TW201026342A - Plasma torch air purifier - Google Patents

Plasma torch air purifier Download PDF


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TW201026342A TW98100131A TW98100131A TW201026342A TW 201026342 A TW201026342 A TW 201026342A TW 98100131 A TW98100131 A TW 98100131A TW 98100131 A TW98100131 A TW 98100131A TW 201026342 A TW201026342 A TW 201026342A
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Spencer Szu-Ping Kuo
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Spencer Szu-Ping Kuo
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Application filed by Spencer Szu-Ping Kuo filed Critical Spencer Szu-Ping Kuo
Priority to TW98100131A priority Critical patent/TWI392521B/en
Publication of TW201026342A publication Critical patent/TW201026342A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI392521B publication Critical patent/TWI392521B/en



  • Disinfection, Sterilisation Or Deodorisation Of Air (AREA)
  • Physical Or Chemical Processes And Apparatus (AREA)
  • Plasma Technology (AREA)


An air purifier to improve air quality for breathing is invented. A magnetized torch module that passes a large airflow is designed. The emission spectroscopy of the torch indicates that the plasma effluent carries an abundance of reactive atomic oxygen (RAO), which can effectively kill all kind microbes. The invention employs two torch modules which run alternately to generate non-thermal plasma for air treatment via both thermal/non-thermal processes. The airflow through the on-torch module is mainly treated thermally. A controlling air valve is designed to direct the exiting airflow of the off-torch module to pass through the plasma torch of the on-torch module for non-thermal treatment. The controlling air valve also works to turn the torch modules on and off synchronizing with the close and open of the two air valves in the controlling air valve. This device purifies ambient air in a fast rate and kills microbes thoroughly. This invention is suitable for applications such as household air purifier, integrating it to building HVAC system, and hospital air disinfector and maintaining the air quality of the clean rooms.


201026342 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明專注於使用電漿火炬完成消毒的空氣淨化器的設計。包括新磁 化火炬模組及控制空氣閥的設計。磁化火炬模組增加氣流量並保持穩定電 弧放電。兩個火炬交替操作免除冷卻需要,控制空氣閥引導經由停電的火 炬模組流出的空氣橫向流過放電的火炬模組的火炬。火炬的電漿流s插帶 大量活性氧原子能殺死所有種類微生物〇所以,雖然只有一個火炬在操作, • 流過兩火炬模組的空氣都經過處理。本裝置的應用是空氣的淨化及消毒。 【先前技術】 一般空氣淨化器使用過濂器去除空氣的灰塵及/或微生物〇過濾器不能 殺死微生物,所以,不論是清洗或更換處理過濾器都需要小心。 S. P. Kuo等□-種模組火炬的設計及電氣特徵”發明的火炬模組”發表 於IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.第27卷第3號752-758頁1999及美國專利 β 6,329,628標題為“產生電漿火炬的方法及裝置?中揭露的火炬模組應用氣流 穩定放電產生的電漿火炬。該火炬模組可以在低頻(如60Hz)週期放電模式 下運作產生低溫不平衡空氣電漿。不平衡的電漿火炬,有效地應用放電供應 的電子電漿能量,用來生產活性氧(ROS),而非用於加熱火炬氣流。活性氧 (特別是活性氧原子(RAO)能有效殺死微生物包括最頑強的病菌,細菌孢 子,如 Anthrax (見Phvs. Plasma.第6卷2284-2289頁 1999 , H. W. Herrmann 等 發表的"使用常壓電漿噴流(APPJ)去除化學與生物戰劑(CBW)污染?以下 201026342 稱Herrmann文章),及Phvs. Plasma»第 12卷02M0U1-6、, 02/2005 , Wilson Lai 等發表的“使用微波電漿去除生物戰劑汙染?以下稱Lai文章))。 電漿火炬需要的放電電壓與兩(同心)電極之間的間隙成比例。因此, 間隙一般都很小,限制了氣流量。空氣淨化的應用需要大流量。但氣流經過 間隙的流量與環形間隙的橫斷面積成比例,此面積為間隙闊度與環形間隙 周長度的乘稹。環間隙周長可用增加火炬模組的徑向尺寸而增加。同時操 φ 作多個火炬模組也可增加流量。 【發明內容】 新設計的空氣淨化器能澈底殺死微生物,所以用來收集灰塵及死去微 生物的過濂器並未污染。 於火炬模組的設計,外部電極的內徑增為20 mm。 中心電極是一種直徑 為18 mm的塞縫片式銅盤,即是盤的側面具有凹槽。塞縫片結構增進放電 性能並且在同樣的間隙闊度下增加氣流量。圖1為火炬模組的示意圜,其 中顯示的照片為:模組架座(b),中電極(c),模組側視照(d)及模組上視 照(e)。