OA17031A - Method, apparatus and compositions for the prophylaxis and treatment of colony collapse disorder. - Google Patents

Method, apparatus and compositions for the prophylaxis and treatment of colony collapse disorder. Download PDF


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OA17031A OA1201400079 OA17031A OA 17031 A OA17031 A OA 17031A OA 1201400079 OA1201400079 OA 1201400079 OA 17031 A OA17031 A OA 17031A
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Francesca. DEL VECCHIO
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Beesfree Inc.
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Application filed by Beesfree Inc. filed Critical Beesfree Inc.
Publication of OA17031A publication Critical patent/OA17031A/en



This invention concerns a method for preventing and treating colony collapse disorder, consisting in the use of an automated device that delivers a diet specifically calibrated for consumption by farm colonies of bees to be treated. The apparatus comprises a box-like container (10) accommodating in its interior at least one reservoir for liquid-tight, accessible from outside through a nozzle (4), an atomizing device of a liquid solution or suspension contained in the reservoir, means for the delivery (2, 1) of the liquid atomized solution or suspension into micrometric drops outside the apparatus, and a control unit programmed for timing the delivery of the solution or suspension to the outside, for the determination of the quantity of solution or suspension delivered and for emitting alarm signals in case of malfunction, the apparatus being powered DC with the energy supplied by a solar panel (5) located outside of the container. The liquid solution or suspension comprises tonic and nutrient ingredients, mainly consisting of milk powder, sugars and lower organic acids, antioxidant and antiseptic ingredients contained in plant extracts and healing ingredients to bees, such as essential oils of thyme and oxalic acid.


Technical Field
The présent Invention relates to a method for preventing and treating Colony Collapse Disorder, the apparatus for Implementing such a method and the nutrient and therapeutic compositions to be distributed to the bees to be treated by this method. More specifically, the Invention relates to a device that dispenses, In an automated way, a specifically calibrated diet for consumption by one or more colonies of domesticated honey bees, In substitution or In addition to naturel nourishment that the insects dérivé from their normal activity of collecting and processing nectar, pollen and other naturel materials. The consumption of nutrients and therepeutics according to the method proposed heips the treated bees to resist the disease known as Colony Collapse Disorder
Background of the invention
Bees are the kind of social insects most appreciated and studied slnce antiquity, whose usefulness is certainly known since prehistoric times. As other Insects in the family Apidae, bees collect nectar and pollen to feed their offspring and to store them In their combs as food storage.
Whîle it Is not the only group of pollinators (insects which, with their activities, carry pollen from flower to flower allowing pollination and the subséquent formation of the fruit), honey bees are undoubtedly the most important for humans, also for the various products that their colonies develop from nectar and other material collected by fbraging, Including not only honey, but also beeswax, propolis, royal Jelly. Unlike other social apidae like bumblebees, which perform similar fonctions as pollinators useful to agriculture but most of which do not survive the winter (with the exception of fertilized queens), the bees accumulate and process amounts of food stocks to be sufficient to pass the winter, because their colony Is able to winter along with their queen, which can live 4-5 years.
For these reasons, bees hâve been used slnce the dawn of dvilization as real pets, and were reared according to ancestral and consolidated techniques over time, appiying the knowledge which is a branch of animal husbandry, beekeeping.
Although the known species of the Apidae family are cunently about five thousands, the
-2genus of bees (Apis) Is only one, and comprises only seven spedes recognlzed as distinct spedes, of which the best known are Apis mellifera (European honeybee), Apis cerana (Eastem honey bee or bee indica), Apis florea (dwarf honeybee, widespread in South Asla and southeast Asia) and Apis dorsata (giant bee of India). Only the first two spedes, Apis mellifera and Apis cerana, can be bred by humans and are actually made domestic, the first at least, until the times of andent Egyptians.
Apis mellifera Is the most widespread specles of the genus Apis in the worid, native to Egypt, it spread millions of years ago in the Mediterranean and in tropical Africa, and then in the presence of man it has naturaily populated Europe, Africa, middle East and part of Siberia. It was introduced in the seventeenth and the nineteenth century also In the American continent, where it was not originally présent, and it was also brought In Australie and New Zealand by the colonlzers. The most well-known European subspecles of Apis mellifera are Identified by géographie areas, separated by mountains that swarms may not overcome, where they are native and hâve lived with a few extemal contacts. There are currently 28 recognized subspedes of Apis mellifera, which include the black bee (Apis mellifera mellifera), native of northem Europe, the Italian yeilow honeybee (Apis meliifera ligustica), which occuples most of Italy, the carniolan bee (Apis mellifera Carnl· ca) who is a native of Austria and Slovenia, the caucasian bee (Apis mellifera caucasica), which lives mainiy In the Caucasus and Georgia, and so on. Mixed breeds and hybrids hâve been created by human action, either voluntary or not.
In sedentary beekeeping, hives are fixed and the area of collection of the bees does not exceed 2 or 3 km radius around the hive, which sets iimits to the collection. For this reason it is also practiced nomadic beekeeping, which involves moving the hives from site to site, depending on the presence of nectar plants (i.e. sugar bases to be provided to the bees). Such movements, in addition to Increasing the productivity, allow the production of monoflower honeys, allowing a better offering of the final product. The transhumance is a very ancient farming technique, already practiced by nomads, carrying their hives in the back of an animal. In Italy on the Po, as in Egypt on the Nile, the hives were loaded onto spécial boats that sailed up the river toward régions with the more favorable honeydew. When a certain waterline was reached, the hives were full. Currently the movement of hives occurs on the road: they are loaded at nightfall (when ail the bees hâve retumed) and are downloaded ad sunrise in the new site. The hives are often downloaded and rehoused In the new area chosen for the pasture, but sometimes, in order to reduce maintenance, the hives are left directly on vehicles equlpped for this purpose.
