FR2840543A1 - System of sedimentation tanks for farm slurry, comprises two tanks with filtration partitions and sloping bases, with third tank collecting separated liquid - Google Patents

System of sedimentation tanks for farm slurry, comprises two tanks with filtration partitions and sloping bases, with third tank collecting separated liquid Download PDF


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FR2840543A1 FR0207056A FR0207056A FR2840543A1 FR 2840543 A1 FR2840543 A1 FR 2840543A1 FR 0207056 A FR0207056 A FR 0207056A FR 0207056 A FR0207056 A FR 0207056A FR 2840543 A1 FR2840543 A1 FR 2840543A1
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Frederique Rolland
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    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/0012Settling tanks making use of filters, e.g. by floating layers of particulate material
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/0024Inlets or outlets provided with regulating devices, e.g. valves, flaps
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/003Sedimentation tanks provided with a plurality of compartments separated by a partition wall
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/0039Settling tanks provided with contact surfaces, e.g. baffles, particles
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/0093Mechanisms for taking out of action one or more units of a multi-unit settling mechanism
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/10Settling tanks with multiple outlets for the separated liquids
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/24Feed or discharge mechanisms for settling tanks
    • B01D21/2405Feed mechanisms for settling tanks
    • B01D21/00Separation of suspended solid particles from liquids by sedimentation
    • B01D21/24Feed or discharge mechanisms for settling tanks
    • B01D21/2444Discharge mechanisms for the classified liquid
    • B01D2221/00Applications of separation devices
    • B01D2221/06Separation devices for industrial food processing or agriculture
    • C02F2103/00Nature of the water, waste water, sewage or sludge to be treated
    • C02F2103/20Nature of the water, waste water, sewage or sludge to be treated from animal husbandry


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Sewage (AREA)


Three tanks are located at the same level. The first, primary tank (1) is a flat, waterproof receptacle in concrete with a sloping base. The secondary tank (2) is identical to the primary. The third (3) is a tank storing the separated liquid . Pipes (4, 5) connect the primary and secondary tanks. The pipe (4) enters the secondary tank above the base of its filtration partition (19) and below its drain trough (11). The pipe (5) enters the primary above the base of its filtration partition (10) and above its drain trough (16). The base of the filtration partitions is spaced above the base of the sedimentation tanks (1, 2) to allow emptying of settled liquid. Filter partition (10, 19) height is below the drain channel level. Pipe (6) connects the primary tank drain channel (16) to the storage tank (3) for separated liquid. The drain channel (11) of the secondary tank is connected to the storage tank by the pipe (7). Pipes 4-7 can be blocked by pipes (8, 9, 20, 21) during the use of the sedimentation system.


(20) assurant le chauffage de la double enveloppe (21) du bouilleur (3).(20) ensuring the heating of the double jacket (21) of the boiler (3).

f 2840543 1 La presente invention concerne un systeme de fosse de decantation pour des liquides charges avec des particules plus legeres et ou plus solides que l'eau tel que par exemple  f 2840543 1 The present invention relates to a settling tank system for liquids loaded with particles lighter and or more solid than water such as for example

i le lisier de bovin.i cattle manure.

Les normes ecologiques que la communaute europeenne met ou va mettre en vigueur vont obliger les professionnels de ['agriculture ou autres a separer les differents composants des dejections liquides resultants de leur activite  The ecological standards that the European community puts or will put into force will oblige the professionals of agriculture or others to separate the different components of the liquid excrements resulting from their activity

i5 professionnelle pour limiter la pollution.  i5 professional to limit pollution.

L'invention presente a pour but de proposer une solution naturelle pour resoudre en partie ce probleme afin de separer les parties sol ides et l iq u ides provenant des dejections. Le fonctionnement est sur le principe des vases communicants et sur l'utilisation des differentes densites entre les differents  The aim of the present invention is to propose a natural solution to partially solve this problem in order to separate the sol ides and the iq u ides parts from the droppings. The operation is on the principle of communicating vessels and on the use of different densities between the different

composants des dejections.components of droppings.

