CA2031336A1 - Dat drive/controller interface - Google Patents

Dat drive/controller interface


Publication number
CA2031336A1 CA 2031336 CA2031336A CA2031336A1 CA 2031336 A1 CA2031336 A1 CA 2031336A1 CA 2031336 CA2031336 CA 2031336 CA 2031336 A CA2031336 A CA 2031336A CA 2031336 A1 CA2031336 A1 CA 2031336A1
Prior art keywords
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Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
CA 2031336
Other languages
French (fr)
Kenneth C. Campbell
Robert C. Richmond
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Archive Corp
Original Assignee
Archive Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by Archive Corp filed Critical Archive Corp
Publication of CA2031336A1 publication Critical patent/CA2031336A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



  • Signal Processing For Digital Recording And Reproducing (AREA)




A DAT drive data transfer interface that includes serial data transfer circuitry for transferring main area data to be written to tape to a write formatter circuit of the DAT drive and for receiving main area data read from tape from a read formatter circuit of the drive. A
parallel data transfer circuit provides for the transfer of subarea information to be written to tape and subarea information read from tape, as well providing for the transfer of certain main area information and formatter circuit control information. Drive control information for controlling the DAT drive and drive status information are communicated via drive control lines.
The serial data provided by the serial data transfer circuitry emulates the output of an audio analog-to-digital converter that could be utilized in a DAT audio application, and the serial data received by the serial data transfer circuitry emulates the input to an audio digital-to-analog converter as could be utilized in a DAT
audio application.



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:- 1 This ls a continuation of application Serial No.
07/465,726, filed January 17, 1990.

The disclosed invention is directed generally to computer storage digital audio tape (DAT) drives, and more particularly is directed to an interface between a DAT
: drive and an associated controller.
Digital audio tape tDAT) technology, which was developed for audio programming as defined in the DAT
Conference Standard, DIGITAL AUDIO TAPE RECORDER, June 1987, published by the Electronic Industries Association of Japan, has been adapted for storage of computer data.
An example of a format for the storage of computer data utilizing DAT technology is the American National Stan-dard~ Institute (ANSI) Digital Data Storage (DDS) stan-dard, presently in draft form ("PROPOSED AMERICAN NATIONAL
The characteristics that have made DAT technology attractive for computer data storage include high capaci-ty, high transfer rate capability, relatively small media size and low media cost, and the adaptability of DAT
. technology to conform with personal computer storage :`` :

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1 device form factors including th~ 5-l/4 and 3-1/2 inch forms.
The use of DAT technology for storage of computer data can be achieved by application of a data storage format, such as the above referenced ANSI DDS standard, to the DAT Conference audio standard. In particular, the DAT
audio standard physical track format is retained, but the contents of the information stored in the tracks is in accordance with the computer data storage format.
DAT technology was developed primarily for audio ~' applications, and therefore an important consideration with the use of DAT technology for computer data storage is the nature of the interface between the DAT drive and the host computer and the requirements of computer data storage.


It would therefore be an advantage to provide a - 20 computer storage DAT drive controller interface that interaces with DAT drive having electronic components that were developed for audio applications.
Another advantage would be to provide a computer storage DAT drive controller interface that provides for full and precise capability of controlling the contents of the information written to tape and precise control of tape operation.
A further advantage would be to provide a computer storage DAT drive controller interface that interfaces with a DAT drive having electronic components developed for audio applications and which provides for data frame boundary determination in accordance with computer data storage formats.
The foregoing and other advantages are provided by the invention in a DAT drive/controller interface for use ~, ... .

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. : - - -1 with a DAT drive having (a) read/write formatting cir~
cuitry for writing data to tape in accordance with the DAT
Conference format and for reading from tape data recorded in accordance with the DAT Conference format, (b) a tape drive mechanism, and ~c) a drive mechanism control cir-cuit. The interface includes transfer and receive cir-cuits for transfexring to the read/write formatting circuitry data to be written to tape and for receiving from the read/write circuitry data read from tape, and drive control means for controlling the drive mechanism control circuit.

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The advantages and features of the disclosed inven-tion will readily be appreciated by persons skilled in the art from the following detailed description when read in conjunction with the drawing wherein:
FIG. 1 is~a schematic diagram illustrating the different areas on a single track of a DAT system tape.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a system with which an interface in accordance with the invention can be util-i~ed.
FIG. 3 i~ a block diagram illustrating an interface in accordance with the invention.
FIG. ~ i~ a timing diagram depicting by way of illustrative example certain timing signals and the timing of information transferred in accordance with the inter-face of FIG. 3.
FIG. 5 is an illustrative example of a format for control information provided to the drive via the inter-face of FIG. 3.
FIG. 6 is an illustrative example of a format for status information provided by the drive via the interface of FIG. 3.

