CA1109505A - Multi-media energy absorbers (flex straddle) - Google Patents

Multi-media energy absorbers (flex straddle)


Publication number
CA1109505A CA320,743A CA320743A CA1109505A CA 1109505 A CA1109505 A CA 1109505A CA 320743 A CA320743 A CA 320743A CA 1109505 A CA1109505 A CA 1109505A
Prior art keywords
elastomeric material
set forth
Prior art date
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French (fr)
Jerry V. Scrivo
Peter A. Weller
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
McCord Corp
Original Assignee
McCord Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by McCord Corp filed Critical McCord Corp
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1109505A publication Critical patent/CA1109505A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B60R19/00Wheel guards; Radiator guards, e.g. grilles; Obstruction removers; Fittings damping bouncing force in collisions
    • B60R19/02Bumpers, i.e. impact receiving or absorbing members for protecting vehicles or fending off blows from other vehicles or objects
    • B60R19/18Bumpers, i.e. impact receiving or absorbing members for protecting vehicles or fending off blows from other vehicles or objects characterised by the cross-section; Means within the bumper to absorb impact
    • B60R19/00Wheel guards; Radiator guards, e.g. grilles; Obstruction removers; Fittings damping bouncing force in collisions
    • B60R19/02Bumpers, i.e. impact receiving or absorbing members for protecting vehicles or fending off blows from other vehicles or objects
    • B60R19/18Bumpers, i.e. impact receiving or absorbing members for protecting vehicles or fending off blows from other vehicles or objects characterised by the cross-section; Means within the bumper to absorb impact
    • B60R2019/1806Structural beams therefor, e.g. shock-absorbing


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Vibration Dampers (AREA)
  • Springs (AREA)


An elongated energy-absorbing bumper assembly in-cluding energy-absorbing elastomeric or foam material extending between a rear mounting surface and a front impact surface with the material defining a hollow recess extending thereinto from the rear mounting surface and positioned between the ends of the assembly. The elastomeric foam material extends to the rear mounting surface at both ends of the hollow recess to define block-like end portions of the elastomeric material. A struc-tural member extends between the block-like end portions of elastomeric material with the ends of the member embedded in the elastomeric foam material, The elastomeric material is the sole support and means of positioning the member so that the member is allowed unguided movement with the elastomeric material in multiple directions upon impact.



(1) Fi-~d o t}lC I ntion This inventi~n re~ates to arl energy absorb~r bumper assembly of ~he type u~ilized on ~ehicles such as automobiles for absorbing energy in the event the automo~ile experiences an impact such as i~ a collision, Various conigurations of energy-absorbing bumper assemblies have been in~estigated and utilized. The subjec~ invention is particularly related to the use of an energy^absorbing elastomer.ic foam, such as a urethane or the like, for absorbing energy.
(2) Description of the Prior Art ~ arious con-figurations of energy-absorbing bumper assemblies are known to the prior ar~ .in which an elastomeric foam is utilized as an energy absorber. Normally, the bumper assembly insludes a longitudinally-extending structural mount-ing member which in turn supports the elas~omeric ma~erial ~ith the mounting member being adapted for a~achment to the struc~ure of the vehicl~. Fre~uently, the structure o-~ the ~el-icle, to which the forces may be transmitted rom -the energy-absorbing bumper assembly, are spaced rom one another whereby there are voids across the ~ehicle of structure which could withstand forces transmitted from the energy-absorbing humper assembly.
Accordingly, the structural mounting members are included in the bumper assembly for transmitting such forces to the appro- :
priate structural members of ~he vehicle. ~s an example, in the front of most vellicles th~ radi~tor is placecl centrally o:~
the vehicle and there is no vehicle struc~ure in thc ra~iator .
area to which the forces may be traJIsmitte~ n the other hand, ~ the structural mountin~ membcr include~l in bumper asseml)lies adds significant weight to the vehicle yet .is included to account for impacts at either end o~ tlle bumper asseml)ly and parti.cularly those impacts in the middle o-f the bumper assembly . 1 "