La figure 1 represente une vue d'ensemble des trots fosses utilisees pour ce principe de separation de phases. Les trots fosses peuvent etre attenantes ou peuvent etre separees, cela en fonction des differentes possibilites diimplantation chez le professionnel utilisateur final. Pour demontrer le principe, nous avons choisi de le faire avec trots fosses attenantes. La fosse de decantation primaire 1 est une fosse bateau etanche en beton avec une face en pente pour facilite l'acces d' u n eng i n de man utention pou r proceder au cu rage de cel le  Figure 1 shows an overview of the trotting pits used for this principle of phase separation. The trotting ditches can be adjoining or can be separated, depending on the different possibilities of implantation at the professional end user. To demonstrate the principle, we chose to do it with three adjoining pits. The primary decantation pit 1 is a waterproof concrete tank pit with a sloping face for easy access to a handling device for the casting of this

ci lorsqu'elle est pleine.when full.

La fosse de decantation secondaire 2 est con,cue comme la fosse 1, c'est done aussi une fosse bateau etanche en beton avec une face en pente pour facilite l'acces d'un engin de man utention pou r proceder au cu rage de cel le ci lorsq u 'el le  The secondary sedimentation tank 2 is designed, like the tank 1, it is therefore also a waterproof boat tank in concrete with a sloping face to facilitate access to a handling machine for carrying out the filling of this when this

est full.

La fosse de stockage 3 du liquide separe est une simple reserve etanche construite soit en beton ou en bache genre  The separate liquid storage pit 3 is a simple sealed reserve constructed either of concrete or of a kind tarpaulin

fosse geomembrane.geomembrane pit.

i 2840543 s 2 La figure 2 represente une vue de dessus des trots fosses avec les differentes particularites qui les composent. Voir nomenclature. La figure 3 represente la vue en coupe M des fosses de la  i 2840543 s 2 Figure 2 shows a top view of the trotting ditches with the different features that make them up. See nomenclature. Figure 3 shows the sectional view M of the pits of the

figure 2.figure 2.

La figure 4 represente une vue en coupe de detail du caniveau d'evacuation 16 de la fosse 1 avec les tuyaux  Figure 4 shows a detailed sectional view of the evacuation channel 16 of the pit 1 with the pipes

is communicants avec la fosse 2 et la fosse 3.  is communicating with pit 2 and pit 3.

La figure 5 represente une vue en coupe de detail du caniveau d'evacuation 11 de la fosse 2 avec les tuyaux  Figure 5 shows a detailed sectional view of the evacuation channel 11 of the pit 2 with the pipes

communicants avec la fosse 1 et la fosse 3.  communicating with pit 1 and pit 3.

Principe de fonctionnement: Lors de la mise en service du systeme de decantation, la fosse 1 est remplie d'eau jusqu'a ce que l'eau deborde dans s le canal d'evacuation 16. La fosse 2 est aussi remplie d'eau jusqu'a ce que l'eau deborde dans le canal d'evacuation 11 et que l'eau commence a se deverser dans la fosse 3. Les niveaux des fonds des fosses 1 et 2 vent sur le meme niveau tandis que le niveau de la fosse 3 peut etre au meme niveau ou a un niveau inferieur au fond des fosses 1 et 2 avec remplissage par gravite de la fosse 3 ou a niveau superieur au fond des fosses 1 et 2 avec remplissage par pompe de  Operating principle: When the sedimentation system is put into service, the pit 1 is filled with water until the water overflows into the evacuation channel 16. The pit 2 is also filled with water until the water overflows into the evacuation channel 11 and the water begins to pour into the pit 3. The bottom levels of the pits 1 and 2 wind on the same level while the level of the pit 3 can be at the same level or at a level lower than the bottom of the pits 1 and 2 with gravity filling of the pit 3 or at a level higher than the bottom of the pits 1 and 2 with filling by pump of

relevage de la fosse 3.pit lifting 3.

