DK159901B - HOOKING CLIPS - Google Patents



Publication number
DK159901B DK420277A DK420277A DK159901B DK 159901 B DK159901 B DK 159901B DK 420277 A DK420277 A DK 420277A DK 420277 A DK420277 A DK 420277A DK 159901 B DK159901 B DK 159901B
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DK159901C (en
DK420277A (en
Sven Erlands
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Sven Erlands
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Application filed by Sven Erlands filed Critical Sven Erlands
Publication of DK420277A publication Critical patent/DK420277A/en
Publication of DK159901B publication Critical patent/DK159901B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK159901C publication Critical patent/DK159901C/en



    • A47H13/00Fastening curtains on curtain rods or rails
    • A47H13/01Fastening curtains on curtain rods or rails by clamps; by clamps attached to hooks or rings
    • A01G9/00Cultivation in receptacles, forcing-frames or greenhouses; Edging for beds, lawn or the like
    • A01G9/22Shades or blinds for greenhouses, or the like
    • Y02A40/00Adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agroalimentary production
    • Y02A40/10Adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agroalimentary production in agriculture
    • Y02A40/25Greenhouse technology, e.g. cooling systems therefor


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Curtains And Furnishings For Windows Or Doors (AREA)
  • Clamps And Clips (AREA)


DK 159901 BDK 159901 B

Opfindelsen angår en holdeklemme for forhæng, især til brug i drivhuse for at frilægge eller afskærme udvalgte flader, hvilken holdeklemme er af den i krav l's indled-5 ning angivne art.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to a retaining clip for curtains, especially for use in greenhouses to expose or shield selected surfaces, which is of the kind specified in the preamble of claim 1.

I særdeleshed i drivhuse er det af største betydning at kunne frilægge en del af eller samtlige lysgennemtrænge-lige flader for at regulere forskellige faktorer inde i drivhuset i afhængighed af ønsket resultat. Passende 10 frilægning eller afskærmning påvirker bl.a. vækstforholdene, temperaturerne og luftfugtigheden, og øger eller mindsker væskeafgivelsen hos planterne. Ved afskærmede flader kan drivhusene desuden efter behov helt mørklægges.Particularly in greenhouses, it is of the utmost importance to be able to expose some or all of the light-permeable surfaces to regulate various factors inside the greenhouse depending on the desired result. Adequate 10 exposure or shielding affect, among other things. growth conditions, temperatures, and humidity, and increase or decrease the fluid release of the plants. In case of shielded surfaces, the greenhouses can also be completely darkened as needed.

Sådanne forhæng består sædvanligvis af store plastfolier, 15 som dækker drivhusets vægge og tag. I særdeleshed de forhæng, som dækker skrå vægge og tagflader, skal fastgøres langs hele deres længde og bredde, og sædvanligvis ophænges forhængene i et antal parallelle langs disse flader anbragte liner eller stålwirer, som bærer de 20 klemmer, som er fastgjort til forhængene. Disse klemmer fastgøres sædvanligvis med ens mellemrum langs forhængets længde og bredde, således at forhænget foldes dobbelt langs indbyrdes parallelle linier, hvorved hver foldelinie forsynes med et antal holdeklemmer, som modsvarer linernes 25 antal. Hvis forhænget er forsynet med fastgørelsesorganer over hele sin bredde eller længde, kan forhænget enten skydes til siden, således at alle holdeklemmer på linen eller linerne forskydes ind mod hinanden, og fladen frilægges, eller trækkes fra hinanden, således at fladen 30 dækkes af forhænget.Such curtains usually consist of large plastic sheets, covering the walls and roof of the greenhouse. In particular, the curtains covering sloping walls and roof surfaces are to be fastened along their entire length and width, and usually the curtains are suspended in a number of parallel lines or wire ropes located along these surfaces which carry the 20 clips attached to the curtains. These clamps are usually fixed at equal intervals along the length and width of the curtain, so that the curtain is folded twice along parallel lines, thereby providing each fold line with a plurality of holding clips corresponding to the number of lines 25. If the curtain is provided with fasteners over its entire width or length, the curtain can either be slid sideways so that all retaining clips on the rope or ropes are displaced against one another and the surface is exposed or pulled apart so that the surface 30 is covered by the curtain.

