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【発明の詳細な説明】発明の技術分野 本発明は、アルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液に関し、さらに詳し
ルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液に関する。発明の技術的背景ならびにその問題点 従来からα-オレフィン重合体たとえばエチレン重合体またはエチレン・α-オ
とからなるバナジウム系触媒が知られている。 一般にチタン系触媒を用いて得られるエチレン・α-オレフィン共重合体は、
とされた。さらにこれらの性能の改善された触媒系の出現が望まれている。 一方、新しいチーグラー型オレフィン重合触媒としてジルコニウム化合物およ
製造方法が最近提案されている。 たとえば特開昭58−19309号公報には、下記式 (シクロペンタジエニル)2MeRHal [ここで、Rはシクロペンタジエニル、C1〜C6のアルキルまたはハロゲンであ
有化合物と、下記式 Al2OR4(Al(R)−O)n [ここで、Rはメチルまたはエチルであり、nは4〜20の数である]で表わさ
れる線状アルミノオキサンまたは下記式 [ここで、Rおよびnの定義は上記と同じである]で表わされる環状アルミノオ
る。 特開昭59−95292号公報には、下記式、 [ここで、nは2〜40であり、RはC1〜C6]で表わされる線状アルミノオキ
の遷移金属当りかつ1時間当り、25百万g以上のポリエチレンが得られると 記載されている。 特開昭60−35005号公報には、下記式 [ここで、R1はC1〜C10アルキルであり、R0はR1であるかまたは結合して−
共重合に特に好適であると記載されている。 特開昭60−35005号公報には、反応器ブレンドポリマー製造用触媒系と
分からなる数平均分子量 2,000、重量平均分子量8,300および7.1
モル%のプロピレン成分を含むポリエチレンとエチレン・プロピレン共重 4.57およびプロピレン成分20.6モル%の可溶性部分と分子量分布3.0
4およびプロピレン成分2.9モル%の不溶性部分からなるLLDPEとエチレ ン-プロピレン共重合体のブレンド物が記載されている。 特開昭60−35007号公報には、エチレンを単独で、またはエチレンと炭
素数3以上のα-オレフィンとを、メタロセンと下記式 [ここで、Rは炭素数1〜5のアルキル基であり、nの定義は上記に同じである
布を有する。 特開昭60−35008号公報には、少なくとも2種のメタロセンとアルミノ
チレンまたはエチレンとC3〜C10のα-オレフィンとの共重合体が製造されるこ2〜50を有することが記載されている。 遷移金属化合物とアルミノオキサンと有機アルミニウム化合物とからなる混合
りの重合活性が向上することが記載されている。 このようにα-オレフィン重合体を製造するに際して、触媒の一成分としてア
布が狭いα-オレフィン重合体を製造することができる。 ところがアルミノオキサン化合物は、トルエンなどの芳香族系炭化水素溶媒に
って保存すると、粘着性のあるアルミノオキサン固体粒子が析出してくることが あり、保存用容器の壁面に固体粒子が付着したり、あるいは該溶液中のアルミノ
オキサン濃度が変化してしまうという問題点があった。発明の目的 本発明は、上記のような従来技術に伴う問題点を解決しようとするものであっ
水素溶液を提供することを目的としている。発明の概要 本発明に係るアルミノオキサン化合物の炭化水素溶液は、(i)アルミノオキ
i)脂肪族炭化水素溶媒に溶解されてなることを特徴としている。 本発明では、(i)アルミノオキサン化合物と(iii)脂肪族炭化水素溶媒と
出したり、アルミノオキサン化合物の濃度変化が生じたりすることがない。発明の具体的説明 以下本発明に係るアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液について、具
体的に説明する。 本発明において「重合」という語は、単独重合のみならず共重合を包含した意
合体を包含した意で用いられることがある。 本発明に係るアルミノオキサン化合物の炭化水素溶液は、(i)アルミノオキ
アルミノオキサン化合物 本発明で用いられる(i)アルミノオキサン化合物としては、具体的には一般 式(II)および一般式(III) で表わされる有機アルミニウム化合物を例示することができる。このようなアル
チル基であり、mは2以上、好ましくは5〜40の整数である。ここで、このア で、R1およびR2は、Rと同様の炭化水素基であり、R1およびR2は互いに異な
る基を表わす]からなる混合アルキルオキシアルミニウム単位から形成されてい %以上、好ましくは50モル%以上、特に好ましくは70モル%以上の割合で含
が好適である。 このようなアルミノオキサン化合物の製造法として、たとえば次の方法を例示
することができる。 (1) 吸着水を含有する化合物あるいは結晶水を含有する塩類、たとえば塩化マグ
ウムを添加して反応させる方法。 (2) ベンゼン、トルエン、エチルエーテル、テトラヒドロフランなどの媒体中で
トリアルキルアルミニウムに直接水を作用させる方法。 これらの方法のうちでは、(1)の方法を採用するのが好ましい。なお、該アル ミノオキサンは、少量の有機金属成分を含有していてもよい。 また本発明では、(3)アルミノオキサン化合物の炭化水素溶液をアルミノオキ
サン化合物として用いることもできる。 さらに本発明では、(4)アルミノオキサン化合物の炭化水素溶液を保存してい
いることもできる。 分岐鎖状アルキル基含有有機アルミニウム化合物 本発明で用いられる(ii)分岐鎖状アルキル基含有有機アルミニウム化合物は
物であって、具体的には以下のような化合物が用いられる。 トリイソプロピルアルミニウム、トリイソブチルアルミニウム、トリ2-メチル
ルミニウムエーテルなど。 これらの有機アルミニウム化合物のうちでは、とくにトリアルキルアルミニウ
ム化合物が好ましい。また、一般式 (i−C49xAly(C510z (x、y、zは正の整数であり、z≧2xである)で表わされるイソプレニルア
れるような化合物、たとえば、ハロゲン化アルミニウムとアルキルリチウムまた はハロゲン化アルミニウムとアルキルマグネシウムなども用いられる。 脂肪族炭化水素溶媒 本発明で溶媒として用いられる炭化水素としては、具体的には、ブタン、イソ
5〜10の脂肪族炭化水素)が挙げられる。 本発明に係るアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液では、アルミノオ
ある。 また本発明に係るアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液では、分岐鎖
くは0.8〜20である。 本発明に係るアルミノオキサン化合物の炭化水素溶液を製造する方法は任意で
00℃、特に好ましくは20〜120℃の温度で行なわれることが望ましい。 上記のようなアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液は、従来公知のオ
レフィン重合用触媒成分と組合せてオレフィン重合用触媒成分として用いられる が、通常、周期律表第IVB族の遷移金属化合物そして必要に応じて周期律表第I
ないしIIIA族の有機金属化合物と組合せて、オレフィンの重合に用いられる。 上記のような周期律表第IVB族の遷移金属化合物としては、具体的には、チタ
化合物あるいはチタン化合物か特に好ましい。 上記共役π電子を有する基を配位子とするジルコニウム化合物としては、具体