Le liquide a separer arrive par le canal central d'alimentation 13 et est canalise vers la fosse 1 par la trappe de s canalisation 18 qui canalise le liquide vers le canal d'alimentation 14 de la fosse 1. Le liquide a separer arrive dans l'eau contenue dans la fosse 1. Le liquide a separer qui arrive dans la fosse 1 est charge de matiere plus legere que I'eau et celle ci flotte a la surface. Les matieres legeres qui flottent a la surface de l'eau ne peuvent pas s'evacuer de la 4 fosse 1 vers la fosse 2 par le canal d'evacuation 16 car elles 3 vent retenues par la cloison filtre 10 de la fosse 1. Le partie inferieure de la cloison filtre 10 est positionnee de telle fa,con i a laisser un espace assez important par rapport au fond de la fosse 1 pour permettre un passage de l'eau sous la cloison filtre 10. L'arrivee du liquide a separer provoque une augmentation du niveau d'eau de la fosse 1. L'augmentation du niveau d'eau provoque un debordement dans le canal d'evacuation 16. Le tuyau 7 communiquant de la fosse 1 i5 avec la fosse 3 est obstrue par le tube 9 et l'eau ne peut pas aller vers la fosse 3. Le tuyau de communication 4 entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 2 n'est pas obstrue par le tube 8, done l'eau peut s'evacuer vers la fosse 2. Lors du demarrage du systeme, I'eau s'evacuant de la fosse 1 vers la fosse 2 est tres claire. Mais au fur et a mesure de l'utilisation du systeme, I'eau s'evacuant de la fosse 1 vers la fosse 2 sera chargee de particules qui devront se decanter dans la fosse 2. Donc le liquide qui arrive de la fosse 1 par le tuyau de communication 4 vers la fosse 2 aura decantee dans la fosse 2. Le positionnement du tuyau de communication 4 doit arrive au milieu de l'eau contenue de la fosse 2. De ce fait le tuyau de communication 4 est positionne dans un espace se trouvant entre le teas de la cloison filtre 19 et le fond du caniveau d'evacuation 11. Le liquide arrivant de la fosse 1 se melange avec l'eau contenue dans la fosse 2. Les particules legeres contenues dans le liquide flottent au-dessus de l'eau contenue dans la fosse 2 et les particules lourdes vont se deposer au fond de la fosse 2. L'arrivee du liquide provenant de la fosse 1 provoque une augmentation du niveau d'eau de la fosse 2. L'augmentation du niveau d'eau provoque un debordement dans le canal d'evacuation 11. La cloison filtre 19 interdit aux particules legeres de s'evacuer vers la fosse 3. Le tuyau 6 communiquant de la fosse 1 avec la fosse 3 n'est pas obstrue par le tube 20 et le liquide decante peut aller vers la fosse 3. Le tuyau de communication 5 entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 1 est obstrue par le tube 21, done l'eau ne peut pas s'evacuer vers la fosse 1. Lors de cette operation, nous avons extrait du lisier bovin jusqu'a 70% du nitrate et de l'azote lors de la decantation dans la fosse 1 et 70% du nitrate et de l'azote contenu dans le liquide provenant de la  The liquid to be separated arrives via the central supply channel 13 and is channeled towards the pit 1 by the pipeline hatch 18 which channels the liquid towards the supply channel 14 of the pit 1. The liquid to be separated arrives in the water contained in the pit 1. The liquid to be separated which arrives in the pit 1 is loaded with lighter material than the water and it floats on the surface. Light materials which float on the surface of the water cannot be evacuated from the 4 pit 1 towards the pit 2 by the evacuation channel 16 because they 3 are retained by the filter partition 10 of the pit 1. The lower part of the filter partition 10 is positioned in such a way, con ia leaving a fairly large space relative to the bottom of the pit 1 to allow passage of water under the filter partition 10. The arrival of the liquid to be separated causes an increase in the water level of the pit 1. The increase in the water level causes an overflow in the evacuation channel 16. The pipe 7 communicating from the pit 1 i5 with the pit 3 is obstructed by the tube 9 and the water cannot go to the pit 3. The communication pipe 4 between the pit 1 and the pit 2 is not obstructed by the tube 8, therefore the water can be evacuated towards the pit 2. During from the start of the system, the water flowing from pit 1 to pit 2 is very clear. But as the system is used, the water flowing from pit 1 to pit 2 will be charged with particles which will have to settle in pit 2. So the liquid which arrives from pit 1 by the communication pipe 4 towards the pit 2 will have decanted in the pit 2. The positioning of the communication pipe 4 must arrive in the middle of the water contained in the pit 2. Therefore the communication pipe 4 is positioned in a space located between the teas of the filter partition 19 and the bottom of the drainage channel 11. The liquid arriving from the pit 1 mixes with the water contained in the pit 2. The light particles contained in the liquid float above of the water contained in the pit 2 and the heavy particles will deposit at the bottom of the pit 2. The arrival of the liquid coming from the pit 1 causes an increase in the water level of the pit 2. The increase in the water level causes an overflow in the discharge channel 11. The partition filters re 19 prohibits light particles from evacuating towards the pit 3. The pipe 6 communicating from the pit 1 with the pit 3 is not obstructed by the tube 20 and the decanted liquid can go towards the pit 3. The pipe communication 5 between pit 2 and pit 1 is obstructed by the tube 21, therefore the water cannot be evacuated towards the pit 1. During this operation, we extracted from the cattle manure up to 70% of the nitrate and nitrogen during decantation in pit 1 and 70% of the nitrate and nitrogen contained in the liquid from the