whereby forces may be transmi~ed to the laterally spaced structural members of the ~ehicle, Further7 bumper asscmblies must allow for the passage of air to the radiator to maintain the cooling of the vehicle engine. In accordance wi~h the subject invention a bumper assembly is provicled whereby the moun~ing structural member is eli~inated to reduce the weight of the bumper assembly and whicll bumper ~ssembly also allows for volds in structural integrity of the vehicle such as the area o the ~adiator and to allow the passage of cooling air to the radiator.
The sub~ect invention relates to an elongated energy-absorbing bumper assembly including energy~absorbi~g elastomeric material extending b~tween a rear moun~ing surface and a front impact surface. The elastomeric material defines a hollow recess extending thereinto from the rear mounting sur~ace with the hollow recess being positioned between the ends of the assembly whereby the elastomeric material extends to the rear mounting surface at both ends of the hollow recess to define block-like end portions of the elastomeric material, ~ structural member extends between the block~ e end portions with the ends thereof embedded in the block-like end portions. The elastomeric material is the s~le support and means of positioning the member so that the member is allowed unguide~ movement with the elas-tomeric material in multiple directions in response to impact.
PRI on ART STATFJM~,N'r ~ novel feature of the subject inven~ion is that the ends of ~he structural mem~ber are elrlbeddecl within th~ el~stomeric material with the elastom~ric material bcin~ the sole support o:f the member. It has been kn~wn in t}le prior art to utilizc a plate which, upon impact, cornpresses :foam material to absorb energy. Such an assembly is illllstrate~l in IJnit~d States Patent
3?666,310 granted to Burgess et al on ~lay 30, 1972, This ~atent P-54~
cliscloses a plate which may be totally cnca~sula~ed in the foam material; however, the plate has its movement ~uided or restricted by sliding pins connected to the plate. Further, there is no suggestion in this patent of providin~ a hollow recess in the elastomeric material and embedding the ends of a structural member in the elastomeric ma~erial The prior art also teaches the use of a longitudinally exten~ling bar in a bumper assembly supported by spaced blocks of elas~omeric or resili~n~ makerial.
This bar acts as a bumper and extends completely across the vehicle. Such is illustrate~l in Uni~ed Sta~es Patent 3,361,467 to Ludwikowski ~ranted January 2, 1968. ~ain, ho~ever, this patent does not su~gest the subject inven~ion wherein the elas-tomeric material has a hollow recess and a structural member is supported by the elastomeric material with the en~s of the member embedded wl~hin the elastomeric material.
Other advantages of the present in~ention will be readily appreciated as the same ~ecomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection witll the accompanying drawings wherein:
FIGURE 1 is a plan view partially broken away and in cross section vf a bumper assembly constructed in accordance with the subject inven~ion;
FIGURE 2 is a cross-sectional ~iew taken substantially ~5 along line 2-2 of FIGllR~ l;
FIGUR~ 3 is a cross-sectional View takcn substantially along line 3-3 o~ FIGIIRF l;
FIGURE ~ is a cross-sectional view at the centcr Linc of the bumper assembly showing the assemhly befor~ impact in 30 phanto~ and showing the result of the impac~ at a high posltion only at a position centrally of the bumper in full lines;
FIGVRE 5 is a view similar to FIGURE ~ ~ut sllowin~ an ~ 3~ S~ S
P-5~4 impact only along the central por~ion of t}tC bum~er a~ t~L~
vertical midsection;
FIGUR~ 6 is also a view simil~r to ~I~UI~, 4 but show-ing an impact only along the central por~ion of the bumper and at a vertically low position;
FIGU~ 7 is a cross-sectlonal view a~ the center line of the bumper assembly but showing ~he resulks of a ~ull barrier impact l~hich entends the full length of the bump~r assembly;
FIGURE 8 is a cross-sectional view at approximately line 2-2 o~ ~IGURE 1 but showing the end of the bumper assemhly ~eing impacted at a high position or above the center line;
PIGURE 9 is a view similar to FIGUR~ 8 but showin~ the impact at the vertical center o the end of the bumper assembly;
FIGURF, 10 is a view similar to FIGURE 8 but showing the impact below the vertical center;
FIGIJR9 11 is a view similar to FIGIIRE 2 but showing a modification of the subject asse~nbly;
FIGURE 12 is a cross-s~ctional view o~ the assemhly ~hown in PIGURE 11 but showing the longitudinal central portion of the bumper in ~he manner of FIGUR~ 3; and FIGUR~ 13 is a cross-sectional vi.ew of the bumper assembly showing a modified structural member construction.
An elongaked energy-absorbing bumper assembly is 25 generally shown at 10 in ~IGUR~ 1. ;
The assemhly inclu~es ener~y-absorbing elastomeric, material generally indicated at 12. The elastomeric lnater.ial 12 extends between a rear mounting surE.Ice 14 ancl a front im-pact surface 16. The elaskomeric material 12 defines a hollow recess 18 ex~ending thereinto from the rear mount:ing surface 14 ~oward ~he ~ron~ surface 16. The recess 18 is positioned be~ween the ends of the assembly. Only onc-half o~

