HUE028476T2 - Method for creating a track body - Google Patents

Method for creating a track body Download PDF


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HUE028476T2 HUE10008649A HUE10008649A HUE028476T2 HU E028476 T2 HUE028476 T2 HU E028476T2 HU E10008649 A HUE10008649 A HU E10008649A HU E10008649 A HUE10008649 A HU E10008649A HU E028476 T2 HUE028476 T2 HU E028476T2
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Ralf Zuercher
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Ralf Zuercher
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Application filed by Ralf Zuercher filed Critical Ralf Zuercher
Publication of HUE028476T2 publication Critical patent/HUE028476T2/en



    • E01B29/00Laying, rebuilding, or taking-up tracks; Tools or machines therefor
    • E01B27/00Placing, renewing, working, cleaning, or taking-up the ballast, with or without concurrent work on the track; Devices therefor; Packing sleepers
    • E01B27/02Placing the ballast; Making ballastway; Redistributing ballasting material; Machines or devices therefor; Levelling means
    • E01B29/00Laying, rebuilding, or taking-up tracks; Tools or machines therefor
    • E01B29/05Transporting, laying, removing, or renewing both rails and sleepers


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Machines For Laying And Maintaining Railways (AREA)
  • Railway Tracks (AREA)


Verfahren zum Erstellen eines Gleisbaukörpers (1) einer Eisenbahnstrecke bei ausgangsmäßig nicht vorhandenem Gleis (7), mit einem verfahrbaren Arbeitswagen (10), welcher im kontinuierlichen Arbeitsverfahren vor Kopf zunächst das Gleisbett (3) des Gleiskörpers (1) sowie anschließend das Gleis (7) mit Schwellen (8) sowie Schienen (9) aufbringt. Method for constructing a track construction body (1) of a railway track with non-existent track (7), with a moveable working carriage (10), which in continuous operation in front of the head first the track bed (3) of the track body (1) and then the track (7 ) with sleepers (8) and rails (9) applies.


