USRE9785E - Fbancis a - Google Patents

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USRE9785E US RE9785 E USRE9785 E US RE9785E
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Fbancis A. Loomis
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  • crank-reel which can be turned only at a comparatively slow and irregular speed, the fish is frequently enabled to gain slack line and escape, and by irregular reeling of the line the hook is liable to be torn from the month of the fish.
  • Thisinvention relates to a reel of novel construction, whereby the fish-line may be automatically wound upon, or may be permitted to run from, the reel at the will of the fisherman.
  • the line is wound upon a reel provided with a spring and gearing, so constructed that as the line is drawn from the reel the tension on the spring is more or less increased; or,.in other words, the act of unreeling any part of the line v for any distance, preparatory to casting the fly or hook, further winds the spring, leaving it always in such condition that the reel, when released by the brake, will operate with more orless speed, as the fisherman may desire, to automatically wind the line upon the ree1,.an s whether With the or not a fish has taken the fly or hook.
  • the normal condition of the brake is upon the reel, and its force is such as, under ordinary length of line thrown out, to neutralize the efl'ect or tension of the spring in the reel.
  • a fish having taken the fly or hook and started away from the fisherman, is held by the force of the spring and of the brake; but ordinarily, under such circumstances, the fisherman will, with the same hand on the butt of therod, release the brake, leaving the fish in his motion checked or resisted only by thestrain of the spring of the reel, which strain is very gradually increascd by the spring as it is wound, and may be augmented .or lessened by the fisherman permitting the brake to touch the reel.
  • leader and flies In case the leader and flies get entangled or the hooks are caught in water-grasses, they can be brought to handinstantaneously or as slowly as the fisherman may desire by a simple movement of one of the fingers of the hand holding the rod.
  • Figure 1 represents an under-side view of one of my improved reels, the reel-plate and part of the lowermost disk or head of the reel being broken away; and Fig. 2 is a longitudi- 'n-al vertical section, taken through the reel and reelkplafia, a part of the rod being shown in dotted lines.
  • the reel-spool is composed of two disks or heads, G H, suitably united by connecting rods or bars a. Tlie's'tud s, on which the spool turns, receives loosely between the disks G H two arms, I) c.
  • the spool is retained on the stud 's by the screw t,
  • the spring A which serves to turn the spool and wind the line, is a strong,
  • Oneof the arms, b, has a stud to form an axis D is turned with a planetary m'otion.
  • This brake can be raised to give the springfree action to turn the reel or spool and wind the line, or-it can be pressed down with greater force by the hand, to prevent the drawing out of the line, the position of the brake being convenient to be manipulated by thehand grasping-the pole.
  • Another wire or extended radial arm a ffixed to the central axis outside the spool and turned at right angles over the face of its periphery, forming at'that point a loop, I that serves as a guide for the line passing through it upon the spool, and prevents its running ofl' whilli being wound up.
  • I claim- 1 The rod-plate to lit a fishing rod and reel-.


