CA1114418A - Device comprising a relatively movable rod and surrounding sleeve, wherebetween a rolling diaphragm seal is present - Google Patents

Device comprising a relatively movable rod and surrounding sleeve, wherebetween a rolling diaphragm seal is present


Publication number
CA1114418A CA298,310A CA298310A CA1114418A CA 1114418 A CA1114418 A CA 1114418A CA 298310 A CA298310 A CA 298310A CA 1114418 A CA1114418 A CA 1114418A
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French (fr)
Wilhelmus H.A. Minten
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Koninklijke Philips NV
Original Assignee
Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV
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Application filed by Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV filed Critical Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1114418A publication Critical patent/CA1114418A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • F16J15/00Sealings
    • F16J15/50Sealings between relatively-movable members, by means of a sealing without relatively-moving surfaces, e.g. fluid-tight sealings for transmitting motion through a wall
    • F16J15/52Sealings between relatively-movable members, by means of a sealing without relatively-moving surfaces, e.g. fluid-tight sealings for transmitting motion through a wall by means of sealing bellows or diaphragms
    • F16J3/00Diaphragms; Bellows; Bellows pistons
    • F16J3/06Bellows pistons


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Reciprocating Pumps (AREA)
  • Compressor (AREA)
  • Sealing Devices (AREA)



a device, such as a hot-gas reciprocating machine or a compressor, comprising a relatively movable rod and surrounding sleeve wherebetween a second sleeve is provided which also surrounds the rod and which moves with the rod, said sleeve forming the connection points for a rolling diaphragm seal.


~3 ~i,.14 9~ PIIN ~3rL~?.
8.9.77 "Dev:ice compr:ising a relat-vely movable rod and sleeve, wherebetween a rolllng diaphragm seal is present"
_ _ . _ _ _ ' The invenl;ion relates to a device, compri~ing a rod and a sleeve are reciprocablo:with rospect to each other in tho longitudinal direction, at least on.e rolllng diaphragm seal, one ~nd o~ which i9 secured to the sleeve, being disposed between the rod and the sl.eeve, sa:id seal being supported by a liquid in a liquid space and separating a spac~ filled with gas fromthe space filled with liquids, said liquid space comprising a liquid inlet, being co~mected to a liquid source, and a liquid outlet. ' .
Devices of th.e described kind are to be understood to mean, for example, hot-gas reciprocating machines, including hot-gas engines, cold-gas '.
refrigerators and heat pumps, compressors and piston . expansion machines.
:: The rod may be passed through a surrounding : housing (for example, a plston rod passed through the wall o~ Q crank ~case or a buffer space) or through : 20 a piston/plston rod (for example, a displacer rod of : ` a hot-gas reciprocating machine o~ th'e displacer t)rpe).

In a device of the described kind which is known the other end of the rolling diaphragm is directly connected to the piston rod.
The rolling diaphragm on the one hand s prevents leakage o~ gas from the working space or buffer space of the device, and on the other hand the ingress of impurities such as lubricant into said space. Notably in hot-gas engines and cold-gas re-frigerators contamination of the regenerator ar-ranged in the working space would cause a disastrous reduction o~ the efficiency.
For the service life of the rolling dia-phragm it is o~ essential importance that the diaphragm remains clean However, when the diaphragm is mounted in the device and connected to the piston rod, there -is a real risk of contamination of the rolling dia-phragm and of dust particles adhering to the rolling diaphragm.
The present invention has for its object to provide an improved construction~ so that it is on the one hand poss;ible to mount the rolling diaphragm ~;~ completely in clean, low~dust surroundings prior to ~; assembly of the devicer whilst on the other hand re~
moval or replacement of the rolling diaphragm at a ~25 ~ later stage~can be simply effected.
In order to realize this objectr the de-:
~ ~ vice in accordance with the invention is ch~racterized ;~., ' ' ~
~ ~ 3 ~
: :~: :: :

