SI21045A - Procedure and device for tempering rails - Google Patents

Procedure and device for tempering rails Download PDF


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SI21045A SI200100265A SI200100265A SI21045A SI 21045 A SI21045 A SI 21045A SI 200100265 A SI200100265 A SI 200100265A SI 200100265 A SI200100265 A SI 200100265A SI 21045 A SI21045 A SI 21045A
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positioning elements
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SI21045B (en
Norbert Koeck
Peter Pointner
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Voest-Alpine Schienen Gmbh & Co. Kg
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Application filed by Voest-Alpine Schienen Gmbh & Co. Kg filed Critical Voest-Alpine Schienen Gmbh & Co. Kg
Priority to SI200100265A priority Critical patent/SI21045B/en
Publication of SI21045A publication Critical patent/SI21045A/en
Publication of SI21045B publication Critical patent/SI21045B/en



  • Heat Treatment Of Articles (AREA)


The invention deals with a procedure and device for tempering rails or at least rail heads with the help of increased cooling by transforming the structure from an austentic to another required one, in order to result in a microstructure, which is stable at room temperature. To provide uniform cross section structure along the whole rail and ensure a high quality of the rail, the processing technique according to the invention anticipates the alignment, horizontal positioning and clamping along the axis line, protected against bending, of the rail in the austentic structural condition, after which under maintaining the clamping or protection against bending of the rail and/or at least part of the rail cross section from temperature, which lies above the Ac3 point of the alloy, at least an occasional increased cooling and structure modification is performed. A typical feature of the device according to the invention is that the provided rail support is designed as a supporting structure (2) with a corresponding longitudinal and high resistivity moment against bending of the rail, as well as positioning elements (3) and/or removable straining means (4) for fixing the rail (1)



Izum se nanaša na postopek za kaljenje tirnic ali vsaj tirničnih glav teh tirnic s pomočjo pojačanega hlajenja s preobrazbo strukture iz austenitne v neko drugo zaželeno, pri temperaturi prostora stabilno mikrostrukturo.The invention relates to a process for hardening rails or at least the rail heads of these rails by means of enhanced cooling by transforming the structure from austenitic to another desirable microstructure stable at room temperature.

Nadalje zajema izum napravo za kaljenje tirnic ali vsaj glav teh tirnic s pomočjo pojačanega hlajenja s preobrazbo strukture iz austenitne v neko drugo zaželeno, pri temperaturi prostora stabilno mikrostrukturo, ki sestoji v glavnem iz opore za tirnico in hladilne naprave.The invention further encompasses a device for tempering rails or at least heads of these rails by means of enhanced cooling by transforming the structure from austenitic to another desirable, at room temperature, stable microstructure consisting essentially of a rail support and cooling devices.

V tirničnem prometu z naraščajočo osno obremenitvijo in tej enako prometno prepustnostjo morajo imeti tirnice po eni strani visoko odpornost proti obrabi v območju vozne površine in po drugi strani zaradi upogibne obremenitve tira visoko prelomno žilavost.In rails with increasing axle load and this same traffic throughput, the rails must, on the one hand, have high abrasion resistance in the running surface area and, on the other hand, high breaking toughness due to the bending load of the track.

Znani so postopki za kaljenje tirnic in/ali tirničnih glav s termično izboljšavo materialov oz. s pomočjo preobrazbe strukture iz austenitne v pri temperaturi prostora stabilno mikrostrukturo pri vsaj občasno pojačanem hlajenju (EP-358362 Al, AT 402941 B, EP 186372 B, WO 94/02652).Methods for quenching rails and / or rail heads with thermal improvement of materials or materials are known. by transforming the structure from austenitic to room temperature stable microstructure with at least occasionally enhanced cooling (EP-358362 Al, AT 402941 B, EP 186372 B, WO 94/02652).

Hlajenje se vrši lahko z vplivanjem hladilnega medija na vsaj dele površine tirnice, to je tako imenovano brizgalno ali razpršilno hlajenje, ali s pomočjo vsaj delnega potapljanja tirnice v hladilno kopel, pri čemer je prednostna izraba toplote valjanja stvar stanja tehnike.Cooling may be effected by influencing the cooling medium on at least portions of the rail surface, i.e., spray or spray cooling, or by at least partially immersing the rail in the cooling bath, the preferred use of rolling heat being a matter of prior art.

