TW200837279A - A low-speed wind propelable wind power generator of inner-rotor type - Google Patents

A low-speed wind propelable wind power generator of inner-rotor type Download PDF


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TW200837279A TW096107108A TW96107108A TW200837279A TW 200837279 A TW200837279 A TW 200837279A TW 096107108 A TW096107108 A TW 096107108A TW 96107108 A TW96107108 A TW 96107108A TW 200837279 A TW200837279 A TW 200837279A
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TWI326741B (en
Kuo-Hua Huang
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Superb Electric Co Ltd
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Application filed by Superb Electric Co Ltd filed Critical Superb Electric Co Ltd
Priority to TW096107108A priority Critical patent/TWI326741B/en
Publication of TW200837279A publication Critical patent/TW200837279A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI326741B publication Critical patent/TWI326741B/en



    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/70Wind energy
    • Y02E10/72Wind turbines with rotation axis in wind direction


  • Wind Motors (AREA)


A wind power generator of the inner-rotor type implements a windmill to start the generator for generating electric power. The windmill is composed of five to six plate-shaped blades which are installed on the periphery of a blade hub in the manner that each two adjacent blades are separated with an equal interval and the diameter of the blade hub is at least equal to the half of the length of each of the blades. The generator is of the inner-rotor type and is characterized by the properties of low rotor Inertia and low cogging torgue. A high voltage is generated by the generator can be later adjusted to a particular voltage output by means of a rear transforming system.


