USRE3947E - Improvement in mowing-machines - Google Patents

Improvement in mowing-machines Download PDF


Publication number
USRE3947E US RE3947 E USRE3947 E US RE3947E
United States
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John P. Gbeeley
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F One
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  • Figure 4 represents a-tlctzr(:l1ed part, and shows a side View of the elevating windlass.
  • a forwardly-prtecting vibrating frame, E is attached to the tiame-piece B by a hinged connection, so
  • a hanger-piece, G having two downwardly-projecting legs, c c, provided -with carpieces, il d, attheir lower ends, in whichturns a journal or spindle, c, to which is fastened one end of the intermediate cramping and finger-beam elevating piece H, while upon the upper side of said piece, and near the other end thereof, are car-pieces, j, to which the heel end of the finger-beam I is hinged,so that the projecting part g of the piece H will extend under and past said hinge and under the heel end of the finger-beam, as indicated in full'lines, tig. 3, of the drawings, and dotted lines, tig. 1.
  • the finger-beam I is provided with guards, la, through which works the cutter-bar J, provided with cutters, ym, which may be made in the usual manner.
  • Chain o extends back, and is wound about and fastened t0 a windlass or nal 2, which extends through and turns on the standard L on the top of the trame-piece B, and is provided with a ratchet-wheel, 3, and a bami-lever, M, upon its inner end, whereby the driver from his seat E can wind up chain n and raise theI outer end of thc inequalities of the wheel K, fast on the jourl finger-beam until arm-lever a strikes against the in-y side of the frame F,whcu he 'can raise the entire finger-beam and the front end of frame F up from the ground to pass obstructions, mown grass, or from one tield to another.
  • v v
  • Frame F and the finger-beam I can be retained in elevated positions after they have been raisedas before explained, by allowing the pivotedpaw] 4, to catch intothe ratchet-wheel 3, Y j
  • a spur-gear, N is secured to the. inside of the wheel-A to 4mesh into a small spur-gear, 7, on the journal S, supported and turning in bearings in the frame F.v 4. l
  • a bevel-gear, E) is fitted to run loose on -shaft- 8, while a clutch-pulley, 10, is iitted to slide on and turn with said shaft, and which clutch-pulley can be thrown into clutch with gear 9, by means of a clutch-lever O, and which is properly supported -by standards ll and. 12.
  • l Y is fitted to run loose on -shaft- 8, while a clutch-pulley, 10, is iitted to slide on and turn with said shaft, and which clutch-pulley can be thrown into clutch with gear 9, by means of a clutch-lever O, and which is properly supported -by standards ll and. 12.
  • a small bevel-gear, 13,- is fastened to the rear end ofthe crank-shaft 14, which is supported and turns in bearings upon the cross-pieces of the vibratory frame.
  • the bell-crank being journaled upon the vibrating frame F, to which the iuger-beamis hinged, rises and falls with the heel endl thereof, while, iwhen the outer end 0i' the finger-beam is raised or depressed, the link orconnecting-picce 19 being hinged at both ends, yields, and thus prevents all binding of' the entter-bar.
  • the drivJer By arranging the vibratory frame lil so as to project forward of the inside supporting-wheel and alongside the shafts or thills, the drivJer, while sitting on vhis seat, can not only control thevnger-beam and raise it radially andat its outer end, but 11e can also raise it at both ends, the power to effeet'which being applied by him tolever M.
  • the strength of the vibratory frame is greatly'increased V and relieved in a great measure from the back-twisting strain incident -to the draft of the Enger-beam, which would otherwise c onie upon said frame.
  • the constrnctiouof the machine is such that the cutting apparatus adapts itself readily. to the uneven surface of 'the groun-d over which it is drawn.


' 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. GREELY L BUXTN.
No. 3.947. Reissued May 3.1870.
2 Sheets-S'heet 2. GREELY & BUXTON.
No. 3.947. Reissued IVIay 3, 1870.
n. Pneus. mme-unmgnpm, wmmgm... u r:4
The Schedule referred to in these Letters Patent and making partof the same.
10 all whom it may concern 15e it known that we, JOHN I. GREELEY, formerly of Nashua, in the county of Hillsborough andl State of New Hampshire, but now bf Boston, in the county of Sublk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and LEVI W. BUx'rON, formerly of said Nashua, but now of Lynn, in the county of Essex and State of Massachusetts, have invented an Improved Mowing-Machine; and we do hereby dcJclare that the following is a full, clear, and exa-ct description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings forming a part of this specification, in which- Figurc 1 represents a top or plan vicw of our improved nwwiug-machine5 Figure 2 represents a side view of the same Figure 3 represents a section on linel A B, g. and
Figure 4 represents a-tlctzr(:l1ed part, and shows a side View of the elevating windlass.
