DK156699B - Use of factor VIIa for producing a therapeutic composition for treating bleeding disturbances - Google Patents

Use of factor VIIa for producing a therapeutic composition for treating bleeding disturbances Download PDF


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DK156699B DK563886A DK563886A DK156699B DK 156699 B DK156699 B DK 156699B DK 563886 A DK563886 A DK 563886A DK 563886 A DK563886 A DK 563886A DK 156699 B DK156699 B DK 156699B
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factor viia
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DK563886D0 (en
Ulla Karin Elisabeth Hedner
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Novo Industri As
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  • Medicines That Contain Protein Lipid Enzymes And Other Medicines (AREA)


1 DK 156699 B1 DK 156699 B

Den foreliggende .op-fi-ndelse angâr anvend'elsen af faktor Vlla til fremstilling af en farmaceutisk komposition til behandling af patienter, der lider af bl0dningsforstyr-relser, sasom blodpladedefekter, herunder thrombocytopæni, 5 von Willebrand's sygdom og andre, som typisk forekommer i forbindelse med alvorlige vævsskader. If0lge den foreliggende opfindelse kan faktor Vlla ogsâ anvendes til fremstilling af en komposition til behandling af gastrointestinale bl0dninger og naeal-orale tol0dninger, selv i de tilfælde, hvor der ikke 10 er diagnosticeret basale hæmostatiske forstyrrelser.The present disclosure relates to the use of factor VIIa in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of patients suffering from bleeding disorders, such as platelet defects including thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand's disease, and others typically present in associated with severe tissue damage. According to the present invention, factor VIIa can also be used to prepare a composition for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding and oral oral disorders, even in cases where no baseline haemostatic disorders have been diagnosed.

Ukontrolleret og voldsom bl0dning er et stort prob-lem bâde i forbindelse med kirurgi og ogsâ forskellige former for vævsskader. Bl0dningsforstyrrelser kan skyldes koagule-ringsfaktordefekter eller koaguleringsfaktorinhibitorer (hæ-15 mofili A og B). Bl0dningsforstyrrelser kan imidlertid ogsâ iagttages hos patienter,, der ikke lider af hæmofili A eller B, f.eks. hos patienter med von Willebrand's sygdom. Patienter med von Willebrand's sygdom har en mangelfuld primær hæmostase, da de mangler eller har en abnorm von Willebrand 20 faktor. Blodningsforstyrrelser ses ogsâ hos patienter med en normalt fungerende blodkoaguleringskaskade og kan skyldes en defekt blodpladefunktion, thrombocytopæni eller endog ukendte faktorer.Uncontrolled and violent bleeding is a major problem in both surgery and various types of tissue damage. Bleeding disorders may be due to coagulation factor defects or coagulation factor inhibitors (hemophilia A and B). However, bleeding disorders can also be observed in patients who do not suffer from haemophilia A or B, e.g. in patients with von Willebrand's disease. Patients with von Willebrand's disease have defective primary hemostasis as they lack or have an abnormal von Willebrand 20 factor. Bleeding disorders are also seen in patients with a normally functioning blood clotting cascade and may be due to defective platelet function, thrombocytopenia or even unknown factors.

Blodkoagulering fremkaldes hovedsageligt ved omdan-25 nelse af det opleselige plasmaprotein fibrinogen til uopl0se-ligt fibrin katalyseret af enzymet thrombin. De blodkomponen-ter, der deltager i koagulationskaskaden, er proenzymer eller zymogener, enzymatisk inaktive proteiner, som omdannes til proteolytiske enzymer under indvirkning af en aktivator, som 30 selv er en aktiveret koagulationsfaktor. Koaguleringsfakto-rer, som har undergâet en sâdan omdannelse, omtales alminde-ligvis som "aktiverede faktorer", og betegnes ved tilf0jelse af et lille bogstav "a" (f.eks. Vlla).Blood coagulation is mainly induced by the conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin catalyzed by the enzyme thrombin. The blood components that participate in the coagulation cascade are proenzymes or zymogens, enzymatically inactive proteins which are converted to proteolytic enzymes under the action of an activator which is itself an activated coagulation factor. Coagulation factors that have undergone such transformation are commonly referred to as "activated factors" and are denoted by the addition of a lowercase letter "a" (e.g. Vlla).

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Der findes to separate systemer, soin kan fremme blodkoagulering. Disse systemer omtales som det interne og det eksterne koagulationssystem. I det interne system anven-des kun faktorer, der findes i plasma. I det interne system 5 er aktiveringen af faktor IX til faktor IXa, en reaktion, der katalyseres af faktor Xla og calciumioner. Faktor IXa tager derpâ del i aktiveringen af faktor X til faktor Xa i nærvæ-relse af faktor Villa, phospholipid og calciumioner. Det eksterne system involverer ogsâ plasmafaktorer og komponen-10 ter, der findes i vævsekstrakter. Faktor VII, et af de oven-for omtalte proenzymer, deltager i det eksterne blodkoagule-ringssystem ved (efter sin omdannelse til faktor Vlla) at omdanne faktor X til faktor Xa i nærværelse af vævsfaktor og calciumioner. Derpâ omdanner faktor Xa prothrombin til throm-15 bin i nærværelse af faktor Va, calciumioner og phospholipid.There are two separate systems that can promote blood coagulation. These systems are referred to as the internal and external coagulation systems. In the internal system, only factors found in plasma are used. In internal system 5, the activation of factor IX to factor IXa is a reaction catalyzed by factor X1a and calcium ions. Factor IXa then participates in the activation of Factor X to Factor Xa in the presence of Factor Villa, phospholipid and calcium ions. The external system also involves plasma factors and components found in tissue extracts. Factor VII, one of the aforementioned proenzymes, participates in the external blood coagulation system by (after its conversion to factor VIIa) converting factor X to factor Xa in the presence of tissue factor and calcium ions. Thereby, factor Xa converts prothrombin to throm-15 bin in the presence of factor Va, calcium ions and phospholipid.