空氣淨化器的設計採用交替操作兩個火炬模組的方式來產生處理空 氣的電漿火炬。本裝置設計有同步控制空氣閥致使經過兩火炬模組的氣流 都會被火炬處理,即產生火炬的氣流當然被火炬處理,而從停電的火炬模 組流出的空氣則是經由一風管橫向流過火炬被處理。 使用兩火炬及交替操作的儍點為:1)免除火炬模組冷卻需要,及2)加倍 201026342 氣流流量及空氣處理速度。 _2為系統圖》如所示,本裝置具4個層,從底部算起,第一層含有一 對火炬模組及電源器。這一層具有一空氣入口位於電源器旁邊致使空氣在 流到火炬模組之前可以先冷卻電源器。圖3為火炬模組對的詳細示意圖。如 所示,火炬模組被位於上一層的控制空氣閥的風管蓋住β控制空氣閥具有 一個風管及兩個位於兩端的閥引導及控制火炬模組排出的氣流在通道管中 的流動方向。圖4a為控制空氣閥。風管具有電接地。與兩模組接地線相連 的兩閥在打開位置時與風管電絕緣,但閥在關閉位置時與風管連電。如圖 4a及4b所示,兩閥係利用固定在風管側壁上的拉式線性電磁閥,交替的關閉 及打開去和電路的接地線連接及切斷,如此地控制兩火炬的開及關。例如 圖3所示,左邊(LHS)問在關閉狀態,右邊(RHS)火炬模組的接地線則與風管 電接觸,所以該火炬模組在運轉。右邊閥則是打開的。所以,經過左邊關 閉模組流出的氣流被迫流向右邊,並由右邊火炬模組產生的電漿火炬加以 處理。電磁閥的電開關固定在風管的上面。.如圖4b及4c所示,此一,’壓放式 電開關”使用固定在風管另一側面上的同步交流齒輪馬達組成一定時器,以 設定的時間週期(由馬達的轉速(RPM)決定)機械式地開關。第三層配置離心 式風扇,將第二層風管的處理空氣抽到上層的空氣過濾器。處理的空氣經 過過濾器後流回大氣。 本發明使用電源器具有圖5所示的簡單電路。使用普通的交流電源,如 60 Hz (或50 Hz)的家用插座。變壓器的轉數比1 : 17是根據120V输入電 壓。如果输入電壓為220V ,則減為1 : 9«» 201026342 【實施方式】 本發明專注於一種配備電漿火炬的空氣淨化器的創新設計,利用放電 及電漿火炬的電漿流體淨化空氣中微生物及化學物的汙染。電弧放電直接 殺死微生物,及電漿流體產生的活性氧原子(RAO)用來殺死微生物及經由氧 化中和化學物質。以下敘述除為使熟悉技藝之人可製造與使用本發明,尚 包括本發明之特定應用與其應用條件。關於具體賁施例的數種修改,對於 0 熟悉技藝之人而言為可思及,且下述的一般原則亦適用於其他具體賁施例 與應用中。因此本發明之範圍不限於本說明書中所示之具雔實施例。 以下,6.1節介紹本發明可實行的功能。6.2節則說明根據本發明製造 的裝置的結構〇 6.3節敘述本發明的應用。6.4節說明裝置的操作》最後,6.5 節提出本發明的結論。 6.1功能 ® 本發明用來淨化空氣達到安全及高品質的呼吸空氣。裝置的電漿火炬 在其電漿流髖內產生大量的活性氧原子。活性氧原子能有效殺死所有種類 的微生物及中和化學物。另外,經適放電的火炬模組的氣流內的微生物被 電弧放電及熱量直接殺死。空氣中的灰塵及化學物經由燃燒,中和及最後 的過濾消除。火炬也產生健康氣髏如氧化氮(NO)(見Kuo等在IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,第32卷262-268頁2004 ,發表的”週期性運轉的電漿火炬的特 性?以下稱Kuo的文章))。氧化氮保護心臟,激勵大腦,殺死細菌等,陳述 於Karolinska Institute的諾貝爾大會於October 12,1998的新聞發表。 201026342 6.2結構 以下是根據圖2的系統配置說明設計的空氣淨化器。 圖2所示的裝置由4個部份組成相叠成4層(100, 200, 300,400)6最下層 (100)放置火炬模組(101)及電源器(102)。如所示,本層具有空氣入口位於電 源器旁。如此流入的空氣在流入火炬模組(101)之前可以先冷卻電源器 (102)。兩個火炬模組交替操作,但空氣連績流過兩模組《氣流在停電期間 • 冷卻火炬模組〇因此,第二層(200)裝置了一個控制空氣閥(201),用來引導 從停電的火炬模組流出尚未處理的氣流,橫向流過放電的火炬模組產生的 電漿火炬。.控制空氣閥由一風管(201)及位於兩端的兩個空氣閥(202)組成。 兩空氣閥由一拉式線型電磁閥(203)控制其交替開關。電磁閥的定時器(壓放 式電開關及同步交流齒輪馬達)並未顯示《此一控制空氣閥也代表圖5中的電 開關(515)。如圖3所示,各火炬模組的接地線(311)連接對面的閥(312)或 (316)b閥(312)是在打開位置,與風管(313)電絕緣,使相對的火炬模組(314) g 停電。而閥(316)是關閉的與風管(313)電接觸(317),因此相對的火炬模組 (315)是在放電。所以,火炬模組的電開關與空氣閥(312, 316)的關開同步。 風扇(301)位於第三眉(300)〇風扇抽動氣流〇從底層的空氣入口吸入空 氣然後抽送處理過空氣經過最上層(400)的空氣過濾器(401)後排放。 如圖1所示,本裝置使用的火炬模組具有兩個主要組件:充氣室(111) 為模組的架座(112)及外部電極(113),及塞縫片銅盤(114)製成的中心電極由 導電桿(115)支撐及由瓷管(116)固定中心位置。圖4是控制空氣問(410)的照 201026342 片,由接地風管(411)及兩個非導電髏的空氣閥(412 , 413)組成並安裝在火 炬模組的頂部控制火炬模組排出氣流的流向。導電帶(414)鑲嵌在閥板上以 便在關閉位置時電接觸風管(411)。導電帶(414)連接位於對面的火炬模組的 接地線(416)。空氣閥(412 , 413)的開關動作由拉式線型電磁閥(417)控制, 依定時設定的週期(如10 s)交替打開及關閉。電磁閥(417)的關閉定時器是 由一壓放式電開關(419)和一同步交流齒輪馬達(418)組成。 ^ 本發明使用的電源器(510)具有如圖5所示的簡單電路,使用普通的交 流電源,如60Hz (或50 Hz)的家用壁上插座。此電源器使用單一功率變壓 器(511),其變換比率為1 : 17將插座的输出電壓120V提升至2 kV(rms), 即是最高電壓為2.83 kV(此變壓器也許可用 inverter 替代)。.變壓器的输出 連接1湩電容器(512),然後連接兩火炬模組(513,514)的中心電極。電開關 (515)連接兩火炬模組的接地線,讓兩火炬模組交替地放電及停電,並與空氣 閥的關及開同步。如圖2所示底層(100)右邊的電源器,放置在靠近空氣入口 使得流入的空氣能有效地冷卻電源器。 ❹ 6.3發明的應用 6.3.1空氣淨化及消毒 根據6.2節的描述所製造的發明裝置,可以用來淨化周圃空氣,讓呼吸 安全及健氣經由燃燒及過濂清除灰塵粉末,經由放電,火炬發熱及氧化(利 用活性氧原子),殺死帶病微生物,經由氧化中和化學物,及產生有助呼吸 的健康氣體如氧化氮(NO)。 201026342 6.3.2應用 根據6.2節的說明所製造的發明裝置的應用,包括1)家庭空氣消毒器 /淨化器,2)結合建築物中央空調系統來淨化空氣,及3)醫院使用,提升無菌 室的無菌程度及維持無菌室的空氣品質。 6.4具髏賁施例的操作 根據6.2節說明的空氣淨化器可以將電源線***標準家庭用120V壁 φ 上插座。操作火炬放電功能的電壓,電流,及功率如圖6所示。電弧的啟 動電壓為約3 kV及最高電弧電流小於5A。最高功率小於2 kW,平均功率 約400 W低於家用15 A斷路器的額定1.8 kW。兩火炬可開-關交替運轉10 秒鐘(使用3 RPM同步交流齒输馬達作為定時器)。 根據現有風扇及速度,本裝置可淨化空氣的速率為每分鐘300 to 600 公升。 6.5結論 本發明設計出一種火炬模組能流通大量氣流並產生攜帶許多活性氧 原子的電漿流髖。發明的電漿火炬空氣淨化器係操作兩個該種火炬模組同 時應用熱處理和非熱處理(利用活性氧原子)方式澈底地淨化及消毒周圃空 氣。