HUE028763T2 - Microswitch - Google Patents

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HUE028763T2 HUE09008713A HUE09008713A HUE028763T2 HU E028763 T2 HUE028763 T2 HU E028763T2 HU E09008713 A HUE09008713 A HU E09008713A HU E09008713 A HUE09008713 A HU E09008713A HU E028763 T2 HUE028763 T2 HU E028763T2
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Martin Koepsell
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Johnson Electric Sa
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Application filed by Johnson Electric Sa filed Critical Johnson Electric Sa
Publication of HUE028763T2 publication Critical patent/HUE028763T2/en



    • H01H5/00Snap-action arrangements, i.e. in which during a single opening operation or a single closing operation energy is first stored and then released to produce or assist the contact movement
    • H01H5/04Energy stored by deformation of elastic members
    • H01H5/18Energy stored by deformation of elastic members by flexing of blade springs
    • H01H5/22Energy stored by deformation of elastic members by flexing of blade springs blade spring with at least one snap-acting leg and at least one separate contact-carrying or contact-actuating leg
    • H01H13/00Switches having rectilinearly-movable operating part or parts adapted for pushing or pulling in one direction only, e.g. push-button switch
    • H01H13/02Details
    • H01H13/26Snap-action arrangements depending upon deformation of elastic members
    • H01H13/36Snap-action arrangements depending upon deformation of elastic members using flexing of blade springs
    • H01H13/40Blade spring with at least one snap-acting leg and at least one separate contact-carrying or contact-actuating leg


  • Push-Button Switches (AREA)
  • Mechanisms For Operating Contacts (AREA)