Da aktiveringen af faktor X til faktor Xa er en begivenhed, der er fælles for bâde det interne og det eksterne system, kan faktor Vlla anvendes til behandling af patienter med defekter i eller inhibitorer af faktor VIII (U.S. patent-20 skrift nr. 4,382,083) og faktor Vlla har vist sig at være i stand til at "by-passe" den initiale fase i koagulerings-kaskaden hos hæmofili A patienter med antistoffer mod faktor VIIIîC, Hedner og Kisiel, J.Clin.Invest., 71:1836 - 1841, 1983.Since the activation of Factor X to Factor Xa is an event common to both the internal and external systems, Factor VIIa can be used to treat patients with defects in or inhibitors of Factor VIII (U.S. Patent No. 4,382,083) and factor VIIa have been shown to be able to "bypass" the initial phase of the coagulation cascade of haemophilia A patients with antibodies against factor VIIIC, Hedner and Kisiel, J.Clin.Invest., 71: 1836 - 1841 , 1983.

25 Thrombocytopæni, defineret som "et formindsket antal cirkulerende blodplader", er et almindeligt klinisk problem i forbindelse med forskellige lidelser og komplicere-de tilstande, hvor forskellige faktorer medvirker til det lave blodpladetal. Nedsatte pladetal vil resultere i en oget 30 blodningstendens, der viser sig som mucosale blodninger fra f.eks. det nasal-orale omrâde eller den gastrointestinale kanal, sâvel som sivning fra sâr, ulcer og injektionssteder. Thrombocytopæniske blodninger kan være omfattende og skabe alvorlige problemer bâde under og efter operationer. Selv 35 mindre operative indgreb som tandudtrækninger kan medforeThrombocytopenia, defined as "a reduced number of circulating platelets", is a common clinical problem associated with various disorders and complicated conditions where various factors contribute to the low platelet count. Decreased platelet counts will result in an increased bleeding tendency which appears as mucosal bleeding from e.g. the nasal-oral or gastrointestinal tract, as well as ulceration, ulceration and injection sites. Thrombocytopenic bleeding can be extensive and cause serious problems both during and after surgery. Even 35 minor surgical procedures such as tooth extractions may result

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alvorlige bl0dninger. Endvidere kan spontané intrakraniale bl0dninger forekomme ved ekstremt lave pladetal (mindre end 10 x 109/1).severe bleeding. Furthermore, spontaneous intracranial hemorrhages may occur at extremely low platelet counts (less than 10 x 109/1).

Et lavt antal af cirkulerende plader kan være re-5 sultatet af: (1) en produktionsdefekt, (2) en unormal distribution, (3) et fortyndingstab (massiv blodtransfusion) eller (4) en unormal destruktion.A low number of circulating plates may be the result of: (1) a production defect, (2) an abnormal distribution, (3) a dilution loss (massive blood transfusion), or (4) an abnormal destruction.

En mangelfuld produktion af plader i knoglemarven kan være resultatet af forskellige forhold herunder pâvirk-10 ning fra toxiner sâsom bestrâling, cytostatika, visse læge-midler etc., tumordannelse (metastatisk cancer og leukæmi) eller degenerative processer af ukendt oprindelse (ofte for-bundet med anæmi eller andre bl0dningsforstyrrelser). En abnorm fordeling af blodplader ses i forbindelse med hæmato-15 logiske forstyrrelser (leukæmi, myeloma, lymphoma), leversyg-domme, tumorer etc. I disse situationer kan pladerne være ophobet i en forst0rret milt eller lever og derved unddrages det cirkulerende blod. Massiv blodtransfusion uden særlig tilf0rsel af friske blodplader vil resultere i en formindsket 20 koncentration af blodplader i det cirkulerende blod og menes at være ârsagen til thrombocytopæniske bl0dninger, som kan forekomme i sâdanne situationer. En unormal 0delæggelse af blodplader kan være resultatet af: (1) et for0get forbrug ved kartransplantationer eller i traumatiseret væv eller (2) en 25 immunreaktion, som kan ses ved medikamentforârsaget thrombo-cytopæni, idiopatisk thrombocytopænisk purpura (ITP), autoimmun sygdom, hæmatologiske forstyrrelser (leukæmi, lymphoma) etc.A defective production of bone marrow plates may be the result of various conditions including effects of toxins such as radiation, cytostatic drugs, certain drugs, etc., tumor formation (metastatic cancer and leukemia) or degenerative processes of unknown origin (often associated with anemia or other bleeding disorders). An abnormal distribution of platelets is seen in association with hematological disorders (leukemia, myeloma, lymphoma), liver disease, tumors, etc. In these situations, the platelets may be accumulated in an enlarged spleen or liver, thereby avoiding circulating blood. Massive blood transfusion without special supply of fresh platelets will result in a diminished concentration of platelets in the circulating blood and is thought to be the cause of thrombocytopenic hemorrhages which can occur in such situations. An abnormal platelet destruction may be the result of: (1) increased consumption in cardiac transplants or in traumatized tissues or (2) an immune response seen in drug-induced thrombocytopenia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), autoimmune disease, hematoma disorders (leukemia, lymphoma) etc.

Blodplader er vigtige for den primære hæmostase ved 30 at bevirke dannelse af en primær hæmostatisk prop, som der-efter forstærkes ved aktiveringen af koaguleringskaskaden og dannelsen af fibrin. Blodpladerne tilvejebringer normalt koaguleringsfaktorer, herunder faktor V, faktor Vil og fibri-nogen sâvel som phospholipider, som er n0dvendige i forbin-35 delse med initieringen af lokal hæmostase.Platelets are important for primary hemostasis by causing the formation of a primary hemostatic plug, which is then enhanced by the activation of the coagulation cascade and the formation of fibrin. Platelets usually provide coagulation factors, including Factor V, Factor V1, and fibrin as well as phospholipids, which are necessary in initiating local hemostasis.

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Hos patienter med thrombocytopæni er den normale koaguleringskaskade sat ud af funktion grundet mangel pâ initieringen af de primære trin i koaguleringskaskaden. Be-handlingen af disse patienter stoder pâ væsentlige vanske-5 ligheder. Patienter med thrombocytopæni behandles nu oftest ved indgift af blodpladekoncentrater fremstillet fra donor-blod. Sadanne koncentrater bestâr af blandede blodplader fra 5-6 donorer. De fleste modtagere af gentagne blodplade-transfusioner udvikler antistoffer mod blodpladeantigener, 10 hvilket resulterer i en dârlig eller fuldstændig manglende effekt af yderligere blodpladetransfusioner. Der findes endnu ikke noget behandlingstilbud til disse patienter.In patients with thrombocytopenia, the normal coagulation cascade is disabled due to a lack of initiation of the primary stages of the coagulation cascade. The treatment of these patients has significant difficulties. Patients with thrombocytopenia are now most commonly treated by donor platelet concentrate administration. Such concentrates consist of mixed platelets from 5-6 donors. Most recipients of repeat platelet transfusions develop antibodies to platelet antigens, resulting in a poor or complete failure of additional platelet transfusions. There are no treatment options available for these patients yet.

