USRE19032E - T e pray - Google Patents

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USRE19032E US19032DE USRE19032E US RE19032 E USRE19032 E US RE19032E US 19032D E US19032D E US 19032DE US RE19032 E USRE19032 E US RE19032E
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base frame
feeding frame
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    • E21C31/00Driving means incorporated in machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral from the seam
    • E21C31/10Driving means incorporated in machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral from the seam for slewing parts of the machines


  • base frame 1 a feeding frame 2, a pivotal frame My invention has among other objects to pro- 3 mounted thereon for pivotal movement with vide a new and improved 'miningmachine of the respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the class described in which the cutter bar may cut forward end of the feeding frame 2, and a cutting a kerf having a substantially straight face from element 4 carried on the pivotal frame 3.
  • the base frame 1 is preferably mounted upon in front of and to each side of the track upon wheels which run upon a track, which wheels may which the machine is'mounted adjacent the mine be power driven in a usual manner, not herein bottom or at various elevations with respect shown or described since it is no part of my'in-' thereto.
  • feeding frame 2 is mounted on the base frame l with reference to the accompanying drawings for both angular and longitudinal movement as wherein: the machine is making a cut.
  • the pivotal frame g0 Figure 1 is a top plan view of the device em- 3 is mounted'on a stud 5 on the forward portion bodying my invention with parts broken away of the feeding frame 2 for pivotal movement with and in section; respect thereto.
  • the cutting element 4 is trun- Fi'gure 2 is a side elevation of thedevice shown nioned on the pivotal frame 3 beyond the forward in Figure 1 with certain parts broken away and end thereof on trunnion supports 6, 6jand is yield- '25 in section; 7 ably supported at its rearward end by an adjust- 30
  • Figure 3 is a. partial enlarged sectional view ing screw '7 for adjusting the angle ofsaid cutting taken along line 3-3 of Figure 1; element with respect to the pivotal frame 3.
  • Figure 4 is a partial enlarged sectional View
  • Figure 5 is an enlarged fragmentary side elethe cutting element 4 to cut a substantially as vation of the forward portion of the machine straight face in the mine wall, a motor. 10 is with parts broken away and in section; mounted on the rear end of the feeding frame
  • Figure 6 is a sectional view taken along line 2 and is operatively connected with a 'trans- 66 of Figure 5; verse shaft-11 by means of a suitable: gear train 35
  • Figure '7 is a partial enlarged top plan .view of generally indicated at 12.
  • a suit- Fi r 8 i a s i l v ew taken along line able gear train, generally indicated at 16, drives 40 8-8 of Figure 3; and parallel spaced transverse shafts l7 and 18 from Figures 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 are diagrammatic the transverse shaft 15, the shaft l8'being above views showing the mining machine in various the shaft 17.
  • a Worm and-worm gear drive 20 has positions during the cutting operation. connection with theshaft 1 8 and a vertical shaft Like numerals refer to like parts throughout 21 for driving said shaft from the shaft 18.
  • spur gear 22 is keyed on the lower end of the Referring now in particular to the drawings, shaft 21 and meshes with a circular rack 23 "0h the device embodying my invention is shown as a the rearward portion of the base frame 1.
  • Suit mining machine of the straightface type similar able means are provided for controlling the con; 7 to that disclosed in Patent No. 1,244,178, issued to nection of the worm and worm gear drive 20 to 50 Charles Davis, October 23,.
  • t differs the shaft 18 so said worm and worm gear drive therefrom in that a wider range of movement of may be selectively connected thereto, which t e' u element is Provided n s Shown i means herein comprise asuitable clutch means the Davis patent so that the machine may cut of an ordinary construction generally indicated in narrow places equally as well as in wide places, at 24. I V 55 and so the machine may cut .a kerf .below the A movableconnecting device 25 is pivotally 10 stud 26 adjacent the center of the circular rack 23, and with the feeding frame 2 adjacent the rearward end thereof for pivotal movement with respect thereto about the axis of the vertical shaft 21.
  • the movable connecting device serves as a crank to connect the feeding frame 2 with the base frame 1.
  • the feeding frame 2 is provided with a pivot 29 which has a sliding pivotal connection with the base frame I in slots 30 and 31 in the base frame 1.
  • the slots 30 and 31 have their forward ends on the outer forward corners of the base frame 1' and converge towards the central portion of said base frame (see Figs. 1 and 7).
  • a removable holding piece 32 which slides in the slots 30 and 31 and engages recesses 33 in the slots 30 and 31,"
  • the feeding frame 2 is rocked with respect to the base frame land movable connecting device 251'by means of the spur gear 22 and rack 23, the pivot '29 passes along one slot and is switched to the other at the center of, the base frame 1.
  • Suitable switching means consist of aswitching cam 34 connected with the feedingframe back'of the pivot29 at the At the meeting point of the'converging slots there are rearwardly projecting engaging faces 38 and 39. As the pivot' 29 reaches this central position, the
  • pivot 29 to be moved topass into the slot 31. If the pivot29'is moved in the opposite direction; that is, infthe slot 31 and is moving towards the center, when-it reaches the center the switching cam 34 engages the face 38 and switches said pivot into the slot 30.
  • Suitable means are provided to clear the cuttings from the slots 30 and 31 during the cutting operation, which means herein comprise a cleaner 4lplaced ahead of the pivot 29.
  • This cleaner has'two projecting arms 42 as shown, the ends of which pass along the faces of the slots 30 and 31, and is pivotally mounted upon the pivot 29.
  • This cleaner has connected with it a part 43 provided with lugs 44 adapted to engage a pin 45 so as to limit movement of the'cleaner (see Figs. 7 and 8).
  • the cleaner .41 is provided'with a. projection 46,
  • a controlling device 47 mounted up'ona pin 48 which is interposed between the removable holding piece 32 and the feeding frame 2.
  • This controlling device is provided with projecting parts .49'and as the pivot 29passes from one of the slots 30 'or 31, to the other, oneof these projecting parts engages a'point 50. at the point where the. slots 30 and 31 come together and causes the. cleaner 41 to be moved so th'atit extendsdirectlyacross the slot into which it is then to be moved and thus guides said cleaner into said slot and moves. ahead of the'pivot 29 so as to clear the respective slot, in
  • said cutting element is provided with a motor 52, herein preferably shown .as an electric motor, at the rearward end thereof,
  • the cutting mechanism is of a usual construction so will only be described insofar as is necessary to clearlyset forth my invention.
  • a 'portion53 of the cutting element 4 projects forwardly beyond the base frame 1 and has a pair of guides 54 depending therefrom on each side of the longitudinal center line of said cutting element.