Odvisno od uporabljenega hladilnega postopka so poznane pretočne naprave (AT 323224 B, EP 186373 BI) , transportneDepending on the cooling process used, flow devices (AT 323224 B, EP 186373 BI) are known,

-2- 2 naprave s hladilnikom (DE 4237991 Al) in potopne naprave (DE 4003363 Cl, AT 402941 B) za pojačano hlajenje tirnice ali delov tirnice.-2- 2 Refrigerated Devices (DE 4237991 Al) and Submersible Devices (DE 4003363 Cl, AT 402941 B) for enhanced cooling of the rail or rail components.

V primeru uporabe legur z ustrezno kemično sestavo je pri uporabi postopka za kaljenje v vsaki od teh naprav vsekakor možno izdelovati tirnice s povišano trdoto in obrabno odpornostjo na področju vozne površine tirnične glave ter z zadovoljivo odpornostjo proti lomu.In the case of alloys with the appropriate chemical composition, it is in any case possible to produce rails with increased hardness and abrasion resistance in the area of the running surface of the rail head and with a satisfactory fracture resistance when using the hardening process in each of these devices.

Kot veliko pomanjkljivost poznanih kalilnih postopkov in hladilnih naprav za tirnice je možno omeniti nehomogenost razporeditve strukture po prečnem prerezu v odvisnosti od dolžine tirnice. Z drugimi besedami je površinski delež vsakokratno izboljšane strukture in/ali položaj delov izboljšane strukture v prečnem prerezu vzolž dolžine tirnice neenakomeren, kar se izkazuje v vse večji meri izredno neugodno na material tirnice. Kljub natančnemu upoštevanju parametrov postopka in preciznega reguliranja hladilne naprave se lahko pojavijo nepričakovane razlike v materialu tirnice, pri čemer se pri zelo dragi kontroli kvalitete pojavljajo tudi posamezne tirnice, ki zahtevam kvalitete več ne ustrezajo.As a great disadvantage of the known germination processes and rails for the rails, it is possible to mention the inhomogeneity of the arrangement of the structure along the cross section depending on the length of the rails. In other words, the surface portion of the improved structure and / or the position of the parts of the improved structure in the cross section along the length of the rail are uneven, which is increasingly extremely unfavorable to the material of the rail. Despite careful consideration of the process parameters and the precise regulation of the refrigeration unit, unexpected differences in the material of the rail can occur, with very expensive quality controls also causing individual rails that no longer meet the quality requirements.

Na tem mestu hoče izum pomagati in si zastavlja cilj, da pokaže postopek po na začetku imenovanem načinu, s katerim se lahko doseže vzdolž dolžine tirnice enakomerna porazdelitev strukture prečnega prereza tirnice in se lahko zanesljivo doseže visoka kvaliteta tirnice.The invention seeks to assist the invention and aims to show a process according to an initially named method whereby a uniform distribution of the rail cross-section structure can be achieved along the length of the rail and a high quality of the rail can be reliably achieved.

Nadaljnja naloga izuma je v izdelavi naprave, s katero se lahko zagotovi enakomerna krajevna intenzivnost hlajenja površinskega področja prečnega prereza vzdolž dolžine tirnice.It is a further object of the invention to provide a device that can provide a uniform local cooling intensity of the cross-sectional area along the length of the rail.

-3- 3 Cilj se s postopkom po izumu doseže tako, da se tirnica v austenitnem strukturnem stanju usmerjeno, vodoravno pozicionirano in vzdolž osi poravnano pred upogibom zavarovano vpne, nakar se ob vzdrževanju vpetja oz. zavarovanju pred upogibom tirnice in/ali vsaj dela prečnega prereza tirnice od temperature, ki leži iznad točke Ac3 legure, izvede na znani način občasna pojačana ohladitev in sprememba strukture.-3- 3 The object of the invention is to achieve the objective by locking the rail in austenitic structural state, horizontally positioned and aligned along the axis before bending, and then, while maintaining the clamp or. In order to protect against bending of the rail and / or at least part of the rail cross section from the temperature above the Ac3 point of the alloy, it is known in the known manner from time to time to occasional enhanced cooling and structure alteration.