200837279 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 • 本案與風力發電設備有關,更詳而言之,係-種能以低風速啟動之 " 内轉子式風力發電機。 【先前技術】 鑒於七〇年代末期的石油危機,許多歐美國家開始尋求能源出路, 最積極的是丹麥,自八〇年代初起,丹麥政府即十分熱衷地支持風力發 ( 電戶斤以’現在丹麥擁有舉世最傲人的風機工業,甚至取代漁業成為出 口第二大宗貨物。該國風力發電量至2000年底達用電量16%,丹麥政 : 府甚至計劃至2030年將風電提高至50%。德國則是從一九九一年開始 : 立法,規定風電電價為最終用戶價格的百分之九十,立法後,風電有風 起雲湧的發展,甚至後來居上。德國至2000年底已裝有九千多台風機, 2000年單年裝機更達167〇MW,相當於半個核四,超過了德國所有傳 統發電的總合為全球之冠。 ( 就台灣發電業結構觀之,一九九九年有67.3%的電來自火力發電, 26.8%來自核能,5·9%來自水力發電。核能發電的經濟效益一直被許多 的先進國家執疑,以英國、美國及德國為例,其在電業自由化後,許多 核包廠因經濟效益太低而自動關閉。估且排除經濟效益一事,核能發電 所產生的核廢料及核電廠事故更可能帶給後代子孫無窮的禍害。至於火 力發電’則因油料依賴進口,而有國家安全以及經濟自主性的相關影 響’而其所造成的環境污染問題,亦不容小覷。水力發電在我國目前雖 只佔個位數的使用比例,但對於自然環境、河川濬流的破壞也應認真評 5 200837279 估0 ^改變,發《結構,風力發電是可行的方案,經學者專家評估, 口/弓為風&潛力優_地區,若能大量有效的使用此得天獨厚的風力資 源,使能源結構可多元化,減少對單項能源的過份依賴而喪失自主獨立 外’更能切合永續發展的長期策略。 以下我們將風力發電之原理做一簡單的介紹。 r' 風力發電簡單地說是透過風能轉動葉片,將風能轉換為機械能,並 =用毛$機將機械能轉換為電能,再利用蓄電池將能量儲存。所以風力 «設備主要包括了風車以及發錢兩大部份。依財以及發電機結合 之型式’風力發電機概可分為_子式及外轉子式。 所謂的外轉子式,簡單的說,係轉子在定子外側旋轉的構造。葉輪 ^帶動該外轉子轉動,使轉子與定子相對運動而產生電能,經後端整 正机輪出。此-型式之風車以英國施如公司製造之咖 型為代表。 所§胃的内轉子式,係轉子在定子内部旋轉的構造。葉輪受風帶動内轉 動使轉子與疋子相對運動而產生電能,經後端整流器整流輪出。 此一型式之風車以美國s⑽hwestern公司製造之纏〇3型為代表。與 上述外轉式風力發賴相較,㈣子歧力發電機賴車㈣較小,f 對的啟動較為容易。但是,目前各國所採用卿以上之風力 採外轉式。 戍夕 風力發電機主要應用風能發電,所以風車是受風主體,因此風車之 6 200837279 密的_。如第-圖所示之風車,大致上是以一 某=接風m為長帶型三葉式,葉輪的面積僅佔風車 ^伤,風葉與葉輪的比㈣殊,風車的掃掠面積主要由風葉所構成, 風能之能力,以增加&長度為主要手段。按照結 Γ子,長痛風葉其結構強度並不穩定,受風時容易發生彎曲的現 且叉風搖晃的情形較為嚴重,造成切風不穩定的情形。除此之外, 在上返風車的掃掠面積中,三風葉之間的空間占了絕大多數的比例,大 部份的風會從風葉之間的空間穿過而沒有作用在風葉上。總的來說,該 專型式之風車具相取職之能力収_率不麵㈣,所以應設置 在風性良好、風期長、平均風速大、風力_且持續的舰,無法達到 低風速起動之目標。 旦風力發電機是否容易被啟動,除了風車結構之外,發電機的轉子憤 里以及頓轉轉矩也是決定因素之一。 關於轉子慣量,以J=1/4GD2關係式分析〔G為轉子重量(kg),d 為轉子直禋(m)〕,可證轉子直徑決定轉子慣量,相同重量的圓柱轉子, 子直k愈小者,轉子慣量愈小,愈容易啟動。所以,内轉子式發電機 的轉子直經小於外轉式的轉子直徑,因此較容易被啟動。換言之,當風 車負载高慣量之轉子,會使風車不易受風啟動。 關於頓轉轉矩,永磁發電機或電動機的轉子有一種沿著某一特定方 向與定子對齊的趨勢,由此趨勢會產生一種振盪轉矩,稱為齒槽轉矩或 頓轉轉矩(COgging t〇rgue)。對永磁電機而言,頓轉轉矩對風車旋轉的 7 200837279 始動風速有直接的影響力,高_轉矩之發電機會有頓點,低速起轉不 順,相對的風車的起動風速必需拉高。 以上之分析,可供吾等知悉要設計—較佳功能的風力發電機必需解 決低風速起動不易、風能率不佳等問題。接下來,再胁上述風力 發電機之電Μ輸出的問題做進《 —步的討論。 風力發電機有一獨立於風車後端的發電機設備,該發電機設備大致 上係將發電細及整流n整合於—機射。在組製風力發電機的階段, 需先確認後端的蓄電系統或供電負载系統所採用之肢電壓(例如 24V 36V、48V),然後選定一種可輸出該特定電壓的發電設備。 例如,蓄電系統若為DC24V,則只能選擇輸出DC24V的發電設備。也 就疋及以更換發電設備做為應變不同電壓輸出之手段,這使得風力發 電機的建置成本變很極高,但是電壓輸出以及應用範_被額定侷限, 足樣的高成本設備會使得後端利用再生能源的費用變得昂貴,不符合經 濟效益。 【發明内容】 t於上述之分析,吾等於設計本案風力發電機時,對於風葉擷取風 月b力風車結構強度、風能利用率、發電機轉子慣量、頓轉轉矩、 起動ϋΐ速、電壓輪出等方面多有著墨。 種低風速啟動之内轉子式風力發電機,包括一風車、一發電機、 兔刷滑%組合單元、以及—尾翼;該風車主要包括-葉輪以及組設於 葉輪週邊的單元葉# ;該發電機的轉子與該葉輪連接,接受該葉輪所 8 200837279 傳遞之機械能而產生電能;該碳刷滑環組合料與該發電機的輪電導線 連接將兔電機所產生的電能輸出;該發電機以及該碳刷滑環組合單元 被設置在-機搶内;該尾翼以一連接桿連接固定於該傭底部;上述之 葉輪是―圓盤結構,其外週設—厚度胁該葉輪厚度的接合邊緣,該接 〇邊緣ί、上述之早騎片組設;該單元葉片與該接合邊緣組合之端部設 2接口槽,該接合邊緣嵌入該接合槽中,並以若干固定元件將該單元 茱片口疋在_合邊緣;上述之葉輪半徑以及—單元葉片長度之總合構 成賴車掃掠面積之半徑。該葉輪之錄至少㈣單元^長度之二分 之:以上的比例,使其在啟動時,由葉輪的大面積撞風,並將風導引至 各葉片’增加其啟動性能;另外,在相同_長度時,大葉輪的設計 使得風車的掃掠面積加大,所以增加了風能利用率;上述單元葉片是以 其長寬比例構成寬板形狀,且以五至六葉之數量平均間隔地組設在該葉 輪的接合邊緣;上述發電機為内轉子式,並具有低轉子慣量及低頓轉轉 特性,上述風力發電機採高額定電壓輸出,並以—後端轉換系統調 整電壓。 本案所達成之目的及功效包括: 本案之風力發電機屬於内轉子式風力發電機。 本案風車可桃風能利料,在低風速的風力環境中起動。 本案之風車具有穩定運轉之增進功效。 本案發電機具有低轉子慣量以及低頓轉轉矩之特性。 本案風力發電機可使後端利用再生能源的費用得以減低。 9 200837279 詳細之目的及功效說明於後詳述。 【實施方式】 以下先對於本案之硬體設備做一介紹,再以該硬體設備為基礎詳論 本案之特點及功效。 硬體設備 如圖所示’本案風力發電機包括一風車2〇、一發電機30、一碳刷 /月環組合單元4〇、以及一尾翼50。風車2〇主要包括〆葉輪21以及組 没於該葉輪21上的單元葉片22。該發電機3〇的轉子31與該葉輪21 連接’接受該葉輪21所傳遞之機械能而產生電能。該碳刷滑環組合單 凡40與該發電機30的輸電導線34連接,將發電機30所產生的電力輪 出"亥發電機以及該碳刷滑環組合單元40被設置在一機搶32内。 。亥尾翼50以一連接桿51連接固定於該機艙32底部。該尾翼50受風力 之作用,使该風車2〇以及上述的機艙32轉向於可有效受風的方向。 上述尾翼50之設計,使該機艙32及風車2〇成為一個受風旋轉的機 構,這使得上述發電機的輸電導線34面臨纏線的問題,因此利用該碳 刷滑環組合單元4()來解決。該碳婦環組合單元4()中的碳刷Μ與發 電機30的輸電導、線34連接,銅環42則樞套在一固定軸43夕卜,該機搶 32可繞著該固定軸43旋轉,碳刷41以連接器44與機艙32產生固定的 關係’隨著機艙32轉動的碳刷41與固定的銅環42接觸,而將電能傳 輸予鋼環42,銅環42另連接輸電導線45,該輸電導線#穿入該固定 10 200837279 軸43中而向外延伸出機艙32外。 女此,不論機艙32如何的轉動,該 輸電導線45皆不受影響,無纏線問題。 本案風車20,其葉輪21是一圓般 、|〜構,其外週設一厚度薄於該圓 盤厚度的接合邊緣23,該接合邊续? 遠緣23供上述之單元葉片22組設。該 單元葉片22與雜合邊緣23組合⑼部接合槽24,該接合邊 緣23嵌人該接合槽24中,並以若干固定猶取葉片22固定 在該接合邊緣23。 f 特點及功效 本案風力發電機屬於内轉子式風力發電機。 如圖所示之本案之風力發電機,可知其係轉子在定子内部旋轉的發電 &因此本案_於_子式風力發電機。以;=1/4如2_式分析, 2轉子餘決輯子慣量,料直赠小者,轉讀量心、,愈容易 々所以,内轉子式發電機的轉子直徑小於外轉式的轉子直徑,因此 本案採用_子式發電機具有容聽動之優勢。 本案風車可增進風能利用率,在低風速的風力環境中起動 …、 ^"括了圓盤狀的葉輪以及結合於該葉輪邊緣的六個單 70葉片。風車掃掠的81面積半徑是葉輪半徑以及-單元葉片長度之始 =由圖式可知’葉輪半徑與單μ片長度各自佔有該掃掠圓面積半徑 目之比例:風車的掃掠面積是由葉輪以及單元葉片所共_成,風車 的又風結構相單元葉片。