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1 FIG. 7 is an illustrative example of the format of FIG. 6 as utilized to provide particular information.
FIG. 8 is an illustrative example of the format of FIG. 7 as utilized to provide tape type information.
FIG. ~ is a flow diagram of an example of a process utilized by the interface of FIG. 3 for reading and transferring data from a computer storage DAT system tape, which is helpful in understanding the operation of the interface of FIG. 3.
In the following detailed description and in the ; several figures of the drawing, like elements are iden-15 tified with like reference numerals.
By way of illustrative example, the disclosed invention can be implemented generally in accordance with the ANSI DDS standard referenced in the background, and ` the following is based upon conformation with ANSI DDS.
20 However, it should be readily appreciated by persons ~killed in the art from a reading of the subject disclo-sure that other computer data storage recording formats can be utili2ed to implement the invention.
For ease of explanation, some aspects of DDS format-25 ting that are pertinent to the invention will be briefly discussed. DDS formatting organi~es data into data groups re~pectively having 22 or 23 frames, where each frame comprises 2 tracks.
Referring to FIG. 1, set forth therein by way of 30 illustrative example is a schematic layout of one track of a computer data storage DDS DAT tape. A Main Area, which corresponds to the Main area in DAT audio tapes, stores user data as well as data management information such as the Logical Frame Number ~LFN) of the frame with which the 35 particular track is associated. The LFN is the logical :.

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1 position of the frame in the associated data group, which can be different from the actual physical location of the frame due to factors such as rewrites. Further, logical frames can be out of sequence because of appends, re-writes, head clogs during write operations, and bad tape areas. DDS formatting supports a read-after-write tech-nique wherein a frame identified as being a bad frame can be re-written downstream of the bad frame, and not neces-sarily immediately after the bad frame. In particular, 10 the frame can be re-written after zero, one, two, three, four or five other frames have been written. The subject disclosure takes into account such read-after-write procedures without regard to logical frame numbers.
The tape Subareas store, among other information, 15 the LFN of the associated frame, the ~bsolute Frame Count (AFC) for the associated frame, a subcode type identifier, a tape area identifier, as well as other information. The AFC represents the actual physical location of a frame in the sequence of frames on a tape.
A data group includes 22 or 23 frames, depending on whether a third level of error correction code (ECC) is utilized with the group, and group boundaries can be indicated by amble frames which have an LFN o~ 0, by the statu~ of a last frame I.D. bit in the frame header and in 25 the subcode, or by a frame that has an LFN of 1. However, ~; with read-after-write, the last frames in one group could ; be meshed with the initial frames in the subsequent group, and the procedure for reading groups will need to recog-nize and properly process this circumstance.
The ATF ~automatic track finding) areas con~ain tracking information utilized for centering the tape heads on the tracks on the tape.
Referring now to FIG. 2, shown therein i8 a gener-alized block diagram of a computer storage DAT drive 35 system in which the interface of the in~ention c~n be : , :

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1 implemented. The system 10 includes a DAT drive 11, a controller 13, and a host computer interface 15, and a host computer. The host computer interface can comprise an interface in accordance with the ANSI SCSI standard, or an IBM PC bus compatible interface, ~or example.
;Referring now to FIG. 3, set forth therein are components of the drive 11 and controller 13 that are pertinent to an interface in accordance with the inven-tion. The drive ll includes a write audio DAT formatter 111 that receives Main Area information and Subarea infor-mation from the controller, appropriately formats such information in accordance with the DAT Conference audio : standard, and provides the formatted information to a write amplifier 113 which provides recording signals to the write heads of the drive. A local random access memory (RAM) is utilized by the write formatter circuit 111 for storage and processing operations.
Generally, the write formatter circuit lll assembles the data blocks that are to be recorded in the Main Areas and Subareas of the tape. For example, pursuant to the ANSI DDS standard, the data blocks for both the Main Areas and the Subareas are organized substantially identically, with each block having a Sync area, an ID area, an ID
parity area, and a data area. The contents of the Main ~rea data block data areas is sometimes referred to as Main data, while the contents of the Subarea data block data areas i5 sometimes referred to as Sub data. The information assembled into the data blocks comprises (a) information provided by the controller and (b) information generated or calculated by the formatter.
As to the writing of Subarea data blocks, the controller provides the following information to the write formatter circuit:

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1 (a) the Wl byte for the Sub ID area of each Sub data block:
(b) the lower order 7 bits of the W2 byte for the Sub ID of éach Sub data block;
(c) pack data for the data areas of the Sub data blocks;
(d) pack parity bytes for the pack data items.

As to the writing of Subarea data blocks, the write :~.
: 10 formatter circuit generates or calculates the following information:
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(a) the sync bits for 'he Sync area of each Sub . data block;
(b) the ID parity byte for the Sub ID parity area of each Sub data block; -::
(c) the Cl ECC error correction parity bytes for the Sub data block data areas (in accordance with the DAT Confer nce audio standard);
; 20 (d) the seventh bit of the W2 byte in the Sub ID
area of each Sub data block.

As to the writing of Main Area data blocks, the ; controller provides the following information to the write formatter:

(a) the Wl byte of the Main ID area of each Main data block; and (b) data for the data areas of the Main data blocks (e.g., user data).

As to writing the Main Area data blocks, the write formatter generates or calculates the following informa-tion:
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1 (a) the sync bits for the Sync area of each Main data block;
(b~ the ID parity byte for the Main ID parity area o~ each Main data block;
(c) the Cl ECC and C2 ECC error correction parity bytes for the Main data block data areas (in accordance with the DAT Conerence audio standard);
(d) the W2 byte in the Main ID area of each Main data block.