Fra FR-patentskrift nr. 1.355.720 kendes en holdeklemme, der omfatter et forholdsvis kort og fuldstændigt retliniet spor og en hertil svarende låseribbe. Når et forhæng, der er ophængt ved hjælp af sådanne holdeklemmer, udspændes, 35 udsættes forhænget for belastningskoncentrationer ved 2FR-A-1,355,720 discloses a holding clamp comprising a relatively short and completely rectilinear groove and a corresponding locking rib. When a curtain suspended by such holding clamps is tensioned, the curtain is subjected to load concentrations at 2

DK 1 b 9 9 01 BDK 1 b 9 9 01 B

holdeklemmernes skarpe hjørner, hvad der medfører, at forhænget let rives i stykker.the sharp corners of the retaining clips, causing the curtain to tear easily.

Det er opfindelsens formål at anvise udformningen af en 5 holdeklemme af den indledningsvis nævnte art, der gør det muligt at undgå dette problem, og dette formål opnås ved en holdeklemme, som ifølge opfindelsen udviser de i krav l's kendetegnende del angivne træk. På grund af indgrebsdelens krumme forløb fordeles belastningen jævnt 10 over det udstrakte område af holdeklemmen, der ligger i størst afstand fra hageorganet. De eventuelle koncentrationsbelastninger, der måtte optræde ved hjørnerne, bliver derfor så svage, at de ikke kan forårsage nogen iturivning af forhænget.It is the object of the invention to provide the design of a retaining clip of the kind mentioned above, which makes it possible to avoid this problem, and this object is achieved by a retaining clip which according to the invention exhibits the features of claim 1. Due to the curvature of the engagement part, the load is evenly distributed over the extended area of the retaining clamp which is at the greatest distance from the hook member. Therefore, any concentration loads that may occur at the corners become so weak that they cannot cause any damage to the curtain.

15 Hensigtsmæssige udførelsesformer for holdeklemmen ifølge opfindelsen, hvis virkninger - i den udstrækning de ikke er selvindlysende - er forklaret 1 den efterfølgende specielle del af nærværende beskrivelse, er angivet i. krav 2-5.Suitable embodiments of the clamp according to the invention, the effects of which - insofar as they are not self-evident - are explained in the following special part of this specification are set out in claims 2-5.

20 Opfindelsen forklares nærmere i det følgende ved en særlig hensigtsmæssig udførelsesform under henvisning til tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser holdeklemmen set forfra, fig. 2 et snit langs med linien A-A, hvor holdeklemmen er 25 i lukket tilstand, og fig. 3 et lignende snit, hvor holdeklemmens lukning er påbegyndt.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will be explained in more detail below with a particularly convenient embodiment with reference to the drawing, in which 1 is a front view of the holding clip; FIG. 2 is a section along line A-A, with the retaining clip 25 closed, and FIG. 3 shows a similar section in which the retaining clip closure is started.

På tegningen angiver 1 og 6 holdeklemmens to dele, mellem hvilke et forhæng 10 skal fastklemmes. Dette sker 30 fortrinsvis på den måde, at forhænget foldes dobbelt ved klemstedet, og et antal holdeklemmer fastgøres med jævneIn the drawing, 1 and 6 indicate the two parts of the clamp between which a curtain 10 is to be clamped. This is preferably done in such a way that the curtain is folded twice at the clamping point and a number of retaining clips are fixed evenly.

DK 159901 BDK 159901 B

3 mellemrum langs foldningen, som strækker sig over forhængets hele bredde eller længde. Disse holdeklemmer anbringes herefter ved hjælp af deres kroge 2 på liner, 5 som er trukket langs drivhusets vægge eller tag med i det væsentlige samme afstand fra hinanden som holdeklemmerne langs foldningen. Når et forhæng, som langs sin længde eller bredde er forsynet med et antal indbyrdes parallelle foldninger og med ved disse fastgjorte holdeklemmer, skal 10 trækkes til siden eller afskærme et ønsket parti, kan holdeklemmerne skydes langs linerne og trækker dermed forhænget med sig.3 spaces along the fold extending over the entire width or length of the curtain. These holding clips are then arranged by means of their hooks 2 on lines 5 which are drawn along the walls of the greenhouse or take substantially the same distance from each other as the holding clips along the fold. When a curtain, which along its length or width is provided with a plurality of parallel folds and with these retaining clips, is to be pulled aside or shielded a desired portion, the retaining clips can be slid along the rails and thus pull the curtain with them.

Holdeklemmens ene del 1 er forsynet med et spor 4, som strækker sig bueformet fra delens ene endeflade til den 15 anden. Sporet 4 er i sit tværsnit svalehaleformet med mod sporet rettede flanger, som er betegnet med 4a og 4b.One part 1 of the retaining clip is provided with a groove 4 which extends arcuate from one end surface to the other. The groove 4 is in its cross section dovetail-shaped with flanges directed towards the groove, which are designated 4a and 4b.