因為裝置的過濾器不被污染,可安全更換過濂器。裝置己完成性能測 驗。結果證明裝置可以處理周圍空氣的速率為每分鐘300 to 600公升。只 消耗適度的功率。 這種空氣淨化器的製造,可使用市場現有機件,如風扇,過濂器,拉式 201026342 線型電磁閥,同步交流齒輪馬達,及電源器的電路組件,及結合6.2節所 細述的設計組件,包括火炬模組及控制空氣閥。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖包括(a)磁化火炬模組示意圖,(b)模組架座照片,(c)中心電極照片,⑼ 模組側視照(無磁鐵),及(e)模組上視照(無磁鐵)。 第2圖為本發明的配置圃。 第3圖為被控制空氣閥覆蓋的一對火炬模組的詳細配置示意圖。 第4圖為控制空氣閥的照片顯示(a)—風管及兩空氣閥,(b) 一拉式線型電 磁閥,一同步交流齒輪馬達,一壓放式電開關,及電連接,及(c)圖b 轉90度。 第5圜為電源器電路圖。 ® 第6圖陳示放電的電壓(V),電流(1),及功率(p)的時間函數。 【主要元件符號說明】201026342 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention focuses on the design of an air purifier that uses a plasma torch to perform sterilization. Includes new magnetized torch modules and control air valve designs. The magnetized torch module increases airflow and maintains a stable arc discharge. The alternate operation of the two torches eliminates the need for cooling, and the control air valve directs the air flowing out of the power-off torch module to flow laterally through the torch of the discharged torch module. The torch's plasma flow s is inserted. A large number of active oxygen atoms can kill all kinds of microorganisms. Therefore, although only one torch is in operation, the air flowing through the two torch modules is processed. The application of the device is the purification and disinfection of air. [Prior Art] A general air purifier uses a filter to remove dust and/or microbes from the air. The filter does not kill microorganisms, so care must be taken to clean or replace the filter. SP Kuo et al. - Design and Electrical Characteristics of a Model Torch "Invented Torch Module" was published in IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 752-758, 1999, and US Patent 6, 6,329,628 entitled "Generating Electricity The method and apparatus of the slurry torch The plasma torch disclosed in the torch module is applied to the plasma torch generated by the steady flow discharge of the gas torch. The torch module can operate in a low frequency (e.g., 60 Hz) periodic discharge mode to generate low temperature unbalanced air plasma. Unbalanced The plasma torch effectively applies the electrical plasma energy supplied by the discharge to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) rather than heating the flare gas stream. Active oxygen (especially active oxygen atoms (RAO) can effectively kill microorganisms including the most A tenacious pathogen, bacterial spores, such as Anthrax (see Phvs. Plasma. Vol. 6, pp. 2284-2289, 1999, published by HW Herrmann et al.). Using a normal piezoelectric slurry jet (APPJ) to remove chemical and biological warfare agents (CBW) contamination. The following 201026342 called Herrmann article), and Phvs. Plasma» Volume 12 02M0U1-6,, 02/2005, Wilson Lai et al., "Using microwave plasma to remove biological warfare agent contamination?" is Lai article). The discharge voltage required for the plasma torch is proportional to the gap between the two (concentric) electrodes. Therefore, the gap is generally small, limiting the air flow. Air purification applications require large flows. However, the flow rate of the airflow through the gap is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the annular gap, which is the multiplication of the gap width and the length of the annular gap. The circumference of the ring gap can be increased by increasing the radial dimension of the flare module. Simultaneous operation of φ as multiple torch modules can also increase flow. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The newly designed air purifier can kill microorganisms in a clear manner, so the filter for collecting dust and dead microorganisms is not polluted. For the design of the torch module, the outer diameter of the external electrode is increased by 20 mm. The center electrode is a plug-in copper disc having a diameter of 18 mm, that is, the side of the disc has a groove. The slatted sheet structure enhances discharge performance and increases gas flow at the same gap width. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the torch module. The photos shown are: module holder (b), middle electrode (c), module side view (d) and module view (e). The air purifier is designed to alternately operate two torch modules to create a plasma torch that handles air. The device is designed to have a synchronous control air valve so that the airflow passing through the two torch modules is processed by the torch, that is, the airflow generating the torch is of course processed by the torch, and the air flowing out of the power-off torch module flows laterally through a duct. The torch was processed. The stupid points of using two torches and alternate operations are: 1) eliminating the need for cooling of the torch module, and 2) doubling the airflow and air handling speed of 201026342. _2 is the system diagram. As shown in the figure, the device has 4 layers. From the bottom, the first layer contains a pair of torch modules and power supplies. This layer has an air inlet located next to the power supply unit to allow the air to cool the power supply before it flows to the flare module. Figure 3 is a detailed schematic of the torch module pair. As shown, the torch module is covered by the air duct of the control air valve on the upper layer. The beta control air valve has a duct and two valves at both ends to guide and control the flow of the airflow discharged by the flare module in the duct. direction. Figure 4a shows the control air valve. The duct has an electrical ground. The two valves connected to the two module grounding wires are electrically insulated from the duct when in the open position, but are connected to the duct when the valve is in the closed position. As shown in Figures 4a and 4b, the two valves are connected by a pull-type linear solenoid valve fixed to the side wall of the air duct, and are alternately closed and opened to connect and disconnect the grounding wire of the circuit, thus controlling the opening and closing of the two torches. . For example, as shown in Figure 3, the left side (LHS) asks to be in the off state, and the ground line of the right (RHS) torch module is in electrical contact with the duct, so the torch module is running. The right valve is open. Therefore, the airflow flowing through the left shut-off module is forced to the right and is processed by the plasma torch generated by the right torch module. The electric switch of the solenoid valve is fixed on the upper side of the air duct. As shown in Figures 4b and 4c, the 'Push-Pushing Electrical Switch' uses a synchronous AC gear motor fixed to the other side of the duct to form a timer for a set period of time (by the motor's speed (RPM). The decision is made to mechanically switch. The third