擷取風能之多寡與風車受風的面積成正比, 11 200837279 ί200837279 IX. INSTRUCTIONS: [Technical field to which the invention belongs] • This case is related to wind power generation equipment. More specifically, it is an internal rotor type wind turbine that can be started at low wind speed. [Prior technology] In view of the oil crisis in the late 1970s, many European and American countries began to seek energy outlets. The most active is Denmark. Since the early 1980s, the Danish government has been very keen to support wind power. Denmark has the world's most proud wind turbine industry and even replaced the fishery as the second largest exporter. The country's wind power generation reached 16% of electricity consumption by the end of 2000. The Danish government is planning to increase wind power to 50% by 2030. Germany started from 1991: Legislation, which stipulates that wind power is 90% of the end-user price. After the legislation, wind power has developed and even came to the fore. Germany has installed more than 9,000 by the end of 2000. The number of units installed in 2000 was 167 MW in a single year, equivalent to half a nuclear four, surpassing the total of all traditional power generation in Germany as the highest in the world. (On the structure of Taiwan's power generation industry, there were 67.3% of electricity comes from thermal power generation, 26.8% from nuclear power, and 5.9 percent from hydropower. The economic benefits of nuclear power generation have been questioned by many advanced countries to the United Kingdom and the United States. For example, in Germany, after the liberalization of the electricity industry, many nuclear package factories were automatically shut down due to low economic benefits. In view of the economic benefits, the nuclear waste and nuclear power plant accidents generated by nuclear power generation are more likely to be brought to future generations. Endless scourge. As for coal-fired power generation, because of the dependence of oil on imports, and the related impacts of national security and economic autonomy, the environmental pollution caused by it cannot be underestimated. Hydropower has only occupied a single place in China. The proportion of the use of the number, but the damage to the natural environment, river turbulence should also be carefully evaluated 5 200837279 estimate 0 ^ change, issued "structure, wind power is a feasible solution, evaluation by scholars, mouth / bow for the wind & potential Excellent _ region, if you can use this unique and abundant wind resources in a large amount and effectively, diversify the energy structure, reduce the excessive dependence on individual energy sources and lose the independent independence, it is more suitable for the long-term strategy of sustainable development. The principle of wind power generation is a brief introduction. r' Wind power generation simply converts wind energy into mechanical energy by rotating the blades through wind energy. And = use the machine to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, and then use the battery to store energy. So the wind «equipment mainly includes the windmill and the two parts of the money. According to the type of wind and generator combined with the wind generator Divided into _ sub-type and outer-rotor type. The so-called outer rotor type, in short, is a structure in which the rotor rotates outside the stator. The impeller ^ drives the outer rotor to rotate, so that the rotor and the stator move relative to each other to generate electric energy. The positive-type windmill is represented by the coffee type made by the British company. The internal rotor type of the stomach is the structure in which the rotor rotates inside the stator. The impeller is rotated by the wind to rotate the rotor and the rotor. The relative motion produces electrical energy, which is rectified by the rear-end rectifier. This type of windmill is represented by the entangled type 3 manufactured by American s(10)hwestern. Compared with the above-mentioned external wind-driven reliance, (4) the sub-distribution generator is relatively small (4), and the start of the f-pair is relatively easy. However, at present, the winds used by various countries are more than the external ones.戍 Wind turbines mainly use wind energy to generate electricity, so the windmill is the main body of the wind, so the windmill 6 200837279 dense _. As shown in the figure, the windmill is basically a long-belt type three-leaf type. The area of the impeller only accounts for the windmill, the ratio of the blade to the impeller (four), and the sweeping area of the windmill is mainly Composed of wind blades, the ability of wind energy, with the addition of & length as the main means. According to the knot, the structure of the long gout leaves is not stable, and it is easy to bend when subjected to wind, and the situation of the fork wind is more serious, resulting in unstable wind. In addition, in the swept area of the upper return windmill, the space between the three blades accounts for the majority of the proportion, and most of the wind will pass through the space between the blades without acting on the blades. In general, the capacity of this special-purpose windmill is not the same as that of the four-way windshield. Therefore, it should be set in a ship with good wind, long wind, high average wind speed, wind and continuous wind, and