En defekt blodpladefunktion er ret almindelig bâde soin en medfodt lidelse (Glanzmann's thrombasteni, andre med-15 fodte former for thrombasteni, blodpladeaggregeringsdefekter) og som en komplikation ved en række sygdomme sâsom leukæmi, dysproteinæmi (f.eks. myeloma), autoimmune lidelser (rheuma-toid arthritis, systemisk lupus erythematose etc.) og uræmi. Patienter med en defekt blodpladefunktion kan udvikle blod-20 ninger hyppigst af mucosal art som beskrevet ovenfor i for-bindelse med patienter med thrombocytopæni. I forbindelse med operationer behover disse patienter ogsâ behandling for at undgâ voldsom blddning. For tiden anvendes antifibrinolytisk behandling (tranexamsyre, epsilon-aminocapronsyre) alene 25 eller sammen med indgift af desmopressin (DDVAP), en vaso- ... pressinanalog. Desmopressin har imidlertid ogsâ kardio-vaskulære effekter, som medforer vasokonstriktion. Dette gor medikamentet uegnet til behandling af patienter, som mistæn-kes for at hâve kardiovaskulære problemer.Defective platelet function is quite common in both congenital disorders (Glanzmann's thrombasthenia, other congenital forms of thrombasthenia, platelet aggregation defects) and as a complication of a variety of diseases such as leukemia, dysproteinemia (eg myeloma), autoimmune disorders (eg, autoimmune disorders) -toid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus etc.) and uremia. Patients with defective platelet function may develop mucosal bleeding most frequently as described above in connection with patients with thrombocytopenia. For surgery, these patients also need treatment to avoid severe bleeding. Currently, antifibrinolytic treatment (tranexamic acid, epsilon-aminocaproic acid) is used alone or in conjunction with desmopressin (DDVAP), a vasopressin analog. However, desmopressin also has cardiovascular effects that cause vasoconstriction. This renders the drug unsuitable for treating patients suspected of having cardiovascular problems.

30 Patienter med von Willebrand's sygdom har en defekt primær hæmostase, fordi de mangler eller har en abnorm von Willebrand faktor. Patienter med von Willebrand's sygdom har derfor mucosale bl0-dninger bâde fra det nasal-orale omrâde og den gastrointestinale kanal. De patienter, der har de alvor-35 ligste former for von Willebrand's sygdom, lider ogsâ af30 Patients with von Willebrand's disease have a defective primary hemostasis because they lack or have an abnormal von Willebrand factor. Therefore, patients with von Willebrand's disease have mucosal bleeding both from the nasal-oral and gastrointestinal tract. The patients who have the most serious forms of von Willebrand's disease also suffer

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bl0dninger fra leddene. Hos patienter med von Willebrand's sygdom kan en faktor være gavnlig, som er i stand til at bevirke hæmostase ved at omgâ de initiale hæmostatiske trin.bleeding from the joints. In patients with von Willebrand's disease, one factor may be beneficial, which is capable of causing hemostasis by circumventing the initial hemostatic steps.

Som folge deraf er der et behov for en forbedret 5 metode til behandling af patienter med en mangelfuld blodpla-defunktion, sâvel som til behandling af patienter, der lider af thrombocytopæni og von Willebrand's sygdom, hvilken metode ikke har de uonskede bivirkninger og ulemper, der er karakte-ristiske for tidligere behandlinger. Den foreliggende opfin-10 delse opfylder dette behov og tilvejebringer endvidere andre beslægtede fordele, herunder en behandling af gastrointestinale og nasal-orale blodninger, selv i tilfælde, hvor speci-fikke hæmostatiske forstyrrelser ikke er blevet diagnostice- ret.As a result, there is a need for an improved method for treating patients with defective platelet dysfunction, as well as for treating patients suffering from thrombocytopenia and von Willebrand's disease, which method does not have the undesirable side effects and drawbacks that are characteristic of previous treatments. The present invention meets this need and further provides other related benefits, including the treatment of gastrointestinal and nasal-oral bleeding, even in cases where specific haemostatic disorders have not been diagnosed.

15 Den foreliggende opfindelse angâr sâledes anvendel- se af faktor Vlla til fremstilling af en komposition til behandling af patienter, der lider af blodningsforstyrrelser, som ikke er forârsaget af koaguleringsfaktordefekter eller koaguleringsfaktorinhibitorer, hvilken komposition indeholder 20 en effektiv hæmostatisk mængde af faktor Vlla.The present invention thus relates to the use of factor VIIa for the preparation of a composition for the treatment of patients suffering from bleeding disorders not caused by coagulation factor defects or coagulation factor inhibitors, which composition contains an effective hemostatic amount of factor VIIa.

Kompositionen kan ogsâ omfatte en fysiologisk akceptabel bærer eller fortynder eller et hjælpestof. Egnede hjælpestoffer omfatter albumin, calcium, ikke-reducerende sukker, polyalkoholer, polysaccharider og antioxidanter.The composition may also comprise a physiologically acceptable carrier or thinner or an adjuvant. Suitable excipients include albumin, calcium, non-reducing sugars, polyalcohols, polysaccharides and antioxidants.

25 Den her beskrevne komposition er særligt effektiv til behandling af patienter, der lider af thrombocytopæni, von Willebrand's sygdom, sâvel som andre blodpladedefekter. Derudover kan kompositionen anvendes til behandling af patienter, der lider af gastrointestinale eller nasal-orale bl0d-30 ninger.The composition described herein is particularly effective in treating patients suffering from thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand's disease, as well as other platelet defects. In addition, the composition can be used to treat patients suffering from gastrointestinal or nasal-oral bleeding.

Ved en foretrukket udforelsesform indgives kompositionen intraven0st og i en mængde pâ fra ca. 100 enheder til 1000 enheder, mere foretrukket 100 til 500 enheder af faktor Vlla per kg legemsvægt. Kompositionen indgives fortrinsvis i 35 l0bet af en période pâ ca. 24 timer.In a preferred embodiment, the composition is administered intravenously and in an amount of from ca. 100 units to 1000 units, more preferably 100 to 500 units of factor Vlla per kg body weight. Preferably, the composition is administered over a period of approx. 24 hours.

