USRE20003E - barnes - Google Patents

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USRE20003E US20003DE USRE20003E US RE20003 E USRE20003 E US RE20003E US 20003D E US20003D E US 20003DE US RE20003 E USRE20003 E US RE20003E
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switch elements
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    • B07C3/00Sorting according to destination
    • B07C3/02Apparatus characterised by the means used for distribution
    • B07C3/06Linear sorting machines in which articles are removed from a stream at selected points


  • This invention relates to certain new and useto provide means for signalling the operator ful improvements in mechanical sorting mawhen any of the respective ticket receiving comcbines, and more particularly to a machine for partments become filled; and with these and sorting ,material of a flexible paper or other other objects in view, the invention consists in stock, such as checks, coupons, sales slips, ticka machine or apparatus of the class and for the ets and other like matter which, for convenience purpose specified, which is simple in construcin explanation, is hereinafter referred to as tion, eflicient in use, and which isconstructed "tickets"; and the principal object of my invenas hereinafter described and claimed.
  • tion is to provide means by which a quantity of 'The invention is fully disclosed in the follow- 13 tickets, each bearing a numerical, alphabetical ing specification, of which the accompanying or other identifying designation and arranged drawings form a part, in which the separate parts with respect to such a designation in a promiscuof my improvement are designated by suitable ous or other sequence, may be sorted into conreference characters in each of the views, and secutive numerical, alphabetical or other strig which: v a i l; quence, respectively, without the necessity of Fig. 1 is a plan view of a machine made acmanually handling the tickets individually and cording to my invention;
  • Fig. 2 is a partial section on the line 2-2 oi. et, solely for sorting purposes, any special indi- Fig. 1 with certain parts shown in elevation and cation of its numerical, alphabetical or other in section:
  • FIG. 3 is an enlarged sectional detail view simi- 2c The above objective has been accomplished lar to that shown in Fig. 2 of the drawings, inthrough thesubject of my invention which indlcating the manner of picking up a ticket;
  • a quantity Fig. 4 is a view similar to Fig. 3 omitting part of tickets placed in the feeding container thereofof the construction and indicating the manner can be mechanically picked up one by one, each of delivering a ticket; as ticket so picked up being mechanically project-
  • Fig. 5 is a partial section on the line 5-4 of ed to a conveyor means which conveys the ticket Fig. 1;
  • Fig. 6 is a sectional plan view substantially on ing to a particular ticket receiving receptacle in the line 6-6 of Fig. 2; a
  • FIG. 8 is a perspective view diagrammatically in said receiving receptacle, the operations above illustrating the key operating mechanism for acreferred to, together with the selection and opentuating the switch elements and for controlling ing of the entrance to the particular receiving said elements;
  • Fig. 9 is a partial section on the line 9-8 of being controlled entirely and solely by the de- Fig. l with parts of the construction broken away pression of the corresponding key of a'keyboard and in section;
  • a further Fig. 10 is a broken section onthe line lll- -lll object being to provide means for conveying and of Fig. 9;
  • Fig. 11 is a partial section on the line ll-l
  • FIG. 12 is a sectional detail view of one end poring sorted in a cycle of operation of the mation of one of a number of ticket receiving platchine; a further object being to provide means forms which I employ. for automatically controlling the operation of
  • this invention 45 the several switch elements through the key opcomprises a table like structure, the top pf which erated means employed to render the machine servesas the base plate of the machine.
  • a further object being cally disposed box-like ticket feeding container to provide means for controlling the pick-up of it open at its front and top sides and provided 5Q individual tickets from a stack or pile and for therein with an elevator-platform l5, which is preventing the passage of more than one ticket pivotally mounted on one end of a lever arm it, into and through the machine, the last menthe other end of said arm being pivotally mounttioned means being adjustable to tickets of difed on the under side of the base plate I! in standferent thicknesses; a still further object being ards l1.
  • a pulley II is moimted on the lever 5 arm It near the elevator platform end.
  • Another pulley I9 is mounted directly above pulley It on base plate l3.
  • a supporting and elevating cable 20, one end attached to lever arm I3, extends over pulley I9 and under pulley I8 and is attached at its other end to the revolving drum 2
  • a shaft 23 which extends overand across the top of feeding container shaft 23 is a gate member sition and automatically locked in such position at the bottom of container It by means of a friction catch 25 forms a firmly set closure to the front side of container l4.
  • the position of gate member 24 may be adjusted forwardly or backwardly by adjusting the position of standards 22.
  • Such adjustability of gate 24 is provided for to permit proper adjustment-of the inside dimension of feeding container l4, from gate 24 to the opposite end of container l4 to accommodate a given length of ticket or different lengths of tickets. In this connection it .should be pointed out that the said dimension of container l4 must be only sufficiently greater than the corresponding dimension of the ticket to permit of free elevation of the tickets within container I4.
  • gate 24 -short distance inwardly into container I4 is an adjustable stop member 26 for controlling the elevation of the topmost ticket in container I 4, and for holding a marginal section of said ticket in' a substantially flat position to prevent said ticket from slipping down between gate 24 and the other tickets in container I4.
  • a reciprocating shaft bearings 28 Extending over and across the top of container I4, in a position backward from shaft 23, is a reciprocating shaft bearings 28.
  • the elevation of shaft 21 issuch as to bring the elevation of the lowermost, surface of idle roller 29 to the same elevation as that of the topmost ticket in container I4.
  • a reciprocating feed cam 39 On each side of idle roller 29 is fixedly mounted on shaft 21, a reciprocating feed cam 39.
  • the protruding cam portion of each roller 39 has a corrugated rubber surface. when the machine is in a normal and inoperative position, the position of each feed cam 39 is such thatlts corrugated cam surface is directed in a backward and downward direction. In this position, the roller 29 serv'es its intended purpose of preventing any contact of the topmost ticket in container I4 with the cam surfaces of rollers 30.
  • Located just inside the top of the rear end of container I4 and extending crosswise thereof is a small metal roller 3
  • the elevation of roller 3i is such as to bring the elevation of its I4 at the forward end thereend of switch finger 34 21 horizontally mounted in lowermost surface to approximately the same elevation as that of the topmost ticket in container I4.
  • Mounted directly over roller 3i and parallel thereto is a larger and rubber surfaced roller 32, the elevation of which is such that its 5 lowermost surface is in contact with the topmost surface of roller 3
  • switch finger 34 Protruding forwardly through a recessed por- 10 tion of the surface of roller 3
  • the rear end of switch finger 34 is pivl5 otally mounted at the rear of container I4. Through the tension of a spring .35, the forward is forced constantly downward against the topmost ticket in container I4.
  • Platform 36 which constitutes the forward end of the base 25 of the main runway of the machine, is slotted partly through its center to permit proper elevation and operation of a conveyor belt, later described.
  • switch members 31c and 40 3-1 Interposed between switch members 31c and 40 3-1] are two platforms 33, which complete the base of the main runway and which are provided to meet certain spacing requirements of the ticket receiving receptacles later described. It will be observed that said interposing of platforms 33 results in a separate grouping of switch members 311: to 31 inclusive, and of switch members 31! to 31; inclusive.
  • the object of such grouping is to effect a similar grouping of the related receiving receptacles I", later described, for the purpose of sufliciently reducing the altitudinal space required for said receptacles to permit of effectively embodying my invention in a machine of the approximate height of an ordinary low flat top oiiice desk. It can readily be seen from Fig.
  • Each switch member 31a to 211 is flat on its top side except for a recessed portion 31' extending perpendicularly across the center, and a rounded surface extending over the rear edge 'the pressure of said belt and is entirely flat on its bottom side.
  • Each switch member is substantially wedge-shaped in cross sectional form and includes a notch or cut out portion 31".
  • each of said switch members 31 is of a triangular formation and that the recessed and cut out portions, 31' .and 31" respectively, when considered in combination, extend from the apex of the triangle to the base of the triangle.
  • the object of the triangular formation of each switch member 31 is explained as follows: Conveyor belt 48, later described, frictionally engages the ticket along its center in a position directly over the recessed portions 31' of switch members 31 and upon the ticket over said position has a tendency to raise the sides of the ticket slightly. Also, the. sides or any edge portion of a ticket may become raised as a result of crumpling or folding during the course of general handling.
  • each switch member 31 provides bifurcations which are adapted to straddle conveyor belt 48 when the switch element 31 is in an opened position.
  • the upper surface of each switch-31 is unobstructed so as to permit of free movement of the tickets thereon and said switch elements are preferably wedgeshaped in 'cross section to facilitate the deflection of the tickets into the runways I88 later described.
  • the grooved or recessed portions 31 of switch members 31 are necessarily provided to permit of a sufficient amount of pressure or friction of conveyor belt 49 against the ticket to prevent slippage of said belt on the ticket and to avoid any friction between said belt and switch members 31 when a ticket is not in engagement with said belt.
  • Each of the switch members 310 to 317' includes a rod 38 pivotally mounted in upright bearing and guide strips 48, 4
  • Extending over and across the main runway in a position over platform 35 is a horizontal revolving shaft '42 mounted in bearings 43.
  • shaft 42 Mounted on shaft 42 at a point over the center of the main runway is a pulley 44.
  • a pulley 45 Also mounted on shaft 42, at a point over each side of the main runway and in alinement with pulley 33 on the corresponding side of said runway, is a pulley 45.
  • a rubber belt 45' connects each of the two pairs of pulleys 33 and 45.
  • Extending over and across the rear end of the main runway is another horizontal revolving shaft 45 mounted in bearings 41.
  • shaft 45 mounted on shaft 45 at a point over the center of the main runway and in alinement with pulley 44 is a pulley 48.
  • a round rubber belt 49 constituti the main conveyor belt connects pulleys 44 and 48, the lower strand of said belt following a horizontal course immediately over and in alinement with the centers of the recessed portions of switch members 311: to 317'.
  • the lower strand of conveyor belt 48 passes without friction through the slot in platform 35, recesses 31' and notches 31";
  • a pulley 50 mounted on shaft 45 is connected by belt 50' directly with the driving pulley 5
  • FIG. 9 Flxedly mounted on shaft' 42 at the left of the main runway is a gear 53 which operates gear 54 of a clutch assembly next described.
  • This clutch assembly which is illustrated in detail by Figures 9 and 10, includes a revolving shaft 55 which is mounted in bearings 55 and 55a.
  • a revolving sleeve 51 is mounted on the left portion of shaft 55, gear 54 being fixedly mounted on said sleeve.
  • Also fixedly mounted on the sleeve 51 at the right of gear 54 is a round metal disk 58, the right side of which is cut out in a quarterly fashion forming four spoke-like teeth 58a, note Fig. 9.
  • Fixedly mounted on shaft 55 at the right of disk 58 and just clear of disk 58 is a round metal disk 59.
  • a rectangular slot 68 is cut through disk 59, and in said slot is pivotally mounted a pawl member 8i, hereinafter referred to as the clutch pawl.
  • Clutch pawl 6! can pivot sufliciently on its pivot rod 62 to allow it to protrude, from become engaged with one of the teeth of disk 58.
  • On the clutch pawl BI is a cam portion 63 which extends beyond the right side of disk 53 and which is actuated by a switch bar member, later described.
  • a spring 54 mounted between the clutch pawl GI and a supporting strip 64' serves to normally maintain the clutch pawl 6
  • a notch 85 In the outer peripheral surface of the disk 55 is a notch 85, note Fig. 9.