layer is equipped with a centrifugal fan to pump the treatment air of the second layer of ducts to the upper air filter. The treated air passes through the filter and flows back to the atmosphere. The simple circuit shown in Figure 5. Use a common AC power source, such as a 60 Hz (or 50 Hz) household outlet. The transformer's revolution ratio is 1:17 based on the 120V input voltage. If the input voltage is 220V, it is reduced to 1 : 9«» 201026342 [Embodiment] The present invention focuses on an innovative design of an air purifier equipped with a plasma torch, which utilizes a plasma fluid of a discharge and a plasma torch to purify microorganisms and chemicals in the air. Arc discharge directly kills Dead microorganisms, and reactive oxygen atoms (RAO) produced by plasma fluids are used to kill microorganisms and neutralize chemicals via oxidation. The following description is made to enable the skilled artisan to make and use the invention. The specific application of the present invention and its application conditions are also included. Several modifications to the specific embodiments are considered for those skilled in the art, and the general principles described below are also applicable to other specific embodiments and applications. Therefore, the scope of the present invention is not limited to the specific embodiments shown in the present specification. Hereinafter, Section 6.1 describes the functions that can be carried out by the present invention. Section 6.2 describes the structure of the apparatus manufactured according to the present invention. Section 6.3 describes the present invention. Application. Section 6.4 describes the operation of the device. Finally, Section 6.5 presents the conclusions of the invention. 6.1 Function ® The present invention is used to purify air to achieve safe and high quality breathing air. The device's plasma torch is in its plasma flow hip. Produces a large amount of active oxygen atoms. Active oxygen atoms can effectively kill all kinds of microorganisms and neutralize chemicals. In addition, the microorganisms in the gas flow of the properly discharged torch module are directly killed by arc discharge and heat. The chemicals are eliminated by combustion, neutralization and final filtration. The torch also produces healthy gases such as nitrogen oxides (NO) (see Kuo et al. at IEEE Trans. Plasma Sc). i., Vol. 32, pp. 262-268, 2004, published "The Characteristics of Periodically Operated Plasma Torches? hereinafter referred to as Kuo's article)). Nitric oxide protects the heart, stimulates the brain, kills bacteria, etc., as stated in the press conference of the Nobel Conference of the Karolinska Institute on October 12, 1998. 201026342 6.2 Structure The following is an air purifier designed according to the system configuration instructions of Figure 2. The device shown in Figure 2 consists of four parts stacked in four layers (100, 200, 300, 400) and six lowermost layers (100) with a torch module (101) and a power supply (102). As shown, this layer has an air inlet located next to the power supply. The air thus flowing can cool the power supply (102) before flowing into the flare module (101). The two torch modules operate alternately, but the air continues to flow through the two modules. "Airflow during power outages. • Cooling the torch module. Therefore, the