SI20506A - Method for preparing restructured meat having a foliate structure - Google Patents

Method for preparing restructured meat having a foliate structure Download PDF


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SI20506A SI9920069A SI9920069A SI20506A SI 20506 A SI20506 A SI 20506A SI 9920069 A SI9920069 A SI 9920069A SI 9920069 A SI9920069 A SI 9920069A SI 20506 A SI20506 A SI 20506A
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Slovenian (sl)
Maurice Fradin
Christian Fradin
Original Assignee
Europeenne De Croissance Et D'actions Eca
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Application filed by Europeenne De Croissance Et D'actions Eca filed Critical Europeenne De Croissance Et D'actions Eca
Publication of SI20506A publication Critical patent/SI20506A/en



    • A23L13/00Meat products; Meat meal; Preparation or treatment thereof
    • A23L13/00Meat products; Meat meal; Preparation or treatment thereof
    • A23L13/60Comminuted or emulsified meat products, e.g. sausages; Reformed meat from comminuted meat product
    • A23L13/67Reformed meat products other than sausages
    • A23L13/00Meat products; Meat meal; Preparation or treatment thereof
    • A23L13/03Coating with a layer; Stuffing, laminating, binding, or compressing of original meat pieces


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  • Meat, Egg Or Seafood Products (AREA)


The invention concerns a method consisting in breaking down a muscle into chunks, forming blocks in a mould (4) from said chunks whereof the surface has been first cooled, slicing the block in a slicing station (7) along a direction perpendicular to their length, to obtain superfine films, with a surface of the order of 5 to 500 cm2, a thickness not exceeding a few tenths of mm, restructuring the meat into one piece by assembling the superfine films in a vacuum forming device. The invention enables to obtain products having a texture and sensory properties close to those of the natural product.



Postopek za pripravo preoblikovanega mesa, ki ima plastasto sestavoProcess for the preparation of transformed meat having a layered composition

Predloženi izum se nanaša na postopek za izdelavo preoblikovanega mesa, ki ima plastasto sestavo.The present invention relates to a process for making a transformed meat having a layered composition.

Bolj podrobno ima izum za nalogo postopek, vendar ne izključno, ki skuša ponovno sestaviti kose mesa, kot so bifteki, pečenke, zrezki ali podobno, ki imajo pred pečenjem obnašanje in organoleptične lastnosti kar se da podobne tistim od naravne mišice, izhajajoč od razreza mišic, ki mu sledijo delovni postopki mešanja in oblikovanja izdelkov takšnega razreza z morebitnimi aditivi.In more detail, the invention has a process task, but not exclusively, that seeks to reassemble pieces of meat, such as steaks, roasts, steaks, or the like, which have a pre-roasting behavior and organoleptic properties as closely as possible to those of a natural muscle, resulting from muscle cutting , followed by work processes of mixing and forming the products of such cutting with possible additives.

Študije, ki jih je izvedel prijavitelj in so dale povod za vložitev patentne prijave PCT/FR/87/00049, so doslej pokazale, da bi bil tak rezultat dosežen, če postopek preoblikovanja da končnemu izdelku sestavo, ki obstoji iz ultrafinih plasti s srednjo površino, ki se zlepijo med seboj na bolj ali manj pravilen način, kar ohranja plastasto teksturo.Studies carried out by the applicant which gave rise to patent application PCT / FR / 87/00049 have so far shown that such a result would be achieved if the transformation process gives the finished product a composition consisting of ultrafine layers with a medium surface , which adhere to each other in a more or less correct manner, which maintains a layered texture.

