CA1073668A - Coal gasification plant - Google Patents

Coal gasification plant


Publication number
CA1073668A CA291,330A CA291330A CA1073668A CA 1073668 A CA1073668 A CA 1073668A CA 291330 A CA291330 A CA 291330A CA 1073668 A CA1073668 A CA 1073668A
Prior art keywords
quenching chamber
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
David F. Eales
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
British Gas Corp
Original Assignee
British Gas Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by British Gas Corp filed Critical British Gas Corp
Priority to CA291,330A priority Critical patent/CA1073668A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1073668A publication Critical patent/CA1073668A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Vertical, Hearth, Or Arc Furnaces (AREA)


In a slagging gasifier the slag quenching chamber is provided with means having a plurality of equispaced outlet ports disposed around the inside of the upper region of the chamber, each outlet port communicating with a venting control which may be used selectively to vent the normally pressurised quenching chamber to atmosphere during a slag-tapping operation.


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";, This invention reIates to coal ~asification plant, and more particularly to a quenching chamber arrangement for use in slagging gasifier plants of the kind ~hereinafter referred to as the kind specified) in which coal, or other ; 5 carbonaceous fuel, is introduced into the top of a column-like ~:- gasifying vessel and is gasified under high pressure and t:i temperature by means of a gas, for example oxygen and steam, :., . ` , ~ introduced into the fuel bed through tuyeres. The residual :. ,.
~ ash collects as a molten slag and iron in the hearth of the ., ,~.......... 10 gasifier vessel from which it is periodically discharged (commonly known as slag-tapping) downwardly through a slag tap outlet or orifice in the hearth into water contained in a quenching chamber vessel. Usually, a pool of molten slag and :: iron is maintained in the hearth by directing hot combustion ^ l 15 products from a burner located beneath the slag tap orifice ~ up the tap orifice to retain the pool of slag and iron in the:,'''',,1 , rl,(, hearth, the tapping of the molten slag and iron being ~: initiated and controlled by stopping or reducing the burner ` output and reducing the pressure in the ~uenching chamber by ~ 20 controlled venting through its venting system so as to produce ,~ a differential pressure between the quenching chambex and the gasifier vessel.
j. Examples of such slagging gasifier plant are those : disclosed in United Kingdom Patent Specification No. 977,122, : 25The Gas Council Research Communication No's GC 50 and GC 112.

~ Ideally, during a slag-tapping operation, the molten ! ~ slag should run from the tap in a vertical stream before being : , J
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- 2 -quenched rapidly at the water surf~ce in the quenching chamber.

It has been found that any uneven loading of the main slag :. .
` tap burner or any undesirable burner product flow patkerns in the upper part of the chamber, particularly across the face of the burner, can cause displacement of the slag stream with consequential splattering thereof to such an extent that the burner, services to and from the chamber, together ` with its upper walls, became coated with slag.
An object of the present invention is to provide ~ 10 an improved venting arrangement for the pressurised gases ;~ in the quenching chamber of a slagging gasifier designed ~ to reduce any tendency to uneven gas flow patterns therein.
; According to the invention, in a slagging gasifier of the kind specified, the quenching chamber is provided with ,: :
venting means comprising a plurality of equispaced vent ports ., .
disposed around the inside of the upper region of the said chamber, and means communicating said vent ports with said venting control-mea~s a~ranged in use of-the-gasifier to ;".~'.! produce a balanced outflow of gases at each vent port during a pressure-reducing venting operation of the quenching chamber.
-~ Thus in its broadest aspect the present invention provides a slagging gasifier comprising, a gasifying vessel, ` means for introducing coal into said vessel for gasification thereof in said vessel, means for introducing oxygen and steam into said vessel to effect gasification of coal therein, "'. ` :

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3 -. a hearth located at the bottom of said ves:sel and including a slag removal orifice for removing slag therefrom, a burner . located beneath said slag removal ori~ice for directing hot `. combustion products up the orifice so as to maintain a pool of molten slag in said hearth, and a quenching chamber vessel ~; into which molten slag is periodically discharged from said ::.
'^- hearth through said slag removal orifice by the controlled i. stopping or reducing the burner output and by reducing the . pressure in said quenching chamber so as to produce a differential pressure between said quench chamber vessel and said gasifying vessl, ~he improvement wherein said quenching chamber is provided:with venting means comprising a plurality ~: of equi-spaced vent por~s disposed around the inside of the upper region of said quenching chamber, a venting control . 15 means, and means, communicating said vent ports with said venting control means for producing, in use of the gasifier, a balanced outflow of gases at each vent port during a pressure-reducing operation of the quenching chamber.
The disposal of venting ports around the chamber . 20 can take any convenient form designed to ensure an even discharge flow pa~tern of burner products and other gases from the chamber during .

