SE201060C1 - - Google Patents


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SE201060C1 SE834554A SE834554A SE201060C1 SE 201060 C1 SE201060 C1 SE 201060C1 SE 834554 A SE834554 A SE 834554A SE 834554 A SE834554 A SE 834554A SE 201060 C1 SE201060 C1 SE 201060C1
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Hans Andreas Rossen
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Application filed by Hans Andreas Rossen filed Critical Hans Andreas Rossen
Publication of SE201060C1 publication Critical patent/SE201060C1/sv



    • A01J25/00Cheese-making
    • A01J25/12Forming the cheese
    • A01J25/13Moulds therefor


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
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  • Dairy Products (AREA)


KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK A 01 j45 g:25/14 PATENT- OCH REGISTRERI NGSVERKET Ans. 8345/1954 inkom den 15/9 1954 utlagd den 18/2 1963 H A ROSSEN, TISET PR GRAM, DANMARK Satt an framstalla ostar Upptinnare: H A Rossen och S J Madsen Prioritet begard Iran den 15 september 1953 och den 8 januart 1954 (Danmark) Vid formningen av den genom syrning eller lopsattning eller bade syrning och lopsattning av mjolk i ostkaret framkomna ostmassan gar man vanligen sa till vdga, att ostmassan inpackas i ett stycke bomullstyg — s. k. ostduk — som placeras i en form av tra eller me-tall eller liknande material. Da framstallning av fasta ostar avses, underkastas darefter den i formen befintliga ostmassan en pressning. Vare sig det emellertid ror sig om framstallning av ost, som under formningen underkastas en pressning eller ej, maste ostformen vandas ett flertal ganger under formningsprocessen for att framja och sakerstalla en likformig skorpbildning, och pa det hela taget sakerstalla en likformig produkt. CLASS INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH A 01 j45 g: 25/14 PATENT AND REGISTRATION AGENCY Ans. 8345/1954 was received on 15/9 1954 issued on 18/2 1963 HA ROSSEN, TISET PR GRAM, DENMARK Set to produce cheeses Explorers: HA Rossen and SJ Madsen Priority requested Iran on 15 September 1953 and 8 January 1954 (Denmark) At the formation of the curd obtained by acidification or leaching or both leaching and leaching of milk in the cheese vat, it is usually said that the curd is wrapped in a piece of cotton cloth - so-called cheesecloth - which is placed in a form of wood or metal or similar material . As the production of solid cheeses is intended, the curd present in the mold is then subjected to pressing. However, whether or not it is the production of cheese which is subjected to pressing during molding, the cheese mold must be watered several times during the molding process in order to promote and secure a uniform crust formation, and in general to ensure a uniform product.

Anvandandet av ostduk under formningsprocessen är forbundet med ett flertal olagenheter. Salunda är det vid inpackningen av ostmassan i ostduken och anbringandet i for-men ganska svart att undvika uppkomsten av veck pa duken. Dessa veck kunna giva avtryck I ostens ytteryta, varigenom denna blir ojdmn. Detta ãr icke endast olampligt far utseendet, utan de framkomna fordjupningarna i Overytan forsvarar dennas avtorkning eller annan behandling av °stens ytteryta, och de namnda fordjupningama kunna darigenom bliva hardar for en icke onskad bakterieflora och eventuellt bilda utgangspunkt fOr en forstaring av osten eller ostskorpan. Vidare gOr anvandandet av ostduken i hog grad sjalva arbetet med vandning av ostarna under formningen besvarlig, eftersom man vid varje sdrskild vandning av ostarna maste taga ut osten ur duken, vanda osten och darefter ater packa in densamma i ostduken, vilket givetvis tager lang tid. The use of cheesecloth during the forming process is associated with a number of illegalities. Thus, when wrapping the curd in the cheesecloth and applying it in the form, it is quite black to avoid the appearance of creases on the cloth. These folds can make an impression on the outer surface of the cheese, making it uneven. This is not only unsightly in appearance, but the depressions that have appeared in the upper surface justify its wiping or other treatment of the outer surface of the stone, and the said depressions can thereby become hard for an unwanted bacterial flora and possibly form a basis for a solidification of the cheese or cheese crust. Furthermore, the use of the cheesecloth to a large extent makes the actual work of watering the cheeses during the molding difficult, since with each special watering of the cheeses one must take the cheese out of the cloth, water the cheese and then repack it in the cheesecloth, which of course takes a long time.