Rešitev, za katero se zdi, da se ponuja, bi torej obstajala v postopku, ki obsega naslednje delovne faze:The solution that appears to be offered would therefore exist in a process comprising the following working stages:

razsekanje mišice, prednostno tople - to se pravi odvzete ante rigorem mortis v dolgih in ozkih trakovih, ki imajo prerez srednje površine prednostno z razsežnostmi med 20 mm in 30 mm, oblikovanje podolgovatih blokov z nalaganjem omenjenih dolgih in ozkih trakov v smeri, ki je na splošno vzporedna z njihovo dolžino, z ohlajanjem dolgih in ozkih trakov na površini, prednostno z uvajanjem suhega ledu, rezanje blokov v smeri, ki je pravokotna na njihovo dolžino, da se zadržijo ultrafine plasti s srednjo površino, preoblikovanje v kose mesa z združevanjem ultrafinih plasti v delovnem postopku nerazrušnega oblikovanja plastaste teksture.muscle dissection, preferably warm - that is, stripped ante rigorem mortis in long and narrow strips having a cross-section of the middle surface, preferably with dimensions between 20 mm and 30 mm, forming elongated blocks by loading said long and narrow strips in a direction that is at generally parallel to their length, by cooling long and narrow strips on the surface, preferably by introducing dry ice, cutting blocks in a direction perpendicular to their length, to retain ultra-thin layers with a medium surface, transforming into cuts of meat by combining ultra-thin layers in a non-destructive layered texture workflow.

Izraz ultrafine plasti tukaj označuje plasti, ki imajo debelino znatno pod 1 mm in katerih določeni del ima vsaj v zgradbi debelino med 2/10 mm in 5/10 mm, medtem ko pojem srednja površina označuje površine reda velikosti nekaj cm .The term ultrafine layers here refers to layers substantially less than 1 mm thick and whose defined part has a thickness between 2/10 mm and 5/10 mm at least in the structure, while the term "middle surface" denotes surfaces of the order of several cm.

Da se dobijo plasti, ki imajo ta nivo debeline, prijavitelj predlaga aparat za rezanje blokov, ki izvaja posredovanje vrteče se plošče, ki izvaja krožno gibanje prečno na kos, povezano z vrtečo se krožno ploščo, pri čemer se bloki prinašajo v področje rezanja preko sredstev za vodenje z osjo, kije vzporedno osi vrtečega se diska.In order to obtain layers having this level of thickness, the applicant proposes a block cutting apparatus that mediates a rotating plate, which performs a circular motion transversely to a piece connected to a rotating circular plate, bringing the blocks into the cutting area by means for guiding the axis parallel to the axis of the rotating disc.

Delovni postopek preoblikovanja in oblikovanja mesa je bil izveden s pomočjo priprave, ki izvaja posredovanje dveh vijakov s spiralnim navojem z vzporednima osema, tako da se navoja vrtita drug proti drugemu, pri čemer se tadva vijaka končujeta v dveh ustreznih izstopnih šobah.A working process for the transformation and shaping of the meat was carried out by means of a device which mediates the two screws with coiled coils with parallel axes so that the coils rotate against each other, the two screws ending in two corresponding outlet nozzles.

Predvsem je naloga izuma izboljšati predhodno omenjeni postopek, tako da se dobijo izdelki, ki imajo teksturo in organoleptične lastnosti kar se da podobne tem pri naravni mišici.In particular, it is an object of the invention to improve the aforementioned process so as to obtain products having texture and organoleptic properties as similar as possible to those of natural muscle.

V ta namen predlaga postopek zgoraj omenjene vrste, po katerem imajo ultrafme plasti najpomembnejšo površino v povprečju večjo od 10 cm2.To this end, it proposes a method of the type mentioned above, according to which the ultrafine layers have an average surface area of more than 10 cm 2 on average.

Dejansko se izkaže, da se kot posledica faze preoblikovanja mesa, ki se izvaja v vakuumu, dobi mnogo boljša tekstura in to kljub predsodku, ki bi dopuščal pomislek, da naj večja površina plasti ne bi smela presegati lem do 2 cm , upoštevaje mehansko delovanje, ki se izvaja z dvojnim brezkončnim vijakom priprave za preoblikovanje.In fact, it appears that, as a result of the transformation phase of the meat, which is carried out in a vacuum, a much better texture is obtained, despite the prejudice that it may be assumed that the larger surface of the layer should not exceed a solder up to 2 cm, taking into account mechanical action, which is performed with a double endless screw of the transformer.

