WO2011121603A1 - Production d'énergie hydraulique de canal à pente modérée à partir de canaux hypocritiques - Google Patents

Production d'énergie hydraulique de canal à pente modérée à partir de canaux hypocritiques Download PDF


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WO2011121603A1 PCT/IN2011/000198 IN2011000198W WO2011121603A1 WO 2011121603 A1 WO2011121603 A1 WO 2011121603A1 IN 2011000198 W IN2011000198 W IN 2011000198W WO 2011121603 A1 WO2011121603 A1 WO 2011121603A1
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Challa Balaiah Mallikarjuna
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Gopalakrishna, Krishnaji, Rao
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Application filed by Gopalakrishna, Krishnaji, Rao filed Critical Gopalakrishna, Krishnaji, Rao
Publication of WO2011121603A1 publication Critical patent/WO2011121603A1/fr



    • E02B9/00Water-power plants; Layout, construction or equipment, methods of, or apparatus for, making same
    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/20Hydro energy


  • the present inventions concerns the generation of power in subcritical channels by accelerating subcritical flow in to supercritical hydraulic jump and converting or transferred the kinetic energy in to required potential energy for hydro power generation.
  • the need for power is on the increase and this need influences the feasibility of generating electricity using cost - effective techniques, from a variety of water sources and especially from direct flowing waters in manmade canals, tailraces, diversion channels, or other fluid flow channels, is very desirable.
  • the driving impetus for this undertaking is the recognition that there exists an enormous, worldwide potential for the generation of power in subcritical channel of manmade canal in to useful hydro electric power. At the present time this potential for power generation remains untapped.
  • the present invention herewith addresses the unique challenge interest in the cost effective extraction of hydro electric power from the canals, especially in the manmade conveyance systems.
  • power generation is possible in the canal drops however in the subcritical channel so far no power generation was through of due to mild bed slope in the channel.
  • the present invention addresses that power generation is possible in subcritical mild slope channel without canal drops by suitably modifying subcritical channel to create hydraulic jump and converting kinetic energy in to potential energy.
  • tail water depth can also be reduced to a certain extent by suitable modification of tail race canal i.e. It is obvious that after power generation the water has to go back into original 1 canal to obtain the original FSL so that irrigation is not affected. However whenever possible and no irrigation is envisaged for a certain length downstream then it is possible to lower the tail race water level after the power house by suitable modification in tailrace canal .
  • the theory consists of creating hydraulic jump at the end of tailrace channel where tail race joins to original channel.
  • the present invention is based upon a design philosophy and criteria for a hydraulic jump of the subcritical channel that will accomplish this objective cost effectively, and without adversely impacting the primary function of these waterways, i.e., to convey water for irrigation or drinking purpose.
  • a Subcritical channel with sufficient free board is identified and briefly evaluated for potential deployment in Irrigation canals to generate power cost effectively. For example, a 16.45 m width,285 cumecs flow canal with a depth 2.131 m and velocity of 16.71 m/s before hydraulic jump and sequent depth 10 m can generate 9505 kW or 9.5 MW power.
  • FIGURE 1 Specific-energy curve
  • FIGURE 2 Hydraulic jump interpreted by specific-energy and specific force curves.
  • FIGURE 3 Definition sketch of a hydraulic jump.
  • FIGURE 4 Relation between Fl and Y2 Y1 for a hydraulic jump in a horizontal channel.
  • FIGURE 5 Various types of hydraulic jump.
  • FIGURE 6 Effect of tail water depth on the formation of hydraulic jump below a weir.
  • FIGURE 7 Graphical method to find location of hydraulic jump.
  • FIGURE 8 Gassification of flow profiles for gradually varied flow.
  • FIGURE 9 Plan and elevation of existing canal.
  • FIGURE 10 Trapezoidal cross section of the canal.
  • FIGURE 11 Water surface profile for existing canal for length .
  • FIGURE 12 Plan and elevation of proposed canal in mild slope canal.
  • FIGURE 13 Initial 2 profile in reach 1.
  • FIGURE 14 Initial M2 profile in reach 2.
  • FIGURE 15 S2 profile in reach 3 and M2 profile in reach 2.
  • FIGURE 16 M2 water surface profile of reach land 2 S2 profile of reach 3.
  • FIGURE 17 S2 profile in reach 4.
  • FIGURE 18 M3 profile in reach 5.
  • FIGURE 19 Final profile from reach 1 to 5.
  • FIGURE 20 Graphical method to find location and length of hydraulic jump for 6 m downstream water depth.
  • FIGURE 21 Graphical method to find location and length of hydraulic jump for 8 m downstream water depth.
  • FIGURE 22 Graphical method to find location and length of hydraulic jump for 9.5 m downstream water depth.
  • FIGURE 23 Hydraulic Jump for 6 m downstream normal depth.
  • FIGURE 24 Hydraulic Jump for 8 m dam downstream.
  • FIGURE 25 Hydraulic Jump for 9.5 m dam downstream.
  • FIGURE 26 Water surface profile of proposed canal.
  • FIGURE 27 Plan and elevation of proposed tail race canal.
  • FIGURE 28 Water surface profile of proposed tail race canal.
  • FIGURE 29 Plan and elevation of proposed power generation system.
  • throat A contraction in a channels cross section generally referred to as throat, will result in a increase in flow velocity through the throat. This phenomenon is analogous to the venture effect in pipe flow, notwithstanding significant differences between pipe flow and open channel flow is driven by pressure where as the open channel flow is caused by gravity.