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~1~; venting. For example, the venting means could consist of a plurality of individual pipes, for example standpipes, equispaced ~ ¦ around said upper region of the chamber c~nd each having one or - 1 more said vent ports. Alternatively, the venting means could ;
consist of a tubular annulus provided with said plurality of vent ports equispaced around its peripheral surface.
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¦ In either case, the venting means pre~erably communicates with said venting control system through the intermediary of interconnecting pipelines most of which are arranged to be immersed , .
in said water contained in said quenching chamber vessel whereb~, in use of the gasifier, to cool the hot gases passing to said venting control system from the vent ports which might otherwise cause damage to the controls of the venting system.
. ' :~

Embodiments of the invention will now be described, b~ way of example, with reference to the accompanying diagrammatic dra~ings ~ in which:-`: '`
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Figure 1 is a general longitudinal sectional elevation ; ~ o~ part of a fixed-bed slagging gasifier ~;~ showing one embodiment o~ a quench chamber : i vénting arrangement, , . ; '' ::
? FigQre 2 i~ a sectional plan view of the arrangement sho~m in Figure 1, '.'-.', ~ . ~ - 4-: .`., .. ' . , - .: , ~, ~ .
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~igure 3 is an enlarged longitudinal sectional ' 1 elevation of the upper region o~ the quenching i chamber shown in Figure 1, and .... ,~ .
Figure 4 is a s;m;lar view to ~igure 3, but showing an alternati~e embodiment of a quench chamber ~venting arrangement~ .

; Referring first to the ~i~ure 19 the gasifier has a refractory-.~;. . . lined pressurised gasification chamber 10 into whioh coal is fed ~- from the top, oxygen and steam are introduced into the fuel bed (not :s shown) throug~l tuyeres 12 to promote gasification of the coal. In .: use of the gasifier, a res~rvoir or pool of molten slag and iron ~ colleots on the sloping hearth 14 and iB periodically discharged, (oommon~ y known as slag-tapping) through an ori~ice formed in a slag : tap 16, into a water reservoir 18 contained in a quenching chamber vessel 20 where it is rapidly quenched be~ore being transferred to a ,.,, .: lock hopper (not shown) in the form of a dense small-grained frit.
~he quenohing chamber vessel 20 is attaohed to the bottom end of the gasification ohamber 10 through the intermediary of an assooiated : ~ spacing member or sandwioh ~lange 22 and olamping means, shown - sohematioally at 24. ~he interior of the vessel 20 and sandwich flange 22 defines a quenching ohamber 21.
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: Referri~g also to ~igure ~, a metal tube 26 is fixed to, and . extends upwardly from, the flange 22 and is fixed at its upper end bo i an annular metal block 28 whioh is arranged to support a rin plike .. , ., . ~ 5 _ ,,:. .

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~ l nozzle-mix gas/air bl~ner ~0 concentrically beneath the slag~ ta.p ~ ~. 16.
" ', . Referring also to ~igure 2, the pressurised qu~nching ~ ~ chat~ber 21 is vented to a-~mosphere during a slag-tapping operation - ~¦ by means of four standpipes 42, 44, 46 and 48 disposed beneath the j annular block 28 at equispaced positions witbin the cham~er~ ~ach sta~dpipe is provided with an inwardly and downwardly directed venting por~ 50 at iti~t upper end for preventing slag from blocking . the port. ~he pairs of standpipes 42, 44 and 46, 48 communicate .
~: with respective arcuate conduits 52 and 54 whioh, in turn, communicate - with a manifold 56.- .
',`''`'; . ' t ;~ In operation of the gasifier, particularly during, ~ the sta~ndpipes can become heated possibly to incandescence with the :
.~ result that the temperature of the vented gases flowing through t~le "
pipeis will be excessive and likelg to cause damage to tne controls-i Or the vent.~ng system. It is desirable,therefore, to dissipate some o~
~.~ the heat by way of ~ heat-excha~ger 58 in the form of a coiled pipe ;. whioh, together with the manifold 56 (with which it oommunioates) :~ ~ and the a.rcuate oonduits 52, 54, are immerised in the water reservoir 18. ~he vent standpipes oommunioate (via the mani~old 56, oonduits ... 52~ 54 and ooiled pipe 58) with a venting oontrol syistem (shown .;; . diagr a tically at 59) via a pipeline 60 carried through the, ~ quenohing vessel 20.
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It will be appreciated that other arrangements of venting means of different construction and/or disposed at any other ~ ' suitable regio~l of the upper part o~ the quenching ch~mber can be vi ¦ used without departing from the scope of the present invention.