的には下記式(I) R1 k2 l3 m4 nr …(I) [ここでR1はシクロアルカジエニル基であり、R2、R3およびR4はシクロアル
。 シクロアルカジエニル基としては、たとえばシクロペンタジエニル基、メチル
を例示することができる。 このような共役π電子を有する基を配位子とするジルコニウム化合物としては
、以下のような化合物を例示することができる。 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムモノクロリドモノハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムモノブロミドモノハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)メチルジルコニウムハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)エチルジルコニウムハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)フェニルジルコニウムハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ベンジルジルコニウムハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ネオペンチルジルコニウムハイドライド、 ビス(メチルシクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムモノクロリドハイドライド
、 ビス(インデニル)ジルコニウムモノクロリドモノハイドライド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムジブロミド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)メチルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)エチルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)シクロヘキシルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)フェニルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ベンジルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 ビス(メチルシクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 ビス(t-ブチルシクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド ビス(インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 ビス(インデニル)ジルコニウムジブロミド、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムメチル、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムジフェニル、 ビス(シクロペンタジエニル)ジルコニウムジベンジル。 さらに、インデニル基、置換インデニル基およびその部分水素化物からなる群
ルコニウム化合物としては、次の化合物を例示することができる。 エチレンビス(インデニル)ジメチルジルコニウム、 エチレンビス(インデニル)ジエチルジルコニウム、 エチレンビス(インデニル)ジフェニルジルコニウム、 エチレンビス(インデニル)メチルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 エチレンビス(インデニル)エチルジルコニウムモノクロリド、 エチレンビス(インデニル)メチルジルコニウムモノブロミド、 エチレンビス(インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(インデニル)ジルコニウムジブロド、 エチレンビス(4,5,6,7-テトラヒドロ-1-インデニル)ジメチルジルコニウム
、 エチレンビス(4,5,6,7-テトラヒドロ-1-インデニル)メチルジルコニウムモ
ノクロリド、 エチレンビス(4,5,6,7-テトラヒドロ-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリ
ド、 エチレンビス(4,5,6,7-テトラヒドロ-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジブロミ
ド、 エチレンビス(4-メチル-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(5-メチル-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(6-メチル-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(7-メチル-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(5-メトキシ-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(2,3-ジメチル-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(4,7-ジメチル-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド、 エチレンビス(4,7-ジメトキシ-1-インデニル)ジルコニウムジクロリド。 また上記のようなジルコニウム化合物において、ジルコニウム金属をチタン金
属に置換えたチタン化合物を用いることもできる。 また上記のようなアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液は、周期律表
化合物が用いられる。 上記のようなアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液を含むオレフィン
。必 要に応じてジエンなどのポリエンを共重合することもできる。 このようなオレフィン重合用触媒を用いたオレフィンの重合温度は、通常、−
ことができる。 上記のようなアルミノオキサン化合物の脂肪族炭化水素溶液を含むオレフィン
ある。発明の効果 本発明では、(i)アルミノオキサン化合物と(iii)脂肪族炭化水素溶媒と
合活性も向上し、また得られる重合体の分子量の増大も期待できる。実施例 アルミノオキサンの合成 充分に窒素置換された1lの攪拌機付のガラス製フラスコにAl2(SO43
・14H2O 74gとトルエン250mlとを入れ、0℃に冷却後、トリメチル
点降下から求めたアルミノオキサンの分子量は891であった。参考例1 上記アルミノオキサンの透明なトルエン溶液から50mlを採取し、それを2
1ミリモル/ml-溶液に比べ Al濃度は低下していた。この測定値から、約4
液であった。実施例1 充分に窒素置換された100mlの触媒ビン二本に、精製n-デカン60mlを加え
サンプル−C)は、依然として白濁状態であった。実施例2 前述したアルミノオキサンの合成法に従い、アルミノオキサンを合成した。但 し、低沸点物をエバポレーターを使い除去した後、トルエンは加えず固体状のま
ま回収した。 充分に窒素置換された100mlの触媒ビン二本のうち、一方には精製n-デカン