  • a cutter head 55 is provided with guides 56 which are adapted to register with the guides 54 andpis movable in said guides towards and away from the portion 53 of the cutting element 4'.
  • a cutter bar 57 projects forwardly from the cutter head 55 andhas a cutter chain58 movable thereabout.
  • the cutter chain 58 is driven from a sprocket 59 fixed on a sleeve 60 journaled within the cutter head 55 and driven from the motor '52 by means of a splined shaft 61 interposed between said sleeve and the portion 53 of the cutting element 4.
  • the splined shaft 61 is slidable' withv otally mounted on a' forward extending ear '70 by meansof a pin 71.
  • the screw shaft 69 extends upwardly from the cutter head 55 and is threaded within the hub, of a worm gear'72 which in turn is journaled'within theportion 53 of the cutting element 4.
  • the worm gear 72 is selectively connectible withthe motor 52 for raising and lowering the cutter head 55 in the guides 54 in a usual manner which will not'herein be described in detail since it is no part of my invention;
  • An arcuate guide '75- extends upwardlyfrom the feeding frame 2 rearwardly of the cutting element 4 and has a gib 76fixed to its top portion in a usual manner(see Figs. 1, 2, and4)
  • An ar cuate groove '77 is provided in the under portion of an upwardly extending portion 78 of thepivotal frame 3. 'This arcuate groove is'engaged by the gib76 to prevent up and down movement'of the pivotal frame 3 with respect tothe feeding frame 2.
  • An arcuate rack 79 abuts the forward portion of the arcuate guide 75 and is fixed to the feeding frame 2 by, means of machine screws 80 and is engaged by a pinion 81.
  • the pinion 81 is provided with an upwardly extending hub 82 journaled Withinthe upwardly extendingportion 78 of the pivotal frame 3. 1
  • An annular ring 83 abutsthe top portion of the upwardly extending portion 78 of the pivotal frame 3 and is fixed to the'upper end of the hub82 to hold said hub and pinion from vertical movement within'theupwardly 'extending 'portion '78 of the pivotal frame-*3.
  • the inner portion of the hub 82 is splinedfor a portion of its length and is engaged 'by asplined end 84 of a vertical shaft. 85;
  • a shoulder 86 is provided on the inner surfaceo'f the hubsato engage thelower end o'f the vertical shaft'85.
  • the vertical sha ft --'85 extends :upwardly' from the-hub 82 and is coaxial with a worm gear '88 journaled on its hub within a worm and worm gear-housing 89.
  • Means are provided for-driving the worm gear 83 from the -motor 52 which herein comprises a worm 91 integral with a longitudinallyextending shaft 92 journaled within the worm and worm gearhousing'89 and meshing with the worm gear-88.
  • the longitudinal-shaft92 and worm 91 are driven fromthe' motor 52 bymeans of a motor pinion'93 which meshes with-and drives a spur gear-94 fixed on "the forward end'of said-longitudinal shaft.
  • Means are provided f or selectively connecting the vertical shaft with the worm gear: 88, which means hereincomprise a suitable cone clutch of a usual construction, generally indicated at 95, which'clutch is splined on the upper portion of the vertical shaft 85. It may thus be seen that whenthe'cone-clutCh 95' is engaged with the worm gear-88, the pinion 81 is rotated and thepivotal frame 3 and cutting element '4 are moved about the axis of the stud5.
  • a means has been provided for moving the cutter bar 5'7 aboutthe axis of the .stud 5 to feed said cutter bar into the coal.
  • This provides anadditional means for feeding said'cutter bar into the coal and also provides a'means for positioning the cutter bar '57 to adjust said cutter bar to various widths of rooms it is desired to cut andfor permitting the cutter bar to be positioned to oneside or the other of the track below the level of the track.
  • the feeding frame 2 is in an extreme position on one side of the base frame .1 or'the other,the'cutter bar 57 may be adjusted .so as to cut a narrow room or wide room in a single "operation.
  • the pivotal frame 3' isheld inflxed-relation with respect to the feeding frame'2 while the cutter bar- 5'7 is being fed across'the faceof the coal by a suitable "holding-or :locking means of a type well known in the art, a preferredforrn of said locking means being a pin and'aperture lock of a type generally used on mining machines (not shown).
  • a vertical shaft 96 is :provided. This shaft passes through a lug 9'? extendin'g'rearwardly from the upwardly extending portion 78 of the pivotal frame -3 and has a-suit-r able compression spring" 98 interposedbetween a nut 99 and the lower portion -of the lug 97.
  • Another compression spring 100 is provided between the upper portion of the lug 97 and a hub of the worm gear 88 and that rthe lower-Lend of said'shaft is'loosely mounted .in the hub 82 for driving said hub to take care of angular movement of the cutting-element :4 withrespect to .the pivotal frame 3 so that the pinion :81 .may .be driven from the motor 52 man positions of adjustment of said' motorand cutting-element with respecttothepivotal frame 3.
  • Said :fiexible feeding device herein comprises aifeed drum -.105having a flexibleifeedingJmember 106 connected'thereto.
  • the feed drum is fixed on a sleeve '10! and is driven from the'sh'aft 17 bymeans'of a worm and worm gear adrive, generally indicated. at .108, .in a usualimanner which istnotherein shown.
  • .A sheave 109 is providedon eachside of the feedingfframe 2 near the rearward end thereof in alignment with the'forward portion of the feed drum 105.
  • Sheaves 110 are mounted .rearwardly :of the sheaves 109 and on each. side .of theJfe'e'dingframe 2 and are rotatable aboutxaihorizontalitransverse axis.
  • Another pair of sheaves .lllarea provided on each side of the base frame'lbeneath the'feeding [frame 2 and 'rearwardly of the front :track wheels.
  • sheaves are rotatable about a vertical axis andftheifiexibleifeedingi member 106 is "adapted'to ipass aroundthe sheave 109, rearwardly and around the sheave 110, forwardlyaround one sheave 111 on the inner side thereof and around the other sheave 111 on the outer side thereof to a sheave 112 on the'outer forward corner of the base frame 1, *around said sheave to a sheave 11-3 in a central-portion of said base frame.
  • the sheaves :112 are provided on each side of the forward :end of the base :frame .1 so that a flexible feeding memberimay'be threaded around either side of said base frame.