  • a crank arm 68 Secured to the shaft 55 adjacent the bearing 56a is a crank arm 68 at the free end of which is a pin 81 to which is coupled one end of a connecting rod 58, the other end being coupled with the free end of a rocker arm 59, it being understood that the rotation of the crank 58, and its size will govern the oscillatory movement imparted to the shaft 21 through the rocker arm 59.
  • a clutch operating element 18 is employed.
  • This element is pivoted to the lower surface of base plate ill on a shaft 1i supported in bearings 12.
  • the element 18 consists of spaced angular arms 10a, 1017, the latter projectingforwardly to a point in close proximity to one side of the disk 59, suillciently to engage the cam portion 53 of the pawl 5
  • the arms 18a, 18b are connected by a cross rod 18c which operates in connection with a toothed wheel 13 which operates in the form of a cam, being secured to a shaft 14 mounted in bearings 15 as clearly seen in Fig. 6 of the drawings.
  • a spring 15 is connected with the arm 18b and to a part attached to the base plate l3, and normally serves to hold the elements 10 in engagement with the toothed wheel or cam 13 as clearly seen in Fig. 9 of the drawings.
  • a lever frame 11 is pivoted to the base plate i3 and has one end extending upwardly through an opening in said base plate. Mounted in the upper end of said frame is a roller 18, designed to engage the notch or recess 55 in the disk 58 to normally retain said disk against rotation and to act as a means for stopping the disk rotation.
  • a spring 19 Connected to the other or lower end of the lever frame is a spring 19 which serves to constantly maintain the roller in engagement with the edge of the disk.
  • roller 18 In the normal position of the machine the roller 18 isseated in the notch 55 and the arm 1% is in the left side of disk 59 and I the same engagement with the cam portion 53 to hold the 15 key members.
  • Ten of member comprises a key tacle, later described, any tickets which are illegible or which for any reason it'is desired to exclude from the sorting process.
  • Each key top II mounted on a key shaft I2 which extends downwardly through perpendicularly alined slots in plates Illa, IIb and I00, and thence backwardly to a resting position sposed cross rod II at the upon a horizontally outer end of a rectangular shaped lever frame II.
  • Lever frame II is pivotally mounted in beatings I5 attached to the under side of base plate II.
  • the outer end of lever frame II is held upwardly with cross rod I3 bearing inst the ends of key shafts I2 by a spring I8. which is aflixed to each side of lever'frame II base plate It. .Inserted .through each key shaft 82 between plates IIb and lie is a pin II which controls the normal and inoperative position of the key member and also the depth of the key stroke.
  • a right angle arm II is pivotally mounted at its corner point in a vertically disposed position in a. bearing IIa upon the plate Illb. directly backward of each key shaft I2 of each key memher which is assigned to one of the numerical characters "0 to 9" inclusive.
  • each angle arm II consists of a rod extending upwardly-and forwardly from plate 8% through a small slot-Ila in its associated key shaft I2.
  • the reargection of each angle arm II is pivotally mountedj'tm ai'each bar on.
  • Each reach bar 89 extends backwardly under rods II to a point just beyond the position that switch member '31 which is the key member with which the is connected, alias clearly of the drawings.
  • the rear end II is seated in a shallow end of aastandard II spring II to the rear
  • a member 93 serving three functions, namely, a means for oscillating I3 is secured for the P p se of moving the switch member 31a to 311', selected by the particular key operated; into open position; to actuate dog 91; and further, serves as a immediate closing of the switch member when theswitchmemberisreleued fromitsopenposition by the means next described.
  • a sliding lock bar II Slidably mounted in channels or grooved seats at the top of standards Ila and Ilb is a sliding lock bar II.
  • This bar is provided with a series of ten slots mopenings Iia to II) inclusive, so positioned that when the or inoperative position. each opening is located iustfo ardlyofoneoftherodsII. Securedto each IIinlinewiththelockbarIIisadog II, which extends slightly beyond the forward edge of the adjacent slot or opening II. A shoulder portion lie on the bar Ii is normally held in engagement with the standard Ilb by a spring II to maintain the-normal and inoperative position of lock bar Ii. To the forward end of the bar is hinged or pivoted a toothed member. 99 which'extends downwardly through a slot in said bar to project through the lower surface thereof.
  • a fine toothed ratchet wheel III is secured'to the shaft II within the frame II, and pivotally mounted centrally of the frame II is a pawl I06 normally held in engagement with the wheel III by a spring I, note parent that in the downward lever frame by the action the wheel III will be rotated to correspondingly rotate the shaft II, suiiicientonly to force the cross rod 'IIc over one tooth of the wheel II.
  • plate II Extending downwardly from the base. plate II are a series of U'-shaped runways III, one for each of the switch members 3111 to 311 respectively, the runways being of graduated lengths to provide for the locationm of ticket receiving removement of the of any one ofthe keys,
  • each runway has a forwardly curved extension IliIa through the base plate I3, and the freeendi' of which is disposed adjacent the respective switch member so as to direct the tickets passed through the switch member into the re-' spective runway.
  • the base or cross plate of each runway is provided with a slot II8b arranged longitudinally thereof. Slot IIIb in each runway III is provided for a similar purpose as that for which the rod II to which member.
  • each switch member 31 which effects anmachineisinanormal' Fig. '1. It'will thus be aprecessed portion 31' of each switch member 31 is provided, namely, to permit of a sufficient amount of pressure or friction of conveyor belt II6 against the ticket to prevent slippage of said belt on the ticket and to avoid any friction between said belt and the base or cross plate of runway I08 when a ticket is not in engagenient with said belt.
  • each runway At the upper end of each runway is a transverse shaft I09 mounted in bearings H0 and 00,
  • shafts II3, mounted at the lower end portions of runways I08 are shafts II3, on which are secured centrally, pulleys III and rubber belts II5 are passed around the pulleys H2 and H4 and constitute conveyor belts for conveying the tickets delivered into the runways to the lower end portions of the runways.
  • a pair of pulleys IIB are secured to the shaft II3, one pulley at each side of the pulley I I4. 5
  • each runway At the lower end of each runway is a ticket receiving receptacle I" having a backwardly directed base plate la, the rear end portion of which joins the runway in angularly disposed side brace bars 8, in which is mounted a shaft I I9. Secured to each shaft are two pulleys I20 arranged in alinement with the pulleys I I6. Belts I2I pass around the pulleys II6, I20, and provide additional .means for conveying the ticket delivered from the conveyor .belt II5 into the ticket receiving receptacle.
  • a pulley I22 Secured centrally to the shaft H9 is a pulley I22, and fixed to a shaft I23 arranged in the base plate II'Ia is another pulley I24 and a belt I25 passes around the pulleys I22 and I24 to provide a means for delivering and stacking the tickets in a vertical position within the receptacle.
  • Belt I25 is offset from belt I I5, as clearly shown in Fig. 2, such offset being required to prevent the ticket, or tickets, last deposited in a receiving receptacle ill from obstructing the entry of the next ticket to be deposited in the same receptacle.
  • a ticket backing or supporting plate I26 Slidably mounted in the base plate or platform I I'Ia of the receptacle is a ticket backing or supporting plate I26.
  • the lower portion or base I26a. of the plate is keyed to and slidable in a channel II'Ib formed in the platform IIIa, note Fig. 12.
  • the plate I26 is also preferably provided with a vertical slot l26b in alinement with the belt I25 to facilitate the depositing of. the first ticket delivered to the receptacle, said slot permitting of a sufficient amount of pressure or friction of conveyor belt I25 against said ticket to prevent slippage of said belt on said ticket and also avoiding any friction between said belt andsupporting plae I26 when there is no ticket in said receptacle.
  • the height of the shafts II9 with respect to the height of the tickets is such as to provide admission of the successive tickets, as will be apparent.
  • a fixed electric contact lo and a spring contact IIId are disposed at the rear ends of the respective receptacles III, the backing plate I26 or the base [26a thereof being adapted to force the spring contact IIId into engagement with the contact IIIc when the receptacle becomes filled to complete the electric circuit to an audible signal, for example, a bell, diagrammatically illustrated at I lie in Fig. 6 of the drawings. It will be apparent that other types of signals may be employed to indicate to the operator when the re- 5 spective ticket receiving receptacles are filled.
  • a gear I2'I which meshes with a gear I29 secured to a shaft I29 mounted in suitable bearings on the under surface of th'ebase plate I3.
  • pulleys I30 Secured to the shaft I29 at spaced intervals longitudinally thereof are pulleys I30, each of which is in alinement with one of the pulleys III of the shafts I09, as clearly seen in ...Fig.,6 of the drawings, and belts I30a pass around the pulleys III, I30, to provide a driving means 15 for the respective shafts I09.
  • said receptacle mounted at the rear end of the main runway of 20 v the machine, said receptacle consisting merely of a box-like drawer into which a ticket is deposited by a conveyor belt 49, when all switch members 31a to 317' are closed.
  • an adjustable detector device I32 is employed.
  • This device consists of a long lever arm 132a, the forward end portion of which is pivoted on a transverse shaft I32b disposed adjacent the pulley H, the lever having a forwardly extending U-shaped portion I320 disposed between the shaft 42 and the platform 36 as will appear from a consideration of Figs. 1 and 2.
  • a downwardly projecting detector finger I32d Centrally of the crosshead of the part I32c is a downwardly projecting detector finger I32d, note Fig. 3 of the drawings.
  • the forward surface of this finger is beveled to insure the delivery of the ticket therebeneath.
  • the rear end portion of the lever arm I321: of the detector device is 40 vertically adjustable in a bracket I32e, note Fig.
  • the operation of the clutch mechanism will be understood from the foregoing description when taken in connection with the following statement.
  • the driving motor 52 is in operation when the machine is in condition for use. However, until a key III is depressed, the clutch is idle, with the exception that the gear 54 and disk 50 are rotating.
  • the reach bar 89 controlled by the key number "1 is moved forwardly against the tension of the spring 9
  • the pin 92 in said reach bar actuates the member 93, rocking the shaft 39 to raise the switch 31b in the manner indicated in Figs. 2 and 8 of the drawings.
  • the ticket pick up and delivery cams 90 are actuated to deliver one ticket to the feeding and conveying means as later described.
  • the forward movement of the bar 96' operates to return any previously raised switch member to a closed position, leaving only the onev switch member controlled by the key which is depressed in the raised position.
  • gate member 24 After adjusting the position of gate member 24 to produce an innerv lengthwise dimension of container I4, slightly greater than the length of the tickets to be assorted, said gate member is opened to a. raised position. Lever. arm I8 is depressed, thus lowering elevator platform I5 in container I4. A stack of unassorted tickets, numbered side up, is placed upon platform I6 in container I4, and while lever arm I6 is still depressed, gate member 24 normal perpendicular and locked position in container I4. The lowering of gate member 24 while lever arm I6 is still depressed and, therefore, while the topmost ticket is free from pressure against any member above it, enables gate member 24 to force any protruding tickets into proper perpendicular alinement with the other tickets. Lever arm I6 is then released, forcing elevator platform I5 upwardly until stopped by the pressure of the topmost ticket against stop member 26, idle roller 29 and switch finger 64. All
  • roller 92 and conveyor belt 49 are traveling in a counter clockwise direction, while conveyor belts H5, I2I, and I25 are traveling in a clockwise direction.