/ 1 2840543/ 1 2840543

4 fosse 1 lors de la decantation dans la fosse 2. Dans la fosse 3, nous obtenons done un liquide dont la teneur en nitrate et en azote peut etre inferieure a 10%. Ce liquide pourra etre i0 utilise pour ['irrigation, I'hydrocurage ou toute autre destination. Pou r effectuer l 'en levement des parties sol ides qu i vont etre en suspension dans la fosse 1 et dont l'epaisseur pourra atteindre plus de un metre cinquante, nous allons proceder au pompage du liquide detenu dans la fosse 1 pour le i5 transferer dans la fosse 2 apres avoir obstrue le tuyau 7 communiquant entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 3. Le liquide pompe va se decanter dans la fosse 2. Une fois tout le liquide pompe, le professionnel utilisateur final utilisera un engin de man utention eq uipe d ' u n godet de cu rage pou r proceder a  4 pit 1 during decantation in pit 2. In pit 3, we therefore obtain a liquid whose nitrate and nitrogen content may be less than 10%. This liquid can be used for irrigation, hydrocure or any other destination. To carry out the lifting of the soil parts which are going to be suspended in the pit 1 and whose thickness can reach more than one meter and fifty, we are going to pump the liquid held in the pit 1 for the i5 transfer in the pit 2 after obstructing the pipe 7 communicating between the pit 2 and the pit 3. The pump liquid will settle in the pit 2. Once all the pump liquid, the professional end user will use a handling equipment equipped of a bucket of fodder to proceed to

l'enlevement des matieres solides contenues dans la fosse 1.  removal of the solid matter contained in the pit 1.

2 Une fois que les matieres solides seront completement evacuees de la fosse 1, le cycle de la decantation pourra recommencer mais la fosse 2 deviendra la fosse de decantation primaire et la fosse 1 deviendra la fosse de decantation secondaire. Le fonctionnement dans ce cas sera le suivant: Le liquide a separer arrive par le canal central d'alimentation 13 et est canalise vers la fosse 1 par la trappe de canalisation 18. qui canalise le liquide vers le canal d'alimentation 15 de la fosse 2. Le liquide a separer arrive dans l'eau contenue dans la fosse 2. Le liquide a separer qui arrive dans la fosse 2 est charge de matiere plus legere que l'eau et celle ci flotte a la surface. Les matieres legeres qui 3 flottent a la surface de l'eau ne peuvent pas s'evacuer de la fosse 2 vers la fosse 1 par le canal d'evacuation 11 car elles vent retenues par la cloison filtre 19 de la fosse 2. Le partie inferieure de la cloison filtre 19 est positionnee de telle fa,con a laisser un espace assez important par rapport au fond de la fosse 2 pour permettre un passage de l'eau sous la cloison filtre 19. L'arrivee du liquide a separer provoque une augmentation du niveau d'eau de la fosse 2. L'augmentation du niveau d'eau provoque un debordement dans le canal d'evacuation 11. Le tuyau 6 communiquant de la fosse 2 avec la fosse 3 est obstrue par le tube 21 et l'eau ne peut pas aller vers la fosse 3. Le tuyau de communication 5 entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 1 n'est pas obstrue par le tube 20, done  2 Once the solid matter is completely evacuated from pit 1, the decanting cycle can start again but pit 2 will become the primary sedimentation pit and pit 1 will become the secondary sedimentation pit. The operation in this case will be as follows: The liquid to be separated arrives via the central supply channel 13 and is channeled towards the pit 1 by the pipe flap 18. which channels the liquid towards the supply channel 15 of the pit 2. The liquid to be separated arrives in the water contained in the pit 2. The liquid to be separated which arrives in the pit 2 is loaded with lighter material than the water and it floats on the surface. The light materials which 3 float on the surface of the water cannot be evacuated from the pit 2 towards the pit 1 by the evacuation channel 11 because they are retained by the filter partition 19 of the pit 2. The part lower of the filter partition 19 is positioned in such a way, designed to leave a fairly large space relative to the bottom of the pit 2 to allow passage of water under the filter partition 19. The arrival of the liquid to be separated causes a increase in the water level of the pit 2. The increase in the water level causes an overflow in the evacuation channel 11. The pipe 6 communicating from the pit 2 with the pit 3 is blocked by the tube 21 and l cannot go to the pit 3. The communication pipe 5 between the pit 2 and the pit 1 is not obstructed by the tube 20, done