can not reach low wind speed. The goal of starting. Once the wind turbine is easy to start, in addition to the windmill structure, the generator's rotor anger and torque are also one of the deciding factors. Regarding the rotor inertia, J=1/4GD2 relational analysis [G is the rotor weight (kg), d is the rotor straight 禋 (m)], it can be proved that the rotor diameter determines the rotor inertia, the same weight of the cylindrical rotor, the sub-k is more Smaller, the smaller the inertia of the rotor, the easier it is to start. Therefore, the inner rotor type generator has a rotor straight smaller than the outer rotor type, and thus is easier to start. In other words, when the wind turbine loads a high inertia rotor, the windmill is not easily driven by the wind. Regarding the torque, the rotor of a permanent magnet generator or motor has a tendency to align with the stator in a certain direction, and the trend produces an oscillating torque called cogging torque or tumbling torque ( COgging t〇rgue). For the permanent magnet motor, the torque of the rotation has a direct influence on the starting wind speed of the 7200837279 of the windmill rotation. The generator with high _torque will have a point, the low speed will not turn smoothly, and the starting wind speed of the opposite windmill must be raised. . The above analysis allows us to know that wind turbines with better functions must be designed to solve problems such as low wind speed starting and poor wind energy. Next, the issue of the electric power output of the above-mentioned wind turbines is further threatened. The wind turbine has a generator device that is independent of the rear end of the windmill, and the generator device generally integrates the power generation fine and the rectification n into the machine. In the stage of setting up the wind turbine, it is necessary to confirm the limb voltage (for example, 24V 36V, 48V) used in the back-end power storage system or the power supply load system, and then select a power generation device that can output the specific voltage. For example, if the power storage system is DC24V, only the power generating equipment that outputs DC24V can be selected. In other words, the replacement of power generation equipment as a means of straining different voltage outputs makes the construction cost of the wind turbine extremely high, but the voltage output and the application range are limited, and the high-cost equipment of the full scale will make The cost of using renewable energy at the back end becomes expensive and not economical. [Summary of the Invention] In the above analysis, I am equal to the design of the wind turbine in this case, for the wind blade draw wind wind b windmill structural strength, wind energy utilization, generator rotor inertia, torsion torque, starting idle speed, voltage There are many inks in the rounds. a low wind speed starting inner rotor type wind power generator, comprising a windmill, a generator, a rabbit brush slip% combined unit, and a tail fin; the windmill mainly comprises an impeller and a unit leaf set in the periphery of the impeller; The rotor of the motor is connected to the impeller, and receives mechanical energy transmitted by the impeller 8 200837279 to generate electric energy; the carbon brush slip ring assembly is connected with the electric wire of the generator to output electric energy generated by the rabbit motor; the generator And the carbon brush slip ring combination unit is disposed in the machine grab; the tail fin is fixed to the bottom of the maid by a connecting rod; the impeller is a disc structure, and the outer circumference is provided with a thickness to the thickness of the impeller. An edge, the edge of the joint ί, the early riding set; the end of the unit blade and the joint edge is provided with an interface groove, the joint edge is embedded in the joint groove, and the unit is smashed by a plurality of fixing elements The flap is at the edge of the _ joint; the sum of the impeller radius and the length of the unit blade constitute the radius of the sweeping area of the vehicle. The impeller is recorded at least (four) unit ^ two-length: the above ratio, so that when starting, the large area of the impeller hits the wind, and the wind is guided to each blade' to increase its starting performance; in addition, in the same _ In the length, the design of the large impeller increases the sweeping area of the windmill, so the wind energy utilization rate is increased; the above-mentioned unit blades are formed in a wide plate shape in terms of their length to width ratio, and are equally spaced at a number of five to six leaves. The generator is of the inner rotor type and has a