  • Positioning of the cutter bar is effected by moving the pivotal :frame 3 about-theaxis-of the stud5 by means of the driving ,pinion -81 driven from the motor'52, which .pinion meshes with thea er'- cuate rack '79 and thus causes pivotal movement of the pivotalframe 3 in the manner which has hereinbefore been described;
  • the cutter bar '57 is lowered to a position below the level of the track by means of the screw shaft 69 after-it has been positioned to one side thereof by the pivotal frame 3 inamanner which has before been described.
  • Thejflexible feeding member 106 is then threaded from thefeed drum around the sheaves 109, 110, 111a,112, and 113 to a jack adjacent the coal face, and the, cutter chain 58 is driven about the cutter. bar 5'7.
  • This feeding member is then wound on the drum 105 to move the machine along the trackand sump the cutter bar 57 and cutter chain 58 into the coal.
  • the pivotal frame 3 is moved about its axis of pivotal connection to the feeding frame 2 sosaid cutter converging slots 30 and:31 and causes the stud 5,
  • the initial cutting position of the cutter bar 57 may be adjusted by meansof moving the pivotal frame 3 about the axis of the stud 5 so that the machine .may be adapted to cut in either wide or narrow, places 80 said cutter bar may be positioned to one side or the other of the track below the level of.
  • the movement of the feeding-frame'2 is such that'the extreme end of the cutter-bar is made to describe an arc, the radius -'of which is much greater than could be'affordedif such feeding frame were pivoted about a fixed point on the mining" machine itself.
  • the movement of said pivot is so controlled or guided that the exiaoaa shown in the Davis Patent No. 1,244,179 inwhich the pivot 47a is moved in the converging slots 48 and49; It ismanifest; however, that equivalent means may be employed for affording this controlled movement of the pivot point, some of which other means aredisclosed in PatentsNos.
  • '.'1. -In,a-mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral swinging movement with respect thereto, about a pivotal axis, movable :simultaneously with swinging movement of'said-feeding frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal move!v ment witlrrespectrthereto about-a vertical axis :f1-ame; -a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral'swingingumovement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis movable simultaneously 'therefrom-will describe a generally straight line extending transversely of the forward end of the machine, a pivotalframe mounted on said feeding-frame-*for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis independent of movement'of said feeding frame, and a cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting a generally straight kerf in themine
  • a base frame In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral swinging .movement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis movable simultaneously with ing frame.
  • a base frame In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral swinging movement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis movable in. a predetermined path simultaneously with swinging movement of said feeding frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto-about a vertical axis adjacent the forward central portion of said feeding frame, a cutting element on said pivotal frameand extending forwardly therefrom including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame and a cutter headmovable toward and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom.
  • a base frame Ina track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for pivotal movement with respect to said base frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the forward central por tion of said feeding frame and within the limits of said base frame when the longitudinal center line of said feeding frame is substantially in alignment with the longitudinal center line of said base frame, a cutting element trunnioned on said pivotal frame and extending forwardly therefrom including amotor and cutting mechanism forwardlyof said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, and a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, and means 'rearwardly of said motor and driven therefrom for moving said pivotal frame about its axis of pivotal.
  • a base frame In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for pivotal movement with respect to said base frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame forpivotal movement with respect thereto about a fixedvertical axis adjacent the forward central" portion of said feeding frame, and within the limits of said base'frame when the longitudinal center line of said feeding frame is in alignment with the longitudinal-center line of said baseframe, a cutting element trunnioned on said pivotal frame and extending forwardly therefrom including a motor, cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor and driven from, the forward end of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base-frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having achain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, an arcuate rack' on said feeding frame rearwardly of saidlmotor, andmeans driven from the rearward end of saidmotor and having operative connection with said arcuate rack for moving said pivotal frame and cutting element about the axis
  • a base frame adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said baseframe, a cutoverhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement with respect thereto about a movable pivotal axis so as tocause the outer end of the cutter bar to cut a face of a greater radius than the length of the machine and cutter bar itself, and means for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame having pivotal con nection with said feeding frame adjacent the forward portion of said feeding'frame and within the limits of said base frame when the long ter head movable towards and away from said ment with the longitudinal axis of said base frame, a cutting element on said pivotal frameineluding
  • a-track-mounted base frame a feeding frame mounted thereon for swinging movement with respect, thereto about a pivotal axis
  • a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the forward end of said feeding frame and disposed Within the limits of said base frame when the longitudinal axis of said feeding frame is in alignment with the longitudinal axis of said base frame, a depending chain carrying cutter bar extending from said pivotal frame for cutting a kerf adjacent the mine bottom
  • power operated means for moving said'feeding frame with respect to said base frame and moving the axis of pivotal movement of said pivotal frame in an arcuate path with respect to said base frame and other power operated means for independently pivotally moving said pivotal frame about its axis of pivotal connection to said feeding frame.
  • a base frame a feeding frame mounted thereon for pivbar-"adapted t6 cut a kerf to each side of and across' the front of'the track adjacent the mine bottom, and power operated means for moving said feedingframe laterally across the forward end of "said base frame and moving the forward end of said cutter bar in a generally straight line extending transversely of the forward end of said base frame.
  • a base frame a feeding frame mounted thereon 1 for movement with respect thereto, a pivotal frame mounted on said feedingframe for pivotal 'movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis disposed adjacent the forward end thereof, a cutting element on said pivotal frame including a chain carrying cutter bar adapted to cut a kerf to each side of and across the front of the track adjacent the'mine bottom, means for feeding said feeding framelaterally across the forward end of said base frame about a movable pivotal 'axis and moving the forward end of said cutter bar in a substantially straight path across the forward end of said base'frame, and means for pivotally moving said pivotal frame with respect to said feeding frame for permitting the positioning of said cutter bar adjacent the mine bottom to one'side of the mine track for cutting along the mine bottom to each's'ide of and across the front of the track.
  • a base frame In attack-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for swinging movement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis simultaneously movable ina predetermined path, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis disposed adjacent the forward end thereof a'cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame for cutting a kerf adjacent the mine bottom in front of and to each side of the mine track, means for swinging said feeding frame about said movable pivotal axis simultaneously with movement of said'pivotal axis for 'moving said feeding frame across the front of said base frame and-moving the forward end of said cuttingelement in a substantially straight line with respect to said base frame across the forward end thereof and means for pivoting said pivotal'frame *wi th respect to said'feedingframe.
  • pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal 'niovement'with respect thereto about a ;vertical axis-withinthelimits of said base frame when the longitudinal axis of said base and feeding framesare in alignment with each other, a cutting element mounted on.
