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JP2675523C JP2675523C JP 2675523 C JP2675523 C JP 2675523C JP 2675523 C JP2675523 C JP 2675523C
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明はバネ製造装置に関し、特に圧縮コイルバネ、引張りコイルバネ、ねじ
りコイルバネ等の製造装置に関するものである。 【0002】 【従来の技術】 従来のバネ製造装置は、バネとなる線材を所定の位置に導くためのクイルと呼
ばれるツールを必要とし、このクイルは、線材の供給位置からバネ成形位置まで 導くための線材を挿通する孔を有するライナ部と、線材を先端から送り出し、そ
バネ形状に成形する線材ガイドから構成されていた。 【0003】 また、このクイルを用いた従来のバネ製造装置として、例えば、特公昭56−
に屈折された屈折部等を無くすようにしたものが知られている。 【0004】 また、特公昭56−12378号公報に開示されるように、ツール抑えを線材
。 【0005】 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 しかしながら、上記のように構成される各従来例においては、線材ガイドとし
にバラツキが発生するなどの悪影響を及ぼすことになるという問題があった。 【0006】 また、従来のクイルは、所望のバネ形状に応じて夫々先端ガイド部の形状が異
換作業が非常な手間となると共に、ユーザ側で様々な形状のクイルを用意し、在 庫しておく必要があり、製造コストが高くなるという問題があった。 また、従来のクイルでは、線材がライナ部の内部で詰まった場合、詰まった線
材を取り出すことができずに再使用できなくなることがあった。 【0007】 従って、本発明のバネ製造装置は、上記の事情に鑑みてなされたものであり、
通に用いることが可能なバネ製造装置を提供しようとするものである。 【0008】 【課題を解決するための手段】 上述の課題を解決し、目的を達成するために、本発明のバネ製造装置は以下に
示す構成を備える。即ち、 線材ガイド(200)の先端からバネとなる線材(2)を送り出し、該線材ガ
バネを製造する装置であって、 前記線材ガイド(200)は分離可能な第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイ
)を形成するための線材挿通溝(230a、230b)が形成され、 前記第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイド片(200b)とは、それぞれ所
定の傾斜面(240a、240b)を有し、互いに左右対称な部材であり、 前記装置本体における、前記ツール(31〜34)の摺動軌跡が収束する中央
40)と、 前記回動手段(40)に回転力を伝達するための第1の駆動手段(111)と
、 前記線材(2)を折曲、湾曲あるいは切断するためのツール(31〜34)を
摺動させるための第2の駆動手段(113〜116)と、 前記第1、第2の駆動手段(111、113〜116)を互いに所定のタイミ
ール(31〜34)を駆動制御する制御手段(100)とを具備する。 また、本発明のバネ製造装置は以下に示す構成を備える。即ち、 線材ガイド(200)の先端からバネとなる線材(2)を送り出し、該線材ガ
を製造する装置であって、 前記線材ガイド(200)は分離可能な第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイ
)を形成するための線材挿通溝(230a、230b)が形成され 前記第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイド片(200b)とは、それぞれ所
定の傾斜面(240a、240b)を有し、互いに左右対称な部材であり、 前記装置本体における、前記ツール(31〜34)の摺動軌跡が収束する中央
イド(200)を前記線材挿通孔(230)を中心として回動される 。 【0009】 【0010】 また、好ましくは、前記バネ成形空間は、前記傾斜面(240a、240b)
側に設定される。 また、好ましくは、前記線材(2)を切断するためのツール(34)により該 線材(2)を切断する場合、該ツール(34)の摺動動作が、該線材ガイドの傾
ガイド(200)を該ツール(34)に対して相対的に回転制御する。 【0011】 【作用】 以上のように、この発明に係わるバネ製造装置は構成されているので、線材を
用いることが可能となる。 また、線材ガイドを分離可能な第1ガイド片と第2ガイド片から構成し、夫々
分離するだけでその詰まった線材を容易に取り出すことができる。 また、線材を切断する際には、線材を切断するためのツールの摺動動作が、線
で、線材ガイドの延命を図ることが可能となる。 【0012】 また、線材を切断する際には、ガイドの線材を送り出す孔から斜め下方に向け
が可能となる。 【0013】 【実施例】 以下に本発明の実施例につき、添付図面を参照して詳細に説明する。 <バネ製造装置> 先ず、バネ製造装置について説明する。 図1は、本発明に基づく実施例のバネ製造装置の外観を示す正面図であり、図
動するものである。 【0014】 ロータリ式線材ガイドユニット40には、その回転軸を同一としてガイドギヤ
ミングで回転する。 【0015】 線材2は、図2に示すように、ベース10の後方に設けられた送りロール3か
フィードローラ7、8は、モータやギヤからなるローラ駆動ユニット9により所 定のタイミングで回転駆動され、線材2を搬送する。 【0016】 操作部101は、基台20に設けられる操作部支持アーム15に支持されてお
等)、個数等を設定する。 以上、図1、図2では、本実施例のバネ製造装置1の概略的な構成を説明した
。 【0017】 <ロータリ式線材ガイドユニットの回転> 次に、図1及び図2で説明したロータリ式線材ガイドユニット40の回転駆動
方法について説明する。 図3は、本実施例のロータリ式線材ガイドユニットの駆動力伝達システムを示
動するよう制御される。 【0018】 <ロータリ式線材ガイドユニットの構成> 次に、図1及び図2で説明したロータリ式線材ガイドユニット40の構成につ
いて説明する。 図5は、本実施例のロータリ式線材ガイドユニットの全体構成を示す外観斜視
図である。図5〜図7において、ロータリ式線材ガイドユニット40は、基体部 41、カバー部43及び回動部47とを備える。図5に示すように、基体部41
41aの先端には、円盤部材45が取付けられている。 【0019】 カバー部43は、後述する回動部47に設けられたガイドギヤ47aを外部か
、基体部41に取付けボルト44で固定されている。 また、基体部41の下部には、回動部47に駆動力を伝達するアイドルギヤ7
0を保護するカバー51が、ボルト52によって2箇所で固定されている。 【0020】 回動部47は、両端を開口させたカップを横にした形状を呈し、その一端の開
程度の軸受けの働きを負荷させている。 【0021】 板材48は、線材2の送り出される方向に突出した凹状の突出部50が設けら
る。 <ガイドの形状> 次に、ガイドの構成について説明する。 【0022】 図8は、本実施例のガイドの分解した状態の斜視図であり、図9は、図8の夫
イドは、耐磨耗の超硬合金等の材料から構成される。 【0023】 このように、線材2を送り出すためのガイド200を左右対称な2つの部材か
段に抑えることが可能となる。 【0024】 <ライナの形状> 次に、ライナの構成について説明する。 図11は、本実施例のライナの断面図であり、図12(a)は、図11のライ ナの平面図、図12(b)は、図11のライナの側面図である。図11、図12
ナも、線材との摩擦を考慮して耐磨耗の超硬合金等の材料から構成される。 【0025】 <バネ製造装置の制御系のブロック構成> 次に、本実施例のバネ製造装置の制御系のブロック構成について説明する。 図13は、本実施例のバネ製造装置の制御系のブロック図である。図13にお
の移動を行わせるためのものである。そして、116は切断ツール駆動モータで あって、切断ツール34の移動を行わせるためのものである。即ち、これら全て
もよい。 【0026】 <バネ製造の原理> 次に、図14〜図21を参照して、バネ製造の原理について説明する。尚、以
について説明する。 (引張りバネの製造工程) 図14は、本実施例におけるバネ製造空間近傍の構成を示す図である。また、
せ、ガイド200の傾斜面を先程とは反対方向に回動させる(図15と図17に 示すガイド200の位置関係参照)。この状態で、折曲用ツール36をスライド
ック部を有する引張りバネが成形される(図17参照)。 【0027】 (2重ねじりバネの製造工程) 次に、2重ねじりバネの製造工程について説明する。 図18〜図21は、2重ねじりバネのバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図で
照)、 2つのコイル部を有する2重ねじりバネが成形される(図21参照)。 【0028】 <バネの切断原理> 上記動作によってバネが一個製造されると、そのバネを切断する。以下には、
その切断処理の原理を説明する。 図22は、その線材切断処理の原理を説明する図である。図22において、仮
になる。 【0029】 また、図示の34bの方向に切断ツールがある場合には、先の34aの位置に