PIIN.~710 9 r~ rl :Ln -thcl-t the slee~ve has an inner diameterwlI:ich is larger than -the outer diamoter vf` tke rod, a gap thus being formed in which a second sleeve surrourIding the rod is disposed, said second slceve 'being i~Irnobile with respec-t to the rod at least in the longitudinal direction, the other end of the rolling di~p'hragr being connected to the ssecond s:leeve.
The -two slee~es together form a holder in which the rolling diaphragm can bc oompletely mounted in advance, whi]st the holder, after connection of the roll-ing diaphragI?l therein, can be readily mourIted in the device. Afrer that, the no longer labour intensive7 '' but simple, straight rod can be slid into the inner sleeve.
15 - In a pré~erred embodiment of the device in accordance with the invention, the second sleeve has a thin-walled construction and the rod is arrange~
therein with clearance.
Because the inner thin-walled sleeve is , somewhat flexible, an advantage is obtained in that alignment errors can be compensated for by the rolling diaphragm ho:Lder.
' A further preferred embodlment of the device in accordance with the invention is characteri~ed Z5 ~lthat the end of the rod which is situated at the side .,, ,, .. ., .. .. .. ~ .. ... , .. . . ,.. ~ .. . . . .. .
f the rolling diaphragm which i~aces t~e liquid'space' ~' .. . .
is screwed into the second slceve.



A simple connection between the inner sleeve and the rod is thus obtained.
A further preferred embodiment o~ the device in accordance with the invention is charac-terized in that at the side of the rolling diaphragm which faces the liquid space a seal is disposed in a gap between the two sleeves which forms part of the liquid inlet, said seal allowing liquid to ~low from the source to the liquid space during operation of the device.
The seal can again be attractively an~
simply mounted in the holder in advance.
When pressurized liquid is supplied to the liquid space, the seal in accordance with the in- -vention may be constructed as a non-return valve which opens in the direction of the liquid space and which comprises a spring~loaded valve body which is constructed as an 0-ring.
Alternatively, the seal in accordance with the invention may be constructed as a pumping ring. Pumping rings and their operation are known se, for example, from United States Patent Spec-i~ication 3,149,846 - Verbeek ~ September 22, 1964 (P~ 16,225). ;
25i The invention will be described in detail hereinafter with reference to the diagrammatic draw-:: :
ing which is not to scale.
: .

- ~ 5 -:

PIIN. 8710 L~ 8 ~ 9 ~ r( ~igure 1 is a longi.tudilla.l sect:ional view of a part o~ a h.ot-gas engine, comprising a clisplacer rod and a surrourlding rolling diaphragm holdel ~hich is formed l~y two sleeves, the outer sleeve being accommodated in the piston/~i.ston rod.
~igure 2 is a longitudinal sectional vlew o~ a furt:her embodiment o~ a roller diaphragm holder which surrounds a rod which is passed through the wall Or a crank case.
The referen.ce numeral 1 in Fig. 1 denotes a cylinder in which a piStOll 2 and a displacer 3 are reciprocable.
Between the piston 2 and the lower ~ide of dlsplacer 3 a compression space 4 is present,whilst : 15 above the displacer 3 an expansion space 5 is present.
These two spaces communicate via a cooler 6, a regenerator : 7 and a heater 8.
The piston 2 is connected, Yia a hollow : piston rod 9, to a drive (not shown) which is .
accommodated in a crank (not shown~ containing lubricating oil. The displacer 3 is connected to a displacer rod 10.
: ~ :
~ :Between the piston 2/ piston 9 and ths :~ :
:: r~ displace~ rod 10 provided a sleeYe 11 which ~: .
25~ : is accommodated in a sealing manner, via an O-ring 12, in the p:Ls~ton/plston rod and which is secured thereto : by way of screws 13.
: -, . , ~: :

E'f[N.f3710 ~-9-7~

r3et~een the sleeve 'I 1 a:nd the displacer rod 10 there is provided a s.1eeve 11~, the lower slde of which is also connected to the drive not show:n The lower end of the displacer rod 10 is sc~ewed into the bottom of the sleeve 14 by way of a thread 15.
Between th.e sleeves 11 and 1l~ there i8 secured a rollLng cliaphragm 16 whLch separa-tes the compressi.oTI sp'lce l~, fil.l.ed a gaseous worlcll1.g medium (for e~amplo, hydxogen)~ *rom a liqu:Ld space 17.
Furthermore, a rollin~ d:Laphragm 18 is present between the piston 2 and the cylinder 1, said d:iaphragm separating the compression spacé 11 *rom a li.qui.d spacc 19.
The liq~lid space 1 r7 is in open communicatlon with the liquid space 19. The rolling diaphragms ensure that the working med:ium cannot penetrate into the crank case and3 conversely, -that lubricating oil from the crank cannot contaminate the compression space, tha regenerator etc.
~:~ . By wa~ of a pumping ring 22, being arranged in the gap 20 between. the sleeve~11 and 14.
and being accommodated *or the greater part in a recess 2.~, i.n the sl~eve 11, lubricating oiI can be pumped, in the : case of rel.ative movemeDt o* the sleeves 11 and 149 f~om the crank case to the liquid spaces 17 and 19 in order to support the rolling diaphragMs 16 and 18 at : : these areas~ The pumping ring 22 acts as a seal in the direoticn~from the liquid space 17 to the crank case.