I LOOMIS, Assignor of one-half to J. S. PLUMB.
Reisssued. Ju1y 5,188l.-
' SPECIFICATION-forming part of Reissued Letters Patent No. 9,785, dated July 5,1881. Original No. 235,157, dated December 7, 1880. Application for reissue filed June 7, 1881.
1'0 all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, FRANCIS A. LOOMIS, of Onondaga, Onondaga county, State of New York, haveinvented anew and useful Improvement in Fishermens Reels, of which the following is a specification.
Heretofore reels to be secured to and used in connection with hand-held fishing-rods have been provided with a crank to be operated by one hand when winding up or retrieving the linea process so slow, even with the most elaborate multipliersj as to be especially vexatious and wearisome to-the fisherman,
from the frequent fouling of the flies and hooks when casting where watergrasses abound, near which most of the game fishes in our rivers and lakes choose their haunts. crank-reel, which can be turned only at a comparatively slow and irregular speed, the fish is frequently enabled to gain slack line and escape, and by irregular reeling of the line the hook is liable to be torn from the month of the fish.
time, when .it is desired, and which shall be as rapid in its action as 'a game fish is rapid and eccentric in its movements, readily and rapidly taking up-the slack or letting it out with a proper stop or tension at'all times'on theline. a r
' Thisinvention relates to a reel of novel construction, whereby the fish-line may be automatically wound upon, or may be permitted to run from, the reel at the will of the fisherman. .In this "my invention the line is wound upon a reel provided with a spring and gearing, so constructed that as the line is drawn from the reel the tension on the spring is more or less increased; or,.in other words, the act of unreeling any part of the line v for any distance, preparatory to casting the fly or hook, further winds the spring, leaving it always in such condition that the reel, when released by the brake, will operate with more orless speed, as the fisherman may desire, to automatically wind the line upon the ree1,.an s whether With the or not a fish has taken the fly or hook. The normal condition of the brake is upon the reel, and its force is such as, under ordinary length of line thrown out, to neutralize the efl'ect or tension of the spring in the reel. A fish, having taken the fly or hook and started away from the fisherman, is held by the force of the spring and of the brake; but ordinarily, under such circumstances, the fisherman will, with the same hand on the butt of therod, release the brake, leaving the fish in his motion checked or resisted only by thestrain of the spring of the reel, which strain is very gradually increascd by the spring as it is wound, and may be augmented .or lessened by the fisherman permitting the brake to touch the reel.
It, when at any distance, the fish makes a and go alternately at the pleasure of the angler, always subject to a slight draft, until he is forced to surrender.
In case the leader and flies get entangled or the hooks are caught in water-grasses, they can be brought to handinstantaneously or as slowly as the fisherman may desire by a simple movement of one of the fingers of the hand holding the rod.
In case of a miscast, which is liable to occur in a long line in a windy day, its length may be reduced from fifty or sixty'feet to fifteen or twenty feet without the loss of a single cast.
When fishing with a rod having acrank-operated reelamovemeht of the fish toward the fisherman slackens the line, and the fisherman,
by his hand not-engaged in holding the rod, windsthe reel. Underlike circumstances, with arod having my improved automatic reel, the "line will be rapidly wound automatically, thus always holding the line taut.
Figure 1 represents an under-side view of one of my improved reels, the reel-plate and part of the lowermost disk or head of the reel being broken away; and Fig. 2 is a longitudi- 'n-al vertical section, taken through the reel and reelkplafia, a part of the rod being shown in dotted lines.
\ Thereel-plate P, having the spindle a to receive the reel, is curved or shaped to fit the butt of the fishing-rod P, as are the ordinary crank-reels.
The reel-spool is composed of two disks or heads, G H, suitably united by connecting rods or bars a. Tlie's'tud s, on which the spool turns, receives loosely between the disks G H two arms, I) c. The spool is retained on the stud 's by the screw t, The spring A, which serves to turn the spool and wind the line, is a strong,
helical, flat spring, the inner end of which is attached to the stud, while its outer end is attached to one of the pins t, which connect the ing from one end of the arms to'the other, con-' arms b a. These arms serve to hold the spring. in place, and a curved metal band, a, extendtrols the expansion of the spring A outward.-
. Oneof the arms, b, has a stud to form an axis D is turned with a planetary m'otion.
forthe pinion D, which gears into a spur wheel, B, fixed to stud s, so that when arm 71 is revolved about the central axis the pinion Afilxed to and revolving with pinion D is a spur-wheel, 0, of the same 'size as spur-wheel B. This'wheelO gears into a pinion, E, of the same size as D,-that revolves on the central axis, 8, aflixed to' the plate H ,and causes. the
the spool to revo spring, and'the springis thereby wound up;
spool to revolve. By this arrangement of gearing it will be noticed that when the spring-A 3v actuatesthe arms b cthe spool revolves with an acoeleratedmolion' .in accordanee. .with the multiplying gearing p aced in a compact form within the revolving spool. When the'line. is wound: upon the spool, to which its inner end should heafiixed drawing on the line causes lve against the action of the but when the line is relaxedand the br'ake (to be described) is lifted the spring gives to the -s 1- a rapid movement in the contrary direc tion and quicklywinds the line preventing the formation of any slack line. 'When the line is drawn 01f the spool for the proper length, preparatory to the casting of the. fly orhook, the reel is rotated in a direction to wind the spring A; but reverserotation of the spool is prevented by a brake, F. This brake is afllxed to the central stud, s, and projects therefrom in nearly a radial line, bearing against the side enssof disk G of the spool with force suflieient to prevent its revolving under ordinary strains or 'by the action of the spring. This brake can be raised to give the springfree action to turn the reel or spool and wind the line, or-it can be pressed down with greater force by the hand, to prevent the drawing out of the line, the position of the brake being convenient to be manipulated by thehand grasping-the pole. There is also another wire or extended radial arm a ffixed to the central axis outside the spool and turned at right angles over the face of its periphery, forming at'that point a loop, I that serves as a guide for the line passing through it upon the spool, and prevents its running ofl' whilli being wound up.
I claim- 1. The rod-plate to lit a fishing rod and reel-.
holding stud, combined with a spring-actuated reel to automatically wind the line, and a brake adapted to resistthe'foree of the spring of the 0 operated by the spring toautoinatieally wind I the line when the strain thereon is not greater than tbeforce of the spring, substantially as and for the purpose described.
2. The combination, with the spring-actuatreel, or to release the reel and permit it to be.
ed reel-case and frietion brake to hold it, of the line-guide, substantially as shown and described.
3. In a fishermans reel, thecombination ,of;$o' the spool G H, spring A, stationary 'wheel'B,
pinion E, and arm 11,:carrying the planet-wheel O'and pinion D, all centering on the axis of rotation ofthe spool substantially'as and for 4. In a flsherman s reel, th'e'combinationof a spring, A-,- an moving about the'flxed central stud,'.s, and multiplying and planetary gearing, as shown,
with the friction-brake F, bearing against said 0' spool and acted upon by the hand of the op erator to control the reeling-in of the line, substantially as described'and shown.
1 1 FRANCIS a. Looms, .Witnessesi 'K J P. MUNnoE,
. .T. L. R. Montana.
dspool G H,- surrounding and f



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