The invention relates to an electrical switch, la particular a mlcroswitefe, jiving at least one: contact spring, which can be moved by ax; actuating member into <hffereut switch positions, saM contactspring feeing arranged feu só: dripáturé in the fenn of an electrical contact and comprising ψ :<?l!pe#1^irfeg: feanti&amp; l^seaL··. fetfe-^priing töfegtjeSfestShilifeg:In. roughly opposite directions are arranged, in a flexible tnatsher on thefepring #anre, wherein; a Ttrst spring rongue is configured as a resetter for the actuating mernher and a seccrnd; spring tongue *s the changeover switch te she eootset region of the feontact spring and wftsriifei the spring. tfeSpoS: exhibit areas of engagement on surface areas of the armature which are turned away bom ope another,
Electrical switches of fete afore-mentioned species, such as micros witches or the like, are nsfed: ip particular in the measttremem and control technology so aa to fee afeie to carry out: the switching; processed which tphst fee made frequently a® these fields of application hr corresponding electric and control eitctrttSs ln s ^ontafeeons and unambiguous msrtnor with art in pariictilar relatively high repeat aefeotscy. The eieeîrieal switches used lor these spéciié switching processes typically hatte a contact spring which in each case determines: the switch positions of the miereswitch and which carries out a tilting movement during the actuation, As a result of the change of gOSittPu ©f:a mechanical actuating member,, such, as, for example, a mm, wh ich penetrates tie housing of the midtfeswiifeh, she contact region of She contact: spring is: moved, tots a switch; position and a conductive contact, which k In contact with the contact region, into the respective Piter switch position and thus into contact with p fetifeer contact. On principle, the distance between the contents ef the electrical switch, which cap fee used, Sar example, as opener, etoser or changer, is: thereby only between a tenth of a millimetre and a lew míllmrehm
The contact springs used ixt such electrical switches to convert the switching process form a tilting system, which is guided meehanically, among others, to minimige ite occurring contact Motion femweeo the contact region of the contact spring and a respective conductive contact of the rnicroswitch. lile outer guide is also required to carry out a defined, unambiguous movement, whereby art impaired function of the switch is caused frequently as a result of the Mellon hysteresis, Imaddltate the embodiment of a guide, which accommodates the contact spring in actuating direction of the actuating member always represents a configuration of the switch with a complex design and is simultaneously associated with correspondingly high costs. A switch of the atore-desertbed species is known from i>K 295 15 991 Ul. The spring element provided its the case of the switch accord ing to D2 also has spring tongues. They are ben!: and maintain this bending during the actuation of the switch, The actuation of the switch is carried out by means of a ram, which strikes the contact spring at a defined iocation. The ram is furthermore guided in a housing. The occurrence of forces in intetni direction in response to the bending of the spring is the reason fur the defined placement against the edge as well as for the guiding of the ram. The forces can be quite different, they have different sizes and directions, depending on the material thicknesses, spring characteristics, impact points of the ram, which are at hand. An uncontrolled degree of freedom is at hand jn the horizontal plane.
The invention is based on the object of improving an electrical switch of the afore-described species in such a way Shat said electrical switch cafe fee produced it· a simpiiiled and correspondingly cost-efficient manner. A high swtehing reliability Is to be ensured thereby. áceordlhg t© the feyentfen, ide object h solved 'hy amm·. «ff-aa æîedricaf ««Ésfc: comprising the ÉsaÉuses: of patefe: claim L. Advantageous fttriher developments mé entbcKtimentS: of the invention, are specified: ift «Érám 3 so S. ÁseoKÍiittg: íü ílte: tnvsotlcïfî, previslo» ls:«ädiHa: die eps «f:e» «taMteai awifeii,. É.paAjfer a rsieroswbeh, according;to; the: above-specified species thai The first spring tongue, -witch ts. configured áss, a: resetîer is: a bent spring leaf loaded far etuspressíve stress at least MM ImgpudfcjiJ -dkecífeu. WÄ the helpoí a microsvwteh configured according tv> tiïe ïmwfàm,· .iÉe -tmMsá spring; of which contacts she conducting: armature of the 'Switch so as to? ä a support, via :fwo; spring tongues, which are: la particular arranged integrally os opposite ends of this spring; dam«, a stable position of the eemaef spring: inside the pdcfoswitch Is ensured even Is rospopse toThe filing -^mias/à Sjpriog* which ïs created during the entire switching process. A reduced contée* $È$m ss luriherntore created :lr response: ίο (fee- switching process of the contact spring, which is accommodated in a positionally stable manner, as a result of die reduced tápgsMial omyeiheht in the contact pointy :#d tithe Ibkrioh of tho switch m an advantageous manner. Tie: embodiment of a sliding guide, which holds the: contact spring, for example, mé Which «limp· Invokes: Äiloa, can ims he feregone In m adyahkgeoUs manner, and the νφ&amp; recording to the invention accordingly has a simplified andi fenst eosTfefftelent: cohifeaStfen. The contact spring, which is then only supported on: tire armature and a coidaef Is tien already field: in a positionally stähle manner during the assembly of the: switch. The spring tongues: of the contact spring: thereby run in a. middle region of fee spring frame, which is configured m as to hé closed around it, preferably in each case starting at: the end regions thereof,: for Instance In opposite directions to one another.
