DK157147B - Fan with wings that are pivotal about their longitudinal axes to avoid unwanted rotational speeds - Google Patents

Fan with wings that are pivotal about their longitudinal axes to avoid unwanted rotational speeds Download PDF


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DK157147B DK413983A DK413983A DK157147B DK 157147 B DK157147 B DK 157147B DK 413983 A DK413983 A DK 413983A DK 413983 A DK413983 A DK 413983A DK 157147 B DK157147 B DK 157147B
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DK157147C (en
DK413983A (en
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Gert Richard Karl Hecht
Manfred Sellmann
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Siemens Ag
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Publication of DK413983D0 publication Critical patent/DK413983D0/en
Publication of DK413983A publication Critical patent/DK413983A/en
Publication of DK157147B publication Critical patent/DK157147B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK157147C publication Critical patent/DK157147C/en



    • F04D29/00Details, component parts, or accessories
    • F04D29/26Rotors specially for elastic fluids
    • F04D29/32Rotors specially for elastic fluids for axial flow pumps
    • F04D29/34Blade mountings
    • F04D29/36Blade mountings adjustable
    • F04D29/362Blade mountings adjustable during rotation
    • F04D29/366Adjustment by interaction of inertion and lift
    • F04D27/00Control, e.g. regulation, of pumps, pumping installations or pumping systems specially adapted for elastic fluids
    • F04D27/002Control, e.g. regulation, of pumps, pumping installations or pumping systems specially adapted for elastic fluids by varying geometry within the pumps, e.g. by adjusting vanes


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Geometry (AREA)
  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)
  • Air-Conditioning For Vehicles (AREA)
  • Air-Flow Control Members (AREA)
  • Control Of Positive-Displacement Air Blowers (AREA)


1. A fan comprising blades which can be automatically rotated about a longitudinal axis on an impeller hub of the fan, in order to avoid undesired rotation speeds, using centrifugal weights and two stop means, which are operative in different directions, characterized by the following features : a) first blades (2) are permanently arranged on the impeller hub (1) and the remaining blades (3) are mounted so as to be freely rotatable about their axes of gravity ; b) a first stop means (6) is provided which delimits the operating position of the remaining blades (3) and a second stop means (7) is provided against which the remaining blades (3) abut, in the event of a malfunction, in a position opposing the first blades (2) ; c) in an upstream region of the impeller hub (1) each of the remaining blades (3) is permanently connected to a counter-weight (5) ; d) at low starting speeds the remaining blades (3) are maintained solely by the counter-weight (5) - and at normal operating speeds additionally by the aerodynamic forces - in an operating position which is equivalent to the position of the first blades (2) (Fig. 1 to 4).


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Opfindelsen angâr en ventilator med viager, der er svingelige om deres længdeakser, under pâvirkning af centrifugallodder, til undgâelse af u0nskede omdrejningstal. En sâdan ventilator kendes fra DE-patent-skrift 862 280 og FR-patentskrift 1 553 046.The invention relates to a fan with levers pivoting about their longitudinal axes, under the influence of centrifugal solder, to avoid unwanted rpm. Such a fan is known from DE patent specification 862 280 and FR patent 1,553,046.

5 Ved den fra DE-patentskrift 862 280 kendte ventilator indstilles vingerne til særlig enkel opnâelse af en startindstilling omdrejnings-talafhængigt ved hjælp af centrifugalregulatorer sâledes, at de ved stilstand og meget smâ omdrejningstal bringes til en stejlere stilling og sâledes til en mindre vinkel i forhold til vindretningen. Centrifu-10 galkræfterne arbejder herunder via overf0ringsorganer pâ den enkelte vingeakse. If01ge en udformning af opfindelsen skal centrifugalkraft-indretningen bâde anvendes til indstillingen i startomrâdet og i ar-bejdsomrâdet. Den kendte indretning anses for særlig fordelagtig til . anvendelse ved vindkraftmotorer ti.l smâ anlæg, da propellen dels kan 15 starte med store momenter, og dels kan indstilles i afhæn-gighed af omdrejningstallet soin hurti.gl0ber i det egentlige arbejdsom-râde for ventilatorvingen sâledes, at der fremkommer en regulering til tilnærmelsesvis konstant omdrejningstal eller konstant effekt.5 With the fan known from DE-patent 862 280, the blades are set to achieve a very simple initial adjustment of the rotational speed dependent by means of centrifugal controllers so that they are brought to a steeper position and at a smaller angle at a still and very small ratio. to the wind direction. The centrifugal forces act below via transfer means on the individual wing axis. According to an embodiment of the invention, the centrifugal force device must be used both for the setting in the starting area and in the working area. The known device is considered particularly advantageous. use in wind turbine engines for small systems, since the propeller can start 15 at high torque and can be set automatically depending on the speed soin speeds in the actual working area of the fan blade so that a control to approximately constant speed or constant power.