As already noted, the bees play a vital rôle in the reproduction of plants with entomophiious pollination. To understand the raie of bees in agriculture around the worid is enough to consider that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has estimated that on
-3100 species of plants that provide 90% of food worldwide, 71 are associated with the bee pollination· Over the last fifty years, the agricultural production independent of insect pollination has doubled and agricultural production that requires pollination of Insects has Increased fourfold, indicating that world agriculture has become more pollinator-dependent. Both the FAO and other Independent research organlzations in the industry hâve predicted that the économie value of pollination worldwide agriculture and related sectors is of the order of 180 billion U.S. dollars, of which 32 billion dollars just In the United States.
It is known that the population dynamlc of a colony of bees is significantly influeneed by its nutritional status, on which the development, production and survival of the colony dépend. It Is also well known that the necessary food for the bees are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins: the first provide the energy and are contalned in nectar and honey, the other substances are présent ln pollen and are essential both for the production of larval food and for a life balanced run of the bee. ln recent years, for various reasons (Including illness, polsonlng, redudng foraging areas, etc..) it has often become an indispensable requirement for the beekeeper to intervene with additional feed, which favors the survival of the hlves or préparés them for a certain flowering (Frilli F. et ai., Confronte tra gli effetti di diversi tipi di alimente per le api, Notizlario ERSA 3/2009). The supply of sugar is the most practfced by beekeepers; It constats In delivering syrups or candies (obtained from sugar by various sources) with the aim of integratlng the energy needs of the bees. ln relation to the needing and to the administration time, sugar nutrition can be stimulant, if carried out to increase the oviposltion of the queen or to induce the colonies to recover after stress factors (poisonings, diseases, swarming, environmental adversity), or compensatory, If the alm Is to build up the winter stocks to avoid starvation of hives during periods of low availabiiity.
The protein feeding, which compensâtes for a lack of polien, is a nutrition technique less appiied, but sometimes It can be of vital importance for a colony of bees, in fact, the lack of pollen may entail the réduction of the longevity of the bees and the réduction or total blockade of the brood, with conséquent dépopulation and collapse of the colonies, it should be kept in mind that in each case an artificial administration of proteins Is not able to completely replace the pollen, and has effects only if It Is carried out for a limited period of time.
The protein feeding can be done by providing to hives only pollen (pre-harvested), integrating the pollen (up to 25% by weight) with an artificial protein component (nutrition protein supplément) or by administering only artificial protein components (nutrition protein substitute). Very often the various protein components (soybean meal, sunflower meal, yeast, milk powder, etc.) are mixed together to achieve higher nutritional value, but it is important that the total quantity of protein food préparation is between 10 and 15 wt%, as higher values can lead to toxic effects on bees.
-4The protein nutrition can be done by placing the powdered food outside the hive in spécial containers, or placing the mixture inside the hive in deep frame feeders, or cakes over the combs, and covered by a cover-comb; in the latter case the food protein is almost always added with honey or sugar syrup until a pasty consistency and semi-solid candy-like (protein cake).
About the choice of an appropriate food for a colony of honeybees, the International Patent Application Publication No. WO 2006/073955 (The United States of America as Represented by the Secretary of Agriculture) entitled Artifidal diets for domestic honey bees* describes water dispersible préparations consisting of homogeneous mixtures of nutrients in effective amounts and proportions to support growth and development of farm bees. The proposed formulations are considered particularfy advantageous for the feeding of bee colonies that are moved frequently in the area: in the absence of sufficient natural resources, such as during transfers, the préparations of artifîcial diet proposed should be able to provide ail the necessary nutrients for the life of the colony. The components required In the described nutritional composition are proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ash, cholestérol, ascorbic acid, an acidifier, an antimicrobial/antifungal agent for the conservation of the mixture and water, in the appropriate proportions, and as a source of proteins and lipids soy and/or egg are proposed.
One of the major problems of the apiary is to safeguard the health of the colonies. The honey bee diseases that may develop are numerous, as a resuit of several pathogenic organisms, including parasite Jnsects, unicellular fungi, bacteria and viruses that can affect the bee in the different stages of its development.
The two best known pathogens to the beekeeping are the Varroa destructor acarus and Nosema apis microsporidio. The acarus Varroa is an extemal parasite, which attacks to the bee body and weakens it sucking the hemolymph, and during this process may also transmit viral RNA agents to the bee. The acarus was found also on other insect pollinators, such as bumblebees, beetles, and files, but can only breed In a colony of honeybees. Once in the colony, the female acarus enters a brood cell of honey bees, givlng préférence to a cell containing a male brood, i.e. larvae of kelp. Once the cell is capped, the acarus lays her eggs, after which the young mites leave the shell more or less the same moment the young bee develops, and this leaves the cell with his guests.
The population dynamic highlighted above shows that a large population of mites in autumn could lead to a crisis when kelp rearing ceases and the mites go to the larvae of worker bees, causing a rapid décimation of the population and often the death of the hive. For this reason the varroa mite is the parasite with the most pronounced économie Impact in the apiary industry.
To combat or prevent the infestation by Varroa destructor different physical or mechanical
-5methods are known and used to control the number of mites In the colony, as well as acariddes products, both synthetic (pyrethroids, organophosphates) or of natural origin, as oxalic add-based préparations, or based on thyme essential oil (or by synthetic thymol).
The unicellular fungus Nosema apis (more recently found in a similar form also in Apis cerana, and cailed on this occasion Nosema ceranae) is characterized by a dormant state consisting of spores résistant to changes in température and humidity. The spores of nosema, in fact, cannot be destroyed by freezing the contaminated combs. The spores are locaiized in intestinal épithélial celis and other cells of adult bees, where they begin the growth, heading for a sériés of cell divisions, invading the intestinal tract and thus causing the pathology known as nosemiasi. This is manifested with diarrhea evidenced by yeiiowish droppings outside the hive, a siow enhancement of the colony, disjointed wings and distended abdomen in affected individuals. The mature spores corne out with the feces, contributing to the propagation of the disease.