low rotor inertia and a low-rotation characteristic. The wind generator adopts a high rated voltage output and adjusts the voltage with a back-end conversion system. The objectives and effects achieved in this case include: The wind turbine in this case belongs to the inner rotor type wind turbine. In this case, the windmill can be used to start the wind in a low wind speed wind environment. The windmill in this case has the enhanced effect of stable operation. The generator of this case has the characteristics of low rotor inertia and low torque. The wind turbine in this case can reduce the cost of using renewable energy at the back end. 9 200837279 Detailed purpose and efficacy description will be detailed later. [Embodiment] The following is an introduction to the hardware device of this case, and then based on the hardware device, the characteristics and effects of the case are discussed in detail. Hardware device As shown in the figure, the wind turbine includes a windmill 2, a generator 30, a carbon brush/month ring combination unit 4, and a tail 50. The windmill 2〇 mainly includes a weir impeller 21 and unit vanes 22 that are not disposed on the impeller 21. The rotor 31 of the generator 3 is connected to the impeller 21 to receive the mechanical energy transmitted by the impeller 21 to generate electric energy. The carbon brush slip ring combination unit 40 is connected to the power transmission line 34 of the generator 30, and the power generated by the generator 30 is rotated and the carbon generator slip ring combination unit 40 is set in a machine. 32 inside. . The rear wing 50 is connected and fixed to the bottom of the nacelle 32 by a connecting rod 51. The empennage 50 is subjected to wind forces to steer the windmill 2 and the nacelle 32 described above in a direction in which it can be effectively subjected to wind. The design of the empennage 50 described above makes the nacelle 32 and the windmill 2 into a wind-rotating mechanism, which causes the power transmission wire 34 of the generator to face the problem of entanglement, and therefore uses the carbon brush slip ring combination unit 4(). solve. The carbon brush 中 in the carbon ring assembly unit 4() is connected to the power transmission line 34 of the generator 30, and the copper ring 42 is pivoted on a fixed shaft 43. The machine grabs 32 around the fixed axis. 43, the carbon brush 41 is in a fixed relationship with the nacelle 32 by the connector 44. As the carbon brush 41 rotating in the nacelle 32 contacts the fixed copper ring 42, the electric energy is transmitted to the steel ring 42, and the copper ring 42 is connected to the power transmission. A wire 45 that penetrates into the fixed 10 200837279 shaft 43 and extends outwardly out of the nacelle 32. In this case, regardless of how the nacelle 32 rotates, the power transmission line 45 is unaffected and there is no entanglement problem. In the windmill 20 of the present case, the impeller 21 is a round, |~ structure, and a peripheral edge is provided with a joint edge 23 having a thickness thinner than the thickness of the disk. The distal edge 23 is provided for the unit blades 22 described above. The unit blade 22 is combined with the hybrid edge 23 (9) to engage the groove 24, the engagement edge 23 being embedded in the engagement groove 24 and secured to the engagement edge 23 by a plurality of fixed retaining blades 22. f Features and effects The wind turbine in this case belongs to the inner rotor type wind turbine. As shown in the wind turbine of the present case, it can be seen that it is a power generation that rotates the rotor inside the stator & therefore, the present case is a sub-wind generator. With ==1/4 as the 2_ type analysis, 2 rotor residual series inertia, the material is given directly to the small, the reading volume, the easier it is, so the rotor diameter of the inner rotor generator is smaller than the external rotation type. Rotor diameter, so the use of _ sub-generator in this case has the advantage of hearing. The windmill in this case can improve the utilization of wind energy, and start in a low wind speed wind environment..., ^" includes a disc-shaped impeller and six single 70 blades combined with the edge of the impeller. The 81-area radius of the windmill sweep is the impeller radius and the beginning of the unit blade length. = The equation shows that the impeller radius and the single μ-piece length each occupy the ratio of the swept circle area radius: the sweep area of the windmill is the impeller And the unit blades are formed together, and the wind turbine is also a wind structure phase unit blade. The amount of wind energy is proportional to the area of the windmill, 11 200837279 ί