  • Ambient flow velocities in open channels are generally in subcritical range and head required for power generation is almost nil.
  • Flow velocities must be accelerated in the waterways beyond a lower threshold limit at those designated location to establish kinetic energy and through hydraulic jump convert kinetic energy in to potential energy or head at downstream of jump where the water is diverted in to intake of the mild slope hydro power system are to be installed.
  • V is the flow velocity
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity
  • subscripts 1 and 2 refers to section 1 (Upstream) and section 2 (Downstream ).
  • Equation 2 A plot of equation 2, generally called the specific energy curve, is shown in figurel, with the flow depth Y along the vertical axis and specific energy, E, along the horizontal axis.
  • the velocities are generally in the sub-critical range. In other words, the larger value of two possible flow depths for a given value of specific energy is applicable and the flow velocity is relatively very small. As the channel cross section narrows, the flow depth decreases while the flow velocity increases. At the critical depth, the flow velocity changes from sub-critical to super-critical.
  • Figure 2 shows the hydraulic jump interpreted by specific-energy and specific -force curves
  • Figure 3 is a schematic sketch of typical hydraulic jump in a horizontal channel.
  • Section 1 where the incoming super -critical stream undergoes an abrupt rise in the depth forming the commencement of jump, is called the toe of jump.
  • Section 2 which lies beyond the roller and with an essentially level water surface are called the end of the jump and distance between section 1 and 2 is the length of jump, Lj.
  • the initial depth of the super-critical stream is Yj and Y 2 is the final depth, after the jump, of the sub-critical stream.
  • the two depths Yi and Y 2 at end of the jump are sequent depths.
  • Equation 2, 3 and 4 may be used to calculate the flow velocities along a channel gradually varying width, sequent depth of hydraulic jump and energy loss of hydraulic jump respectively.
  • Table 1 summarizes these calculation of flow velocity and other relevant parameters of channel with gradually contraction and hydraulic jump in channel width from 32 m to 8 m at entrance of jump and constant discharge Q value of 285 Cumecs.
  • Table 1 also shows the values of the Froude number, F, defined blow, for various flow
  • D is the hydraulic depth, and for a rectangular channel D will be equal to the flow depth Y.
  • D is defined as (b+zY)/Y(b+2zY).
  • b is the channel width at the base and z is the inverse of the slope of the side of the channel.
  • the Froude number is less than 1 for sub-critical flows, greater than 1 for super-critical flows, and equal to 1 at the critical flow velocity.
  • Froude Number is the celerity of an elementary gravity wave in shallow water.
  • a hydraulic jump primarily serves as energy dissipater to dissipate excess energy in most applications, so for the hydraulic jump never used for creation of head in subcritical flow channel for power generation.
  • application 2 and 4 of hydraulic jump mentioned on above paragraph 055 can be used to create head for power generation.
  • application 2 can be used to rise the water level or head or potential energy at channel downstream of jump and the application 4 can be used to holding back tail water, that caused by obstruction, which is required to rise the water level to increase potential energy or head above the normal depth of the channel at suitable location required for power generation.
  • Page No. 6 Hydraulic jump on horizontal floor are of several types. According to the studies of U.S. Bureau of reclamation , these types can be conveniently classified according to the Froude number Fj of the incoming flow as follows and also shown in Figure 5.
  • the jump may be called an oscillating Jump.
  • Y 2 is Sequent depth corresponding to Yi in a horizontal floor jump
  • Y s is sequent depth of sloping floor jump
  • tanS is the bed slope of the sloping floor channel.
  • the length of jump may be defined as the horizontal distance between the toe of the jump to section where the water surface becomes essentially level after reaching the maximum depth and shown in figure 3.
  • the expression for length of the jump on horizontal and sloping floor channel can be written as:
  • Tail water depth The depth downstream of hydraulic structure, such as an overflow spillway, a chute, or a sluice, controlled by the downstream channel or local control is known as tail water depth.
  • Tail water level plays a significant role in the formation of jump at a particular location.
  • Case 2 Represents the pattern in which the tail water depth Y 2 ' is less than Y 2 sequent to Yi.
  • Jumps with sequent depth Y 2 equal to or less than Y 2 ' as in case 1 and case2 are known as free jumps.
  • Case 3 Represents the pattern in which tail water depth Y 2 * is greater than Y 2 sequent to Y,.
  • the figure 7 illustrate the location of a jump.
  • Figure 7 shows a rectangle sluice in a mild channel.
  • the profile AB and CD can easily identified as of M3 and M2 type.
  • the algorithm for the location of the location of the jump by graphical and numerical computation procedure is as follows:
  • the toe of the jump, point G is located by drawing a horizontal line from F to cut A' B at E
  • the design of the present invention can assume a trapezoidal canal of length 2000 m, width of about 16.45 m, bed slope of 1:7500, Manning's N is 0.018, side slope of 2:1, discharge rate of 285 cumecs, an velocity of 1.618 m s.
  • the entire 2000 m length canal will be suitably modified and divided in to 5 reaches.
  • the chute with transition is a Acceleration zone length of 70 m with bed width varying from 32 m to 8 m and bed slope 3.5:70.