のサンプル(サンプルF)ではアルミノオキサンが溶解した。実施例3 充分に窒素置換された1lのガラス製反応器に室温でトルエン310mlを加え
た。 得られた重合体の収量は32.6gであった。比較例1 実施例において、サンプル−Fに代えサンプルEを用いた以外は、実施例
と同様な方法で重合を行なった。 得られた重合体の収量は11.3gであった。
Description: TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound, and more particularly, to an aluminum solution capable of preventing precipitation of an aluminoxane compound and capable of being stored for a long period of time. The present invention relates to an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of a nooxane compound. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND AND PROBLEMS OF THE INVENTION Conventionally, as a catalyst for producing an α-olefin polymer such as an ethylene polymer or an ethylene / α-olefin copolymer, a titanium-based catalyst comprising a titanium compound and an organoaluminum or vanadium has been used. Vanadium-based catalysts comprising a compound and an organoaluminum compound are known. Generally, an ethylene / α-olefin copolymer obtained using a titanium-based catalyst is
There is a problem that the molecular weight distribution and the composition distribution are wide, and the transparency, the surface non-adhesion, and the mechanical properties are poor. In addition, the ethylene-α-olefin copolymer obtained using a vanadium-based catalyst has a narrower molecular weight distribution and composition distribution than the ethylene-α-olefin copolymer obtained using a titanium-based catalyst, and is transparent. Although the surface non-adhesiveness and mechanical properties were considerably improved, the polymerization activity was low and a demineralization operation was required. Further, the advent of a catalyst system with improved performance is desired. On the other hand, a method for producing an ethylene / α-olefin copolymer using a catalyst comprising a zirconium compound and an aluminoxane as a new Ziegler-type olefin polymerization catalyst has recently been proposed. For example, JP-A-58-19309 discloses that the following formula (cyclopentadienyl) 2 MeRHal wherein R is cyclopentadienyl, C 1 -C 6 alkyl or halogen, and Me is a transition metal And a transition metal-containing compound represented by the following formula: Al 2 OR 4 (Al (R) —O) n [where R is methyl or ethyl, and n is 4 to 20] Aluminoxane represented by the following formula: [Wherein, definition of R and n are as defined above] the presence of a catalyst comprising a cyclic aluminoxane represented by one of the α- olefins ethylene and C 3 -C 12
A method for producing an ethylene / α-olefin copolymer in which one or more species are polymerized at a temperature of −50 ° C. to 200 ° C. is described. The publication teaches that to control the density of the resulting polyethylene, the polymerization of ethylene should be carried out in the presence of small amounts of up to 10% by weight of somewhat longer chain α-olefins or mixtures. I have. JP-A-59-95292 discloses the following formula: [Where n is 2 to 40, R is C 1 to C 6 ] and a linear aluminoxane represented by the following formula: [Wherein the definitions of n and R are the same as described above], the invention relating to a method for producing a cyclic aluminoxane represented by the formula: The publication states that, for example, bis (methylaminooxane and titanium or zirconium) produced by the same production method are used.