るように切断力が作用するからである。 従って、本実施例では、線材2を切断する場合、切断ツールの進入方向が図示
のである。 【0030】 <バネ製造手順> 次に、図示の構成における実施例のバネ製造手順を図23〜図27のフローチ
ャートに従って説明する。但し、以下では、説明を簡単にするため、図15〜図 21で説明した引張りバネ及び2重ねじりバネの製造手順について説明する。 (引張りバネの製造手順) 図23、図24のフローチャートを参照して引張りバネの製造手順を説明する
。 【0031】 先ず、ステップS2における初期設定において、これから成形するバネの形状
。 そして、ステップS4に処理が進むと、与えられたパラメータに基づいて、線
において、バネの第1のフック部を成形するために線材の湾曲処理を行う。 【0032】 ステップS8では、第1のフック部が形成されたか否かを判断する。この判断
及び巻回ツール駆動モータ113をプログラムされた通りに継続動作させる。 さて、ステップS8において、第1のフック部が形成されたと判断したら(ス
は、レーザセンサ等を設けることにより判断できる。 【0033】 さて、ステップS14において、所定のコイル長になったと判断したら(ステ
うかで判断できる。 【0034】 さて、ステップS24において、第2のフック部が形成されたと判断したら(
レーザセンサ等を設けることにより判断できる。 【0035】 ステップS28で、線材の切断が終了したと判断されると(ステップS28で
、しかる後にステップS4にリターンする。 以上説明した手順により、1つの引張りバネが成形される。 (2重ねじりバネの製造手順) 次に、図25〜図27のフローチャートを参照して2重ねじりバネの製造手順
を説明する。 【0036】 先ず、ステップS40における初期設定において、これから成形するバネの形
る。 そして、ステップS42に処理が進むと、与えられたパラメータに基づいて、
44において、バネの第1の先端部を成形するために線材の湾曲処理を行う。 【0037】 ステップS46では、第1の先端部が形成されたか否かを判断する。この判断
び巻回ツール駆動モータ113をプログラムされた通りに継続動作させる。 さて、ステップS46において、第1の先端部が形成されたと判断したら(ス
テップS46での判断YES)、処理はステップS48に進み、巻回ツール駆動 モータ113を駆動し、続いてステップS50において、第1のコイル部を形成
する。この判断は、レーザセンサ等を設けることにより判断できる。 【0038】 さて、ステップS52において、所定のコイル長になったと判断したら(ステ
所定角度に折曲げる。 そして、次のステップS56において、第1回目の折曲
り判断できる。 【0039】 さて、ステップS56において、第1回目の折曲げ処理が完了したと判断した
る。この判断はステップS56の場合と同様である。 【0040】 さて、ステップS62において、第2回目の折曲げ処理が完了したと判断した
り判断できる。 【0041】 さて、ステップS68において、所定のコイル長になったと判断したら(ステ
12、巻回ツール駆動モータ113を駆動制御し、バネの第2の先端部を成形す るために線材の湾曲処理を行う。 その後、ステップS72では、第2の先端部が形成されたか否かを判断する。
る。 【0042】 さて、ステップS72において、第2の先端部が形成されたと判断したら(ス
ーザセンサ等を設けることにより判断できる。 【0043】 ステップS76で、線材の切断が終了したと判断されると(ステップS76で
、しかる後にステップS42にリターンする。 以上説明した手順により、1つの2重ねじりバネが成形される。 <従来技術との比較> 次に、図28〜図34を参照して、従来技術に基づくバネ製造の原理と本実施
ネとして、引張りバネ及び2重ねじりバネの製造原理について説明する。 【0044】 (従来技術による引張りバネの製造工程) 図28〜図30は、引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。尚、
ル 200’は、引張りバネ専用に形成されたもので、断面円形の棒状部材の先端部
フック部を有する引張りバネが成形される(図30参照)。 【0045】 (従来技術による2重ねじりバネの製造工程) 次に、従来技術による2重ねじりバネの製造工程について説明する。 図31〜図34は、2重ねじりバネのバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図で
その後、折曲用ツール32、33を当接させることにより、所定量折曲げられる (図32参照)。更に折曲げるために、所定量の線材を送り出して、折曲用ツー
形される(図34参照)。 【0046】 以上のように、本実施例と従来例との製造法を比較すると、従来では、所望の
同じガイドを回動させるだけで、異なる形状のバネを製造することができる。 また、ガイドの角度を所定位置に設定するだけで、バネのコイル部のピッチを
自由に設定することも可能になる。 【0047】 以上説明したように本実施例によれば、線材ガイドを小型化できると共に、ガ
イドを回転させることにより発生する線材のねじり応力を低減できる。 また、多種類のバネを製造する場合でも、ガイドの交換が不要になる。 尚、本発明は、その趣旨を逸脱しない範囲で上記実施例を修正又は変形したも
て他の部分には異なる材料を用いて構成してもよい。 【0048】 【発明の効果】 以上のように、本発明に係わるバネ製造装置によれば、線材を送り出す線材ガ
を在庫するためのコストを低減し、あらゆる形状のバネに共通に用いることが可 能となる。 また、線材ガイドを分離可能な第1ガイド片と第2ガイド片から構成し、夫々
分離するだけでその詰まった線材を容易に取り出すことができる。 また、線材を切断する際には、線材を切断するためのツールの摺動動作が、線
で、線材ガイドの延命を図ることが可能となる。 【0049】 また、線材を切断する際には、ガイドの線材を送り出す孔から斜め下方に向け
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0001]     [Industrial applications]   The present invention relates to a spring manufacturing apparatus, and particularly to a compression coil spring, a tension coil spring, and a screw.
The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing a coil spring or the like. [0002]     [Prior art]   A conventional spring manufacturing apparatus is called a quill for guiding a wire to be a spring to a predetermined position.
This tool requires a tool that can be removed from the wire feed position to the spring forming position. A liner having a hole for inserting a wire for guiding
Using a tool to bend, bend or cut the delivered wire
It consisted of a wire guide formed into a spring shape. [0003]   Further, as a conventional spring manufacturing apparatus using this quill, for example,
As disclosed in Japanese Patent No. 12379, a support is attached to the outside of the wire guide, and
Can be rotated around the center of the hole of the wire guide, and the wire is bent.
In conjunction with the tip of the wire guide of the tool to bend or cut
By configuring so that the submerged tool does not hit the support,
, Abruptly present in the straight part and exit part remaining at the beginning of the completed coil spring
There has been known a configuration in which a refraction portion or the like refracted by an optical element is eliminated. [0004]   Further, as disclosed in Japanese Patent Publication No. 56-12378, a tool holder is provided with a wire rod.