Z izumom dosežene prednosti so vidne v glavnem v tem, da v austenitnem stanju strukture sledi usmerjanje, tirnici pa se v vzdolž linije osi vpetem stanju površinsko ojačano odvzema toplota. Med intenzivnim hlajenjem po potrebi delov prečnega prereza tirnice ostane tirnica aksialno vpeta, kar se za konstantnost specifične hladilne intenzivnosti v smeri osi zahteva. Obsežne raziskave so pokazale, da če nastanejo med intenzivnim ohlajevanjem vsaj dela le-te čeprav le manjše krivine tirnice, se lahko krajevna krivulja ohlajevanja na površinskem področju spremeni, kar lahko v veliki meri vpliva na tvorbo strukture pri preoblikovanju iz austenitnega stanja legure. Po izumu vodoravno vpetje vzdolž linije osi zagotavlja pri termični izboljšavi tirnice enakomerni profil lastnosti materiala preko prečnega prereza in vzdolž dolžine tirnice.The advantages achieved by the invention are mainly due to the fact that in the austenitic state of the structure, the direction is followed, and the heat is absorbed superficially along the axis line of the engaged state. During intense cooling, if necessary, the rail cross-sections remain axially clamped, which is required for the constant of the specific cooling intensity in the axis direction. Extensive research has shown that if at least part of the rail bends during the intensive cooling process, at least part of the rail bends, the local surface cooling curve may change, which can greatly affect the formation of the structure from the austenitic state of the alloy. According to the invention, a horizontal mounting along the axis line ensures, in thermal enhancement of the rail, a uniform profile of material properties across the cross-section and along the length of the rail.

Posebno ekonomična izvedba postopka se doseže, če se usmerjanje, pozicioniranje in vpetje vzdolž linije osi tirnice izvrši neposredno po zadnjem deformacijskem posegu (Verformungsstich) pod izrabo toplote valjanja.Particularly economical implementation of the process is achieved if the directing, positioning and mounting along the line of the axis of the rail is carried out immediately after the last deformation intervention (Verformungsstich) under the heat of rolling.

S tehničnega ozira naprave, pa tudi za želeno razporeditev sestave preko prečnega prereza, je lahko ugodno, če se tirnico vpne v stoječem stanju, pri čemer je usmerjena tirnična glava navpično navzgor. Pri tem je prednostno, če se tirnici s pomočjo brizgalnega hlajenja odvzame toplota,From the technical point of view of the device, as well as the desired arrangement of the composition over the cross-section, it may be advantageous if the rail is clamped in a standing state, with the rail head pointing vertically upwards. In this case, it is preferable that heat is removed from the rail by means of jet cooling,

-4- 4 pri čemer se v vzdolžni smeri gledano na površinskem področju prereza simetrično na višinsko os tirnice uporabi enako visoka hladilna intezivnost.-4-4, whereby in the longitudinal direction, in cross section, the cross-section is symmetrically symmetrical to the rail height, using an equally high cooling intensity.

Da bi se povišala zanesljivost izdelave tirnic z zaželenim profilom lastnosti in dosegla posebna obrabna trdnost vozne površine, je lahko prednostno, če se vpne tirnico v visečem stanju, pri Čemer je tirnična glava usmerjena navpično navzdol. Takšno pozicioniranje se je izkazalo za ugodno tudi zato, ker se s tem tirnici ali samo tirnični glavi odvzame toplota s potapljanjem v hladilno tekočino.In order to increase the reliability of the manufacture of rails with the desired property profile and to achieve the special wear resistance of the running surface, it may be advantageous to clamp the rail in a suspended state with the rail head pointing vertically downwards. This positioning has also proven to be advantageous because this rail or the rail head alone is used to remove heat by immersing it in the coolant.

Za regulirano ohlajevanje do določene želene temperature z visoko hladilno intenzivnostjo hladilnega medija in prekinitev ojačanega hlajenja lahko v preoblikovalnokinetičnem smislu predstavlja prednost, če se izvede hlajenje tirnice časovno in/ali krajevno, kar zadeva površinsko območje prereza, intermitirajoče. Pri tem je lahko pomembno, če se tirnico po ojačanem ohlajevanju izpne, pri povišani temperaturi zadrži in/ali se jo na mirujočem zraku pusti ohladiti na sobno temperaturo.For regulated cooling to a certain desired temperature with a high cooling intensity of the cooling medium and interruption of the enhanced cooling, it may be advantageous in transformative kinetic terms if the rail cooling is temporally and / or locally, as regards the cross-sectional area intermittent. It may be important if the rail is extended after enhanced cooling, kept at elevated temperature and / or allowed to cool to room temperature in still air.

