ES2590727B1 - Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulation - Google Patents

Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulation Download PDF


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ES2590727B1 ES201500387A ES201500387A ES2590727B1 ES 2590727 B1 ES2590727 B1 ES 2590727B1 ES 201500387 A ES201500387 A ES 201500387A ES 201500387 A ES201500387 A ES 201500387A ES 2590727 B1 ES2590727 B1 ES 2590727B1
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air chamber
structural element
thermal insulation
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    • E04C1/00Building elements of block or other shape for the construction of parts of buildings
    • E04C1/40Building elements of block or other shape for the construction of parts of buildings built-up from parts of different materials, e.g. composed of layers of different materials or stones with filling material or with insulating inserts
    • E04C2/00Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels
    • E04C2/02Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by specified materials
    • E04C2/26Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by specified materials composed of materials covered by two or more of groups E04C2/04, E04C2/08, E04C2/10 or of materials covered by one of these groups with a material not specified in one of the groups
    • E04C2/284Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by specified materials composed of materials covered by two or more of groups E04C2/04, E04C2/08, E04C2/10 or of materials covered by one of these groups with a material not specified in one of the groups at least one of the materials being insulating
    • E04C2/00Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels
    • E04C2/30Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by the shape or structure
    • E04C2/34Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by the shape or structure composed of two or more spaced sheet-like parts
    • E04C2/36Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by the shape or structure composed of two or more spaced sheet-like parts spaced apart by transversely-placed strip material, e.g. honeycomb panels
    • E04C2/00Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels
    • E04C2/44Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels characterised by the purpose
    • E04C2/50Self-supporting slabs specially adapted for making floors ceilings, or roofs, e.g. able to be loaded


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Building Environments (AREA)


Elemento estructural con cámara de aire y aislante térmico.#Consiste en una pieza de sección rectangular que consta de un sector inferior que está en contacto con el terreno y que posee estructuras huecas a modo de celdillas por las que, en caso de que el nivel freático esté alto, pueda discurrir el agua, guiándola hacia una arqueta o pozo desde el que evacuarla fuera del recinto. Debido a las características de los materiales empleados evitamos la subida del agua del terreno por capilaridad. Asimismo y debido a esta estructura, está diseñada para resistir grandes cargas a compresión, de manera que puedan circular sobre ella vehículos a motor. Las celdillas que conforman el sector superior están rellenadas con un aislamiento térmico, evitando así la pérdida de temperatura en el interior de la edificación.#Se utiliza para soleras, cimentaciones, cubiertas y otros tipos de edificaciones.Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulator. # Consists of a rectangular section piece that consists of a lower sector that is in contact with the ground and that has hollow structures like cells by which, in case the level The water table is high, the water can flow, guiding it towards a casket or well from which to evacuate it outside the enclosure. Due to the characteristics of the materials used, we avoid the rise of the water of the land by capillarity. Likewise and due to this structure, it is designed to withstand large compression loads, so that motor vehicles can circulate on it. The cells that make up the upper sector are filled with thermal insulation, thus preventing the loss of temperature inside the building. # It is used for screeds, foundations, roofs and other types of buildings.










El objeto de la presente invencion se refiere, como su titulo indica, a un elemento estructural con camara de aire y aislante termico, que presenta frente a los ya conocidos una serie de ventajas que iremos describiendo a continuation.The object of the present invention refers, as its title indicates, to a structural element with an air chamber and thermal insulator, which presents a series of advantages that we will describe below.


Son conocidos elementos estructurales de este tipo tales como las bovedillas tradicionales constituidas por hormigon vibrado, de barro o material parecido cuya funcion es la de rellenar el espacio entre una vigueta y otra al no ser viable la posibilidad de extender posteriormente una capa de hormigon sobre el conjunto a realizar tanto en techo como en solera. Los problemas relacionados con las bovedillas en hormigon vibrado son principalmente originados por su propio peso que afecta a su puesta en obra ya que la hace mas lenta y en caso del techo necesita fortalecer la estructura con pilares de hormigon armado para soportar el peso.Structural elements of this type are known such as traditional vaults constituted by vibrated concrete, mud or similar material whose function is to fill the space between a joist and another because it is not feasible to subsequently extend a layer of concrete on the set to be carried out both on the roof and in the hearth. The problems related to the vaults in vibrated concrete are mainly caused by its own weight that affects its implementation as it slows it down and in case of the roof you need to strengthen the structure with reinforced concrete pillars to support the weight.