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Den her beskrevne komposition vil fortrinsvis inde-holde renset faktor Vlla i en koncentration pâ mindst 25 μρ/πιΐ.Preferably, the composition described herein will contain purified factor VIIa at a concentration of at least 25 µρ / µπ.

Fagmanden vil være klar over, at det for at lette 5 indgiften vil det være foretrukket at anvende en koncentration af faktor Vlla pâ ca. 25 μg/ml - 500 μρ/πιΐ, og mere foretrukket en koncentration pâ 25 μρ/πιΐ - 200 μg/ml, selvom betydeligt h0jere koncentrationer kan anvendes. Anvendelse af koncentrationer som ovenfor beskrevet giver mulighed for 10 passende tilf0rsler pâ fra 1 til 5 ml per dosis.It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that in order to facilitate administration it will be preferable to use a concentration of factor V1a of approx. 25 μg / ml - 500 μρ / πιΐ, and more preferably a concentration of 25 μρ / πιΐ - 200 μg / ml, although considerably higher concentrations can be used. Use of concentrations as described above allows for 10 appropriate doses of 1 to 5 ml per dose.

André aspekter af den foreliggende opfindelse vil fremgâ klart under henvisning til den fplgende detaljerede beskrivelse.Other aspects of the present invention will be readily apparent with reference to the following detailed description.

Kompositionen kan indeholde ikke-aktiveret faktor 15 VII og andre ikke-aktiverede blodkoaguleringsfaktorer sâsom faktor IX, som kan forbedre faktor Vlla's aktivitet. Faktor IX koncentrationen b0r fortrinsvis ligge inden for et omrâde, der svarer til en given dosis pâ ca. 10 enheder pr. kg legemsvægt. Det foretrækkes, at faktor Vlla ikke ledsages af 20 andre blodkoaguleringsfaktorer end faktor IX.The composition may contain non-activated factor 15 VII and other non-activated blood coagulation factors such as factor IX, which may enhance the activity of factor VIIa. The Factor IX concentration should preferably be within a range corresponding to a given dose of approx. 10 units per kg body weight. It is preferred that factor VIIa is not accompanied by 20 blood coagulation factors other than factor IX.

Human renset faktor Vlla fremstilles hovedsageligt if0lge metoderne som beskrevet af Broze og Majerus, J.Biol.Chem. 255 (4): 1242 - 1247, 1980 og Hedner og Kisiel, J.Clin.Invest. TJLi 1836 - 1841, 1983. Disse metoder giver 25 faktor VII uden pâviselige mængder af andre blodkoagulerings-faktorer. Et endog yderligere renset faktor VII præparat kan fâs ved indf0ring af en ekstra gelfiltrering som det sidste rensningstrin. Faktor VII omdannes derpâ til aktiveret faktor Vlla pâ kendt mâde, f.eks. ved hjælp af forskellige plasma-30 proteiner, sâsom faktor XIIa, IXa eller Xa. Som beskrevet af Bjoern et al. (Research Disclos-ure, 269, September 1986, pp.Human purified factor VIIa is mainly prepared according to the methods described by Broze and Majerus, J. Biol.Chem. 255 (4): 1242 - 1247, 1980 and Hedner and Kisiel, J. Clin. Invest. TJLi 1836 - 1841, 1983. These methods give factor VII without detectable amounts of other blood coagulation factors. An even further purified Factor VII preparation can be obtained by introducing an additional gel filtration as the final purification step. Factor VII is then converted to activated factor V1a in a known manner, e.g. using various plasma proteins, such as factor XIIa, IXa or Xa. As described by Bjoern et al. (Research Disclos- ure Hours, 269, September 1986, p.

564 - 565) kan faktor VII ogsâ aktiveres ved, at det ledes igennem en ionbytterkromatografis0jle, sâsom Mono Q® (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals) eller lignende. Det vil være indlysende 35 for en fagmand, at en egnet faktor Vlla til anvendelse i den foreliggende opfindelse ogsâ kan fremstilles ved DNA rekombi-564 - 565), factor VII can also be activated by passing it through an ion exchange chromatography column, such as Mono Q® (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals) or the like. It will be obvious to one skilled in the art that a suitable factor VIIa for use in the present invention may also be prepared by DNA recombination.

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nant teknologi, d.v.s. ved indf0jelse af cDNA elier det gen, der koder for faktor VII (Hagen et al., Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci USA 83^: 2412 - 2416, 1986) i en egnet vektor, transformering af egnede cellelinier med vektoren og dyrkning af de trans-5 formerede celler i et egnet medium, hvorefter det udtrykte produkt isoleres og aktiveres til faktor Vlla. Faktor Vlla fremstillet ved DNA rekombinant teknik kan være autentisk faktor Vlla eller en mere elier mindre modificeret faktor Vlla forudsat at en sâdan modificeret faktor Vlla i det væ-10 sentlige har den samme biologiske aktivitet for blodkoagule-ring som autentisk faktor Vlla. En sâdan modificeret faktor Vlla kan fremstilles ved modificering af DNA sekvensen, der koder for faktor VII enten ved at ændre aminosyrekodonerne eller ved fjernelse af nogle af aminosyrekodonerne i det 15 naturlige gen pâ kendt made, f.eks. ved sted specifik mutage-nese.nant technology, i.e. by inserting cDNA or the gene encoding Factor VII (Hagen et al., Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci USA 83: 2412-2416, 1986) into a suitable vector, transforming suitable cell lines with the vector and culturing the transformed cells in a suitable medium, after which the expressed product is isolated and activated to factor VIIa. Factor VIIa produced by DNA recombinant technique may be authentic factor VIIa or a more or less modified factor VIIa, provided that such a modified factor VIIa has essentially the same biological activity for blood coagulation as authentic factor VIIa. Such a modified factor VIIa can be produced by modifying the DNA sequence encoding factor VII either by altering the amino acid codons or by removing some of the amino acid codons in the natural gene in a known manner, e.g. by site-specific mutagenesis.