Uporaba postopka, pri katerem se izvede ohladitev ali kaljenje (Harten) oz. termična izboljšava kvalitete (Verguten) tirnice po vsej dolžini, se je z ozirom na posebno enakomernost in visoko kvaliteto kakor tudi glede na nastavitev optimalnih uporabnih lastnosti le-te izkazala kot posebno ugodna.Use of a process where cooling or tempering (Harten) or thermal improvement of the quality (Verguten) of the rail over its entire length has proved to be particularly favorable in view of its particular uniformity and high quality as well as in the setting of the optimum usable properties.

Nadaljnja naloga izuma se v skladu z vrsto naprave reši tako, da je oblikovana opora tirnice kot nosilna konstrukcija s tirnici ustrezno vzdolžno dimenzijo in z visokim odpornostnim momentom proti upogibu kakor tudi s pozicionirnimi elementi (Positionierelementen) in/ali z odstranljivimi napenjalnimi sredstvi za pritrditev tirnice.A further object of the invention is to be solved in accordance with the type of device by designing the rail support as a supporting structure with rails of adequate longitudinal dimension and with high flexural torque as well as with positioniere elements and / or removable tensioning means for attaching the rail. .

-5- 5 Prednost upogibno in torzijsko toge nosilne konstrukcije je aksialno vpetje tirnice, tudi če se zaradi različne porazdelitve mase in/ali različnih hladilnih intenzivnosti tvorijo preko prečnega prereza pri pojačanem hlajenju upogibne sile. Prav tako znatne so prednosti aksialnega vpetja 2 ozirom na pretok hladilnega sredstva ali omreženja površine s hladilno tekočino, ker se s tem omogoči točna nastavitev na zaželena področja tirnice z visoko enakomernostjo vzdolž dolžine tirnice. Torej se dosežejo lahko predvidene zone prečnega prereza zaželenih ohladitvenih hitrosti in s tem zaželene tvorbe strukture z visoko natančnostjo.-5- 5 The advantage of a bending and torsionally rigid supporting structure is the axial rail mounting, even if due to different mass distribution and / or different cooling intensities, they are formed through a cross-section with enhanced cooling of the bending force. The advantages of axial mounting 2 with respect to the flow of the refrigerant or the networking of the surface with the coolant are also significant, since this allows accurate adjustment to the desired rail areas with high uniformity along the rail length. Therefore, the intended cross-sectional areas of the desired cooling rates can be achieved and thus the desired formation of the structure with high precision.

Tehnično v smislu naprave kakor tudi glede uporabe je lahko ugodno, če je nosilna konstrukcija varjena konstrukcija, na kateri so razporejeni vsaj trije pozicionirni elementi, prednostno vodoravno razpotegnjeno vzdolž tirnice v medsebojni razdalji 0,5 m med elementi.Technically, in terms of the device as well as the use, it may be advantageous if the supporting structure is a welded structure with at least three positioning elements arranged, preferably horizontally stretched along the rail at a distance of 0.5 m between the elements.

Naprava je enostavna in zanesljiva, če so odstranijiva napenjalna sredstva oblikovana kot držala za tirnice, ležeče na pozicionirnih elementih.The device is simple and reliable if the removable tensioning means are designed as rail holders resting on the positioning elements.

Prednostno je tudi mogoče, da so odstranijiva napenjalna sredstva izoblikovana tako, da imajo usmerjevalne površine za pozicioniranje tirnice v vodoravni vzdolžni smeri osi.Preferably, it is also possible that the removable tensioning means are configured to have guide surfaces for positioning the rail in a horizontal longitudinal direction of the axis.

Da bi dosegli vzdolž dolžine tirnice po možnosti kar se da enakomerno strukturo materiala oz. da ne bi povzročili nobenega znatnega vpliva na krajevno hladilno intenzivnost, je lahko prednostno, če imajo pozicionirni elementi in napenjalna sredstva zmanjšano naležno površino na tirnici, na primer obliko zagozde. S tem se lahko izognemo takozvanim soft spots ali mehki plasti na tirnici.In order to achieve, as far as possible, a uniform material structure, or as much as possible, along the rail length. in order not to cause any significant effect on the local cooling intensity, it may be advantageous if the positioning elements and tensioning means have a reduced contact surface on the rail, such as a wedge shape. This can avoid so-called soft spots or soft layers on the rail.

-6- 6 Pri skrbni razporeditvi šob in/ali z uporabo vode, ki je v glavnem brez primesi, je lahko ugodno, če je hladilna naprava za tirnice oblikovana kot razpršilna proga z zrakom in/ali vodo z enako hladilno intenzivnostjo po dolžini.-6- 6 Careful arrangement of the nozzles and / or the use of largely unmixed water may be advantageous if the rail cooling device is designed as a spray line with air and / or water of equal cooling intensity over the length.