Seveda je problem, ki se zastavlja, torej v tem, kako industrijsko izvesti rezine, ki imajo takšno površino, pri čemer se razume, da rezanje blokov, ki predstavlja njihove predhodno omenjene značilnosti, ne dopušča doseganja tega rezultata.Of course, the problem that arises is, therefore, how to industrially produce slices having such a surface, and it is understood that cutting blocks that represent their previously mentioned characteristics does not allow this result to be achieved.

Z izumom se torej predlaga, da se predhodno opisana faza razrezovanja nadomesti s fazo razrezovanja, ki vodi do pridobitve plošč mesa, ki imajo površino, ki gre lahko od 5 cm2 do 500 cm2, in debelino reda velikosti od 5 mm do 30 mm.The invention therefore proposes to replace the cutting phase described previously with the cutting phase leading to the production of meat plates having a surface area of from 5 cm 2 to 500 cm 2 and a thickness of the order of 5 mm to 30 mm .

Izkaže se, da se med oblikovanjem blokov v notranjosti kalupa, v katerem se razsekano meso stisne z batom, ki je poganjan z gonilnikom, plošče mesa razporedijo plosko druga ob drugi pravokotno na os premikanja bata. Zato se lahko razsekavanje blokov zatem izvede vzporedno z osnovnimi stranicami plošč mesa. Dobljene rezine bodo torej sorazmerno pomembnih razsežnosti - površina lahko doseže največjo površino plošč, torej okoli 500 cm2.It turns out that while forming blocks inside the mold in which the cut meat is pressed with a driver-driven piston, the meat plates are arranged flat perpendicularly to each other in the axis of motion of the piston. Therefore, block cutting can then be done in parallel with the base sides of the meat plates. The resulting slices will therefore be of relatively significant dimensions - the surface can reach a maximum surface area of about 500 cm 2 .

Izvedbeni primer izuma bo v nadaljnjem opisan kot neomejujoč primer ob sklicevanju na priložene slike, na katerih sl. 1 predstavlja shematično ponazoritev v pogledu z vrha naprave za izdelovanje plastastega mesa po izumu;An embodiment of the invention will hereinafter be described as a non-limiting example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic view from the top of the layered meat making apparatus of the invention;

sl. 2 je shematični pogled na pripravo;FIG. 2 is a schematic view of the preparation;

sl. 3 je pogled v osnem prerezu, ki prikazuje ekstruzijski tunel na dvojni vijak, ki se uporablja v pripravi na sl. 1 in 2.FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view showing an extrusion tunnel on a double screw used in preparation of FIG. 1 and 2.

V tem izvedbenem primeru popolna priprava za izdelavo plastastega mesa v bistvu obsega:In this embodiment, the complete preparation for the production of layered meat essentially comprises:

tunel 1 za hlajenje, v katerem krožijo kosi mesa, ki jih je treba obdelati in so bili dobljeni z razsekavanjem in imajo obliko plošč mesa, dvigalo 2, ki jih prenaša v lijak za polnjenje kalupa 4 za oblikovanje blokov, ki je opremljen s hidravličnim gonilom 41;a cooling tunnel 1 in which pieces of meat to be processed and obtained by cutting and shaped like meat plates are circulated, an elevator 2 which transfers them to a mold hopper 4 for forming blocks, which is equipped with a hydraulic gearbox 41;