Cyclopentadienyl) compound, and the polymerization of olefin was carried out to obtain 1 g
It is stated that more than 25 million g of polyethylene can be obtained per transition metal per hour. JP-A-60-35005 discloses the following formula: [Where R 1 is C 1 -C 10 alkyl, and R 0 is R 1 or is —
O-] is first reacted with a magnesium compound, then the reaction product is chlorinated and treated with a compound of Ti, V, Zr or Cr to produce a polymerization catalyst for olefins. A method is disclosed. And in the publication, it is described as being particularly suitable for the copolymerization of a mixture of the catalyst and α- olefin of ethylene and C 3 -C 12. JP-A-60-35005 discloses, as a catalyst system for producing a reactor blend polymer, mono-, di- or tri-cyclopentadienyl of two or more different transition metals or a derivative (a) thereof and alumino. Combinations with xane (b) are disclosed.
In Example 1 of the publication, ethylene and propylene were polymerized using a catalyst composed of bis (pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) zirconium dimethyl and aluminoxane to obtain a number average molecular weight of 15,300 and a weight average molecular weight of It is disclosed that a polyethylene containing 36,400 and 3.4% of a propylene component was obtained. In Example 2, ethylene and propylene were polymerized using bis (pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride, and a catalyst comprising bis (methylcyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride and aluminoxane. , A toluene-soluble portion containing a propylene component having a number average molecular weight of 2,200, a weight average molecular weight of 11,900 and 30 mol% and a propylene component having a number average molecular weight of 3,000, a weight average molecular weight of 7,400 and 4.8 mol% And a number average molecular weight of 2,000, a weight average molecular weight of 8,300 and 7.1 comprising a toluene insoluble portion containing
Polyethylene and ethylene / propylene copolymer containing mole% propylene component A soluble portion of 4.57 and 20.6 mol% of propylene component and a molecular weight distribution of 3.0
A blend of LLDPE and an ethylene-propylene copolymer comprising 4 and 2.9 mole% of an insoluble portion of the propylene component is described. JP-A-60-35007 discloses ethylene alone or a combination of ethylene and an α-olefin having 3 or more carbon atoms with a metallocene and a compound represented by the following formula: [Where R is an alkyl group having 1 to 5 carbon atoms, and the definition of n is the same as described above]. A method of polymerizing in the presence of a catalyst system containing a linear aluminoxane represented by the formula: ing. The polymer thus obtained is, according to the description of the publication,
It has a weight average molecular weight of about 500 to about 1.4 million and a molecular weight distribution of 1.5 to 4.0. The JP 60-35008 discloses, by using a catalyst system comprising at least two metallocenes and aluminoxane, and α- olefin polyethylene or ethylene and C 3 -C 10 having a width broader molecular weight distribution That a copolymer of It is stated to have 2 to 50. JP-A-60-260602 and JP-A-60-130604 disclose a method of polymerizing an olefin using a catalyst formed from a mixed organoaluminum compound comprising a transition metal compound, an aluminoxane and an organoaluminum compound. And that the addition of an organoaluminum compound improves the polymerization activity per unit transition metal. When an aluminoxane compound is used as one component of the catalyst when producing an α-olefin polymer in this way, an α-olefin polymer having excellent polymerization activity and a narrow molecular weight distribution and a narrow composition distribution can be produced. . However, although aluminoxane compounds are soluble in aromatic hydrocarbon solvents such as toluene, they have low boiling points and are easy to remove from the resulting polymer. Is hardly soluble or insoluble. As described above, the aluminoxane compound is soluble in an aromatic hydrocarbon solvent such as toluene, but if the aromatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound is stored for a long period of time, the adhesive aluminum Nooxane solid particles may be precipitated, and the solid particles may adhere to the wall surface of the storage container, or the aluminoxane concentration in the solution may change. An object of the present invention is to solve the problems associated with the prior art as described above, and can provide a low-toxicity aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound, and can provide a long-term solution. It is an object of the present invention to provide an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound that does not precipitate solid particles or change the concentration of the aluminoxane compound even when stored. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound according to the present invention comprises: (ii) an aluminoxane compound and (ii) a branched alkyl group-containing organoaluminum compound comprising (ii)