Če je temu nasprotno oblikovana hladilna naprava kot potopno korito s hladilno tekočino, se lahko na enostavni način z dodajanjem sintetičnih sredstev, ki učinkujejo na potopljene zone tirnic, nastavlja hladilna intenzivnost.In contrast, if the cooling device is designed as a sink with a coolant, the cooling intensity can be easily adjusted by adding synthetic agents that affect the submerged zones of the rails.

Če je nadalje nastavitev narejena tako, da sta nosilna konstrukcija tirnic in hladilna naprava v smeri tirnične vertikale v prečnem prerezu medsebojno relativno gibljiva, se lahko hladilni cikli in/ali hlajenje delov tirnice izvede posebno učinkovito.If the adjustment is further made in such a way that the supporting structure of the rails and the cooling device in the direction of the rail vertical cross-section are relatively relative to each other, the cooling cycles and / or cooling of the rail parts can be performed especially efficiently.

Posebno enostavna naprava se lahko oblikuje ali se lahko z dodatno opremo sestavi, če je nosilna konstrukcija povezana s potopnim koritom, ki ima vodoravno usmerjene pozicionirne elemente in če je tirnica z napenjalnimi sredstvi, na primer z držali, nastavljiva na pozicionirnih elementih. Pri tem so lahko na posebno enostavni način napenjalna sredstva izoblikovana kot uteži držal in razporejena vsaj na distalnih območjih tirnice.A particularly simple device can be formed or can be assembled with accessories if the supporting structure is connected to a submersible trough having horizontally oriented positioning elements and if the rail with adjustable means, such as holders, is adjustable on the positioning elements. In this way, in a particularly simple manner, the tensioning means may be formed as weights of the holders and arranged at least in the distal regions of the rail.

Za skoraj izotermično toplotno obdelavo je prednostno, če je možno vključiti napravo za diskontinuirano kaljenje tirnic ali delov prečnega prereza le-teh.For almost isothermal heat treatment, it is preferable to include a device for continuous hardening of rails or cross-sectional parts thereof.

V nadaljnjem je izum s pomočjo slik, ki prikazujejo posamezne izvedbe izuma, podrobneje obrazložen.Hereinafter, the invention is explained in more detail with the aid of figures showing individual embodiments of the invention.

Slike prikazujejo:Pictures show:

-7- 7 Sl.l.Naprava za potopno izboljševanje kvalitete visečih tirnic z navpično nastavitvijo napenjalnih sredstev.-7- 7 Fig.L.A device for immersive improvement of the quality of the suspended rails by the vertical adjustment of the tensioning means.

Sl. 2. Naprava za razpršilno izboljšavo kvalitete stoječih tirnic.FIG. 2. A device for improving the quality of standing rails.

Sl. 3. Naprava z vrtljivo nastavitvijo napenjalnih sredstev.FIG. 3. Device with rotary adjusting of tensioning means.

Sl. 4. Naprava z utežmi držal kot napenjalnimi sredstvi.FIG. 4. Hold device with weights as tensioning means.

Na sl. 1 je shematsko prikazana naprava za vpenjanje tirnice 1 vzdolž linije osi v viseči poziciji. Nosilna konstrukcija 2, ki je sestavljena torzijsko togo iz dveh predalčnih profilov 22,21, nosi gibljive zobate pozicionirne elemente 3,3', ki zasedajo v glavnem vodoravne površine naprave 31,31' za tirnico 1. Po odložitvi tirnice 1 in zaprtju pozicionirnih elementov 3,3' lahko po en posamezni napenjalni element 41, na primer s pomočjo hidravlično krmiljenega bata, zagotovi vpetje tirnice vzdolž linije osi, nakar se nadalje tirnica prenese npr. potom spuščanja nosilne konstrukcije 2 v hladilno napravo 5, na primer v potopno korito 51 s hladilno tekočino 52. Po vsaj delni ohladitvi najmanj enega dela tirnice 1 je možno le-to z dvigom v smeri H nosilne konstrukcije 2 izvzeti iz hladilnega medija in jo ob sproščanju napenjalnih sredstev 4' in pozicionirnih elementov 3 odložiti.In FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a device for clamping rail 1 along an axis line in a suspended position. The supporting structure 2, which consists of a torsion rigid of two drawer profiles 22,21, carries movable toothed positioning elements 3,3 'which occupy mainly the horizontal surface of the device 31,31' behind rail 1. After the rail 1 is disposed and the positioning elements are closed 3.3 ', one single tensioning element 41, for example, by means of a hydraulically controlled piston, can secure the rail along the axis line, and then transfer the rail further, e.g. then lowering the load-bearing structure 2 into the cooling device 5, for example, into the sink 51 with the coolant 52. After at least partial cooling of at least one part of the rail 1, it can be removed from the cooling medium by lifting in the direction H of the load-bearing structure 2 and at release the tensioning means 4 'and positioning elements 3.