second layer (200) is equipped with a control air valve (201) for guiding the slave. The power-off torch module flows out of the untreated airflow and flows laterally through the plasma torch generated by the discharged torch module. The control air valve consists of a duct (201) and two air valves (202) at both ends. The two air valves are controlled by a pull type linear solenoid valve (203) to alternately switch. The solenoid valve timer (pressure-release electric switch and synchronous AC gear motor) does not show that "this control air valve also represents the electric switch (515) in Figure 5. As shown in Figure 3, the grounding wire (311) of each torch module is connected to the opposite valve (312) or (316)b valve (312) is in the open position, electrically insulated from the air duct (313), so that the opposite torch Module (314) g power outage. The valve (316) is closed to make electrical contact (317) with the duct (313), so the opposing flare module (315) is discharging. Therefore, the electrical switch of the torch module is synchronized with the closing of the air valve (312, 316). The fan (301) is located at the third eyebrow (300). The fan draws airflow, draws air from the underlying air inlet, and then pumps the treated air through the air filter (401) of the uppermost layer (400) for discharge. As shown in Figure 1, the torch module used in the device has two main components: the plenum (111) is the module mount (112) and the outer electrode (113), and the plug copper plate (114) is made. The center electrode is supported by a conductive rod (115) and fixed at a central position by a porcelain tube (116). Figure 4 is a 201026342 piece of control air (410) consisting of a grounded air duct (411) and two non-conductive air valves (412, 413) mounted on the top of the flare module to control the torch module exhaust airflow. The flow of the flow. A conductive strip (414) is mounted on the valve plate to electrically contact the air duct (411) in the closed position. A conductive strip (414) is connected to the grounding wire (416) of the opposite torch module. The switching action of the air valve (412, 413) is controlled by a pull-type solenoid valve (417), which is alternately opened and closed according to a set period (eg, 10 s). The closing timer of the solenoid valve (417) is composed of a pressure-release electric switch (419) and a synchronous AC gear motor (418). The power supply (510) used in the present invention has a simple circuit as shown in Fig. 5, using a conventional AC power source such as a 60 Hz (or 50 Hz) household wall socket. This power supply uses a single power transformer (511) with a conversion ratio of 1:17 to boost the outlet's output voltage from 120V to 2 kV (rms), which is the highest voltage of 2.83 kV (this transformer may be replaced by an inverter). The output of the transformer is connected to a 1-inch capacitor (512) and then connected to the center electrode of the two torch modules (513, 514). The electric switch (515) connects the grounding wires of the two torch modules to alternately discharge and power off the two torch modules, and synchronizes with the closing and opening of the air valve. The power supply to the right of the bottom layer (100) as shown in Figure 2 is placed close to the air inlet so that the incoming air can effectively cool the power supply. 