensional portrait of Shakyamuni Buddha, which I often admire as a decoration or a Buddhist relic to commemorate, and this three-dimensional portrait It is on a cubic object, according to the outline depth of the character to be displayed and the proportion of five to ten, the portrait shape is concretely displayed. It can be a sculptural form, or it can be cast by metal, plaster, poly, or shot. However, the sculptural portrait made by this method is a figurative form, but lacks an all-round and multi-angled charm; therefore, it gives people a more rigid mind and visual experience. It cannot be as vivid as a photo or a portrait, giving it a lifelike feel. For example, whether the picture of the Sun Yat-Sen is facing up, squinting, or slightly looking up or down, if you look at it from any angle, you can feel that Sun Yat-sen is looking at you expressively. The vision that changes with the angle is difficult to describe. It is a bronze statue of the founding father. No matter from which angle you view it, it always stands still. There are no 20 ways to give people a vivid visual experience like photos or portraits. However, when the three-dimensional portrait (1) shown in the first figure is cast, injection-molded or infused, it must be manufactured by using the reverse-mold mold (2), as shown in the schematic diagram of the second figure. That is, the inside of the mold (2) is based on the contour of the three-dimensional portrait (1), and the concave mold is reversely carved at a ratio of 1: 1. Page 3 This paper applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 坭 Grid (210X) 297 public) 448098 Economy · Consumer cooperation of employees of the Central Bureau of Standards Printing A7 B7 V. Description of invention (b) (20) State, for example, the lip (11) of the three-dimensional portrait (1) is concave, The cavity (20) must be carved into a convex shape (21); the eyes (12) of the three-dimensional portrait (1) are concave, and the cavity (20) must also be carved into a convex shape (22). ); Since the second figure is a type of a frontal cross-sectional view, it is not easy to display the shape of the eye (22) in the die 5 (20), so please refer to the third figure again for its disclosure From the side cross-sectional view of the direction of the eye part, the eye (12) in the concave mold (20) relative to the three-dimensional portrait (1) can be clearly displayed, It shows a convex state (22); therefore, if we look at the female mold (20) of the mold (2) from the AA aspect of the second figure, it will present an inconspicuous outline of the portrait, that is, the original 10 original depressions. The eyes (12) and lips (11) are convex in the concave mold (20), giving people a weird visual experience. As the inventor has been engaged in the manufacture and design of related portraits for a long time, he found that the concave mold ( 20) Although the profile of the portrait presented is weird at the top, there is a special situation and visual experience that the three-dimensional portrait (1) cannot reach. Therefore, 15 is actively researched, and after continuous testing and improvement, the invention is finally completed. The reason is that the main purpose of the present invention is to provide a method for producing a concave three-dimensional portrait. "Effectiveness of Concave Three-Dimensional Portraits" 20 In order to allow your reviewers to have a more detailed understanding of the methods, features, and effects of the present invention, the preferred embodiments are described in conjunction with the drawings as follows: (1) Description of the drawings : The first image is an external perspective view of a conventional three-dimensional portrait. The second picture is a schematic diagram of a conventional three-dimensional portrait method. __ 第 4 页 _ This paper size applies the Chinese Standard (CNS) Λ4 ^ (2U &x; 2x7) 犮 ------------ Λ ------, 玎- ---- ^-(Please read the unintentional matter on the back of the frame before filling out this book). Δ Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 4 4 09 8 A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (III) 15 20 Chapter The third figure is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the second figure at a different angle. The fourth figure is an external perspective view of a feasible embodiment of the present invention. The fifth figure is a cross-sectional view of a possible embodiment of the present invention. The sixth diagram is a schematic diagram of another feasible embodiment of the present invention. The seventh figure is a front view of yet another feasible embodiment of the present invention. The eighth figure is a right oblique view of another possible embodiment of the present invention. The ninth figure is a left oblique view of another possible embodiment of the present invention. The tenth figure is a side cross-sectional view of yet another feasible embodiment of the present invention. ) Description of drawing number: (3) Object (36) Neck (31) Concave surface (37) Light transmitting body (32) Reflective thin layer (4) Luminous source (33), (34) Projection (w) Wall (33 '), (34') concave (21), (22) convex (35) nose First, please refer to the fourth and fifth figures, a feasible embodiment of the present invention, which is an object (3) On the surface, a predetermined portrait or image is formed by a general reverse engraving method to form a concave three-dimensional portrait whose contour is the concave surface (31) of the object (3), which is characterized by: The concave three-dimensional portrait contour set by the reverse engraving molding method, in particular, must originally present a convex contour portion during molding, so that it is set in a concave direction to become a deep concave surface (3 1 ) Type; and after the above steps are completed, a reflective thin layer (32) is coated on the surface of the concave surface (31) to form a polyline or reflection, and there is a shadow visual effect, so that the concave surface (3 1) is Different (1) Three-dimensional portrait (11) Lips (12) Eyes (2) Mold (20) Female mold Page 5 This paper size is applicable to China National Standards (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X2 ^ 7 male t) (Please read the "Italy" item on the back before filling this page) Thread 448 09 8 A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (4) Realistic and vivid three-dimensional portraits can emerge from the angles. In the above-mentioned embodiment, the object (3) is an independent object that can be moved, carried, and decorated with a small volume; the object includes metal casting, injection molding, sculpture, Polly infusion, or Made of other materials. 