METHOD FOR ORF. ATS NC A TRACK SÛ13Ï ßesetipison {0661} The laseotloo mimes to a method creating s track body of a ëW îse &amp; the case of a track which is set present ittMally. ffrtM&amp;i Track bodies of à railroad íme eoÂl ÎSitidanjetRaSly of s (rack bed as· -weil as a track located tm tb<; track bed. The track bed is applied to a tweviously prepared line sabSirneture and kas in each case a gravel. layer, A base grade protection layer and/or an·!- freese layer and/or a den-woven materia! can lse located tstderncetSis the graypnayer, The pack which is incased on the Rack lsed consists of sleeps** aad tails, Sec för esampie ®F 2 cm φΐ Al ptSdí} Apart from the sitmteen: where an existing track body bits to be renewed, there as also the situation sphere âcre Is no: frac| body present atsd thus :tfee track body Stas: to be created: eptnpletesy strew, lie present Invention: proceeds iront here. Tor ids It Is femwn first is: create tbe track bed and then to apply $te track in a following separate workpeoeess-hy using quit®: different: machines, Since this: involves two separate weak processes iMs^ methodls technically complicated and dme-eonsomttsg. {«0Ö4J Proceeding from this the invention is concerned with Site problem of providing a rapid commercially viable method tor creating a track body of a mirosd lip® v#« a Rack bas not previously existed, {0005} The iephdica! soluilsm is eharacteriaod by tbe itemfres of CSattA 1 < fMttel: A technically simple and,IbtA sconorstSd method: te cresting: a track body of a mi lroad line where a track was not preset« initially is thstttby provided by using a track adsionciog machine with Sts sinmitanseus installation: of the track bed as well; as: the track. The core idea of The InysaSott lies in providing a method which uses- a specially designed machine which in the case of a track not prescht: initially, and a non-existent gravel layer as well as: where applicable a non-existent support layer (base gitade: ptdtecta>n layer &amp;ßd/or anti-freshs layer), enables ithe hriplemeptatiott: of various different Work processes m one cohltmiOus working procedure just m tbs front, homely the installation of a gravel layer uodertteaÉ ike track including; whom stpplleable tbe Ihstallation of substructure Ittyers as weil m M »ii-freese layer and/or base grade protection layer, furthermore whore applieablc She tesfaiMea of a ttoh-A'Oysif tnaterlai as the separating layer between the line stèsimefrp and the InstalMidn layers as web as finally the instpílatíoa often track- This is achieved by means of a machine: working just In the front which enables a continuous ithMuetipn of tbe afbretnentlbned rnaierlals, for this purpose the work ear Is equipped with correspondingipstallatlos dispwrs as we!! as igstailation appliances, A number of finishers is provided corresponding to fit® number of layers to be spmed, The materials are thus installed continnoasly in succession with ten isstailatitm appliances and at® compaebte whets necessary, This initially applies in each: case fix the gravel layer as well: us whet$ apte^fe $>r'$$: ba^rade-protection layer pdfer pfklYeeae layer as well: as for the nomwpyp material wtefr® #tc lute are likewise: mstailed. The rails are Mtialiy laid ddwtr on fr® litt®: substructure m the preliminary stage of tbe: working, process. They are threaded into fite machine during operaion. Ike sleepers am Installed underneath the work ear in the rear area of feutachlsie, viewed m the operating daectim The sleepery are then suppsd to the maehme its the opraitog direction. After insiailafiott of the sleepers the tails threaded Into the machine tue finally applied to the sleepers
Mm te tnaefelne ásd m telenetI mcms of te mÿàmà· according to àà invente w.f&amp; te weé car associated therewith 1 is possible m Insu# te trtefeed as wêïm te track íö ope continuous work process. K Is ta%· possible to bált a rww track body wltettan already existent track, Thus in te case of line new builds tbc aioremeritesd work steps «ín take place fey machte In. one cotes« work process. Compared with te prior art tte resite sri Vince diteitlnoons or separate work s»ps are avoided. 