i) It is characterized by being dissolved in an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent. In the present invention, since a branched alkyl group-containing organoaluminum compound is present in a mixture of (i) an aluminoxane compound and (iii) an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent, the aliphatic hydrocarbon of the aluminoxane compound solubility in solvent is enhanced aluminoxane compound is solubilized in aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents, the solution aluminoxane compound even after long-term storage of the tooth may aluminoxane compounds obtained are or precipitate out of solution Also, the concentration of the aluminoxane compound does not change. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Hereinafter, the aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound according to the present invention will be specifically described. In the present invention, the term "polymerization" is sometimes used to mean not only homopolymerization but also copolymerization, and the term "polymer" means not only homopolymer but also copolymer. May be used. The hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound according to the present invention comprises (i) an aluminoxane compound and (ii) an organoaluminum compound having a branched alkyl group,
iii) Each component is dissolved in an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent, and each component will be described below. Aluminoxane compound The aluminoxane compound (i) used in the present invention is specifically represented by the general formula (II) and the general formula (III) The organic aluminum compound represented by these can be illustrated. In such an aluminoxane compound, R is a hydrocarbon group such as a methyl group, an ethyl group, a propyl group, or a butyl group, preferably a methyl group, an ethyl group, particularly preferably a methyl group, and m is 2 or more. , Preferably an integer of 5 to 40. Here, this Wherein R 1 and R 2 are the same hydrocarbon groups as R, and R 1 and R 2 are different from each other.] %, Preferably at least 50 mol%, particularly preferably at least 70 mol%, is an aluminoxane compound formed from mixed alkyloxyaluminum units. As a method for producing such an aluminoxane compound, for example, the following method can be exemplified. (1) Compounds containing water of adsorption or salts containing water of crystallization, such as hydrated magnesium chloride, hydrated copper sulfate, hydrated aluminum sulfate, hydrated nickel sulfate, hydrated cerous chloride A method of adding a trialkylaluminum to a hydrocarbon medium suspension of (1) to cause a reaction. (2) A method in which water is allowed to directly act on trialkylaluminum in a medium such as benzene, toluene, ethyl ether, and tetrahydrofuran. Among these methods, it is preferable to adopt the method (1). The aluminoxane may contain a small amount of an organic metal component. In the present invention, (3) a hydrocarbon solution containing aluminoxane particles or aluminoxane particles precipitated by contacting a hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound with a poor solvent or a poor solvent for aluminoxane, And an aluminoxane compound. Further, in the present invention, (4) aluminoxane particles precipitated during storage of the hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound or a hydrocarbon solution of aluminoxane containing the precipitated aluminoxane particles, the aluminoxane It can also be used as a xanse compound. Branched alkyl group-containing organoaluminum compound The (ii) branched alkyl group-containing organoaluminum compound used in the present invention is an organoaluminum compound containing a branched alkyl group such as an isoalkyl group. The following compounds are used. Triisopropylaluminum, triisobutylaluminum, tri2-methylbutylaluminum, tri3-methylbutylaluminum, tri2-methylpentylaluminum, tri3-methylpentylaluminum, tri4-methylpentylaluminum, tri2-methylhexylaluminum, Trialkylaluminum such as tri-3-methylhexylaluminum, tri2-ethylhexylaluminum, dialkylaluminum hydride such as diisobutylaluminum hydride, isobutylaluminum methoxide, isobutylaluminum ethoxide,
Alkyl aluminum alkoxides such as isobutyl aluminum isopropoxide; diisobutyl aluminum trimethyl ether; diisobutyl aluminum ether; Among these organoaluminum compounds, a trialkylaluminum compound is particularly preferred. In general formula (i-C 4 H 9) x Al y (C 5 H 10) z (x, y, z are positive integers and z ≧ 2x) isoprenylaluminum represented by is preferable. Compounds that form the above-mentioned organoaluminum compound in the polymerization system, for example, aluminum halide and alkyl lithium or aluminum halide and alkyl magnesium are also used. Aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent Examples of the hydrocarbon used as a solvent in the present invention include linear or branched fatty acids such as butane, isobutane, pentane, hexane, octane, decane, dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane. family hydrocarbon (preferably aliphatic hydrocarbons having 5 to 10 carbon atoms) are exemplified. In the aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound according to the present invention, the concentration of the aluminoxane compound is not particularly limited, but generally the concentration of the aluminoxane compound is 0.0001 to 100 mol-Al atom / l-solution. Preferably 0.01 to 10