~-544 the assembly is shown in FI~IrRE 1 and it will be appreciatefl that the opposite en-l of the asscmbly ls a mirror image o-f that shown in FIGURE 1, The rec~ss 1~ is th~re~or~ positioned centrally be~ween the ends o the assembly so that the elasto-meric material 12 ex~ends to the rear mountin~ surace 14 atboth ends of tl~e hollow recess 18 ~o d~ine block-like end por-tions 20 of the elastomeric material. Precrably the elas~omeric material is a foam plastic material such as nlicrocellular poly-urethane foam. One formulation which may ~e used for the elastomeric material is disclosed in United States Patent 3,575,B96 granted April 20, 1971 in ~he name of 0. R. Khan and assigned to the assignee of ~he subject invention.
The assembly also includes a structural member gen-erally indicated at 22 and extending between the block-li]ce end portions 20. The ends 24 of ~he member 22 are embedded in the elastomeric material 12 so ~hat the elastomeric rnaterlal is the sole support and means of posi~ioning ~he member so that the member is allowed unguided movemen~ with the elastomeric material in multiple directions upon impact as is illustrated in PIGURES
4 through 10. It is important to note ~hat as viewed in FIGURE
1 the ends 24 of the member are completely embedded wi~hin the elastomeric material, iOe., front-to-back o~ the member. In other words, the elastomeric ma~erial extends ~rom the rear of the member around the end o the member to the front of the member. The elastomeric material is (lisposcd outboar~l of the ends of the member, i.e., the elas~oTn~ric rn~terial a~ut~ th~
ends of the member. To describe the comhinatiorl anothcr wny, the structural member 22 extends between the block-like en~l portions 20 with the member 22 being~ ree ~ other support an~l/or positioning means so that upon impact o the member only the elastomeric material reacts to the movement of the structural member 22. This allows the member to "10at" in or with the S


elastomeric material. Sucl~ has been founcl to provide unexpec~ed reslllts in t~1at the member does not cock suficiently about its longitlldi1lal axis to allow the impact member to ride over the member. In other words, there is continuulls engagen1ent with the impact member by the member because the ends of the member are em-bedded within the elastomeric ~oam material.
As illustrated, the ends 2~ of the memheT 22 overlap tlle block-like end por~ions 20 of the elastomeric material. ~d-ditionally, the member has a cross section which is elon~ate~
vertically in a direction generally parallel to the front and rear surfaces of the elastomeric material so that the member in-cludes front and rear faces 26 and 28 as illustrated in PIGURE 2.
The member 22 includes a front plate defining the front -face 26 with at least one, but as illustrated, four horizontally extend-lS ing flanges 30. The flanges 30 extend rearwardly rom the frontplate 26 and are integrally connected to a rear plate 28. The member may be fabricated with merely a front plate and one or more rearwardly extending flanges ~o provide the member Wit}l the ; proper structural integrity. ~1owe~er, the member 22 includes a front plate 26 and struc~ure integral with the front plate to define longitudinally extending enclosed cells as viewecl in cross section. The member may be made of reinorced plastic 5 steel, aluminum, or the like. In some instances it would be desirable for the member to be subs~antially rigid longitudinaIly of its }ength but in other circumstances the member is preerably Elex-,, ~
~ ; ible so as to be able to bend between the ends in response to an . ~ ~
imyact. In such bendlng a portion of the energy absorption of the impact will be taken up by the flexing or bending of the member~between its ends. Of course, upon a center impact; i.e., the bumper assembly having an impact bet~een the ~lock-like yortions 20, the member, if flexible, would bend to absorb some ;~ ; energy but would also compress the block-like portions 20 , .