Sl. 2 prikazuje tirnico 1, ki je v stoječem stanju vpeta v nosilno konstrukcijo 2 in je zavarovana pred upogibom. Dana nosilna konstrukcija 2 sestoji na primer iz enega spodnjega in enega zgornjega predalčnega okvirja 21,22, ki torzijsko togo veže predala skupaj. Vpetju vzdolž linije osi sledi prenos tirnice 1 na pozicionirnih delih 23 in zaprtje pozicionirnih elementov 3,3', ki imata poševne naležne površine 31,31', na primer z obračanjem s pomočjo hidravličnega sredstva 6.FIG. 2 shows a rail 1, which is in the upright state, mounted on a supporting structure 2 and is protected against bending. For example, the supporting structure 2 consists of one lower and one upper drawer frame 21,22, which torsionally rigidly bind the drawers together. The mounting along the axis line is followed by the transfer of the rail 1 to the positioning parts 23 and the closure of the positioning elements 3,3 'having oblique contact surfaces 31,31', for example by turning by means of a hydraulic means 6.

-8- 8 Na sl. 3 je prikazana naprava po izumu, ki ima stransko nameščena okvirna elementa 21,22 nosilne konstrukcije 2. Za vpetje tirnice 1, ki jo nosijo pozicionirni elementi 3,3' z naležno površino 31,31', se napenjalna sredstva 4,4' obrnejo okoli vrtilne točke 42,42' in se njihove naležne površine 41,41' naravnajo na tirnično nogo in tako tirnico 1 pritrdijo. S pomočjo relativnega pomika H lahko sledi potop tirnice v hladilni medij 52.8 8 FIG. 3 shows a device according to the invention having side-mounted frame members 21,22 of the supporting structure 2. To fasten the rail 1 supported by the positioning elements 3,3 'with a support surface 31,31', the tensioning means 4,4 'are rotated around the pivot point 42,42 'and their contact surfaces 41,41' are aligned on the rail leg, thus securing the rail 1. By means of relative displacement H, the dip of the rail into the cooling medium 52 can be followed.

Na sliki 4 je spet shematsko prikazana horizontalna usmeritev tirnice 1. Tirnica 1 se s tirnično glavo 11 navzdol usmerjeno vstavi v potopno korito 51 hladilne naprave 5 s hladilno tekočino 52 in se podpre s pomočjo znotraj nameščenih pozicionirnih elementov 3. Za vpetje v aksialno vodoravno pozicijo sledi nalaganje uteži 40, ki so zaradi držal 42 gibljive, na tirnico 1, pri čemer se pozicionirne elemente 3,3' lahko spusti navzdol za napr. 0,5 mm z namenom tvorbe manjše špranje na naležnih površinah 31,31'. Za iznos tirnice 1 iz hladilne naprave 5 sledi na primer privzdigujenje zadrževalnih uteži 40 in premaknitev pozicionirnih elementov 3,3' navzgor. Vsekakor pa je možno tudi spuščanje hladilne naprave 5.Figure 4 again schematically shows the horizontal orientation of rail 1. Rail 1 is inserted with the rail head 11 downwardly into the sink sink 51 of the cooling device 5 with the coolant 52 and supported by means of positioning elements 3 installed. For mounting in an axial horizontal position this is followed by loading the weights 40, which are movable due to the holders 42, onto the rail 1, whereby the positioning members 3,3 'can be lowered downwards for approx. 0.5 mm to form a smaller gap in the contact surfaces 31.31 '. For example, the removal of the rail 1 from the cooling device 5 is, for example, by lifting the holding weights 40 and moving the positioning elements 3,3 'upwards. However, it is also possible to lower the refrigeration unit 5.