  • said pivotal frame for cuttinga kerf adjacent the mine bottom in front of and to each side of the mine track, means for pivoting said pivotal framejwith respect to said feeding frame and other means for angularly moving said feeding frame laterally across the front of said base frame in such a manner that the axis of pivotal movement of said pivotal-frame subscribes two arcs and the forwardmost point of said cutterbar subscribes a substantially straight line.
  • a base frame In a mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for movement in two converging slots, a pivotal frame mounted on 7 said; feeding framefor pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis, and apro- .jecting,cutting1element mountedon said pivotal frame having a'cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting'a horizontal 'kerf, in the mine wall.
  • a base frame In a mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for movement intwo converging slots, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis, and a projecting cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame for cutting a generally straight kerf in themine.
  • a base frame In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted "thereon for movement in two converging slots,'a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement withvrespect thereto about :a vertical axis, and a cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting -a generally straight kerf inthe mine wall adjacent the mine bottom.
  • a base frame In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for movement in two converging slots, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect'thereto about a vertical axis and a cutting element'trunnioned on said pivotal frame having a depending cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting :a kerf in the mine wall adjacent the mine bottom.
  • a track-mounted mining machine - a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereonfor movement in two converging slots'in said base frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a verticalaxis adjacent the forward end of said feeding frame, and a cutting element mounted on said'pivotal frame and extending forwardly from said base frame for cutting a;sub-
  • a cutting element trunnioned on said pivotal frame and extending forwardly therefrom includingla motor, a cutting mechanism forwardly of said-motor and driven from the forward end of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a
  • cutter head movable towards and away from said overhangingforward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom,'and means rearwardly of said motor and driven from the rearward end the'reoffor' moving 'said pivotal frame about its verticalaxis.
  • a base frame adaptedto cut' a 'kerf in the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mech anism forwardly of'said motor including a forward-portion overhanging said base frame, a cut ter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement in two converging slots in said base frame, and means for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame having pivotal connection with said feeding frame.
  • a base frame adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom'or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mech-- anism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom in fixed relation with respect thereto, a feeding frame mounted-on said base frame for angular movement in two converging slots in said base frame, and means for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connection with said feeding frame adjacent the forward end thereof.
  • a base frame adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom,
  • a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement in two converging slots in said base frame, a trunnion support for said cutting element extending forwardly of said feeding frame for supporting said cutting element for pivotal movement with'respect to said feeding frame about a transverse axis, and means for supporting said trunnion support and cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connectiontherewith.
  • a base frame adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement in two converging slots in said base frame, a trunnion support for said cutting element extending forwardly of said feeding frame for supporting said cutting element for pivotal movement with respect to said feeding frame about a transverse axis, and means for supporting said trunnion support and cuttingelement on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the forward end of said feeding frame comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connection therewith.
  • a base frame adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom in fixed relation with respect thereto, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for angular movement in two converging slots in said base frame, and means .for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connection with said feeding frame adjacent the forward end


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  • Drilling And Exploitation, And Mining Machines And Methods (AREA)


T. E. PRAY MINING MACHINE Dec. 19, 1933.
Original F l 0 1930 4 Sheets-Sheet l M ZZanzawZT/Zai QQN W m; #2 a M 4 Sheets-Sheet 2 T. E. PRAY MINING MACHINE cehmap Original Filed Oct. 6, 1930 Dec. 19, 1933.
Dec. 19, 1933. T. E. PRAY Re. 19,032
MINING MACHINE Original Filed Oct. 6, 1930 4 Sheets-Sheet 5 flaky/2hr Z/www 51 1201 M Q! m T. E. PRAY MINI NG MACHINE Dec. 19, 1933.
Original Filed Oct. 6, 1930 4 Sheets-Sheet 4 Reissued Dec. 19, 1933 l MINING MACHINE Thomas E. Pray, Chicago, Ill., assignor to Goodman Manufacturing Company, Chicago, 111., a.
corporation 'of 'Illinois Original application October '6, 1930, Serial No. 486,549. Renewed January 18, 1932. Original No. 1,908,179, dated May 9, 1933. Application for reissue June 29, 1933. Serial No. 678,200
Claims. (Cl. 262-28) My invention relates to improvements in minlevel of, the track in front of and to each side ing machines and more particularly to a trackof the track. mounted mining machine adapted to cut a kerf -As illustrated in the drawings, the machine is adjacent the mine bottom or at various elevations made. up 'of four general elements comprising a 1:. with respect thereto. base frame 1, a feeding frame 2, a pivotal frame My invention has among other objects to pro- 3 mounted thereon for pivotal movement with vide a new and improved 'miningmachine of the respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the class described in which the cutter bar may cut forward end of the feeding frame 2, and a cutting a kerf having a substantially straight face from element 4 carried on the pivotal frame 3. 1 -10 the-track in restricted spaces, such as mine entries, The base frame 1 is preferably mounted upon in front of and to each side of the track upon wheels which run upon a track, which wheels may which the machine is'mounted adjacent the mine be power driven in a usual manner, not herein bottom or at various elevations with respect shown or described since it is no part of my'in-' thereto. vention, for moving the mining machine about 15 Further objects of my invention will appear the mine from'working place to working placeor from time to time as the specification proceeds. for sumping the cutter bar into the coal. The My invention may be more clearly understood feeding frame 2 is mounted on the base frame l with reference to the accompanying drawings for both angular and longitudinal movement as wherein: the machine is making a cut. The pivotal frame g0 Figure 1 is a top plan view of the device em- 3 is mounted'on a stud 5 on the forward portion bodying my invention with parts broken away of the feeding frame 2 for pivotal movement with and in section; respect thereto. The cutting element 4 is trun- Fi'gure 2 is a side elevation of thedevice shown nioned on the pivotal frame 3 beyond the forward in Figure 1 with certain parts broken away and end thereof on trunnion supports 6, 6jand is yield- '25 in section; 7 ably supported at its rearward end by an adjust- 30 Figure 3 is a. partial enlarged sectional view ing screw '7 for adjusting the angle ofsaid cutting taken along line 3-3 of Figure 1; element with respect to the pivotal frame 3.