1¾¾ supî# of tfee track building ssstsrials for the; sard work slops can ten take place entirely fey rail. A supply with road vehicles is thereby avoided. |09p| Tbs further development aeeorddrg to Claltn 2 proposes that selten -necessary a base grade protection layer and/or aml-fetee layer Is stif %plted Pfetlemeatfe te gravel This is also etesd out fey means of one sad tie satne work cat aridMfy represents on® additional work station inside ibis work ear. pOÖS| Furthermore aesotding to the father development In Claim 3 it can fee proposed that a: noo-weven material is InliMly sappied to the line safetewhtre, This non-woyen material serves as a seining layer between te line substructure and the installation layers located above same. The corresponding appliance for applying this nosr-wovrn material is a cotetaenf part of the work car and tea defines te: Iprerhpst station. pööäif The: rear area of the work car secprdiryy. to the invent ion, soon i 0 the operating direction, éáfe travel on the already laid track fey means of a correspppdine chassis. The front ama of the work car A however loaded in te area where the track body has still hot yet been created. For this purpose according to te teter develop»! In Claim 4 the work car is supported in this area on the substknetore by means of a specially powered crawler ear. Thcse crawler ears thus enable driving forward on te substructure. fM'f 0| Furtermore accord ihg to the imfesr development is Clairs S ft cas fee proposed that te test top end of "te work cat is söpörted os te line substructure fey means of a crawler ear. This crawler car is prterafeiy also drives. The arrangement of te chain vehicles deserted previously can fee varied In (limenslon and position, |0ÖÍ S| Fatally te tetet development accordlsg to Claim 6 proposes that separate material cars are coupled to te work car according to the invention. The materials to fee installed cap be supplied to te tent work oar according, to the invented fey means of suitable' conveying devices, m particular conveyor belts. The tew of materials is thereby at tbs ppesmthtg direction offe m&amp;enme. |@fî21 Ast exemplary emfeodhnent of s work star according to te kvehtes for costihuoasly creating a track body of an installâtes Stretch where a track was not Initially prtn-eni wilt now fee rksorted below with reference to te tewtngs. In the drawings:
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the work ear;
Figure 2 shows a section along the line A-A «4 Figure i;
Figure 3 shows a section along the line 8*B in Figure I. P013| The storting situation Is te in order to: create a hack body f a tePMd te sufesfruetare 2 is present. The track body I is to fee apgled to te line substructure 2. POif 4 j Tire track body j consists inltialy of a track feed 3 which is located on the line stjfestructore 2, This track feed 3 consists isdtelly of a nmwwoven material 4 as the stepttnuing layer from the layers tetei above «te s base-paie protection layer, and/or an mé-8mz0 &amp;pr § as well as a: layer <$ grave! 0. fÖÖTSj Tbc track ? consisting of sleepers S and rails 9 Is placed do die track bed 3. P@ld£ In order to «reste the track body I a work ear 19 Is provided, Ibis bas ûm- chassis, namely a crawler ear Ï1 at the iront fop end of the work car W, This eraser eat 11 travels «π: the Hoe sufestmeteté 2. It is basically cooeelvsbk that this; crawler car 13 cas also be omitted, À -mwkr car It Is likewise located hr the middle area. Ilia crawler cat travels m She gravel layer <i At the cad Share is finally a chassis 1:3: which : is movable on sac rails 9, 11« «bsl^iiá'Élái·aad.-ltiiraafeNR^hi nftbe atbwsald: diffesnf chassis cats he different and yap Lx adapted so the Meyam eóMitiens, |PI?| The work ear TO has at the bbht an instailobon device: Id lor She oen-woven material 4, behind tris an Installation device 15 Tor the base: grade protection lay«*' :an#or snthÉeenc: layer 5, behiad Shis an Installation device 1 δ sbr tire gravel layer 6, add behind this art Installation device: i ? for the sleepers. The supply of the eowespndlog: tnatetiaTs lakes place via conveyor belts IS ft»» cooespoodshg material wagons which are eoaplsd esdlîé back of She work car It), viewed in the opemtmg direction. |ûôl:S| Finally a: ihreadarg device 19, shown only eehefösítcai%: is provided, for the rails and sals sad fast« ifte rails 9 on she sleepers 8. flhPl The hipclibhal procedure Is ad fellows; $|p the rails 9: are deposited on the line snbstmcithefe fOPSOf Forihcrinors m initia! piece of the track body | Is installed ykmalTy by hand so that the rest chassis Id of the work ear 10 can be placed on the rails 9, pOlIf Fio&amp;iiy it is possible to shot the work pposesa by means of the swat esc TO whereby the corresponding materials are »stalled «imtinttbosly by menas of fee devices 14 to 12, asd finally Ár applying: the sleepers 8 the threaded«in rails 9 are placed and fastened on the sleepers S. fOOtgf Ills thereby important that alfes work steps are carried oat continuously in caw and die same workear 10 wifbont ä Irscfc already fseiag previously present,
REFERENCE NUMERAL ÜST 10023! i Track body 2; Line snbstmature 3 Track bed 4 Nemwoven motettái $ Base: grade protection layer and/or mm-froere layer 6 Gravel layer 7 Track $ Sleeper 9 Kali