  • machines may be employed with different types and numbers of operating keys to adapt the machine to different uses, for example, twenty-six or more keys may be employed for alphabetical assortment, and in the latter event, a corresponding number of switch elements may be employed as well as the parts cooperating with both, it being further understood in this connection that my invention is not necessarily limited to the specific structural details herein shown and described, nor to the manner of actuating the separate mechanisms or devices. It will be apparent that my invention is not necessarily limited to a machine for sorting tickets or similar members as the same may be used as a means for distributing or delivering tickets and the like.
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinalto the next digit of the numbers, for v ing tickets will arrange them in 1y of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, and means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supportsurface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elementsfor transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby.
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said'surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, each receptacle having independently driven conveyor means for feeding the tickets to the storage end of the receptacle, and means adjacent each switch element for guiding the ticket delivered by said element into the conveyor means controlled by said element.
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of re-,
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements of forming part of said supporting surface and the respective ranged longitudinally of 'termined keys whereby the to be movedinto operative tive engagement a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, means including a long tensioned arm for constantly supporting the tickets in engagement with the pick up and delivery means, and an adjustable gage device interposed between the pick up and delivery means. and said first named conveyor means
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said suppo' ing surface and of a width equalto the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elements fortransmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of man-, ually-actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, and means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with prededepression of one said switch elements
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for pic g'up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arthe machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and dlivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission, to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operawith predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one of said switch elements to
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a of the keys will cause one of -of said surface for movably tickets are to be delivered, a
  • control bar ment to normal transmision e depression of one of the ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the plurality of switch elements forming part face and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said of said supporting sur- 10 supporting surface above said switch elements 15 for conveying tickets livery means to the for transmission to thereby,
  • the receptacles controlled a series of manually actuated keys arranged atone side of the machine adjacent the 20 pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side tive engagement of the machine and in operawith predetermined keys whereby the depression of one bf the keys will cause 2 one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released, and saidbeing in operative engagement with the respective keys to return a raised switch eleing another switch element.
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means means for picki g up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arrangedbelow said surface and into which the be delivered, a plurality of switch 45 tickets are to elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arposition in the operation of rais- 35 ged above said first named 40 ranged longitudinally of the machine and said 50 supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up-and delivery means to the respective switch elements for to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative enmanually actuated keys arranged at gagement
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements a for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles cont-rolled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one ofthe keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released, said control bar being in operative engagement with the respective keys to return a raised switch element to normal position in the operation of raising another switch element, means compris
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be dellvered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to'the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, mearis including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a 10 ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and. arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements fomiing part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up.
  • a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are re- 4 leased, said control bar being inoperative engagement with the respective keys to return a.
  • means comprising a clutch mechanism for a'ctuating the ticket pick-up and delivery means in the operation of each of said keys, a plurality of independently driven conveyor units for transmitting tickets from the switch elements to their respective receptacles, means for guiding the tickets from the switch elements to the conveyor units, and means including a movable backing, wall for stacking the tickets in each receptacle.
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first, named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which "thetfckets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick-up and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick-up and delivery means, in'eans including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of
  • control bar being in operative engagement with the respective keys to return a raised switch element to normal position in the operation of raising another switch element
  • means comprising a clutch mechanism for actuating the ticket pick-up and delivery means in 'the operation of each of said keys, a plurality of independently driven conveyor units for trans mitting tickets from the switch elements to their respective receptacles, means for guiding the a compartment at the forward end of said plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting-surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central groove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said supporting surface and said belt conveyor, and said belt conveyor in conJunction with the groove of said surface being adapted to frictionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said
  • a machine of the class described comprising a top plate, a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of said 7 plate from the front to the rear end portions thereof, means including a compartment at the forward end of said plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting surface withthe lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central groove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said supporting surface'and said belt conveyor, said belt conveyor in conjunction with the groove of said surface being adapted to frlctionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above a floor or other support, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudinally spaced relation to each other
  • a machine of the class described comprising a top plate, a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of said plate from the front to the rear end portions thereof, means including a compartment at the forward end of said 45 plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, 50
  • an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central groove of said surface, means arranged above frictionally feed the ticket toa predetermined 60 switch element-of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above the -floor or other support, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudi- 65 nallyspaced relation to each other, a receptacle being provided for each switch element and means comprising independently driven belt conveyor units for transmitting tickets from said ments, means comprising a clutch mechanism 75 a stack of tickets supported in the machine for actuated in the operation of any of said keys for causing the ticket pick-up and delivery means to be actuated, and means including an adjustable gage device interposed between the pick-up and delivery means and said first named belt conveyor to provide the delivery of single tickets to said conveyor.
  • a machine of the class ing a top plate, a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of said plate from the front to the rear end portions thereof, means includinga compartment at the forward end of said plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said a surface and switch elements being grooved.
  • an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central vgroove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack tojsaid sup porting surface and said belt conveyor; said belt conveyor in conjunction with the groove of said surface being adapted to frictionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above a floor or other support, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudinally spaced relation to each other, a receptacle being provided for each switch element and means comprising independently driven belt conveyor units for switch elements to the respectivereceptacles, means for constantly operating the first and second named conveyors, a plurality of manuallyactuated keys at one side of the top plate controlling the operation of the separate switch elements, means comprising a clutch mechanism
  • each element including a rod, a dog at one end of the rod, a control bar a iacent the dog and engaged thereby to support the switch element in operative position and a member on the rod intermediate the switch element and dog in operative engagement with the manually actuated key for moving the switch element into operative position and for returning the same to normal position when said-dog is released by said bar.
  • a plurality of switch elements controlling delivery of tickets to independent receptacles
  • a key actuated mechanism controlling the operation of said switch elements, each element, including a rod, a dog at one end of the rod, a controi bar adjacent the dog and engaged described comprismoving the switch element into operative posi- 5 tion and for returning the same to normal position when said dog is released by said bar, and all of said manually actuated keys being in operative engagement with said bar whereby in the operation of raising one switch element, a previously raised switch element will be returned to its lower or inoperative position.
  • a plurality of switch elements con- 9 trolling delivery of tickets to independent receptacles, a key actuated mechanism controlling the operation of said switch elements, each element including a rod, a dog at one end of the rod, a control bar adjacent the dog and engaged thereby to support the switch element in operative position, a member on the rod intermediate the switch element and dog in operative engagement with the manually actuated key for moving the switch element into operative-position and for returning the same to normal position when said 25 dog is released by said bar, all of said manually actuated keys being in operative engagement with said bar whereby in the operation of raising one switch element, a previously raised switch element will be returned to its lower or inoper- 30 ative position, means for feeding tickets longitudevice actuated in the operation of any of said as keys for operating the ticket pick-up and delivany means.
  • a ticket sorting machine the combination with an intermittently actuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a 40 plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface.
  • an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements: forming part of and transversing said surface, said switch elements being adapted to be raised on the surface to deflect tickets therefrom into thereby, and said switch elements being notched to receive said belt conveyor when in raised position.
  • a ticket sorting machine the combination with an intermittently actuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface, an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with 6 one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements forming part of and transversing said surface, said switch elements being adapted to be raised on the surface to deflect tickets therefrom into receptacles controlled thereby, said'switch elements being notched to receive said belt conveyor when in-"raised position, and independently actuated belt conveyor units adjacent the respective switch elements for delivering the tickets from said elements to the receptacles controlled thereby.
  • a ticket sorting machine the combination with an intermittentlyactuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a receptacles controlled 50 plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface, an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements forming part of and transversing said surface, said switch elements switch elements being arranged in two groups spaced longitudinally of said surface, and said receptacles being arranged in step-iii: groups beneath said surface.
  • a ticket sorting machine the combination with an intermittently actuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface, an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements forming part-of and transversing said surface, said switch elements being adapted to be raised on the surface to defiect tickets therefrom into receptacles controlled thereby, said switch elements being notched to receive said belt conveyor when in raised position, independently actuated belt conveyor units adjacent the respective switch elements for delivering the tickets from said elements to the receptacles controlled thereby, and adjustable means in advance of said conveyor belt for controlling the delivery of single tickets thereto.
  • a sorting machine including a plurality of horizontal aligned manually operable switches over which a ticket is conveyed, a container at one end thereof to receive a stack of tickets with the topmost ticket in substantial alinement with the switches, a buckle type feeder at the top of said container adapted to periodically feed the topmost ticket to the switches, and a swinging gate forming a wall of said container normally closed to prevent reverse movement of the ticket during feeding.
  • Asorting machine including a plurality of horizontal aligned manually operable switches over which a ticket is conveyed, a container at one end thereof to receive a stack of tickets with the topmost ticket in substantial alignment with the switches, a buckle type feeder at the top of said container adapted to periodically feed the topmostticket to the switches, a swinging gate forming a wall of said container normally closed to prevent reverse movement of the ticket durlngfeeding, and means toadjust the gateto adapt the container to stackspf tickets of different sizes.
  • a sorting machine including manually op- .crosswise of said switch erable switches and guiding runways over which tickets pass for distribution, belt-conveyors above said elements coinciding with the carrying plane thereof engageable with an interposed ticket, and means on said elements whereby the belt en- 5 gaged portions of the tickets may be depressed below the top plane thereof.
  • a ticket sorting machine including means for directing the course of tickets over a series of elements for distribution, belt conveyors above said elements coinciding with the carrying plane thereof engageable with aninterposed ticket, and means on said elements whereby the belt engaged portions of the tickets may be depressed below the top plane thereof.
  • a sorting machine including a plurality of horizontally arranged switch elements over which a ticket is conveyed by means that slightly depress the ticket at an intermediate contact, means for slightly tilting the switches upwardly to defleet a ticket, and the front edges of said switches, being inclined rearwardly from points of initial contact with said ticket to adily deflect any engaged portion of a ticket that is out of a horizontal plane.
  • a switch element for ticket sorting machines having a flat body portion with an intermediate front notch and front edges tapering rearwardly therefrom.
  • a sorting machine including a plurality of horizontally arranged switch elements over which a ticket is conveyed by a round conveyor belt that slightly depress the ticket at an intermediate contact, means for slightly tilting the deflect a ticket, the front 36 switches upwardly to edge of each switch being-centrally notched to straddle the conveyor belt upon tilting movement and also inclined rearwardly from the notch to readily deflect any engaged portion of a ticket that is out of a horizontal plane.
  • 40 33. In a machine of the class described having a conveyor belt to carry tickets to switch elements, said switch elements being triangular in plan and having a cut-out portion extending of the triangle to said base, said cut-out portion being adapted to receive said conveyor belt.
  • switch elements being wedge-shaped in cross section, triangular in plan and having a cut-out portion extending crosswise of said switch element from the apex of the triangle, to said base, said cut-out portion being adapted to receive said conveyor belt.
  • a machine of the class described for sorting tickets having data on one face including a plurality of aligned switches. over which a ticket is conveyed, means to cause a switch to defiect a ticket, a deflected ticket runway for each switch angularly arranged with respect thereto,
  • a ticket receptacle at an angle thereto and adjacent the lower end of a ticket runway, and continously operated angularly related conveyors to carry said tickets into said receptacles and stack as them on edge therein, with its data facing the stack.
  • a sorting machine including a horizontal support. a plurality of aligned switch elements mounted thereon over which tickets having data on one face are conveyed horizontally, means for tilting said switches to deflect a ticket downwardly, runways beneath each switch at angles thereto to guide deflected tickets in a vertical plane, a receptacle for each runway, and means element from the apex 5.