The drive 11 further includes a read audio DAT
formatter circuit 117 which receives tape data from a demodulator 119 that is responsive to the outputs of the read heads of the drive. The read formatter circuit decomposes the information read from tape in accordance with the DAT Conference audio standard, so as to provide a Main Area data output to the controller and to store Subarea information in predetermined locations in a local RAM 123 utilized by the read formatter circuit for storage and processing operations.
A low amplitude detection circuit 121 connected to ` the demodulator 119 provides a low amplitude signal /LOW-AMP indicative of a playback signal envelope ampli-~; 25 tude that is below a predetermined level, which indicative of a bad area on the tape.
Generally, the read formatter circuit disassembles the Main and Sub data blocks read from tape, checks ID
parity, checks pack parity, checks Cl ECC parity for the Sub area pack data, checks Cl ECC and C2 ECC parity for the Main data, and transmits the ECC processed Main data to the controller, while making other information read from tape available at predetermined locations in the local RAM 123, for example.


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1 As discussed more fully herein, the write Main data (designated ADDAT) provided by the controller for the Main ~rea data block data areas is communicated to the write formatter circuit via a unidirectional serial line, while the read Main data (designated DADAT) provided by the read formatter circuit to the controller is communicated via another unidirectional serial line. Some error detection information is communicated via dedicated lines, and all other information transferred between the formatter circuits and the controller (designated SPDT data) is communicated via a parallel bus.
In addition to tape data block information, SPDT
data includes control information for the formatter circuits, such as sample rate, track pitch, and function (e.g., play, record, high speed). SPDT data also includes read error processing information as accessed by the controller from the read formatter circuit.
The parallel SPDT data is transferred between the write and read formatter circuits 111, 117 and the con-troller vla a parallel SPDT bus 1~7 that is common to bothformatter circuits. Formatter ready signals SPRDY-W and SPRDY-R, which indicate that the formatter providing the signal iq ready to receive or send data on the parallel SPDT bus 127, are provided by the formatter circuits on respective lines 129, 131. Address strobe signal~ SPAW-W
and SPAW-R, generated by the controller to transfer address information to the formatter circuits, are provid-ed on respective lines 133, 135 to the formatter circuits 111, 117, respectively. Data strobe signals SPSTB-W and SPSTB-R, generated by the controller to transfer SPDT data to and from the formatter circuits, are provided on respective lines 137, 139 connected to the formatter circuits 111, 117, respectively.
By way of illustrative example, the transfer of SPDT
data can be pursuant to memory maps for the local RAMs of . . .
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the formatter circuits, wherein the address locations of the data identify the nature of the data.
~ain data for and from the data areas of the Main Area blocks is transfexred between the formatter circuits 111, 117 via respective serial lines 141, 143. In partic-ular, ADDAT data to be written to tape is serially trans-ferred from the controller to the write formatter circuit 111 on the serial line 141, while DADAT data read from tape is transferred from the read formatter circuit 117 to the controller on thè serial line 143. Depending upon the tape format specification utilized, the Main Area data transferred to the write formatter circuit for recording can be data as to which error correction parity generation has been performed (e.g., C3 ECC in accordance with the ANSI DDS standard).
For implementation in accordance with the ANSI DDS
standard, the ADDAT and DADAT data would be logically organized in groups and Prames that include appropriate headers in addition to the user data.
Serial timing signals are provided by the respective formatter circuit~ via respective timing lines 145, 147 which respectively include a plurality of different timing signals, examples of which will be described in more ; detail urther herein. Generally, such timing signals are synchxonized to the rotation of the tape head cylinder, for example by being based on a master signal that con-trols the rotation of the tape head cylinder, and identify track boundaries, word boundaries, and bit boundaries.
As to the ADDAT and DADAT serial data, the formatter circuits 111, 117 generally function as in an audio DAT
application. In particular, the write formatter circuit lll functions as if it were receiving digital audio data samples from an analog-to-digital converter; and the read formatter circuit 117 functions as if it were providing digital audio data samples to a digital-to-analog ;. ` .. :
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1 converter. Stated another way, the ADDAT data to the write formatter emulates the output of an analog-to-digital converter ~hat could be utilized in an audio application, and the DADAT data from the read formatter circuit emulates the input to a digital-to-analog con-verter that could be utilized in an audio application.
The read formatter circuit 117 further provides an interpolation flag signal IPF which indicates that C2 ECC
pari~y check of the data read from tape was unable to correct detected errors.
A formatter synchronizing control 125 synchronizeq the operation of the write and read formatter circuits 111, 117 pursuant to a RESET signal provided by the controller. As discu~sed more fully herein, the syn-chronizing control 125 synchronizes the opera~ion of the formatter circuits to allow for read-after-write with a 4 head implementation of the drive.
The drive 11 further includes a drive microprocessor 149 which receives drive commands and provides status information via drive control/status lines 151. Such drive commands control the operation of the drive, and the status information is indicative of the status of the drive.
The controller 13 include~ a microprocessor 211 for controlling the operation of the controller, for assembl-ing the SPDT lnformation transmitted on the parallel bus 127 to the drive, and for processing the SPDT information accessed ~rom the drive on the parallel bus 127. A RAM
212 is coupled to the microprocessor 211 via a parallel data bu~ 213 and a parallel addres~ bu~ 214, and is utilized by the controller microprocessor 211 for storage and processing operations.
A bus transceiver 215 coupled to the parallel data bus 213 controls the parallel SPDT bus 127 for transfer of SPDT information. An in~errupt/wait logic circuit 223 is .
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1 responsive to the SPRDY signals ancl provides interrupt and wait signals to the microprocessor 211 for the processing and transfer of data on the parallel SPDT bus 127, as discussed in more detail herein.
A main area data assembly/control logic circuit 217 which serializes ADDAT data for transfer to the write formatter 111 in the drive 11, and further assembles DADAT
data received from the read formatter 117, for example into groups in accordance with the ANSI D~S standard.
Main Area data and Subarea information as well as Main data block ID information are transferred concurrent-ly, although due to processing requirements the Subarea information being transferred at a given time might not be associated with the Main Area data being ~ransferred at that time. Thus, for example, there can be fixed time relation between (a) the transfer of Main Area data ~via DADAT or ADDAT) and (b) the transfer or availability of associated Subarea information and Main data block ID
information (via the SPDT bus). B~ way of illustrative example, for recording, the Subarea information and Main data block ID information can be delayed relative to the associated Main Area data by one or two track intervals;
and for reading, Maln Area data can be delayed relative to the availability of associated Subarea information by one or two track intervals. Other read data such as error counts can also be delayed relative to the availability of Subarea information. A particular illustrative example of the timing of the interface signals between the drive 11 and the controller 13 will be discussed further herein.
A status latch 219 is coupled to the data bus 213 and receives the interpolation flag IPF and the low amplitude signal /LOW-AMP from the drive 11. A parallel/-serial converter 221 coupled to the data bus 213 is utilized to transfer control/status information between . ~