  • the pre acceleration zone i.e. reach 3 and chute zone i.e. reach 4 plays a important role to obtain potential energy at downstream of hydraulic jump.
  • potential energy (Y 2 ) 9.665 m for power generation subcritical velocities would accelerate to supercritical velocity to create kinetic energy at acceleration ( chute ) zone.
  • the potential energy after losses of hydraulic jump Y 2 at reach 5 can be calculated by equation 8. For different width, kinetic energy of canal at rapidly varied flow section at reach 4 is tabulated in table 5.
  • FIG. 068 An exemplary embodiment of the construction details of canal system or design according to the present invention is shown in figure 12.
  • the figure 8,9,10and 1 1 represents the classification of flow profile for gradually varied flow, plan and elevation of existing canal, trapezoidal cross section of the canal and water surface profile of length 2000 m of existing canal respectively.
  • the expected initial and steady condition water surface profile at each reach and other hydraulic parameters of modified canal are described in detail.
  • Page No. 10 end begins with reachl, where the existing or original canal cross section is retained, and the canal parameters of reach 1 is as shown in first row of table 2. Since Y consult > Y c with free flow condition an M2 profile as expected is obtained, calculate and plot the M2 profile with depth 6.1 m at 0 m chainage to 400 m chainage. Figure 13 presents the flow profile in reach 1.
  • Rreach 2 begins with change in bed slope, where the existing or original canal cross section is modified, i.e. the bed of the canal changes from 1:7500 to adverse slope of ratio 1:5.65 at chainage 400m and continues up to chainage 420 m for a length of 20 m, and sill height of 3.5 m created .
  • the canal parameters of reach 2 is as shown in second row of table 2. Since because of the sill height there may be chance of choking the upstream depth but with our canal design parameters at this reach the backwater or choking of upstream depth is very nominal and it is within the free board area.
  • the Discharge and Head rating table for 3.5 m sill height is calculated reach 2 and upstream depth in reachl V/S Discharge is tabulated in table 4 below. The plot of profile as shown in fig 14.
  • Reach 3 starts at tip of the 3.5 m sill height at end of reach 2 to continue 60 m downstream of canal.
  • the canal parameters of reach 3 is as shown in third row of table 2.
  • a transition in the bed width from 16.45 m to 32 m has been provided (refer to standard transition pattern) and it is used for pre-acceleration zone of subcritical velocity.
  • Figure 16 gives the initial flow profile from reach 1 to 3.
  • the reach 4 is mainly used for final acceleration after reach 3, the canal parameters of this reach
  • Figure 17 represents the S2 profile in reach 4.
  • the height of the water depth or water elevation of jump is depends on the tail water depth (Y,), shown in figure 6 and explained in three cases in the section 062 above.
  • the hydraulic jump also act like buffer between reach 4 and 5, i.e. any increase in height of downstream water depth or water elevation (at reach 5) is not reflect or affect to the upstream of the canal (reach 4).
  • the hydraulic jump holds the back tail water increased by weir above the normal depth and this back tail water is not affect upstream depth at reach 4. This meant for application 4 of hydraulic jump.
  • the length of jump, location of jump and height of jump are important parameter affecting the size of the stilling basin.
  • the tail water depth at reach 5 plays a important role in formation of jump in particular location.
  • the equation Hand 12 are holds good for calculate length and height of jump and the graphical method described in section 063 above is used for find the location of jump on reach 5.
  • the table 6 below shows the length, location, and height of jump for various tail water condition, found by graphical method shown in fig 20, 21 and 22 .
  • FIG 27 An exemplary embodiment of the construction details of tail race canal system or design according to the present invention is shown in figure 27.
  • the figure 28 represents the flow profile for gradually varied flow or water surface profile of length 250 m of tail race canal .
  • the expected initial and steady condition water surface profile at each reach and other hydraulic parameters of tail race canal are described in detail.
  • Page No. 14 085 In the plan view of fig 27, the flow direction from left to right is labeled and shown by an arrow the left end of the figure.
  • the water after power generation and outlet of turbine draft tube the flow begins at an entrance end of tail race canal and concludes at an opposite exit end .
  • next chainage canal starts at tip of the 2 m sill height and to continue up to 60 m downstream of canal.
  • the canal parameters of reach are as shown in fourth row of table 3. Because of the diverging bed width and bed slope of 1:1000 and since Y n > Y c the M2 profile is expected and obtained. Transition in the bed width from 38 m to 42 m has been provided (refer to standard transition pattern) and it is used for pre-acceleration zone of subcritical velocity.
  • the lowering the depth at tail race channel will disturb the existing irrigation system, so it is required to recover the depth before leaving to irrigation canal from the tail race channel. This is achieved by adopting chute in between tail race and irrigation canal.
  • the table below shows calculation of values required for recovering the depth at irrigation canal.
  • the figure 29 shows the complete system of mild slope hydropower generation concept. Once the potential energy or head is achieved at reach 5, divert the water in to power house and the generation of power is achieved by following:
  • Page No. 16 a Take full reservoir level equal to maximum water level in canal.
  • Gate will be of automatically falling shutters type.