Det er indlysende, at ud0velsen af den her beskrev-ne fremgangsmâde er uafhængig af, hvordan den rensede faktor Vlla er fremstillet, og den foreliggende opfindelse omfatter 20 sâledes anvendelsen af ethvert faktor Vlla præparat til frem-stilling af en komposition til behandling af de i krav 1 angivne koaguleringsforstyrrelser.It is obvious that the practice of the method described herein is independent of how the purified factor VIIa is prepared, and the present invention thus encompasses the use of any factor VIIa preparation for the preparation of a composition for treating the Claim 1, specified coagulation disorders.

Faktor Vlla har vist sig at være i stand til at standse blodninger hos patienter, som praktisk taget ikke har 25 nogen cirkulerende blodplader. Renset faktor Vlla blev inji-ceret i kaniner, der er gjort thrombocytopæniske af anti-blodpladeserum, og forsog viste, at smâ mængder renset human faktor Vlla effektivt standsede blodning hos de thrombocytopæniske dyr. Faktor Vlla er derfor i stand til at omgâ den 30 primære hæmostase og kan forârsage lokal hæmostase uden del-tagelse af blodplader og den initiale koaguleringsfase. Faktor Vlla er ogsâ pâvist at kunne forârsage lokal hæmostase hos mennesker, der lider af thrombocytopæni.Factor VIIa has been shown to be able to stop bleeding in patients who have virtually no circulating platelets. Purified Factor IIa was injected into rabbits made thrombocytopenic by anti-platelet serum, and experiments showed that small amounts of purified human Factor VIIa effectively stopped bleeding in the thrombocytopenic animals. Therefore, factor VIIIa is able to bypass the primary hemostasis and can cause local hemostasis without platelet involvement and the initial coagulation phase. Factor Vlla has also been shown to cause local hemostasis in people suffering from thrombocytopenia.

Patienter, der lider af udbredte vævsskader med en 35 massiv celle0delæggelse, kan udvikle komplekse hæmostatiske forstyrrelser som et résultat af frig0relsen af forskelligePatients suffering from widespread tissue damage with a massive cell destruction may develop complex hemostatic disorders as a result of the release of various

8 DK 156699B8 DK 156699B

enzymer fra de 0delagte celler. Sadanne enzymer kan influere pâ bâde de koagulerende og fibrinolytiske systemer og f0re til en nedbrydning af adskillige faktorer, der er involveret i det ene eller det andet system. Det kan ogsâ være fordelag-5 tigt at anvende-faktor Vlla til disse patienter p.g.a. faktor Vlla's evne til at bevirke dannelse af en hæmostatisk prop ved aktivering af de sidste faser i koaguleringssystemet. Behandling, der indebærer anvendelse af faktor Vlla, kan i denne henseende ske ved intraven0s injektion eller lokal 10 anvendelse og kan kombineres med anti-fibrinolytisk terapi. Endvidere kan det i mange tilfælde af bl0dninger, f.eks. gastrointestinale eller nasal-orale bl0dninger eller under operation være hensigtsmæssigt at anvende faktor Vlla i i det væsentlige de samme koncentrationer som her beskrevet og 15 derved bevirke lokal hæmostase. Faktor Vlla kan ogsâ anvendes lokalt eller intraven0st i disse situationer.enzymes from the destroyed cells. Such enzymes can influence both the coagulant and fibrinolytic systems and cause the breakdown of several factors involved in one or the other system. It may also be advantageous to use factor VIIa for these patients because the ability of factor V1a to cause the formation of a haemostatic plug by activating the last phases of the coagulation system. In this regard, treatment involving the use of factor VIIa may be by intravenous injection or topical application and may be combined with anti-fibrinolytic therapy. Furthermore, in many cases of bleeding, e.g. gastrointestinal or nasal-oral bleeding or during surgery may be appropriate to use factor VIIa at substantially the same concentrations as described herein and thereby cause local hemostasis. Factor VIIa can also be used locally or intravenously in these situations.

Faktor Vlla indgives fortrinsvis ved intraven0se injektioner og i en mængde pâ ca. 100 - 1000 enheder/kg legemsvægt, og fortrinsvis i en mængde pâ ca. 100 - 500 enhe-20 der per kg legemsvægt svarende til ca. 2-5 μg/kg/ en dosis, som eventuelt skal gives igen 2-4 gange i l0bet af 24 timer.Factor VIIa is preferably administered by intravenous injections and in an amount of approx. 100 to 1000 units / kg of body weight, and preferably in an amount of approx. 100 - 500 units per kg body weight corresponding to approx. 2-5 µg / kg / dose, which may need to be given again 2-4 times over 24 hours.

Udtrykket "en enhed" som det anvendes i denne be-skrivelse defineres som den mængde faktor VII, der er til 25 stede i 1 ml normal plasma svarende til ca. 0,5 μg protein.The term "unit" as used in this specification is defined as the amount of factor VII present in 1 ml of normal plasma corresponding to ca. 0.5 µg protein.

Efter aktivering svarer 50 enheder til ca. 1 μg protein.After activation, 50 units correspond to approx. 1 µg protein.

Udtrykket "en hæmostatisk effekt" eller "mængde" som det anvendes i denne beskrivelse defineres som et væsent-ligt opher af blpdning inden for 15 minutter efter indgift pâ 30 ca. 100 - 1000 enheder per kg legemsvægt af ren faktor Vlla.The term "a haemostatic effect" or "amount" as used in this specification is defined as a significant opher of bleeding within 15 minutes of administration of about 30 minutes. 100 - 1000 units per kg body weight of pure factor VIIa.

Den foreliggende opfindelse angâr desuden anvendel-sen af faktor Vlla til fremstilling af en farmaceutisk kompo-sition til beha-ndli-n-g· ai blpdningsforstyrreiser, hvor faktor Vlla, fortrinsvis i renset form, blandes med passende hjælpe-35 stoffer eller en egnet bærer eller fortynder. Egnede, fysio-logisk akceptable bærere eller fortyndere omfatter steriltThe present invention further relates to the use of factor VIIa for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for treatment disorders, in which factor VIIa, preferably in purified form, is admixed with suitable auxiliaries or a suitable carrier or thinner. Suitable physiologically acceptable carriers or thinners include sterile

9 DK 156699 B9 DK 156699 B

vand og saltvand. Akceptable hjælpestoffer omfatter i denne forbindelse calcium, albuminer eller andre inaktive proteiner til stabilisering af den rensede faktor Vlla. Andre fysiolo-gisk forenelige hjælpestoffer er ikke-reducerende sukker, 5 polyalkoholer (sâsom sorbitol eller glycerol), polysacchari-der sâsom lavmolekylære dextriner, aminosyrer og antioxidan-ter (sâsom bisulfit og ascorbat). Hjælpestofferne er alminde-ligvis til stede i en koncentration pâ fra 0,1 til 3% w/v.water and salt water. Acceptable excipients in this context include calcium, albumins or other inactive proteins to stabilize the purified factor VIIa. Other physiologically compatible excipients are non-reducing sugars, 5 polyalcohols (such as sorbitol or glycerol), polysaccharides such as low molecular weight dextrins, amino acids and antioxidants (such as bisulfite and ascorbate). The adjuvants are generally present in a concentration of from 0.1 to 3% w / v.