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1 the controller and the drive on the drive control/status lines 151.
`~ Drive control information is provided by the con-troller to control the operation of the drive mechanism, while drive status information is provided by the drive as to the status of the drive. Particular examples of drive control information, drive status information, and for-mats, and will be discussed further herein.
By way of illustrative example, set forth below is a specification of signals in accordance with the invention between the controller and the drive.


RXD Receive Data From Controller RXD is used to send commands to the drive. It changes after the high-to-low transition of TRXCLK. Data transfer is MSB first. A command transfer can be initiated by the controller any time /DRDY (discussed below) is asserted.
TXD Transmit Data To Controller TXD is used to receive drive status. It changes after the high-to~low transition to RXCLK. Data transfer is MSB
~irst. RXD and TXD data are sent simultaneously and synchronously.

/TRXCLK ~ransfer Clock From Controller On or after the low-to-high transition, TXD and RXD are sampled.
/DRDY Drive Ready To Controller Asserted when the drive is ready to transfer a byte via the TXD and RXD lines. Negates after the byte has been transferred. Asserts again when the drive is ready to accept the next command.

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'"' 1 /RESET Drive Reset From Controller Asserted by the controller to initialize the drive to its starting state. This is a l'hard" reset. It also forces resynchronization of the write and read formatter cir-cuits.
SPDT(7:0) SPDT Data Transfer To/From Controller Two-way tri-state data bus to both write and read format-ter circuits. High = 1. Used to transfer ItO. The write formatter circuit is in the high impedance state when not enabled by the /SPSTB-W signal (discussed below).

SPRDY-W SPDT Data ReadY To Controller Indicates that the transfer of SPDT data to the write formatter circuit possible. In normal write mode, SPRDY-W
is negated when R3CP-W changes, and is asserted beginning a short interval thereafter, for ex,ample to allow for processing.

SPRDY-W aan also negated after the end of an /SPSTP-W
pulse (discussed below), for example to allow the write formatter to access its local RAM if the write formatter ls relatlvely slower than the controller microprocessor.

/SPAW-W SPDT Address Write From Controller The low-to-high transition causes the I/O address speci-fied by SPDT(7:0) to be written into the write formatter ; 30 circuit. This address will be used for the next transfer.
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1 /SPSTB-W SPDT Data Strobe From Controller The low-to~high transition causes the data on the SPDT bus to be transferred to~from the write formatter circuit.
After the SPDT data has been transferred, the write formatter can increment the selected I/0 address by l, which would be utilized as the address of the next trans-fer if no address is specified for such next transfer.


SPDT(7:0~ SPDT Data Transfer To/From_Controller Two-way tri-state data bus to both write and read format-ter circuits~ High = 1. Used to transfer I/0. The read formatter circuit is in the high impedance state when not enabled by the /SPSTB-R signal (discussed below).

SPRDY-R SPDT Data Ready To Controller Indicates that the transfer of SPDT data from the read formatter circuit is possible. In normal read mode, SPRDY-R i9 negated when R3CP-R changes, and is asserted a short time thereafter, for example to allow for process-ing.

SPRDY-R is also negated after the end of an /SPSTB-R pulse (discussed below), for example to allow the read formatter to access its local RAM if the read formatter is rela-tively slower than the controller microprocessor.

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l /SPAW-R SPDT Address Write From Controller ;
The low-to-high tran~ition causes the I/O address ~peci-fied by SPDT(7:0) to be written into the read formatter circuit. This address will be used for the next /SPSTB-R
transfer. After the SPDT data ha~ been transf~rred, the read formatter can increment the selected I/O address by 1, which would be utiliz~d as the address of the next transfer if no address is specified for such next trans-'` fer.
~' R3CP-W Rotation 30 Hz Clock Period To Controller Hertz cl~ck which is synchronized to the cylinder ro~ation. The phase is aligned with track write RF
transfers. High = track A (left~, low = track B (right).
The R3CP-W signal is 180 degrees out of phase with the R3CP-R. R3CP-W changes on the high-to-low transition of /ADBCK (discussed below). R3CP-W is always present, even during STOP, UNLOAD, and EJECT modes.
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; ADDAT Main Area Write Data From Controller A continuous serlal bit stream of data to be recorded in ;~ the Main Area of each track. Data i~ sent as 16 bit i 25 samples synchronized with ADLRCK and /ADBCK. The MSB of each sample i~ sent first. ADDAT changes on the high-to- -low transition of /ADBCX.
;~ ADLRCK Main Area Write Left/Right Clock To Controller 30 The Main Area write data word sample clock. High = right channel 16 bit sample, low - left channel 16 bit sample.
Changes polarity on high-to-low transitions of every 16th /ADBCK. Goes low when R3CP-W goes high.