To enable those skilled in the art to which our invention belongs to make and use the same we will proceed to describe it more in detail.
The nature of our invention consists:
First, in the arrangement wit-h the frame which supports the shafts or draft device, of a hinged fiuger-beam and tbrwardly-projecting vibrating frame for supporting the hinged hagel-dream, substantially as hereafter described.
Secondly, in the combination with a hinged vibrating frame and hinged tinger-bcam, of a bellecrank for Operating the cutter-bar, for the 'purposes hereafter stated.
Thirdly, in the combination with a vibrating frame in a mowing-machine, of a hanger piece, hinged tingerbeam, and intermediate hinged cramping and elevatlng piece.
Fourthly, in the combination with the vibratingr frame, hinged finger-beam, and windlass or wheel, of theclevating cord and guide-pulley, substantially as hereafter described.
Fifthly, in thearrangcment between thc bell-crank,
which is supported upon the vibrating frame, and the cutter-bar, which is supported upon the hinged tinger-beam, of an intermediate link or hinged connecting piece for the purposes hereafter stated.
Sixthly, in the combination with a vibrating frame upon which is arrangcd'the bell-crank, a hinged tinger-bcam, and a hinged cramping and elevated piece, of an elevating lever' and chain. y
Scventhly, in a hinged cramping and elevating piece, substantially as and for tho purposes lwronl'tor stated.
In the drawings"- A Aarc the main sulmorting wheels which turn upon journals projecting from the narrow frame-piece B to which the rear end of the shafts CC are securel y fastened. Y
From the frame-piece B projects forward a footboard or piece, D, while to the top of the frame B, and in rear of said toot-piece, is secured spring a, for supporting the drivers seat E, which Vext-ends back in rear of the frame-piece, to which the shafts are attached, so that when the driver is seated upon the machine his weight will tend to countcrbalance the weight of the shafts.
A forwardly-prtecting vibrating frame, E, is attached to the tiame-piece B by a hinged connection, so
that the forward end of said frame F can rise and fall freely,4 to conform, to the ground over which it is drawn. 'v I The inner side piece of the vibrating framed" is supported andturns upon the end of the journal of the main driving-wheel A, the two pieces of said frame being united in front by the cross-piece F', which is supported by a small roll, b.
To the yinside of the front endof the vibrating frame E is fastened a hanger-piece, G, having two downwardly-projecting legs, c c, provided -with carpieces, il d, attheir lower ends, in whichturns a journal or spindle, c, to which is fastened one end of the intermediate cramping and finger-beam elevating piece H, while upon the upper side of said piece, and near the other end thereof, are car-pieces, j, to which the heel end of the finger-beam I is hinged,so that the projecting part g of the piece H will extend under and past said hinge and under the heel end of the finger-beam, as indicated in full'lines, tig. 3, of the drawings, and dotted lines, tig. 1. l
By this arrangement, thc outer end ot the lingerbealn will be prevented from falling below a certain point, while, when the outer end of the intermediate piece H is turned up, it will -cramp or stilfen the jointof the finger-beam as soon as its projecting end (l strikcsagainst the under side ofthe heel end of the. finger-beam. Y
The finger-beam I is provided with guards, la, through which works the cutter-bar J, provided with cutters, ym, which may be made in the usual manner.
To the front cud of the journal c is secured an upright arm, u, to the top of which s'fastened the cord or chain o, which passes through a guide and then around the friction-pulley p, which turns upon a standard, upon the top of thc frame F.
Chain o extends back, and is wound about and fastened t0 a windlass or nal 2, which extends through and turns on the standard L on the top of the trame-piece B, and is provided with a ratchet-wheel, 3, and a bami-lever, M, upon its inner end, whereby the driver from his seat E can wind up chain n and raise theI outer end of thc inequalities of the wheel K, fast on the jourl finger-beam until arm-lever a strikes against the in-y side of the frame F,whcu he 'can raise the entire finger-beam and the front end of frame F up from the ground to pass obstructions, mown grass, or from one tield to another. v
Frame F and the finger-beam I can be retained in elevated positions after they have been raisedas before explained, by allowing the pivotedpaw] 4, to catch intothe ratchet-wheel 3, Y j
When the driver wishes' to depzess or drop the finger-beam to the ground, he takes hold of lever M, and then presses his foot against the projecting end S of the pawl 4, so as to throw vits upper end out i'ree from the ratchet-teeth 6, after which he can easily and quickly lower the finger-beam by simply allowing the wheel K to turn back and unwind they chain o.