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5 I'eau peut s'evacuer vers la fosse 1. L'eau s'evacuant de la fosse 2 vers la fosse 1 est chargee de particules qui devront se decanter dans la fosse 1. Donc le liquide qui arrive de la i fosse 2 par le tuyau de communication 5 vers la fosse 1 sera decante dans la fosse 1. Le positionnement du tuyau de communication 5 doit arrive au milieu de l'eau contenue de la fosse 1. De ce fait le tuyau de communication 5 est positionne dans un espace se trouvant entre le teas de la cloison filtre 10 et le fond du caniveau d'evacuation 16. Le i5 liquide arrivant de la fosse 2 se melange avec l'eau contenue dans la fosse 1. Les particules legeres contenues dans le liquide flottent au-dessus de l'eau contenue dans la fosse 1 et les particules lourdes vont se deposer au fond de la fosse 1. L'arrivee du liquide provenant de la fosse 2 provoque une augmentation du niveau d'eau de la fosse 1. L'augmentation du niveau d'eau provoque un debordement dans le canal d'evacuation 16. La cloison filtre 10 interdit aux particules legeres de s'evacuer vers la fosse 3. Le tuyau 7 communiquant de la fosse 1 avec la fosse 3 n'est pas obstrue par le tube 9 et le liquide decante peut aller vers la fosse 3. Le tuyau de communication 4 entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 2 est obstrue par le tube 8, done l'eau ne peut pas  5 the water can be evacuated towards the pit 1. The water evacuating from the pit 2 towards the pit 1 is charged with particles which will have to settle in the pit 1. So the liquid which arrives from the pit 2 by the communication pipe 5 towards the pit 1 will be decanted in the pit 1. The positioning of the communication pipe 5 must arrive in the middle of the water contained in the pit 1. Therefore the communication pipe 5 is positioned in a space between the teas of the filter partition 10 and the bottom of the evacuation channel 16. The liquid i5 arriving from pit 2 mixes with the water contained in pit 1. The light particles contained in the liquid float at -above the water contained in the pit 1 and the heavy particles will deposit at the bottom of the pit 1. The arrival of the liquid coming from the pit 2 causes an increase in the water level of the pit 1. The increase in water level causes an overflow in the discharge channel 16. The filter partition 10 int prevents light particles from evacuating towards the pit 3. The pipe 7 communicating from the pit 1 with the pit 3 is not obstructed by the tube 9 and the decanted liquid can go towards the pit 3. The communication pipe 4 between the pit 1 and the pit 2 is blocked by the tube 8, so the water cannot

s'evacuer vers la fosse 2.drain to the pit 2.

