USRE780E - Improvement in cut-off geak - Google Patents

Improvement in cut-off geak Download PDF


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George H. Corliss
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  • vaives are con'- nected with and operated by rocking ievers or their equivalents, by any suitable and these levers are operated in one direction,"during the closing of vthe valves, either by their gravity, by weights connected therewith, or any other suitable means to' insure the rapid closing ofthe opposite direction, to open the valves, .
  • barsg g which receive a positive longitudinal motion from a plate, which is actuated by aneceentric, i, and on each of these bars a shoulder, s, is raised, which comes in contact'with the extremity of the rocking lever c, when the latter is to be moved to open the valve, and as each bar is hinged at one end to the platea, the other end cylinder, andis borneoutward by a spring, l, toward a stop or gage-bar, m, iitted to slide in' thestandard o, where it may be held at any point of adjustment by means of a wedge- 'formed block, u.
  • the blocks u u for the two valves are securedtoa sliding rod, y, and thelatterma-y be uconnected with the governor at r, to determine by the velocity ofthe engine the-position of ,theI gage-bars, and hence. determine the distauceto which the shoulderson the springbars may be forced *outward by the springs, which will determine-the valves, and when this valve apparatus is thus combined with the governor, the mode of regulation patented by me March 10, 1849, will be embodied.
  • the sliding rod y is represented as moved through the intervention ofV a rack, n, and worm p. is intended for hand-adjustment. V'lhe rack and worm are dispensed with when the governoris applied.
  • gage-bars or any equivalent therefor, to regulate 'the' periods of closing the valves, whether the said gage-pars ,be regulated by a governor or by other means, as set forth.


ot Rhode `neet-ion,
UNITEDl STATES vencuen H. oonniss, oF PROVIDENCE, nnonn ISLAM). l
Specificationforming part or Letters Patent No. 8,253, dated i July 26, 1859.
To all whom it may cancer-m' A Be it known that I, GEORGE H. ConLIss, of the city an d county of Providence, in the State Island, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in the Method of ActuatingVariable Cut-DiValves of' Steam-Engines, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, making part of this speciication,in which Figure l represents a side elevation of -a beam-engine with my val ve-gear applied th'ere- Figs. 2 and 3 are fragmentary side elevations of the steam cylinder and valve-gear, and Fig. 4 is a section of one ci' the valve- Achests and the parts. adjacent thereto.
In my said invention the vaives are con'- nected with and operated by rocking ievers or their equivalents, by any suitable and these levers are operated in one direction,"during the closing of vthe valves, either by their gravity, by weights connected therewith, or any other suitable means to' insure the rapid closing ofthe opposite direction, to open the valves, .by means ot' two shoulders each mounted upon -the surface of' a spring-bar or its equivalent, the latter having afpositive longitudinal motion derived from an eccentric or other 'suitable part of theengine. Each ofsaid shoulders, ofthe spring-I ar' to whichit,
with the portion A H is attached, is free to nieve towaid'andfrom the axis ci' the rocking lever which it actuates, to admit ci" adjustment to liberate the valve at un required period of the stroke ofA the piston. rlhis partof my invention 'consists 1n combining with the levers that operthe valves the shoulders on the springbnrs, the said shoulders being borne toward. the axis oi' the levers by the force of gravity or springs; und my invention also consists Vin regulatingtbe periods of closing the Valves, by means ot' stops or gagc-bars, which are adjustable by a governoror other means, when combined with the shoulders on the springbars to regulate their position, and thereby-determine the periods of liberating the valves, that they maybe closed by gravity or other equivalent means, while the periods of opening the valves remain unchanged.
In the laccoml'ianyjng drawings, a, Fig. 4, represents aslide-valve connected by an arm,
modeof conports, and in the July-'29, `185i; Reissue No, lvso, Luau Ac', with an arbor, d, having an arm, e, Fig. 1, from which a'weight, f, is suspended to close the valve when the rocking lever c is liberated. Within the extremitiesof the rocking levers for the two valves are barsg g, which receive a positive longitudinal motion from a plate, which is actuated by aneceentric, i, and on each of these bars a shoulder, s, is raised, which comes in contact'with the extremity of the rocking lever c, when the latter is to be moved to open the valve, and as each bar is hinged at one end to the platea, the other end cylinder, andis borneoutward by a spring, l, toward a stop or gage-bar, m, iitted to slide in' thestandard o, where it may be held at any point of adjustment by means of a wedge- 'formed block, u.
It will be seen by inspection of' the drawings that as the spring-bars are moved longitudinallyin contact Withthe gage-'bars,the outer edge of the shoulders which actuate the rocking levers are moved in lines which cross the lines described by the extremities of the rocking levers, and the shoulders are thus drawn out of the path of movement of the rocking levers, and as' they are made to traverse in diierentlines ot' movement corresponding with every change in theposition ofthe gagebars the periods at which theliberation ofthe valves will Nhehehe@ted will be correspondingly chan ged.
The blocks u u for the two valves are securedtoa sliding rod, y, and thelatterma-y be uconnected with the governor at r, to determine by the velocity ofthe engine the-position of ,theI gage-bars, and hence. determine the distauceto which the shoulderson the springbars may be forced *outward by the springs, which will determine-the valves, and when this valve apparatus is thus combined with the governor, the mode of regulation patented by me March 10, 1849, will be embodied. In the lpresent instance the sliding rod y is represented as moved through the intervention ofV a rack, n, and worm p. is intended for hand-adjustment. V'lhe rack and worm are dispensed with when the governoris applied.
rthe spring-bars the 'two shoulders always act upon the rocking levers to open the valves at the same period o'f. the stroke of lthe pistoni;
is' free to move transversely to the axis bf the.y
period of closing the,
Now, it will be seen that by the motion of but the periods when the shoulders shall erste the rocking levers to permit the valves.
to be closed dependsnpon the lateral movement of the shoulders in the direction of `the gage-bars--that is, the more the lateral movement of the shoulders on the spring bars is restricted by the gage-bars the soonerthe rocking levers will be liberated, and vice ver. sa; and,therei`ore, by simply varying the position of the gage-bars the periods of vclosing the valves can be changed, while the period vof opening. them remsinsfthe seme.
I do not wish" to be understood as limiting.
` myself tothe speciali construction and arram gement of the several' parts, but to cover all inerely formal variations.
yWhat I claim asmy invention, and desire to.y *I
secure by Letters Patent, is
L Gombining lwith lt /he roking' klevers or their equivalents for operating the valves the shoulders on the yspring-bars, or theirequivalents, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified.
2. In combination withthe shoulders on the. spring-barsgthat operate therocking levers,
substantiellyl as described, the employment of the gage-bars or any equivalent therefor, to regulate 'the' periods of closing the valves, whether the said gage-pars ,be regulated by a governor or by other means, as set forth.
' [n testimony whereof I have hereunto' sub;
scribed my neme.-
' GEORGE H. oonniss.
Witnesses l i HENB.Y BALDWIN, Jr., JorrN S. H oLLINesHim).` i



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