Attach it to a support that can rotate with respect to the guide, and attach this support to the tool
By rotating in conjunction with the submersion, the tool is designed to prevent the tool from hitting the support.
Is known to improve the non-defective product rate and reduce product variations.
. [0005]     [Problems to be solved by the invention]   However, in each of the conventional examples configured as described above, a wire guide is used.
In all quills, the liner and guide are integrated, and the liner guides the wire
The quill itself becomes large,
There is a problem that the entire device including the above becomes large. Also, if you turn the quill
If the device is configured to be rotatable, the longer the liner length, the more the line
A large torsion stress is applied to the wire inserted through the
However, there is a problem in that it has an adverse effect such as a variation in the image quality. [0006]   In addition, in conventional quills, the shape of the tip guide portion differs depending on the desired spring shape.
Therefore, for example, when manufacturing various types of springs, the operator is required to exchange quills.
The replacement work becomes extremely troublesome, and the user prepares quills of various shapes, However, there is a problem that the production cost is increased.   In addition, with the conventional quill, if the wire is clogged inside the liner,
In some cases, the material could not be taken out and could not be reused. [0007]   Therefore, the spring manufacturing apparatus of the present invention has been made in view of the above circumstances,
The purpose is to make the guide that feeds the wire rotatable,
Saves the trouble of processing the shape of the tip according to the shape of the desired spring as in
Reduces the cost of stocking quills of various shapes, and is compatible with all shapes of springs.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a spring manufacturing apparatus that can be used for communication. [0008]     [Means for Solving the Problems]   In order to solve the above-mentioned problems and achieve the object, the spring manufacturing apparatus of the present invention is described below.
The configuration shown is provided. That is,   A wire (2) serving as a spring is sent out from the tip of the wire guide (200), and the wire guide is provided.
Is provided slidably toward the spring forming space near the tip of the id (200).
A tool (31-34) for bending, bending or cutting the wire (2).
By forcing it to bend or bend to create a diameter
An apparatus for manufacturing a spring,   The wire guide (200) includes a separable first guide piece (200a) and a second guide piece.
(200b), and the mating surface of each guide piece (200a, 200b)
The wire insertion hole (230) for sending out the wire (2) toward the spring forming space.
) Are formed to form wire insertion grooves (230a, 230b),   The first guide piece (200a) and the second guide piece (200b) are respectively
It is a member which has a fixed inclined surface (240a, 240b) and is bilaterally symmetrical,   The center of the apparatus main body where the sliding trajectories of the tools (31 to 34) converge.
The wire guide (200) is rotatably provided near the wire guide (200) while supporting the wire guide (200).
Rotating means (200) for rotating the guide (200) about the wire insertion hole (230);
40)   A first driving unit (111) for transmitting a rotational force to the rotating unit (40);
,   Tools (31-34) for bending, bending or cutting the wire (2)
Second driving means (113 to 116) for sliding,   The first and second driving means (111, 113 to 116) are connected to each other at a predetermined time.
The wire guide (20) is controlled based on a desired spring shape by controlling the wire guide (20).
0) is rotated by a predetermined angle to change the position of the spring forming space, and
Control means (100) for controlling the driving of the wheels (31-34).   Further, the spring manufacturing apparatus of the present invention has the following configuration. That is,   A wire (2) serving as a spring is sent out from the tip of the wire guide (200), and the wire guide is provided.
The wire rod provided so as to be able to protrude and retract toward a spring forming space near the tip of the id (200).
A tool (31-34) for bending, bending or cutting the wire is applied to the wire (2).
The spring is formed by forcibly bending or curving it by contacting it to produce a diameter.
An apparatus for manufacturing   The wire guide (200) includes a separable first guide piece (200a) and a second guide piece.
(200b), and the mating surface of each guide piece (200a, 200b)
The wire insertion hole (230) for sending out the wire (2) toward the spring forming space.
) Are formed to form wire insertion grooves (230a, 230b)., The first guide piece (200a) and the second guide piece (200b) are respectively
It is a member which has a fixed inclined surface (240a, 240b) and is bilaterally symmetrical, The center of the apparatus main body where the sliding trajectories of the tools (31 to 34) converge.
The wire guide (200) is rotatably provided near the wire guide (200) while supporting the wire guide (200).
The guide (200) is turned around the wire insertion hole (230). . [0009] [0010]   Preferably, the spring forming space is provided with the inclined surface (240a, 240b).
Set to the side.   Also, preferably, the tool (34) for cutting the wire (2) is used. When cutting the wire (2), the sliding operation of the tool (34) is caused by the inclination of the wire guide.
Opposite from the slope (240a, 240b) side to the slope (240a, 240b) side
The wire guide (200) on the side is operated in the direction of increasing the thickness.
The rotation of the guide (200) is controlled relative to the tool (34). [0011]     [Action]   As described above, since the spring manufacturing apparatus according to the present invention is configured,
The wire guide to be sent out is made rotatable, and this wire guide is set according to the desired spring shape.
Simply changing the position of the spring forming space by rotating it by a predetermined angle,
The need to process the tip shape according to the desired spring shape is eliminated.
Reduces the cost of stocking quills of various shapes, and is common to springs of all shapes
It can be used.   Also, the wire rod guide is composed of a separable first guide piece and a second guide piece,
That a wire rod insertion groove for forming a wire rod insertion hole was formed on the mating surface of the guide pieces
If the wire is clogged inside the wire insertion hole of the wire guide,
Just by separating, the clogged wire can be easily taken out.   Also, when cutting a wire, the sliding operation of the tool for cutting the wire is performed by the wire.
The larger the thickness of the wire guide on the opposite side from the inclined surface side of the material guide
To control the rotation of the wire guide relative to the tool so that
Thus, it is possible to extend the life of the wire guide. [0012]   Also, when cutting the wire, diagonally downward from the hole for sending out the guide wire
The guide is cut toward the high-strength part of the guide.
Becomes possible. [0013]     【Example】   Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings.   <Spring manufacturing equipment>   First, a spring manufacturing device will be described.   FIG. 1 is a front view showing the appearance of a spring manufacturing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention.
2 is a side view of the spring manufacturing apparatus of FIG. 1 and 2, a spring manufacturing apparatus
Reference numeral 1 denotes a base 20 on which a base 10 and an operation unit support arm 15 are fixed.
They have an integral structure. The base 10 is a rotary type wire rod guide unit.
And a tool group 30 for forming the wire 2 as a spring. Base
The tool group 30 on the table 10 is provided with a wire delivery hole of the rotary wire guide unit 40.
A large number are provided radially as centers. This tool group 30 is used, for example, for bending wire rods.
Various preparations such as tools, wire bending tools, wire cutting tools, etc. according to the application
The mounting position is set according to the diameter of the wire and the shape of the spring.
. At the end of the tool group 30 opposite to the rotary wire guide unit side
Are provided such that the eccentric cams 4 are in contact with each other, and are provided on the base 10.
Driving force is transmitted from a tool drive motor (not shown) and gear (not shown) to rotate
I do. Each tool group 30 is provided with a rotary wire guide unit by each cam.
It is slidably mounted toward the center of 40. That is, each tool 30
Based on the shape and phase difference of each cam 4, at a set speed and order, at a predetermined time
Between the tool and the position, and stop the tool.
It works. [0014]   The rotary type wire rod guide unit 40 has the same rotation axis as the guide gear.