- Accordingly, for example, in an alternative arrangement shown in ~::.' I .
A ! ~igure 4, the evenly distributed venting of the chamber to atmosphere is achieved by-means of a tubular ring 62 disposed beneath the ~`G`~' 1 annular block 28 having a plurality of equispaced outlet ports 64 at any suitable positions around the ring. ~he vent tube 62 communicates with a heat-exchange arrangement (not shown) and a venting control ~` system (not shown)ina manner similar to that already described.
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With these arrangements, the flow of gases from the chamber 21 during venting is evenly distributed through the ports 50 or 64 so as not to create undesirable flow patterns across the face of the burner 30.

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Claims (8)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclu-sive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A slagging gasifier comprising, a gasifying vessel, means for introducing coal into said vessel for gasification thereof in said vessel, means for introducing oxygen and steam into said vessel to effect gasification of coal therein, a hearth located at the bottom of said vessel and including a slag removal orifice for removing slag therefrom, a burner located beneath said slag removal orifice for directing hot combustion products up the orifice so as to maintain a pool of molten slag in said hearth, and a quenching chamber vessel into which molten slag is periodically discharged from said hearth through said slag removal orifice by the controlled stopping or reducing the burner output and by reducing the pressure in said quenching chamber so as to produce a differential pressure between said quench chamber vessel and said gasifying vessel, the improvement wherein said quenching chamber is provided with venting means comprising a plurality of equi-spaced vent ports disposed around the inside of the upper region of said quenching chamber, a venting control means, and means, communicating said vent ports with said venting control means for producing, in use of the gasifier, a balanced outflow of gases at each vent port during a pressure-reducing operation of the quenching chamber.
2. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 1, wherein the venting means consists of a plurality of individual pipes equispaced around said upper region of the chamber, each pipe having one or more said vent ports.
3. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 2, wherein each individual pipe is in the form of a substantially vertical standpipe with said vent port or ports formed at its upper end.
4. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 1, wherein said venting means consists of a tubular annulus provided with said plurality of vent ports equispaced around its peripheral surface.
5. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 1, wherein the venting means communicates with said venting control system through the intermediary of interconnecting pipelines most of which are arranged to be immersed in water contained in said quenching chamber vessel whereby, in use of the gasifier, to cool the hot gases passing to said venting control system from the vent ports.
6. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 5, wherein the interconnecting pipelines includes said means for producing a balanced outflow of gases at each vent port, which gas outflow-balancing means comprises at least two conduits each arranged to communicate with an equal number of said vent ports, and a manifold arranged to communicate the conduits with said venting control means.
7. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 5, wherein those interconnecting pipelines which are normally immersed in water include a heat-exchanger for cooling the hot gases vented through the vent ports.
8. A slagging gasifier according to Claim 7, wherein the heat exchanger is in the form of a coiled pipe.
CA291,330A 1977-11-21 1977-11-21 Coal gasification plant Expired CA1073668A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA291,330A CA1073668A (en) 1977-11-21 1977-11-21 Coal gasification plant

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA291,330A CA1073668A (en) 1977-11-21 1977-11-21 Coal gasification plant

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1073668A true CA1073668A (en) 1980-03-18



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA291,330A Expired CA1073668A (en) 1977-11-21 1977-11-21 Coal gasification plant

Country Status (1)

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CA (1) CA1073668A (en)

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