'Figure 4 is a partial enlarged sectional View Referring now in particular to the details of taken along line4-4 of Figure 1; the feeding frame 2 and means for. feeding 30 Figure 5 is an enlarged fragmentary side elethe cutting element 4 to cut a substantially as vation of the forward portion of the machine straight face in the mine wall, a motor. 10 is with parts broken away and in section; mounted on the rear end of the feeding frame Figure 6 is a sectional view taken along line 2 and is operatively connected with a 'trans- 66 of Figure 5; verse shaft-11 by means of a suitable: gear train 35 Figure '7 is a partial enlarged top plan .view of generally indicated at 12. A spur gear 13 .is
the forward portion of the machine with the cuton the opposite end of the transverse shaft 11 ting element broken away and with parts shown from the motor 10 and meshesllwith and drives in section; a spur gear 14 on a transverse shaft 15. A suit- Fi r 8 i a s i l v ew taken along line able gear train, generally indicated at 16, drives 40 8-8 of Figure 3; and parallel spaced transverse shafts l7 and 18 from Figures 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 are diagrammatic the transverse shaft 15, the shaft l8'being above views showing the mining machine in various the shaft 17. A Worm and-worm gear drive 20 has positions during the cutting operation. connection with theshaft 1 8 and a vertical shaft Like numerals refer to like parts throughout 21 for driving said shaft from the shaft 18. "A v 45 the several figures. spur gear 22 is keyed on the lower end of the Referring now in particular to the drawings, shaft 21 and meshes with a circular rack 23 "0h the device embodying my invention is shown as a the rearward portion of the base frame 1. Suit mining machine of the straightface type similar able means are provided for controlling the con; 7 to that disclosed in Patent No. 1,244,178, issued to nection of the worm and worm gear drive 20 to 50 Charles Davis, October 23,. 9 7, t differs the shaft 18 so said worm and worm gear drive therefrom in that a wider range of movement of may be selectively connected thereto, which t e' u element is Provided n s Shown i means herein comprise asuitable clutch means the Davis patent so that the machine may cut of an ordinary construction generally indicated in narrow places equally as well as in wide places, at 24. I V 55 and so the machine may cut .a kerf .below the A movableconnecting device 25 is pivotally 10 stud 26 adjacent the center of the circular rack 23, and with the feeding frame 2 adjacent the rearward end thereof for pivotal movement with respect thereto about the axis of the vertical shaft 21. Thus the movable connecting device serves as a crank to connect the feeding frame 2 with the base frame 1.
The feeding frame 2 is provided with a pivot 29 which has a sliding pivotal connection with the base frame I in slots 30 and 31 in the base frame 1. The slots 30 and 31 have their forward ends on the outer forward corners of the base frame 1' and converge towards the central portion of said base frame (see Figs. 1 and 7). Connected with the pivot 29 is a removable holding piece 32 which slides in the slots 30 and 31 and engages recesses 33 in the slots 30 and 31,"
as shown in Figures 3 and 5, so as to prevent the feeding frame 2 from beinglifted upwardly to disengage it from the base frame 1. Thus as point where the slots 30 and 31 meet.
the feeding frame 2 is rocked with respect to the base frame land movable connecting device 251'by means of the spur gear 22 and rack 23, the pivot '29 passes along one slot and is switched to the other at the center of, the base frame 1.
Suitable switching means are provided which consist of aswitching cam 34 connected with the feedingframe back'of the pivot29 at the At the meeting point of the'converging slots there are rearwardly projecting engaging faces 38 and 39. As the pivot' 29 reaches this central position, the
i 5 further rocking movement of the feeding frame causes the switching cam 34 to. engage one of these faces and switches the pivot 29 from one slot'tothe other.
is-moving along the slot 30 toward the center, when it reaches the center where the two slots 40" For example, if the pivot 29 meet, the switching cam 34 engages the face 39.
At this point the feeding frame has reachedthe limit ofits backward movement and then begins .to move' forward and the engagement of the 1 switching cam'34 with the face39 causes the 4.5
pivot 29 to be moved topass into the slot 31. If the pivot29'is moved in the opposite direction; that is, infthe slot 31 and is moving towards the center, when-it reaches the center the switching cam 34 engages the face 38 and switches said pivot into the slot 30.
- Suitable means are provided to clear the cuttings from the slots 30 and 31 during the cutting operation, which means herein comprise a cleaner 4lplaced ahead of the pivot 29. This cleaner has'two projecting arms 42 as shown, the ends of which pass along the faces of the slots 30 and 31, and is pivotally mounted upon the pivot 29. This cleaner has connected with it a part 43 provided with lugs 44 adapted to engage a pin 45 so as to limit movement of the'cleaner (see Figs. 7 and 8).
. The cleaner .41 is provided'with a. projection 46,
which is engaged by a controlling device 47, mounted up'ona pin 48 which is interposed between the removable holding piece 32 and the feeding frame 2.; This controlling device is provided with projecting parts .49'and as the pivot 29passes from one of the slots 30 'or 31, to the other, oneof these projecting parts engages a'point 50. at the point where the. slots 30 and 31 come together and causes the. cleaner 41 to be moved so th'atit extendsdirectlyacross the slot into which it is then to be moved and thus guides said cleaner into said slot and moves. ahead of the'pivot 29 so as to clear the respective slot, in
i U V m 19,032 1 connected with the base frame 1 on a vertical which the pivot 29 is moving,
of cuttings, dirt, or other material that may be therein.
Referring now in particular to the details of the cutting element 4 and means for moving said cutting element and pivotal frame 3 about the axis of the stud 5, said cutting element is provided with a motor 52, herein preferably shown .as an electric motor, at the rearward end thereof,
and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor. The cutting mechanism is of a usual construction so will only be described insofar as is necessary to clearlyset forth my invention.