magazin 5 na sodčke, v katerem se temperatura blokov ustali, stiskalnik 6 za zadrževanje blokov zaradi njihovega razrezovanja, rezalno glavo, kije vsebovana v zaščitnem okrovu - rezalno mesto 7 - in obsega dve rezili, pripravo za razdeljevanje veziva, sito S in pripravo 9 za oblikovanje v vakuumu plastastega mesa, izhajajoč iz plasti, kijih nareže rezalna glava. Tunel 1 za hlajenje je zasnovan tako, da zagotavlja učinkovito ohlajanje, ki je primemo, da se hitro ohladi površina kosov na zelo nizko temperaturo reda velikosti od -25 °C do -35 °C. V primeru, ko se želijo dobiti hladni izdelki, se poleg kriogenega ohlajanja izvaja še mehansko ohlajanje, ki omogoča osušitev površine mesa.magazine 5 on the barrels in which the temperature of the blocks is stabilized, the press 6 for holding the blocks due to their cutting, the cutting head contained in the protective housing - the cutting point 7 - and comprising two blades, a binder dispenser, a sieve S and a 9 forming in a vacuum of layered meat, arising from the layers cut by the cutting head. The cooling tunnel 1 is designed to provide efficient cooling, which is suitable for rapidly cooling the surface of the pieces to a very low temperature of the order of -25 ° C to -35 ° C. In the case of cold products, in addition to cryogenic cooling, mechanical cooling is also carried out to allow the meat surface to dry.

Z druge strani pa bo v primeru izdelave globoko ohlajenih izdelkov to ohlajanje lahko zagotovljeno s pomočjo suhega ledu.On the other hand, in the case of the production of deep chilled products, this cooling can be ensured through dry ice.

Dvigalo 2 je prednostno vrste na transportni trak, ki kroži v atmosferi anhidrida ogljikove kisline.Elevator 2 is preferably of the type on a conveyor belt circulating in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride.

Oblikovalni kalup za bloke mesa je na svojem koncu, ki leži nasproti bata PO, ki se končuje z valjem gonila 41, zaprtim z loputo 43, katere odpiranje in zapiranje se krmilita z gonilom.The molding block for the meat block is at its end opposite the piston PO, which ends with a gearbox 41, closed with a flap 43, the opening and closing of which are controlled by the gearbox.

Krmiljenje gonila 41 se izvaja tako, da bo blok, ki se izoblikuje med batom PO in loputo 43 imel vnaprej določeno dolžino. Zato se gonilo 41, potem ko je stisnilo določeno količino mesa v notranjosti kalupa 4, umakne za dolžino, ki je enaka dvojni dolžini nenapolnjenega dela kalupa, to pa povzroča zaporedne hode in povratke gonila, ki se izvajajo, da se doseže popolno ponovno napolnjenje kalupa, pri čemer bodo padajoči deleži količine mesa, kije vsebovana v lijaku, potisnjeni v kalup. Napajanje kalupa se izvaja s pomočjo lijaka, ki je zasnovan tako, da se vsaka plošča mesa postavi v bistvu pravokotno na vzdolžno os kalupa.The gear unit 41 is controlled in such a way that the block formed between the piston PO and the hatch 43 will have a predetermined length. Therefore, gearbox 41, after squeezing a certain amount of meat inside the mold 4, is withdrawn by a length equal to double the length of the unfilled portion of the mold, which causes successive strokes and returns of the gearbox, which are performed to achieve complete refilling of the mold , with decreasing proportions of the amount of meat contained in the funnel being pushed into the mold. The mold is powered by a funnel designed to place each slab of meat essentially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the mold.

Po njegovem oblikovanju je vsak blok P potisnjen z gonilom v prvi sodček 51 magazina 5, kijih ima štiri, in se zasuče tako, da blok zaporedoma zavzame različne položaje prav do takrat, ko je izvržen iz zadnjega položaja proti rezalni glavi TC s pomočjo potisnega gonila 55.According to its design, each block P is pushed by a gearbox into the first barrel 51 of magazine 5, of which there are four, and rotated so that the block occupies various positions consecutively until it is ejected from its last position against the cutting head TC by means of a thrust gearbox. 55.

Čas zadrževanja blokov v magazinu je določen tako, da ima meso čas, da se njegova temperatura ustali na vrednosti med 0 °C in -2 °C.The residence time of blocks in a magazine is determined so that the meat has a time to stabilize its temperature between 0 ° C and -2 ° C.

Potisno gonilo 55 je krmiljeno tako, da povzroči neprekinjeno napredovanje bloka mesa, dokler ni izvržen iz magazina 5 na sodčke z majhno hitrostjo v področje rezanja, npr. s hitrostjo med 6 mm/s in 10 mm/s.The thrust gear 55 is controlled to cause continuous progression of the block of meat until it is ejected from magazine 5 at low speed barrels into the cutting area, e.g. at speeds between 6 mm / s and 10 mm / s.