Den farmaceutiske komposition kan ogsâ indeholde protease-10 inhibitorer, f.eks. aprotinin. I en særligt foretrukket ud-fdrelsesform anvendes calcium i kombination med andre udvalg-te hjælpestoffer i den farmaceutiske komposition. Mængden af calcium er foretrukket 5 - 50 mM og mere foretrukket 10-20 mM.The pharmaceutical composition may also contain protease inhibitors, e.g. aprotinin. In a particularly preferred embodiment, calcium is used in combination with other selected adjuvants in the pharmaceutical composition. The amount of calcium is preferably 5 - 50 mM and more preferably 10-20 mM.

15 De folgende eksempler illustrerer virkningen af kompositioner indeholdende faktor Vlla.The following examples illustrate the effect of compositions containing factor VIIa.

Eksempel 1Example 1

Kaniner blev gjort thrombocytopæniske ved indgift af antistoffer fra fâr mod blodplader fra kaniner fremstillet 20 ifolge metoderne beskrevet af Busch et al., Acta Chir.Scand., 140:255, 1974. Hæmostatisk propdannelse i kaninernes mesente-riske mikrokar blev unders0gt if0lge fremgangsmâden beskrevet af Bergqvist og Arfors, Thromb.Diathes.Haemorrh., 30:586, 1973. For hver observation blev tre arterioler og tre smâ 25 vener (diameter 20 - 40 μπι) gennemskâret og tidsrummet indtil hæmostatisk propdannelse blev mâlt og hyppigheden af efter-blodninger noteret. Det til primær hæmostatisk propdannelse nodvendige tidsrum blev defineret som "tidsrummet mellem gennemskæring og den f0rste standsning i blodning". Summen af 30 denne og aile efterblodningstiderne kaldes "den totale hæmo-statiske propdannelsestid" (THT). Blodpladetallet hos kani-nerne faldt til et minimum 15 - 60 minutter efter indgiften af antiblodpladeserummet og forblev lavt gennem observations- 9 perioden. I kontrolgruppen skete et fald fra 263 x 10 /1 9Rabbits were rendered thrombocytopenic by administration of sheep antibodies to platelets from rabbits prepared according to the methods described by Busch et al., Acta Chir.Scand., 140: 255, 1974. Hemostatic plug formation in the rabbits' mesenteric microcarts was investigated according to the procedure described. by Bergqvist and Arfors, Thromb.Diathes.Haemorrh., 30: 586, 1973. For each observation, three arterioles and three small veins (diameter 20 - 40 μπι) were cut and the time until hemostatic plug formation was measured and the frequency of post-bleeding. noted. The time needed for primary haemostatic plug formation was defined as "the period between cut-off and the first stop in bleeding". The sum of 30 and all post-bleeding times is called "total haemostatic plug formation time" (THT). The platelet count of the rabbits decreased to a minimum of 15 - 60 minutes after administration of the anti-platelet serum and remained low throughout the observation period. In the control group, a decrease of 263 x 10/1 9 occurred

10 DK 156699BDK 156699B

(middelværdi) til 10 x 10 /1 (middelværdi). F0r blodplade-antistofferne blev indgivet, viste THT i arteriolerne (THT-A) et gennemsnit pâ 54 s. Der iagttoges en mere end tredoblet forlængelse af THT-A til 179 sâvel 15 minutter som 60 minut-5 ter efter indgift af antistof. THT i de smâ vener (THT-V) varierede mellem 202 og 394 s (gennemsnit 274 s) inden antistof indgift. Parallelt med forlængelsen af THT-A, iagttoges en forlængelse af THT-V (gennemsnit 768 s) 15 minutter efter antistofindgiften, og den forblev relativt konstant gennem 10 observationstiden.(mean) to 10 x 10/1 (mean). Before platelet antibodies were administered, THT in the arterioles (THT-A) showed a mean of 54 s. A more than threefold extension of THT-A was observed for 179 as well as 15 minutes as 60 minutes after administration of antibody. THT in the small veins (THT-V) ranged between 202 and 394 s (mean 274 s) before antibody administration. In parallel with the extension of THT-A, an extension of THT-V (mean 768 s) was observed 15 minutes after antibody administration, and it remained relatively constant throughout the 10 observation time.

Tre kaniner blev gjort thrombocytopæniske pâ samme mâde som kontrolgruppen, og human faktor Vlla (50 enheder per kg legemsvægt) blev derpâ indgivet (30 minutter efter antistof f et) . Ti minutter efter injektionen af faktor Vlla viste 15 THT-A værdierne et væsentligt fald i hver kanin (gennemsnit 114 s, gennemsnit efter antistofindgiften 260 s inden faktor Vlla). Faldet var imidlertid forbigâende (gennemsnit 30 minutter efter faktor Vlla var 219 s). THT-V viste et lignen-de monster med et fald 10 minutter efter faktor Vlla (gennem-20 snit efter antistofindgift 698 s og 10 minutter efter faktor Vlla 499 s). Det mindre fald var forbigâende, og 30 minutter efter faktor Vlla injektionen viste THT-V et gennemsnit pâ 672 s.Three rabbits were made thrombocytopenic in the same manner as the control group, and human factor VIIa (50 units per kg body weight) was administered (30 minutes after antibody). Ten minutes after the injection of factor VIIa, the 15 THT-A values showed a significant decrease in each rabbit (mean 114 seconds, average after antibody administration 260 seconds before factor VIIa). However, the decrease was transient (average 30 minutes after factor VIIa was 219 s). THT-V showed a similar sample with a decrease 10 minutes after factor VIIa (average of antibody administration 698 seconds and 10 minutes after factor VIIa 499 seconds). The minor decrease was transient, and 30 minutes after the factor IIa injection, THT-V showed an average of 672 s.