I'll~. ~37 10 ' 77 A contro.l. dev:ice 23 ensures tha-t always so much lubr:ica-ting o:il i5 d:ischarged frorn the l:iqwid spaces 17 and 19 to the crank case that an. a-t lea6t substantial constant differentia1 pressure p-revalls across the rolling diaphragms 16 and 18. Becau6c tho operation and the con6tructi.0n of the roll:in~ d:i.aphragms and the control device are known, thcy need not be furtller described herein.
The connection of the rolling diaphragm 16 ~eali~eJ
to the sleeves 11 and 1l~ can be completely ~a~3~ze~
prior to assembly o:~ the ho;t-gas engine in a clean and low-dust space. Similarly, the pumping ring 22 can be arranged between the sleeves in advance.
- Subsequently9 the holder *ormed by the two sleeve6 can be mounted inthe englne, together with the rolling diaphragm and the pumping ring and the displacer rod 10 can subsequently be screwed into the sleeve 14.
Disassembly can be simply ef~ected, the said operations then being performed in the reverse order.
The use of the rolling diaphragm holder .
~ ~ is attractive notably in devices where a piston rod :::
::~ is to be passed through the wall of a housing, for example, a crank case or a buffer space.
~ .
This is also illustrated in Figure 2.
2S . .~ The.rolling diaphragm holder shown in Figure 2 comprises a thin-walled sleeve 30 wherethrough ~: : . . . . .

,, ,, i. ~ ;

. ' ' ; ' ', ~. . .

Pl~ 37 I o ~3,9.77 .
a roc1 3'1 :i s pa~ ed wi t}1 a c:lea~ ancc, an~i a sleeve 3~.
The wa:L L thickne~;s Or the sleeve 30 i5 ~ I'or e:~;ampls, ix7 the o:rder o:~ magIlitude of' f'rorr1 O.3 to 1.5 JIIM~
50 thal; the sleeve is flexi'ble. Takillg inl;o accounl;
the fac-t that the rod 31 is passed through l;he slesve ~0 with a clearance, ali gnment errro~ can be compensal;ed for because ot` the rad:iaJ freeclom of moven70nt O:r thc ff:l eeve 30. The rod 3'1 and the s:Leeve 30 ar~ conr7ecl;ed to an eler11ell1; 33 which is eoup:1.ed I;o a dr:Lve (nolt ffllOWll) :is aeeommodated in a erank ca~Je 34 which conta:ins oLl ancl an oil p~lmp (not shown).
The sl'eeve 32 is secured, by way o:t' screws 35, to a cover plate 36 which in its turN i8 secured to the crank case 34 by way of sersws 37.
The upper end of ~the rocl 31 supportS a pis ton (not shown) which is eapable of varying the ~olume of a ~torking spaee (no t shown) whieh eontains a working medium. The eran'7c ease 34 also eon tains working medium at a substalltia 1 eonstant pressura which is equal to the mean pressure in said space.
One end of` a rolling diaphragm 38 is connected :~ , .
ts the slee~e 30, its other end belng eonnected to the sleeve 3Z. The roller ~diaphragm 38 separates a liquid spaee 39 from a gas spaoe ~0 which is in open eommunication,
2~ ~ia ducts~ 41, with the crank case spaee 34a. l`he gas " ' ~ ' ' ' ' `: ~; ' ' ~ spae e ~i O ~ thu ~ ' e on-ta i ns worklng m edlum .

, _ 9 _ ,: . . . . .