. ~ : ............................ . .

~ '~g~5~5 where~y the block-like ~ortions 20 would ahsorb the remaining energy of the im~act, The elas~omeric material 12 extends over or along the front face of the member Z2 between the ends there-of. There is some energy ahsorption by the elastorneric material disposed longitudinally on the front face of the member 22 in the event of an irnpact subs~an~ially at ~he longitudln~l center line of the assembly.
The assembly also includes mounting means comprising the channels 32 disposed on ~he rear rnounting sur~aces 14 of the block-like end portions 20 for attaching the assembly 10 to the support structure 36 of a vehicle~ The channel members 32 support ~he studs 34 which may be inserted through appropriate apertures in the support structure of a vehicle.
In the preferred embodiment illustrated the hollow lS recess 18 extends from the rear mounting sur~ace 14 to the mem~er 22 whereby the member 22 defines tlle bottom of the hollow recess 18.
Typically, the bumper assem~ly would b~ coverecl by a fascia 38 attached to the vehicle ~ody. Alternatively, the elastomeric material 12 may have a decorative skin thereon.
FIGURE 4 is a view showing the bumper assembly ex-periencing an impact by a member only along the longitudinal central portion oF the assembly with the impact me~.ber hitting the bumper assembly above the longitudinal center line. FIGIJRE
4 illustrates that the member 22 cocks ~ut that the impact meml~er does not ride over the member and the meml)~r transmits ener~y to the block-like end portions 2~ which are in turn su~por~ed by structural members o-~ the vellicle.
FIGIJRE S is a vicw showing the sam¢ impact mcmber hitting the bumper assernbly at the lon~itudinal center line whereby the member 22 remains vertical and moves straig}lt rear-wardly to transmit impact forces to the block-like entl ~ortions 20. 7 P-54~
FIGIJRE 6 shows the i~pact member hitting thc center of the assembly but below the longi~udinal center line. ~s illus-trated in FIGURI 6 ~he member 22 is cocked or rotates in the opposite direction in resporLse to the impact but a~ain is ablc to transmit the energy of the impact to t}le elastomeric block-like portions 20.
FI~IJRI 7 illustrates a full barrier im~act w}lere the bumper is impacte~ all along ~he bumper between its en~s thereof and illustrates tllat the member 22 moves straight rearwardly to transmit energy ~o the block-like end por~ions 20 Preferably, approximately ten to twenty percent of the total elastomeric material 12 is disposed in front o~ the member 22. This foam in front of t]~e member 22 absorbs a portion of the energy o~ the impact.
FIGURE 8 is a cross section showing khe bloc~.-like end por~ion 20 a~ the assembly with ~he impact heing above the longitudinal center line or median. It has been found in this impact situa~ion the member 22 has no efect upon energy absorp-tion and, in effect, merely floats or moves ~ith the elastomeric material 12. The same is true of FIGURE 9 wherein the impact member is engaging t]le end oE the bumper assembly at the longi-tudinal center line whereby a31 of the energy is absorbed by the block~like end portion 20. FIGURE 10 is a view similar to FIGURE 8 but showing the impact member hitting the end por-tion of the bumper assembly below the longitu~lin~l center linewhere again the member 22 has no energy absorption ef~cct.
In the embodiment illustra~ed in FIGIIr~S 1 ~hrough 9 the elastomeric m~terial completcly embeds the ends 24 of the member 22. Tho embodiment o ~'ICIIR~ is a modi~ic~tion wherein the ends of the member 22 are emhedded within the elastomeric material but not completely surrounded as the top and bottom longitudinal surfaces of the member 22 are not covered by the r~5 elastomeric material. FIGUR~ ll shows a cross section t]lrougl an end portion of such a bumper assembly whereas ~ICUP~ lZ
shows a cross-sec~ional view through the 1OngJitU~ina1 center of such a bumper assembly wherein the elastomeric materi~l 12 is disposed only on the front face of the member ~nd not over the tops ~nd bottoms thereof.
FI~URB 13 shows a modi~ication wherein the con-figura-tion of the member is different but where the member includes a ~ront plate 26' with rearwardly extending horizontal flanges 30' which are interconnected to de~ine longitudinally enclosed cells.
Ins~ead of one structural mem~er 22 there coul~ be included two parallel members, i.e., an upper member and a lower member, lS The invention has heen clescribed in an illustrative manner, and it is to be understood that the terminolo~y which has been used is intended to be in the nature of words o description rather than of limitation.
Obviously, many modifications and variations of the present invention are possible in light of the above teachings.
It is, therefore, to be understood that witllin the scope of the appended claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described.