C 2以大餘之葉輪增加賴車㈣掠面積,因此可增進 再者:本案風車之單元葉片為寬板式,每一單元葉片以心 虫又風面積增加,使風車之風能利用率再提昇。而單元葉片是以 組合於葉輪週邊,以多葉型態配合寬板面積,使各單元葉片之間保^ 力適當的受風距離,植離保持良好的氣體流動性,因此可使大部份的風 作用在葉輪與單元葉片上,從空間中穿過而損失未利用的風能減少, 所以增加了風能則率。在葉輪以及單元葉片相辅相成之作用下,本案 之風車可大幅提昇題_率,所以能實現低風速_風車之目的。 本案之風車具有穩定運轉之增進功效 、”本案以葉輪半似及—單元⑼長度之總合構成風車掃掠面積之 、”誠士上&所σ以及本案之圖面表示,葉輪半徑與單元葉片長度各 佔有撕掠面積半梭之相當比例。換言之,本案的葉輪相對於整個風 車而言’係為一大面積比例之結構,葉輪構成風車的質量中心,使其具 有t疋的重“ ’纽車受風觸時,該葉輪發揮敎重妓功能,使風 '疋的轉動;咸少搖晃的情形,相對的轉動噪音可大幅降低。而按 照結構力學,寬㈣單元^可表現健㈣漏度,受風不易彎曲或 搖晃因此可以穩定的切風。本案風車具有穩定重^的葉輪以及穩定切 風的早7〇葉# ’因此具有穩定運轉的增進功效。 _本_調大φ積的葉輪’但是葉輪f量亦有其考量之必要性, 乂免葉輪靜質量過大反崎生慣量過大起動_的情形。以洲直經以 及相同單7L葉片之條件下,分騎重量為卿、丨吨以及⑴卿的葉輪 12 200837279 進订錢力起動實驗,的葉輪可以得到一個預期的 2kg則必需以大於 勒紙迷 於預期起動風速之風力才能啟動,較不符合 之期待。而(Ukg㈣^ _速啟動 的起動風速反而比1.3kg大,並沒有因為靜質量變 而使起動風逮成正比的降低。所以在此實驗數據巾以1 為較佳。 ’讀表現 本案發電機具有轉子慣量以及低頓浦矩之特性。 本案採永磁發電機,而永磁風力發電機是否容易被啟動,除了風車 、、Ό構之外發笔機的轉子慣量以及頓轉轉矩也是決定因素之一。 關於轉子慣量,以J=l/4 GD2關係式分析〔G為轉子重量(KG),β 為轉子直徑(m)〕,可證轉子直徑決定轉子慣量,相同重量的圓柱轉子, 轉子直徑愈小者,轉子慣量愈小,愈容易啟動。本案設定發電機之轉子 直徑為32mm,磁鐵採3mm厚度,總長度99mm。依上述轉子慣量式推 導’可知本案發電機具有低轉子慣量之特性,發電機本身容易被起動, 而低慣量轉子減輕風車之負載,使風車更易於受風起動。 關於頓轉轉矩’如先前技術一欄中所述’永磁發電機或電動機的轉 子有一種沿著某一特定方向與定子對齊的趨勢,由此趨勢會產生一種振 盪轉矩,稱為齒槽轉矩或頓轉轉矩(coggingtorgue)。對永磁電機而言, 頓轉轉矩對風車旋轉的始動風速有直接的影響力,高頓轉轉矩之發電機 會有頓點,而產生低風速起轉不順的問題。以磁力線有對齊趨勢的觀點 來看此一問題的解決方案,整數槽的結構容易產生轉子磁鐵和定子槽齒 對齊的情況,即在某一特定角度,磁鐵和槽齒的感應產生最大的磁通 13 200837279 鏈’造成-穩態力平衡,因此在轉動時會發生頓轉。差此,降低頓轉的 方式之一,係可降低感應磁通鏈的落差,其手段可採用分數槽的方式, ; 減少麵和槽齒的發生對正的機會,亦刊意提高極數與槽數的最小公 .. 倍數,例如8極9槽,以360度的空間角度除以磁極數與定子槽數的最 小公倍數可得知8極9槽的週期為5度,頓轉的機械角度小,頓轉情形 獲得明顯改善。 ( 本案發電機具低慣量轉子及低頓轉轉矩之特性,可減輕風車之負 " 載,使風車以及發電機具有容易起動之優勢。 本案屬於輕風起動型的風力發電機 , 以增進風能利用率之風車配合低轉子慣量、低頓轉轉矩的發電機, 使本案可以在低風速的風力環境下起動。因為英國Marlec公司的 Rutland 913型的起動風速在2.5m/s以下,本案的機型結構優於前者, 故預估起動風速約在2m/s以下,屬輕風起動。而習知低風力發電機的 I 起動風速約在3〜4m/s左右,屬微風起動之風力發電機。由此可說明, 本案的起動風速已較習知低風力起動之風力發電機更低,因此設置風力 發電機的地點不再只限於風性良好的地區,地點選擇的自由度更高。 本案風力發電機可使後端利用再生能源的費用得以減低 本案風力發電機採三相80V以上的高額定電壓輸出,再經後端轉 換系統(變壓器、整流器)轉換為特定較低電壓之交流電或直流電。依照 P(功率)==1(電流)x V(電壓)之關係式可知,功率相同時,電壓越高,電 14 200837279 ’假設電壓加倍,則輸電C 2 increases the plundering area of the car by the impeller of the surplus, so it can be improved. The unit blades of the windmill in this case are wide-plate type, and the area of each unit is increased by heartworm and wind, which makes the wind energy utilization rate of the windmill increase. . The unit blades are combined with the periphery of the impeller to match the wide plate area in a multi-leaf type, so that the wind distance between the blades of each unit is properly maintained, and the planting maintains good gas flow, so that most of the gas can be made. The wind acts on the impeller and the unit blades, and the loss of unused wind energy is reduced from the space, so the wind energy rate is increased. Under the effect of the impeller and the unit blades complement each other, the windmill of this case can greatly improve the problem _ rate, so it can achieve the goal of low wind speed _ windmill. The windmill of this case has the effect of improving the stability of operation. "In this case, the sum of the length of the impeller and the length of the unit (9) constitutes the sweeping area of the windmill." Cheng Shi Shang & σ and the plane of the case show that the impeller radius and the unit blade The lengths each occupy a considerable proportion of the half-snake of the torn area. In other words, the impeller of this case is a large-area structure with respect to the entire windmill, and the impeller constitutes the mass center of the windmill, so that it has a heavy weight of “t纽”, when the car is touched by the wind, the impeller plays a heavy role. Function, so that the wind '疋 rotation; salty less shaking, the relative rotation noise can be greatly reduced. According to structural mechanics, the wide (four) unit ^ can express the health (four) leakage, the wind is not easy to bend or shake so it can be stable Wind. The windmill of this case has a stable heavy impeller and a stable cut wind early 7〇 leaf# 'Therefore it has the effect of stable operation. _ This _ adjusts the large φ product impeller' but the impeller f quantity also has its necessity The situation that the impeller impeller static mass is too large and the anti-Saki inertia is too large to start _. Under the condition of the continent straight and the same single 7L blade, the sub-riding weight is Qing, 丨 ton and (1) Qing's impeller 12 200837279 In the experiment, the impeller can get an expected 2kg, which must be started with a wind that is greater than the expected starting wind speed of the paper, which is less than expected. (Ukg(4)^ _ speed start wind speed However, it is larger than 1.3kg, and the starting wind is not directly reduced due to the change of static mass. Therefore, the data towel in this experiment is better than 1. 'Read performance The generator has rotor inertia and low pulse moment In this case, the permanent magnet generator is used, and the permanent magnet wind generator is easy to be started. In addition to the windmill and the structure of the rotor, the rotor inertia and the torque are also the deciding factors. J=l/4 GD2 relational analysis [G is the rotor weight (KG), β is the rotor diameter (m)], the rotor diameter can be determined to determine the rotor inertia, the same weight of the cylindrical rotor, the smaller the rotor diameter, the rotor inertia Small, the easier it is to start. In this case, the rotor diameter of the generator is 32mm, the magnet is 3mm thick, and the total length is 99mm. According to the rotor inertia formula, it can be seen that the generator has the characteristics of low rotor inertia, and the generator itself is easy to be started. , and the low inertia rotor reduces the load on the windmill, making the windmill easier to be driven by the wind. There is a kind of permanent magnet generator or motor rotor as described in the prior art column. The tendency to align with the stator in a particular direction, whereby the trend produces an oscillating torque called cogging torque or cogging torque. For permanent magnet motors, the torque is rotated against the windmill. The starting wind speed has a direct influence, the generator of the high-torque torque will have a point, and the problem of low wind speed is not smooth. The solution to this problem is based on the alignment trend of the magnetic lines, the integer slot The structure is easy to produce the alignment of the rotor magnet and the stator teeth, that is, at a certain angle, the magnet and the slot teeth are induced to generate the largest magnetic flux. 13 200837279 The chain 'causes - the steady-state force balance, so the rotation occurs when rotating One of the ways to reduce the rotation is to reduce the drop of the induced flux linkage. The means can use the fractional slot method; reduce the chance of the face and the groove being aligned, and also increase the number of poles. The smallest common number of the number of slots, for example, 8 poles and 9 slots, divided by the spatial angle of 360 degrees by the least common multiple of the number of poles and the number of slots of the stator, it can be known that the period of the 8-pole 9-slot is 5 degrees. Small angle, Turn achieve significant improvement in the situation. (The generator has the characteristics of low inertia rotor and low torque, which can reduce the negative load of the windmill, so that the windmill and the generator have the advantage of easy starting. This case belongs to the light wind start type wind turbine to enhance the wind. The utility model can cooperate with the low rotor inertia and low torque generator, so that the case can be started in the low wind speed wind environment. Because the starting speed of the Rutland 913 of the British Marlec is below 2.5m/s, this case The model structure is better than the former, so it is estimated that the starting wind speed is below 2m/s, which is a light wind start. However, the I start wind speed of the conventional low wind power generator is about 3~4m/s, which is a wind with a breeze start. The generator can be used to illustrate that the starting wind speed of this case is lower than that of the conventional wind turbine with low wind start. Therefore, the location of the wind power generator is no longer limited to the windy area, and the degree of freedom of location selection is higher. The wind turbine in this case can reduce the cost of using the renewable energy at the back end to reduce the high rated voltage output of the three-phase 80V above the wind turbine in this case, and then pass the back-end conversion system (transformer). The rectifier is converted to a specific lower voltage of alternating current or direct current. According to the relationship between P (power) = =1 (current) x V (voltage), the higher the voltage, the higher the voltage, the power 14 200837279 'assuming the voltage is doubled, Transmission

