SI9011846A - Armour-clad swictch filled with insulating gas with plug connector - Google Patents

Armour-clad swictch filled with insulating gas with plug connector Download PDF


Publication number
SI9011846A SI9011846A SI9011846A SI9011846A SI 9011846 A SI9011846 A SI 9011846A SI 9011846 A SI9011846 A SI 9011846A SI 9011846 A SI9011846 A SI 9011846A SI 9011846 A SI9011846 A SI 9011846A
Prior art keywords
gas tank
movable contact
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Slovenian (sl)
Rolf Dirks
Deharde Horst
Wolfgang Pehlken
Original Assignee
Felten & Guilleaume Energie
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Priority claimed from DE3933535A external-priority patent/DE3933535A1/en
Application filed by Felten & Guilleaume Energie filed Critical Felten & Guilleaume Energie
Publication of SI9011846A publication Critical patent/SI9011846A/en



  • Gas-Insulated Switchgears (AREA)
  • Glass Compositions (AREA)


Izum se nanaša na z izolirnim plinom polnjeno, oklopljeno napravo za vklop z vtičnico, pri kateri je nepremični kontakt (2) skupaj z napravo (11) za ugasitev pritrjen na kolektorskem drogu (10) nameščenem na plinskem tanku (1), drog (10) pa je položen vzporedno s čelno stranjo plinskega tanka (1) na stebreh (13). Premični kontakt (3) je v kontaktni zvezi tako z nepremičnim kontaktom (2) kot z ozemljilnim kontaktom (4). Vrtilna točka (5) nepremičnega kontakta (2) je povezana s prehodom (15) na čelni strani plinskega tanka (1). Prehod (15) je na zunanji strani zaprt s kotnim vtičem (16), ki drži konec (19) kabla.The invention relates to insulated gas filled, shielded power switch with socket where it is stationary contact (2) together with device (11) for switch off attached to the collector bar (10) installed on the gas tank (1) and the rod (10) is laid parallel to the front of the gas tank (1) on the pillars (13). The movable contact (3) is in the contact with respect to both fixed contact (2) and earthing contacts (4). The pivot point (5) is fixed contact (2) is connected to the passage (15) to the front of the gas tank (1). The passage (15) is at closed from the outside by an angle plug (16) holding the end (19) cable.


Felten & Guilleaunie Energietechnik AGFelten & Guilleaunie Energietechnik AG

Koln 80Koln 80

NemCi jaGermany


Področje tehnike, kamor spada izumFIELD OF THE INVENTION

Izum se nanaša na oklopljeno napravo polnjeno z izolirnim plinom za vklop z vtičnico in spada v področje proizvodnje odklopnikov električne moči, v skladu z mednarodno klasifikacijo pa se izum uvršča in označuje s klasifikacijskim simbolom H 02 B 13/02, kot tudi z dopolnilnim simbolom H 01 H 9/36.The invention relates to a shielded device filled with an insulating gas for plugging with a socket and belongs to the field of production of circuit breakers. 01 H 9/36.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je naslednji: kako izdelati napravo za vklop, ki bo imela manj sestavnih delov in zmanjšano globino vgradnje?The technical problem to be solved by the invention is the following: how to make an on-board device that has fewer components and reduced installation depth?

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

V razvodnem omrežju srednje napetosti so povsod v obratovanju loCilni odklopniki moCi. Prednostna oblika takoimenovane obroCne mreže omogoča uporabo ločilnih odklopnikov moči v omrežnih postajah v velikem številu. Zaradi omejenega in dragega prostora v mestih, so ti ločilni odklopniki koncipirani z veliko uporabo izolirnega materiala. Pri ekstremnoIn the medium voltage distribution network, power breakers are disconnected everywhere. The preferred design of the so-called ring network allows the use of disconnecting circuit breakers in large numbers in network stations. Due to the limited and expensive space in cities, these disconnectors are designed with extensive use of insulating material. At extreme