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1 /ADBCK Main Area Write Data Bit Clock To Controller The Main Area write data bit clock. Data on ADDAT is valid on the low-to-high transition of /ADBCK. R3CP-W, ADLRCK and ADDAT are changed on the high-to-low transition of /ADBCK. /ADBCK runs continuously at 32 times ADLRCK.
For a 48 Khz sampling rate, the clock period is 651 nsec.

/NLOAD-W Load Sam~l~ Pulse To Controller Pulses low for one /ADBCR clock period to indicate the boundary between successive 16-bit Main Area write data words. Changes on the low-to-high transition of /ADBCK.


R3CP-R Rotation 30 Hz Clock Period To Controller 30 Hertz clock (during play/record) which is aligned with track read RF transfers. High = track A (left), low =
track B (right). The R3CP-R signal is 130 degrees out of phase with the R3CP-W signal. R3CP-R changes on the high-to-low transition of /DABCK. R3CP-R is always present, even during STOP, UNLOAD, and EJECT modes.

DADAT Main Area Read Data To Controller A continuous serial bit stream of data from the recorded Main Area of each track. Data is received as 16 bit samples synchronized with DALRCK and DABCK. The MSB of each sample is sent first. R3CP-R changes on the high-to-low transition of /DABCK.

DALRCK Main Area Read Left/Right Clock To Controller The Main Area read data sample clock. High = right channel 16 bit sample, low = left channel 16 bit sample.
Changes polarity on high-to-low transitions of every 16th /DABCK.


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1 /DABCK Main Area ~ead Data Bit Clock To Controller _ The Main Area read data bit clock. Data on DADAT is valid on the low-to-high transition of /DABCK. R3CP-R, DALRCK
and DADAT are changed on the high-to-low transition of /DAsCK. /DABCK runs continuously at 32 times DALRCK. For a 48 Khz sampling rate, the clock period is 651 nsec.

/NLOAD-R Load Sample Pulse To Controller Pulses low for one /DABCK clock period to indicate the boundary between successive 16-bit Main Area read data words. Changes on the low-to-high transition of /DABCK.

IPF Interpolation Fla~ To Controller Indicates that the current 16 bit PCM sample, as defined by DALRCK, contains incorrect data (C2 ECC failure). It is a pulse of nominally 1/2 the length of a DALRCR sample, centered within the associated DALRCK.
/LOW-AMP Low Amplitude To Controller Asserted whenever the playback signal envelope amplitude drops below 50~ of the nominal playback envelope ampli-tude, as determined by a threshold setting.

Referring now to FIG. 4, shown therein is a timing diagram which sets forth an illustrative example of the pertinent timing signals discussed above and further depicts the processing of data being written to tape and data being read from tape. The timing diagram of FIG. 4 also includes other signals and information that can be pertinent to a read-after-write procedure which is advan-tageously implemented in accordance with the invention.
While FIG. 4 depicts the concurrent and phase locked operation of the write and read formatter circuits for providing read-after-write, it should be appreciatPd that write-only and read-only operations can be implemented.

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: 19 1 The R3CP-W and R3CP R signals are synchronized with the rotation of the tape head cylinder, and are phase locked to each other with a 180 degree phase difference.
A complete cycle of an R3CP signal represents one revolu-tion of the tape head cylinder.
The ADDAT serial data to be recorded and the DADAT
serial data from tape are transferred to and from the - drive concurrently, with the frame, track, word and bit boundaries being identified by the transitions of the R3CP
signals and the other timing signals discussed above. In particular, during each of the MAIN DATA OUT intervals that are defined by the positive going transitions of the R3CP-W signal, Main Area data for a frame is transferred ~o the drive. Similarly, during each of the MAIN DATA OUT
intervals defined by the positive going transitions of the R3CP-R signal, Main Area data for a frame is transferred to the controller.
While the frame boundaries are indicated by MAIN
DATA OUT and MAIN DATA IN as coinciding with the positive transitions of the R3CP-W and R3CP-R signals, the phasing of the frame boundaries can be different, depending on implementation and processing requirements. The important consideration is that frame boundaries be defined by intervals that each equal one cycle of the R3CP signals.
For example, the frame boundaries of MAIN DATA OUT can ; lead the positive transitions of R3CP-W by a predetermined number of bit intervals, and the frame boundaries of MAIN
DATA IN can lag the positive transitions of R3CP-R by a predetermined number of bit intervals.
The interpolation flag signal IPF is also provided during the MAIN DATA IN intervals during each word, for example in the middle of the word interval with which the particular IPF signal is associated, as discussed above in ` the illustrative examples of signal specifications.