Claims (5)

10 Work car 1 1 Crawl«!- car if Crawle;? ear It Chassis I# iasiaiÄ!0t.ipvl0?i for «on-woven material IS instaiatfeni device fer fesse grade protection layer a*id/or aafelfeeze layer lő instai&amp;fet äeeiee fer grsveí It installation fesse for afeepets IS Conveyor bells |9 Throadfeg deviee for rails mJAMÀS VAGÁNYTEST Ei-rKEHÖZAsAM Szabadalmi igénypontok
1, Eljárás: egy vasúti pályaszakasz vágány t e stének (I) létrehozására kezdetben -stég ®em tnegfovS vágánynál (7), ahoi a vágánytesí (1} egy nyöntyonaí-aíépltményre (2) íelbordofe legalább zázotikő rétegéi (6) tartalmaz« vágányásiyszatból p|„. v&amp;lspmt a vágányágyazatotr (t| aírafeozefe vasúti aljakból (S| és sínekből Ah képzett vágányból (?} Sík abol á® eljárás; szerint -!Í$§s.ző.r a oyömyímslraíépfíményre (2) lefektetjük a síneket (9) és aboi esi iSwîêe» egy ítészben a máCjfeife yégátíyíesten {I) jMfeafe munkakögáí (lü) alkalmazásával jfelpnmíos munkamenetben először a ZÜZöttfeő Réteget fe) letálpk a Pÿôîbyoofe'alépitmenpô (gj, ezt MveiŐé« a zázottkő rétegre (<>) ráhelyezzük a vasúti sipkát {§}, valamint végezetdl a vasúti aljákra (8) ráhelyezzük az előzsíessa: lefektetett és a ornnkakoesibe ( 10) befűzött síneket (b>, ugyanakkor a vasúti aljakal C8>, asneiyeket a vágányépftő gépbe munka irányban vezetőnk be, a gép: egy, a munkairásyt tekintve hátsó tartományában építjük be a rtnmkakocsí (10) alatt.
2. Az előző igénypont szerinti eljárás, mzálJÄefe bogy a mnnkakoesi (10) segítségével a zúzottkő réteg (6) alá «lézeresei· egy tőltéskorona-védőréteget é.s/vagy tagyásgátiő védőréteget (S) hordunk fei.
3. Az előző igénypontok bármelyike szerinti eljárás, mmt jelímtezm, bogy a tmmkakocsi (10) segítségévéi ä zázonkő réteg (ő) alá vagy adóit esetben a íöltéskorona-védőréteg éslvsgy íágyásgáiló védőréteg (5) alá egy vilest (nemszővöit anyagot} (ál fektetőnk: lm
4, Az előző igénypontok bármelyike szerinti eljárás, azzal jellemezve bogy a munkakocsit fi 0} abban a isrtootkaybap aboi a vágány (?) még nincs elkészítve. egy feként hajtással pndplkgzfe hernyóíalpas felérni ( !2) segítségévei támasztjuk alá az altalaj ou, &amp; Az előző igéayppbfel: Melyiké -áiéjiÉít j eljárás, azzal felíemémst hogy a ntnakakoősi (10} elülső fej végét: egy, a nyomvonal-alépítményen P) járaíhafo, főként hajtássat rendelkező bernyőtaigas; futómé i" 11} által támasztjuk alá.
6, Äf fizd iténvfonipfc Mpélyske szekmtj «tyfcfe. ami jeÎiemim, 70gy &amp; t»U«kakecsirs ff'Ô) a-mrmkarrlrp; tekintve Mml a íeíáoigozaada a«^a|pk. szamára külOxi anyapzàiiit« koesik vannak rakapéselvs,*: amejyekMi m anyápkat oàavbaætJÂ; s mankakoesi?3pK;(|0). % Ménkstecsí (10) egy vasút* pályaszakasz vágány-testének (!) létrehozásához kezdetben még nem meglevő vágánynál (?}, ahol a rtnmkakoesi (10) egy a zúzottkő rétegesrí (0) járatható hernyótaipas OsKiraövel Π2) és egy síneken (9) járatható futóművel (13) rendelkezik,, amely a munkakocsí (50) hátsó végért vart elrendezve, és akti a nrtmkakocsí (1Ô) egy be'ffeö szerkezettel: (19) rendelkezik &amp; sínek (9) számára és egy beépítő szerkezettel (17) a vaséti aljak (8) számára, mmljeílemezm, bogy a mtmkakoesl (10) a tónnkairányrá vonatkoztatva a hemyotaíps tóiőnié (12) előtt egy beépítő szerkezettel (íő) rendelkezik a zúzottkő réteg; (6) számára, míg a vasáti álak (§) beépítő szerkezete (17) a gép munkalrányí tőkiníve bhtső tartományában, a sinliëa kötött íutömű (í 3) előtt van elrendezve.
HUE10008649A 2009-08-28 2010-08-19 Method for creating a track body HUE028476T2 (en)

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DE102009039230A DE102009039230A1 (en) 2009-08-28 2009-08-28 Method for creating a track body

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HUE10008649A HUE028476T2 (en) 2009-08-28 2010-08-19 Method for creating a track body

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