If untreated, the nosema Infection may hit the queen, causing an eariy replacement by workers remained healthy. The disease hinders the digestion of poilen, and therefore reduces the life of bees, and can be fought with greater difficulty in colder climates, where bees spend more time in the hive. In order to reduce the infection beekeepers use to Increase the aération in the hive and remove, as much as possible, the honey gathered by bees for the winter, feeding them with sugar solutions in replacement. The pharmacological treatments available in case of needing are based on fumagillin, an antibiotic that was shown to be particularty effective for inhîbiting the reproduction of spores In the host, but that Is not able to kiil them. Spores can be inactivated in the disinfestation of the beehive, treating them with acetic acid or formalin.
Other pathogens of Apis mellifera that were being Investigated for their possible involvement In recent épisodes of honeybees blight are viral agents, Including Acute Bee Paralysis Virus (ABPV or APV), which Is considered an agent Infectious common for the bees, and the virus correlated thereof, described in 2004, known as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) by the fact to hâve been Identlfied In Israël for the first time. It was considered that the IAPV virus plays a critical rôle in cases of sudden collapse of honeybee colonies infested with the mite parasite Varroa destructor.
Another viral pathogen recently studied for similar reasons Is the Iridescent virus of invertebrates type 6 (IIV-6), which was Identified in 2010 as an co-lnfectious agent In several colonies of honey bee collapsed as a resuit of Infection by Nosema ceranae
Over the last twenty years, parasite mites hâve certainly caused severe damage to beekeeping, including the fact that they transmit harmful viruses to bees, therefore causing significant losses of colonies each year. However, while most of the deaths during the winters of 2006/07 and 2007/2008 was mainly attributed to the parasitic mites, about 25-30% of colonies dead showed
-6symptoms contrasting with mites or any other known cause.
Constdering for instance the United States, in the thirty years from 1976 to 2006 it has been a drastic réduction in the number of wild bees (now almost extinct in the U.S.), and a significant, though graduai, décliné in the number of familles kept by beekeepers. This latter number, according to officia! data, deciined from about 6 million In 1940 down to 2,3 million in 2008. This décliné Includes the cumulative iosses from ail factors such as urbanization, pesticide use In agriculture, the acariosis and varroa, beekeepers retirement and the closure of businesses. However, between late 2006 and early 2007, the réduction rate has increased sharply, reaching proportions hitherto unknown, and the term Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was coined at that time to describe these sudden disappearances.
With Colony Collapse Syndrome beekeepers around the worid are facing one of the toughest challenges in décades: to date a constant presence of colonies of healthy bees cannot be guaranteed, as a combination of causes, currently not fully understood, is causing mass deaths of bees constantly strong. It is a phenomenon not well known that, as noted, has been found for the first time In the colonies of bees in North America at the end of 2006, and that manifested itself in similar phenomena in Europe in subséquent years, for which familles of bees (Apis meffifera) disappear abruptly.
Possible causes that hâve been suggested for the CCD comprise management practices of the beekeepers, espedally the stress on the colonies due to environmental changes, malnutrition and nutrittonal defiaendes assodated with the presence of extensive monocultures, heavy use of new pesticides neonicotinoid-based and related practices and procedures for application, various pathogens such as infestation by parasitic mites, nosema infections and viral infections (including IAPV virus), dimate change, electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones or other devices created by man, genetically modified crops (GMOs) such as GM maize, new exotic pests and pathogens, decreased immunity to pathogens, and the subtle interactions between two or more of these factors. It is not yet known whether only one of these factors may be the real responsible, or it is a combination of factors which act independently in different areas affected by the CCD, or factors that act in assodation with each other, aithough more recent information suggest that a combination of several factors is the most likely hypothesis.
As a resuit of the foregoing, the Colony Collapse Desease was defined as a new syndrome of multifadorial kind which leads to the death of a very large number of colonies of bees, and that caused, from 2007 to date, Iosses of colonies greater than the 35% a year. With regard to the diagnosis, a colony coilapsed by the CCD tends to show ail of the following signs:
a) presence of a brood of larvae abandoned (usually bees do not leave the larvae until they
-7are fully opened);
b) the presence of stockpiles of food, pollen and honey, that: -
- are not immediately stolen by other bees,
- when they are attacked by other Insects, the attack Is noticeably delayed;
c) presence of the queen In the bee hive (otherwise, the phenomenon is not attributable to the CCD).
At présent there are not known treatments or spécifie solutions for the prévention and treatment of Colony Collapse Disorder, nor methods, techniques or procedures exîst which the beekeeper can put In place with a reasonable expectation of success to protect hls hives from a sudden event, and partly unexplained, as the collapse of a colony for CCD.
In the light of the foregoing, the présent invention has therefore the aim of providîng a method for the prévention and for the treatment of the Colony Collapse Desease in colonies of domestic honeybees that hâve not already undergone an épisode of irréversible collapse, in view to safeguard the health of those families that hâve not yet been affected by the syndrome and to improve the Immune résistance and overali nutritional status of bee breeding.
Summary of the Invention
In the framework of the research that led to the présent invention, it has been considered that, although not yet fully understood in Its triggering mechanisms, the CCD is most likely a syndrome of multifactorial kind, and therefore an effective treatment must start from a general good health state In the colony and from the élimination of any possibility of nutritional de fi ci en ci es that may lead to lowering the immunity.