47 is supported by a shaft and is supported by a guide drive motor 6 provided at a lower portion of the base 10.
Motor gear 90 mounted, and idle gears 70, 8 set to a predetermined gear ratio.
0, the driving force is transmitted, and a predetermined tie is linked with the movement of each tool 30 described above.
Rotate with mining. [0015]   As shown in FIG. 2, the wire 2 is formed by a feed roll 3 provided behind the base 10.
Supplied from The feed rollers 7 and 8 carry
It is fed and inserted inside the rotary wire guide unit 40. Feedrow
The rollers 7 and 8 are provided at the rear of the base 10 and sandwich the wire 2. Also these
The feed rollers 7 and 8 are controlled by a roller drive unit 9 including a motor and gears. The wire 2 is driven to rotate at a predetermined timing, and conveys the wire 2. [0016]   The operation unit 101 is supported by an operation unit support arm 15 provided on the base 20.
The operator operates the display unit 102a and the input keys 102 provided on the operation unit 101.
Operate b. In this operation unit 101, the type and size (diameter and length) of the spring to be manufactured
Etc.), the number etc. are set.   As described above, in FIGS. 1 and 2, the schematic configuration of the spring manufacturing apparatus 1 of the present embodiment has been described.
. [0017]   <Rotation of rotary wire guide unit>   Next, the rotation drive of the rotary wire guide unit 40 described with reference to FIGS.
The method will be described.   FIG. 3 shows a driving force transmission system of the rotary wire guide unit of the present embodiment.
FIG. 4 is an external perspective view, and FIG. 4 is a front view of the system of FIG. FIG. 3 and FIG.
And a motor mounted with the same rotation axis as the guide drive motor 6 rotates.
The driving force is output from the motor gear 90, and the idle gear 8 meshed with the motor gear 90.
0 is transmitted. The idle gear 80 meshes with another idle gear 70
The idle gear 70 is connected to the rotary gear 47 of the rotary type wire rod guide unit 40.
The driving force from the motor 6 is transmitted to a. The motor gear 90 and the idle gear 80
Are both supported by the gear shaft support member 85, and the idle gears 70, 80
The gear ratio is set. The guide drive motor 6 has been described with reference to FIGS.
As described above, the rotary wire guide unit 40 is rotated in conjunction with the movement of each tool 30.
It is controlled to move. [0018]   <Configuration of Rotary Wire Guide Unit>   Next, the configuration of the rotary type wire guide unit 40 described with reference to FIGS.
Will be described.   FIG. 5 is an external perspective view showing the overall configuration of the rotary wire guide unit of the present embodiment.
FIG. 6 is a front view of FIG. FIG. 7 is a sectional view taken along line AA of FIG.
FIG. 5 to 7, the rotary type wire guide unit 40 includes a base portion. 41, a cover part 43 and a rotating part 47. As shown in FIG.
Are fixed to the base 10 at four places by mounting bolts 42. FIG.
As shown in the figure, the base portion 41 has cylindrical protrusions 4 on both sides of a substantially rectangular flange.
1a and 41b have a protruding shape, and penetrate the vicinity of substantially the center of the inside.
To feed the wire 2 conveyed from the feed rollers 7 and 8 to the guide 200
A liner hole for disposing the liner 300 is formed. In addition, cylindrical protrusion
The tip portion 46 on the protruding portion 41b side is adapted to fit the diameter of the feed rollers 7 and 8,
It has a tapered shape toward the tip. In addition, cylindrical projections
A disk member 45 is attached to the tip of 41a. [0019]   The cover part 43 is provided with a guide gear 47a provided on a rotating part 47 described later.
It has a shape whose center is open corresponding to the outer shape of the rotating part 47 so as to protect it from
, And is fixed to the base 41 with mounting bolts 44.   An idle gear 7 for transmitting a driving force to the rotating portion 47 is provided below the base portion 41.
The cover 51 that protects the cover 0 is fixed at two places by bolts 52. [0020]   The rotating portion 47 has a shape in which a cup having both ends opened is laid horizontally, and one end thereof is opened.
A guide gear 47a for rotating the guide 200 is formed on the outer peripheral edge of the mouth.
A semicircular plate member 48 for fixing the guide 200 is provided in the opening at the other end.
It is fixed with a bolt 49. The rotating portion 47 is located along the axial direction from the other end.
It has a shape partially cut out. The rotating part 47 is moved from the opening at one end.
The fitting to the cylindrical projection 41b of the base 41 via the bearings 54 and 55
Therefore, it is made rotatable. The bearings 54 and 55 are both radial bearings.
However, by combining the two in this way, there is also in the thrust direction
The bearing works to a degree. [0021]   The plate 48 is provided with a concave protrusion 50 protruding in the direction in which the wire 2 is sent out.
The guide 200 is mounted in the recess by positioning the positioning pin 53.
You.   <Guide shape>   Next, the configuration of the guide will be described. [0022]   FIG. 8 is an exploded perspective view of the guide of the present embodiment, and FIG.
It is a perspective view showing the state where various guides were assembled. FIG. 10 shows the guide of FIG.
FIG. 3 is a detailed view of a tip portion of the door. 8 to 10, the guide 200 is paired left and right.
It is composed of a left guide and a right guide 200a, 200b having a nominal shape. This
These guides 200a, 200b are respectively provided with grooves 230a, 230b having a semicircular cross section.
Are formed in a longitudinal section, and positioning holes 210a and 210b are
Is provided in the lower part of the vehicle. The upper surfaces of the guides 200a and 200b are
The inclined surfaces 240a and 240b having a constant angle are formed. Also, in FIG.
The left and right guides are aligned so that each formed groove is circular in cross section.
It becomes the wire insertion hole. Further, as shown in FIG. 10, the respective guides 200a, 200
0b, the inclined portions 240a and 240b formed on the upper surface are located downward toward the outside.
The angle of inclination is set to approximately 10 degrees. That is,
By rotating the rotating portion 47 of FIG. 5, the inclined surfaces 240a and 240b in the spring forming space are formed.
By changing the position, it functions as a spring forming surface described later. In addition,
The id is made of a wear-resistant material such as a cemented carbide. [0023]   As described above, the guide 200 for sending out the wire 2 is formed by two symmetrical members.
If the wire is clogged inside the guide insertion hole,
The wire can be easily removed, and even if the tip of the guide is missing,
Rework is possible by processing and placing the guide more forward than before
. Also, the size of the guide can be reduced, and costs are reduced compared to conventional quills.
It is possible to reduce the number of steps. [0024]   <Liner shape>   Next, the configuration of the liner will be described.   FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional view of the liner of the present embodiment, and FIG. FIG. 12B is a side view of the liner of FIG. 11 and 12
, The liner 300 inserts the wire 2 sent out from the feed rollers 7 and 8.
The rod 2 serves as a conveyance path for the wire 2 to be sent out to the guide 200 and has a rod-like portion.
An insertion hole 301 for inserting the wire 2 is formed in the center. Ma
In addition, as shown in FIG. 12A, one end portion 302 of the liner in the longitudinal direction is
The shape of the base portion 41 described with reference to FIG.
The tapered end portion 302 is installed so as to penetrate the inside.
Is substantially coincident with the tip end portion 46 of the base portion 41, and the other end portion 303 is a cylindrical portion of the base portion 41.
The guide 200 protrudes from the protruding portion 41a and passes near the center of the disk member 45.
And a small gap. That is, the insertion of the wire into the liner 300
The hole 301 and the wire insertion hole 230 of the guide 200 are aligned with the rotary type wire guide unit.
