USRE324E - Method of opening axo closing gates - Google Patents

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  • a gate wi h tlie several ',Fvigs 2 land represe l, method of han span rotating vvthe .direction to o may be.


part therein a gate wi h tlie several ',Fvigs 2 land represe l, method of han span rotating vvthe .direction to o may be.
meri-:o o CF OPENING Ann cl.
Specification foriuing prt of Letters Patent N021() August gl,
Taa'lf-.wh'om it may'cola'cem." 'Beit 'known that 1, WILLIAM G. PHILIPS, of Newport, in the countyof New Castle and State of Delaware, have invented certain new and 'useful Improvements 'in Athe Method of Opening andCjosingGates and I do-hereby declare the following to be a st xa'c't descriptionof'tlie same, had to ,theaoempanying dra whichresents anfisometrical vview of y parts connected therewith, by-which it is caused to opeuend close. nt detached portions' of an enlarged scale.A e nature-of my invention relates `to a ging and operating 'a doublegate, sothat by simply releass it will rotate intr'ermitteutlyy in pen or cld-e, asthe reference heilig wings,ma k1ng a Figure. lifrep the saine'on mgits catche l.' To enable others skilledin the art to make and use my invention, I will proc scribe the' same withreference to ings.
A represents' a p `gate and `its several supporti lprtsgnay be arranged. n
B ifsj vgate-post, on each side of which is a gatqjlso ns to'make said post common to ",twowys or passages. The gate-postB has suitable journals at each -of itsends, lupon which it may rotate when the gates arel re! leased from their catches, as will be described here'nafter. E are two posts, of the Vtwo passages, or other device on a suitable projectlng pieceon thessii pests, which are set upon .the same, or nearly the same,line.with the center rotating post, B. o'rilzontalpiccc, D, for nis an upper tie and ort for the tops ot the three postsJ E E', which stand at right angles with the ways or passa es. Un erneath the gate-post B are arranged a. ieriesol iuclinedjplaiies, d, upon .which fric- `,ionrolls o aracaused torun (said 'rollsc eingattached to the bottom of the post) vhen the gate is let down .onto said inclined lanes. :The planes dare 'each in extent about ne-fourth 'of a circle, and when the rolls c are upon which thel ng and operative atform,
set, one at'eachoutside so that the rbolt, spring,
full, clear, and In catches lare arranged on the gates may readi ,rolls c when the -gate eed to .de-f1;V
4of a cord or chain passing over a pull l volves the necessity Y the posts, and
, PAfreN.
,593, emanare] i, 1854 Reissue No. am, man
started at the top of these pianos they will run down and around aourth of a circle and the gates vwith them. The gates, as they come Ato the. posts EE', or F, as the ease may be, are caught and held. 'by the spring-catch?" on the gatesta-kng into' the catches 'r on the posts E', or those F, (theie being two posts, F gh but one seen' in the drawings,=) as the d to be open or closed. parallel with the line of the s, and midway or central heL hat when thegates are caught ways or passage tween thern,sot
against F the ways or passages are open, andwhen against E iE they are closed. The.
one higher than the hat the springicatches ly take into-them, and' released to make nother on the posts, so t when the gate is to be ntered.. from it to release it, Theeam-planes d are thrown under the of a reacting-spring or its equivalent.v An other way of ro tating the gateis by means y, one end of which is is ofthe post B, and thence ey, z, terminatesin afalling weight, z'. In this case, whenever the gates are released from their catches, the Weight z eausesthe gates to rotate until a as before'describer. This pl of windi wound round the ax an, however, iiing up the Weight ever;r time it reaches the ground, which may be'done by the wine] im', It having'ratchet- `teeth upon its socket, which take into similar teeth onthc axis of B, and thusactslike a wateh-key-v1`z., to be ri and'slip over in the othe necessity of turning the' the cords.
In the line ofthe r, and thus avoid'theways or passages between from as will effect the object 111- tinie, are placed on each side of said posts springs or yielding pieces b, over which the carriag pass. These pieces b pass over two levers, g'gl, which act alterna ing the gate to release it from it by lifting against pieces i, attached to th If', as represented in'Fig. 1, the lev pressed down by a carriage-whecl over its piece b, the gate would's the' tops :of tely'i in --ra'is- 'e gate. er g wereV n passing win g open,
must-be raised ove'r the is raised np by means" gain caught,
gid .in one.v direction gates inr windn'gnp" at such suitahledistance therewheels shall f would press down A@Iroise the gale from its `understood that there nrc duplicctes ot'vb b andy g' on each sitle of thc gate. Any cel catches will allow it to swing arountl'pqnarterrevolution, but always in the sinne direction7 my invention and shown how the same may 2 324 the carriage pass1ig\thr0ugh would meet on new, and desire to secure by Letters Pater the other side a liece similarto bgaml g, Which is ,y
A double-span rotating gate, opening it closing by an intermittent rotating motion one wlirection only, said mot-ion being deriv rthrongh lifting pieces or levers, amqilan Weights or cords, or their eqnixjalent, subst: tially as herein set forth.
WM. G. PHILlBE catches, and allow it to snn'gslnit'1 it being trivance which will release thegzxte from its s Seen by the arrows in red. X
Having thus fully described the ria-ture of Witnesses:
' A. B. S'roUGnroN,
be used v'n practice, what I claim therein as THOMAS Il. UPPERMAN.



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