r 2840543 6r 2840543 6



1 Fosse de decantation primaire 2 Fosse de decantation secondaire 3 Fosse de stockage du liquide decante i5 FIGURE 2: 1 Fosse de decantation primaire 2 Fosse de decantation secondaire 3 Fosse de stockage du liquide decante 4 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 2 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 1 6 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 3 - 7 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 3 Cloison filtre de la fosse 1 11 Caniveau d'evacuation fosse 2 12 Mur de fosse 13 Canal d'alimentation central 14 Canal d'alimentation fosse 1 Canal d'alimentation fosse 2 16 Caniveau d'evacuation fosse 1 17 Mur de separation entre les deux decanteurs 18 Trappe de canalisation 19 Cloison filtre de la fosse 2  1 Primary settling tank 2 Secondary settling tank 3 Decanting liquid storage tank i5 FIGURE 2: 1 Primary settling tank 2 Secondary settling tank 3 Decanting liquid storage tank 4 Communication pipe between tank 1 and tank 2 Communication pipe between pit 2 and the pit 1 6 Communication pipe between the pit 1 and the pit 3 - 7 Communication pipe between the pit 2 and the pit 3 Pit filter partition 1 11 Pit drainage channel 2 12 Pit wall 13 Central feed channel 14 Pit feed channel 1 Pit feed channel 2 16 Pit evacuation channel 1 17 Separation wall between the two decanters 18 Pipe hatch 19 Pit filter partition 2


2 Fosse de decantation secondaire 3 Fosse de stockage du liquide decante 4 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 2 5 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 1 11 Caniveau d'evacuation fosse 2 12 Mur de fosse 17 Mur de separation entre les deux decanteurs 19 Cloison filtre de la fosse 2 i 2840543 7  2 Secondary sedimentation tank 3 Storage tank for decanting liquid 4 Communication pipe between pit 1 and the pit 2 5 Communication pipe between the pit 2 and the pit 1 11 Pit drainage channel 2 12 Pit wall 17 Wall of pit separation between the two settling tanks 19 Pit filter partition 2 i 2840543 7


4 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 2 1 7 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 3 Cloison filtre de la fosse 1 12 Mur de fosse 16 Caniveau d'evacuation fosse 1 us FIGURE 5: Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 2 et la fosse 1 6 Tuyau de communication entre la fosse 1 et la fosse 3 11 Caniveau d'evacuation fosse 2 12 Mur de fosse 19 Cloison filtre de la fosse 2 as s  4 Communication pipe between pit 1 and the pit 2 1 7 Communication pipe between the pit 2 and the pit 3 Pit filter partition 1 12 Pit wall 16 Pit drain channel 1 us FIGURE 5: Communication pipe between pit 2 and pit 1 6 Communication pipe between pit 1 and pit 3 11 Pit evacuation channel 2 12 Pit wall 19 Pit bulkhead 2 as s

Claims (4)