5 However, when the molding is performed, the contour part of the person originally appears convex, especially including eyes, lips, etc. Please refer to the fifth figure. In the concave surface (31), the imaginary line shows The protrusions (33) and (34) are the positions of the eyes and lips formed by ordinary reverse engraving, respectively. In the present invention, they are set in the opposite direction and are changed into depressions that penetrate into the concave surface (31) ( 3 3 ') and (34'); and part 10 (35) of the nose was originally concave, so it had no effect. As for the neck part represented by the imaginary line (36), it can be shifted inward and close to the position indicated by the chin to the arrow (3 6 ′) to avoid shading and fail to fully display the shadow visual effect. The shadow visual effect is achieved by a reflective thin layer (32) coated on the surface of the concave surface (31). And the reflective thin layer (3 2) is preferably composed of gold foil or 15 equivalent paint, because the gold foil has excellent reflection and refraction effects, which can make the three-dimensional portrait appear vivid and vivid, like the fourth picture The situation presented. Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) The examples shown in Figures 4 and 5 are difficult to show the effect of the present invention, which is not easy to express because of the diagram The realistic 20-story visual effect exhibited by the concave surface (31) will be supplemented by a real photo later. In addition to the foregoing embodiments, the concave three-dimensional portrait of the present invention can be provided on objects such as casting, injection molding, sculpture, or infusion molding, and it can also be provided on the wall (W) of a large building or temple, which is sufficient to show carved beams, paintings, Majestic landscape with magnificent momentum. As shown in another embodiment of the sixth figure. Page 6 This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X 297 gong) 448096 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 _ B7 V. Description of the invention (5) Of course, the concave three-dimensional portrait is also It can be set on other objects such as acrylic plates, so I won't go into details. In the meantime, please return to the fourth and fifth figures, another feasible embodiment of the present invention is provided in front of the concave surface (31) (below the front is the best) is provided with a 5 to project light on Light source recessed into the surface of the three-dimensional portrait (4). The light source (4) can be made of wax, light bulbs, or other objects that emit light. By projecting light on the concave surface (31) by the light source (4), it has the same effect as coating a reflective thin layer (32) on the surface of the concave surface (31), and can produce a shadowy vision of 10 Effect, so that the concave surface (31) exhibits a realistic three-dimensional portrait effect. "In order to allow your review committee to understand the effect achieved by the present invention in detail, the inventor set up a sample by hand. As shown in the figure, the seventh figure is a front view; the eighth figure is a right side oblique view; the ninth figure is a left side oblique view; and the contour of the portrait set on the concave surface (31) of the object (3) is Maitreya Buddha shape, and its setting is completed in accordance with the above-mentioned method of embossing the concave and convex interlace, and a reflective thin layer (32) is coated on the surface of the concave surface (31) or the concave surface (31) is made by using the front light source (4). The shadow effect is displayed; therefore, the effect caused by the above-mentioned method is shown in the photo of Annex 1. The three rows of 20 photos are the same as those shown in the seventh to ninth figures. And it is clearly shown in the photo that the concave surface (31) will appear a realistic three-dimensional portrait, and whether it is face up or squint, the buddha always looks at you, has a multi-angle presentation function, giving people a vivid and lifelike visual experience. More realistic than traditional three-dimensional portraits. Please refer to the tenth figure again, another possible embodiment of the present invention is _ page 7 This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (2 丨 ϋ X W7 and) ------ ---- i ------ ΪΤ ------ ί (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) 448 0 9 8 A7 B7 Printed by the Staff Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 6. Description of the Invention (6) All the back parts constituting the concave surface (3 1) are made of light-transmitting body (37) made of light-transmitting materials, and the three-dimensional portrait contour on the concave surface is still in accordance with the previous The concave-convex staggering method described in the embodiment is provided; however, the surface of the concave surface (31) of this embodiment does not need to be coated with a reflective thin layer, but a light source (4) must be provided at an appropriate position on the back. The light from the luminous source (4) is projected through the translucent body (37), so that the concave surface (31) viewed from the front has a shadow visual effect, and this is obtained by using the projection through the translucent body (37) The visual effect of the three-dimensional portrait is compared with the aforementioned method of using a reflective thin layer (32) or a light source (4) in front of the concave surface (31). wonderful. Therefore, an appropriate manufacturing method can be selected according to the characteristics of a portrait. For example, a Buddha statue is very suitable for coating a reflective thin layer (32) on the surface, so that excellent visual effects can be obtained. In addition, other portraits can choose the front projection light source or the back projection method according to their contour or background to achieve the best implementation status. Therefore, the present invention is indeed a technical idea produced by the laws of nature. 15 It is expressed in the method or the purpose of the object, and the concave three-dimensional portrait made according to this method can indeed achieve the expected increase in efficacy; When the requirements of the invention patent have been met, we ask for your review. If you have any questions, the inventor can provide samples or accept interviews, please correct me, and look forward to granting patents to encourage innovation without sense of moral integrity. 20 Attachment 1 is three photos of the samples of the present invention. Page 8 This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 is now (210x2y7 male A) --------- ^ ------ Order ------ Line 1 I-(Please (Read the notes on the back before filling out the rafter page.)