V tem primeru bo napredovanje bloka med dvema zaporednima rezoma lahko torej znašalo med 0,36 mm in 0,6 mm, to sta vrednosti, ki ustrezata debelini plasti na začetku rezanja.In this case, the advancement of the block between two consecutive cuts may therefore be between 0.36 mm and 0.6 mm, the values corresponding to the thickness of the layer at the beginning of the cutting.

Razsekavanje se doseže s pomočjo vrtečega se diska, ki se krožno premika prečno na blok povezano z vrtečo se krožno ploščo, pri čemer se disk vrti v smislu, ki je nasproten plošči.The cutting is achieved by means of a rotating disk which moves circularly transversely to the block connected to the rotating circular plate, the disk rotating in a sense opposite to the plate.

Na izhodu mesta 7 za razsekavanje plasti mesa padajo v lijak T, katerega dno F se vedno znova zapira s tesnečimi vrati Pb kijih poganja gonilo Vi, ki krmili vhod sita S, v katerem je v bistvu v vakuum. Nasprotni smisel vrtenja diska in plošče povzroči, da deli mesa padajo v lijak T sproti med izdelavo plasti. Nasprotno v primeru, ko je smisel vrtenja isti, so deli razmetani v vseh smereh in nato v paketih padajo v lijak, s čimer škodujejo kakovosti in homogenosti izdelka.At the outlet of the cutting site 7, the layers of meat fall into the funnel T, whose bottom F is closed again and again by the sealing door P b driven by the gear unit Vi, which controls the inlet of the sieve S, in which it is essentially in a vacuum. The opposite sense of rotation of the disk and the plate causes parts of the meat to fall into the funnel T in the process of making the layer. On the contrary, when the sense of rotation is the same, the parts are thrown in all directions and then fall into the funnel in packages, thus damaging the quality and homogeneity of the product.

Izhod tega sita S, kije krmiljen z drugimi tesnimi vrati P2, ki so krmiljena z gonilom V2, daje dostop do priprave 9 za oblikovanje v vakuumu.The output of this screen S, which is controlled by other tight gates P 2 controlled by gearbox V 2 , gives access to the vacuum forming device 9.

Seveda krmiljenje vrat Pb P2 poteka izmenoma, pri čemer se vakuum izvaja na sito S le, ko so vstopna vrata Pt zaprta, medtem ko so izstopna vrata P2 odprta. Zaradi te razporeditve lahko oblikovalna priprava deluje praktično neprekinjeno, pri čemer je treba vedeti, da se polnjenje sita S izvaja v zelo kratkem času glede na čas praznjenja. Prav tako je priprava 9 za oblikovanje podvržena neprestanemu vakuumu.Of course, the control of the door P b P 2 takes place alternately, whereby the vacuum is applied to the sieve S only when the entrance door P t is closed while the exit door P 2 is open. Due to this arrangement, the molding device can operate virtually continuously, bearing in mind that the filling of the sieve S is carried out in a very short time relative to the discharge time. Likewise, the molding apparatus 9 is subjected to continuous vacuum.

Priprava 9 za oblikovanje obstoji tukaj iz ekstruzijskega tunela, ki obsega dva vijaka 20, 21 s spiralnim navojem z vzporednima osema in, ki sta drug od drugega odmaknjena tako, da sta vijaka 20, 21 vpisana v valja, ki se v bistvu dotikata.The molding device 9 consists here of an extrusion tunnel comprising two screws 20, 21 with a spiral thread with parallel axes and spaced apart from each other so that the screws 20, 21 are inserted into cylinders that are substantially in contact with each other.