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L'invention concerne un système de production d'énergie hydraulique de canal à pente modérée utilisant de l'eau s'écoulant dans un canal ouvert, la vitesse étant modifiée par une modification appropriée des sections en coupe du canal de sorte que l'écoulement soit accéléré d'un écoulement hypocritique à un écoulement supercritique, avec un ressaut hydraulique. L'énergie cinétique disponible de l'écoulement supercritique peut être convertie ou transformée en énergie potentielle requise en aval du ressaut hydraulique en vue de la production d'énergie sans conséquence sur les conditions d'écoulement en amont.
PCT/IN2011/000198 2010-04-01 2011-03-23 Production d'énergie hydraulique de canal à pente modérée à partir de canaux hypocritiques WO2011121603A1 (fr)

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PCT/IN2011/000198 WO2011121603A1 (fr) 2010-04-01 2011-03-23 Production d'énergie hydraulique de canal à pente modérée à partir de canaux hypocritiques

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Cited By (5)

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JP2015161200A (ja) * 2014-02-26 2015-09-07 株式会社東芝 水車発電装置の出力算出方法および水車発電装置の設置方法
WO2016020933A1 (fr) * 2014-08-08 2016-02-11 Balaiah Mallikarjuna CHALLA Système de génération d'énergie hydroélectrique à partir d'un canal à écoulement hypocritique
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