Otras bovedillas conocidas de este tipo presentan una cara superior plana y lisa y prevista para permitir el encofrado de una losa de hormigon. Para resistir durante la fase de colocation es necesario que la bovedilla presente una resistencia mecanica elevada que se obtendria por un aumento de la densidad de la materia que utilizan. El cuerpo de estas bovedillas esta vaciado por la presencia de un numero de alveolos que estan destinados a disminuir la masa de la materia aislante para aligerar la bovedilla.Other known vaults of this type have a flat and smooth upper face and intended to allow the formwork of a concrete slab. To resist during the colocation phase it is necessary that the vault has a high mechanical resistance that would be obtained by an increase in the density of the material they use. The body of these vaults is emptied by the presence of a number of alveoli that are intended to reduce the mass of the insulating material to lighten the vault.

Vemos como a lo largo de los anos se han ido desarrollando una serie de piezas que en algunos casos se colocan horizontalmente como parte del encofrado delWe see how throughout the years a series of pieces have been developed that in some cases are placed horizontally as part of the formwork of the







suelo, y aunque algunas poseen material aislante, no offecen las ventajas que muestra el objeto de la presente invencion. Entre otras se encuentran patentadas las siguientes:soil, and although some have insulating material, they do not offend the advantages shown in the object of the present invention. Among others, the following are patented:

Patente de Invencion (n° de publication) ES2360671T: Bovedilla aislante de altas performancias para la construction de suelos en la que se incluyen piezas intercalares que se colocan horizontalmente para servir al encofrado del hormigon del suelo.Patent of invention (publication no.) ES2360671T: Insulating vault of high performances for the construction of floors in which intercalar pieces that are placed horizontally to serve the formwork of the concrete of the ground are included.

Patente de Invencion (n° de publication) ES2160040: Bovedilla ligera y aislante. Modelo de Utilidad ES 1 032 500: Pieza ceramica para la construction cuya novedad consiste en la forma constructiva y la presencia de un material aislante en una parte de dicha pieza.Invention Patent (publication no.) ES2160040: Light and insulating vault. Utility Model ES 1 032 500: Ceramic construction piece whose novelty consists in the constructive form and the presence of an insulating material in a part of said part.

Modelo de Utilidad ES 1 090 283 U: Bovedilla ceramica plana para macizado de cabeza de viguetas.Utility Model ES 1 090 283 U: Flat ceramic vault for solidifying head joists.

Modelo de Utilidad ESI 106 805 U: Bovedilla insonora para foijadosUtility Model ESI 106 805 U: Soundproof vault for foijados

Ninguna de estas invenciones anteriores solventa los problemas que se plantean en la actualidad y por ello surge el elemento estructural de la presente invencion que pasaremos a describir a continuation:None of these previous inventions solves the problems that arise at present and therefore the structural element of the present invention arises that we will describe below:


El elemento estructural con camara de aire y aislante termico, objeto de la presente invencion consiste en una pieza que consta de dos sectores bien diferenciados:The structural element with an air chamber and thermal insulation, object of the present invention consists of a piece consisting of two distinct sectors:

El sector inferior esta en contacto con el terreno y esta conformado por una estructura a modo de celdillas huecas que conforman una camara de aire por la que, en caso de que el nivel freatico (nivel superior de una capa freatica o capa de terreno donde se encuentran las capas subterraneas formadas por la infiltration de las precipitaciones) este alto, pueda discurrir el agua, guiandola hacia una arqueta o pozo desde el que evacuarla fuera del recinto.The lower sector is in contact with the ground and is made up of a structure in the form of hollow cells that make up an air chamber through which, in case the freatic level (upper level of a freatic layer or layer of land where they find the underground layers formed by the infiltration of the precipitations) this high, the water can flow, leading it towards a casket or well from which to evacuate it outside the enclosure.







Debido a las caracteristicas de los materiales empleados evitamos la subida del agua del terreno por capilaridad. Asimismo, y debido a esta estructura en celdillas, esta disenada para resistir grandes cargas a compresion, de manera que puedan circular sobre ella vehiculos a motor.Due to the characteristics of the materials used, we avoid the rise of water from the land by capillarity. Likewise, and due to this structure in cells, it is designed to withstand large compressive loads, so that motor vehicles can circulate on it.

Las celdillas que conforman el sector superior estan rellenadas con un aislamiento termico, de manera que se evita la perdida de temperatura en el interior de la edificacion.The cells that make up the upper sector are filled with thermal insulation, so that temperature loss inside the building is avoided.

