USRE3333E - Of john h - Google Patents

Of john h Download PDF


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USRE3333E US RE3333 E USRE3333 E US RE3333E
United States
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E. H. Barney
Original Assignee
By mesne Assignments
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  • the skeleton base or foot plate A is secured in the usual or most approved manner, and is perforated at its tront portion with a longitudinal slot, (l, through which is passed, from above, the square portion of the shank of' a screw-bolt, D, which also passes through the curved and slightly-elastic bars E F F, arranged immediately above the plate A, and upon which bars E F the head ot said bolt D is made to press, as will be hereinafter described, the said bar E having asquare slot or opening in it to receive said bolt, and the bars F F having longitudinal slots in them for the same purpose, such slots permitting, also, the adjustment of the bars FF upon each other.
  • a longitudinal slot (l, through which is passed, from above, the square portion of the shank of' a screw-bolt, D, which also passes through the curved and slightly-elastic bars E F F, arranged immediately above the plate A, and upon which bars E F the head ot said bolt D is made to press, as will be hereinafter
  • the lower portion of the bar E which is next the base or foot plate A, extends forward over the slot C in said plate the required distance to suit the length of foot, and is bent upward and backward in a curve corresponding with a curvature oi the part of the foot it is intended to embrace until it reaches a point immediately above its lower end, when it is bent over the edges of vthe transverse curved bars F.
  • These bars F correspond, respectively, with the right and leftsides ofthe portion of the foot they are intended to jointly surround, and their upper and lower ends overlap each other immediately above the upper and lower ends of the bar E, their slots being at right angles to the slot O in the base or vfoot plate A.
  • This arrangement allows the three bars E F F to be moved forward or backward, and to be suitably adjusted and secured in the proper position, and also allows the lower overlapping ends of the bar F to be slid one over the other to snit the form of the foot to be embraced between them, and to be secured iirmly at any desired point.
  • the upper ends of the bars E F are also provided 4with a screw-bolt and thumb-nut, G, and a washer for securing them together when set.
  • the letter H designates clamps arranged at that part of the base-plate where the foot is intended to rest, and their outer portions, midway between their ends, are provided with journal-boxes or sockets, through which pass upright studs I, upon which the clamps turn.
  • the studs I are secured at their lower ends to the outer ends of slides J, titted and moving in depressions in the upper surface of the base or foot plate A.
  • the opposite inner ends of the slides J are bent downward at right angles, and are tapped to receive a screw formed on a horizontal transverse screw-shaft, K, which also passes through openings or spaces formed in lugs projecting downward from the sides of the base or foot plate and through an opening in a corresponding lug at the center thereof, immediately above the skate-runner B, on either side of which center lug ⁇ the said screwshaft K is provided with shoulders for holding it in place.
  • This part of the invention is, in this example, applied to the heel of a skate, but is equally applicable to the front or toe part, the clamps being adapted to the size and shape of that part of any sole to which they may be atscrew-bolts.
  • the invention further consists in making l that part of the surface of a clamp which comes in contact with the sole rough or with a raised surface, or with points or projections thereon, so that when the clamps are tightened for skating they will not slip from their place on the edge of the sole.
  • the screw-shaft can be turned by any of the ordinary devicesfor turning screws; but in order to retain with the skate at all times the means for fastening and untastening it, a handle is hinged to one end of the screwshaft in such a manner that it can be folded dowir under the footplate after the skate is secured to the foot, as will be next described.
  • One end of the screw-shaft K is flattened and rounded oif, and to such end is hinged a handle, L, by a pin secured to the shaft and passing loosely through openings in the similarly attened and rounded ends of said handle L, on the side of one of whose flattened ends is formed a triangular cog or cam, which is caused to enter corresponding depressions made in the adjoining flat surface of the screwshaft both above and below the hinge-pin, so as to enable the elasticity of the handle L, which is, in this example', formed of a rod bent into the'shape represented in the drawings, its two ends embracing the end of the shaft K, to force the said cog or cam into the depressions and hold the said handle stationary when it is extended to a horizontal position,
  • the rough ⁇ surfaces of the clamps can be formed in any manner preferred by the maker, the object being to penetrate the leather with the projections or points of the clamps and gripe the edge of the sole and prevent the clamps from slipping.