Furthermore, where a s the acariosls of Varroa destructor and the endemlc presence of Nosema, as well as that of viral pathogens such as IAPV and IIV-6, together with the effects of poisoning by the new génération pesticides (in particular, neonicotlnoids) are among the most frequent or most présumable causes of colonies weakenlng, according to the présent invention it is proposed a method of prophylaxis and treatment of CCD colonies of honeybees consisting of continuously feeding the bees to be treated, an alimentary therapeutic composition espedally formulated in aqueous solution, by an equipment designed for that purpose
The treatment method proposed according to the invention is carried out through an automated equipment to be positioned in the proximity of the hive, which allows the atomization of a préparation (where such term means the transformation of a liquid Into an aérosol having very fine drops ), also a subject of the invention, made with Ingrédients with high nutritious, tonie, antioxidant
-8and healing activîties. The invention therefore concems both the proposed apparatus for atomizing the therapeutic and nutrient préparation and the formulation In ternis of components ofthe préparation itself. ·
The solution or aqueous suspension to be distributed to the bees according to the Inven5 tion is obtained through the optimal combination of: a) nutrient and tonie ingrédients mostly powdered milk-based and/or yeast, sugar and lower organic acids, b) naturel antloxldants and antiseptics having high actîvity, contained in extracts of some plants known for their herbal properties, and c) therapeutic substances to bees, such as the extract of Thymus vulgaris, having the ability to prevent or counter the prolifération of extemal parasites mites and forms of fungal harmful to 10 bees. The combination of ingrédients proposed is able to prevent nutritionai defidendes, to safeguarding the health state of the colonies treated and at ieast partialiy counteract the effect of contamination by pesticides such as neonicotinolds, drasttcally reducing the risk of contracting the CCD or mitigating the effects.
Brief description of the drawlngs
The spécifie features of the Invention, as well as the advantages of the same and their operational modes, will be apparent with référencé to the detaîled description presented below and to some spécifie embodiments of the relevant dispensing device illustrated by way of example in the accompanying drawlngs. In the accompanying drawings,
Figure 1 is a functlonal diagram of a first embodiment of the dispenser for the automated distribution of the therapeutic and nutrient préparation for the CCD according to the invention to the colonies of bees in the treatment, and
Figure 2 Is a perspective view of a second embodiment of the dispenser apparatus of the therapeutic ad nutrient préparation for the CCD according to the invention
Detaîled description ofthe invention is therefore spécifie object of the présent invention an automated equipment - to be positioned In the proximlty of the hive - for the prévention and treatment of the syndrome of the Colony Coliapse Disorder (CCD) through the administration of nutrients and therapeutic to bee colonies to 30 be treated, comprislng a box-like container made of atmospheric agents résistant material Into which it Is accommodated at least a first réservoir iiquid-tight, equipped with stirrer and accessible from the outslde through a first noozle, a device atomizing a solution or a liquid suspension of nourishment contained in said réservoir, means for dispensing the atomized solution or liquid sus17031
-9pension into micrometric drops outside to the apparatus, and a control unit programmed for timlng the delivery of the solution or suspension to the outside, for doslng the amount of solution or suspension delivered and for emitting alarm signais In case of malfunctions of the apparatus or In case of réduction of the solution or suspension of the liquid contalned In réservoir below a predetermined level, said apparatus being powered DC with the energy supplied by a solar panel positioned on the outside of said container and electrically connected to said control unit.
According to a preferred embodiment of the apparatus of the Invention, the means for the delivery of the solution or liquid suspension of nutrient atomlzed outside comprise a container or supply chamber accessible to the bees but sheltered from the outside environment, for example similar to those that are used as feeders to be positioned above the cover-comb In conventional hlves, but with a way in for the bees provided from the outside. It is also possible to provide, above the container/nourisher itself a cover having the fonction of sunscreen, preferably to be colored In bright and floral colors, in order to better attract bees to the power source.
According to other preferred embodiments, the means for the delivery of the atomized solution or liquid suspension to the outside of the apparatus also include a telescoplc tube extensible In length upwards, placed between the box-lïke container of the apparatus and said réservoir or chamber power, which allows to adjust the helght of the point of delivery of the nutritious and therapeutic préparation of the invention.
Preferably, the proposed apparatus according to the invention comprises a second réservoir inside said box-like container, having smaller volume than the first tank, in communication with it and separately accessible from the outside through a second nozzle. The two separate accesses permit to relntegrate independently an aqueous concentrated solution or suspension of the nutrient and therapeutic préparation according to the invention through the second noozle, while the first is used only for the connection to the water network.
The box-like container of the apparatus proposed is conveniently made of atmospheric agents résistant material, for example similar to the matériel of the hlves near which It must be placed, and it is preferably extemaliy colored by one or more colors that are attractive to insects poliinators, such as purple, blue, red or green. Preferably, said container is made of seasoned wood of fir, painted outside by the above mentioned colors.
To further facilitate the management of the automatic processing, the apparatus according to the Invention may comprise further control devices In addition to those already mentioned, compatibly with the cost of such equlpment. In particular, it may comprise one or more température and/or pH sensors, or multiparameter sensors, located inside the main tank, and the control unit may be programmed to monitor the measured values of the relative magnitudes and for alarm
-10signais outputting in the event that these values are beyond the set limits.
As it has to be positioned on the ground in the proxlmity of the bees colonies to be treated, the apparatus according to the Invention preferabiy comprises four wheeis pi ace d beiow the boxlike container, and one or more handles for manual handling of said apparatus, so as to enable the beekeeper to move it in the most favorable place in relation to the hlves, the water supply location, the position of the sun, and other requirements that may vary during the season or depending on other events.
The apparatus according to the invention is also described in the two exemplary embodiments lllustrated In Figures 1 and 2 of the accompanying drawings (where corresponding eiements are Indicated with the same référencé numéral). It consiste of a spécial and automated atomlzing system to be Installed in the proximity of the colonies or hlves in order to faciiitate the accessibiiity to the atomlzed liquld préparation, through the apparatus, by the famiiies of bees to be subjected to the treatment.
The system is composed of a box or container (10), for example equipped with wheeis (13) and handle (14) to allow Its handling, and having a color suited to attract the bees and/or to be viewed by them, for example, In purple, biue, red or yeilow. The container (10) can be realized In different materials, possibly recyclable, such as frr seasoned wood or other timber suitable for the outdoor permanence and for the exposure to sunlight and rain.
Inside the container (10) are contained a first gas-tight réservoir (6), including from a minimum volume of 2 liters to a maximum of 20 liters, in which it Is poured, through the noozle (3), the concentrate prepared according to the Invention with chosen ingrédients later detailed and that allows the correct dosage of the ingrédients themselves.