I ti.lfældet med FR-patentskrift 1 553 046 skal det opnâs, at der 20 over en bestemt vindhastighed ikke tilf0res yderligere energi til en generator, som er forbundet med en vindm011e. Til effektbegrænsning af vindm011er, som varigt arbejder i turbinedrift, trækkes disse i begyn-delsen ved hjælp af en fjeder mod et anslag. Afhængigt af vindhastighe-den og især af indstillingen eller fjederkraften 10ftes vingen under 25 drift fri fra anslaget, sâledes at den aerodynamiske stigvinkel for0-ges. En pâ læsiden af vi ngen anbragt vaegt anvendes til at mindske stig-vinklen ved hjælp af særlige inerti.effekter.In the case of FR patent 1,553,046, it must be obtained that 20 above a certain wind speed no additional energy is supplied to a generator connected to a wind 101. For power limitation of wind turbines permanently operating in turbine operation, these are initially pulled by a spring against a stop. Depending on the wind speed and, in particular, the setting or spring force, the blade will be free from the impact during operation so that the aerodynamic pitch angle is increased. A weight placed on the side of the front weight is used to reduce the pitch angle by means of special inertia effects.

Til grund for den foreliggende opfindelse ligger den opgave med enkle midler at beskytte ventilatoren mod en skadelig omdrejningstals-30 for0gelse i forstyrrelsestilfælde ved en ekstern trykb01ge, som driver ventilatoren under bibeholdelse af dens omdrejningsretning efter prin-cippet for en vindturbine, ved hjælp af de i trykb01gen forekommende str0mningskræfter. Et sâdant forstyrrelsestilfælde er især muligt, hvis den sikrede sidek01ekreds i en kraftværksblok, bestâende af cellek01ere 35 med ventilator, ogsâ skal dimensioneres mod belastningstilfælde "ydre - 2 -In accordance with the present invention, the object of simple means is to protect the fan against a harmful increase in disturbance in the event of an external pressure exertion which drives the fan while maintaining its direction of rotation according to the principle of a wind turbine. pressure currents occurring. Such a disturbance is especially possible if the secured side circuit in a power plant block consisting of cell connectors 35 with fan, also has to be dimensioned against load conditions "outer - 2 -

DK 157147 BDK 157147 B

eksplosion". I£01ge forskrifterne fra godkendelsesmyndighederne ideali-seres eksplosionstrykb01gen ved hjælp af en tryk-tid-funktion, som bl. a. er kendetegnet ved en kortvarig/ men roeget h0j trykstigning eller hastighedsstigning ved begyndelsen af den indkoramende trykb01ge. Hvis 5 en sikkerhedskonstruktion af ventilatoren if01ge opfindelsen ikke fand-tes, ville den indkonunende trykb01ge evt. lade driftsomdrejningstallet for ventilatoren stige til et sâdant spidsomdrejningstal, at selv mate-rialer raed stor trækstyrke ikke ville kunne raodstâ denne belastning.Explosion ". In the regulations of the approval authorities, explosion pressure is idealized by a pressure-time function, which is characterized, inter alia, by a short-lived / but high-pressure rise or velocity increase at the beginning of the incoming pressure wave. If the safety structure of the fan according to the invention is not found, the inconvenient pressure gauge could possibly increase the operating speed of the fan to such a peak speed that even materials of high tensile strength could not withstand this load.