The use: of a spring leaf according So the invention represents a eomUructionírily: advantageous possibility ihr configuring the first spring tongue, which is preferably accommodated in a faible manner. Th«: spring fougue, which simultaneously buckles, furthermore creates a degressive spring characteristic carve: in response to the: actuation, whereby the wear cm die actuating member, which can he configured as ram, lor example, can be kegs low m. an advantageous otannsr, even in; the case of relatively large travels. The use of a spring leaf furthermore ensures that a spring fidee, which: Counteracts the second spring: tongue and hy means of wTtleh an advantageous balance of the spring forcés óflhé: spring tongues, which in each case: act in opposite directions, Is created, in addition to the adwmtageous feseTfehcfhm for the actuating member.
In one of the switch posiflbus of the contact .spring, the first spring tongue preferably comprises a leg portion, running; roughiy parallel to: the spring: frame plane, extending out from the pivot point cm the spring frappe, to which at least: one further leg portion with a roughly uniformly curved profile is attached.. By means of the: spring tongue,: which: is always deformed elastically, a spring feme is applied permanently to the actuating member, which is: thereby in a rest: position or in the upper end position, respectively. In response to the actuation of the actuating member. To ; particular tire: .spring triune of the contact spring; carries out a tilting movement. The spring tongue configured us reseller k furlber bent by means of the increased compressive stress acting thereon, and, after reaching the fewer end poshfen, can have leg portions, which have dtSsreni redit of curvature as well as different directions of curvature.
Provision is: iidheonere made for the second spring: tongue of the eohtaér splag to have a carved shape. A preferably plastically deformed spring tongue effects an advantageously improved switchover function or snap-aefsoo mo vemeof, respectively, of ftw second: spisg tongue, which, after resdring the switch position, abruptly carries outa change is the switch pnsltidn of the contact region of the contact spring by means of the actuating member, it iscutest to the first spring «gue, fiië séfiosdi spring tongue thereby in particular has a relatively Sfiif eopigösrafioa: or bas a more bendwesistani: poreetry, respectively, whereby a transition into bending Is precepted SKlvantageonsly., even ta resptmse: itt a relatively high compressive force, which acts isi longhtïdpta! direction: of the spring, tongue. it goes without saying that the second spring tongas cap also he embodied mm·. to testrsight, instead of haying a eorved; Of angled shape.
With appruchnsteliy the same cross section, the first sprang: fougue has a larger length: idimeasion compared: to tbs second spring tottfhei whereby It is drpæticaiar eosoidtl that only one of the spring: toogpes, which is in particular cpnfipred integrally with foe spring fomts of dfo Contact spring, bends In response to a compressive force acting In iohgifodina; directlem of the spring longne. Id spite of the non-gmded movement: of the cordact spring, this additionally has m improving effect on the stable position of the contact spring inside the mleroswiteh in an advantageous ïdàdner. Preferably, the length dimension of the limi: springlongue is at least twice as long as the length dimension of the second spring tongue. Äecördihg to a further ddvdlopmcni of foe invention, provision is: made for each spring hi tee a cossttiefids reducing is cross : section: it the region, of its pivot point on the spring iante, ép sdvanlageoas jolnpllfce comwetfos of the spring langues to: the spring t*me- of the contact spring,: which is otherwise conßgtaed is a relatively stiff mauser, la created via the constructions is the pivot points op the spring trams. On the one hand, an: optima! deformation: of foe::benfS: Irfèt spring tongue is adorned fombgh this as a fonction of the switch position of the contact spring and, m. the other hand, the differential movetneni between switch position and reset position can be reduced In an advantsgepos manpep 11» travel iteppired for the switch-over process Is thus nfofonlaed: simultaneously, which, id turn, has an advantageous effect:; on the switching behaviour of an: electrical: switch: etmilptcd according to the invention in this: manner.
The contant region of the contact Sgrfog assigned to: the second spring tongue, which controls the second switching process, is designed as s coiled hollow mould: portion, which represents an advantageously single possibility lor crmfignring the respective contact region, which can be brought into contact with the contacts of the mieroswitch. The design of the contact region: as hollow mould portion and tte resulting relatively small mass-daring the switch-over process ensures m ndvaníágeons idw^vlhrtem attaching: of the snrface of the contact region to d respective contact surface of the microswitch. The contact region designed as hollow mould portion Is arranged in particular at an end region of the spring tente, írom which the second spring tongue extends approximately in the direct ion of the opposite end.