They are provided so as to coincide with each other in a state where they are incorporated in the card. In addition,
The nut is also made of a wear-resistant material such as a cemented carbide in consideration of friction with the wire. [0025]   <Block configuration of control system of spring manufacturing device>   Next, a block configuration of a control system of the spring manufacturing apparatus according to the present embodiment will be described.   FIG. 13 is a block diagram of a control system of the spring manufacturing device of the present embodiment. FIG.
100 is a CPU for controlling the entire apparatus, and 101 is a tool for manufacturing a spring.
Operation unit for setting or operating various parameters such as moving the
And a display unit 102a and an input unit 102 for displaying the operation contents and the state of the apparatus.
b. The operation processing procedure is stored in the CPU 100.
ROM and a RAM used as a work area are provided. 105-
Reference numeral 110 denotes a driver for each of the motors (both servo motors) described below.
Reference numeral 111 denotes a rotary wire guide rotating motor, which guides a predetermined time.
And rotate it. Reference numeral 112 denotes a wire feed motor, which rotates the feed rollers 7 and 8.
It is a rolling drive source. Reference numeral 113 denotes a winding tool drive motor, which is located above the winding tool 31.
It is a motor for performing a downward movement. 114 and 115 are an inner tool for bending and
14. A folding outer tool drive motor, comprising the folding tools 32, 33 in FIG.
It is intended to make the movement of. And 116 is a cutting tool drive motor Then, the cutting tool 34 is moved. That is, all of these
As shown in the figure, the tools 31 to 34 are driven under the control of the CPU 100.
It is connected to the CPU 100 via the drivers 105 to 110. In this embodiment,
For convenience, drive motors are provided for each of the winding tool, bending tool, and cutting tool.
The one provided is explained, but all these tools can be driven by one common motor
In this way, the timing of each cam is adjusted to drive each tool.
Is also good. [0026]   <Spring manufacturing principle>   Next, the principle of spring production will be described with reference to FIGS. In addition,
Below, the manufacturing principle of a tension spring and a double torsion spring as two representative springs
Will be described.   (Manufacturing process of tension spring)   FIG. 14 is a diagram illustrating a configuration in the vicinity of a spring manufacturing space in the present embodiment. Also,
FIG. 15 to FIG. 17 are diagrams showing the manufacturing process of the tension spring in a simplified manner. The figure
FIGS. 15A to 17A show the spring manufacturing space viewed from above, and FIG.
(B) -FIG.17 (b) have shown the mode which looked at the spring manufacturing space from the front. FIG.
4 to 17, the wire 2 from the wire supply source (not shown) is fed as shown in FIG.
From the rollers 7 and 8 via a liner incorporated in the rotary type wire rod guide unit 40
Then, the wire is sent out from the front end of the wire guide 200. The fed wire 2 is wound
First, as a first end portion of the spring,
For example, a portion to be a hook is formed (see FIG. 15). After that, drive the specified tool
By doing so, it is bent at approximately 90 degrees at the base of the hook portion. And winding
A tool 35 for abutment and further sending out the wire 2 to the slope of the guide.
When the coil part grows vertically and reaches the specified coil length, the wire is fed.
The feeding is stopped (see FIG. 16). The distance between the tip of the guide and the winding tool is
Determine the coil diameter of the spring. Then, a hook portion as another second tip portion
The guide 200 (the rotating portion 47 shown in FIG. 5) is rotated by approximately 180 degrees to form a portion.
And rotate the inclined surface of the guide 200 in the direction opposite to the previous direction (see FIGS. 15 and 17). (See positional relationship of guide 200 shown). In this state, slide the bending tool 36
The hook portion is formed by bending the wire 2 toward the inclined surface by a predetermined amount and bending it.
And cut with a cutting tool 34 (see FIG. 14) to
A tension spring having a hook portion is formed (see FIG. 17). [0027]   (Manufacturing process of double torsion spring)   Next, a manufacturing process of the double torsion spring will be described.   FIGS. 18 to 21 are diagrams showing simplified steps of manufacturing a double torsion spring.
is there. FIGS. 18A to 21A show the spring manufacturing space viewed from above.
18 (b) to FIG. 21 (b) show the spring manufacturing space viewed from the front.
ing. FIG. 18C is a side view of the spring manufacturing space shown in FIG. 21C.
It shows the situation. In FIGS. 14 and 18 to 21, similarly to the extension spring,
A wire 2 from a wire supply source (not shown) is fed from feed rollers 7 and 8 (not shown) to a rotor.
Of the wire guide 200 via a liner incorporated in the
Sent from the tip. The fed wire 2 is fed by a predetermined amount and the first tip
After forming the linear portion of the above, by contacting the winding tool 31, first, the spring
Is grown (see FIG. 18). Thereafter, the winding tool 31 is pulled.
The wire 2 is fed out by a predetermined amount to form a linear portion, and then bent.
The tools 32 and 33 are folded by a predetermined amount by bringing them into contact with each other. Next for bending
The guide 200 (rotating part 47 shown in FIG. 5) is used to retract the tool and bend it further.
) Is rotated approximately 180 degrees, and the inclined surface of the guide 200 is rotated in the direction opposite to the above.
(Refer to the positional relationship of the guide 200 shown in FIGS. 19 and 20). Rotate guide 200
After that, a predetermined amount of wire is sent out and the bending tools 32 and 33 are brought into contact with each other.
Thus, an intermediate locking portion is formed (see FIG. 20). After that, the winding tool 31 is again
Then, the wire 2 is fed out and the second core is perpendicular to the slope of the guide.
The wire part grows and stops feeding the wire when the coil length reaches the specified value.
(See FIG. 21). Note that the distance between the guide tip and the winding tool is
Determine the diameter of the file. After that, it is necessary to form another straight line at the second tip.
By sending out the fixed amount wire 2 and cutting it using the cutting tool 34 (see FIG. 14).
See), A double torsion spring having two coil portions is formed (see FIG. 21). [0028]   <Spring cutting principle>   When one spring is manufactured by the above operation, the spring is cut. Below,
The principle of the cutting process will be described.   FIG. 22 is a diagram for explaining the principle of the wire cutting processing. In FIG.
Consider the case where the cutting tool is located at 34a shown in FIG.
You. In this case, the wire projecting from the wire feed hole of the guide 200 is indicated by A in the figure.
Stress in the direction. Then, even if it supports the wire feed hole, the thickness of the guide is
The extremely thin part receives the cutting force of the wire. In the worst case, guide 20
Tooth spilling occurs in the vicinity of the 0 wire feed hole. Therefore, the cutting tool
Do not move or arrange the wire from the range of θa shown
become. [0029]   If the cutting tool is located in the direction of 34b shown in the figure,
It works better than some cutting tools, but it's not the best. Because
For example, the two guides 200a and 200b are inserted in the illustrated Y-section direction in contact with each other.
This is because the cutting force acts as follows.   Therefore, in this embodiment, when cutting the wire 2, the entering direction of the cutting tool is shown in the drawing.
The range was set to either of θb and θc. By doing this,
A small guide, yet able to withstand cutting forces well. In addition, the cutting tool
The direction of entry of the tool is determined in advance, and the guide
Is rotated to dispose the cutting tool in one of the illustrated ranges θb and θc. Also
, The ranges θb and θc vary depending on the size and shape of the guide, the diameter of the wire, and the like.