Gâende ud fra den erkendelse, at en ekstern trykb01ge, som driver 10 ventilatoren if01ge vindkraftraaskineprincippet, ved det antagede for-styrrelsestilfælde fremkalder et fortegnsskifte i den pâ hver ventila-torvinge indvirkende resulterende luftkraft, og sâledes at denne luft-kraft derpâ pâvirker ventilatorvingen i modsat retning, kan den stille-de opgave ved en ventilator af den indledningsvis nævnte art 10ses ved 15 hjælp af de i den kendetegnende del af patentkrav 1 eller patentkrav 3 angivne ejendommeligheder. Hensigtsraæssige udformninger af opfindelsen er genstand for underkravene 2 og 4. Ved hjælp af raodvægtene opnâs der i samarbejde raed de om deres specielle længdeakser drejelige vinger og de resulterende luft- og centrifugalkræfter, at de vinger 20 dels ikke af centrifugalkraften drejes i slutsti.llj.ngen med ombrent vinkelret pâ ventilatoraksen forl0bende vingekorder under normaldrift ved konstruktionen if01ge ejendommelighederne i krav 1, men trykkes raod det f0rste anslag eller ved konstruktionen if01ge ejendommelighederne i krav 3 trykkes raed en modérât og i forstyrrelsestilfælde overvindelig 25 kraft raod det f0rste anslag, og dels i forstyrrelsestilfælde tipper fra sin f0rste driftstilling til den anden forstyrrelsestilfældestilling ved hjælp af det udl0sende kriterium for den resulterende luftkrafts karakteristiske ved overgangen fra en purape- til en turbine-drift og holdes i denne stilling, som forhindrer en u0nsket for0gelse 30 af omdrejningstallet, enten ved hjælp af det andet anslag eller i stil-standsdrift-ligevægtstillingen uden særskilte anslag.Assuming that an external pressure surge which drives the fan according to the wind turbine principle, in the assumed disturbance condition, causes a change of sign in the resultant air force acting on each valve actuator and so that this air force is exerted on it. In a direction, the posed task of a fan of the kind mentioned above can be viewed by means of the characteristics specified in the characterizing part of claim 1 or claim 3. Suitable embodiments of the invention are the subject of claims 2 and 4. By means of the root weights, they obtain in cooperation the rotatable vanes of their particular longitudinal axes and the resulting air and centrifugal forces that the adjustable vanes 20 are not partly rotated by the centrifugal force. In the case of the construction in accordance with the properties of claim 1, but with the perpendicular to the fan axis, perpendicular to the fan axis, during the construction in accordance with the characteristics of claim 1, but if the construction in accordance with the properties of claim 3 is printed, a modular and in the case of disturbance can be obtained in the case of a disturbance. and, partly in the event of a disturbance, tipping from its first operating position to the second disturbance situation by means of the triggering criterion for the characteristic reversal of the resulting air force at the transition from a purape to a turbine operation and held in this position which prevents an undesired increase 30 of the rpm, either using the second stop or in the standstill mode equilibrium without separate stops.

Ved konstruktionen if01ge ejendommeli.ghederne i krav 1 skal kun omkring halvdelen af det samlede antal vinger, som er anbragt ved ven-tilatornavets omkreds, udformes indstillelige, da det andet 35 anslag pâ hensigtsmæssig mâde bevirker en sâdan vingestilling, at driv-In the construction according to the features of claim 1, only about half of the total number of blades disposed at the circumference of the fan hub shall be automatically adjustable, since the second stop appropriately causes such a blade position to cause

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- 3 - momentet af den indstillede vinge svarer til drivmoraentet for den ikke indstillede vinge i dens absolutte st0rrelse, men i sin vektorielle virkeretning imidlertid er modsat rettet sâledes, at omkredskomposanten af luftkræfterne netop ophæves eller mindst tillader et sâdant resulte-5 rende drivmoment, at det ikke bevirker utilladelige for0gelser af om-drejningstallet for ventilatorhjulet.The torque of the set wing corresponds to the driving torque of the set non-set wing in its absolute magnitude, but in its vectorial direction, however, the opposite is directed so that the circumferential component of the air forces is just abrogated or at least allows such a resultant driving torque that it does not cause unacceptable increases in the speed of the fan wheel.