Yderligere 5 thrombocytopæniske kaniner fik derpâ 25 dobbelt sa meget faktor Vlla (100 enheder per kg legemsvægt) og 10 minutter efter indgift af faktor Vlla viste THT-A et tydeligt fald fra et gennemsnit pâ 256 s efter antistofindgiften til et gennemsnit pâ 89 s 10 minutter efter faktor Vlla. Dette fald varede gennem hele observationstiden. THT-V 30 faldt tydeligt efter injektion af faktor Vlla (fra et gennemsnit pâ 591 s efter antistofindgiften til et gennemsnit pâ 390 s). Efter 30 minutter skete en normalisering af THT-V (gennemsnit 255 s) og det.samme sâs efter 60 minutter (gennemsnit 299 s).A further 5 thrombocytopenic rabbits were then given 25 twice as much factor Vla (100 units per kg body weight) and 10 minutes after administration of factor Vla, THT-A showed a marked decrease from an average of 256 s after antibody administration to an average of 89 s in 10 minutes. by factor V11a. This decrease lasted throughout the observation period. THT-V 30 clearly decreased after injection of factor VIIa (from a mean of 591 s after antibody administration to a mean of 390 s). After 30 minutes, normalization of THT-V (average 255 s) and the same sauce occurred after 60 minutes (mean 299 s).

n DK 156699 Bn DK 156699 B

Der blev ikke iagttaget nogen effekt pâ THT-værdierne hos 5 ikke-thrombocytopæniske kaniner. Nâr faktor VII blev indgivet i stedet for faktor Vlla sas ingen effekt pâ THT-værdierne.No effect was observed on the THT values of 5 non-thrombocytopenic rabbits. When factor VII was administered instead of factor VIIa, no effect on THT values was seen.

5 Resultaterne fremgâr af den f0lgende tabel.5 The results are shown in the following table.

12 DK 156699B12 DK 156699B

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DK 156699 BDK 156699 B

De foreliggende forsog viser faktor Vlla's vigtige rolle i initieringen af koaguleringsprocessen in vivo. Der-imod havde faktor VII ringe effekt i denne procès om nogen overhovedet. Endvidere var faktor Vlla i stand til at initie-5 re koaguleringsprocessen selv i mangel af blodplader. Som f0lge deraf g0res det phospholipid,, som normalt leveres pâ det beskadigede sted af blodpladerne, tilgængeligt af de beskadigede endotele celler, som ogsâ tilvejebringer vævs-faktoren.The present experiments demonstrate the important role of factor VIIa in initiating the coagulation process in vivo. By contrast, factor VII had little effect in this process, if any at all. Furthermore, factor VIIa was able to initiate the coagulation process even in the absence of platelets. As a result, the phospholipid, which is usually delivered at the damaged site by the platelets, is made available by the damaged endothelial cells which also provide the tissue factor.

10 Eksempel 2Example 2

Behandling af to patienter med thrombocytopæni under anven-delse af ren faktor VllaTreatment of two patients with thrombocytopenia using pure factor VIIa

To patienter med hæmatologiske forstyrrelser (hen-holdsvis makroglobulinæmi Waldenstrôm og kronisk lymfatisk 15 leukæmi) kompliceret med alvorlig thrombocytopæni (pladetal 9 mindre end 10 x 10 /1) fik faktor Vlla, der var renset fra human plasma pâ i det væsentlige den af Hedner og Kisiel (supra) beskrevne mâde.Two patients with haematological disorders (respectively Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia) complicated with severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count 9 less than 10 x 10/1) received factor IIa, purified from human plasma on essentially that of Hedner and Silicon (supra) described.

Den f0rste patient blev behandlet i forbindelse med 20 en voldsom næseblodning. Blodningstiden (BT) if0lge Duke var st0rre end 15 minutter for injektion af faktor Vlla som et résultat af den alvorlige thrombocytopæni. En dosis pâ 100 enheder/kg legemsvægt (2 μg/kg legemsvægt) blev givet intra- venost, og 15 minutter efter afslutningen af injektionen var 25 Duke BT normaliseret (4 minutter, normalomrâde: mindre end 5 9The first patient was treated for severe nasal bleeding. The bleeding time (BT) according to Duke was greater than 15 minutes for the injection of factor VIIa as a result of severe thrombocytopenia. A dose of 100 units / kg body weight (2 μg / kg body weight) was given intravenously, and 15 minutes after the end of the injection, 25 Duke BT was normalized (4 minutes, normal range: less than 5 9

minutter). Pladetallet forblev det samme (10 x 10 /1) under hele observationstiden. Næseblodningen standsede straks, og det storknede blod kunne fjernes uden bl0dning. En mindre blodning startede igen senere, men standsede spontant. Der 30 iagttoges ingen indvirkning pâ puis, temperatur eller blod-tryk. Faktor VII niveauet i plasma steg fra 0,66 enheder/ml til 2,07 enheder/ml og var igen 0,60 8 timer efter injektionen. Der sâs ingen virkning pâ plasmaniveauet af faktor Xminutes). The plate number remained the same (10 x 10/1) throughout the observation time. The nasal bleeding stopped immediately and the solidified blood could be removed without bleeding. A minor bleeding started again later but stopped spontaneously. No effect on pus, temperature or blood pressure was observed. The factor VII level in plasma increased from 0.66 units / ml to 2.07 units / ml and was again 0.60 8 hours after injection. There was no effect on the plasma level of factor X

14 DK 156699 B14 DK 156699 B

(1,12 enheder/ml f0r og 1,12 enheder/ml efter injektionen) soin forblev det samme gennem 8 timers observationstid. Der fremkom ingen fibrin/fibrinogennedbrydningsprodukter i blodcirkulationen og ethanolgelationsproven forblev negativ.(1.12 units / ml before and 1.12 units / ml after injection) soin remained the same through 8 hours of observation time. No fibrin / fibrinogen degradation products appeared in the blood circulation and the ethanol gelation test remained negative.