而高額定電壓輸出之風力發電機可以利収換後端轉⑽統(變壓 器、整流器)的手段做以應付後端的蓄電系統或供電㈣系統之特定電 壓。簡單的m風力發電機就可聰射_tt系統祕電消費 系統,差別僅在於後端轉換系統(變壓器、整流器)之改換,這個改換是 容易實施而且成本低廉的,所以,風力發電的建置成本得以大幅降低, 流越低;而線路的輸電容量與電壓平方成正比 容量增為原來的四倍。所以,對相同輸電容量 電流,依照v(電壓)=ι(電流)x R(電阻)關係: 流降低’電纔線上產生的畲厭感、4。4t 使後端利用再生能源的費用得以減低,符合經濟效益。 綜合上述之硬體結構及功效特性之敘述,可知本案確已突破傳統型 式風力發電機之窠臼,而展現新穎的型態以及多重進步之功效,可證本 案確為一具有實用性之風力發電機構,雖然本案於圖式中是以一個最佳 實施例做說明,但精於此技藝者能在不脫離本案精神與範嘴下做各種不同 形式的改變。以上所舉實施例僅用以說明本案而已,非用以限制本案之範 圍。舉凡不違本案精神所從事的種種修改或變化,倶屬本案申請專利範圍。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為習知風力發電機之風車平面圖。 15 200837279 第二圖為本案風力發電機之外觀圖。 第三圖為本案風力發電機之側視圖。 第四圖為本案風車之立體分解圖。 第五圖為本案風車側視暨發電機内部配裝示意圖。 第六圖為本案仰視圖, 【主要元件符號說明】 表示風力發電機底部的樣態。 20-風車 34-輸電導線 21-葉輪 40-碳刷滑環組合單元 22-單元葉片 41-碳刷 23-接合邊緣 42-銅環 24-接合槽 43 -固定軸 25-固定元件 44-連接器 30-發電機 50-尾翼 31- 轉子 32- 機艙 51 -連接桿 16Wind turbines with high rated voltage output can be used to replace the back-end (10) transformers (transformers, rectifiers) to cope with the specific voltage of the back-end power storage system or the power supply (4) system. The simple m wind turbine can be used to identify the rear-end conversion system (transformer, rectifier). The change is easy to implement and low cost. Therefore, the construction of wind power generation The cost is greatly reduced, and the flow is lower; while the transmission capacity of the line is proportional to the square of the voltage, which is four times the original capacity. Therefore, for the same transmission capacity current, according to v (voltage) = ι (current) x R (resistance) relationship: flow reduction 'electricity generated on the line, 4, 4t to reduce the cost of the use of renewable energy at the back end , in line with economic benefits. Based on the above description of the hardware structure and efficacy characteristics, it can be seen that the case has already broken through the traditional type of wind turbines, and the novel type and the effect of multiple advancements can be proved that the case is indeed a practical wind power generation mechanism. Although the present invention is illustrated in the drawings as a preferred embodiment, it is obvious to those skilled in the art that various changes can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. The above embodiments are only used to illustrate the present case and are not intended to limit the scope of the present invention. Any modification or change that is not in violation of the spirit of the case is the scope of patent application in this case. [Simple description of the diagram] The first figure is a plan view of a windmill of a conventional wind turbine. 15 200837279 The second picture shows the appearance of the wind turbine in this case. The third picture is a side view of the wind turbine of the case. The fourth picture is an exploded view of the windmill of this case. The fifth picture is a schematic diagram of the windmill side view and the internal assembly of the generator. The sixth picture is the bottom view of the case, [the main component symbol description] indicates the state of the bottom of the wind turbine. 20-windmill 34-transmission conductor 21-impeller 40-carbon brush slip ring combination unit 22-unit blade 41-carbon brush 23-joint edge 42-copper ring 24-joining groove 43-fixed shaft 25-fixing element 44-connector 30-generator 50-tail 31-rotor 32- nacelle 51 - connecting rod 16