Opfindelsen forklares i det f01gende nærmere ved hjælp af to, ske-matisk gengivne udf0relseseksempler pâ tegningen. Tegningen viser pâ: fig. 1 en radial gengivelse af en del af ventj.latorhjulnavet 10 med en i snit gengivet svingelig vinge og derpâ virkende luftkræfter ved normal driftsstilling/ fig. 2 en gengivelse if01ge fig. 1 dog med de resulterende luftkræfter umiddelbart efter forekomsten af forstyrrel-sestrykb01gen/ 15 fig. 3 gengivelsen if01ge fig. 1 dog med vinger, som er dre jet ud i forstyrrelsesstilling, og derpâ virkende luftkræfter, fig. 4 i formindsket gengivelse en del af det afviklede vinge-hjulnav med fire viste vinger, at hvilke hveranden er 20 drejet til forstyrrelsesmodstilling i forhold til de 0vrige vinger, fig. 5 en radial gengivelse af en del af det afviklede ventila-torhjulnav med en i snit gengivet vinge, som kan dreje omkring en længdeakse, som befinder sig i den f0rste 25 fjerdedel af vingedybden, og derpâ virkende luftkræfter i normal driftsstilling, fig. 6 gengivelsen if01ge fig. 5 dog med vinger drejet ud til forstyrrelsesstilling og derpâ virkende luftkræfter, fig. 7 i formindsket gengivelse en del af det afviklede venti-30 latorhjulnav med fire i drifsstilling viste vinger, som hver er drejelig omkring en længdeakse i den f0rste fjerdedel af vingedybden, fig. 8 samme del af ventilatorhjulnavet som i fig. 7 dog med vinger, som er drejet ud i forstyrrelsesstilling.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will now be explained in more detail by means of two schematically illustrated embodiments of the drawing. The drawing shows in: FIG. 1 is a radial view of a portion of the fan wheel hub 10 with a sectional pivotal wing and air forces acting thereon at normal operating position / FIG. 2 is a view of FIG. 1, however, with the resulting air forces immediately after the occurrence of interference pressure / FIG. 3 shows the representation of FIG. 1, however, with blades rotating out in the disturbance position and air forces acting thereon; FIG. Fig. 4 is a diminished view of a portion of the wound wing wheel hub with four blades shown, each of which is rotated to disturbance with respect to the other blades; 5 is a radial view of a portion of the unwound fan wheel hub with a sectioned wing capable of rotating about a longitudinal axis located in the first 25th of the blade depth and thereafter acting as air forces in the normal operating position; FIG. 6 shows the representation of FIG. 5, however, with wings turned out to disturbance position and air forces acting thereon; FIG. Fig. 7 is a reduced view of a portion of the wound fan wheel hub with four operating wings shown, each rotatable about a longitudinal axis in the first quarter of the blade depth; 8 shows the same part of the fan wheel hub as in FIG. 7, however, with wings that are turned out in the disturbance position.

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Ved det pâ fig. 1-4 gengivne udf0relseseksempel er skiftevis hveranden vinge 2 udforraet som automatisk svingelig vinge 3, medens de 0vrige vinger 2 er fast anbragt ved omkredsen af ventilatorhjulnavet 1.In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1-4 shown alternately, blade 2 is alternately lined as automatically pivoting blade 3, while the other blades 2 are fixedly fixed at the circumference of the fan wheel hub 1.

Fig. 4 viser i et detailudsnit af et afviklet ventilatorhjulnav 1 to 5 ved omkredsen af dette ventilatorhjulnav fast anbragte vinger 2 og to om deres længâeakse 31 svingelige vinger 30. De svingelige vinger 3 er pâ fig. 4 indtegnet i forstyrrelsestilfældestillingen, i hvilken de med deres modstr0msender ligger an mod anslag 7. I start- og i norraal-driftsstilling er de svingelige vinger 3 drejet sâledes om deres læng-10 eakse 31, at de med deres fra str0mningen vendende ender ligger an mod anslaget 6 og indtager en med de fast anbragte vinger 2 ækvivalent vin-gestilling. De pâ de svingelige vinger 3 if01ge opfindelsen fast anbragte centrifugallodder er ikke tegnet i.nd pâ fig. 4.FIG. 4 shows in a detail section of a wound fan wheel hub 1 to 5 at the circumference of this fan wheel hub fixed wings 2 and two about their longitudinal axis 31 pivoting wings 30. The pivoting wings 3 are shown in FIG. 4 are plotted in the disturbance case position in which they with their countercurrent transmitters abut stop 7. In the starting and in the northerly operating position, the pivotal blades 3 are rotated so about their longitudinal axis 31 that they end with their ends facing the current. against the impact 6 and one with the fixed wings takes 2 equivalent wine position. The centrifugal solder mounted on the pivotal wings 3 according to the invention are not drawn in FIG. 4th

Ved hjaalp af figurerne 1-3 skal den svingning, som automatisk 15 indstiller sig pâ grund af de under normal drift eller i forstyrrelses-tilfælde virkende luft- og centrifugalkræfter, af de vinger 3, som er lejret svingeligt i deres tyngdepunktakse 31, forklares naermere:By means of Figures 1-3, the oscillation which automatically adjusts due to the air and centrifugal forces acting during normal operation or in the case of disturbance of the blades 3 which are pivotally mounted in their center of gravity axis 31 will be explained in more detail. :