5 Endvidere sâs ingen forandringer i ATIII eller o^AP.Furthermore, no changes were seen in ATIII or OAP.

Patient nr. 2 havde et pladetal mindre end 9 10 x 10/1 og et Duke BT pâ storre end 15 minutter for injektionen af faktor Vlla. Patienten blodte voldsomt fra Duke-blodprovetagningen i oret, en blodning, som mâtte standses 10 manuelt ved kompression og lokal applikation af thrombin. Ren faktor Vlla blev indgivet intravenost i en dosis pâ ca. 100 enheder per kg legemsvægt (2 μg/kg legemsvægt), og Duke BT blev malt 15 minutter efter afslutningen af injektionen. Duke BT var da 10 minutter og dannelsen en synlig koagulering sâs 15 pâ snitstedet. Der fandtes ingen ændring i pladetallet, og der var ingen virkning pâ puis, blodtryk eller legemstempera-tur. Plasmaniveauet for faktor VII steg fra 0,57 enheder/ml til 2,17 enheder/ml. Der sâs ingen ændring i faktor X niveau-et (0,73 enheder/ml for og 0,81 enheder/ml efter injektionen) 20 og ingen ændring i ATIII eller a^AP.Patient # 2 had a plate number less than 9 10 x 10/1 and a Duke BT greater than 15 minutes for the injection of factor V11a. The patient was bleeding profusely from Duke blood sampling in the ear, a bleeding that had to be stopped 10 manually by compression and topical application of thrombin. Pure factor VIIa was administered intravenously at a dose of ca. 100 units per kg body weight (2 μg / kg body weight), and Duke BT was ground 15 minutes after the end of the injection. Duke BT was then 10 minutes and the formation a visible coagulation saw 15 at the incision site. There was no change in plate number and no effect on pus, blood pressure or body temperature. The plasma level of factor VII increased from 0.57 units / ml to 2.17 units / ml. There was no change in the factor X level (0.73 units / ml before and 0.81 units / ml after injection) and no change in ATIII or α 1 AP.

Alt i ait forkortede intravenost indsprojtet, ren-set faktor Vlla den forlængede BT hos patienter med alvorlig thrombocytopæni. Parallelt dermed sâs en stigning i plasmaniveauet for faktor VII. Der var ingen tegn pâ en generel 25 effekt pâ koaguleringsmekanismen.All in all, intravenously injected purified factor Vlla shortened the prolonged BT in patients with severe thrombocytopenia. In parallel, there was an increase in the plasma level of factor VII. There was no evidence of a general effect on the coagulation mechanism.

Claims (11)

15 DK 156699BDK 156699B 1. Anvendelse af faktor Vlla til fremstillingen af en komposition til behandling af patienter med koagule-ringsforstyrrelser, der ikke skyldes koaguleringsfaktordefek- 5 ter eller koaguleringsfaktorinhibitorer, hvilken kompositio-nen omfatter faktor Vlla i en effektiv hæmostatisk mængde.Use of Factor VIIa for the preparation of a composition for treating patients with coagulation disorders not due to coagulation factor defects or coagulation factor inhibitors, the composition comprising Factor IIa in an effective hemostatic amount. 2. Anvendelse ifolge krav 1 til behandlingen af patienter med thrombocytopæni eller blodpladeforstyrrelser, von Willebrand's sygdom eller vævsskader.Use according to claim 1 for the treatment of patients with thrombocytopenia or platelet disorders, von Willebrand's disease or tissue damage. 3. Anvendelse ifolge krav 1, kendeteg- n e t ved, at kompositionen indeholder renset faktor Vlla i en koncentration pâ mindst 25 μg/ml.Use according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition contains purified factor Vlla at a concentration of at least 25 μg / ml. 4. Anvendelse ifolge krav 1, kendeteg- n e t ved, at den hæmostatiske mængde omfatter fra ca. 100 15 enheder til 1000 enheder faktor Vlla per kg legemsvægt, for-trinsvis fra ca. 100 til 500 enheder faktor Vlla per kg legemsvægt. 1 Anvendelse if0lge krav 1, kendeteg-n e t ved, at kompositionen yderligere indeholder faktorUse according to claim 1, characterized in that the hemostatic amount comprises from approx. 100 units to 1000 units factor VIIa per kg body weight, preferably from approx. 100 to 500 units factor Vlla per kg body weight. Use according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition further comprises factor 20 IX.IX. 16 DK 156699 B16 DK 156699 B 6. Anvendelse if0lge krav 1, kendeteg- n e t ved, at kompositionen yderliger indeholder en fysiolo-gisk akceptabelt bærer eller fortynder og et hjælpestof.Use according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition further comprises a physiologically acceptable carrier or diluent and an adjuvant. 7. Anvendelse ifolge krav 6, kendeteg-5 n e t ved, at hjælpestoffet er calcium.Use according to claim 6, characterized in that the excipient is calcium. 8. Anvendelse if0lge krav 6, kendeteg- n e t ved, at hjælpestoffet er valgt fra gruppen bestâende af albumin, ikke-reducerende sukker, polyalkoholer, amino-syrer, polysaccharider og antioxidanter.Use according to claim 6, characterized in that the excipient is selected from the group consisting of albumin, non-reducing sugars, polyalcohols, amino acids, polysaccharides and antioxidants. 9. Anvendelse if0lge krav 1, kendeteg- n e t ved, at kompositionen indeholder calcium sammen med et eller flere hjælpestoffer udvalgt fra gruppen bestâende af albumin, ikke-reducerende sukker, polyalkoholer, aminosyrer, polysaccharider og antioxidanter. » s r,Use according to claim 1, characterized in that the composition contains calcium together with one or more excipients selected from the group consisting of albumin, non-reducing sugars, polyalcohols, amino acids, polysaccharides and antioxidants. »S r,

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title

Applications Claiming Priority (6)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK544685A DK544685D0 (en) 1985-11-26 1985-11-26 THERAPEUTIC COMPOSITION
DK544685 1985-11-26
DK459286A DK459286D0 (en) 1986-09-26 1986-09-26 THERAPEUTIC COMPOSITION
DK459286 1986-09-26
DK563886 1986-11-25

Publications (4)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK563886D0 DK563886D0 (en) 1986-11-25
DK563886A DK563886A (en) 1987-05-27
DK156699B true DK156699B (en) 1989-09-25
DK156699C DK156699C (en) 1990-03-05



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DK (1) DK156699C (en)

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
DK563886A (en) 1987-05-27
DK156699C (en) 1990-03-05
DK563886D0 (en) 1986-11-25

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