  • veyo'rs to direct and stack including angularly related power driven conthe tickets in following relationship with the data side facing the stack in the receptacles in the same plane of their movement through the runways.
  • L 37 Ina machine of the class described having a compartmentfor tickets, a pick up and delivery mechanism, 'aconveyor to receive the tickets from the delivery mechanism, a plurality of switch elements, a plurality of runways for each switch element, ticket receiving receptacles adjacent the lower edge of said runway but offset therefrom, manually operable means to cause the switch elements to deflect said tickets in: certain predetermined runways, power driven conveyors each having an operative reach in a ticket receptacle to carry the tickets from the runways into the offset ticket receiving receptacles, and means to stack said tickets vertically on edge in said receptacles.
  • a machine of the class described having a compartment for tickets, a pick up and delivery mechanism, a conveyor to receive the tickets from the delivery mechanism, a plurality of switch elements, a plurality of runways for each switch elements, said switches and runways being arranged in groups spaced from each other, ticket receiving receptacles adjacent the lower end of said runway but offset therefrom, manually operable means to cause the switch elements to deflect said tickets in certain predetermined runways, power driven conveyors each having a reach in a ticket receptacle to carry the tickets from the runways into the offset ticket receiving receptacles, and means to stack said tickets vertically on edge in said receptacles.
  • a plurality of rimways one for each switch eiement a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles adjacent the lower end of each of said runways and offset therefrom, means to convey said tickets through said runways and to a point adjacent the ticket receiving receptacles, power driven conveyors to convey said tickets-from said runways into said ticket receiving receptacles, and
  • a sorting'machlne including a horizontal support, a plurality of aligned switch elements mounted thereon over which tickets are conveyed horizontally, means for tilting said switches to deflect a ticket downwardly, runways beneath each switch at right angles thereto to guide deflected tickets ina vertical plane, conveyors for the tickets in said runways, a terminal receptacle for each runway at right angles thereto, stacking conveyors in'each receptacle offset with respect to the runway conveyors but parallel therewith, and offset conveyors connecting the rimway and stacking conveyors.
  • a ticket handling machine comprising a plurality of manually operable switch elements arranged in groups, a plurality of runways, one for each switch element, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles each one adjacent the lower end of one of said runways but offset therefrom, and power driven conveyor means including a reach in each ticket receiving receptacle to convey tickets from said switch elements and stack them vertically in said ticket receiving receptacles.
  • a ticket sorting machine including a supporting platform, groups of closely spaced switches mounted therein spaced by bridging portions of the platform, means for conveying tickets over the platform and groups of switches,
  • switch elements being wedge-shaped in cross section, triangular in plan and having a. cut-out portion extending crosswise of said switch element from the apex of'the triangle to said base, said cut-out portion being adapted to receive said conveyor belt, each switch element being fixedly secured to a rod which extends laterally therefrom, a dog on said rod to lock said.
  • a sorting machine including a plurality of switch elements to deflect tickets or the like, each switch element having abody portion over which a ticket is adapted to pass or be deflected thereby, an operating rod extending laterally therefrom, a weighted actuating member on said rod movable in one direction to lift the switch and releasable to return the switch to closed position by gravity, and a locking dog on said rod to hold the switch in lifted position.
  • a ticket sorting machine including a plurality of horizontal aligned manually operable switches over which-tickets are conveyed, a lock bar arranged longitudinally of the machine at one side thereof andisubstantially in the plane of the switches, and cooperating means on said bar and each of said switches whereby a previously actuated switch'is held locked until the successive actuation of another key.


  • Delivering By Means Of Belts And Rollers (AREA)


June 16, 1936. E. BARNES SORTING MACHINE Original Filed Npv. 1'7, 1954 INVENTOR LEO/V E. BARNES 2 BY 0 1 ATTORNEY June 16, 1936. E. BARNES Re. 2
SOR'IING MACHINE Original Filed Nov. 17, 1954 4 Sheets-Sheet, 2
INVENTOR LEO/V E BAR/YES ATTORNEY '7 Reissued June 1c, 1936 a Re, 2 0,003
Original No. 2,010,130, dated August 6, 1935. Serial No. 153,452, November 17, 1934. Application for reissue May 5, 1936, Serial No. 17,899
reclaims. (01. 214-11) v This invention relates to certain new and useto provide means for signalling the operator ful improvements in mechanical sorting mawhen any of the respective ticket receiving comcbines, and more particularly to a machine for partments become filled; and with these and sorting ,material of a flexible paper or other other objects in view, the invention consists in stock, such as checks, coupons, sales slips, ticka machine or apparatus of the class and for the ets and other like matter which, for convenience purpose specified, which is simple in construcin explanation, is hereinafter referred to as tion, eflicient in use, and which isconstructed "tickets"; and the principal object of my invenas hereinafter described and claimed.
tion is to provide means by which a quantity of 'The invention is fully disclosed in the follow- 13 tickets, each bearing a numerical, alphabetical ing specification, of which the accompanying or other identifying designation and arranged drawings form a part, in which the separate parts with respect to such a designation in a promiscuof my improvement are designated by suitable ous or other sequence, may be sorted into conreference characters in each of the views, and secutive numerical, alphabetical or other sein which: v a i l; quence, respectively, without the necessity of Fig. 1 is a plan view of a machine made acmanually handling the tickets individually and cording to my invention;
without the necessity of providing on each tick- Fig. 2 is a partial section on the line 2-2 oi. et, solely for sorting purposes, any special indi- Fig. 1 with certain parts shown in elevation and cation of its numerical, alphabetical or other in section:
23 designation. Fig. 3 is an enlarged sectional detail view simi- 2c The above objective has been accomplished lar to that shown in Fig. 2 of the drawings, inthrough thesubject of my invention which indlcating the manner of picking up a ticket;
volves a machine by means of which a quantity Fig. 4 is a view similar to Fig. 3 omitting part of tickets placed in the feeding container thereofof the construction and indicating the manner can be mechanically picked up one by one, each of delivering a ticket; as ticket so picked up being mechanically proiect- Fig. 5 is a partial section on the line 5-4 of ed to a conveyor means which conveys the ticket Fig. 1;
to and through an opened switch entrance lead- Fig. 6 is a sectional plan view substantially on ing to a particular ticket receiving receptacle in the line 6-6 of Fig. 2; a
33 which said ticket properly belongs, from which Fig. '1 is a section on the line 1-1 of Fig. 1; point of entrance it is conveyed to and deposited Fig. 8 is a perspective view diagrammatically in said receiving receptacle, the operations above illustrating the key operating mechanism for acreferred to, together with the selection and opentuating the switch elements and for controlling ing of the entrance to the particular receiving said elements;
r, receptacle in which each ticket is to be deposited, Fig. 9 is a partial section on the line 9-8 of being controlled entirely and solely by the de- Fig. l with parts of the construction broken away pression of the corresponding key of a'keyboard and in section;
which is embodied in this machine; a further Fig. 10 is a broken section onthe line lll- -lll object being to provide means for conveying and of Fig. 9;
4:) depositing tickets having questionable data Fig. 11 is a partial section on the line ll-l| 40 thereon or in other words, tickets that should of Fig. 2; and
not be sorted, for any reason, in the series be- Fig. 12 is a sectional detail view of one end poring sorted in a cycle of operation of the mation of one of a number of ticket receiving platchine; a further object being to provide means forms which I employ. for automatically controlling the operation of Referring now tothe drawings, this invention 45 the several switch elements through the key opcomprises a table like structure, the top pf which erated means employed to render the machine servesas the base plate of the machine. set substantially fool-proofin the sorting of tickets in the front edge of the base plate I 3 is a vertiby such key operation; a further object being cally disposed box-like ticket feeding container to provide means for controlling the pick-up of it open at its front and top sides and provided 5Q individual tickets from a stack or pile and for therein with an elevator-platform l5, which is preventing the passage of more than one ticket pivotally mounted on one end of a lever arm it, into and through the machine, the last menthe other end of said arm being pivotally mounttioned means being adjustable to tickets of difed on the under side of the base plate I! in standferent thicknesses; a still further object being ards l1. A pulley II is moimted on the lever 5 arm It near the elevator platform end. Another pulley I9 is mounted directly above pulley It on base plate l3. A supporting and elevating cable 20, one end attached to lever arm I3, extends over pulley I9 and under pulley I8 and is attached at its other end to the revolving drum 2| of an adjustable coiled tension spring device. Thus, it can be seen that the spring of drum 7 2|, when wound to produce a suflicient tension of. Suspended from 24 which, when in its normal perpendicular poon cable 20, exerts, a constantly upward force to elevator platform I5.
Horizontally mounted in standards 22 is a shaft 23, which extends overand across the top of feeding container shaft 23 is a gate member sition and automatically locked in such position at the bottom of container It by means of a friction catch 25 forms a firmly set closure to the front side of container l4. The position of gate member 24 may be adjusted forwardly or backwardly by adjusting the position of standards 22. Such adjustability of gate 24 is provided for to permit proper adjustment-of the inside dimension of feeding container l4, from gate 24 to the opposite end of container l4 to accommodate a given length of ticket or different lengths of tickets. In this connection it .should be pointed out that the said dimension of container l4 must be only sufficiently greater than the corresponding dimension of the ticket to permit of free elevation of the tickets within container I4.
The reason for this requirement is that gate 24 -short distance inwardly into container I4 is an adjustable stop member 26 for controlling the elevation of the topmost ticket in container I 4, and for holding a marginal section of said ticket in' a substantially flat position to prevent said ticket from slipping down between gate 24 and the other tickets in container I4.
Extending over and across the top of container I4, in a position backward from shaft 23, is a reciprocating shaft bearings 28. In a central position laterally on shaft 21 is mounted a narrow rubber surfaced idle roller 29, which can revolve freely on shaft 21. The elevation of shaft 21 issuch as to bring the elevation of the lowermost, surface of idle roller 29 to the same elevation as that of the topmost ticket in container I4. On each side of idle roller 29 is fixedly mounted on shaft 21, a reciprocating feed cam 39. The protruding cam portion of each roller 39 has a corrugated rubber surface. when the machine is in a normal and inoperative position, the position of each feed cam 39 is such thatlts corrugated cam surface is directed in a backward and downward direction. In this position, the roller 29 serv'es its intended purpose of preventing any contact of the topmost ticket in container I4 with the cam surfaces of rollers 30.
Located just inside the top of the rear end of container I4 and extending crosswise thereof is a small metal roller 3|. The elevation of roller 3i is such as to bring the elevation of its I4 at the forward end thereend of switch finger 34 21 horizontally mounted in lowermost surface to approximately the same elevation as that of the topmost ticket in container I4. Mounted directly over roller 3i and parallel thereto is a larger and rubber surfaced roller 32, the elevation of which is such that its 5 lowermost surface is in contact with the topmost surface of roller 3|. Mounted on each end of the revolving shaft to which roller 32 is attached is a pulley 33.
Protruding forwardly through a recessed por- 10 tion of the surface of roller 3| and at a central point thereunder is a switch finger 34 for switching the topmost ticket in container I4 upwardly into the jaws of rollers 3| and 32, as later described. The rear end of switch finger 34 is pivl5 otally mounted at the rear of container I4. Through the tension of a spring .35, the forward is forced constantly downward against the topmost ticket in container I4. I
Mounted just backwardly from rollers 3| and 32 is a flat surfaced platform 36, the elevation of the top surface of which is the same as that of the topmost surface of roller 3|. Platform 35, which constitutes the forward end of the base 25 of the main runway of the machine, is slotted partly through its center to permit proper elevation and operation of a conveyor belt, later described.