Ta dva vijaka 20, 21, katerih navoji so nasprotni drug drugemu in ki sta prednostno prekrita s teflonom, sta poganjana z motornim sklopom, ki je poganjan tako, da omogoča njuno sukanje v nasprotnem smislu drugega glede na drugega, da se zavijata drug proti drugemu proti notranjosti sklopa.These two screws 20, 21, the threads of which are opposite each other and which are preferably coated with Teflon, are driven by a motor assembly which is driven in such a way that they can rotate in the opposite sense of each other in order to turn against each other towards the inside of the assembly.

Masa mesa, ki se vnese na vstopnem koncu tunela 9, se potiska in stiska v izstopni odsek tunela, kjer je korak vijakov 20, 21 zmanjšan.The mass of meat introduced at the inlet end of tunnel 9 is pushed and compressed into the outlet section of the tunnel, where the pitch of the screws 20, 21 is reduced.

Vsak odsek konca tunela je povezan z različno šobo 200, 210, ki obsega vstopni predel v obliki prisekanega stožca, v katerega sega konec z zmanjšujočim se premerom vijaka 20, 21, sledi pa mu valjasti predel.Each section of the end of the tunnel is connected to a different nozzle 200, 210, comprising an inlet section in the form of a truncated cone, into which the end decreases with decreasing screw diameter 20, 21, followed by a cylindrical section.

Na maso, kiju prenašata, vijaka 20, 21 izvajata združevalni učinek, v katerem se plasti mesa razporedijo po prednostnih usmeritvah, pri čemer hitrost vrtenja vijakov - med 50 vrt./min in 300 vrt./min - ostaja nizka, da se zagotovi integriteta vlaken mesa. Zato sta na izhodu ustreznih šob 200, 210 tekstura končnega izdelka in predvsem usmeritev vlaken blizu tistima od naravne mišice.For the masses to be conveyed, the screws 20, 21 exert a compounding effect in which the layers of meat are arranged according to the preferred directions, while the speed of rotation of the screws - between 50 rpm and 300 rpm - remains low to ensure integrity fiber meat. Therefore, at the outlet of the corresponding nozzles 200, 210, the texture of the finished product and, in particular, the orientation of the fibers are close to those of the natural muscle.

Izdelek ima zato obliko neprekinjene klobase, ki se bo lahko razrezala, tako da se bodo dobili kosi preoblikovanega mesa v obliki fileja.The product therefore takes the form of a continuous sausage that can be cut to produce fillet-shaped pieces of transformed meat.

Takšni kosi se bodo lahko prodajali kot sveže meso v običajnih distribucijskih krogih ali pa celo globoko zmrznjeni.Such cuts may be sold as fresh meat in conventional distribution circles or even deep-frozen.