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1 SPDT data, including tape Subarea information and Main data block ID information, can be transferred on the SPDT parallel bus during the intervals identified by SUB
DATA orJT and SUB DATA IN, wherein OUT refers to transfers the write formatter circuit 111, and IN refers to trans-fers between the read formatter circuit 117 and the controller. As discussed above, the SPDT data can include control information for the formatter circuits, which would require transfer to the formatter circuits. The reference to SUB DATA in the timing diagram of FIG. 4 is to indicate that Subarea information is to be provided or is available via the SPDT parallel bus during the SUB DATA
intervals identified in the timing diagram, with the direction of transfer being indicated by OUT and IN.
The SUB DATA OUT intervals are defined by the logical AND of the R3CP-W signal and the SPRDY-W signal that is not shown but is essentially the same as the SPRDY-R signal, and the SUB DATA IN intervals are defined by the high states of the SPRDY-R signal. The SUB DATA
OUT intervals are defined in this manner to provide a ~ingle SU~ DATA OVT interval for each cycle of the R3CP-W
signal, which is appropriate for a tape format in accor-dance with the ANSI DDS standard that requires that the subarea~ in both tracks of a frame be identical. However, it should appreciated that two SUB DATA OUT intervals can be provided for each R3CP-W cycle if the two tracks of a frame are to include different Subarea information.
It should be noted that the SUB DATA OUT and SUB
DATA IN references indicate when Subarea information and any Main Area informa~ion communicated via the SPDT bus are transferred from the controller (OU~) and to the controller (IN).
The direction of transfer of SPDT data on the SPDT
parallel bus 127 and the formatter circuit being accessed at any given time are controlled by the microprocessor and , - , . , , . .. , .. ,:
, ~ . " , ~ . ...... :

., , , ~ - : :

:. .: , . . . .

.: ~ ,-. . , : , , .. -, .


1 the I/O decoder 217. By way of illustrative example, the locations in memory maps associated with each of the formatter circuits can be designated as write-only or read-only, and thus the formatter circuit and address being accessed can implicitly define direction.
More particularly as to the function of the SPRDY
signals, the interrupt/wait logic circuit 223 can provide an interrupt pursuant to a SPRDY signal becoming active after a transition of the associated R3CP signal to indicate that data can be transferred on the parallel SPDT
bus 127. A wait signal can be provided if the formatter circuits are slower than the controller microprocessor 211, for example pursuant to a SPRDY signal becoming inactive prior to the next transition of the associated R3CP signal. Accordingly, although not shown in FIG. 4, the SPRD~ signals could have relatively short negative pulses between the negative pulses at the transitions of the associated R3CP signals. The interrupt/wait logic circuit would be configured to provide the appropriate interrupt or wait signal, for example, as function of the transitions of the R3CP ~ignals.
RFOUT identifies the intervals during which one of the write heads i8 in contact with the tape, and RFIN
identifies the intervals during which one of the read heads is in contact with the tape. In terms of relation to the R3CP signals, RFOUT intervals start with each transition of the R3CP-W signal and continue for 90 degrees of thè R3CP-W cycle, while RFIN intervals start 90 degrees after each transition of the R3CP-R signal.
FIG. 4 further illustrates the timing sequence for writing and reading of a given frame. The Main Area data for the frame N is transferred to the write formatter during the first cycle of the R3CP-W signal associated ` with the frame N. During the second R3CP-W cycle associ-;, 35 ated with the frame N, Subarea information and Main data -1 block ID information for the frame N are transferred via the ~PDT parallel bus~ The first track (A) of the frame N
is written to tape during first 90 degrees of the third R3CP-W cycle associated with the frame N, and the second track (B) of the frame N is written to tape during the third 90 degrees of the third R3CP-W frame associated with ; the frame N. Thus, in terms of transferring frame infor-mation to the write formatter circuit and writing the frame to tape, three cycles of the R3CP-W signal are ` 10utilized, with the frame information being processed in pipeline fashion.
As to reading, the first track (A) of the written frame N is read from tape during the fourth or last 90 degrees of the third R3CP-W associated with the frame N.
The second track (B) is read during the second 90 degrees of the fourth cycle of the R3CP-W signal associated with the frame N. The first track Subarea information is available a short time after the start of the fourth R3CP-W cycle associated with the frame N, to allow for processing after reading, and the second track Subarea information i5 available a short time after the 180 degree transition o the ourth R3CP-W cycle associated with the frame N, also to allow for processing.
In the fore~oing read-after-write procedure, a track is read after another adjacent track has been written, in other words by the read head positioned 270 degrees from ` the write head that wrote such track, in the direction of rotation. In this manner, a recorded track is read in its final form with recorded tracks on either side.
; 30 The Main Area data as read for the frame N is transferred to the controller during the last 180 degrees of the fifth cycle of the R3CP-W signal associated with ; the frame N and the first 180 degrees of the sixth cycle of the R3CP-W signal associated with the frame N.

... ..