REVENDICATIONCLAIM 1- Le systeme de fosse de decantation caracterise par le fait que le systdme de decantation est constitue de trots fosses eventuellement au meme niveau, la fosse primaire 1 est une fosse bateau etanche en beton avec une face en pente, la fosse secondaire 2 est identique a la fosse s primaire 1, la fosse 3 est une fosse de stockage du liquide separe. 2Systdme de decantation selon la revendication 1 caracterise par le fait que la fosse de decantation primaire 1 est en communication avec la fosse de decantation secondaire 2 par un tuyau de communication 4 et que la fosse de decantation secondaire 2 est en communication avec la fosse de decantation primaire 1 par un tuysu de  1- The decantation pit system characterized by the fact that the decantation system is made up of trots pits, possibly at the same level, the primary pit 1 is a waterproof concrete tank pit with a sloping face, the secondary pit 2 is identical at the primary pit 1, the pit 3 is a separate liquid storage pit. 2Settling system according to claim 1 characterized in that the primary settling tank 1 is in communication with the secondary settling tank 2 by a communication pipe 4 and that the secondary settling tank 2 is in communication with the settling tank primary 1 by a tuysu's communication 5.communication 5. 3- Systdme de decantation selon l'une ou l'autre des  3- Settling system according to one or other of the s revendications 1 ou 2 caracterise par le fait que le niveau  s claims 1 or 2 characterized by the fact that the level d'arrivee du tuyau de communication 4 dans la fosse de decantation secondaire 2 est a un niveau superieur au teas de la cloison filtre 19 et a un niveau inferieur au haut du caniveau d'evacuation 11 de la fosse de decantation secondaire 2 et que le niveau d'arrivee du tuyau de 3 communication 5 dans la fosse de decantation primaire 1 est a un niveau superieur au teas de la cloison filtre 10 et a un niveau inferieur au haut du caniveau d'evacuation 16 de  of the communication pipe 4 in the secondary sedimentation tank 2 is at a level higher than the teas of the filter partition 19 and at a level lower than the top of the evacuation channel 11 of the secondary sedimentation tank 2 and that the arrival level of the communication pipe 3 in the primary sedimentation tank 1 is at a level higher than the teas of the filter partition 10 and at a level lower than the top of the drainage channel 16 of la fosse de decantation primaire 1.the primary sedimentation tank 1. 4- Systdme de decantation selon l'une ou l'autre des  4- Settling system according to one or other of the s revendications precedentes caracterise par le fait que la  s previous claims characterized by the fact that the fosse de decantation primaire 1 et la fosse de decantation  primary settling tank 1 and the settling tank secondaire 2 vent equipees d'une cloison filtre 10 et 19.  secondary 2 wind fitted with a filter partition 10 and 19. -Systdme de decantation selon la revendication 4 caracterise par le fait que le teas des cloisons filtres 10 et 4 19 est positionne de telle fa, con a laisser un espace  -Decantation system according to claim 4 characterized in that the teas of the filter partitions 10 and 4 19 is positioned in such a way, designed to leave a space 9 28405439 2840543 suffisant par rapport au fond des fosses de decantation 1 et 2 pour permettre ['evacuation du liquide decante et que le haut des cloisons filtres 10 et 19 est largement au dessus du niveau des canaux d'evacuation des fosses 1 et 2. i 6- Systeme de decantation selon la revendication 3 caracterise du fait que le canal d'evacuation 16 de la fosse de decantation primaire 1 est en communication avec une fosse de stockage 3 du liquide separe par l'intermediaire d'un tuyau de communication 6 et que le canal d'evacuation 11 de la fosse de decantation secondaire 2 is est en communication avec une fosse de stockage 3 du liquide separe par l'intermediaire d'un tuyau de  sufficient with respect to the bottom of the settling pits 1 and 2 to allow the evacuation of the settling liquid and that the top of the filter partitions 10 and 19 is largely above the level of the evacuation channels of pits 1 and 2. i 6- Settling system according to claim 3 characterized in that the evacuation channel 16 of the primary settling tank 1 is in communication with a storage tank 3 of the separated liquid by means of a communication pipe 6 and that the evacuation channel 11 from the secondary settling tank 2 is in communication with a storage tank 3 for the separated liquid by means of a communication 7.communication 7. 7-Systdme de decantation selon l'une ou l'autre des  7-Settling system according to one or other of the revendications 2 ou 3 caracterise par le fait que les tuyaux  Claims 2 or 3 characterized in that the pipes de communication 4,5,6 et 7 peuvent etre obstruer par les tuyaux 8,9,20 et 21 pendant l'utilisation du systeme de decantation.  4,5,6 and 7 can be obstructed by pipes 8, 9, 20 and 21 during the use of the settling system.

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title

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FR2840543A1 true FR2840543A1 (en) 2003-12-12
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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN108096923A (en) * 2017-12-21 2018-06-01 中国建筑第五工程局有限公司 A kind of two-stage precipitation device
CN109779544A (en) * 2017-11-15 2019-05-21 中石化石油工程技术服务有限公司 A kind of mud solid phase collection dewatering device
CN112691409A (en) * 2020-12-07 2021-04-23 江苏康达检测技术股份有限公司 Surface water sampling and standing precipitation device

Citations (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE3421906A1 (en) * 1984-06-13 1985-12-19 Stetter Gmbh, 8940 Memmingen Sludge settling unit

Patent Citations (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE3421906A1 (en) * 1984-06-13 1985-12-19 Stetter Gmbh, 8940 Memmingen Sludge settling unit

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN109779544A (en) * 2017-11-15 2019-05-21 中石化石油工程技术服务有限公司 A kind of mud solid phase collection dewatering device
CN108096923A (en) * 2017-12-21 2018-06-01 中国建筑第五工程局有限公司 A kind of two-stage precipitation device
CN112691409A (en) * 2020-12-07 2021-04-23 江苏康达检测技术股份有限公司 Surface water sampling and standing precipitation device

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FR2840543B1 (en) 2004-09-24

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