For framstallning av ostar under anvandande av ostduk sasom oven beskrivits aro ostformar av platmaterial kanda, vilka hava spridda jamforelsevis stora vasslaavloppshal. For the production of cheeses using a cheesecloth as described above, cheese molds made of plate material are known, which have scattered comparatively large whey drains.

Far framstallning av fa.sta ostar har det foreslagits att anvanda en ostform, vid vilken: ostdukar icke skola anvandas f8r inpackning av ostmassan. Denna ostform utg6r en dub-: belform, bestaende av tva behallare som kunna skjutas in i varandra. Den inre behallarenS vagg och bonen ãr forsedd med ett flertal sma; perforeringshal lampligen jainnt fordelade Over endast en del av vaggen och bottneN medan den yttre behallareas -vagg och 'bonen är forsedd med rillor med spridda stOrre hal for bortledande av vasslan. Den yttre behalla,; rens vagg är dessutom omböjd sO. att det uppstar en dubbelvagg, vilket skall bidraga till en langsam varmeavgivning frail ostmassan. Formen är tankt som ersattriing for den vanliga teak-traformen och den likaledes van-i liga ostduken vid en fidpunkt, dO. dessa fore4 mal voro svara att anskaffa. Medan den yttre dubbelvaggen är avsedd att uppfylla samma funktion sorn den daligt varmeledande vag,, gen i teak-trdformen, är den inre perforerade behallaren avsedd att trada i stallet for ost. duken. De genom bortfallande av den vanliga ostduken uppnadda fordelarna kunna icke vid den ifragavarande formen uppvaga de old, genheter, som utgOra en foljd av den jamfO4 relsevis komplicerade konstruktionen, efter.t som formen med derma konstruktion icke endast är dyr, utan aven besvarlig att hantera vid ostvandningen. Konstruktionen gar aven formen besvarligare att rengara an de vanliga teak-traformarna, som den Ur avsedd att ersatta. Härtill kommer emellertid, att man icke eller i vart fall endast med svarighet med formen ken erhalla en ost med tillrackligt tillfredsstallande utseende och aura minst, da den inre behallarens perforering är sasom fareslas. For the production of solid cheeses, it has been proposed to use a cheese mold in which: cheesecloths should not be used for wrapping the curd. This cheese mold is a double mold, consisting of two containers that can be pushed into each other. The cradle and bone of the inner container are provided with a number of small ones; perforation hall lamply jainnt distributed Over only a part of the cradle and bottomN while the outer container area -cradle and 'bonen is provided with grooves with scattered larger halls for draining the whey. The outer retainer ,; the cradle of the reindeer is also bent so. that a double cradle arises, which should contribute to a slow heat dissipation frail the curd. The shape is intended as a replacement for the usual teak transform and the similarly usual cheesecloth at a fid point, dO. these fore4 mal were answer to procure. While the outer double cradle is intended to fulfill the same function as the slightly heat-conducting cradle, in the teak-wire form, the inner perforated container is intended to tread instead of cheese. the cloth. The advantages obtained by omitting the ordinary cheesecloth cannot, in the form in question, outweigh the old properties which constitute a consequence of the comparatively complicated construction, since the mold with this construction is not only expensive, but also difficult to handle. at the cheese irrigation. The construction also makes the mold more difficult to clean than the usual teak transformers, which it is intended to replace. In addition, however, a cheese with a sufficiently satisfactory appearance and aura should not be obtained, or at least only responsibly with the shape, at least, since the perforation of the inner container is as dangerous as possible.