A 'portion53 of the cutting element 4 projects forwardly beyond the base frame 1 and has a pair of guides 54 depending therefrom on each side of the longitudinal center line of said cutting element. A cutter head 55 is provided with guides 56 which are adapted to register with the guides 54 andpis movable in said guides towards and away from the portion 53 of the cutting element 4'. A cutter bar 57, projects forwardly from the cutter head 55 andhas a cutter chain58 movable thereabout. The cutter chain 58 is driven from a sprocket 59 fixed on a sleeve 60 journaled within the cutter head 55 and driven from the motor '52 by means of a splined shaft 61 interposed between said sleeve and the portion 53 of the cutting element 4. The splined shaft 61 is slidable' withv otally mounted on a' forward extending ear '70 by meansof a pin 71. The screw shaft 69 extends upwardly from the cutter head 55 and is threaded within the hub, of a worm gear'72 which in turn is journaled'within theportion 53 of the cutting element 4. The worm gear 72 is selectively connectible withthe motor 52 for raising and lowering the cutter head 55 in the guides 54 in a usual manner which will not'herein be described in detail since it is no part of my invention;
, An arcuate guide '75- extends upwardlyfrom the feeding frame 2 rearwardly of the cutting element 4 and has a gib 76fixed to its top portion in a usual manner(see Figs. 1, 2, and4) An ar cuate groove '77 is provided in the under portion of an upwardly extending portion 78 of thepivotal frame 3. 'This arcuate groove is'engaged by the gib76 to prevent up and down movement'of the pivotal frame 3 with respect tothe feeding frame 2. An arcuate rack 79 abuts the forward portion of the arcuate guide 75 and is fixed to the feeding frame 2 by, means of machine screws 80 and is engaged by a pinion 81. I
The pinion 81 is provided with an upwardly extending hub 82 journaled Withinthe upwardly extendingportion 78 of the pivotal frame 3. 1 An annular ring 83 abutsthe top portion of the upwardly extending portion 78 of the pivotal frame 3 and is fixed to the'upper end of the hub82 to hold said hub and pinion from vertical movement within'theupwardly 'extending 'portion '78 of the pivotal frame-*3. The inner portion of the hub 82 is splinedfor a portion of its length and is engaged 'by asplined end 84 of a vertical shaft. 85; A shoulder 86 is provided on the inner surfaceo'f the hubsato engage thelower end o'f the vertical shaft'85. I
The vertical sha ft --'85 extends :upwardly' from the-hub 82 and is coaxial with a worm gear '88 journaled on its hub within a worm and worm gear-housing 89. 'Iheworm and worm gear housing-89 is -fixedbetween support =members '90 extending rearwardly from the-motor52 of the cutting element 4.
Means are provided for-driving the worm gear 83 from the -motor 52 which herein comprises a worm 91 integral with a longitudinallyextending shaft 92 journaled within the worm and worm gearhousing'89 and meshing with the worm gear-88. The longitudinal-shaft92 and worm 91 are driven fromthe' motor 52 bymeans of a motor pinion'93 which meshes with-and drives a spur gear-94 fixed on "the forward end'of said-longitudinal shaft.
Means are provided f or selectively connecting the vertical shaft with the worm gear: 88, which means hereincomprise a suitable cone clutch of a usual construction, generally indicated at 95, which'clutch is splined on the upper portion of the vertical shaft 85. It may thus be seen that whenthe'cone-clutCh 95' is engaged with the worm gear-88, the pinion 81 is rotated and thepivotal frame 3 and cutting element '4 are moved about the axis of the stud5. I
Thus a means has been provided for moving the cutter bar 5'7 aboutthe axis of the .stud 5 to feed said cutter bar into the coal. Thisprovides anadditional means for feeding said'cutter bar into the coal and also provides a'means for positioning the cutter bar '57 to adjust said cutter bar to various widths of rooms it is desired to cut andfor permitting the cutter bar to be positioned to oneside or the other of the track below the level of the track. Thus when the feeding frame 2 is in an extreme position on one side of the base frame .1 or'the other,the'cutter bar 57 may be adjusted .so as to cut a narrow room or wide room in a single "operation.
The pivotal frame 3'isheld inflxed-relation with respect to the feeding frame'2 while the cutter bar- 5'7 is being fed across'the faceof the coal by a suitable "holding-or :locking means of a type well known in the art, a preferredforrn of said locking means being a pin and'aperture lock of a type generally used on mining machines (not shown).
Referring now in particular to the adjusting screw '7 and means for adjusting the angular position of the cutting element 4 with respect to the pivotal frame 3, a vertical shaft 96 is :provided. This shaft passes through a lug 9'? extendin'g'rearwardly from the upwardly extending portion 78 of the pivotal frame -3 and has a-suit-r able compression spring" 98 interposedbetween a nut 99 and the lower portion -of the lug 97. Another compression spring 100 is provided between the upper portion of the lug 97 and a hub of the worm gear 88 and that rthe lower-Lend of said'shaft is'loosely mounted .in the hub 82 for driving said hub to take care of angular movement of the cutting-element :4 withrespect to .the pivotal frame 3 so that the pinion :81 .may .be driven from the motor 52 man positions of adjustment of said' motorand cutting-element with respecttothepivotal frame 3.
While the machine .may .beisumped into the coal by means of its track wheels where the cutting is soft, .1 herein show the cutter bar-2'57 and cutter chain 5819s being sumped into the coal by :means-of a-flexib1e feeding device :in a usual .manner. Said :fiexible feeding device herein comprises aifeed drum -.105having a flexibleifeedingJmember 106 connected'thereto. The feed drum is fixed on a sleeve '10! and is driven from the'sh'aft 17 bymeans'of a worm and worm gear adrive, generally indicated. at .108, .in a usualimanner which istnotherein shown. in :detail since itisno partco'f my. invention. .A sheave 109 is providedon eachside of the feedingfframe 2 near the rearward end thereof in alignment with the'forward portion of the feed drum 105. Sheaves 110 are mounted .rearwardly :of the sheaves 109 and on each. side .of theJfe'e'dingframe 2 and are rotatable aboutxaihorizontalitransverse axis. Another pair of sheaves .lllareaprovided on each side of the base frame'lbeneath the'feeding [frame 2 and 'rearwardly of the front :track wheels. These sheaves are rotatable about a vertical axis andftheifiexibleifeedingi member 106 is "adapted'to ipass aroundthe sheave 109, rearwardly and around the sheave 110, forwardlyaround one sheave 111 on the inner side thereof and around the other sheave 111 on the outer side thereof to a sheave 112 on the'outer forward corner of the base frame 1, *around said sheave to a sheave 11-3 in a central-portion of said base frame. The sheaves :112 are provided on each side of the forward :end of the base :frame .1 so that a flexible feeding memberimay'be threaded around either side of said base frame. *Sheaves 111a areprovided on'eachside ofcthebase frame 1 intermediate the sheaves 1'11 and 1121120 pro vide a means for threadingthe flexible tfeeding member forwardly of the machine when the feeding frame is=in"an extreme "position'on either side of the circular rack 23. From the sheave 113, the flexible feeding member 106 is adapted to extend forwardly and have itsendattached=to a 'jack or anyother holding device adjacent the coal f ace.