2neugodnih klimatskih pogojih omrežnih postaj z velikimi temperaturnimi nihanji, visoko vlago in iz tega izhajajoči pogosti kondenzaciji prihaja pri takih ločilnih odklopnikih do težav, ki jih lahko odpravijo le z dodatnimi ukrepi. Željam uporabnikov ustreza, da se te naprave ne samo zmanjšajo temveč da postanejo tudi bolj zanesljive. Namesto izolirnega materiala so uporabili SFg kot izolirni plin in oblogo, ki je bila hermetično zaprta in je zagotovila konstantno količino in kvaliteto izolirnega plina.Due to the adverse climatic conditions of network stations with high temperature fluctuations, high humidity and the resulting frequent condensation, such disconnect circuit breakers have problems that can only be eliminated by additional measures. It suits the users' desires not only to reduce these devices but also to make them more reliable. Instead of insulating material, SFg was used as an insulating gas and a liner that was hermetically sealed and provided a constant quantity and quality of insulating gas.

Odklopna naprava v skladu s prvim delom patentnega zahtevka 1 je znana iz patentnega spisa DE-OS 27 29 571. Tu so posamezni ločilni odklopn i k i moCi nameščeni v kovinska ohišja. Vsak ločilni odklopnik je opremljen s premičnim kontaktom, ki je narejen v obliki zatiCa za vklop, poleg tega ima napravo za ugasitev in posebno stikalo za ozemljitev. Naprava za ugasitev je sestavljena iz komore, ki je hermetične zaprta in odporna proti pritisku in je polnjena prednostno s plinom pod pritiskom. Za dovod električne energije so kolektorski drogovi postavljeni v posebna ohišja za kolektorske drogove. To zahteva, da se med vsako kovinsko ohišje in ohišje za kolektorski drog namestijo posebni Cepi.The disconnect device according to the first part of claim 1 is known from DE-OS 27 29 571. Here, individual disconnectors are installed in metal housings. Each disconnect circuit breaker is equipped with a movable contact, which is made in the form of a contact pin, and has an extinguishing device and a special grounding switch. The extinguishing device consists of a chamber which is sealed and pressurized and preferably filled with pressurized gas. For the supply of electricity, the collector rods are mounted in special housing for the collector poles. This requires the installation of special splitters between each metal housing and the collector bar housing.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of solution to a technical problem

Ta problem je rešen z izumom v skladu s karakteristiCnim delom zahtevka, kjer so prikazane kombinacije konstrukcijskih obeležij.This problem is solved by the invention according to the characteristic part of the claim, which shows combinations of structural features.

Prednosti dosežene z izumom so v tem, da konstrukcija, ki prihrani prostor, omogoCa obratovanje pod posebno omejenimi razmerami, kjer se odklopna naprava lahko ceneno proizvaja in je predvsem taka, da ne zahteva vzdrževanja.The advantages of the invention are that the space-saving construction allows for operation under particularly limited conditions, where the disconnect device can be inexpensively produced and is, in particular, maintenance-free.

- .3 Temu posebno pripomore to, da so kolektorski drogovi v plinskem tanku. Kotni vtič tudi pripomore s svojim kabelskim priključkom temu, da se razpoložljivi prostor lahko namensko i zkor isti.- .3 This is particularly aided by the fact that the collector rods are in a gas tank. The corner plug also helps with its cable connection so that the space available can be purposefully used.

Prednostno oblikovanje in nadaljno izvedbo predmeta v smislu izuma je treba vzeti iz zahtevka 1 in iz ostalih podzahtevkov.The preferred design and further implementation of the object of the invention should be taken from claim 1 and the other sub-claims.

Prednostno je, da se premični kontakt lahko uporablja istočasno tudi za ozemljilno napravo, tako da s tem dosežemo dodatno zapiranje med ločilnim odklopnikom moči in napravo za ozemljitev.Preferably, the movable contact can also be used at the same time for a grounding device, so that additional closure is reached between the power disconnect switch and the grounding device.