6.3 Application of the invention 6.3.1 Air purification and disinfection The inventive device manufactured according to the description in Section 6.2 can be used to purify the surrounding air, so that the breathing safety and health can be removed from the dust powder through burning and smashing, through the discharge, the torch Heat and oxidation (using active oxygen atoms), killing diseased microorganisms, neutralizing chemicals via oxidation, and producing healthy gases that help to breathe, such as nitrogen oxides (NO). 201026342 6.3.2 Application of the inventive device manufactured according to the instructions in Section 6.2, including 1) home air sterilizer/purifier, 2) combined with the building central air conditioning system to purify the air, and 3) hospital use, upgrade the clean room The degree of sterility and maintaining the air quality of the sterile room. 6.4 Operation of the application The air purifier according to the instructions in Section 6.2 can be plugged into the standard household 120V wall φ upper socket. The voltage, current, and power for operating the torch discharge function are shown in Figure 6. The arc has a starting voltage of approximately 3 kV and a maximum arc current of less than 5A. The maximum power is less than 2 kW and the average power is about 400 W lower than the 1.8 kW rated for household 15 A circuit breakers. The two torches can be switched on and off for 10 seconds (using a 3 RPM synchronous AC gear motor as a timer). Based on existing fans and speeds, the unit can purify air at a rate of 300 to 600 liters per minute. 6.5 Conclusions The present invention contemplates a flare module capable of circulating a large amount of gas flow and producing a plasma flow hip carrying a plurality of active oxygen atoms. The invention of the plasma torch air purifier operates two of the torch modules simultaneously using heat treatment and non-heat treatment (using active oxygen atoms) to purify and disinfect the surrounding air. Because the filter of the device is not contaminated, the filter can be safely replaced. The device has completed a performance test. The results demonstrate that the device can handle ambient air at a rate of 300 to 600 liters per minute. Only moderate power is consumed. This air purifier can be manufactured using existing parts such as fans, filters, pull-type 201026342 linear solenoid valves, synchronous AC gear motors, and power supply circuit components, as well as the design detailed in Section 6.2. Components, including flare modules and control air valves. [Simple diagram of the diagram] Figure 1 includes (a) schematic diagram of the magnetized torch module, (b) photo of the module holder, (c) photo of the center electrode, (9) side view of the module (no magnet), and (e) View on the module (no magnet). Figure 2 is a diagram of the configuration of the present invention. Figure 3 is a detailed configuration diagram of a pair of flare modules covered by a controlled air valve. Figure 4 is a photo display of the control air valve (a) - duct and two air valves, (b) a pull-line type solenoid valve, a synchronous AC gear motor, a pressure-release type electric switch, and an electrical connection, and c) Figure b is rotated 90 degrees. The fifth is the power supply circuit diagram. ® Figure 6 shows the time function of the voltage (V), current (1), and power (p) of the discharge. [Main component symbol description]