Den foreliggande uppfinningen avser ett 2-- — salt att framstalla ostar, som skola bilda tat skorpa, exempelvis ostar av Havarti-typ, utan anvandande av ostduk och vid vilket satt de ovannamnda olagenheterna undvikas och ostar kunna erhallas, som till utseendet icke endast sta. i nivâ med utan Overtraffar utseendet av de ostar, som kunna framstallas medelst de kanda satten. Sattet enligt uppfinningen kannetecknas darav, att ostanassan formas rue-deist en enkelform med enkel vagg_ och bestaende av perforerat platmaterial, varvid de enskilda Miens bredd icke overstiger 1,5 mm och varvid vaggen liar atminstone fern hal per cm2. The present invention relates to a salt which is to produce cheeses which are to form a crust, for example Havarti-type cheeses, without the use of a cheesecloth and in which the above-mentioned malignancies are avoided and cheeses can be obtained which in appearance not only . in level with without Exceeds the appearance of the cheeses, which can be produced by the kanda sat. The method according to the invention can be characterized in that the cheese bag is formed in a single shape with a simple cradle and consisting of perforated plate material, the width of the individual Mien not exceeding 1.5 mm and the cradle being at least four slips per cm 2.

Vid sattet enligt uppfinningen kommer ostmassan direkt i formen. Det liar visat sig, att man med den pa det angivna sattet perforerade vaggen uppnar en fullt tillfredsstallande vasslaavrinning frail ostrnassans ytteryta, och att avrinningen kan ske utan att ostmassan hanger ut i eller genom Mien. Det bereder darfor ingen svarighet att fä ut osten ur for-men under vandningen, aven om formen är helt cylindrisk. Trots att formen icke har nagon omgivande varmeisolerande vagg, kan man icke desto mindre med formen uppna ett fullt tillfredsstallande forlopp av skorpbildningen. Vasslaavrinningen och skorpbildningen forlopa snabbt och jamnt under ratta arbetsbetingelser, hari inbegripet vandningarna av osten, vilka vid anvandandet av namnda formar kunna genomforas betydligt lattare och snabbare an tidigare. Skorphildningen blir drum finare och mera likformig an vid anVandandet av de kanda formarna. Xven dà det är fraga cm ostar, sorn underkastas nagon, icke alltfor kraftig pressning, är det mojligt att med sattet enligt uppfinningen erhalla fardiga ostar med en ytteryta, som har ett mera jamnt och slatt utseende an de ostar, som framstallas under anvandande av ostduk. Da man samtidigt kan uppna en skarpare kontur av osten, eftersom ostmassan kan tranga helt ut i ostformens horn och kanter, erhalles ostar, som giva ett vackrare helhetsintryck an de, som framstallas med de kanda ostformarna. Man kan undvika skorpkanter, som eljest skola bortskaras, och likaledes pa de vissa ostar, speciellt vissa halvfeta ostar, forekomrnande oestetiska och illaluktande skorpor, som i regel maste bortska.ras vid konsumtionen och darfOr betyda ett icke ovasentligt spill. Pa grund av den jamna och slata 3rtterytan underlattas aven den efterfoljande avtorkningen och annan ytbehandling av osten. In the set according to the invention, the curd comes directly into the mold. It has been found that with the cradle perforated in the manner indicated, a fully satisfactory whey drainage is obtained from the outer surface of the cheese mass, and that the drainage can take place without the curd hanging out in or through the mine. There is therefore no responsibility to remove the cheese from the mold during watering, even if the mold is completely cylindrical. Although the mold does not have a surrounding heat-insulating cradle, a fully satisfactory course of crust formation can nevertheless be achieved with the mold. The whey drainage and crust formation proceed quickly and evenly under favorable working conditions, including the irrigations of the cheese, which can be carried out much more easily and faster than before with the use of the said molds. The crust filling becomes finer and more uniform with the use of the known molds. Even when it is a question of cheeses which are subjected to no excessive pressure, it is possible with the method according to the invention to obtain finished cheeses with an outer surface which has a more even and smooth appearance than the cheeses which are produced using a cheesecloth. . Since at the same time a sharper contour of the cheese can be achieved, since the curd can penetrate completely into the horns and edges of the cheese mold, cheeses are obtained which give a more beautiful overall impression than those produced with the known cheese molds. One can avoid crusty edges, which would otherwise have to be cut off, and likewise on certain cheeses, especially certain semi-fatty cheeses, occurring unaesthetic and foul-smelling crusts, which usually have to be cut off during consumption and therefore mean a not insignificant spill. Due to the smooth and smooth surface, the subsequent wiping and other surface treatment of the cheese is also omitted.