Claims (1)

448 A8 B8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍 1 · 一種凹面立體人像之製法,其係在一物體之表 面,將所預定之人像或圖像,藉由一般反向刻模成型方式, 形成一凹入之立體人像輪廓在物體的凹形面,其特徵在於: 該以反向刻模成型方式所設成之凹形立體人像輪廓, 特別須於成型時原本會呈現凸出型態之輪廓部位,令其反 向凹陷而設置,變成深入凹形面的型態;並於上述步驟完成 後,在凹形面表面塗覆反光薄層,藉以形成折線或反射,而 有陰影視覺效應,使凹形面在不同角度都得以浮現逼真傳 神之立體人像者。 2 *如申請專利範圍第1項所述之凹面立體人像之製 法,其中,該物體包括建築物、廟宇之牆面,或是較小且可 移動、攜帶、擺飾之獨立物件。 3·如申請專利範圍第2項所述之凹面立體人像之製 法,其中,所述獨立物件係包括由金屬鑄造、射出成型、雕 塑、波麗灌注,或是其他材質所構成者》 4 *如申請專利範圍第1項所述之凹面立體人像之製 法,其中,該反光薄層係由金箔或其等效塗料所構成者為較 佳。 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本页) 5 · —種凹面立體人像之製法,其係在一物體之表面, 將所預定之人像或圖像,藉由一般反向刻模成型方式,形成 一凹入之立體人像輪廓在物體的凹形面,其特徵在於: 該以反向刻模成型方式所設成之凹形立體人像輪廓, 特別須於成型時原本會呈現凸出型態之輪廓部位,令其反 第9頁 本紙張尺度適用中國困家標準< CNS > Μ規格(210X297公釐)448 A8 B8 C8 D8 6. Scope of Patent Application1. A method for manufacturing a concave three-dimensional portrait, which is a method of forming a concave shape on the surface of an object by using a general reverse die-casting method. The contour of the three-dimensional portrait on the concave surface of the object is characterized by: The concave three-dimensional portrait contour set by the reverse engraving molding method, in particular, it must have a convex part of the contour when forming, so that It is set in a reverse depression to become a type that penetrates into the concave surface. After the above steps are completed, a reflective thin layer is coated on the surface of the concave surface to form a polyline or reflection, and there is a shadow visual effect to make the concave surface Realistic and vivid three-dimensional portraits have emerged from different angles. 2 * The method for manufacturing a concave three-dimensional portrait as described in item 1 of the scope of patent application, wherein the object includes the wall surface of a building, a temple, or a small independent object that can be moved, carried, or decorated. 3. The method of manufacturing concave three-dimensional portraits as described in item 2 of the scope of the patent application, wherein the independent objects include those made of metal casting, injection molding, sculpture, Polly infusion, or other materials "4 * 如The method for manufacturing a concave three-dimensional portrait described in item 1 of the scope of the patent application, wherein the reflective thin layer is preferably made of gold foil or an equivalent paint. Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) 5-A method of making concave three-dimensional portraits, which is the surface of an object, the predetermined portrait or image, Through the general reverse engraving molding method, a concave three-dimensional portrait contour is formed on the concave surface of the object, which is characterized by: The concave three-dimensional portrait contour set by the reverse engraving molding method, which is particularly necessary for When molding, it would originally show a contoured part of the profile, making it anti-page. The paper size on page 9 is applicable to the standards of the Chinese family < CNS > M (210X297 mm)
TW87112128A 1998-07-24 1998-07-24 Method for producing concave three-dimensional human image TW448098B (en)

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TW87112128A TW448098B (en) 1998-07-24 1998-07-24 Method for producing concave three-dimensional human image

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TW87112128A TW448098B (en) 1998-07-24 1998-07-24 Method for producing concave three-dimensional human image

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TW87112128A TW448098B (en) 1998-07-24 1998-07-24 Method for producing concave three-dimensional human image

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