Z uporabo pločevine za hlajenje v napravi za ugasitev se ta lahko izvede v zmanjšani obliki (zahtevek 4). Temu dodamo še to, da je izdelava naprave za ugasitev sorazmerno enostavna.By using a cooling sheet in an extinguisher, it can be reduced in size (claim 4). Add to this the fact that it is relatively easy to manufacture an extinguisher.

Primer Izvedbe je prikazan na risbi in bo podrobno p r i k a z a n v nadaljevanju.An example of an embodiment is shown in the drawing and will be described in detail below.

Sl. 1 prikazuje presek stranskega izgleda naprave polnjene z izolirnim plinom, oklopljene z vtičnicoFIG. 1 shows a cross-sectional view of the side of an apparatus filled with an insulated gas shielded by an outlet

V plinski komori 1 je nameščeno več ločilnih odklopnikov moči, ki so izdelani na isti način. Zaradi tega se prikaz in način omejujeta le na en sam ločilni odklopni k. Ločilni odklopnik moči je sestavljen iz nepremičnega kontakta 2, premičnega kontakta 3 in ožemi ji1 nega kontakta 4. Nepremični kontakt 2 je pritrjen na kolektorskem drogu 10. Premični kontakt 3 je skupaj z vzvodom 6 nameščen v vrtilno točko 5, ki je postavljena na prehodu 15. Premični kontakt 3 je izveden tako, da na obeh straneh kontaktira nepremični kontakt 2 in kontakt 4 za ozemljitev. Vzvod 6 je povezan preko spojnega vzvoda 7 z vzvodom 9 osi 8 za vklop. Kolek14 pritrjena na zadnjo stran plinske posode 1. Kolektorski drog 10 je pri tem vzporeden z obema vzdolžnima stranema in pri tem nosi v neposredni bližini nepremičnega kontakta 2 napravo 11 za ugasitev. Naprava 11 za ugasitev je sestavljena iz dveh sten, v katerih je več pločevin 12 za hlajenje v obliki stopnic. Na prehod 15 je nameščen kotni vtič 16, ki ga zapira konec 19 kabla. Znotraj kotnega vtiča 16 je kontaktni zatič 17, ki se pomika v ustrezno odprtino na prehodu 15. Kabelski čevelj 18 objema prevodni del konca 19 kabla in vzpostavlja zvezo s kontaktnim zatičem 17. Matica 20 služi za pritrditev zveze med kabelskim čevljem 18 in kontaktnim zatičem 17. Dostop do matice 20 je možen skozi odprtino 21 v kotnem vtiču 16, ki pa je zaprt s kapo 22.In the gas chamber 1 there are several power disconnectors, which are manufactured in the same way. As a result, the display and mode are limited to a single punctuation switch. The disconnecting circuit breaker consists of a fixed contact 2, a movable contact 3, and a narrow one contact 4. A fixed contact 2 is attached to the collector bar 10. The movable contact 3, together with the lever 6, is mounted in the pivot point 5, which is positioned at the passage 15. The movable contact 3 is made by contacting the fixed contact 2 and the grounding contact 4 on both sides. The lever 6 is connected via the connecting lever 7 to the lever 9 of the axis 8 to be turned on. The hinge14 is attached to the back of the gas tank 1. The manifold 10 is parallel to both longitudinal sides and, in the immediate vicinity of the fixed contact 2, an extinguishing device 11. The extinguisher 11 consists of two walls, in which there are several sheets 12 for cooling in the form of stairs. An angle plug 16 is attached to the passage 15, which is closed by the end 19 of the cable. Inside the corner plug 16 is a contact pin 17 that moves into the corresponding opening at passage 15. The cable shoe 18 grips the conductive end of the cable end 19 and makes contact with the contact pin 17. The nut 20 serves to secure the connection between the cable shoe 18 and the contact pin 17. Access to the nut 20 is possible through the opening 21 in the corner plug 16, which is closed by the cap 22.