Til dette formai viser fig. 1 i snit en enkelt vinge 3, som i normal driftsstilling trykkes mod det f0rste anslag 6 med sin bort fra 20 str0mmen vendende ende pâ grund af den antagede omdrejningsretning: n eller indstr0mningsretning: L for luften, lejringen i tyngdepunktaksen 31 og den viste modvægt 5.For this purpose, FIG. 1 in section, a single wing 3, which in normal operating position is pressed against the first stop 6 with its end facing away from the 20 current due to the assumed direction of rotation: n or inflow direction: L for the air, the bearing in the center of gravity axis 31 and the counterbalance shown 5 .

Med modvægtene 5 kompenseres dels indflydelse fra centrifugalkræf-terne, som ellers ville fors0ge at dreje den svingelige vinge i lukke-25 stillingen (vingekorden vinkelret pâ ventilatorhjulaksen), og dels ppnâs det, at den drejelige vinge ogsâ ved start af ventilatorhjulet trykkes med et veldifineret tryk mod anslaget 6. I overensstemmelse med den fore liggende opfindelse er modvægtene derfor anbragt i kvadranten i et koordinatsystem hvis origo i fig. 1 ligger i tyngdepunktet for laengde-30 aksen 31, og hvis abcisse x er rettet i oindrejningsretningen n for ven-t5 latorhjulet eller hvis ordinat y er rettet i retningen L for luft-str0mningen.The counterweights 5 compensate partly for the influence of the centrifugal forces, which would otherwise attempt to rotate the pivotal blade in the closing position (the wing cord perpendicular to the fan wheel axis) and partly that the rotatable wing is also pressed at the start of the fan wheel. pressure against the impact 6. According to the present invention, the counterweights are therefore placed in the quadrant of a coordinate system whose origin in FIG. 1 is in the center of gravity of longitudinal axis 31 and if abscissa x is directed in the direction of rotation n of the fan wheel or if ordinate y is directed in the direction L of the air flow.

Pâ fig. 1 er der yderligere indtegnet den ved normal ventilât or-drift pâ vingen 3 angribende, resulterende luftkraft F^, som fremkommer 35 af den indtegnede hastighedstrekant med de antagede hastigheder: gen-In FIG. 1, the resulting resultant air force F ^, which is 35 by the velocity triangle at the assumed velocities:

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- 5 - nemgangshastighed cm, omkredshastighed u samt relativ- eller indstr0m-ningshastigheden w (ved udeladelse af den bag ventilatorhjulet tilste-devaarende hvirvelkomponent) i det vingefaste koordinatsystem.- 5 - single-speed velocity cm, circumferential velocity u, and relative or inflow velocity w (by omitting the vortex component present behind the fan wheel) in the wing-fixed coordinate system.

Ved forekomsten eller gennemgangen af en antaget defineret tryk-5 b01ge (belastningstilfælde: "ydre eksplosion") £or0ges gennemgangs- eller meridianhastigheden cm pludseligt - soin antydet pâ fig. 2 - fx. med det tidobbelte til en værdi cm'. Soin f01ge deraf for0ges ogsâ relativ-eller indstr0raningshastigheden W4 til W', medens hastighedskomposanten u for orakredshastigheden kun ændrer sig lidt. Denne overgang fra pumpe-10 drift til en turbinedrift under bibeholdelse af omdrejningsretningen er kendetegnet ved et skift i fortegnet for den resulterende luftkraft pi vingen, sâledes at luftkraften ' i forstyrrelsestilfælde angriber i modsat retning i forhold til luftkraften F-j under normal driftstilfælde pâ vingen 3. Fortegnsskiftet for den resulterende luftkraft og den der-15 af fremkomne modsat rettede pâvirkning for den resulterende luftkraft benyttes nu til at dreje den svingelige vinge 3 fra den normale drifts-stilling med anlæg ved det f0rste anslag 6 til den pâ fig. 3 viste for-styrrelsesstilling med anlæg mod det andet anslag 7.Upon the occurrence or review of an assumed defined pressure curve (load case: "external explosion"), the throughput or meridian velocity is suddenly increased - as indicated in FIG. 2 - e.g. with the times doubled to a value cm '. Thus, the relative or inference velocities W4 to W 'are also increased, while the velocity component u for the oracle velocity changes only slightly. This transition from pump-10 operation to a turbine operation while maintaining the direction of rotation is characterized by a shift in the sign of the resulting air force on the wing, so that in the event of disturbance, the air force acts in the opposite direction to the air force Fj during normal operation on the wing 3. The sign shift of the resulting air force and the resulting opposite directed influence of the resulting air force are now used to rotate the pivotal wing 3 from the normal operating position with abutment at the first stop 6 to the one shown in FIG. 3, with the abutment against the second stop 7.