Holdeklemmens anden del 6 har form af en låseribbe, hvis længde i det væsentlige svarer til længden af sporet 4, og som har samme buede form som sporet 4. Ribbens ene 20 sidekant er forsynet med en i det væsentlige V-formet rille 7, i hvilken sporets ene flange 4b af i det væsentlige modsvarende form er beregnet at blive skudt ind, medens rillens ind mod sporet 4 vendende gren 7a rager ind under flangen 4b. Fastgørelsesribbens modstående sidekant 25 8 er skråt affaset og danner en i låsestillingen ind under flangen 4a ragende tunge, se fig. 2 og 3. For at lette sammensætningen er den indad mod sporet 4 rettede kant af flangen 4a vinkelformet og består af en indre flade 4a1 og en i forhold hertil skråt udad og opad rettet flade 4a", 30 som styrer tungen 8, når denne presses mod delen 1. Den frie kant af tungen 8 udviser en lille vulst 8’, som sikrer fastlåsningen og giver tungen stabilitet, når denne tvinges ind under flangen 4a. Mellem fladen 4a" og fladen 4af dannes en mod sporets indre rettet spids kant, som let 35 giver efter under fastlåsningen, og som derved trykkes ind og presser mod tungens sidekant lige bag ved vulsten 8',The second part 6 of the retaining clip is in the form of a locking rib, the length of which corresponds substantially to the length of the groove 4 and which has the same curved shape as the groove 4. The one side edge of the rib is provided with a substantially V-shaped groove 7, in which one flange 4b of the groove of substantially similar shape is intended to be shot in, while the groove 7a facing the groove 4 protrudes below the flange 4b. The opposite side edge 25 of the fastening rib is bevelled and forms a tongue extending into the locking position under the flange 4a, see FIG. 2 and 3. In order to facilitate the composition, the inwardly directed edge of the groove 4a is angularly shaped and consists of an inner surface 4a1 and an inclined outwardly and upwardly directed surface 4a "30 which guides the tongue 8 as it is pressed. toward the portion 1. The free edge of the tongue 8 exhibits a small bead 8 'which secures the latch and provides the tongue with stability as it is forced under the flange 4a. Between the surface 4a "and the surface 4af, a pointed edge is formed towards the inner side of the groove, which lightly 35 gives up during the locking, which is thereby pressed and pressed against the side edge of the tongue just behind the bead 8 ',

DK 159901BDK 159901B

4 således som det fremgår af fig. 2.4 as shown in FIG. 2nd

Når holdeklemmen skal fastgøres til et forhæng 10, lægges det foldede forhæng over delen 1, som antydet i fig. 1.When the clamp is to be secured to a curtain 10, the folded curtain is placed over the part 1, as indicated in FIG. First

5 Herefter indskydes fastgørelsesribbens V-formede rille 7 på flangen 4b, således som det fremgår af fig. 3. Foldningsstedet klemmes da af grenen 7a mod bunden af sporet 4 og mod flangen 4b og holdes godt fikseret i stilling. Når dette er sket, klemmes ribben 6 mod delen 1 i pilens 10 retning i fig. 3, og tungen 8 smutter da ind under flangen 4a og holdes fastlåst i sporet 4. Holdeklemmen kan åbnes ved at trykke låseribbens udad og nedad rettede flange 7b mod delen 1, medens man med den anden hånd presser den øvre del, hagen 2 på delen 1 i retning bort fra ribben 6.5 Next, the V-shaped groove 7 of the fastening rib is inserted on the flange 4b, as shown in FIG. 3. The folding site is then clamped by the branch 7a towards the bottom of the groove 4 and against the flange 4b and held firmly in position. When this is done, the rib 6 is clamped against the portion 1 in the direction of the arrow 10 in FIG. 3, and the tongue 8 then snaps under the flange 4a and is locked in the groove 4. The holding clamp can be opened by pushing the flange of the locking rib outwards and downwards 7b towards the part 1, while pressing the upper part, the hook 2 on the part with the other hand. 1 in the direction away from the rib 6.

15 Det er klart, at sporet 4 og ribben 6 med tilhørende flanger og grene skal dimensioneres med et sådant spillerum, at en foldet kant af formstoffolien kan klemmes fast mellem delene. Elasticiteten af låsedelene, tungen 8 og flangen 4a, må også tilpasses.It is clear that the groove 4 and rib 6 with associated flanges and branches must be dimensioned with such clearance that a folded edge of the plastic film can be clamped between the parts. The elasticity of the locking members, tongue 8 and flange 4a, must also be adjusted.