A mol-Al atom / l-solution is more preferably a 0.1 to 5 mol-Al atom / l-solution. Moreover, in the aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound according to the present invention, the Al atom of the branched alkyl group-containing organic aluminum compound / the Al atom of the aluminoxane compound (molar ratio) is preferably 0.1 to 100, and more preferably 0.1 to 100. 0.5 to 50, more preferably 0.8 to 20. The method for producing a hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound according to the present invention is optional, and it is sufficient that at least components (i), (ii) and (iii) coexist. For example, (ii) a suspension of an aluminoxane compound in an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent (iii)
A method of adding a hydrocarbon-diluted solution or an undiluted solution of a branched alkyl group-containing organoaluminum compound , (ii) adding a solid solution of (i) aluminoxane to a solution of the organoaluminum compound and (iii) an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent Adding a compound or (i) a solution of an aluminoxane compound in an aliphatic hydrocarbon, or (ii) diluting a solution of the (a) aluminoxane compound in an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent with (ii) a hydrocarbon of the organoaluminum compound A method of adding a solution or an undiluted solution can be used. The contact reaction proceeds by the above method, and an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound is obtained. This contact reaction is usually carried out at -50 ° C or higher, preferably 0 to 2 ° C.
It is desirable to carry out at a temperature of 00 ° C, particularly preferably 20 to 120 ° C. The aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound as described above is used as an olefin polymerization catalyst component in combination with a conventionally known olefin polymerization catalyst component, and is usually a transition metal compound of Group IVB of the periodic table and If necessary, Periodic Table I
Used in combination with an organic metal compound of Group IIIA to olefin polymerization. As the transition metal compound of Group IVB of the periodic table as described above, specifically, a compound containing a transition metal selected from the group consisting of titanium, zirconium and hafnium is used. Among them, titanium and zirconium are preferable, zirconium is particularly preferable, and a zirconium compound or a titanium compound having a group having a conjugated π electron as a ligand is particularly preferable. The zirconium compound of a group having the conjugated π electrons as a ligand, specifically, the following formula (I) R 1 k R 2 l R 3 m R 4 n Z r ... (I) [ wherein R 1 Is a cycloalkadienyl group, and R 2 , R 3 and R 4 are a cycloalkadienyl group, an aryl group, an alkyl group, an aralkyl group, a halogen atom or hydrogen, and k ≧ 1, k + 1 + m + n = 4. The compound shown by is used. Examples of the cycloalkadienyl group include a cyclopentadienyl group, a methylcyclopentadienyl group, an ethylcyclopentadienyl group, a t-butylcyclopentadienyl group, a dimethylcyclopentadienyl group, an indenyl group and a tetrahydroindenyl group. Examples include a nyl group. Examples of the alkyl group of R 2 , R 3 and R 4 include a methyl group, an ethyl group, a propyl group, an isopropyl group, and a butyl group. Examples of the aryl group include a phenyl group and a tolyl group. And aralkyl groups such as benzyl group and neophyl group, and halogen atoms such as fluorine, chlorine and bromine. As the zirconium compound having a group having a conjugated π electron as a ligand, the following compounds can be exemplified. Bis (cyclopentadienyl) zirconium monochloride monohydride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) zirconium monobromide monohydride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) methylzirconium hydride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) ethylzirconium hydride, bis ( Cyclopentadienyl) phenyl zirconium hydride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) benzyl zirconium hydride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) neopentyl zirconium hydride, bis (methylcyclopentadienyl) zirconium monochloride hydride, bis (indenyl) zirconium Monochloride monohydride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) ) Zirconium dibromide, bis (cyclopentadienyl) methyl zirconium monochloride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) ethyl zirconium monochloride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) cyclohexyl zirconium monochloride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) phenyl zirconium Monochloride, bis (cyclopentadienyl) benzylzirconium monochloride, bis (methylcyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride, bis (t-butylcyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride bis (indenyl) zirconium dichloride, bis (indenyl) zirconium Dibromide, bis (cyclopentadienyl) zirconium methyl, bis (cyclopentadienyl) zirconium diphenyl, bis (cyclopentadi ) Zirconium dibenzyl. Further, a zirconium