To farther reduce the differential movement between the switch poshte and; the reset position of the contact spring, which is söpörted on the armamre itt an articulated manner, prevision is made for the pivot point for the second spring; tongue to be configured in She coded hollow mould portion of the contact spring, the: connection of the second spring tongue preferably takes place in a region above the spring iramé plane, whereby in particular the reset position or the reset point, respectively, is a^mttapou&amp;ly shifted in the dneefibo of the switch position or of the switch point, tespeetlvely. Tlte switching behaviour bf foe eleetricai switch configured as mieroswltch can thus be improved isr a rptevety simple manner, wherein m attempt is always made to bring the differential travel between switching and reset position towards; sere. A different farther development of the invention provides for the spring tongues, which are preferably arranged si opposite ends of the contact spring, to engage whit portions of the in particular angled armature arranged:
PiÄ; pralle! to db© ©umher. As a restik. -èf ife© -sMü^wnüm of the armature &amp;s a emapémït shaped iß m angfed: friarsnsr, wtdbh setosaaslf serves as electrica! contact, àà ccnnprepion of a psoitis®· of the spring frame can ix; forgone in an advantageous manner. Io particular the ioaccorades in the deformation region, which appear sirouitsnepösiy with the compression of the spring |oame, vdri# is çansed; by h plastic Äää ou the spring mtse, ep thus: be avpiéeá and a mieroswitch aceoAsgt© Ä a re!ati:ve|ÿ switching -mmss® ean he produced. Iß addition, the plasáfö defemkion of if® spring f$m% always requires a relatively high pcodrmtlonrreiated effort, which can now be forgone in an advantageous manner as a result of the .angled design; of fife armatme. In contrast, the angled armature can be nrndlfled relatively easily with an advantageously high accuracy. Aïs exemplary embodiment of the invention,: from which farther inventive features iöífew:, Is ilusfrsted; In the drawing,
Fig,. I shows a. perspective view of a non-ackafed mieroswiteh m sectional view;
Fig, 2. shows it vie«- of the actuated mieroswitch seconding; to Fig, I in sectional view;
Fig. 3- shows $ view of a firs! exemplary ©tnhsipent of a contact spring used is the miefoswbcb, and Fig. 4 shows a view of a further exemplary embodiment of a contact spring used in the mioeswitch, i ideas isles a toicroswheh having at least one housing 2 astd an actuating member 3 penetrating the housing, which, m tnrh, is in contact wi :a 'Äefc $p #®te« switching positions, Ute contact spring 4 has a closed spring frame 5; tin which; two tongnes 4 2 extending 1st rooghiy opposite directions m arranged in a flexible mander. The spring tongaes 6, 1 m oonfrgored in particular integrally «dit the spring iram© 5 and are suppoped on both sides m att; appature 0 embodied as efeelricaf contact A -first Spring: tongue é Is: thereby a beat spring leaf loaded lor compesslve stress M; feast in t£s longitudinal direction, which fhrihermofe M%m us resetter for the asthating htember 3. the sesoed spring fenga© 7 controls in parbeolar the switching; frmcrion of a contact region % which is ctmSgufed on the contest; sprint 4 and: which switches hack and forth between m upper contact : 10 and a lower contact \ in respottse to a corresponding actaudon of the contact: spring 4. When the negating: meatier 3 reaches the switch position: Or the reset: posidott the: second spring tongtm: thereby always carries má a. spontaneous;: and unambiguous iiold^ddwh tmtimtèfà». fhe actuated mieroswitch i Is shown in Fig, 2, wherein the actuating: member 3 configured as rant: is in its end position. The contact spring 4 has then carried: out: a riding; movstaeot and hears on $sfe bottom contact I ! vt ith Its contact region 9. Th» Erst apriag tsmgpe Is further best 3s a result of the eompreasive stress which rs increased ir. its longitudinal direction, wherein the spring tongue 6, however, is only deformed elastically and, after taking away the three acting ön És actusthtg; member 3, the tatter is tnoved back into its rest position automatically by means of the first spring tonga« 6 (Fig, 1), At the same time, the second spring tongue 7 then swiehes back into is upper switch position, so dial: the contact: region f of the contact spring 4, m fiira, rests against the upper contact 10. she conducting armature 8 Is configured so as to lse angled:, so that the free ends of the spring tongues b, 1 engage with portions 12, 13 of the ithahfr© 8 arranged ©ttepÄl©! to ost© ihdther, fro as to in partfeolar pm vent the penetration of moisíttre via the; opting 14, which: gaides the aetááíídg;metriber 3, provisipn Is iß partienlar msde for a bellows IS* which seals the: opening regiowand which is ittegfslly moulded to the hoasipg 2 md the aetpariog meorher ;3: in a positive mattne^
Fig. 3 shows in particular the contact spring 4 used In the nbcroswich I in an eiinrged view, so as to in particular clarity the design thereof. The contact spring 4 is thereby ifrustrated in the iostaiied state? so that the