Den vid sattet enligt uppfinningen anvanda ostforthen är utomordentligt int att halla ren, hots att man pa forhand skulle kunna befara, att perforeringshalen skulle bliva fororenada och eventuellt tilltappta, sa att reng8- .ringen darigenom skulle fOrsvaras. Den latta renhallningen tillsammans med den snabbare Och lattare ostframstallningsteknik, som sat na aven vara fast forbundna med denna, och tet enligt uppfinningen mojliggor, betyder en stor arbetsbesparing. The cheese lining used in the method according to the invention is extremely difficult to keep clean, it is threatened that it could be feared in advance that the perforation tail would become contaminated and possibly clogged, so that the cleaning would thereby be defended. The easy reindeer keeping together with the faster and lighter cheese-making technology, which were also fixedly connected to it, and the tea according to the invention is possible, means a great labor saving.

Sattet enligt uppfinningen kan anvandas vid framstallning av halvfasta eller fasta ost- som kunna bilda tat skorpa, exempelvis av den typ, som icke eller endast i mindre grad utsattas for pressning. Sattet har salunda visat sig utomordentligt viii lampad for framstallning av ostar av Havarti-typ. Sattetkan genomforas under manuell eller maskinell manovrering av den anvanda formen, som kan hava en vilken som heist onskad storlek, och kan framstallas av ett godtyckligt, lampligt och mot bojning tillrackligt motstandskraftigt platmaterial. Foretradesvis anvandes en. form, som är utfOrd helt eller i huvudsak av rostfritt stal, men kan aven anvandas en form av annat metalliskt material, som dr tillrackligt motstandskraftigt mot den mekaniska och kemiska paverkan, som materialet utsattes for under formens anvandning, exempelvis aluminium eller legeringar darav eller galvaniserad jarnplat. Man kan awn anVanda formar av olika icke metalliska material, exempelvis olika organiska formamnen. The satin according to the invention can be used in the production of semi-solid or solid cheeses which can form a crust, for example of the type which is not or only to a lesser extent subjected to pressing. The set has thus proved to be extremely viii lamped for the production of Havarti-type cheeses. The satin can be carried out during manual or mechanical maneuvering of the mold used, which can have any desired size, and can be made of an arbitrary, flexible and sufficiently resistant sheet material against bending. Preferably one is used. mold, which is made wholly or mainly of stainless steel, but can also be used a form of other metallic material, which is sufficiently resistant to the mechanical and chemical impact to which the material is subjected during the use of the mold, for example aluminum or alloys thereof or galvanized iron plate. You can use molds of different non-metallic materials, for example different organic molds.