Claims (4)

1. Oklopljena naprava za vklop 2 vtiCnico, polnjena z i z o 1 i r n i m plinom, s plinskim tankom (1) polnjenim s plinom SFg, z najmanj enim nepremičnim in enim premičnim kontaktom (2,3), napravo (11) za ugasitev, kolektorskim drogom (10) in prehodom (15) za vtičnico, označena s tet», da je nepremični kontakt (2) skupaj z napravo (11) za ugasitev pritrjen na kolek to r s k e m drogu (10) nameščenem na plinskem tanku (1), drog (10) pa je postavljen vzporedno s Čelno stranjo plinskega tanka (1) na stebrih (13), in s tem, da je premični kontakt (3) izveden kot nož, ki je obojestransko v kontaktu z nepremičnim kontaktom (2) in ozemljil n im kontaktom (4), s tem da je vrtilna točka (5) nepremičnega kontakta (2) povezana s prehodom (15) na Čelni strani plinskega tanka (1), in s tem, da prehod (15) zapira 2 zunanje strani kotni vtič (16), ki drži kabel.1. Shielded power switch 2 socket, filled with 1 gas, with gas tank (1) filled with SFg gas, with at least one fixed and one movable contact (2,3), extinguisher (11), manifold ( 10) and the socket (15) behind the socket, marked with an awning that the fixed contact (2) together with the extinguishing device (11) is attached to the hinge pole (10) mounted on the gas tank (1), the pole (10) ) is positioned parallel to the front of the gas tank (1) on the columns (13), and the movable contact (3) is made as a knife, which is in contact with the fixed contact (2) on both sides, and is grounded at its contact (4), in that the pivot point (5) of the fixed contact (2) is connected to the passage (15) at the front of the gas tank (1), and the passage (15) closes the outer outer corner of the plug (16) ) holding the cable. 2. Naprava v skladu z zahtevkom 1, označena s te®, da je premični kontakt (3) trdno povezan z vzvodom (6), in s tem, da imata premični kontakt (3) in vzvod (6) skupno vrtilno toCko (5), pri Čemer je prosti konec vzvoda (6) sklepno povezan s spojnim vzvodom (7), ki je preko vzvoda (9) povezan z osjo (8).Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the movable contact (3) is firmly connected to the lever (6) and that the movable contact (3) and the lever (6) have a common pivot point (5). ), the free end of the lever (6) being jointly connected to the connecting lever (7), which is connected to the axis (8) via the lever (9). 3. Naprava v skladu z enim od zahtevkov 1 ali 2, označena s tem, da se premični kontakt (3) lahko privede med položaj za vklop in ozemljitev v položaj za izklop.Apparatus according to one of Claims 1 or 2, characterized in that the movable contact (3) can be brought between the on and off positions. 4. Naprava v skladu z eriim od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označena s tem, da je naprava (11) za ugasitev sestavljena iz dveh vzporednih sten, med seboj povezanih, med katerima so stopničasto postavljene pločevine (12) za hlajenje.Apparatus according to eriem from claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the extinguishing device (11) consists of two parallel walls interconnected, between which are stepped cooling sheets (12). -6tem, da ima kotni vtič (16) kontaktni zatič (17), povezan s kabelskim čevljem (18) konca (19) kabla, pri čemer je matica (20), s katero je pritrjen kabelski čevelj (18), dostopna preko kape (22) zaprte odprtine (21).-6 the angle plug (16) having a contact pin (17) connected to the cable shoe (18) of the cable end (19), and the nut (20) that secures the cable shoe (18) is accessible via a cap (22) closed openings (21).
SI9011846A 1989-10-07 1990-09-28 Armour-clad swictch filled with insulating gas with plug connector SI9011846A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE3933535A DE3933535A1 (en) 1989-10-07 1989-10-07 Gas-insulated metal-clad switchgear installation - has plug connection to feedthrough leading to pivot of lever which moves contact reversibly between bus-bar and earthing point

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SI9011846A true SI9011846A (en) 1997-04-30



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SI9011846A SI9011846A (en) 1989-10-07 1990-09-28 Armour-clad swictch filled with insulating gas with plug connector

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SI (1) SI9011846A (en)

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HRP920343A2 (en) 1994-10-31
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