In a second gas-tight réservoir (9), having a volume from a minimum of 20 liters to a maximum of 35 liters, drinking water is loaded through the noozle (4), possibly water with low hardness, by which the content of the first réservoir (6) will be diluted. Altematively It may be used a single réservoir in which loading both the water and the therapeutic and nutritious préparation to be diluted.
In the case where the tanks designed are two, they are connected together through a noozle (11) and are supported on one another by means of media supports (8). On the bottom of the main réservoir (9) (in the case of two réservoirs) or of the only réservoir (In the case of a single réservoir) there is a mixer (12) which is activated for short periods of time (within few minutes) and allow the préparations to be maintained mixed avoiding any form of sédimentation on the bottom.
The periodic distribution of the préparation according to the invention to the bees to be treated is carried out by nebulization of the préparation through spécial nozzles, preferably placed
-11within a nourisher-type container (1) similar to those normally used in the apiary In covercombs but accessible to the bees from the outside, for example, through the opening (17). The nebullzation occurs through a nebuiiser system(15) DC powered, by means of rechargeable batteries In tum fed by a 5 W to 15 W solar panel (5), installed on the equipment, from 4,5 volts up to a maximum of 12 volts. The nebulization electrical System that pressurizes the contents of the réservoirs (8) and (9), or the one réservoir, is equipped with a telescopic tube (2) having, for example, a length up to 150 cm. The telescopic tube (2) allows to locate, at the optimum helght, the nozzles emitting a micrometer mist (aérosol) consisting of the préparation according to the invention in solution or in aqueous suspension.
As already noted, the energy requlred to operate the equipment is supplied by a solar panel (5), which allows to use the equipment also In open country and where there is any network power supply. Therefbre, the operator using the equipment, after the placement thereof In the optimal place in the proximity of the htves, has only to RII the réservoir with water and pour the mixture according to the Invention. The préparation should be reinstated presumably every 2-3 months, while the water level Is not to be reintegrated more than once a month.
Through an electronic System control (7) présent In the apparatus and by a programmed timer, the nutritious and therapeutic préparation according to the invention is sprayed periodically and made avallable to the bees In mlcronized drops of solution or suspension. The control System (7) allows also to check the water and the nutritional and therapeutic préparation levels, and notifies the user by means of a light and/or sound signal and by sending téléphonie messaglng and/or email when a réservoir reaches the minimum level. The electronic control System (7) Indicates by the same way, the nebulizer module efficiency (in particular, the possible ciogging of the nozzles) slgnaling an abnormal electric absorption by the spray System or, altematively, by means of a pressure device which shows an increase of pressure at the nebulizer itself, a symptom of nozzles ciogging.
The control System (7) also allows to check and report anomalies of the overall timing System (which may be digital or mechanical with mobile switches), the solar panel (5) functioning or the batteries charge levels. The control System (7), which can also be a simple PLC (programmable logic control 1er), acquires the data of the multiparameter probe (16) with alarm for températures below 0eC and possible vérification of the pH of the solution to be nebulized to control the exact dosage of the préparation components of the invention in relation to water.
The control System (7) can be further equipped with an interface for remote control and vérification that allows programmtng or managment of alarm signais through smartphone applications, so as to hâve access to data 24 hours day, and espectally to be able to check the proper
-12functioning of the equipment.
The aqueous solution or suspension of the présent invention to be used for the supply through the automated apparatus described above Is made by the combination of ingrédients selected to provide nourishment in calibrated proportions, consisting of sugars, protein foods such as yeast and milk powder, essential oîls containing active ingrédients and antioxidants and having high tonie and healing effect.
Therefore, the Invention further concems a liquid solution or suspension of nourishment which may be delivered in a spray form through the automated apparatus proposed, for the prévention and treatment of the Colony Collapse Desease (CCD), characterized In that it comprises in an unique aqueous solution or suspension:
a) tonies and nutritious Ingrédients, malnly consisting of: milk powder and/or yeasts, sugars and lower organic acids;
b) natural antiseptie and antioxidant contained in the extracts of one or more aromatic and médicinal plants selected from: Crocus sativus, Pélargonium graveolens, Mo nard a citriodora, Myristica fragrans, Origanum vulgare, Origanum majorana, and
c) curative substances to bees, selected from thymol, oxalic acid, extracts of Thymus vulgaris, Aloe arborescens extracts, extracts of Beta vulgaris and mixtures of two or more thereof.
More spedfically, the substances used in the préparation according to the invention are the following:
A. Nutrient and tonie substances
1) Yeast, for example, bakeris yeast, and/or milk powder, which are very appetites by bees. The level of proteins of the same is about 50% with a fat content of which is around 7%. They are the most comprehensive in terms of amino acid and are rich in B vitamins
2) Sugar of glucose or fructose type to increase the palatabiiity of the protein element to be administered. It is possible to add pollen and/or Icing sugar (sucrose) in an amount ranging from 5% to 15% on the total dry weight of the formulation. As nutrients vitamin E and essential amino acids extracted from Aloe arborescens hâve also been used, which are Indicated beiow between the substances having curative activity.
3) Acetic add and/or lower carboxylic or dicarboxylic adds, CrCe. The acetic add, tartaric acid and citric add hâve the ability to separate the molécules of sucrose, promoting assimilation by the bees. Also, said adds are antifungal useful In combating the presence of the fungus Nosema and other fùngal forms. Spedfically, the formulation may contain acetic add at a maximum concentration of 6% by weight. A source of ascorbic add (vitamin
-13C), such as lemon juice (which contains It, in addition to the most abundant c’tric acid), may be included in the formulation as a vitamin compound, as well as an antioxidant.