Extending in straight alinement backwardly 30 from platform 36, at the same elevation as that of said platform and constituting a continuation of the base of the main-runway, are ten identical switch members 31a, 31b, 31c, 31d, 31e, 3', 310, 31k, 3'" and 3', each of which is operative in the manner of a lid and when opened affords an entrance to asecondary runway, later described, which leads to a corresponding receiving receptacle later described.
Interposed between switch members 31c and 40 3-1] are two platforms 33, which complete the base of the main runway and which are provided to meet certain spacing requirements of the ticket receiving receptacles later described. It will be observed that said interposing of platforms 33 results in a separate grouping of switch members 311: to 31 inclusive, and of switch members 31! to 31; inclusive. The object of such grouping is to effect a similar grouping of the related receiving receptacles I", later described, for the purpose of sufliciently reducing the altitudinal space required for said receptacles to permit of effectively embodying my invention in a machine of the approximate height of an ordinary low flat top oiiice desk. It can readily be seen from Fig. 2 that if the switch members 31 were not zrouped as above described it would be necessary to arrange all of the receiving receptacles H1 in a single group thus doubling the altitudinal space required therefor and thereby making it impossible to effectively embody my invention in a machine of the approximate height of the type of desk abovereferred to and at the same time provide adequate altitudinal capacity for each of said receptacles. It should be recognized that such multiple grouping of switch members 31 and receptacles 1 makes possible the application of any increased number of said elements without the necessity of any increase in the height of the machine. Each switch member 31a to 211, the top plan shape of which is clearly indicated in Figure 1, is flat on its top side except for a recessed portion 31' extending perpendicularly across the center, and a rounded surface extending over the rear edge 'the pressure of said belt and is entirely flat on its bottom side. Each switch member is substantially wedge-shaped in cross sectional form and includes a notch or cut out portion 31".
It should be noted that, from a top or plan view, each of said switch members 31 is of a triangular formation and that the recessed and cut out portions, 31' .and 31" respectively, when considered in combination, extend from the apex of the triangle to the base of the triangle. The object of the triangular formation of each switch member 31 is explained as follows: Conveyor belt 48, later described, frictionally engages the ticket along its center in a position directly over the recessed portions 31' of switch members 31 and upon the ticket over said position has a tendency to raise the sides of the ticket slightly. Also, the. sides or any edge portion of a ticket may become raised as a result of crumpling or folding during the course of general handling. Should such a raised portion of the forward edge of a ticket strike, the forward edge of a switch member 31 at right angles thereto, as would be the case if the forward edges of said member'were straight, i. e., at right angles to the line of travel of conveyor belt", the movement of the ticket would be halted. Such difficulty was found to be avoidable by the use of a triangular shaped switch and switch members 31 were, therefore, designed in triangular form especially for such purpose.
The cut out portion 31" of each switch member 31 provides bifurcations which are adapted to straddle conveyor belt 48 when the switch element 31 is in an opened position. The upper surface of each switch-31 is unobstructed so as to permit of free movement of the tickets thereon and said switch elements are preferably wedgeshaped in 'cross section to facilitate the deflection of the tickets into the runways I88 later described. The grooved or recessed portions 31 of switch members 31 are necessarily provided to permit of a sufficient amount of pressure or friction of conveyor belt 49 against the ticket to prevent slippage of said belt on the ticket and to avoid any friction between said belt and switch members 31 when a ticket is not in engagement with said belt. Each of the switch members 310 to 317' includes a rod 38 pivotally mounted in upright bearing and guide strips 48, 4|. The rods extend beyond the strip 4| as clearly seen in Fig. l of the drawings.
Extending over and across the main runway in a position over platform 35 is a horizontal revolving shaft '42 mounted in bearings 43. Mounted on shaft 42 at a point over the center of the main runway is a pulley 44. Also mounted on shaft 42, at a point over each side of the main runway and in alinement with pulley 33 on the corresponding side of said runway, is a pulley 45. A rubber belt 45' connects each of the two pairs of pulleys 33 and 45.
Extending over and across the rear end of the main runway is another horizontal revolving shaft 45 mounted in bearings 41. Mounted on shaft 45 at a point over the center of the main runway and in alinement with pulley 44 is a pulley 48. A round rubber belt 49 constituti the main conveyor belt connects pulleys 44 and 48, the lower strand of said belt following a horizontal course immediately over and in alinement with the centers of the recessed portions of switch members 311: to 317'. The lower strand of conveyor belt 48 passes without friction through the slot in platform 35, recesses 31' and notches 31";
control the operation of said paw said lower strand being preferably disposed slightly below the upper surface of the switch members employed. A pulley 50 mounted on shaft 45 is connected by belt 50' directly with the driving pulley 5| of "the operating motor 52.
Flxedly mounted on shaft' 42 at the left of the main runway is a gear 53 which operates gear 54 of a clutch assembly next described. This clutch assembly, which is illustrated in detail by Figures 9 and 10, includes a revolving shaft 55 which is mounted in bearings 55 and 55a. A revolving sleeve 51 is mounted on the left portion of shaft 55, gear 54 being fixedly mounted on said sleeve. Also fixedly mounted on the sleeve 51 at the right of gear 54 is a round metal disk 58, the right side of which is cut out in a quarterly fashion forming four spoke-like teeth 58a, note Fig. 9. Fixedly mounted on shaft 55 at the right of disk 58 and just clear of disk 58 is a round metal disk 59. A rectangular slot 68 is cut through disk 59, and in said slot is pivotally mounted a pawl member 8i, hereinafter referred to as the clutch pawl. Clutch pawl 6! can pivot sufliciently on its pivot rod 62 to allow it to protrude, from become engaged with one of the teeth of disk 58. On the clutch pawl BI is a cam portion 63 which extends beyond the right side of disk 53 and which is actuated by a switch bar member, later described.
A spring 54 mounted between the clutch pawl GI and a supporting strip 64' serves to normally maintain the clutch pawl 6| in position to engage one of the teeth 58a of the disk 58 when the pawl 5| is released. In the outer peripheral surface of the disk 55 is a notch 85, note Fig. 9. Secured to the shaft 55 adjacent the bearing 56a is a crank arm 68 at the free end of which is a pin 81 to which is coupled one end of a connecting rod 58, the other end being coupled with the free end of a rocker arm 59, it being understood that the rotation of the crank 58, and its size will govern the oscillatory movement imparted to the shaft 21 through the rocker arm 59. A clutch operating element 18 is employed. This element is pivoted to the lower surface of base plate ill on a shaft 1i supported in bearings 12. The element 18 consists of spaced angular arms 10a, 1017, the latter projectingforwardly to a point in close proximity to one side of the disk 59, suillciently to engage the cam portion 53 of the pawl 5| to The arms 18a, 18b are connected by a cross rod 18c which operates in connection with a toothed wheel 13 which operates in the form of a cam, being secured to a shaft 14 mounted in bearings 15 as clearly seen in Fig. 6 of the drawings.
A spring 15 is connected with the arm 18b and to a part attached to the base plate l3, and normally serves to hold the elements 10 in engagement with the toothed wheel or cam 13 as clearly seen in Fig. 9 of the drawings. A lever frame 11 is pivoted to the base plate i3 and has one end extending upwardly through an opening in said base plate. Mounted in the upper end of said frame is a roller 18, designed to engage the notch or recess 55 in the disk 58 to normally retain said disk against rotation and to act as a means for stopping the disk rotation. Connected to the other or lower end of the lever frame is a spring 19 which serves to constantly maintain the roller in engagement with the edge of the disk. In the normal position of the machine the roller 18 isseated in the notch 55 and the arm 1% is in the left side of disk 59 and I the same engagement with the cam portion 53 to hold the 15 key members. Ten of member comprises a key tacle, later described, any tickets which are illegible or which for any reason it'is desired to exclude from the sorting process. Each key top II mounted on a key shaft I2 which extends downwardly through perpendicularly alined slots in plates Illa, IIb and I00, and thence backwardly to a resting position sposed cross rod II at the upon a horizontally outer end of a rectangular shaped lever frame II.
Lever frame II is pivotally mounted in beatings I5 attached to the under side of base plate II. The outer end of lever frame II is held upwardly with cross rod I3 bearing inst the ends of key shafts I2 by a spring I8. which is aflixed to each side of lever'frame II base plate It. .Inserted .through each key shaft 82 between plates IIb and lie is a pin II which controls the normal and inoperative position of the key member and also the depth of the key stroke. A right angle arm II is pivotally mounted at its corner point in a vertically disposed position in a. bearing IIa upon the plate Illb. directly backward of each key shaft I2 of each key memher which is assigned to one of the numerical characters "0 to 9" inclusive. The forward section of each angle arm II consists of a rod extending upwardly-and forwardly from plate 8% through a small slot-Ila in its associated key shaft I2. The reargection of each angle arm II is pivotally mountedj'tm ai'each bar on. Each reach bar 89 extends backwardly under rods II to a point just beyond the position that switch member '31 which is the key member with which the is connected, alias clearly of the drawings. The rear end II is seated in a shallow end of aastandard II spring II to the rear The tension of of rod II of associated with particular reach shown in Fig. 8 of each reach bar groove on the forward and is attached by a end of said standard. spring II to contribute with springs 88 on lever frame II in holding the associated key member its normal and inoperative position.
From the description thus far given, it can be seen that the depression of any one of the keys assigned to the numerical characters to 9- inclusive, through the downward force exerted'by the topedge spective .key shaft II of the associated angle ofthe slot 82a in the reupon the forward section arm II,- causes said angle arm to pivot forwardly and to thus imparta upwardly in projecting onwhichthe spectivereachbarrestaisa'pin I2.
l ixedly mountedin a suspended manner on each rod II in a straddling position over the reach bar II with which the respective rod 39 is associated, and resting against both the pin 92 'lnsaid reachbarII andtheforward end of standard II onwhichsaidreachbar IIrestsis a member 93 serving three functions, namely, a means for oscillating I3 is secured for the P p se of moving the switch member 31a to 311', selected by the particular key operated; into open position; to actuate dog 91; and further, serves as a immediate closing of the switch member when theswitchmemberisreleued fromitsopenposition by the means next described.
Slidably mounted in channels or grooved seats at the top of standards Ila and Ilb is a sliding lock bar II. This bar is provided with a series of ten slots mopenings Iia to II) inclusive, so positioned that when the or inoperative position. each opening is located iustfo ardlyofoneoftherodsII. Securedto each IIinlinewiththelockbarIIisadog II, which extends slightly beyond the forward edge of the adjacent slot or opening II. A shoulder portion lie on the bar Ii is normally held in engagement with the standard Ilb by a spring II to maintain the-normal and inoperative position of lock bar Ii. To the forward end of the bar is hinged or pivoted a toothed member. 99 which'extends downwardly through a slot in said bar to project through the lower surface thereof.
Arranged in astandard III isapawl III having connected alink was an arm II! with which is III, the latter being pivoted to the frame indicated at "(note Figs. 6, 7 and 8.
A fine toothed ratchet wheel III is secured'to the shaft II within the frame II, and pivotally mounted centrally of the frame II is a pawl I06 normally held in engagement with the wheel III by a spring I, note parent that in the downward lever frame by the action the wheel III will be rotated to correspondingly rotate the shaft II, suiiicientonly to force the cross rod 'IIc over one tooth of the wheel II.