It is. [0030]   <Spring manufacturing procedure>   Next, the spring manufacturing procedure of the embodiment in the illustrated configuration will be described with reference to the flowcharts of FIGS.
This will be explained according to the chart. However, in the following, in order to simplify the description, FIGS. A manufacturing procedure of the tension spring and the double torsion spring described in 21 will be described.   (Procedure for manufacturing a tension spring)   The manufacturing procedure of the tension spring will be described with reference to the flowcharts of FIGS.
. [0031]   First, in the initial setting in step S2, the shape of the spring to be formed is
Various parameters such as wire thickness (outer diameter) and free length of spring are set based on
.   Then, when the process proceeds to step S4, a line is drawn based on the given parameters.
The drive of the material feed motor 112 and the winding tool drive motor 113 is controlled, and step S6 is performed.
In the above, the wire is bent to form the first hook portion of the spring. [0032]   In step S8, it is determined whether the first hook portion has been formed. This judgment
Can be determined based on whether or not the wire material corresponding to the hook formed by the given spring has been sent out.
In any case, until the hook is determined to be formed, the wire feed motor 112
And the winding tool drive motor 113 is continuously operated as programmed.   If it is determined in step S8 that the first hook portion has been formed (step S8).
The determination in step S8 is YES), and the process proceeds to step S10, where the winding tool driving mode is set.
The motor 113 is driven, and in step S12, a coil portion is formed. afterwards,
In step S14, it is determined whether a predetermined coil length has been reached. This judgment
Can be determined by providing a laser sensor or the like. [0033]   When it is determined in step S14 that the coil length has reached the predetermined value,
(YES in step S14), the process proceeds to step S16, and the wire feed motor 1
12 is temporarily stopped. Then, in the next step S18, the guide motor 1
11 is driven to rotate the guide to a predetermined position. Then, steps S20 and S2
In 2, the wire feed motor 112 and the winding tool drive motor 113 are drive-controlled,
The wire is bent to form the second hook portion of the spring. Then, step
In S24, it is determined whether or not the second hook portion has been formed. This judgment is a step
In the same manner as in step S8, whether the wire material corresponding to the hook formed by the given spring has been sent out.
Can be determined. [0034]   By the way, if it is determined in step S24 that the second hook portion has been formed (
The determination in step S24 is YES), and the guide rotation motor 111 is turned on in step S25.
It drives and rotates the guide to a predetermined cutting position. Thereafter, the process proceeds to step S26.
Then, the cutting tool driving motor 116 is driven to cut the wire 2. Then,
In step S28, it is determined whether the cutting of the wire 2 has been completed. This judgment also
The determination can be made by providing a laser sensor or the like. [0035]   If it is determined in step S28 that the cutting of the wire has been completed (step S28).
Is NO), the process proceeds to step S30, and each tool is returned to the initially set position.
Then, the process returns to step S4.   According to the procedure described above, one tension spring is formed.   (Procedure for manufacturing a double torsion spring)   Next, a manufacturing procedure of the double torsion spring will be described with reference to the flowcharts of FIGS.
Will be described. [0036]   First, in the initial setting in step S40, the shape of the spring to be formed is
Based on the shape, set various parameters such as wire thickness (outer diameter) and free length of spring.
You.   Then, when the process proceeds to step S42, based on the given parameters,
The drive of the wire feed motor 112 and the winding tool drive motor 113 is controlled, and step S
At 44, the wire is bent to form the first tip of the spring. [0037]   In step S46, it is determined whether the first tip has been formed. This judgment
Can be determined based on whether or not the wire material corresponding to the tip of the given spring has been fed. I
Even if it is misaligned, the wire feed motor 112 and the
The winding tool drive motor 113 is continuously operated as programmed.   When it is determined in step S46 that the first tip is formed (step S46).
The determination in step S46 is YES), and the process proceeds to step S48 to drive the winding tool. The motor 113 is driven, and then, in step S50, the first coil portion is formed.
I do. Thereafter, in step S52, it is determined whether or not a predetermined coil length has been reached.
I do. This determination can be made by providing a laser sensor or the like. [0038]   If it is determined in step S52 that the coil length has reached the predetermined value (step S52).
The determination in step S52 is YES), the process proceeds to step S54, and the wire feed motor 1
12 is temporarily stopped, and the bending tool drive motors 114 and 115 are driven to remove the wire rod.
Bend to a predetermined angle. Then, in the next step S56, the first bending
It is determined whether the transfer has been completed. This determination can be made by providing a laser sensor, etc.
Can be determined. [0039]   By the way, in step S56, it is determined that the first bending process has been completed.
(The determination in step S56 is YES), the process proceeds to step S58, and the wire feed is performed.
With the motor 112 stopped, the guide motor 111 is driven to
Rotate to the position. Then, in step S60, the wire feed motor 112
The second bending process is performed by controlling the drive of the music tool drive motors 114 and 115.
. Next, in a step S62, it is determined whether or not the second bending process is completed.
You. This determination is the same as in step S56. [0040]   By the way, in step S62, it is determined that the second bending process has been completed.
(The determination in step S62 is YES), the process proceeds to step S64, and the wire rod is fed.
The motor 112 and the winding tool driving motor 113 are driven.
Thus, a second coil portion is formed. Thereafter, in step S68, a predetermined coil
It is determined whether or not the length has been reached. This determination can be made by providing a laser sensor, etc.
Can be determined. [0041]   If it is determined in step S68 that the coil length has reached a predetermined value, the process proceeds to step S68.
(YES in step S68), the process proceeds to step S70, and the wire rod feed motor 1
12. Drive control of the winding tool drive motor 113 to form the second tip of the spring. For this purpose, a wire bending process is performed.   Then, in a step S72, it is determined whether or not the second tip is formed.
This judgment is based on whether or not the wire formed by the tip of the given spring has been sent out.
Wear. In any case, until the tip is determined to be formed, the wire feed motor
Continue to operate 112 and winding tool drive motor 113 as programmed
You. [0042]   When it is determined in step S72 that the second tip is formed (step S72).
The determination in step S72 is YES), and the guide rotation motor 111 is driven in step S73.
To rotate the guide to a predetermined cutting position. Thereafter, the processing proceeds to step S74.
Then, the cutting tool driving motor 116 is driven to cut the wire 2. Then,
In step S76, it is determined whether the cutting of the wire 2 has been completed. This judgment is also
It can be determined by providing a user sensor or the like. [0043]   If it is determined in step S76 that the cutting of the wire has been completed (step S76).
Is NO), the process proceeds to step S78, and each tool is returned to the initially set position.
Then, the process returns to step S42.   According to the procedure described above, one double torsion spring is formed.   <Comparison with conventional technology>   Next, referring to FIGS. 28 to 34, the principle of manufacturing a spring based on the prior art and the present embodiment will be described.
Compare the spring manufacturing principle based on the example. Note that, in the following, the above-mentioned two representative buses are described.
Next, the principle of manufacturing a tension spring and a double torsion spring will be described. [0044]   (Manufacturing process of tension spring by conventional technology)   FIG. 28 to FIG. 30 are diagrams showing the manufacturing process of the tension spring in a simplified manner. still,
FIGS. 28A to 30A show a conventional spring manufacturing space viewed from above.
28 (b) to 30 (b) show a conventional spring manufacturing space viewed from the front.
doing. 28 to 30, a wire 2 ′ from a wire supply source (not shown) is not
The quill 200 ′ is fed out of the illustrated feed roller from the tip end thereof. In addition, Kui
Le 200 'is formed exclusively for a tension spring, and has a tip portion of a rod-shaped member having a circular cross section.