4) Among the devices used to avoid the crystallization of the concentrated solution, it can be brought to a boil for fifteen minutes a part of water and two of sugar and add at the end a 5% of glycerol and/or propylene glycol (calculated on the total weight of the concentrated formulation). It also has the advantage of lowering the freezing point of the entire compound preventing the freezing of the préparation during the winter
B. Highly active antioxldants and antlseptics
Essential Ils with a high content of antioxidants and/or antiseptie were extracted and added to the formulation, such as carotenoids of the type crocetin, crodn picrocrocin extracted from flowers and/or stigmas of saffron (extracts of Crocus sativus); oils essential as the limonene e.g.an extract from lemon; geraniol, citronelloi, the terpineoi and linalool, extracts from Pélargonium grav~ eolens (géranium), or by Monarda citriodora var. citriodora'. the myristidn, the elemidna, geraniol and/or safrole and other aromatic ethers extracted from Myristica fragrans (nutmeg); carvacrol, thymol and other minor phénols extracts from Origanum vulgare (ssp hirtum): and terpenes type terpineoi, bomeol, sabinene and linalool extracted from Origanum majorana.
These active ingrédients can be extracted for example by the plant spedes above and usually hâve a purity exceeding 55%, or they can be made synthetically.
C. Other therapeutic substances
To counteract and/or prevent the mites, harmful fungal forms, viruses including the IIV6 and iAPV and side effects of neonicotinoids were used biologically active substances contained in Thymus vulgaris (common thyme) and those contained in Aloe arborescens (a spedes of Aloe less common of Aloe vera, but more rich in biological active substances). The first, whose essential oil is already widely used in beekeeping, contains the two phenolic compounds to bioddal activity thymol and carvacrol, as well as dneol, bomeol and other terpene compounds.
The second, Aloe arborescens contains many biologically active compounds, induding acemannan (a mucopolysaccharide known for its antivirai activity having an immunomodulator action) and anthraquinones, induding aloin and emodin, beta-sitosterol, In addition to acetylsalicylic add. As already noted, the extracts of this plant also contaln ail the essential amlno acids and vitamin E.
Moreover, a good effect was observed according to the invention in the use of extracts of
-14common beet or Beta vulgaris cv altissima (beet sugar), containing flavonoids, trimethyiglydne, compounds with antioxidant activity, oxalic acid and vitamlns belonging the group B.
To these extracts can also be added oxalic acid in a quantity not exceeding 1% of the total of the concentrated formulation for increasing the disinfecting effect in synergy with the naturel compounds dted.
Préparation of the concentrated solution or suspension - The concentrated solution or suspension, which must be subsequently diluted with water to reach the desired concentrations of the various Ingrédients, is prepared by the sequential addition of the various nutrients, after the antioxidants and curative compounds mlxing with a stirrer bench in order to obtain an homogeneous solution (or suspension).
According to some spécifie embodiments of the nebulizable solution or suspension of the Invention, such nutrients and tonie Ingrédients included In the formulation consist of milk powder, glucose and/or fructose, acetic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid. Preferably, as already noted, to the formulation is added a small amount of glycérine to avoid crystallization of the concentrated intermediate solution.
Preferably, the solution or suspension proposed contains the fol-lowing aromatic and médicinal plants extrects in combination, with fonctions of primary antioxidants and/or antiseptics: Crocus sativus extract; Pélargonium graveolens extract; Myrlstlca fragrans extract; Onganum vulgare extract and Origanum majorana extrects. Optionaliy, to the quoted extrects It Is also added the extract of Monarda cltriodora
Additionaily, the proposed solution or suspension contains, as curative substances to bees, Thymus vulgaris extracts, extracts of Aloe arborescens and oxalic acid and, according to a preferred embodiment, also extract of Beta vulgaris cv. altissima.
An exemplary formulation of the nutritional and therapeutic préparation of the invention is shown In the following table, with the flelds of preferred concentrations for the various Ingrédients.
Table 1 - Preferred concentrated formulation
Powder milk 5-10
Distilled water 28-33
Glucose and/or fructose 53-60
Vinegar 0.8-1.2
Glycérine 0.4-0.6
Liquid lemon sauce 0.4-0.6
Crocus sativus (crocus) 0.05-0.11
Pélargonium graveolens (géranium) 0.05-0.08
Monarda citriodora (monarda) 0.00-0.08
Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) 0.08-0.12
Origanum vulgare (oregano) 0.08-0.12
Origanum majorana (marjoram) 0.08-0.12
Thymol 0.00-0.04
Thymus vulgaris (thyme) 0.03-0.07
Aloe arborescens 0.10-0.20
Beta vulgaris (common beet) 0.00-0.30
Oxalic add 0.00-0.10
According to another aspect complementary to the above, the présent Invention consiste ln a method of treatment of bees farmed colonies for the prévention and treatment of the Colony Collapse Desease through the administration of nutrients and therapeutic substances, which meth5 od consists in the use the automatized apparatus of the invention described above for dispenslng ln a spray form a aqueous liquid solution or suspension containing:
a) tonies and nutritlous Ingrédients, malnly consisting of: milk powder and/or yeasts, sugars and lower organic acids;
b) natural antloxldants and antiseptlcs contained In the extracts of one or more aromatic or medici10 nal plants selected from: Crocus sativus, Pelargo-nium graveolens, Monarda citriodora, Myristica fragrans, Origanum vulgarls and Origanum majorana-, and
c) médicinal substances to bees, selected from thymol, oxalic add, extracts of Thymus vulgaris, Aloe arborescens extracts, extracts of Beta vulgaris cv. altissima and mixtures of two or more thereof.
ln the method of treatment according to the invention, preferred solutions are those in
-1βwhich such ingrédients nutrients and tonies consist of milk powder, glucose and/or fructose, acetic add, tartane acid and dtric acid. Moreover, as already noted, such nutrients and tonies ingrédients preferably comprise also glycerin.
According to some preferred embodiments of the method of treatment and prophylaxie of the invention, the liquid solution or suspension contains the extracts of aromatic or médicinal herbs already mentioned, in combination: Crocus sativus extract; Pélargonium graveolens extract; Myristica fragrans extract; Origanum vulgare extract and Origanum majorana extract. Moreover, as already noted, the liquid solution or suspension may comprise !n addition extract of Monarda citriodora.