compound having a ligand of a polydentate compound in which at least two groups selected from the group consisting of an indenyl group, a substituted indenyl group and a partial hydride thereof are bonded via a lower alkylene group is cited. Can be. The following compounds can be exemplified as such a zirconium compound. Ethylene bis (indenyl) dimethyl zirconium, ethylene bis (indenyl) diethyl zirconium, ethylene bis (indenyl) diphenyl zirconium, ethylene bis (indenyl) methyl zirconium monochloride, ethylene bis (indenyl) ethyl zirconium monochloride, ethylene bis (indenyl) methyl zirconium monobromide, ethylenebis (indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylenebis (indenyl) zirconium bromide Mi de, ethylenebis (4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1-indenyl) dimethyl zirconium, ethylenebis (4,5, 6,7-tetrahydro-1-indenyl) methylzirconium monochloride, ethylenebis (4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylenebis (4,5,6,7-tetra Hydro-1-indenyl) zirconium dibromide, ethylenebis (4-methyl-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylenebis (5-methyl-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylenebis (6-methyl-1-indenyl) zirconium Dichloride, ethylene bis (7-methyl-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylene bis (5-methoxy-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylene bis (2,3-dimethyl-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylene bis (4 , 7-dimethyl-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride, ethylenebis (4,7-dimethoxy-1-indenyl) zirconium dichloride. In the zirconium compound as described above, a titanium compound in which zirconium metal is replaced with titanium metal can also be used. The above-mentioned aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound is used in combination with an organic metal compound of Groups I to IIIA of the periodic table, if necessary, in addition to the transition metal compound of Group IVB of the periodic table. And polymerization of olefins. As such organometallic compounds of Groups I to IIIA of the periodic table, organoaluminum compounds are used. The olefin polymerization catalyst containing the aluminoxane compound in an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution as described above is used for producing an olefin polymer. Examples of the olefin that can be polymerized by the olefin polymerization catalyst according to the present invention include ethylene and α-olefins having 3 to 20 carbon atoms, such as propylene, 1-butene, 1-hexene, and 4-methyl-1-pentene. , 1-octene, 1-decene, 1-dodecene, 1-tetradecene, 1-hexadecene, 1-octadecene, 1-eicosene and the like. If necessary, a polyene such as a diene can be copolymerized. The polymerization temperature of olefins using such an olefin polymerization catalyst is usually-
The range is 50 to 200 ° C, preferably 0 to 120 ° C. The polymerization pressure is usually from normal pressure to 100 kg / cm 2 , preferably from normal pressure to 50 kg / cm 2 , and the polymerization reaction may be carried out by any of batch, semi-continuous and continuous methods. Can be. Further, the polymerization can be performed in two or more stages under different reaction conditions. The molecular weight of the resulting olefin polymer can be adjusted by hydrogen and / or polymerization temperature. When olefin polymerization is carried out using an olefin polymerization catalyst containing an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound as described above, the concentration of a transition metal atom of Group IVB of the periodic table is usually 10 −8. -10 -2 gram atoms / l, preferably 10 -7
And 10-3 gram atoms / l, and the amount of aluminum atoms derived from the aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of the aluminoxane compound is 3 mg atom / l or less, preferably
It is 1-2 mg atom / l, more preferably 0.02-1 mg atom / l. Effect of the Invention In the present invention, since a branched alkyl group-containing organoaluminum compound is present in a mixture of (i) an aluminoxane compound and (iii) an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent, the mixture of the aluminoxane compound is increased solubility in aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents were solubilized aluminoxane compound to the aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent, the solution aluminoxane compound even after long-term storage of the tooth may aluminoxane compounds obtained solutions , Or a change in the concentration of the aluminoxane compound can be prevented. In addition, when polymerizing an olefin by combining the aluminoxane compound as described above with a transition metal compound, rather than using the aluminoxane compound alone, the aluminoxane compound and the branched alkyl The use of an aliphatic hydrocarbon solution of an aluminoxane compound containing a group-containing organoaluminum compound improves the polymerization activity and can be expected to increase the molecular weight of the resulting polymer. Example Synthesis of aluminoxane Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 was placed in a 1-liter glass flask equipped with a stirrer and fully purged with nitrogen.