Claims (1)

200837279 十、申請專利範圍: 1· -種低風速啟動之_子式風力發電機,包括—風車、—發電機、 -碳刷滑雜合單元、以及—尾翼;賴車主要包括—葉輪以及組設 於該葉輪週邊的單元葉片;該發電機的轉子與該葉輪連接,接受該 葉輪所傳遞之機械能而產生電能;該碳刷滑環組合單元與該發電機 的輸電導線連接’將發電機所產生的電力輸出;該發電機以及該碳 刷滑環組合單元被設置在一機搶内;該尾翼以一連接桿連接固定於 該機艙底部;其特徵在於: 上述之葉輪是-圓盤結構,其外週設一厚度薄於該葉輪厚度的 接合邊緣,該接合邊緣供上述之單元葉片組設;該單元葉片與該接 合邊緣組合之端部設有一接合槽,該接合邊緣嵌入該接合槽中,並 以若干固定元件將該單元葉片固定在該接合邊緣; 上述之葉輪半徑以及-單元葉片長度之總合構成該風車掃掠面 積之半徑,該葉輪之直徑至少占該單元葉長度之二分之一以上的比 例,據以該葉輪以及該單元葉片共同擷取風能; 上述單元葉片是以其長寬比例構成寬板形狀,且以至少五葉之 數1平均間隔地組設在該葉輪的接合邊緣。 2·如申請專利範圍第丨項所述低風速啟動之_子式風力發電機,其 中,該單元葉片是以六葉之數量平均間隔地組設在該葉輪的接合邊 緣。 3·如申請專利範圍第1項所述低風速啟動之内轉子式風力發電機,其 中’上述發電機具有低轉子慣量之特性。 17 200837279 4·如申請專利範圍第1項所述低風速啟動之内轉子式風力發電機,其 中,上述發電機具有低頓轉轉矩之特性。 5·如申請專利範圍第1項所述低風速啟動之内轉子式風力發電機,其 中’ δ亥風力發電機係採而額定電壓輸出 6·如申料利耗SI第5項所述低風速啟動之_子式風力發電機,其 中,該風力發電機之輸出電壓為三相80ν。200837279 X. Patent application scope: 1 · A low wind speed start _ sub-type wind turbine, including - windmill, - generator, - carbon brush slip hybrid unit, and - tail; Lai car mainly includes - impeller and group a unit blade disposed around the impeller; the rotor of the generator is connected to the impeller, and receives mechanical energy transmitted by the impeller to generate electric energy; the carbon brush slip ring combination unit is connected with the power transmission line of the generator The generated electric power output; the generator and the carbon brush slip ring combination unit are disposed in a machine grab; the tail fin is fixed to the bottom of the nacelle by a connecting rod; wherein: the impeller is a disc structure a peripheral edge having a thickness thinner than the thickness of the impeller, the joint edge being provided for the unit blade; the end of the unit blade and the joint edge being provided with an engagement groove, the joint edge being embedded in the engagement groove Fixing the unit blade to the joint edge with a plurality of fixing elements; the sum of the impeller radius and the unit blade length forming the windmill sweep The radius of the area, the diameter of the impeller is at least one-half of the length of the unit leaf, and the impeller and the unit blade jointly draw wind energy; the unit blade is formed into a wide plate shape according to its aspect ratio And at an average interval of at least five leaves, the outer edge of the impeller is assembled. 2. The sub-wind generator of the low wind speed start according to the invention of claim 2, wherein the unit vanes are grouped on the joint edge of the impeller at an average interval of six blades. 3. The low wind speed starting inner rotor type wind power generator according to claim 1, wherein the said generator has a low rotor inertia characteristic. 17 200837279 4. The low wind speed starting inner rotor type wind power generator according to claim 1, wherein the generator has a low torque. 5. The rotor-type wind turbine with low wind speed starting according to the scope of claim 1 of the patent application, wherein the 'δ海 wind turbine generator adopts the rated voltage output 6 · the low wind speed as described in item 5 of the SI The activated sub-wind generator, wherein the output voltage of the wind generator is three-phase 80ν. 7·如申請專利範圍第5 項所述低風速啟動之内轉子式風力發電機 ,其 中,該風力發錢更包括—後端轉換純,將賴力發電機之輪 電壓調整為特定電壓值。 8. 如申請專纖圍第7销述贼速啟動μ轉子式風力發電機, 中’該後端轉換糸統為一變壓哭。 9. 如申請專職圍第7韻述錢速啟狀内轉子錢力發電機, 中,該後端轉換系統為_變壓器及_整流器。 187. The low-speed-start inner rotor type wind power generator according to claim 5, wherein the wind power generation further includes a back-end conversion pure, and the voltage of the traction generator is adjusted to a specific voltage value. 8. If the application for the special fiber is the seventh to sell the thief speed start μ rotor type wind turbine, the middle end of the conversion system is a pressure change cry. 9. If you apply for the full-scale 7th rhyme, the rear-end conversion system is _transformer and _rectifier. 18
TW096107108A 2007-03-02 2007-03-02 A low-speed wind propelable wind power generator of inner-rotor type TWI326741B (en)

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TW096107108A TWI326741B (en) 2007-03-02 2007-03-02 A low-speed wind propelable wind power generator of inner-rotor type

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TW096107108A TWI326741B (en) 2007-03-02 2007-03-02 A low-speed wind propelable wind power generator of inner-rotor type

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TW096107108A TWI326741B (en) 2007-03-02 2007-03-02 A low-speed wind propelable wind power generator of inner-rotor type

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US8779747B2 (en) 2011-12-21 2014-07-15 Anpec Electronics Corporation Dynamic voltage adjustment device and power transmission system using the same
TWI490407B (en) * 2011-05-31 2015-07-01 Univ Far East The tail rudder of wind power

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI490407B (en) * 2011-05-31 2015-07-01 Univ Far East The tail rudder of wind power
US8779747B2 (en) 2011-12-21 2014-07-15 Anpec Electronics Corporation Dynamic voltage adjustment device and power transmission system using the same
TWI451224B (en) * 2011-12-21 2014-09-01 Anpec Electronics Corp Dynamic voltage adjustment device and power transmission system using the same

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