Stîll according to some spécifie embodiments, a method of prophylaxie and therapy of the invention, these substances curative for the bees are preferably extracts of Thymus vulgaris, extracts of Aloe arborescens and oxalic add. In addition to these, in a preferred variant, even the extract of Beta vulgaris cv. altlssima.
By way of examples, which are not to be considered limitative but useful to clarify the therapeutic and prophylactic measures for the CCD proposed according to the invention two formulations of exemplary solutions are reported in the following, which are adapted to be provided through the devlce proposed according to the method of the invention, together with the results of experiments conducted on the same formulations in field tests.
Concentrated nourishing, antioxidant and curative formulation No. 1
A first formulation to produce a liter of concentrated préparation to be diluted in 30 liters of water for the final spraying on a number of hives from 10 up to a maximum of 15 contained the following ingrédients in the following proportions.
A) Nutritious and tonies- for a total of 425 ml:
aqueous solution at 15% by weight of milk powder 80 ml
O aqueous solution at 90% by weight of sugar 260 ml
aqueous acetic acid at 6% by weight 20 ml
glycerin 50 ml
O tartaric acid 5 ml
citric add 10 ml
B) Antioxidants - for a total of 255 ml:
Essential oils in aqueous solution:
Crocus sativus 55 ml,
• Pélargonium 45 ml,
Monarda citriodora 35 ml,
Myristica fragrans 45 ml,
• Origanum vulgare ssp hirtum 40 ml,
• Origanum majorana 35 ml;
C) Therapeutic compounds - for a total of 320 ml:
Essential oils in aqueous solution:
• Thymus vulgaris 100 ml;
Aloe arborescens 175 ml;
• Beta vulgaris cv altissima ml;
aqueous oxalic acid at 3% by weight ml.
Nutrients contained In the milk FORMULA 1
lipids 2.61 g
proteins 2.39 g
sugars 13.52 g
The process to obtain the solution involves the sequential addition of the various nutrients In the order as Indicated above, followed by the antioxidants ant to terminate by the addition of the curing compounds. Once added within a container, they are stirred at room température for 5-10 minutes with a stirrer bench In order to obtain an homogeneous solution of 1000 ml. At this point the préparation is ready to be further diluted with water, preferably of low hardness, or with demineralized water.
Concentrated nourishing, antioxidant and curative formulation No. 2
A second formulation to make a llter of concentrated préparation to be diluted in 29
-18liters of water for the final spraying on a number of hives from 10 up to a maximum of 15 contaïned the following ingrédients in the following proportions.
A) Nutritious and tonies- for a total of 425 ml:
aqueous solution at 15% by weight of milk powder 70 ml
aqueous solution at 90% by weight of sugar 250 ml
aqueous acetic add at 6% by weight 20 ml
glycerin 50 ml
citric add 10ml
B) Antioxidants - for a totale of 245 ml:
Essential oils in aqueous solution:
• Crocus sativus 55 mi,
Pélargonium 35 ml,
Myristica tragrans 55 ml,
Origanum vulgare ssp hirtum 75 ml.
Origanum majora na ml;
C) Therapeutic compounds - for a total of 355 ml:
Essential oils in aqueous solution:
Thymus vulgaris
Aloe arborescens ml;
245 ml;
oxalic add at 3% by weight In aqueous solution 20 ml.
Nutrients contaïned In the mllk FORMULA II
lipids 2.28 g
proteins 2.03 g
sugars 11.83 g
The process to obtain the final solution involves the sequential addition of the various nutrients in the order as indicated above, followed by the antioxidants ant to terminale by the addition ofthe curing compounds. Once added within a container, they are stirred at room température
-19for 5-10 minutes with a stirrer bench in order to obtain an homogeneous solution of 1000 ml. At this point the préparation is ready to be further diluted with water, preferably of low hardness, or with demineralized water.
Expérimentation In the fîeld
Tests hâve been made since 2009 in Italy in Tuscany région at a location about 200 me· ters above sea level. The apparatus according to the invention has been positioned In the proximity of active spruce 10 hlves, about 3 meters from the same and was fed contlnuously with batches of nutritious and curative préparation formulated as In Example 1, and thereafter with batches of préparation formulated as in Example 2.
This equlpment has been active until the early months of 2011 and in the colonies there were no problème related to the CCD, while In other bees farms in the vlcinity there was an average loss of more than 20% over the same two years. At the end of 2010 the number of colonies In the apiary subjected to treatment according to the invention was increased up to a total of 14, with a net increase of 40%.
At the beginning of 2011 the apparatus according to the invention has been removed, and as of late March 2011, the same hives were gradually affected by the dépopulation of the CCD, and their total number was reduced to only four units in the month of July 2011. Thus this finding confirms the Initial hypothesis that the treatment method of the Invention, as implemented through the proposed automatic spray equlpment properly positioned in the vidnity of colonies of honey bees to be treated, and fed with the described nutrient solutions, antioxidants, and curative is effective to prevent and combat the Colony Collapse Desease.
It foilows that the prophylactic and therapeutic solution proposed according to the invention, further to counter the aforementioned problème of the mites, fungl and viruses IIV-6 and IAPV, also provides a remedy to the shortage of food and tonies, and counters the négative effects of poisonlng by pesticides of new génération, allowing them to prevent and combat the onset of Colony Collapse Disorder.
The présent invention has been described with particular référencé to some embodiments thereof but it should be understood that changes and modifications may be made by those skilled In the art wïthout departing from the scope of the Invention as described In the appended daims.