Claims (10)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Postopek za pripravo preoblikovanega mesa, obsegajoč naslednje zaporedne delovne korake:1. A process for the preparation of transformed meat, comprising the following consecutive work steps: razrezovanje mišice, prednostno tople (ante rigorem mortis), v kose, oblikovanje blokov, izhajajoč iz kosov, katerih površina je predhodno ohlajena, razrezovanje blokov v smeri pravokotno na njihovo dolžino, da se dobijo ultrafine plasti debeline kvečjemu nekaj desetin milimetra, preoblikovanje v kose mesa z združevanjem ultrafmih plasti v delovnem koraku nerazrušnega oblikovanja plastaste teksture, označen s tem, da imajo ultrafine plasti površino v povprečju nad 10 cm .cutting the muscle, preferably ante rigorem mortis, into pieces, forming blocks based on pieces whose surface is pre-cooled, cutting blocks in a direction perpendicular to their length to produce ultrafine layers up to a few tens of millimeter thick, forming into pieces Meat by combining ultrafine layers in a non-destructive layered texture work step, characterized in that the ultrafine layers have an average surface area of more than 10 cm. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da imajo omenjeni kosi, ki se dobijo na koncu faze razrezovanja, obliko plošč, ki imajo površino, ki lahko seže od 5 cm do 2A method according to claim 1, characterized in that said pieces obtained at the end of the cutting phase have the form of plates having a surface that can extend from 5 cm to 2 500 cm in debelino od 5 mm do 30 mm.500 cm and thickness from 5 mm to 30 mm. 3. Postopek po zathevku 2, označen s tem, da se oblikovanje blokov izvaja v notranjosti kalupa (4), v katerem se razrezano meso stisne z gonilnikom (41),Method according to claim 2, characterized in that the block formation is carried out inside the mold (4), in which the cut meat is pressed with the driver (41), 4. Postopek po zahtevku 3, označen s tem, da se uvajanje razrezanega mesa v kalup (4) izvaja tako, da se plošče mesa razporedijo plosko druga ob drugi pravokotno na os premikanja bata.Method according to claim 3, characterized in that the introduction of the cut meat into the mold (4) is carried out by arranging the meat plates side by side perpendicularly to the axis of movement of the piston. 5. Postopek po enem izmed zahtevkov 2 do 4, označen s tem, da se rezanje blokov izvaja vzporedno z glavnima stranema plošč mesa.Method according to one of Claims 2 to 4, characterized in that the cutting of the blocks is carried out in parallel with the main sides of the meat plates. 6. Postopek po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da se razrezovanje doseže s pomočjo vrtečega se diska, ki se premika krožno prečno na blok povezano z vrtečo se krožno ploščo, pri čemer se disk vrti v nasprotnem smislu kot plošča.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the cutting is achieved by means of a rotating disk, which moves circularly transversely to the block connected to the rotating circular plate, the disk rotating in the opposite sense as a plate. 7. Postopek po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da po delovnem koraku rezanja plasti padejo v lijak (T), katerega dno sestavljajo prva vrata (P,), ki krmilijo vstop sita (S), v katerem je v bistvu vakuum, izhod tega sita (S) pa je krmiljen z drugimi vrati (P2), ki dajejo dostop do priprave (9) za oblikovanje v vakuumu.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that after the working step of cutting the layers fall into a funnel (T), the bottom of which consists of the first door (P,) controlling the inlet of the sieve (S), in which there is essentially a vacuum and the output of this sieve (S) is controlled by other doors (P 2 ) which give access to the vacuum forming device (9). S. Postopek po zahtevku 7, označen s tem, da krmiljenje omenjenih vrat (P,, P2) poteka izmenoma, pri čemer se vakuum izvaja na situ le, ko so vstopna vrata (PJ zaprta, medtem ko so izstopna vrata (P2) odprta.A method according to claim 7, characterized in that the control of said door (P ,, P 2 ) takes place alternately, whereby the vacuum is applied to the situation only when the entrance door (PJ is closed while the exit door (P 2 ) open. 9. Postopek po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da se delovni korak oblikovanja izvaja v ekstruzijskem tunelu, ki obsega vsaj en vijak (20, 21) s spiralnim navojem.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the working step of the molding is performed in an extrusion tunnel comprising at least one helical screw (20, 21). 10. Postopek po zahtevku 9, označen s tem, da ekstruzijski tunel obsega dva vijaka (20, 21) s spiralnim navojem z vzporednima osema in odmaknjena drug od drugega, tako da sta vijaka vpisana v valja, ki se v bistvu dotikata, pri čemer sta navoja teh vijakov inverzna drug glede na drugega.A method according to claim 9, characterized in that the extrusion tunnel comprises two screws (20, 21) with a spiral thread with parallel axes and spaced from each other so that the screws are inserted into the cylinders that are substantially in contact with each other. the threads of these screws are inverse of each other. 11. Postopek po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označen s tem, da se v primeru preoblikovanega mesa kot svežega izdelka ohlajanje kosov, ki tvorijo bloke, zagotavlja z mehanskimi hladilnimi sredstvi in da se v primem, ko se preoblikovano meso globoko zmrzne, omenjeno ohlajanje lahko doseže s pomočjo suhega ledu.Method according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that, in the case of transformed meat as a fresh product, the cooling of blocks forming blocks is provided by mechanical refrigerants and that, when the transformed meat is frozen deep, said cooling can be carried out. reached by means of dry ice.
SI9920069A 1998-07-24 1999-07-20 Method for preparing restructured meat having a foliate structure SI20506A (en)

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