Perforeringshalen i det material, varav ostformen bestar, aro icke nodvandigtvis runda, utan kunna hava andra former, exempelvis formen av korta smala spalter. Den ovan angivna gransen for antalet hal per cm2 och halbredden utgora praktiska granser for framstallning av formar, medelst vilka det in mi5jligt att vid framstallning av ostar med tit skorpa uppna de ovan omnamnda fordelarna, Granserna angiva icke, att det finnes en plots-Hg sprangvis overgang mellan anvandbara oc,h icke anvandbara formar. mom det genom de namnda granserna fastlagda omradet dr det lampligt och stundom nodvandigt att valja annu mindre halbredder och som regel aven storre antal hal, exempelvis flera an 10 per cm2. Ju stOrre halantal och ju mindre bredd formen har desto stone blir dess anvandbarhet, varfor man i praktiken oftast an-Vander en form med si manga och sa smi hal, som det vid det anvanda platmaterialet dr mojligt att i praktiken uppni titan svarigheter, for det mesta 0,8 till 1,0 ram halbredd vid rosfri stalplat. I ovrigt kan man jamfiirelsevis latt genom Virg& i vart enskilt fall faststalla en for uppna.endet av de ovan omnamnda fordelarna lamplig halbredd och lampligt halantal. The perforation tail in the material of which the cheese mold consists is not necessarily round, but may have other shapes, for example the shape of short narrow slits. The above limit for the number of hales per cm2 and the half-width constitute practical limits for the production of molds, by means of which it is possible to achieve the above-mentioned advantages in the production of cheeses with a crust. The limits do not indicate that there is a plot-Hg stepwise transition between usable and non-usable forms. In the area determined by the named boundaries, it is convenient and sometimes necessary to choose even smaller half-widths and, as a rule, also a larger number of hales, for example more than 10 per cm2. The larger the number of tails and the smaller the width of the mold, the more useful it becomes, which is why in practice a mold with as many and as many tufts as is used in the plate material used is possible to achieve titanium equivalents in practice. mostly 0.8 to 1.0 frame half width at rose-free steel plate. In other respects, it is relatively easy to determine through Virg & in each individual case a suitable half width and suitable tail number for achieving the above-mentioned advantages.

Sattet enligt uppfinningen kan gen.omforas under anvandande av ett formbatteri, van i de olika enheterna hava gemensam botten och eventuellt lock. Anvandandet av ett sadant formbatteri erbjuder i ovrigt den vasentliga fordelen, att man pa en gang kan vanda ett stort antal formar utan att taga ostarna ur dessa. Formenheterna kunna vara lost anbragta pa den gemensamma bottnen men kun- — —3 de kunna aven vara fast forbundna med varandra. The set according to the invention can be implemented using a mold battery, used in the various units having a common bottom and possibly a lid. The use of such a mold battery also offers the essential advantage that one can water a large number of molds at once without taking the cheeses out of them. The molding units can be loosely mounted on the common bottom, but they can also be firmly connected to each other.

Uppfinningen skall nedan narmare beskrivas under hanvisning till a bifogade ritningar visade utforingsexempel av vid sattet enligt uppfinningen anvanda ostformar. The invention will be described in more detail below with reference to the accompanying drawings shown in the accompanying drawings of cheese molds used in the method according to the invention.

I fig. 1 visas perspektiviskt en cylindrisk ostform. Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a cylindrical cheese mold.

I fig. 2 visas perspektiviskt ett formbatteri med losa enkelformar och gemensamt botten och lock, varvid locket delvis fir bortskuret. Fig. 2 is a perspective view of a mold battery with loose single molds and a common bottom and lid, the lid being partially cut away.

I fig. 3 visas perspektiviskt en formenhet i det i fig. 2 visade batteriet. Fig. 3 shows a perspective view of a mold unit in the battery shown in Fig. 2.

I fig. 1 aro perforeringshal 1 jamnt fOrdelade 8ver hela den cylindriska ytan och bottnen. Om sh 5nskas kan formen utforas med tillhorande lock. In Fig. 1, perforation hall 1 is evenly distributed over the entire cylindrical surface and bottom. If desired, the mold can be made with the associated lid.