2 is positioned so that the pivot 29 is .in an-extreme-forward position in the slot.31 and so'that the rearward end of said feeding frame overhangs from the opposite side of said machine. The cutter bar 57 is then vpositioned so that :its forward-end isadjacent the right .hand forward corner of the working face when .cutting from right to left to'one side vof'the mine track. Positioning of the cutter bar is effected by moving the pivotal :frame 3 about-theaxis-of the stud5 by means of the driving ,pinion -81 driven from the motor'52, which .pinion meshes with thea er'- cuate rack '79 and thus causes pivotal movement of the pivotalframe 3 in the manner which has hereinbefore been described; When it is desired to cut adjacent the mine bottomi'in front of the track, the cutter bar '57 is lowered to a position below the level of the track by means of the screw shaft 69 after-it has been positioned to one side thereof by the pivotal frame 3 inamanner which has before been described. Thejflexible feeding member 106 is then threaded from thefeed drum around the sheaves 109, 110, 111a,112, and 113 to a jack adjacent the coal face, and the, cutter chain 58 is driven about the cutter. bar 5'7. This feeding member is then wound on the drum 105 to move the machine along the trackand sump the cutter bar 57 and cutter chain 58 into the coal. 'When a the cutter bar 5'? has been sumpedinto the coal to the desired depth, the pivotal frame 3 is moved about its axis of pivotal connection to the feeding frame 2 sosaid cutter converging slots 30 and:31 and causes the stud 5,
to which the pivotal ,frame3 is. pivoted, to be moved angularly and laterally across the base frame 1. This in turn moves the forward end of the cutter bar 5'7 in such a manner that the forward end of said cutter bar may cut a kerf which is substantially straight (see Figs. 11
and 12) When the cutter bar reaches the extreme left hand corner'of' the working face, the pivotal frame 3 isunlocked from. the feeding frame 2 and said pivotal frame isxpivotally moved about its axis of pivotal connection to the feeding frame 2 until the cutter bar 5'7 is positioned so it may be withdrawn from the kerf to .theropposite side of I the mine track and cut a relatively straight kerf as it is-being withdrawn. 1 The cutter bar 57 is then removed from the coal faceby means of' the flexible feeding member'106 which is attached to a jack or any other suitable holding device rearwardly of the machine.
- It may now be seen that the initial cutting position of the cutter bar 57 may be adjusted by meansof moving the pivotal frame 3 about the axis of the stud 5 so that the machine .may be adapted to cut in either wide or narrow, places 80 said cutter bar may be positioned to one side or the other of the track below the level of. the
track adjacent the mine bottom, and that a new i and improved form of mining machine is provided which is adapted to cut a kerf in the mine wall having a straight face at the 'mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, which machine is so arranged as to take *up a minimum amount of lateral space and efficiently cut in narrow entries." f 1 5.2
It will be observed furtherv that, in its broadest aspects, the movement of the feeding-frame'2 is such that'the extreme end of the cutter-bar is made to describe an arc, the radius -'of which is much greater than could be'affordedif such feeding frame were pivoted about a fixed point on the mining" machine itself. This movement of the feeding frame 2'is obtained by swinging the feeding frame about a pivot which is always movable simultaneously with the lateral swinging= movement of said frame. The movement of said pivot is so controlled or guided that the exiaoaa shown in the Davis Patent No. 1,244,179 inwhich the pivot 47a is moved in the converging slots 48 and49; It ismanifest; however, that equivalent means may be employed for affording this controlled movement of the pivot point, some of which other means aredisclosed in PatentsNos.
1,244,179, 1,283,688, and 1,321,290, to C. E.-Davis. ,As an improvement over the devices disclosed in.the -'several Davis patents above referred to,
it will be noted; that I provide an additional pivotalconnection between'the feeding frame 2 and the cutting element 4, which pivotal point is located within 'the boundaryiof the machine when the longitudinal center line of the feeding and :base frames coincide. This pivotal point moves from a point adjacent one forward corner of the machine inwardly toward the center thereof, and thence outwardly toward the opposite forward corner wof the machine during cutting across the face and is spaced a, substantial distance from the; depending portion of the cutter arm, thusmaking it possible for said depending arm to be dropped below the level. of the track in narrow working places both atthe front and both sides of said'track during the cutting operation; r V While I haveherein shown and described one form of my invention, it will be understood that the constructionand'arrangement of the various parts may be altered without departingfrom the spirit and scope thereof, ,FurthermoreJ do not wish to be construed as limiting myself to the specificform illustrated, excepting as it may be specifically limited. in the-appendedclaims.
. I claimas my invention: '.'1.=-In,a-mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral swinging movement with respect thereto, about a pivotal axis, movable :simultaneously with swinging movement of'said-feeding frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal move!v ment witlrrespectrthereto about-a vertical axis :f1-ame; -a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral'swingingumovement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis movable simultaneously 'therefrom-will describe a generally straight line extending transversely of the forward end of the machine, a pivotalframe mounted on said feeding-frame-*for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis independent of movement'of said feeding frame, and a cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting a generally straight kerf in themine wall. Y
3. In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral swinging .movement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis movable simultaneously with ing frame.
swinging movement of said feeding frame so that a forwardly projected point remote there;- from will describe a generally straight line extending transversely of the forward end of the machine, a pivotal frame mounted on said feed,- ing frame for pivotal movement. with respect thereto about a vertical axis independent of movement of said feeding frame, and a cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame having a chain carrying cutter bar depending therefrom and extending forwardly therefrom for cutting a generally straight kerf in the mine wall adjacent the mine bottom.
4. In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for lateral swinging movement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis movable in. a predetermined path simultaneously with swinging movement of said feeding frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto-about a vertical axis adjacent the forward central portion of said feeding frame, a cutting element on said pivotal frameand extending forwardly therefrom including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame and a cutter headmovable toward and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom.
5; Ina track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for pivotal movement with respect to said base frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the forward central por tion of said feeding frame and within the limits of said base frame when the longitudinal center line of said feeding frame is substantially in alignment with the longitudinal center line of said base frame, a cutting element trunnioned on said pivotal frame and extending forwardly therefrom including amotor and cutting mechanism forwardlyof said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, and a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, and means 'rearwardly of said motor and driven therefrom for moving said pivotal frame about its axis of pivotal. connection to said feed- 6; In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for pivotal movement with respect to said base frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame forpivotal movement with respect thereto about a fixedvertical axis adjacent the forward central" portion of said feeding frame, and within the limits of said base'frame when the longitudinal center line of said feeding frame is in alignment with the longitudinal-center line of said baseframe, a cutting element trunnioned on said pivotal frame and extending forwardly therefrom including a motor, cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor and driven from, the forward end of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base-frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having achain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, an arcuate rack' on said feeding frame rearwardly of saidlmotor, andmeans driven from the rearward end of saidmotor and having operative connection with said arcuate rack for moving said pivotal frame and cutting element about the axis of pivotal connection of said pivotal frame to said,
feeding frame.