Para facilitar la comprension de las caracteristicas de la invencion y formando parte integrante de esta memoria descriptiva se acompanan unos pianos en cuyas figuras con caracter ilustrativo y no limitativo, se ha representado lo siguiente:To facilitate the understanding of the features of the invention and forming an integral part of this specification, pianos are joined in whose figures with an illustrative and non-limiting nature, the following has been represented:


La figura 1 muestra una vista tridimensional del elemento estructural de la presente invencion donde se aprecian las dos partes bien diferenciadas: camara de aire y zona de aislante termico para diversos usos en edificacionFigure 1 shows a three-dimensional view of the structural element of the present invention where the two well differentiated parts are appreciated: air chamber and thermal insulation zone for various uses in building

La figura 2 muestra una vista en corte transversal de dos elementos estructurales insertados entre si (machihembrado)Figure 2 shows a cross-sectional view of two structural elements inserted together (tongue and groove)


El elemento estructural con camara de aire y aislante termico de la presente invencion, esta hecho preferentemente de material plastico, y consta de una zona aislada (1), donde se introduce un aislamiento (2) de polietileno inyectado o porexpan cortado a medida, que cubrira todos las celdillas, poseyendo tambien una zona ventilada asimismo en celdillas (3) que es hueca y que se apoyara directamente sobre el terreno compactado y nivelado (4).The structural element with air chamber and thermal insulator of the present invention, is preferably made of plastic material, and consists of an insulated area (1), where an insulation (2) of injected polyethylene or custom cut porexpan is introduced, which It will cover all the cells, also having a ventilated area also in cells (3) that is hollow and that will rest directly on the compacted and level ground (4).




E1 motivo de que exista una zona ventilada (3) es para que los huecos (31) faciliten el paso del agua que saldra hacia un pozo (no representado), o en todo caso fuera de la vivienda, quedando esta asi protegida de humedades.The reason that there is a ventilated area (3) is for the gaps (31) to facilitate the passage of water that will flow into a well (not shown), or in any case outside the home, thus being protected from moisture.

El modo de unirse los elementos estructurales entre si, en caso de utilization en tejados obedece a un sistema de machihembrado (5) cuya funcion, ademas de unir es romper el puente termico y evitar el paso del agua al interior con la consiguiente production de humedades en el interior de la vivienda.The way of joining the structural elements to each other, in case of use on roofs due to a tongue and groove system (5) whose function, in addition to joining is to break the thermal bridge and prevent the passage of water into the interior with the consequent production of humidity inside the house.

No se considera necesario hacer mas extensa esta description para que cualquier experto en la materia comprenda el alcance de la invention y las ventajas que de la misma se derivan. Los terminos en que se ha redactado esta memoria deberan ser tornados siempre en sentido amplio y no limitativo. Los materiales, forma, tamano y disposition de los elementos seran susceptibles de variation siempre y cuando ello no suponga una alteration de las caracteristicas esenciales del invento que se reivindican a continuation.It is not considered necessary to make this description more extensive so that any person skilled in the art understands the scope of the invention and the advantages that derive from it. The terms in which this report has been written should always be returned in a broad and non-limiting sense. The materials, shape, size and disposition of the elements will be subject to variation as long as this does not imply an alteration of the essential characteristics of the invention that are claimed below.

Claims (2)

55 1010 REIVINDICACIONES 1Elemento estructural con camara de aire y aislante termico, caracterizado porque consta de una zona aislada (1), donde se introduce un aislamiento (2) de polietileno inyectado o porexpan cortado a medida, que cubrira todas las celdillas que conforman la estructura, poseyendo tambien una zona ventilada (3) que es hueca y que se apoyara directamente sobre el terreno compactado y nivelado (4).1 Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulator, characterized in that it consists of an insulated area (1), where an insulation (2) of injected polyethylene or custom cut porexpan is introduced, which will cover all the cells that make up the structure, also having a ventilated area (3) that is hollow and that will rest directly on the compacted and level ground (4). 2.- Elemento estructural con camara de aire y aislante termico, segun la primera reivindicacion, caracterizado porque el modo de unirse los elementos tructurales entre si obedece a un sistema de machihembrado (5)2.- Structural element with an air chamber and thermal insulator, according to the first claim, characterized in that the way of joining the tructure elements together is due to a tongue and groove system (5)
ES201500387A 2015-05-22 2015-05-22 Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulation Active ES2590727B1 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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ES201500387A ES2590727B1 (en) 2015-05-22 2015-05-22 Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulation

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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ES201500387A ES2590727B1 (en) 2015-05-22 2015-05-22 Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulation

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ES2590727A1 ES2590727A1 (en) 2016-11-23
ES2590727B1 true ES2590727B1 (en) 2017-09-07



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ES201500387A Active ES2590727B1 (en) 2015-05-22 2015-05-22 Structural element with air chamber and thermal insulation

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CH419530A (en) * 1963-10-31 1966-08-31 Kreibaum Otto Self-supporting lightweight construction element for ceilings, roofs and walls
US3479779A (en) * 1968-05-02 1969-11-25 Dow Chemical Co Composite construction panel
GB9719612D0 (en) * 1997-09-09 1997-11-19 Ultraframe Plc Building elements
US8833027B2 (en) * 2009-05-22 2014-09-16 Stephen John Trower Building panel

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