A spur-gear, N, is secured to the. inside of the wheel-A to 4mesh into a small spur-gear, 7, on the journal S, supported and turning in bearings in the frame F.v 4. l
A bevel-gear, E), is fitted to run loose on -shaft- 8, while a clutch-pulley, 10, is iitted to slide on and turn with said shaft, and which clutch-pulley can be thrown into clutch with gear 9, by means of a clutch-lever O, and which is properly supported -by standards ll and. 12. l Y
A small bevel-gear, 13,-is fastened to the rear end ofthe crank-shaft 14, which is supported and turns in bearings upon the cross-pieces of the vibratory frame. F. l v
lo the frontend of the crank-shaft'14 is fastened a balance-wheel, 1'5, from which projects a wrist-pin, 16, to which is journaled one end of the pitmal'l 17, the` other end `of the pitman being journaled to one end of a bell-crank, 1S., the other end of the bellcrank heilig journaled to the inner end of a link or connecting-piccoli), the outer end of which is ljournaled to the heel end of the cutter-bar.
It will thus be seen that when the machine is drawn forward and shaft or journal '8 is clutched to gear 9 a rapid rotary motion will be imparted to shaft. 14, anda reciprocating Inot-ion will be imparted to the cutter-bar through the instrumentality ot` the bell-crank and its connections.
The bell-crank, being journaled upon the vibrating frame F, to which the iuger-beamis hinged, rises and falls with the heel endl thereof, while, iwhen the outer end 0i' the finger-beam is raised or depressed, the link orconnecting-picce 19 being hinged at both ends, yields, and thus prevents all binding of' the entter-bar.
It will also be observed that the reciprocating motion will be imparted to the cutter-bar wit-hout binding or cramping the operating mechanism, as well when the outer cnd of the finger-beam is elevated or turned up, as when it rests upon the ground in ahori- Zontal position.'
This is great advantage in a.1nowing-machine and obviates one ofthe most serious objections to the use of hinged finger-beam machines, in which the cutter-bar is operated from the crank-shalt bygtsingle pitman or connection, as will be readily understood by those accustomed to the usel of mowing-machines.
By arranging the vibratory frame lil so as to project forward of the inside supporting-wheel and alongside the shafts or thills, the drivJer, while sitting on vhis seat, can not only control thevnger-beam and raise it radially andat its outer end, but 11e can also raise it at both ends, the power to effeet'which being applied by him tolever M.
`Such' an arrangement also enables the driver to witness the operation of the cutting apparatus while at the same time directing the team, thereby enabling him to detect, avoid, andv pass obstructions in the path of the iinger-beam, without undue twisting or straining of his arms and body By giving the frame'F a supportv upon the end of the journal, upon the outside ot' the driving-wheel A,
the strength of the vibratory frame is greatly'increased V and relieved in a great measure from the back-twisting strain incident -to the draft of the Enger-beam, which would otherwise c onie upon said frame.
The constrnctiouof the machine is such that the cutting apparatus adapts itself readily. to the uneven surface of 'the groun-d over which it is drawn.
Having described our improved mowing-machine,
What we claim therein as new and of our invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is
1.. The arrangement, with the frame which supports the shafts or draft device, of a hinged fingerbeam, and tbrn-'ardly projecting. narrow vibrating frame for supporting the hinged finger-beam, substantially a's described..l
2. The combination with a hinged vibrating frame and hinged linger-beam, of a. bell-crank for operating the cutterbar, rfor the purposes stated.
3. The combinatiolr'with a vibrating frame, in a mowing-machine, of a hangerpiece," hinged l'ingerbeam, and intermediate hinged cramping and elevating piece.
4.'l`he ycombination with the vibrating trame, hinged finger-beam, and windlass or wheel, ot' the elevating' cord and guide-pulley, substantially as described. A j l 5. The arumgement between the bell-cranl{, which is supported upon-the vibrating frame, and the cntlter-bar, which is supported upon the hinged finger- ,beam, of an intermediate link piece., fer the purposes stated.
6. The combination with a vibrating frame upon which is arranged the bellerank, a hinged fingerbeam and a hinged cramping and elevating piece, ot' an elevating lever and chain.
7. The* hinged cramping and elevating-piece H, substantially asand for the. purposes set forth.
NATHAN Molise, XVM. E. L. DILLAWAY. Witnesses to L. W. BUXTON:
or hinged connecting-



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