Claims (22)

1. An automated apparatus for the prévention and treatment of the Colony Collapse Desease (CCD) through the administration of nutrients and therapeutic to bee colonies to be treated, comprising a box-like container (10) of a matériel résistant to atmospheric agents which accommodâtes in its interior at least a first réservoir (9) for liquid-tight fitted with a stirrer (12) and accessible from the outside through a first nozzle (4), an atomizîng device (15) of a liquid solution or suspension of nourishment contained in said tank, means for the delivery (2, 1) of the liquid solution or suspension atomized into micrometric drops outside the apparatus, and a control unit (7) programmed for timing the delivery of the solution or suspension to the outside, for the détermination of the amount of solution or suspension delivered and for emitting alarm signais in case of malfunctions of the apparatus or réduction of the solution or suspension in a liquid contained in the réservoir (9) below a predetermined level, said apparatus being powered DC with the energy supplied by a solar panel (5) located outside of said container and electrically connected to said control unit (7).
2. An apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said means for dispenslng (2, 1) the liquid solution or suspension atomized outside the apparatus Include a container or supply chamber (1) accessible to the bees but sheltered from the extemal environment.
3. An apparatus according to claim 2, wherein said means for dispensing (2, 1) the liquid solution or suspension atomized outside the apparatus include a telescopic tube (2) extendable in length upwards, placed between said container box (10) and said container or supply chamber (1).
4. An apparatus according to daims 1 or 2, comprising within said box-like container (10) a second réservoir (6) of smaller volume of the first réservoir (9), in communication with said first réservoir and separately accessible from the outside through a second nozzle (3).
5. An apparatus according to daim 4, wherein said box-like container (10) made of a material résistant to atmospheric agents is colored extemally In one or more of the colors violet, blue, red or green.
6. An apparatus according to daim 5, wherein said box4ike container (10) made of a material résistant to atmospheric agents is made of wood of seasoned spruce.
7. An apparatus according to daims 1 or 2, further comprising one or more sensors (16) for température and/or pH placed within said first réservoir (9), and wherein said control unit (7) is programmed to monltor the detected values of the relative magnitudes and for emitting alarm signais in the case where these values go beyond the preset limits.
8. An apparatus according to daims 1 or 2, comprising four wheels (13) placed at the bottom of said box-like container (10) and one or more handles (14) for the manuai handiing of said apparatus.
9. A liquid solution or suspension of nutrients that can be delivered in a spray form through
5 the automated apparatus of daim 1 for the prévention and treatment of the Colony Collapse Desease (CCD), characterized in that it comprises In a single aqueous solution or suspension:
a) tonies and nutritious ingrédients, mainly consisting of: milk powder and/or yeasts, sugars and lower organic adds;
b) naturel antioxidants and antiseptics contained in the extrade of one or more aromatic or
10 medidnal plants selected from: Crocus sativus, Pelargo-nium graveolens, Monarda citriodora, Myristica fragrans, Origanum vulgare and Origanum majorana', and
c) substances medidnal to bees, seieded from thymol, oxalic add, extracts of Thymus vulgaris, extracts of Aloe arborescens, extracts of Beta vulgaris cv. altissima and mixtures of two or more of the same.
15 10. A liquid Solution or suspension that can be deiivered in a spray form according to claim
9, wherein said nutrient ingrédients and tonies consist of milk powder, glucose and/or fructose, acetic add, tartane add and citric add.
11. A liquid solution that can be delivered in a spray form according to daim 10, wherein said ingrédients nutrients and tonies further comprise glycerin.
12. A liquid solution or suspension that can be delivered In a spray form according to daim
9, containing the following aromatic or medidnal plant extracts in combination: of Crocus sativus extract; Pélargonium graveolens extract; Myristica fragrans extract; Origanum vulgare extract and Origanum majorana extract.
13. A liquid solution or suspension that can be delivered in a spray form according to daim
25 12, further containing extract of Monarda citriodora.
14. A liquid solution or suspension that can be delivered in a spray form according to daim 9, wherein said curative substances for the bees are extracts of Thymus vulgaris, extracts of Aloe arborescens and oxalic acid.
15. A liquid solution or suspension that can be delivered in a spray form according to daim
30 14, wherein said curative substances for the bees com-furthermore take extract of Beta vulgaris cv.
16. A method for the prévention and treatment of the Colony Coliapse Disease (CCD) through the administration of nutrients and therapeutic to bee colonies to be treated, consisting in
-22using the automated apparatus of daim 1 or automated apparatus of daim 2 to deliver In a spray form a solution or know-aqueous liquid suspension containing;
a) tonies and nutritious ingrédients, mainly consisting of: milk powder and/or yeasts, sugars and lower organic adds;
b) naturel antioxidants and antiseptics contaïned in the extracts of one or more aromatic or medidnal plants selected from: Crocus sativus, Pelargo-nium graveolens, Monarda citriodora, Myristica fragrans, Origanum vulgare and Origanum majorana', and
c) substances médicinal to bees, selected from thymol, oxalic add, extrads of Thymus vulgaris, extracts of Aloe arborescens, extracts of Beta vulgaris cv. altissima and mixtures of two or more thereof.
17. A method for prévention and treatment according to daim 16, wherein said nutrient and tonie Ingrédients constst of milk powder, glucose and/or fructose, acetic add, tartaric add and dtric add.
18. A method for prévention and treatment according to daim 17, wherein said nutrient and tonie Ingrédients further comprise glycerin.
19. A method for prévention and treatment according to daim 16, wherein said liquid solution or suspension contains the following extracts of aromatic and médicinal plants in combination: Crocus sativus extract; Pélargonium graveolens extract; Myristica fragrans extract; Origanum vulgare extract and Origanum majorana extract
20. A method for prévention and treatment according to claim 19, wherein said liquid solution or suspension also contains extract of Monarda citriodora.
21. A method for prévention and treatment according to daim 16, wherein said curative substances for the bees are extracts of Thymus vulgaris, extracts of Aloe arborescens and oxalic add.
22. Method for prévention and treatment according to claim 21, wherein said curative substances to bees also include extract of Beta vulgaris cv. altissima.
OA1201400079 2011-08-26 2012-03-14 Method, apparatus and compositions for the prophylaxis and treatment of colony collapse disorder. OA17031A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
ITRM2011A000450 2011-08-26

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OA17031A true OA17031A (en) 2016-03-04



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