Claims (1)

201026342 七、申請專利範圍: 1. 一種裝置用來淨化及消毒周圉空氣提供安全及健康的呼吸,裝置包括: 一對磁化火炬模組;一個控制空氣閥引導氣流通過處理區並交替轉換火 炬模組放電與停電;一個電源器啟動火炬模組;一個離心式風扇將空氣抽 入裝置,用來冷卻電源器,供應空氣流至火炬模組,並抽送處理過空氣經過 過滅器回到大氣;及一個過濾器收集處理過空氣中剩餘物。 2. 如申請專利範圍第〗項之裝置,其中該磁化火炬模組包括團筒座,中心電 極,絕緣瓷管,及環形永久磁鐵。圓筒座作為外部電極及充氣室,同時 支撐環形磁鐵。中心電極為塞縫片式銅盤由一導電桿支撐。導電桿並作 為與外部電連接及***一沿圓筒座中心軸的瓷管來固定銅盤的中心位 置。 3. 如申請專利範圈第1項之裝置,其中兩火炬模組使用單一電源交替運轉, 火炬模組的放電與停電與控制空氣閥的空氣閥的關-開同步,引導從停電 的火炬模組流出尚未處理的氣流,横向流過放電的火炬模組產生的電漿 火炬得到非熱處理。 4·如申請專利範圍第1項之裝置,其中電漿火炬產生擓帶許多活性氧原子的 電漿流體,能同時應用熱處理和非熱處理(利用活性氧原子)方式澈底地 淨化及消毒周圍空氣。 5.如申請專利範圍第3項之裝置,其中電源器可採用60Hz/120V(rms)交流 電源,其時間平均的功率消耗約600 W。201026342 VII. Patent application scope: 1. A device used to purify and disinfect peripheral air to provide safe and healthy breathing. The device includes: a pair of magnetized torch modules; a control air valve guides the airflow through the treatment zone and alternately converts the torch mode Group discharge and power outage; a power supply starts the torch module; a centrifugal fan draws air into the device to cool the power supply, supply air to the torch module, and pump the treated air through the extinguisher back to the atmosphere; And a filter collects the remainder of the treated air. 2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the magnetized torch module comprises a bobbin holder, a center electrode, an insulated porcelain tube, and a ring-shaped permanent magnet. The cylindrical seat serves as an external electrode and a plenum chamber while supporting the ring magnet. The center electrode is a plug-in copper disk supported by a conductive rod. The conductive rod is electrically connected to the outside and inserted into a ceramic tube along the central axis of the cylindrical seat to fix the center position of the copper disk. 3. For the device of patent application No. 1, the two torch modules are operated alternately with a single power supply. The discharge and power failure of the torch module are synchronized with the air valve of the control air valve to guide the torch mode from the power failure. The group flows out of the untreated air stream, and the plasma torch generated by the flare module flowing laterally through the discharge is non-heat treated. 4. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the plasma torch produces a plasma fluid with a plurality of active oxygen atoms, which can simultaneously purify and disinfect the surrounding air by heat treatment and non-heat treatment (using active oxygen atoms). 5. The device of claim 3, wherein the power supply can be powered by a 60 Hz/120 volt (rms) alternating current source with a time average power consumption of about 600 watts.
TW98100131A 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Plasma torch air purifier TWI392521B (en)

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TW98100131A TWI392521B (en) 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Plasma torch air purifier

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TW98100131A TWI392521B (en) 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 Plasma torch air purifier

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US9993829B2 (en) 2016-07-11 2018-06-12 Creating Nano Technologies, Inc. Plasma purification module

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