Extending downwardly from the base. plate II are a series of U'-shaped runways III, one for each of the switch members 3111 to 311 respectively, the runways being of graduated lengths to provide for the locatim of ticket receiving removement of the of any one ofthe keys,
ceptacles disposed at the lower ends thereof as.
may be seen from a consideration of Fig. 2 of the drawings. Said graduation in the lengths of runways III permits the assembly of the receiving receptacles III constituting each grouping thereof, one over the other in the. staggered or oifset manner shown in Fig. 2. Such manner of assembly was applied to reduce the length of the main runway of the machine to a practical minimum and also to. produce greater compactness ofthe machine. The upper end of each runway has a forwardly curved extension IliIa through the base plate I3, and the freeendi' of which is disposed adjacent the respective switch member so as to direct the tickets passed through the switch member into the re-' spective runway. The base or cross plate of each runway is provided with a slot II8b arranged longitudinally thereof. Slot IIIb in each runway III is provided for a similar purpose as that for which the rod II to which member.
w ight which effects anmachineisinanormal' Fig. '1. It'will thus be aprecessed portion 31' of each switch member 31 is provided, namely, to permit of a sufficient amount of pressure or friction of conveyor belt II6 against the ticket to prevent slippage of said belt on the ticket and to avoid any friction between said belt and the base or cross plate of runway I08 when a ticket is not in engagenient with said belt. I
At the upper end of each runway is a transverse shaft I09 mounted in bearings H0 and 00,
the latter bearing being disposed to the right side I of the runway, the shaft I09 extending through said bearings and having a pulley II I on its projecting end. It will be noted on a consideration of Fig. 6 of the drawings that the lengths of the shaft I09 vary so as to provide the staggered or spaced relation of the pulleys III for alinement with the driving pulleys, later described. Se cured to the shafts I09 centrally of the runways and in alinement'with the slots I00b therein are pulleys II2. Mounted at the lower end portions of runways I08 are shafts II3, on which are secured centrally, pulleys III and rubber belts II5 are passed around the pulleys H2 and H4 and constitute conveyor belts for conveying the tickets delivered into the runways to the lower end portions of the runways. A pair of pulleys IIB are secured to the shaft II3, one pulley at each side of the pulley I I4. 5
At the lower end of each runway is a ticket receiving receptacle I" having a backwardly directed base plate la, the rear end portion of which joins the runway in angularly disposed side brace bars 8, in which is mounted a shaft I I9. Secured to each shaft are two pulleys I20 arranged in alinement with the pulleys I I6. Belts I2I pass around the pulleys II6, I20, and provide additional .means for conveying the ticket delivered from the conveyor .belt II5 into the ticket receiving receptacle. Secured centrally to the shaft H9 is a pulley I22, and fixed to a shaft I23 arranged in the base plate II'Ia is another pulley I24 and a belt I25 passes around the pulleys I22 and I24 to provide a means for delivering and stacking the tickets in a vertical position within the receptacle.
Belt I25 is offset from belt I I5, as clearly shown in Fig. 2, such offset being required to prevent the ticket, or tickets, last deposited in a receiving receptacle ill from obstructing the entry of the next ticket to be deposited in the same receptacle.
Slidably mounted in the base plate or platform I I'Ia of the receptacle is a ticket backing or supporting plate I26. The lower portion or base I26a. of the plate is keyed to and slidable in a channel II'Ib formed in the platform IIIa, note Fig. 12. The plate I26 is also preferably provided with a vertical slot l26b in alinement with the belt I25 to facilitate the depositing of. the first ticket delivered to the receptacle, said slot permitting of a sufficient amount of pressure or friction of conveyor belt I25 against said ticket to prevent slippage of said belt on said ticket and also avoiding any friction between said belt andsupporting plae I26 when there is no ticket in said receptacle. The height of the shafts II9 with respect to the height of the tickets is such as to provide admission of the successive tickets, as will be apparent. In this connection, note the upperright hand corner. of Fig. 2 of the drawings. A fixed electric contact lo and a spring contact IIId are disposed at the rear ends of the respective receptacles III, the backing plate I26 or the base [26a thereof being adapted to force the spring contact IIId into engagement with the contact IIIc when the receptacle becomes filled to complete the electric circuit to an audible signal, for example, a bell, diagrammatically illustrated at I lie in Fig. 6 of the drawings. It will be apparent that other types of signals may be employed to indicate to the operator when the re- 5 spective ticket receiving receptacles are filled. Secured to the shaft l6is a gear I2'I which meshes with a gear I29 secured to a shaft I29 mounted in suitable bearings on the under surface of th'ebase plate I3. Secured to the shaft I29 at spaced intervals longitudinally thereof are pulleys I30, each of which is in alinement with one of the pulleys III of the shafts I09, as clearly seen in ...Fig.,6 of the drawings, and belts I30a pass around the pulleys III, I30, to provide a driving means 15 for the respective shafts I09.
A special receptacle I3I for receiving tickets which are illegible or which for any reason it is desired to exclude from the asserting process, is
mounted at the rear end of the main runway of 20 v the machine, said receptacle consisting merely of a box-like drawer into which a ticket is deposited by a conveyor belt 49, when all switch members 31a to 317' are closed. I
For the purpose of preventing two or more tickets from passing through the machine together an adjustable detector device I32 is employed. This device consists of a long lever arm 132a, the forward end portion of which is pivoted on a transverse shaft I32b disposed adjacent the pulley H, the lever having a forwardly extending U-shaped portion I320 disposed between the shaft 42 and the platform 36 as will appear from a consideration of Figs. 1 and 2.
Centrally of the crosshead of the part I32c is a downwardly projecting detector finger I32d, note Fig. 3 of the drawings. The forward surface of this finger is beveled to insure the delivery of the ticket therebeneath. The rear end portion of the lever arm I321: of the detector device is 40 vertically adjustable in a bracket I32e, note Fig.
2, so as to permit raising and lowering of detector finger I32d with respect to the platform 36 to gage the clearance space for a single ticket, permitting the free passage of one ticket between the said finger and platform, but preventing the passage ,of more than one ticket therethrough. In the event that two tickets should be caught 7 or otherwise attached together and delivered from roller 32, the same will be stopped at the detector finger l32d and will be buckled up forwardly of said finger and further become ejected by the force of roller 32.
The operation of the clutch mechanism will be understood from the foregoing description when taken in connection with the following statement. The driving motor 52 is in operation when the machine is in condition for use. However, until a key III is depressed, the clutch is idle, with the exception that the gear 54 and disk 50 are rotating. Upon depressing one of the keys, for example, the key with the numeral 1 thereon, the reach bar 89 controlled by the key number "1 is moved forwardly against the tension of the spring 9| by the operation of angle 5 arm 99. In this operation, the pin 92 in said reach baractuates the member 93, rocking the shaft 39 to raise the switch 31b in the manner indicated in Figs. 2 and 8 of the drawings.
In this operation, the cross rod 93 is depressed 7 to move the frame 94 downwardly, which in turn feeds the lock bar 96 forwardly by engagement of the pawl IOI with the tooth member 99 permitting the dog 91 to pass upwardly into slot 961) and become engaged by bar 96, thus holding 10b thereof is raised, as indicated in the drawings. In this same operation, the downward movement of the frame 64 causes the pawl I06 to rotate the ratchet I96 sufficiently to cause the toothed wheel I3 to rotate one tooth,
in which operation, the element III or the arm dotted lines in Fig. -9, thus releasing the cam portion 63, permitting the same to move inwardly into the dotted line position indicated in Fig. 10, so that the pawl 6I will move into position to engage. the next spoke 58a of the revolving disk 69, causing said disk to rotate the clutch disk 69 one complete revolution. The pawl 6| is moved out of engagement with the disk 59 prior to the completion of said revolution by engagement of the cam portion 63 with the arm Illb. The latter, in engaging said cam portion, operates to move the same from the dotted line position into the full line position as shown in Fig. 10. The momentum of the clutch disk 59 is stopped by the roller 19 dropping into the recess 66.
In the aforesaid rotation of the clutch disk 69, the ticket pick up and delivery cams 90 are actuated to deliver one ticket to the feeding and conveying means as later described. In the aforesaid operation, the forward movement of the bar 96' operates to return any previously raised switch member to a closed position, leaving only the onev switch member controlled by the key which is depressed in the raised position. The foregoing completes the description of the mechanism embodied in this machine and I will now explain the operation of the machine as applied to numerical assorting.
After adjusting the position of gate member 24 to produce an innerv lengthwise dimension of container I4, slightly greater than the length of the tickets to be assorted, said gate member is opened to a. raised position. Lever. arm I8 is depressed, thus lowering elevator platform I5 in container I4. A stack of unassorted tickets, numbered side up, is placed upon platform I6 in container I4, and while lever arm I6 is still depressed, gate member 24 normal perpendicular and locked position in container I4. The lowering of gate member 24 while lever arm I6 is still depressed and, therefore, while the topmost ticket is free from pressure against any member above it, enables gate member 24 to force any protruding tickets into proper perpendicular alinement with the other tickets. Lever arm I6 is then released, forcing elevator platform I5 upwardly until stopped by the pressure of the topmost ticket against stop member 26, idle roller 29 and switch finger 64. All
ticket supporting plates I26 in receptacles II1,
are then. set in their foremost positions.
The motor is started, thereby setting all pulleys and gears into revolving motion which is uninterruptedly maintained while the motor is in operation. As viewedfrom the right side of the machine, roller 92 and conveyor belt 49 are traveling in a counter clockwise direction, while conveyor belts H5, I2I, and I25 are traveling in a clockwise direction. I
Assuming that the numbe on the topmost ticket is 3741, the operator depresses the key bearing the numerical designation 1, note'Flgs. 1, 7 and 8. The
single downward stroke of this is lowered into its key, flrstly, operates lock bar 95, thereby closing any switch member 911: to 317' that may then be open; secondly, opens switch member 31b, which through the action of lock bar 95, becomes locked in its 'open position by dog 91 and thirdly, releases cam portion 63, thereby actuating the clutch mechanism and producing approximately a ninety-degree turn and return forwardly and backwardly respectively, of the feed cams 39 as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 of the drawings.
Immediately following the start of the turn of the feed cams, the corrugated friction surfaces thereof come into contact with the surface of the ticket, and by force of friction, grip the ticket and force it to slide forwardly with feed cams 30, for the remaining distance of their turn, such action, in combination with that of gate 24 in preventing the front edge of the ticket from sliding forwardly, causing the ticket to buckleupwardiy between the positions of cams, III and stop member 26 and to be drawn out from under switch finger 34, note Fig. 3. 4
with the return movement of cams 36 to their normal and inoperative positions, the friction of said cams upon the ticket, aided by the release of the spring force which has been set up in the ticket through the said bucklingthereof, forces the ticket to move backwardlywith cams 39, durfriction, the ticket is gripped by conveyor belt 49 and by the same force, conveyed by said belt over the 'top surfaces of runway platform 36 and switch member 91a, whereupon it strikes the slanting under side of the opened switch member 91b and is deflected downwardly into the runway I99, admission to which is controlled by the switch 91b where it becomes engaged between the runway base and the conveyor belt II5 of said runway. By the force of friction, said belt II5 conveys the. ticket downwardly through the runway, from which it is deflected backwardly through the guidance of belts I2I, associated with said runway, into engagement between ticket supporting plate I26 and conveyor belt I 25 of the receiving receptacle II'I forming part of said runway unit. By the force of friction, said belt I25 conveys the ticket downwardly to an upright resting position on the base platform II1a of said receiving receptacle I II,- with the numbered. side of the ticket facing back'wardly. Each succeeding ticket which is deposited in this same receptacle will become enscribed doesnot constitute the entire group of tickets tobe assorted, another stack of the ungroup is placed in conassorted portion of said ing for example, a
numbering range of tainer i4 and likewise assorted according to the units digits of the numbers appearing on the respective tickets. This process is repeated as necessary, until all of the tickets in the entire group to be assorted have ben thusly disposed of, when the tickets are then removed from the respective receptacles III and stacked, numbered side up, in numerical order in respect to the units digits. The entire reassembled group of tickets is again processed through the machine, the same procedure as that described above being repeated with respect example, the ten' digit of the numbers, and this complete operation is repeated until an assortment of all of the tickets has been made with respect to all of the digits controlling the numbers thereon. Upon the completion of this assortment, the stacking of the numerical sequence.