Claims (4)

  1. firs; spring tongue 6 rs iilusíódédső ás ·« be guided out of its rest posh ion, which is actually locatedTn the pláné of the spring frame 5. O» öde end, the spring frame 5 of the comae? spring 4 has a bearing surface; M, which ?&amp; always i® contact.with rhe actuating member 3 tbig. ]} and winch is configured so as to he curved due to the filing movepteat parried! out by the contact spring. The contact régiót! 9. which preferably is a coded hollow mould portion and which is in each case in contact with the upper contact 10 or she tower contact 11, is conrignrsd oo the; ogjxvshe ensi of the spring Imme 5, As coingaced to the second spring tongue % tie first spring tongue 6 furthermore has at least twice the length. so that it is ensured that only the first spring tongue 6 bends m response to a compressive stress acting: is? ha longitudinal ditemlbrn In spite of its fiskihie pivot point on the spring frame 5, the second spring tongue 7 is already always relatively stable and, as clarified in Fig. 3, already has a enmd; shape in the condition as delivered, which always leads to a spontaneous or abrupt, respectively, switch-over of the second spring tongue ? when reaching the switch position. Fig. 4 shows a second exemplary sinhodimeut of a contact spring 17 according to the invention, which is in particular equipped with a second spring tongue IP, which buckles out of the plane of the spring; frame 5, is flexibiy femetl: hut runs in a straight rpapeep The same components mt- Meotiied ^ «a»- pefsfasce numerals. riífkrokajR'sotö SZABADALMI IGÉNYPONTOK L Bfcikfronsps kapcsoló, legalább egy, egy mukfödtetö elemmel különböző kapcsolási heiyaetckhe nsoggidhaté érhitkezb tpgeval :(4, 17), mm Cgy elektromos érintkezőként ksdakttoíí ármatórán van elrendelve, ás ami egy Ä rogdketehel; ff) raM&amp;lkesik, ahol a ragóketeíen (5) két, ellenkező irányban kinyhlé rggöhyetv (6, ?, 18) van; hs)lthstpah elrendezve.» ahol egy elsh regátryslv főj a mÊcMt&amp;ë::ékm |l| visszstérhoieként van kialakítva, és egy második rugónyelv (7,18) ac erintkoib mgá (4, 17) érintkező tartományának (9) at: átkapcsolósaként van kialakítva, és ahol a mgstwclyek fő, !.. 1:8) rósaétc m armathrs (8) egymástól aiehtai hányba nád! sik íelületém «risnkcKesi tarlooiányok vanttak; ktítlakitva, azzal jellemezve, hogy a;·: első, visszatértekéi« kialakított rugónyelv fő) egy legalább hosszirányban nyomófeszültséggci terhelt kihaj iítoti ragók-mez, és hogy íoindegvik műnyelv 16, 7, 18) a rngókereíhez (5) csatlakozó részen egy csökkenő kereszfmcíspttű sáiktdet van.
  2. 2, As 1. igénypont szerinti elektromos kapcsoló, azzal jellemezve, hogy az első rugónyelvnek tő) egy, a rúgdkereíííez (5) esátlslvokő részről slíndttlöj a ragókerttel iénycgehéh pátánzamos szakasza van, amihez legalább egy további, lényegében egyéhiétésén görbÄ szakasz csatlakozik.
  3. 3 , Az I. vagy 2. igénypont szerinti elektromos hapesokk, azzal jellemezve, hogy a második regényeiének f?) lényegébe?', hajlított alakja van.
  4. 4, Az 1 3, igénypontok bármelyike szerinti elekttemos kapcsoló, azæal jellemezve, hogy az első atgónyeiv fő) hosszmérete nagyobb, mint a ínástxiik rugőrtyeiv (7. 18) liosszn?érete. S» Àz. I - 4.3gé»5;|XîHïôk b&amp;'ineJysfe kapcsoló,. azss&amp;l jílleaszzvej. bogy aas érislkexb rugóoak (4, 17) « második tygÖKyelvhcs (7, }§} tartozó érintkező tartománya (9) foltokon óroges sæâœ&amp;sat vaa.Maktkíiva. C Az 1 ----- 5. ígéöygtmksk feámielyite SKerbd aískitomos kapcsoló., az»*-! Irogy &amp; második ragóoyefe p, i §) -csaífetesM portija az srtmkezó; rrrgő p, 1 ?) Misketf feges: szakaszát# vm. 1. M ! -" 6. Igénypostek hármokíke sssnsü etektromos kapcsoló, szzaí jetlessezoe, bogy az ènotkezb rugó (4, î?) rugóttyelvd (δ, ?, IS) s lisflkoó;® kialakított armatúra (S) egymástól párhu:í.;«nosar: e!tölt helyzetű szakaszaihoz (12,13) kapcsolódnak.
HUE09008713A 2008-07-26 2009-07-03 Microswitch HUE028763T2 (en)

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DE102008035043A DE102008035043B4 (en) 2008-07-26 2008-07-26 microswitch

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HUE028763T2 true HUE028763T2 (en) 2017-01-30



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HUE09008713A HUE028763T2 (en) 2008-07-26 2009-07-03 Microswitch

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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CN110176372B (en) * 2019-05-31 2021-10-22 无锡市创新开关电器有限公司 Sealed DC microswitch

Family Cites Families (7)

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