Ved den skiftevise anbringelse af en fast anbragt og en svingeligt 20 anbragt vinge langs omkredsen af ventilatorhjulnavet 1 fremkommer der derpâ den pâ fig. 4 i afviklingen af en del af ventilatorhjulnavet 1 viste sammenhæng mellem de forskellige vinger 2 eller 3. Ved valget af positionen for anslaget 7 kan der cirages omsorg for, at summen af de pâ vingerne 2, 3 virkende omkredskomposanter af luftkræfterne netop ophæ-25 ves eller mindst kun tillader et sâdant resulterende drivmoment, at det ikke f0rer til en skadelig omdrejningstalsfor0gelse for ventilatorhju-let.In the alternate arrangement of a fixedly arranged and a pivotally arranged wing along the circumference of the fan wheel hub 1, the arrangement shown in FIG. 4 in the unwinding of a portion of the fan wheel hub 1 shown between the different blades 2 or 3. In selecting the position of the impact 7, it can be arranged that the sum of the circumferential components acting on the blades 2, 3 is just abolished. or at least allow such a resultant torque that does not lead to a detrimental increase in fan wheel speed.

Fig. 5-8 viser en videre udformning af en trykfast aksialventi-lator, som er udformet if01ge opfindelsen, atter med en antaget omdrej-30 ningsretning; n samt indstr0mningsretning: L for luften. Yderligere er samtlige langs omkredsen af ventilatorhjulnavet 1 anbragte vinger 4 lejret svingeligt. Drejningen sker omkring en længdeakse 41 i den f0r-ste fjerdedel af vingetværsnittet. Hver vinge er atter fast forbundet med en modvasgt 5, som er anbragt if0lge fig. 5 eller 6 i det modstr0ms-35 liggende omrâde for ventilatorhjulnavet 1. Modvægtene 5 er ikke indteg-FIG. 5-8 show a further embodiment of a pressure-resistant axial fan, which is designed according to the invention, again with an assumed rotation direction; n and flow direction: L for the air. Further, all of the wings 4 located along the circumference of the fan wheel hub 1 are pivotally mounted. The rotation takes place about a longitudinal axis 41 in the first quarter of the wing cross section. Each wing is again firmly connected to a counterweight 5, which is arranged according to FIG. 5 or 6 in the countercurrent region of the fan wheel hub 1. The counterweights 5 are not integral.

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- 6 - nede pâ den skematiske afvikling af ventilatorhjulnavet 1 if0lge fig. 7 eller fig. 8.- 6 - on the schematic unwinding of the fan wheel hub 1 according to fig. 7 or FIG. 8th

Ligesom ved udf0relseseksemplet if01ge fig. 1 - 4 er hver vinge 4 ogsâ i. det foreliggende udf0relseseksempel if01ge fig. 3 - 8 i den nor-5 male ventilatordrift med sin bortvendende ende i start- eller drifts-stillingen trykket mod et f0rste anslag 8 pâ grund af samvirkningen mellem luft- og centrifugalkræfter. Hver enkelt vinge vil med den til-stedeværende lejring indstille sig i nulopdriftsretningen, sâfremt luftkraften F2 efter indfaldet af trykb01gen aandrer sit fortegn og an-10 griber vingen if01ge fig. 6. I normaldrift, dvs. f0r forekomsten af en trykb01ge, bevirker luftkraften et anlæg af hver vinge mod dens anslag 8. Det under driften som f01ge af centrifugalkræfter pâ vingen virkende u0nskede indstillingsmoment kompenseres atter ved hjælp af raodvægte 5.As in the embodiment according to FIG. 1 to 4, each wing 4 is also in the present embodiment according to FIG. 3 - 8 in the normal fan operation with its distal end in the starting or operating position pressed against a first stop 8 due to the interaction between air and centrifugal forces. Each blade will adjust itself in the zero operating direction with the bearing present, if the air force F2 after the incident of the pressure changes its sign and attacks the blade according to FIG. 6. In normal operation, ie. prior to the occurrence of a pressure wave, the air force causes a flush of each wing against its impact 8. The undesirable torque acting on the wing during operation as a result of centrifugal forces is again compensated by root weights 5.