Claims (21)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Postopek za kaljenje tirnic ali vsaj glav tirnic s pomočjo pojačanega hlajenja s preobrazbo strukture iz austenitne v neko drugo zaželeno, pri temperaturi prostora stabilno mikrostrukturo, označen s tem, da se tirnica v austenitnem strukturnem stanju usmeri, vodoravno pozicionira in vzdolž linije osi zavarovano pred upogibom vpne, nakar se ob vzdrževanju vpetja oz. zavarovanju pred upogibom tirnice in/ali vsaj dela prečnega prereza tirnice od temperature, ki leži iznad točke Ac3 legure, na znani način izvede občasna ojačana ohladitev in sprememba strukture.A method for hardening rails or at least rail heads by means of enhanced cooling by converting the structure from austenitic to another desirable microstructure stable at ambient temperature, characterized in that the rail in austenitic structural condition is oriented, horizontally positioned and secured along the axis line it clamps before bending and then, while maintaining the clamp or. In order to protect against bending of the rail and / or at least part of the rail cross section from a temperature above the point Ac3 of the alloy, it is known in the known manner from time to time to reinforced cooling and structure alteration. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem. da se usmerjanje, pozicioniranje in vpetje vzdolž linije osi tirnice izvrši neposredno po zadnjem deformacijskem posegu pod izrabo toplote valjanja.The method of claim 1, wherein. that the alignment, positioning and mounting along the line of the axis of the rail is carried out immediately after the last deformation operation under the heat of rolling. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da se tirnico vpne v stoječem stanju, pri čemer je usmerjena tirnična glava navpično navzgor.A method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the rail is clamped in the upright state, with the directed rail head being vertically upward. 4. Postopek po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da se vpne tirnico v visečem stanju, pri čemer je tirnična glava usmerjena navpično navzdol.Method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the rail is suspended in a suspended state, with the rail head pointing vertically downwards. 5. Postopek po zahtevku 1 do 4, označen s tem, da se tirnici s pomočjo brizgalnega hlajenja odvzame toplota, pri čemer se v vzdolžni smeri gledano na površinskem področju prečnega prereza simetrično na višinsko os tirnice uporabi enako visoka hladilna intezivnost.Method according to Claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the heat is absorbed by the rail by means of heat dissipation, using an equally high cooling intensity symmetrically in the longitudinal direction in the cross-sectional area of the rail. -10- 10-10- 10 6. Postopek po zahtevku 1 do 4, označen s tem, da se tirnici odvzame toplota s potapljanjem v hladilno tekočino.Method according to Claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the rails are removed by immersion in the coolant. 7. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 6, označen s tem, da se izvede hlajenje tirnice časovno in/ali krajevno, kar zadeva površinsko območje prečnega prereza, intermitirajoČe.Method according to one of Claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the cooling of the rail is carried out temporally and / or locally with respect to the cross-sectional surface area, intermittently. 8. Postopek po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 7, označen s tem, da se tirnico izpne po ojačanem ohlajevanju, pri povišani temperaturi zadrži in/ali se jo na mirujočem zraku pusti ohladiti na sobno temperaturo.Method according to one of Claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the rail is removed after enhanced cooling, kept at elevated temperature and / or allowed to cool to room temperature in the still air. 9. Uporaba postopka ustrezno zahtevkom 1 do 8 za pojačano hlajenje ali kaljenje tirnic z dolžino, daljšo od 50 m, prednostno daljšo od 90 m.Use of the process according to claims 1 to 8 for enhanced cooling or tempering of rails with a length exceeding 50 m, preferably longer than 90 m. 10. Naprava za kaljenje tirnic ali vsaj glav le-teh s pomočjo pojačanega hlajenja s preobrazbo strukture iz austenitne v neko drugo zaželeno, pri temperaturi prostora stabilno mikrostrukturo, ki sestoji v glavnem iz opore za tirnico in hladilne naprave, označena s tem, da je oblikovana opora tirnice kot nosilna konstrukcija (2) s tirnici (1) ustrezno vzdolžno dimenzijo in z visokim odpornostnim momentom proti upogibu kakor tudi s pozicionimimi elementi (3) in/ali z odstranljivim! napenjalnimi sredstvi (4) za pritrditev tirnice (1) .10. A device for tempering rails or at least heads thereof by means of enhanced cooling by converting the structure from austenitic to another desirable, at room temperature, stable microstructure consisting essentially of a rail support and cooling devices, characterized in that shaped rail support as supporting structure (2) with rails (1) of adequate longitudinal dimension and with high flexural torque as well as positioning elements (3) and / or removable! tensioning means (4) for fixing the rail (1). 