' ' ' '

Claims (13)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. An elongated energy-absorbing bumper assembly com-prising; energy-absorbing elastomeric material extending between a rear mounting surface and a front impact surface, said material defining a hollow recess extending thereinto from said rear mounting surface and positioned between the ends of said assembly with said material extending to said rear mounting surface at both ends of said hollow recess to define block-like end portions of said elastomeric material, a structural member extending between said block-life end portions with the ends of said member being embedded in said elastomeric material so that said elastomeric material is the sole support and means of positioning said member so that said member is allowed unguided movement with said elastomeric material in multiple directions upon impact.
2. An assembly as set forth in Claim 1 wherein the ends of said structural member overlap said block-like end por-tions of said elastomeric material.
3. An assembly as set forth in Claim 2 wherein said member has a cross section which is elongated vertically in a direction generally parallel to said front and rear surfaces so that said member includes front and rear faces.
4. An assembly as set forth in Claim 3 including mounting means disposed on said rear mounting surfaces of said block-like end portions for attaching said assembly to support structure.
5. An assembly as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said elastomeric material extends over said front face of said member between the ends thereof.
6. an assembly as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said member includes a front plate with at least one horizontally extending flange extending rearwardly from said front plate.
7. An assembly as set forth in Claim 6 wherein said member includes structure integral with said front plate and said flange to define at least one longitudinally extending enclosed cell as viewed in cross section.
8. An assembly as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said hollow recess extends from said rear mounting surface to said member whereby said member defines the bottom of said hollow recess.
9. An assembly as set forth in Claim 1 wherein the ends of said member are completely embedded within said elasto-meric material.
10. An assembly as set forth in Claim 1 wherein said member is flexible so as to bend between the ends thereof in re-sponse to impact to thereby absorb a portion of the impact energy.
11. An elongated energy-absorbing bumper assembly comprising; energy-absorbing elastomeric material extending between a rear mounting surface and a front impact surface, said material defining a hollow recess extending thereinto from said rear mounting surface and positioned between the ends of said assembly with said material extending to said rear mounting surface at both ends of said hollow recess to define block-like end portions of said elastomeric material, a structural member extending between said block-like end portions with the ends of said member being supported by said block-like end portions with said member being free of other support and positioning means so that upon impact of said member only said elastomeric material reacts to movement of said member.
12. An assembly as set forth in Claim 11 wherein said elastomeric material extends outboard of the ends of said member whereby said block-like end portions may be impacted independently of said member.
13. An assembly as set forth in claim 11 wherein said member is flexible so as to bend between the ends thereof.
CA320,743A 1978-04-07 1979-02-02 Multi-media energy absorbers (flex straddle) Expired CA1109505A (en)

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