・ 74 g of 14H 2 O and 250 ml of toluene were added, and after cooling to 0 ° C., 100 ml of trimethylaluminum was added dropwise over 250 hours with 250 ml of secondary toluene. Then, the contents of the flask were heated to 40 ° C. over 2 hours, and the reaction was continued at that temperature for 48 hours. After the reaction, solid-liquid separation was performed by filtration to remove low-boiling substances from the separated liquid using an evaporator. Toluene was added to the residue, and the mixture was collected as a toluene solution.
The Al concentration of this solution was 2.1 mmol / ml-solution. The molecular weight of aluminoxane determined from the freezing point depression of benzene was 891. REFERENCE EXAMPLE 1 50 ml was collected from a clear toluene solution of the above aluminoxane,
The mixture was divided into 5 ml portions. Triisobutylaluminum 50 is used for only one of them.
Sample B was prepared by adding millimoles, and stored in a nitrogen-purged catalyst bottle together with a toluene solution of aluminoxane without addition of triisobutylaluminum (Sample-A) for one month. One month later, when both samples were observed, it was found that in Sample-A, cloudy matter was deposited on the bottom of the container. When the Al concentration of the supernatant was measured in this sample-A, it was found to be 1.2 mmol / ml-solution.
The Al concentration was lower than the 1 mmol / ml solution. From this measurement, about 4
It is expected that 0% of the aluminoxane has precipitated. On the other hand, Sample-B was a clear solution. Example 1 To two 100 ml catalyst bottles sufficiently purged with nitrogen, 60 ml of purified n-decane was added. Next, 15 ml of the above-mentioned toluene solution of aluminoxane was added to each of the two catalyst bottles. As a result, aluminoxane was precipitated in n-decane in both samples, and the clear solution became cloudy. When 30 mmol of triisobutylaluminum was further added to one catalyst bottle and sufficiently stirred and mixed, a transparent solution (sample-D) was obtained again. Sample without triisobutylaluminum (
Sample-C) was still cloudy. Example 2 Aluminoxane was synthesized according to the method for synthesizing aluminoxane described above. However, after removing low-boiling substances using an evaporator, the solid was recovered without adding toluene. Of the two 100 ml catalyst bottles sufficiently purged with nitrogen, one was charged with 60 ml of purified n-decane and the other with 60 ml of purified n-decane and 30 mmol of triisobutylaluminum. Then, 1.7 g each of the solid aluminoxane was added to the two catalyst bottles, and the mixture was sufficiently stirred and mixed. As a result, in the sample to which triisobutylaluminum was not added (sample E), solid aluminoxane was present in a suspended state, whereas in the sample to which triisobutylaluminum was added (sample F), aluminoxane was present. The xane dissolved. Example 3 To a 1-liter glass reactor sufficiently purged with nitrogen, 310 ml of toluene was added at room temperature, followed by bubbling with nitrogen for 15 minutes, and then switching the gas from nitrogen to ethylene and bubbling with ethylene for 10 minutes. Next, 90 ml of 4-methylpentene-1 was added to the reactor, the temperature was raised to 30 ° C., and the aluminoxane solution of Sample-F shown in Example 2 was added at 0.3 mM in terms of aluminum atoms of aluminoxane. Thereafter, a toluene solution containing 0.003 mmol of biscyclopentadienyl zirconium dichloride was added.
6 ml was added, and ethylene polymerization was carried out at 30 ° C. for 45 minutes under normal pressure under flowing ethylene gas. The yield of the obtained polymer was 32.6 g. Comparative Example 1 Example 3 was the same as Example 3 except that Sample E was used instead of Sample-F.
Polymerization was carried out in the same manner as described above. The yield of the obtained polymer was 11.3 g.

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 1)(i)アルミノオキサン化合物と(ii)分岐鎖状アルキル基含有有機アルミ
Claims 1) Preservation characterized by comprising (i) an aluminoxane compound and (ii) an organoaluminum compound having a branched alkyl group dissolved in (iii) an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent. Hydrocarbon solution of aluminoxane compound with excellent stability .



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