11. Naprava po zahtevku 10, označena s tem, da je nosilna konstrukcija (2) varjena konstrukcija, na kateri so razporejeni vsaj trije pozicionirni elementi (3), prednostno vodoravno usmerjeno vzdolž tirnice v medsebojni razdalji 0,5 m med pozicionirinimi elementi (3).Apparatus according to claim 10, characterized in that the supporting structure (2) is a welded structure on which at least three positioning elements (3) are arranged, preferably horizontally oriented along the rail at a distance of 0.5 m between the positioning elements (3) ). -11- 11-11- 11 12. Naprava po zahtevku 10 ali 11, označena s tem, da so odstranijiva napenjalna sredstva (4) oblikovana kot držala (40) za tirnico (1), ležečo na pozicionirnih elementih (3).Apparatus according to claim 10 or 11, characterized in that the removable tensioning means (4) are formed as holders (40) for the rail (1) resting on the positioning elements (3). 13. Naprava po zahtevku 10, označena s tem. da so odstranijiva napenjalna sredstva (4) izoblikovana tako, da imajo usmerjevalne površine (41,42) za pozicioniranje tirnice (1) v vodoravni vzdolžni smeri osi.Apparatus according to claim 10, characterized in. that the removable tensioning means (4) are configured to have guide surfaces (41,42) for positioning the rail (1) in the horizontal longitudinal direction of the axis. 14. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 13, označena s tem, da imajo pozicionirni elementi (3) in napenjalna sredstva (4) zmanjšano naležno površino na tirnico (1), na primer obliko zagozde.Apparatus according to one of Claims 10 to 13, characterized in that the positioning elements (3) and the tensioning means (4) have a reduced contact surface on the rail (1), for example a wedge shape. 15. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 14, označena s tem, da je hladilna naprava (5) za tirnico (1) oblikovana kot razpršilna proga (50) z zrakom in/ali vodo (52,52',52) z enako hladilno intenzivnostjo vzdolž dolžine.Apparatus according to one of Claims 10 to 14, characterized in that the cooling device (5) for the rail (1) is formed as a spray line (50) with air and / or water (52,52 ', 52) with the same cooling intensity along the length. 16. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 14, označena s tem, da je hladilna naprava (5) oblikovana kot potopno korito (51) s hladilno tekočino (52).Apparatus according to one of Claims 10 to 14, characterized in that the cooling device (5) is formed as a sink (51) with coolant (52). 17. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 16, označena s tem, da sta nosilna konstrukcija tirnice (2) in hladilna naprava (5) v smeri tirnične vertikale (H) v prečnem prerezu medsebojno relativno gibljiva.Device according to one of Claims 10 to 16, characterized in that the supporting structure of the rail (2) and the cooling device (5) in the direction of the rail vertical (H) are in cross-section relative to each other. 18. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 17, označena s tem, da je nosilna konstrukcija (2) povezana s potopnim koritom (51), ki ima vodoravno usmerjene pozicionirne elemente (3) , in da je tirnica (1) zDevice according to one of Claims 10 to 17, characterized in that the supporting structure (2) is connected to a submersible sink (51) having horizontally oriented positioning elements (3), and that the rail (1) with -12- 12 napenjalnimi sredstvi (4) , na primer z držali (40) , nastavljiva na pozicionirnih elementih (3).-12- 12 tensioning means (4), for example with holders (40), adjustable on positioning elements (3). 19. Naprava po zahtevku 18, označena s tem, da so napenjalna sredstva (4) izoblikovana kot uteži držal (40) in razporejena vsaj na distalnih območjih tirnice (1).Apparatus according to claim 18, characterized in that the tensioning means (4) are formed as weights of the holders (40) and arranged at least in the distal regions of the rail (1). 20. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 19, označena s temf da je le-ta uporabna za diskontinuirano kaljenje tirnice (1) ali delov prečnega prereza le-te.20. Apparatus according to one of claims 10 to 19, characterized n that the latter is used for discontinuous hardening of rails (1) or parts of the cross-section thereof. 21. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 10 do 20, označena s tem, da ima dolžino, ki je primerna za kaljenje tirnic z dolžino več kot 50 m, prednostno več kot 90 m.Apparatus according to one of Claims 10 to 20, characterized in that it has a length which is suitable for hardening rails with a length of more than 50 m, preferably more than 90 m.
SI200100265A 2001-10-11 2001-10-11 Procedure and device for tempering rails SI21045B (en)

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