I fig. 2 visas perforerade formenheterna 2, som i foreliggande fall hava formen av parallellepipeder. De kunna clock fiven hava vii-ken som heist annan form, exempelvis cylindrisk form sasom i fig. 1. Formenheterna dro anbragta pa en. gemensam perforerad hot-ten 3, som i det visade exemplet liksom ett lock 4 är fast pa en traram med sidostycken och andstycken 6. I dess sistnananda finnas avlanga hal 7, med vars hjfilp findstyckena 6 kunna tjana som barorgan, da formbatteriet skall lyftas. Andra barorgan kunna givetvis anvandas, och man. kan exempelvis anbringa tappar eller liknande, sa att batteriet kan anbringas vridbart i ett stativ och darigenom kan vandas, utan att man behover lyfta detta. Fig. 2 shows the perforated mold units 2, which in the present case have the shape of parallelepipeds. They can have five different shapes, for example a cylindrical shape as in Fig. 1. The mold units are mounted on one. common perforated hood 3, which in the example shown as well as a lid 4 is fixed to a wooden frame with side pieces and duck pieces 6. In its latter end there are elongated halls 7, with the aid of which the fin pieces 6 can serve as bar members, when the mold battery is to be lifted. Other bar organs can of course be used, and man. can, for example, apply pins or the like, so that the battery can be rotatably mounted in a stand and thereby can be watered, without the need to lift it.

I det visade exemplet är locket 4 avtagbart, sa att detsamma helt kan avlagsnas frail den Ovriga delen av formbatteriet. Locket kan dock aven vara fOrbundet med bottenramen medelst gangjarn eller liknande. Av ritningstekniska skal visas pa ritningen perforeringshalen i storre skala an formen i 8vrigt.In the example shown, the cover 4 is removable, so that the same can be completely removed from the rest of the mold battery. However, the lid can also be connected to the bottom frame by means of hinges or the like. From a drawing technical point of view, the drawing shows the perforation hole on a larger scale than the shape in the rest.

Claims (2)

Patentansprak:Patent claim: 1. Satt aft framstfilla ostar, som skola bilda tat skorpa utan anvandande av ostduk, kannetecknat dfirav, att ostmassan formas med hjalp av en enkelform med enkel vagg och hestaende av perforerat platmaterial, varvid de enskilda halens bredd icke 8verstiger 1,5 mm och varvid vaggen har aminstone fern hal per cm2.1. Set cheese in front of cheese, which should form a crust without the use of a cheesecloth, characterized in that the curd is formed by means of a single mold with a simple cradle and a horse end of perforated plate material, the width of the individual tails not exceeding 1.5 mm and the cradle has aminstone fern hall per cm2. 2. Satt enligt patentansprfiket 1 for framstallning av pressade ostar, kannetecknat (Bray, att pressningen verkstalles i en form, i vilken halens bredd ligger mellan 0,8 och 1 mm.Set according to patent claim 1 for the production of pressed cheeses, it can be seen (Bray) that the pressing is carried out in a mold in which the width of the tail is between 0.8 and 1 mm.
SE834554A 1953-09-15 1954-09-15 SE201060C1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK297853AA DK90378C (en) 1953-09-15 1953-09-15 Cheese form.
DK5954 1954-01-08

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
SE201060C1 true SE201060C1 (en) 1966-01-11



Family Applications (2)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SE834554A SE201060C1 (en) 1953-09-15 1954-09-15
SE15277/64A SE306197B (en) 1953-09-15 1964-12-17

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SE15277/64A SE306197B (en) 1953-09-15 1964-12-17

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DE (2) DE1761114U (en)
DK (1) DK90378C (en)
SE (2) SE201060C1 (en)

Families Citing this family (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1132331B (en) * 1957-12-11 1962-06-28 Basf Ag Process for the production of pliable, elastic, hardenable synthetic resins
GR1000656B (en) * 1990-10-24 1992-09-25 Rapanakis Panteleimonas Moulding drainage system

Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FR332119A (en) * 1903-05-16 1903-10-16 Emile Suau Advanced cheese mold
DE414876C (en) * 1924-02-27 1925-06-16 Eugen Schweitzer Round cheese shape

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
DE1761114U (en) 1958-02-06
DK90378C (en) 1961-02-06
SE306197B (en) 1968-11-18
DE1004850B (en) 1957-03-21

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