~ ~ ~ a 1In terms of the R3CP-R signa:L, with the first cycle of the R3CP-R signal associated with the frame N being that cycle during which the first track for the frame N is read from tape as identified by RFIN, the Subarea informa-tion for the first and second tracks are available during the last half of the first R3CP-R cycle associated with the frame, and during the first half of the second R3CP-R
cycle associated with the frame. Main Area data read for the frame N is available during the third cycle of the R3CP-R signal associated with the frame N. In other words, reading a frame from tape and transferring the frame information to the controller takes place over three cycles of the R3CP-R signal, with the frame information being processed in pipeline fashion.
15Further as to reading the frame N, FIG. 4 illus-trates the availability of certain error data that can be utilized for determining whether re-write is necessary.
A Main Area ID parity error count IDPCNT, a subcode odd parity error count SOPCNT, a subcode even parity error count SEPCNT, and the LOW AMP signal are available for the first track during the second half of the first R3CP-R
; cycle, and are available or the second track during the first half of the second R3CP-R cycle. The "odd" and "even" terms refer to odd and even numbered blocks. The ~oregoing counts are accessed via the SPDT parallel bus, while the LOW AMP signal is provided on a separate line.
`` The Cl ECC processing error count for the Subareas of the ~ir~t track is available during the first half of the second R3CP-R cycle, while the Cl ECC processing error count for the Subareas of the second track is available during the second half of the second R3CP-R cycle. The Cl ;` ECC processing error count for the Main Area of the first track is available for the first track during the second half of the second R3CP-R cycle, while the Cl ECC process-ing error count for the Main Area of the second track is ., ... .
: , : . : , ,: .
- . :.
. . . .. ' '.: ~ : ' .

1 available during the first half of the third R3CP-R cycle.
- The foregoing Cl error counts are accessed by the con-troller via the SPDT parallel bus.
The controller generates a checksum for the Main `/ 5 Area informa*ion, which is checked against checksurn information in the Subarea information for the frame N
during the fourth cycle of R3CP-R.
In terms of re-write after reading, such re-write can commence as early as the fifth cycle of the R3CP-W
signal associated with the frame (i.e., four frames later), or as late as the seventh cycle of the R3CP-W
signal (i~e., six frames later), depending upon the nature of the error detected that calls for a re-write.
Further as to the communication of the drive control and status information on the control/status lines 151, ; control information transmitted to the drive via the RXD
signal discussed above can include two categories, drive ; modes and drive commands, examples of which are set forth further herein. Drive modes generally are directed to drive control operations such as mechanism mode changes ; that require a relatively longer time to complete, and as to which the controller obtains mode status information to detect that the requested mode is active. Drive commands generally are directed to drive operations that can be completed relatively quickly.
Drive modes and commands can include the following:
, cassette load cassette eject ~` tape unload, cylinder stop ~; cylinder run, tape load skip Device Area of tape soft stop motion hard stop motion i, . .

. : , . - . :
., ~ ~ ,.............. :

., . ,. .. . - , --:


1 pause forward Xl forward X3 forward X5 S forward X7 forward Xll forward X12.5 - forward X15 forward X25 forward X50 forward X75 forward X100 forward X150 forward X200 forward X250 forward X300 forward X400 cylinder stop cylinder run reverse Xl reverse X3 reverse X5 reverse X7 reverse X11 ` 25 reverse X12.5 reverse X15 reverse X25 reverse X50 reverse X75 reverse X100 reverse X150 reverse X200 .~ reverse X250 rev~rse X300 reverse X400 ., .
.` ' ~ . ; - ' ' '' . ' ~ :
., .~ ,. . . , :, ~: . . .. . ` .

' ., , ~ : : ~ - : ~ : - : .
.. : . . . .
.. : . . ~ .

2 ~

. _ _ get drive mode clear eject request bit set constant speed servo (record) set ATF servo (play) cassette status LED off cassette status LED on drive LED off drive LED on allow media removal prevent media removal get hole status get cassette status get error status get drive status set 13.6 um track width (read/write) set 20.4 um tracX width (read only) drive reset, clear errors ; 20 An illustrative example of the format of an 8-bitcontrol information byte i5 set forth in FIG. 5, wherein the type of the control information (drive mode or drive command) is identified by bit 6 or 7 being set to 1. If both bits 6 and 7 are set to 0, the control information is a no-operation.
Status information provided by the drive via the TXD
signal discussed above can include information as to status of the drive modes requested by the controller, and also the particular status information requested via drive commands. FIG. 6 sets forth an illustrative example of an 8-bit status information byte that can be utilized to communicate status information. If bit 7 is 1 and bit 5 is 0, the drive is currently changing to the drive mode identified in bits (5:0). If bit 7 is 0 and bit 6 is 1, the drive is in the mode identified by bits (5:0). If : ' , ': ' 2 ~

1 both bits 7 and 6 are 1, the drive mode or drive command last sent by the controller has been rejected, and bits ' (5:0) identify the rejected mode or command.
If both bits 7 and 6 are 0, the status format is as shown in FIG. 7. In particular, bit 5 comprises an Eject Requested bit, while bits (4:0) identify a drive status, cassette status, hole status, or error status codes. The particular status byte can be presented in response to a command, as a result of an error condition, or as a result of operator actuation of a drive Eject button while the drive is operating puxsuant ~o a "prevent media removal"
In terms of control/status communications for an implementation wherein control information and s~atus information are communicated only simultaneously pursuant ; to control by the controller (i.e., full duplex communica-tion wherein drive control is slaved to the controller), a drive status or error code can be returned in response to a drive mode code, with the error code having higher pxiority. If a drive command is communicated, then the appropriate status code must be returned.
The cassette status, drive status, and error status information can include the following:

no cassette cassette loading cassette loaded, length unknown cassette loaded, length = 120 min.
cassette loaded, length = 90 min.
cassette loaded. length = 60 min.
cassette loaded, length = 45 min.