  • the use of such snrfaces enables one to fasten the skate with less pressure on the clam ps than would be required if the clamps were smooth or plain.


Skate Fasfening.
No. 3,333. neissued March 23,4369.
www, www @49% N. PETERS. Munogmpmr. wnhinm, k I;
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 23,826, dated May 3, 1859; Reissue No. 3,333, dated March 23, 1869.
To all whom it may concern Be it known that JOHN H. OoE and W. B. SNIFFEN, botll of Stratford, in the county of Fairfield and State of Connecticut, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Skates 5 and the following is hereby declared to be a full,clear, and exact description thereof, which will enable those skilled in the art to make and use the same, reference being' had to the accompanying drawings, forming part ,of this .specicatiom in which drawings- Figure l is a side elevation of the improved skate attached to a persons foot. Fig. 2 is a top view of the same detached from the foot. Fig. 3 is a vertical transverse section of the skate at the line l 2 of Fig. l.
Similar letters indicate corresponding` parts.
The skeleton base or foot plate A is secured in the usual or most approved manner, and is perforated at its tront portion with a longitudinal slot, (l, through which is passed, from above, the square portion of the shank of' a screw-bolt, D, which also passes through the curved and slightly-elastic bars E F F, arranged immediately above the plate A, and upon which bars E F the head ot said bolt D is made to press, as will be hereinafter described, the said bar E having asquare slot or opening in it to receive said bolt, and the bars F F having longitudinal slots in them for the same purpose, such slots permitting, also, the adjustment of the bars FF upon each other.
The lower portion of the bar E, which is next the base or foot plate A, extends forward over the slot C in said plate the required distance to suit the length of foot, and is bent upward and backward in a curve corresponding with a curvature oi the part of the foot it is intended to embrace until it reaches a point immediately above its lower end, when it is bent over the edges of vthe transverse curved bars F. These bars F correspond, respectively, with the right and leftsides ofthe portion of the foot they are intended to jointly surround, and their upper and lower ends overlap each other immediately above the upper and lower ends of the bar E, their slots being at right angles to the slot O in the base or vfoot plate A.
The square portion of the screw-bolt D, be-
fore mentioned, passes through the slots at the lower ends of the curved bars F, as well as through the square opening in the lower end of the longitudinal curved bar AE and through the slot C in the base or foot plate, and its screw end is provided with a thumbnut, DI, between which and the lower surface of the base or foot plate A, which is notched or serrated next the slot O, as shown in Fig. l, and also in Fig. 3, is placed a correspondingly notched or serrated washer, D?, which surrounds the square portion ot' the bolt D. This arrangement allows the three bars E F F to be moved forward or backward, and to be suitably adjusted and secured in the proper position, and also allows the lower overlapping ends of the bar F to be slid one over the other to snit the form of the foot to be embraced between them, and to be secured iirmly at any desired point. The upper ends of the bars E F are also provided 4with a screw-bolt and thumb-nut, G, and a washer for securing them together when set.
The letter H designates clamps arranged at that part of the base-plate where the foot is intended to rest, and their outer portions, midway between their ends, are provided with journal-boxes or sockets, through which pass upright studs I, upon which the clamps turn. The studs I are secured at their lower ends to the outer ends of slides J, titted and moving in depressions in the upper surface of the base or foot plate A. The opposite inner ends of the slides J are bent downward at right angles, and are tapped to receive a screw formed on a horizontal transverse screw-shaft, K, which also passes through openings or spaces formed in lugs projecting downward from the sides of the base or foot plate and through an opening in a corresponding lug at the center thereof, immediately above the skate-runner B, on either side of which center lug` the said screwshaft K is provided with shoulders for holding it in place.