Is partially removed, and the removed surface is used as the coil forming surface 240 '. Sending out
The made wire 2 is brought into contact with the winding tool 31 so that the first wire
For example, a portion serving as a hook is formed as a tip portion of (see FIG. 28). And
Then, the winding tool 35 is again brought into contact with the winding tool 31 in a direction orthogonal to the winding tool 31, and
The wire 2 is fed to the quill in a direction perpendicular to the coil forming surface 240 'of the quill.
When the part grows and reaches the specified coil length, the wire feed is stopped.
(See FIG. 29). Then, form a hook portion as another second tip portion
In order for the coil portion to be oriented in the opposite direction to the coil forming surface 240 'of the quill 200',
By pressing the winding tool 36 in such a way that
By forming a hook portion and cutting using a cutting tool 34,
A tension spring having a hook portion is formed (see FIG. 30). [0045]   (Manufacturing process of double torsion spring according to conventional technology)   Next, a manufacturing process of the conventional double torsion spring will be described.   FIGS. 31 to 34 are diagrams showing simplified steps of manufacturing a double torsion spring.
is there. FIGS. 31 (a) to 34 (a) show a conventional spring manufacturing space viewed from above.
FIGS. 31 (b) to 34 (b) show the conventional spring manufacturing space viewed from the front.
It shows how it was. FIG. 31 (c) shows the conventional spring manufacturing method.
This shows the space viewed from the side. In FIGS. 31 to 34, a tension spring and
Similarly, a wire 2 'from a wire supply source (not shown) is supplied from a feed roller (not shown).
The quill 200 "is sent out from the tip of the file 200".
The coil forming surface 240 'of the quill 200' is also formed on the back surface.
The one which can be used as the coil forming surfaces 240 ″ and 241 ″ is used.
The fed wire 2 is fed by a predetermined amount to form a straight portion at the first end, and then wound.
First, one of the coil forming surfaces 240 "
To grow the first coil portion of the spring (see FIG. 31). Then, the winding tool
The wire 31 is drawn in and the wire 2 is fed out by a predetermined amount to form a linear portion,
After that, a predetermined amount of bending is performed by bringing the bending tools 32 and 33 into contact with each other. (See FIG. 32). A predetermined amount of wire is sent out for further bending, and the bending tool is
The intermediate locking portions are formed by bringing the nozzles 32 and 33 into contact with each other (see FIG. 33).
After that, the winding tool 31 is brought into contact again, and the wire 2 is further fed out.
A second coil portion grows perpendicular to the other side 241 ″ of the coil forming surface of the quill.
Then, when the predetermined coil length is reached, the feeding of the wire is stopped. Then one more
The wire tool 2 is fed by a predetermined amount to form a straight portion at two second tips, and a cutting tool is provided.
34, a double torsion spring having two coil portions is formed.
(See FIG. 34). [0046]   As described above, when the manufacturing method of the present embodiment is compared with the manufacturing method of the related art,
In contrast to using a quill having a different tip shape depending on the spring shape, in the present embodiment,
By simply rotating the same guide, springs of different shapes can be manufactured.   Also, by simply setting the guide angle to a predetermined position, the pitch of the coil portion of the spring can be adjusted.
It can be set freely. [0047]   As described above, according to this embodiment, the wire guide can be reduced in size, and
It is possible to reduce the torsional stress of the wire generated by rotating the id.   Further, even when manufacturing various types of springs, it is not necessary to replace guides.   In addition, the present invention may be modified or modified in the above embodiment without departing from the spirit thereof.
Applicable to For example, in an embodiment, the guide is made of a material such as wear-resistant cemented carbide.
Material, but if it can maintain the strength, part of it is made of cemented carbide.
The other parts may be formed using different materials. [0048]     【The invention's effect】   As described above, according to the spring manufacturing apparatus according to the present invention, the wire rod for feeding the wire rod is provided.
The wire guide can be rotated by a predetermined angle according to the desired spring shape.
Only by changing the position of the spring forming space, the desired spring
No need to process the tip shape to match the shape of the quill
Can be used for all shapes of springs. It works.   Also, the wire rod guide is composed of a separable first guide piece and a second guide piece,
That a wire rod insertion groove for forming a wire rod insertion hole was formed on the mating surface of the guide pieces
If the wire is clogged inside the wire insertion hole of the wire guide,
Just by separating, the clogged wire can be easily taken out.   Also, when cutting a wire, the sliding operation of the tool for cutting the wire is performed by the wire.
The larger the thickness of the wire guide on the opposite side from the inclined surface side of the material guide
To control the rotation of the wire guide relative to the tool so that
Thus, it is possible to extend the life of the wire guide. [0049]   Also, when cutting the wire, diagonally downward from the hole for sending out the guide wire
And cuts it toward the high-strength part of the guide, extending the life of the guide
It becomes possible.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 本発明に基づく実施例のバネ製造装置の外観を示す正面図である。 【図2】 図1のバネ製造装置の側面図である。 【図3】 本実施例のロータリ式線材ガイドユニットの駆動力伝達システムを示す外観斜
視図である。 【図4】 図3のシステムの正面図である。 【図5】 本実施例のロータリ式線材ガイドユニットの全体構成を示す外観斜視図である
。 【図6】 図5の正面図である。 【図7】 図5のA−A矢視断面図である。 【図8】 本実施例のガイドの分解した状態の斜視図である。 【図9】 図8の夫々のガイドを組み立てた状態を示す斜視図である。 【図10】 図8のガイドの先端部の詳細図である。 【図11】 本実施例のライナの断面図である。 【図12】 図11のライナの平面図及び側面図である。 【図13】 本実施例のバネ製造装置の制御系のブロック図である。 【図14】 本実施例におけるバネ製造空間近傍の構成を示す図である。 【図15】 引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図16】 引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図17】 引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図18】 2重ねじりバネのバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図19】 2重ねじりバネのバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図20】 2重ねじりバネのバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図21】 2重ねじりバネのバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図22】 本実施例の線材切断処理の原理を説明する図である。 【図23】 本実施例の引張りバネの製造手順を説明するフローチャートである。 【図24】 本実施例の引張りバネの製造手順を説明するフローチャートである。 【図25】 本実施例の2重ねじりバネの製造手順を説明するフローチャートである。 【図26】 本実施例の2重ねじりバネの製造手順を説明するフローチャートである。 【図27】 本実施例の2重ねじりバネの製造手順を説明するフローチャートである。 【図28】 従来技術による引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図29】 従来技術による引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図30】 従来技術による引張りバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図31】 従来技術による2重ねじりバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図32】 従来技術による2重ねじりバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図33】 従来技術による2重ねじりバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【図34】 従来技術による2重ねじりバネの製造工程を簡略化して示した図である。 【符号の説明】 1…バネ製造装置、2…線材、3…送りロール、4…カム、6…ガイド駆動モ
0 0…ライナ