20 Den ene ind til flangen 4b beliggende sideflade af delen 1 danner en krave 5, som tilsammen med den tilsvarende gren 7b på delen 6 danner støtteflader for forhænget 10, således at dette ikke rives i stykker, når forhænget forskydes. Kravens og grenens frie kanter er hensigtsmæs-25 sigt glat afrundede.The one side surface of the part 1 located on the flange 4b forms a collar 5 which together with the corresponding branch 7b of the part 6 forms support surfaces for the curtain 10, so that it does not tear when the curtain is displaced. The free edges of the claim and the branch are suitably smoothly rounded.

De to dele 1 og 6 er forbundne med hinanden ved hjælp af en strop 9, som fortrinsvis er udformet ud i et med delene 1 og 5 ligesom hagen 2. Holdeklemmen støbes hensigtsmæssig af formstof. Spidsen 3 af hagen 2 kan i så fald være 30 forbundet med delen 1 hensigtsmæssigt ved hjælp af et brydeorgan, som brydes, når hagen skal ophænges på en line eller et andet ophængningsorgan.The two parts 1 and 6 are connected to each other by means of a strap 9, which is preferably formed in one with the parts 1 and 5 just like the hook 2. The holding clamp is suitably molded of plastic material. The tip 3 of the hook 2 may then be suitably connected to the part 1 by means of a switching means which is broken when the hook is to be hung on a line or another hanging means.

Den viste holdeklemme er ifølge opfindelsen forsynet med 5The holding clamp shown is provided with 5 according to the invention

DK 1.49901 BDK 1.49901 B

et spor og en låseribbe 6, som begge har tilsvarende, mod hagen konkavt buet form. Eftersom sporet og ribben er buede, påvirker belastningen et udvidet område, som ligger 5 længst bort fra ophængningshagen, og takket være den buede form fordeles belastningen jævnt over dette område, som heller ikke udviser skarpe hjørner. Dette gælder også for det tilfælde, at kun den nedre, dvs. den bort fra hagen 2 vendende spor- eller ribbekant, er bøjet, og at den øvre 10 kant er lige. Det kan ligeledes bemærkes, at sporet 4 ikke nødvendigvis behøver at strække sig tværs over hele delen 1, men kan udføre en fortrinsvis langstrakt fordybning i delen 1, hvorved låseribben, i det mindste dens ind i sporet indgående del, har omtrent samme form.a groove and a locking rib 6, both of which have correspondingly, against the chin concave curved shape. Since the groove and ribs are curved, the load affects an extended area which is furthest away from the suspension chin, and thanks to the curved shape, the load is evenly distributed over this area, which also does not show sharp corners. This also applies to the case that only the lower one, ie. the track or rib edge away from the chin 2 is bent and the upper edge is straight. It may also be noted that the groove 4 does not necessarily extend across the entire portion 1, but may perform a preferably elongate recess in the portion 1, whereby the locking rib, at least its portion entering the groove, has approximately the same shape.

Claims (5)