__ no status availabla , , .: , . . .
. : ~

- - . . . .

.. .

2 ~3 ~ J~

1 Beginning of Tape tBOT) lead~r detect : End of Tape ~EOT) leader detect adjust threshold complete S ERROR STATUS
no error cassette loading error cassette eject arror , capstan error cylinder error reel error or tape jam . mechanism error tape cut . -adjust threshold error :
no cassette ~ :
dew detected, ~ape, unloaded - ~ :
. :
As to tape cassette hole status, FIG. 8 sets for a particular example of the format for the code bits of the status ~yte of FIG. 7. Bit 4 is set to indicate that the tape is write-protected; and bit 3 is set to indicate that the tape i9 pre-recorded. Bits (2:0) indicate tape type, whlch can include the following:
: 25 metal power or equlvalent, 13 um thickness metal power or equivalent, thin wide track, 13 um thickness cleaning cassette ' wide track, thin . :
As to cassette ejection, whether or not cassette ejection is permitted can be controlled by the controller, for example to prevent removal of a cassette while record-ing. After the "allow media removal" command has been sent to the drive, the drive will eject the cassette ~ . . , . ~

- . ' ~ ' -: - ~ -. , - - .: .. ' :

2 ~

1 immediately after the Eject button is pushed by an opera-tor. This can also be the default mode after reset. If the controller sends a command after the cassette has been ejected, an error status indicating no cassette will be rPturned by the drive.
After the "prevent media removal" command has been sent to the drive, the drive will set the Eject Requested status bit when the Eject button is actuated, and the cassette will not be ejected. This status remains until the controller issues a "cassette eject" command, a "clear Eject Reques~" command, or an "allow media removal"
command, at which time the cassette will be ejected.
Referring now to FIG. 9, set forth therein by wa~ of ; illustrative example is a flow diagram of a process that can be implemented with the foregoing drive/controller interface for reading a computer storage DAT tape. At 311 the controller provides a drive mode to the drive via the control/status lines 151 to set the drive mechanism mode to forward at the normal speed of Xl. At 312 the control-ler requests the drive mode status, and at 313 a deter-mination is made as to whether the requested mode is active. If no, control transfers to 312. This is to allow time for the mode change to be completed.
If the determination at 313 is yes, the requested mode o forward Xl is active, a set ATF servo command is provided by the controller at 315. At 317 the read formatter is set to play, for example, pursuant to format-ter control data provided by the controller on the SPDT
parallel bus.
At 319 the Subarea and Main Area information read from tape are processed as discussed above. As the tape is being read, at 321 the controller periodically requests information as to the drive status, via the control/status ; lines. At 323 a determination is made as to whether the ~ 35 drive status provided in response to a request at 321 `;'' . .

.. ~' ;'., ~.;. . ' : ' ' ' .' .. . .. . .

: . .

v 1 indicates the end of tape or an error. If no, a determin-` ation is made at 325 as to whether xeading of the selected information, certain specified groups, for example, has been completed. If no, control transfers to 319 for processing Subarea and Main Area information.
If the determina~ion at 323 is yes, or if the determination at 325 is yes, the controller requests the drive to engage the stop mode at 327. At 328 the control-ler requests the drive mode status, and at 329 a deter-mination is made as to whether th~ requested mode i5active. If no, control transfers to 328. When the stop mode is active, the drive has stopped and the read process is completed.
Other processes for tape operation~ will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art.
The foregoing has been a disclosure of an interface for use with a computer DAT drive that includes components developed ~or audio DAT applications, and which advanta-geously provides for recognition of frame boundaries, phase-locked operation of the drive read and write format-ter circuits, read-after-write capability, full format capability as to Sub and Main Areas, and precise tape drive mechanism control.
Although the foregoing has been a description and illustration of specific embodiments of the invention, ` various modifications and changes thereto can be made by ; ~ persons skilled in the art without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention as defined by the following claims.

.'; .

., ~ . . .
., : . . .

,. ~ . .

.' . ' ~.

Claims (4)

1. A computer data transfer interface for a ditial audio tape (DAT) system having (a) read/write formatting circuitry for writing data to tape in accordance with the DAT format and for reading from tape data recorded thereon in accordance with the DAT format, (b) a tape drive mechanism, and (c) a drive mechanism control circuit, the interface comprising:
transfer and receive means for transferring to the read/write formatting circuitry data to be written to tape and for receiving from the read/write circuitry data read from tape; and drive control means for controlling the drive mechanism control circuit.
2. The data transfer interface of Claim 1 further including host interface means for interfacing said transfer and receive means and said drive control means with a host computer.
3. The data transfer interface of Claim 1 wherein the data transferred to the read/write formatting cir-cuitry is organized to resemble audio information.
4. The data transfer interface of Claim 3 wherein the data received from the read/write formatting circuitry resembles audio information.
CA 2031336 1990-01-17 1990-12-03 Dat drive/controller interface Abandoned CA2031336A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US46572690A 1990-01-17 1990-01-17
US465,726 1990-01-17
US54655790A 1990-06-25 1990-06-25
US546,557 1990-06-25

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CA2031336A1 true CA2031336A1 (en) 1991-07-18



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CA 2031336 Abandoned CA2031336A1 (en) 1990-01-17 1990-12-03 Dat drive/controller interface

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JPH03242873A (en) 1991-10-29

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