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a front view showing the appearance of a spring manufacturing apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a side view of the spring manufacturing apparatus of FIG. FIG. 3 is an external perspective view showing a driving force transmission system of the rotary type wire guide unit of the present embodiment. FIG. 4 is a front view of the system of FIG. FIG. 5 is an external perspective view showing the entire configuration of the rotary wire guide unit of the present embodiment. FIG. 6 is a front view of FIG. 5; FIG. 7 is a sectional view taken along the line AA of FIG. 5; FIG. 8 is an exploded perspective view of the guide of the present embodiment. FIG. 9 is a perspective view showing a state where the respective guides of FIG. 8 are assembled. FIG. 10 is a detailed view of the distal end of the guide of FIG. 8; FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional view of the liner of the present embodiment. FIG. 12 is a plan view and a side view of the liner of FIG. 11; FIG. 13 is a block diagram of a control system of the spring manufacturing apparatus according to the present embodiment. FIG. 14 is a diagram showing a configuration in the vicinity of a spring manufacturing space in the present embodiment. FIG. 15 is a view showing a simplified manufacturing process of a tension spring. FIG. 16 is a view showing a simplified manufacturing process of a tension spring. FIG. 17 is a view showing a simplified manufacturing process of a tension spring. FIG. 18 is a diagram showing a simplified manufacturing process of a spring of a double torsion spring. FIG. 19 is a diagram showing a simplified manufacturing process of a spring of a double torsion spring. FIG. 20 is a simplified view showing a manufacturing process of a double torsion spring. FIG. 21 is a diagram showing a simplified manufacturing process of a spring of a double torsion spring. FIG. 22 is a diagram illustrating the principle of a wire cutting process according to the present embodiment. FIG. 23 is a flowchart illustrating a procedure for manufacturing a tension spring according to the present embodiment. FIG. 24 is a flowchart illustrating a procedure for manufacturing a tension spring according to the present embodiment. FIG. 25 is a flowchart illustrating a manufacturing procedure of the double torsion spring according to the present embodiment. FIG. 26 is a flowchart illustrating a manufacturing procedure of the double torsion spring according to the present embodiment. FIG. 27 is a flowchart illustrating a procedure for manufacturing a double torsion spring according to the present embodiment. FIG. 28 is a view showing a simplified manufacturing process of a tension spring according to the related art. FIG. 29 is a diagram showing a simplified manufacturing process of a tension spring according to the prior art. FIG. 30 is a diagram showing a simplified manufacturing process of a tension spring according to the prior art. FIG. 31 is a simplified view showing a manufacturing process of a conventional double torsion spring. FIG. 32 is a simplified view of a manufacturing process of a conventional double torsion spring. FIG. 33 is a view showing a simplified manufacturing process of a conventional double torsion spring. FIG. 34 is a simplified view of a manufacturing process of a conventional double torsion spring. [Description of Signs] 1 ... Spring manufacturing device, 2 ... Wire, 3 ... Feed roll, 4 ... Cam, 6 ... Guide drive motor, 7, 8 ... Feed roller, 10 ... Base, 20 ... Base, 30 ... Various tools , 40 ... Rotary wire guide unit, 100 ... Control unit, 200 ... Guide, 3
0 0 ... Liner

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 線材ガイド(200)の先端からバネとなる線材(2)を送り
を生ぜしめることでバネを製造する装置であって、 前記線材ガイド(200)は分離可能な第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイ
)を形成するための線材挿通溝(230a、230b)が形成され、 前記第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイド片(200b)とは、それぞれ所
定の傾斜面(240a、240b)を有し、互いに左右対称な部材であり、 前記装置本体における、前記ツール(31〜34)の摺動軌跡が収束する中央
40)と、 前記回動手段(40)に回転力を伝達するための第1の駆動手段(111)と
、 前記線材(2)を折曲、湾曲あるいは切断するためのツール(31〜34)を
摺動させるための第2の駆動手段(113〜116)と、 前記第1、第2の駆動手段(111、113〜116)を互いに所定のタイミ
とするバネ製造装置。 【請求項2】 線材ガイド(200)の先端からバネとなる線材(2)を送り
けられる該線材を折曲、湾曲あるいは切断するためのツール(31〜34)を 該線材(2)に当接させることにより強制的に折曲あるいは湾曲させて径を生ぜ
しめることでバネを製造する装置であって、 前記線材ガイド(200)は分離可能な第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイ
)を形成するための線材挿通溝(230a、230b)が形成され 前記第1ガイド片(200a)と第2ガイド片(200b)とは、それぞれ所
定の傾斜面(240a、240b)を有し、互いに左右対称な部材であり、 前記装置本体における、前記ツール(31〜34)の摺動軌跡が収束する中央
イド(200)を前記線材挿通孔(230)を中心として回動される ことを特徴
とするバネ製造装置。 【請求項】 前記バネ成形空間は、前記傾斜面(240a、240b)側に
設定されることを特徴とする請求項1又は2に記載のバネ製造装置。 【請求項】 前記線材(2)を切断するためのツール(34)により該線材
Claims: 1. A wire rod (2) serving as a spring is sent out from the tip of a wire guide (200), and is slidably radiated toward a spring forming space near the tip of the wire guide (200). Tools (31 to 3) for bending, bending or cutting the wire material provided in
4) A device for manufacturing a spring by forcibly bending or bending the wire rod by bringing the wire rod into contact with the wire rod (2) to generate a diameter. A guide piece (200a) and a second guide piece (200b) are formed. A wire insertion hole (230) for sending out the wire (2) toward the spring forming space is formed on a mating surface of the respective guide pieces (200a, 200b).
) Are formed, and the first guide piece (200 a) and the second guide piece (200 b) are respectively positioned.
It is a member which has a fixed inclined surface (240a, 240b), is symmetrical to each other, and is rotatably provided in the vicinity of the center where the sliding trajectory of the tool (31-34) converges in the apparatus body. Turning means for rotating the wire guide (200) about the wire insertion hole (230) while supporting the wire guide (200);
40), a first driving means (111) for transmitting a rotational force to the rotating means (40), and a tool (31-34) for bending, bending or cutting the wire (2). By controlling the second driving means (113 to 116) for sliding the, and the first and second driving means (111, 113 to 116) at a predetermined timing, a desired spring shape is obtained. Based on the wire guide (20
A spring manufacturing apparatus, comprising: a control means (100) for rotating the tool (31) by a predetermined angle to change the position of the spring forming space and for controlling the driving of the tools (31 to 34). 2. A wire (2) serving as a spring is sent out from a tip of the wire guide (200), and the wire is provided so as to be able to protrude and retract toward a spring forming space near the tip of the wire guide (200). An apparatus for manufacturing a spring by forcing a tool (31 to 34) for bending or cutting into contact with the wire (2) to forcibly bend or curve to generate a diameter, thereby producing a spring. The guide (200) is composed of a separable first guide piece (200a) and a second guide piece (200b), and the wire (2) is formed on the mating surface of each guide piece (200a, 200b) by the spring molding. Wire insertion hole (230
) Are formed , and the first guide piece (200 a) and the second guide piece (200 b) are respectively positioned.
Has a constant inclined surface (240a, 240b), a symmetrical members together, in the apparatus main body, a central sliding trajectory of the tool (31 to 34) converges
The wire guide (200) is rotatably provided near the wire guide (200) while supporting the wire guide (200).
A spring manufacturing apparatus , wherein the guide (200) is rotated about the wire insertion hole (230) . Wherein the spring forming space, said inclined surface (240a, 240b) spring manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that it is set to the side. Wherein when cutting該線material (2) by the tool (34) for cutting the wire (2), the sliding operation of the tool (34),該線material guide inclined surfaces (240a, The wire guide (200) is connected to the tool (34) so that the wire guide (200) moves in the direction from the side of the inclined surface (240a, 240b) to the side of the inclined surface (240a, 240b) from the side of the wire guide (200). The spring manufacturing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the rotation is controlled relative to the spring.



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