I'flN 8710 ~9~77 ~bove l;he rt):l:1.L-ll&r d:].aphrilgm 38 a sea~ 12 :is present between the sleeve6 30 and 32, so that in the working space do n.ot become apparent i.n the gas slac:e lio.
Unde:rnea-tll the rol.ling diaph.ra~m ~8 a sea:1. 43 i..s provided betweerl the two s:Lt~evcs, an(l a sea.1 Ijl~ is provicled between the rod 31 and ~he slecv~ 30 The delivery s:ide oI the oil pump (not shown) communioates with the liquld space 3t) via a supply duct which .. inc.l.udes thc ducts 45 in the wall o.~ the sleeve 32 arid the gap l~6 bet.we.en the sl.eeves 30 and 3~.
The liquid space 39 ~urthermore outlet ducts 1j7 which ar~ connected to the suction side of the oil pwnp.
15 ~ In the gap 46 there is provl.ded a seal . which is constructed a.s a non-return valve and which comprises an 0-ring 48, a pressure piece 49 and a compression spring .~0.
During operation of the device, the oil pump supplies pressuri~ed oil to ~he duc-ts 45, so that the Q~ring 48 ïs ~orced upward:s and the pressuri~ed oil can flow to the liquid space 39 where it supports the rolling diaphragm 38. At th~ same time, oil is returned, via the ducts 47, to the suction side of the pump.
25 ~ : ~he~ the oil pump is not in operation, the O--rlng 48 is pushsd downwards by the compression Plll`J . ~'~ l O
. 9. 7~

~pr:ing 50, so -tha-t the gap 116 if3 c:Lo.s~d and oil.
cannot escape ;~ronl the ~iquid f,pace 39.
Tlie rolllng d:i.aphragm 38 can again bc secur~d to the ~slecve 30 and 32 in clean, low-duf,t <ii3urroundings (like the mount:ing of` the f,eals).
Subse~ucntly~ the ro; d:iaphragrn holdcr can be mounted iln-tlle crank casc 34, after wh:ich the ~ . .
rod 31 can be prov:Lded. Di~assernb.Ly of the ro:l:l.ingr diapllragm holdcr or rep:Lac~ment thereol' or ,r thc rol.ling diaphragmcan bo sirnply performed, ;" ' . ' . ' , .



:: :

Claims (7)

1. An axial motion seal assembly, for hermetic seal-ing between a first member and a rod reciprocating axially with respect to the first member, comprising:
an outer sleeve, means for mounting said outer sleeve to said first member, an inner sleeve coaxially disposed within said outer sleeve, a rolling diaphragm seal disposed inside said outer sleeve, having one seal end secured to the outer sleeve, and the other seal end secured to the inner sleeve, said rolling diaphragm seal separating a first space between the inner and outer sleeves, adapted to be filled with a gas, from a second space between the inner and outer sleeves adapted to be filled with a fluid, means for securing an end of the inner sleeve to the rod to be sealed, with the rod passing through the inner sleeve, and means for conducting fluid to said second space.
2. An assembly as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said inner sleeve is a thin-walled sleeve having an inside cross-section providing a clearance about the rod, whereby the sleeve can flex radially to compensate for misalignment.
3. An assembly as claimed in Claim 2, wherein said inner sleeve extends from the rolling diaphragm seal to said means for securing, said means for securing consisting of means for making rigid connection to an end of the rod.
4. An assembly as claimed in Claim 3, wherein said means for securing consists of an internal screw thread.
5. An assembly as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said second space is adapted to be filled with a liquid, and said means for conducting fluid includes a one-way seal dis-posed in a gap between the two sleeves and forming part of a liquid inlet, said one-way seal allowing liquid to flow from a source to the second space.
6. An assembly as claimed in Claim 5, wherein said one-way seal functions as a non-return valve permitting flow in the direction of the second space, and has a spring-loaded valve body formed by an O-ring.
7. An assembly as claimed in Claim 5, wherein said one-way seal is a pumping ring which pumps liquid on the outer surface of the inner sleeve into the second space.
CA298,310A 1977-03-08 1978-03-02 Device comprising a relatively movable rod and surrounding sleeve, wherebetween a rolling diaphragm seal is present Expired CA1114418A (en)

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NL7702450 1977-03-08

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CA1114418A true CA1114418A (en) 1981-12-15



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CA298,310A Expired CA1114418A (en) 1977-03-08 1978-03-02 Device comprising a relatively movable rod and surrounding sleeve, wherebetween a rolling diaphragm seal is present

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JP6086591B2 (en) * 2013-03-29 2017-03-01 三和テッキ株式会社 Biasing force variable valve device

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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GB1210662A (en) * 1967-11-10 1970-10-28 Inst Schiffbaue Propeller shaft packing for ships
BE754726A (en) * 1969-08-13 1971-02-11 Philips Nv SEAL

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