While this machine is equally adaptable to any numerical sorting process involving the reading of digits from left to right, such as the process commonly applied under the conventional manual method of sorting, it has been made especially adaptable to the process of sorting involving the reading of digits from right to left, as above described, for the purpose of greatly reducing the number of preliminary individual assortments and the amount of manual material handling required under the conventional manual method of sorting. Under such manual method, and assumticket sorting job involving a from 1 to 10,000, the tickets are usually sorted first into thousands, then each thousand into hundreds, then each hundred into tens, and finally each ten into units. Such a process actually involves the creation and assembly of 11,110 diiferent preliminary assortments, whereas, through the process of sorting by digits as read from right to left, to which process this machine is especially adaptable, the number of preliminary individual assortments to be created and assembled would be reduced to 40. However, in order to apply the latter process it is necessary that the correct numerical sequence for each class of digits involved, when once established, must thereafter be maintained. This requirement has been met in this machine by providing simple and effective means for depositing the tickets in each receiving receptacle III in a vertical position with the numbered side of each succeeding ticket facing the unnumbered side of the preceding ticket. It will be understood that machines may be employed with different types and numbers of operating keys to adapt the machine to different uses, for example, twenty-six or more keys may be employed for alphabetical assortment, and in the latter event, a corresponding number of switch elements may be employed as well as the parts cooperating with both, it being further understood in this connection that my invention is not necessarily limited to the specific structural details herein shown and described, nor to the manner of actuating the separate mechanisms or devices. It will be apparent that my invention is not necessarily limited to a machine for sorting tickets or similar members as the same may be used as a means for distributing or delivering tickets and the like.
Having fully described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patcut, is:
1. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinalto the next digit of the numbers, for v ing tickets will arrange them in 1y of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, and means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supportsurface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elementsfor transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby.
2. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said'surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, each receptacle having independently driven conveyor means for feeding the tickets to the storage end of the receptacle, and means adjacent each switch element for guiding the ticket delivered by said element into the conveyor means controlled by said element.
3. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of re-,
porting the tickets in engagement with the pick up and delivery means. v
4. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements of forming part of said supporting surface and the respective ranged longitudinally of 'termined keys whereby the to be movedinto operative tive engagement a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, means including a long tensioned arm for constantly supporting the tickets in engagement with the pick up and delivery means, and an adjustable gage device interposed between the pick up and delivery means. and said first named conveyor means controlling the feed of a single ticket into said conveyor means.
5. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said suppo' ing surface and of a width equalto the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elements fortransmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of man-, ually-actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, and means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with prededepression of one said switch elements position..
6. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for pic g'up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arthe machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and dlivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission, to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operawith predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, and a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective'switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released.
7. A ticket handling machine comprising a of the keys will cause one of -of said surface for movably tickets are to be delivered, a
. control bar ,ment to normal transmision e depression of one of the ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the plurality of switch elements forming part face and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said of said supporting sur- 10 supporting surface above said switch elements 15 for conveying tickets livery means to the for transmission to thereby,
from 'the pick up and derespective I switch elements the receptacles controlled a series of manually actuated keys arranged atone side of the machine adjacent the 20 pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side tive engagement of the machine and in operawith predetermined keys whereby the depression of one bf the keys will cause 2 one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released, and saidbeing in operative engagement with the respective keys to return a raised switch eleing another switch element.
8. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means means for picki g up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arrangedbelow said surface and into which the be delivered, a plurality of switch 45 tickets are to elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arposition in the operation of rais- 35 ged above said first named 40 ranged longitudinally of the machine and said 50 supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up-and delivery means to the respective switch elements for to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative enmanually actuated keys arranged at gagement with predetermined keys whereby the keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released, said control bar being in operative engagement with the respective I keys to return a raised switch element to'normal' position in the operation of raising another switch element, and means comprising a clutch mechanism for actuating the ticket pick up and delivery means in the operation of each of said keys.
9. A ticket handling machine comprising a tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements a for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles cont-rolled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one ofthe keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released, said control bar being in operative engagement with the respective keys to return a raised switch element to normal position in the operation of raising another switch element, means comprising a clutch mechanism for actuating the ticket pick of said keys, a receptacle at the rear end of said supporting surface, and a key on said key board actuating said clutch and control bar to permit the delivery of tickets into said last namedreceptacle. r
10. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be dellvered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up and delivery means to'the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, mearis including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all'of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released, said control bar being in operative engagement with the re- 20,003 ticket supporting surface extending longitudinalarranged below said surface and into which the up and delivery-means in the operation of eachspective keys to return a raised switch element to normal position in the operation of raising another switch element, means comprising a clutch mechanism for actuating the ticket pick-up and delivery means in the operation of each of said keys, a plurality of independently driven conveyor units for transmitting tickets from the switch elements to their respective receptacles, and means for guiding the tickets from the switch elements in the conveyor units.
11. A ticket handling machine comprising a 10 ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and. arranged below said surface and into which the tickets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements fomiing part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick up. and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick up and delivery means, means including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are re- 4 leased, said control bar being inoperative engagement with the respective keys to return a. raised switch element to normal position in the operation of raising another switch element, means comprising a clutch mechanism for a'ctuating the ticket pick-up and delivery means in the operation of each of said keys, a plurality of independently driven conveyor units for transmitting tickets from the switch elements to their respective receptacles, means for guiding the tickets from the switch elements to the conveyor units, and means including a movable backing, wall for stacking the tickets in each receptacle.
12. A ticket handling machine comprising a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of the machine, means at the forward end of said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, means arranged above said first, named means for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said surface, a plurality of receptacles spaced longitudinally of and arranged below said surface and into which "thetfckets are to be delivered, a plurality of switch elements forming part of said supporting surface and of a width equal to the width of said surface, said elements controlling transmission of tickets to the respective receptacles, means arranged longitudinally of the machine and said supporting surface above said switch elements for conveying tickets from the pick-up and delivery means to the respective switch elements for transmission to the receptacles controlled thereby, a series of manually actuated keys arranged at one side of the machine adjacent the pick-up and delivery means, in'eans including rods extending from each switch element to the first named side of the machine and in operative engagement with predetermined keys whereby the depression of one of the keys will cause one of said switch elements to be moved into operative position, a control bar arranged longitudinally of the machine and in operative engagement with all of said rods for supporting the respective switch elements in raised position when the respective keys are released. said control bar being in operative engagement with the respective keys to return a raised switch element to normal position in the operation of raising another switch element, means comprising a clutch mechanism for actuating the ticket pick-up and delivery means in 'the operation of each of said keys, a plurality of independently driven conveyor units for trans mitting tickets from the switch elements to their respective receptacles, means for guiding the a compartment at the forward end of said plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting-surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central groove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said supporting surface and said belt conveyor, and said belt conveyor in conJunction with the groove of said surface being adapted to frictionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said supporting surface.
14. A machine of the class described comprising a top plate, a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of said 7 plate from the front to the rear end portions thereof, means including a compartment at the forward end of said plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting surface withthe lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central groove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said supporting surface'and said belt conveyor, said belt conveyor in conjunction with the groove of said surface being adapted to frlctionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above a floor or other support, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudinally spaced relation to each other,- a receptacle being provided for each switch element, and means comprising independently driven belt conveyor units for switch elements to the respective receptacles,
elements spaced longitudinally of and forming 10 part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, an endless'belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting. surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the com 15 tral groove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack to said supporting surface'and said belt conveyor, said belt conveyor in conjunction 20 with the groove of said surface being adapted to frlctionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above a floor or other support, a 25 plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudinally spaced relation to each other, a receptacle being provided for each switch element and means comprising independently driven belt con- 30 veyor units for transmitting tickets from said switch element to the respective receptacles, means for constantly operating the first and second named conveyors, a plurality of manually actuated keys at one side of the top plate controlling the operation of the separate switch elements, and means comprising'a clutch mechanism actuated in the operation of any of said keys for causing the ticket pick-up and delivery 40 means to be actuated.
16. A machine of the class described comprising a top plate, a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of said plate from the front to the rear end portions thereof, means including a compartment at the forward end of said 45 plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said surface and switch elements being grooved centrally thereof, 50
an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central groove of said surface, means arranged above frictionally feed the ticket toa predetermined 60 switch element-of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above the -floor or other support, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudi- 65 nallyspaced relation to each other, a receptacle being provided for each switch element and means comprising independently driven belt conveyor units for transmitting tickets from said ments, means comprising a clutch mechanism 75 a stack of tickets supported in the machine for actuated in the operation of any of said keys for causing the ticket pick-up and delivery means to be actuated, and means including an adjustable gage device interposed between the pick-up and delivery means and said first named belt conveyor to provide the delivery of single tickets to said conveyor.
1'7. A machine of the class ing a top plate, a ticket supporting surface extending longitudinally of said plate from the front to the rear end portions thereof, means includinga compartment at the forward end of said plate in alinement with said surface for movably supporting a stack of tickets, a plurality of switch elements spaced longitudinally of and forming part of said supporting surface, said a surface and switch elements being grooved. centransmitting tickets from said trally thereof, an endless belt mounted to move longitudinally of the supporting surface with the lower portion of the belt operating in juxtaposition to the central vgroove of said surface, means arranged above a stack of tickets supported in the machine for picking up and delivering the uppermost ticket of the stack tojsaid sup porting surface and said belt conveyor; said belt conveyor in conjunction with the groove of said surface being adapted to frictionally feed the ticket to a predetermined switch element of said supporting surface, a plurality of lugs for supporting the top plate of the machine above a floor or other support, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles arranged beneath the top plate in vertically and longitudinally spaced relation to each other, a receptacle being provided for each switch element and means comprising independently driven belt conveyor units for switch elements to the respectivereceptacles, means for constantly operating the first and second named conveyors, a plurality of manuallyactuated keys at one side of the top plate controlling the operation of the separate switch elements, means comprising a clutch mechanism actuated in the operation of any of said keys for causing the ticket pick-up and delivery means to be actuated. means including an adjustable gage device interposed betweenthe pick-up and delivery means and said first named belt conveyor to provide the de-' livery of single tickets to said conveyor, and a control bar in operative engagement with all of said keys and said switch elements for permitting one switch element only to assume an operative position in the successive operation of different 18; In a ticket sorting machine of the class described, a plurality of switch elements controlling delivery of tickets toindependent receptacles. a key actuated mechanism controlling the operation of said switch elements, each element including a rod, a dog at one end of the rod, a control bar a iacent the dog and engaged thereby to support the switch element in operative position and a member on the rod intermediate the switch element and dog in operative engagement with the manually actuated key for moving the switch element into operative position and for returning the same to normal position when said-dog is released by said bar.