Herved er modvægten if01ge opfindelsen atter anbragt i kvadrant III i 15 et koordinatsystem, hvis origo ligger i længdeaksepunktet 41 og hvis abcisse x forl0ber i omdrejningsretningen n samt hvis ordinat forl0ber i retningen af luftstr0mningen. Modvægten 5 er if01ge opfindelsen di-mensioneret sâledes, at dels et vingeanlæg er sikret med et defineret tryk mod anslaget 8 i normaldrift, især i startdrift, og at den rela-20 tivt lille luftkraft formâr at tippe vingen til nulopdriftsstilling i fors ty rre ls es t j.lfælde.In this way, the counterbalance of the invention is again placed in quadrant III in 15 a coordinate system whose origin lies in the longitudinal axis 41 and whose abscissa x proceeds in the direction of rotation n and if the ordinate proceeds in the direction of the air flow. According to the invention, the counterbalance 5 is dimensioned such that partly a blade system is secured with a defined pressure against the stop 8 in normal operation, especially in take-off operation, and that the relatively small air force manages to tip the blade to zero operating position in a es t j.l trap.

Ved fremkomsten af en trykb0lge (belastningstilfælde: "ydre eks-plosion") mod vingen 4 aandres retningen af relativ- eller indstr0m-ningshastigheden Wg if01ge fig. 5 til en negativ indstillingsvinkel 25 som w’oo if01ge fig. 6. Med fortegnsskiftet for den resulterende luftkraft F2 if01ge fig. 5 til F2“ if01ge fig. 6 10ftes vingen 4 fra det f0rste anslag 8 og drejes til nulopdriftsretning og sâledes til for-styrrelsestilfældestillingen if01ge fig. 6. Sâ snart nulopdriftsretnin-gen overskrides, pâvirkes vingen af indstillingskræfter, med hvilke den 30 atter drejes tilbage i retning mod en stabil ligevæ i nær-heden af nulopdriftsretningen. I denne ligevægtsstilling forbliver de pâ vingen virkende kræfter relativt smâ, sâledes at en skadelig omdrej-ningstalfor0gelse for ventilatorhjulet med sikkerhed kan undgâs.Upon the arrival of a pressure wave (load case: "outer explosion") toward the wing 4, the direction of the relative or inflow velocity Wg is altered according to FIG. 5 to a negative setting angle 25 as shown in FIG. 6. With the sign change of the resulting air force F2 according to FIG. 5 to F2 ”according to FIG. 6, the wing 4 is raised from the first stop 8 and rotated to zero direction of travel and thus to the disturbance position according to FIG. 6. As soon as the zero buoyancy direction is exceeded, the wing is actuated by adjusting forces, with which it is again rotated in the direction of a stable equilibrium position in the vicinity of the zero buoyancy direction. In this equilibrium position, the forces acting on the wing remain relatively small, so that a detrimental increase in speed of the fan wheel can be safely avoided.

Fig. 7 viser i en delafvikling af ventilatorhjulnavet 1 drifts-35 stillingen for vingen 4 ved den indtegnede antagede omdrejningsretning - 7 -FIG. 7 shows in a partial run-off of the fan wheel hub 1 the operating position of the blade 4 at the assumed assumed direction of rotation - 7 -

DK 157147 BDK 157147 B

n for ventilatorhjulet og indstr0mningsretningen L for trykb01gen. Fig.n for the fan wheel and the flow direction L for the pressure gauge. FIG.

8 viser den samme afvikling af vingehjulnavet dog med viager 4, sont er drejet cati deres respektive omdrejningsakser 41 til nulopdriftsretnxiî” gen, og ved ubetydelig lejefriktion.8, however, shows the same run-off of the impeller hub with viager 4, which is when the respective rotational axes 41 are rotated to zero buoyancy direction, and by negligible bearing friction.