1. Holdeklemme for forhæng, især til brug i drivhuse for at frilægge henholdsvis afskærme udvalgte flader, 5 hvorved et antal holdeklemmer er fastgjort langs forhængets bredde eller længde, fortrinsvis i samme indbyrdes afstand, og ved hjælp af passende hageorganer ophængt på ind mod nævnte flader anbragte ophængningsorganer, f.eks. liner, og hvorved holdeklemmerne består af to i det 10 mindste delvis elastiske, ind i hinanden fastlåselige dele (1,6), som holder forhænget imellem sig, af hvilke den ene del (1) er forsynet med i forhold til retningen af åbningen i hageorganet (2) i det væsentlige tværgående spor (4) med flanger (4a og 4b), som giver sporet et i det 15 væsentlige svalehaleformet tværsnit, og den anden del (6) med en modsvarende ind i sporet ragende låseribbe, idet ribbens bort fra hageorganet (2) vendende sidekant udviser en i tværsnit V-formet rille (7), ind i hvilken sporets (4) ene flange (4b) er beregnet at gå, og idet ribbens mod 20 hageorganet (2) vendende sidekant (8) er således udformet og dimensioneret, at den ved trykpåvirkning kan bringes til at snappe ind under sporets (4) modsatte flange (4a), efter at sporets førstnævnte flange (4b) er bragt i låsestilling, kendetegnet ved, at i det mindste sporets 25 (4) førstnævnte flange (4b) sammen med den modsvarende rille (7) i ribben (6) strækker sig bueformet mellem delenes (1,6) modstående endepartier med den konkave side vendt mod hageorganet (2).A hanging clamp for curtains, especially for use in greenhouses to expose or shield selected surfaces, respectively 5, whereby a number of retaining clips are fixed along the width or length of the curtain, preferably at the same distance between them, and by means of suitable hook means suspended on said surfaces. placed suspension means, e.g. liner, wherein the retaining clips consist of two at least partially elastic, interlockable portions (1,6) holding the curtain between them, one of which (1) is provided with respect to the direction of the opening in the chin member (2) substantially transverse groove (4) with flanges (4a and 4b) giving the groove a substantially dovetail-shaped cross-section, and the second portion (6) having a corresponding locking rib extending into the groove, removing the rib from the side of the chin (2), shows a cross-sectional V-shaped groove (7) into which one flange (4b) of the groove (4) is intended to go, and the side edge (8) of the rib facing the chin (2) is designed and dimensioned so that it can be caused by pressure to snap into the opposite flange (4a) of the groove (4) after the first flange (4b) of the groove is brought into locking position, characterized in that at least the groove 25 ( 4) the former flange (4b) together with the corresponding groove (7) in the rib (6), the arcuate shape extends between the opposite end portions of the parts (1,6) with the concave side facing the chin (2). 2. Holdeklemme ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at 30 låseribbens (6) sidekant (8), som er beregnet til at snappe ind under sporets (4) ene flange (4a), er skråt affaset og danner en udadrettet, hensigtsmæssigt med en vulst (8?) forstærket tunge.Holding clamp according to claim 1, characterized in that the side edge (8) of the locking rib (6), which is intended to snap under one of the flange (4a) of the groove (4), is inclined bevelled to form an outwardly, preferably with a bead (8?) reinforced tongue. 3. Holdeklemme ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at 35 den indre, mod sporet (4) vendende flade på den flange DK 159901 B (4a), ind under hvilken låseribbens (6) ene sidekant (8) er indrettet til at snappe, består af to fladedele (4a',4a"), der danner en vinkel med hinanden, idet den 5 udvendige fladedel (4a") er rettet skråt udad og opad.Holding clip according to claim 1, characterized in that the inner face facing the groove (4) of the flange DK 159901 B (4a), under which one side edge (8) of the locking rib (6) is arranged to snap, consists of two surface portions (4a ', 4a ") which form an angle to each other, the outer 5 portions (4a") being directed obliquely outwards and upwards. 4. Holdeklemme ifølge et eller flere af kravene 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at de to dele (1,6) er indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp af en strop (9).Holding clip according to one or more of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the two parts (1,6) are interconnected by means of a strap (9). 5. Holdeklemme ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at de 10 sammenlåselige deles (1,6) bort fra hageorganet (2) vendende, nedre frie flader danner en vinkel med hinanden, når delene (1,6) er i låsestilling.Holding clamp according to claim 1, characterized in that the lockable parts (1,6) away from the lower part (1) of the catch (2) form an angle with each other when the parts (1,6) are in the locking position.
DK420277A 1976-09-23 1977-09-22 HOOKING CLIPS DK159901C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI762721 1976-09-23
FI762721A FI60352C (en) 1976-09-23 1976-09-23 KLAEMFOERBAND FOER FOERHAENGEN

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK420277A DK420277A (en) 1978-03-24
DK159901B true DK159901B (en) 1990-12-31
DK159901C DK159901C (en) 1991-05-21



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DK420277A DK159901C (en) 1976-09-23 1977-09-22 HOOKING CLIPS

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DE (1) DE2742309C2 (en)
DK (1) DK159901C (en)
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Families Citing this family (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US6035537A (en) * 1997-09-30 2000-03-14 The Gillette Company Razor cartridge with metal clip retaining blades
US6009624A (en) * 1997-09-30 2000-01-04 The Gillette Company Razor cartridge with movable blades

Family Cites Families (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE952553C (en) * 1953-05-26 1956-11-15 Johanna Mahel Geb Kainz Holding device for objects, in particular flat structures made of textile materials, plastic materials or the like.
AT198909B (en) * 1957-07-11 1958-08-11 Fischer Kuehler Metall Roll hook
DE1102357B (en) * 1959-04-08 1961-03-16 Dr Karl Tharrer Holding device for flat structures made of textile materials, plastic plastics or the like.
CH495735A (en) * 1969-05-16 1970-09-15 Elka Trust Reg Clamp connection on curtains

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SE7710540L (en) 1978-03-24
FI60352C (en) 1982-01-11

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