19. In a ticket sorting machine of the class described, a plurality of switch elements controlling delivery of tickets to independent receptacles, a key actuated mechanism controlling the operation of said switch elements, each element, including a rod, a dog at one end of the rod, a controi bar adjacent the dog and engaged described comprismoving the switch element into operative posi- 5 tion and for returning the same to normal position when said dog is released by said bar, and all of said manually actuated keys being in operative engagement with said bar whereby in the operation of raising one switch element, a previously raised switch element will be returned to its lower or inoperative position.
20. In a ticket sorting machine of the class described, a plurality of switch elements con- 9 trolling delivery of tickets to independent receptacles, a key actuated mechanism controlling the operation of said switch elements, each element including a rod, a dog at one end of the rod, a control bar adjacent the dog and engaged thereby to support the switch element in operative position, a member on the rod intermediate the switch element and dog in operative engagement with the manually actuated key for moving the switch element into operative-position and for returning the same to normal position when said 25 dog is released by said bar, all of said manually actuated keys being in operative engagement with said bar whereby in the operation of raising one switch element, a previously raised switch element will be returned to its lower or inoper- 30 ative position, means for feeding tickets longitudevice actuated in the operation of any of said as keys for operating the ticket pick-up and delivany means. v
21. In a ticket sorting machine, the combination with an intermittently actuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a 40 plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface. an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements: forming part of and transversing said surface, said switch elements being adapted to be raised on the surface to deflect tickets therefrom into thereby, and said switch elements being notched to receive said belt conveyor when in raised position.
22. In a ticket sorting machine, the combination with an intermittently actuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface, an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with 6 one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements forming part of and transversing said surface, said switch elements being adapted to be raised on the surface to deflect tickets therefrom into receptacles controlled thereby, said'switch elements being notched to receive said belt conveyor when in-"raised position, and independently actuated belt conveyor units adjacent the respective switch elements for delivering the tickets from said elements to the receptacles controlled thereby.
23. In a ticket sorting machine, the combination with an intermittentlyactuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a receptacles controlled 50 plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface, an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements forming part of and transversing said surface, said switch elements switch elements being arranged in two groups spaced longitudinally of said surface, and said receptacles being arranged in step-iii: groups beneath said surface. I
24. In a ticket sorting machine, the combination with an intermittently actuated ticket delivery means, of means for conveying tickets to a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles in the process of sorting said tickets, said conveyor means comprising an elongated surface, an endless round belt conveyor arranged over and with one part of said belt travelling longitudinally of and in a groove formed in said surface, a plurality of switch elements forming part-of and transversing said surface, said switch elements being adapted to be raised on the surface to defiect tickets therefrom into receptacles controlled thereby, said switch elements being notched to receive said belt conveyor when in raised position, independently actuated belt conveyor units adjacent the respective switch elements for delivering the tickets from said elements to the receptacles controlled thereby, and adjustable means in advance of said conveyor belt for controlling the delivery of single tickets thereto.
25. A sorting machine including a plurality of horizontal aligned manually operable switches over which a ticket is conveyed, a container at one end thereof to receive a stack of tickets with the topmost ticket in substantial alinement with the switches, a buckle type feeder at the top of said container adapted to periodically feed the topmost ticket to the switches, and a swinging gate forming a wall of said container normally closed to prevent reverse movement of the ticket during feeding.
26. Asorting machine including a plurality of horizontal aligned manually operable switches over which a ticket is conveyed, a container at one end thereof to receive a stack of tickets with the topmost ticket in substantial alignment with the switches, a buckle type feeder at the top of said container adapted to periodically feed the topmostticket to the switches, a swinging gate forming a wall of said container normally closed to prevent reverse movement of the ticket durlngfeeding, and means toadjust the gateto adapt the container to stackspf tickets of different sizes. v
27. A sorting machine'including manually operable switches and guiding runways over which tickets pass for distribution, belt conveyors for said elements each having a reach coinciding with the carrying plane of the elements, and said elements being grooved adjacent each belt reach to prevent contact with the conveyor belt and insure a positive depressing engagement of a ticket by said belt.
28. A sorting machine including manually op- .crosswise of said switch erable switches and guiding runways over which tickets pass for distribution, belt-conveyors above said elements coinciding with the carrying plane thereof engageable with an interposed ticket, and means on said elements whereby the belt en- 5 gaged portions of the tickets may be depressed below the top plane thereof.
29. A ticket sorting machine including means for directing the course of tickets over a series of elements for distribution, belt conveyors above said elements coinciding with the carrying plane thereof engageable with aninterposed ticket, and means on said elements whereby the belt engaged portions of the tickets may be depressed below the top plane thereof.
30. A sorting machine including a plurality of horizontally arranged switch elements over which a ticket is conveyed by means that slightly depress the ticket at an intermediate contact, means for slightly tilting the switches upwardly to defleet a ticket, and the front edges of said switches, being inclined rearwardly from points of initial contact with said ticket to adily deflect any engaged portion of a ticket that is out of a horizontal plane.
31. A switch element for ticket sorting machines having a flat body portion with an intermediate front notch and front edges tapering rearwardly therefrom.
32. A sorting machine including a plurality of horizontally arranged switch elements over which a ticket is conveyed by a round conveyor belt that slightly depress the ticket at an intermediate contact, means for slightly tilting the deflect a ticket, the front 36 switches upwardly to edge of each switch being-centrally notched to straddle the conveyor belt upon tilting movement and also inclined rearwardly from the notch to readily deflect any engaged portion of a ticket that is out of a horizontal plane. 40 33. In a machine of the class described having a conveyor belt to carry tickets to switch elements, said switch elements being triangular in plan and having a cut-out portion extending of the triangle to said base, said cut-out portion being adapted to receive said conveyor belt.
34. In a machine of the class described having a conveyor belt to carry tickets to switch elements, said switch elements being wedge-shaped in cross section, triangular in plan and having a cut-out portion extending crosswise of said switch element from the apex of the triangle, to said base, said cut-out portion being adapted to receive said conveyor belt.
35. A machine of the class described for sorting tickets having data on one face including a plurality of aligned switches. over which a ticket is conveyed, means to cause a switch to defiect a ticket, a deflected ticket runway for each switch angularly arranged with respect thereto,
a ticket receptacle at an angle thereto and adjacent the lower end of a ticket runway, and continously operated angularly related conveyors to carry said tickets into said receptacles and stack as them on edge therein, with its data facing the stack.
36. A sorting machine including a horizontal support. a plurality of aligned switch elements mounted thereon over which tickets having data on one face are conveyed horizontally, means for tilting said switches to deflect a ticket downwardly, runways beneath each switch at angles thereto to guide deflected tickets in a vertical plane, a receptacle for each runway, and means element from the apex 5.
veyo'rs to direct and stack including angularly related power driven conthe tickets in following relationship with the data side facing the stack in the receptacles in the same plane of their movement through the runways.
L 37. Ina machine of the class described having a compartmentfor tickets, a pick up and delivery mechanism, 'aconveyor to receive the tickets from the delivery mechanism, a plurality of switch elements, a plurality of runways for each switch element, ticket receiving receptacles adjacent the lower edge of said runway but offset therefrom, manually operable means to cause the switch elements to deflect said tickets in: certain predetermined runways, power driven conveyors each having an operative reach in a ticket receptacle to carry the tickets from the runways into the offset ticket receiving receptacles, and means to stack said tickets vertically on edge in said receptacles.
38. In a machine of the class described having a compartment for tickets, a pick up and delivery mechanism, a conveyor to receive the tickets from the delivery mechanism, a plurality of switch elements, a plurality of runways for each switch elements, said switches and runways being arranged in groups spaced from each other, ticket receiving receptacles adjacent the lower end of said runway but offset therefrom, manually operable means to cause the switch elements to deflect said tickets in certain predetermined runways, power driven conveyors each having a reach in a ticket receptacle to carry the tickets from the runways into the offset ticket receiving receptacles, and means to stack said tickets vertically on edge in said receptacles.
39. In a machine of the class described comprising a conveyor to which tickets are delivered, a plurality of manually operable switch elements,
a plurality of rimways one for each switch eiement, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles adjacent the lower end of each of said runways and offset therefrom, means to convey said tickets through said runways and to a point adjacent the ticket receiving receptacles, power driven conveyors to convey said tickets-from said runways into said ticket receiving receptacles, and
power driven conveyors each having a reach in a receptacle to stack said tickets vertically in said ticket receiving receptacles.
40. A sorting'machlne including a horizontal support, a plurality of aligned switch elements mounted thereon over which tickets are conveyed horizontally, means for tilting said switches to deflect a ticket downwardly, runways beneath each switch at right angles thereto to guide deflected tickets ina vertical plane, conveyors for the tickets in said runways, a terminal receptacle for each runway at right angles thereto, stacking conveyors in'each receptacle offset with respect to the runway conveyors but parallel therewith, and offset conveyors connecting the rimway and stacking conveyors.
41, A ticket handling machinecomprising a plurality of manually operable switch elements arranged in groups, a plurality of runways, one for each switch element, a plurality of ticket receiving receptacles each one adjacent the lower end of one of said runways but offset therefrom, and power driven conveyor means including a reach in each ticket receiving receptacle to convey tickets from said switch elements and stack them vertically in said ticket receiving receptacles.
42. A ticket sorting machine including a supporting platform, groups of closely spaced switches mounted therein spaced by bridging portions of the platform, means for conveying tickets over the platform and groups of switches,
means for actuating the switches to deflect tickets beneath the platform, right-angled depending runways arranged one beneath each switch, the runways of each group of switches being of successively graduated length, and terminal recep-' tacles for each runway at right angles thereto arranged in overlapping relationship with they other receptacles of each group, the farthest projecting receptacle of each group terminating closely adjacent the first runway of the next group and beneath a bridging portion of the platform and power driven conveyors having a reach in each ticket receiving receptacle.
43. In a machine of the class described having a conveyor belt to carry tickets to switch elements, said switch elements'being wedge-shaped in cross section, triangular in plan and having a. cut-out portion extending crosswise of said switch element from the apex of'the triangle to said base, said cut-out portion being adapted to receive said conveyor belt, each switch element being fixedly secured to a rod which extends laterally therefrom, a dog on said rod to lock said.
switch element in open position, and means on said rod to actuate said dog and to serve as a weight to efl'ect immediate closing of the switch element when it is released from open position. 44. A sorting machine including a plurality of switch elements to deflect tickets or the like, each switch element having abody portion over which a ticket is adapted to pass or be deflected thereby, an operating rod extending laterally therefrom, a weighted actuating member on said rod movable in one direction to lift the switch and releasable to return the switch to closed position by gravity, and a locking dog on said rod to hold the switch in lifted position.
45. A ticket sorting machine including a plurality of horizontal aligned manually operable switches over which-tickets are conveyed, a lock bar arranged longitudinally of the machine at one side thereof andisubstantially in the plane of the switches, and cooperating means on said bar and each of said switches whereby a previously actuated switch'is held locked until the successive actuation of another key.
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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2635769A (en) * 1949-11-19 1953-04-21 Blake L Mishey Card sorting machine

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2635769A (en) * 1949-11-19 1953-04-21 Blake L Mishey Card sorting machine

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