This part of the invention is, in this example, applied to the heel of a skate, but is equally applicable to the front or toe part, the clamps being adapted to the size and shape of that part of any sole to which they may be atscrew-bolts.
The invention further consists in making l that part of the surface of a clamp which comes in contact with the sole rough or with a raised surface, or with points or projections thereon, so that when the clamps are tightened for skating they will not slip from their place on the edge of the sole.
The screw-shaft can be turned by any of the ordinary devicesfor turning screws; but in order to retain with the skate at all times the means for fastening and untastening it, a handle is hinged to one end of the screwshaft in such a manner that it can be folded dowir under the footplate after the skate is secured to the foot, as will be next described.
One end of the screw-shaft K is flattened and rounded oif, and to such end is hinged a handle, L, by a pin secured to the shaft and passing loosely through openings in the similarly attened and rounded ends of said handle L, on the side of one of whose flattened ends is formed a triangular cog or cam, which is caused to enter corresponding depressions made in the adjoining flat surface of the screwshaft both above and below the hinge-pin, so as to enable the elasticity of the handle L, which is, in this example', formed of a rod bent into the'shape represented in the drawings, its two ends embracing the end of the shaft K, to force the said cog or cam into the depressions and hold the said handle stationary when it is extended to a horizontal position,
as represented by lines in Fig. 2, or when it is pressed under the heel portion of the base or foot plate, out of the way of the ice when the foot is bent over in skating, as represented in Fig. 3, and yet admit of its being moved from either position by the force ofthe fin gers.
After the curved bars E F at the front have once been adjusted to the foot and set by the thumb-nuts and bolts D G, they need not necessarily (except in very particular cases) be disturbed in order to put the skate o" and on. To effect this adjustment it is only .necessary for the person to place his foot within the said bars E F after being unclamped, and bring the front and heel part of the foot in the proper relation to the front and heel of the skate, and then draw the curved bar E and side bars, F, over the toes and the sides of the front of the foot, and, when made to embrace the foot with the required degree of tightness, to firmly secure them by the thumb-nuts D1 G and the When these front bars are thus properly adjusted and secured and the front of the foot is thrust forward between them with the required degree of pressure to cause them to .iirmly embrace it, tbe screw-shaft K is turned by its handle L and made to draw the clamps H together, and their rough surfaces are thus made to embrace the heel of therboot with the required force to irmly hold this portion ofthe skate to the foot. After the clamps are drawn up, the handle L of the screw-shaft K is turned down out of the way under the base or foot plate A, from which position it can be easily withdrawn by the fingers.
The rough` surfaces of the clamps can be formed in any manner preferred by the maker, the object being to penetrate the leather with the projections or points of the clamps and gripe the edge of the sole and prevent the clamps from slipping. The use of such snrfaces enables one to fasten the skate with less pressure on the clam ps than would be required if the clamps were smooth or plain.
Instead of forming serrations or notches on the lower surface of the foot or base plate A, next the slot C, and on the washer next the same, these surfaces may be made smooth, if desired.
Having thus described this invention, what is claimed as new, and is desired to protect by Letters Patent, is-
1. The combination, with a skate, of a movable clamp and a screw arranged transversely to the skate, for pressing the clamp against the foot or the sole of aboot or shoe, substantially described.
2. A skate-clamp having a raised or roughened surface, or the equivalent thereof, to hold the edge of the sole of a boot or shoe with a rm gripe, substantially as described.
3. The arrangement of a skate-clamp upon a vertical stud or pivot, on which it can turn so as to adjust itself automaticallyto the snrface against which the clamp is drawn, substantially as shown land described.
4. The curved adjustable slotted bars E F F, combined and arranged in relation to each other and to the foot or base plate A, substantially as and for the purpose described.
5. The' arrangement on the screw-shaft K of a hinged handle, L, in such a manner that it can be folded out ofthe way after the skate is fastened to the foot, substantially as shown and described.
T. A. CUrrs, F. S. FULLER.



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