Claims (4)

1. Ventilator med vinger, der er svingelige om deres længdeakser, under pâvirkning af centrifugallodder, til undgâelse af u0nskede om-drejningstal, kendetegnet ved f01gende ejendommeligheder: 5 a) en de! af vingerne (2), fortrinsvis halvdelen, er fast anbragt pâ ventilatorhjulet, og de 0vrige vinger (3) er lejret frit svinge-ligt om deres tyngdepunktakse (31), b) de svingelige vinger (3) samvirker med et f0rste anslag (6), der 10 svarer til normal driftsstilling, og et andet anslag (7), mod hvilket vingerne (3) i tilfælde af pâvirkning af luftkræfter for-fra ligger an i modstilling til de f0rste vinger (2), c) hver af de svingelige vinger (3) er ved opstr0mssiden fast forbun-det med en kontravægt (5), 15 d) de svingelige vinger (3) holdes ved lave startomdrejningstal ude-lukkende ved kontravægten (5) og ved normalt driftsomdrejningstal ogsâ ved hjælp af luftkræfteme i en til stillingen af de faste vinger (2) ækvivalent driftsstilling (fig. 1-4).1. Fan with blades swinging about their longitudinal axes, under the influence of centrifugal solder, to avoid undesirable revolutions, characterized by the following properties: 5 a) a de! of the blades (2), preferably half, are fixedly mounted on the fan wheel and the other blades (3) are mounted freely pivotally about their center of gravity (31), (b) the pivoting blades (3) cooperate with a first stop (6). ) which corresponds to normal operating position, and a second stop (7) against which the blades (3) in the case of a frontal force exertion are opposed to the first blades (2), (c) each of the pivots. wings (3) are fixed at the upstream side with a counterweight (5), 15 d) the pivotal wings (3) are held at low starting speeds exclusively at the counterweight (5) and at normal operating speeds also by means of the air cancers in a for the position of the fixed blades (2) equivalent operating position (Figs. 1-4). 2. Ventilator if01ge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at skiftevis hver anden vinge er udformet som automatisk svingelig vinge (3).Fan according to claim 1, characterized in that alternately every other wing is designed as automatic pivoting wing (3). 3. Ventilator med vinger, der er svingelige om deres længdeakser, under pâvirkning af centrifugallodder, til undgâelse af u0nskede omdrej-ningstal, samt mindst ét anslag, som begrænser startstillingen for vin-25 gerne, kendetegnet ved f01gende ejendommeligheder: a) længdeaksen (41) pâ den svingelige vinge ligger i den f0rste fjer-dedel af dens vingedybde, b) de svingelige vinger (4) er ved opstr0mssiden fast forbundet med 30 en modvaagt (5), ^ c) De svingelige vinger (4) trykkes under normal ventilatordrift mod anslaget (8) og svinges i forstyrrelsestilfælde til deres nulop-driftsretning (fig. 5 - 8). - 9 - DK 157147 B3. Fan with blades swinging about their longitudinal axes, under the influence of centrifugal solder, to avoid unwanted rpm, and at least one impact limiting the starting position of the winches, characterized by the following properties: (a) the longitudinal axis (41); ) on the pivotal wing is located in the first quarter of its wing depth, b) the pivotal wings (4) are firmly connected at the upstream side to a counter guard (5), c) the pivotal wings (4) are pressed under normal fan operation towards the stop (8) and pivoted in disturbance cases to their zero operating direction (Figs. 5 - 8). - 9 - DK 157147 B 4» Ventilator if01ge ethvert af kravene 1-3, kendetegnet vedj at samtlige, ved omkredsen af venti.latorhjulnavet (1) anbragta viager i deres aerodynamiske del har den samme konstruktionsform. 54. A fan according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that all of the levers arranged in their aerodynamic part at the circumference of the fan wheel hub (1) have the same structural form. 5
DK413983A 1982-09-14 1983-09-13 Fan with wings that are pivotal about their longitudinal axes to avoid unwanted rotational speeds DK157147C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
EP82108470 1982-09-14
EP82108470A EP0103042B1 (en) 1982-09-14 1982-09-14 Fan comprising automatically adjustable blades about its longitudinal axis to avoid undesirable rotational speed

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Publication Number Publication Date
DK413983D0 DK413983D0 (en) 1983-09-13
DK413983A DK413983A (en) 1984-03-15
DK157147B true DK157147B (en) 1989-11-13
DK157147C DK157147C (en) 1990-04-16



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DK413983A DK157147C (en) 1982-09-14 1983-09-13 Fan with wings that are pivotal about their longitudinal axes to avoid unwanted rotational speeds

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JP2828586B2 (en) * 1993-12-28 1998-11-25 三菱電機株式会社 Rotating fan
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