7. In a track-mounted mining machine adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said baseframe, a cutoverhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement with respect thereto about a movable pivotal axis so as tocause the outer end of the cutter bar to cut a face of a greater radius than the length of the machine and cutter bar itself, and means for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame having pivotal con nection with said feeding frame adjacent the forward portion of said feeding'frame and within the limits of said base frame when the long ter head movable towards and away from said ment with the longitudinal axis of said base frame, a cutting element on said pivotal frameineluding a projecting cutter bar adapted to cut a kerf adjacent the mine bottom, and means for independently pivotally moving said pivotal frame about its axis of pivotal connection to said feedingframe for adjusting the position of said cutter bar with respect to said feeding frame and face of the working place forpositioning said cutter bar for cutting along the mine bottomin front of and to each side of the mine track.
9. In a mining machine, a-track-mounted base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for swinging movement with respect, thereto about a pivotal axis, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the forward end of said feeding frame and disposed Within the limits of said base frame when the longitudinal axis of said feeding frame is in alignment with the longitudinal axis of said base frame, a depending chain carrying cutter bar extending from said pivotal frame for cutting a kerf adjacent the mine bottom, power operated means for moving said'feeding frame with respect to said base frame and moving the axis of pivotal movement of said pivotal frame in an arcuate path with respect to said base frame and other power operated means for independently pivotally moving said pivotal frame about its axis of pivotal connection to said feeding frame.
10. In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for pivbar-"adapted t6 cut a kerf to each side of and across' the front of'the track adjacent the mine bottom, and power operated means for moving said feedingframe laterally across the forward end of "said base frame and moving the forward end of said cutter bar in a generally straight line extending transversely of the forward end of said base frame. r
11. In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon 1 for movement with respect thereto, a pivotal frame mounted on said feedingframe for pivotal 'movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis disposed adjacent the forward end thereof, a cutting element on said pivotal frame including a chain carrying cutter bar adapted to cut a kerf to each side of and across the front of the track adjacent the'mine bottom, means for feeding said feeding framelaterally across the forward end of said base frame about a movable pivotal 'axis and moving the forward end of said cutter bar in a substantially straight path across the forward end of said base'frame, and means for pivotally moving said pivotal frame with respect to said feeding frame for permitting the positioning of said cutter bar adjacent the mine bottom to one'side of the mine track for cutting along the mine bottom to each's'ide of and across the front of the track.
'12. In attack-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for swinging movement with respect thereto about a pivotal axis simultaneously movable ina predetermined path, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis disposed adjacent the forward end thereof a'cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame for cutting a kerf adjacent the mine bottom in front of and to each side of the mine track, means for swinging said feeding frame about said movable pivotal axis simultaneously with movement of said'pivotal axis for 'moving said feeding frame across the front of said base frame and-moving the forward end of said cuttingelement in a substantially straight line with respect to said base frame across the forward end thereof and means for pivoting said pivotal'frame *wi th respect to said'feedingframe.
13. In a track-mounted mining machine, a base framey'a feeding frame mounted thereon for angular" movement withrespect thereto, a
pivotal framemounted on said feeding frame for pivotal 'niovement'with respect thereto about a ;vertical axis-withinthelimits of said base frame when the longitudinal axis of said base and feeding framesare in alignment with each other, a cutting element mounted on. said pivotal frame for cuttinga kerf adjacent the mine bottom in front of and to each side of the mine track, means for pivoting said pivotal framejwith respect to said feeding frame and other means for angularly moving said feeding frame laterally across the front of said base frame in such a manner that the axis of pivotal movement of said pivotal-frame subscribes two arcs and the forwardmost point of said cutterbar subscribes a substantially straight line. w
14. In a mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for movement in two converging slots, a pivotal frame mounted on 7 said; feeding framefor pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis, and apro- .jecting,cutting1element mountedon said pivotal frame having a'cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting'a horizontal 'kerf, in the mine wall.
'15. In a mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for movement intwo converging slots, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis, and a projecting cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame for cutting a generally straight kerf in themine.
thereto about a vertical axis and a cutting element trunnioned on'said pivotal frame having a depending cutter'bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting a kerf in the mine wall adjacent the mine bottom; i
1'7Q In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted "thereon for movement in two converging slots,'a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement withvrespect thereto about :a vertical axis, and a cutting element mounted on said pivotal frame having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting -a generally straight kerf inthe mine wall adjacent the mine bottom. 18; In a track-mounted mining machine, a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereon for movement in two converging slots, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect'thereto about a vertical axis and a cutting element'trunnioned on said pivotal frame having a depending cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom for cutting :a kerf in the mine wall adjacent the mine bottom.
19. In a track-mounted mining machine,- a base frame, a feeding frame mounted thereonfor movement in two converging slots'in said base frame, a pivotal frame mounted on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a verticalaxis adjacent the forward end of said feeding frame, and a cutting element mounted on said'pivotal frame and extending forwardly from said base frame for cutting a;sub-
s'tantially straight kerf in the mine wall at various portion of said feeding frame, a cutting element trunnioned on said pivotal frame and extending forwardly therefrom includingla motor, a cutting mechanism forwardly of said-motor and driven from the forward end of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a
cutter head movable towards and away from said overhangingforward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom,'and means rearwardly of said motor and driven from the rearward end the'reoffor' moving 'said pivotal frame about its verticalaxis.
21. In a track-mounted mining machine adaptedto cut' a 'kerf in the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mech anism forwardly of'said motor including a forward-portion overhanging said base frame, a cut ter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement in two converging slots in said base frame, and means for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame having pivotal connection with said feeding frame.
22. In a track-mounted mining machine adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom'or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mech-- anism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom in fixed relation with respect thereto, a feeding frame mounted-on said base frame for angular movement in two converging slots in said base frame, and means for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connection with said feeding frame adjacent the forward end thereof.
23. In a track-mounted mining machine adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom,
a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement in two converging slots in said base frame, a trunnion support for said cutting element extending forwardly of said feeding frame for supporting said cutting element for pivotal movement with'respect to said feeding frame about a transverse axis, and means for supporting said trunnion support and cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connectiontherewith.
24. In a track-mounted miningmachine adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for movement in two converging slots in said base frame, a trunnion support for said cutting element extending forwardly of said feeding frame for supporting said cutting element for pivotal movement with respect to said feeding frame about a transverse axis, and means for supporting said trunnion support and cuttingelement on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis adjacent the forward end of said feeding frame comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connection therewith.
25. In atrack-mounted mining machine adapted to cut a kerf at the mine bottom or at various elevations with respect thereto, a base frame, a cutting element extending forwardly from said base frame including a motor and cutting mechanism forwardly of said motor including a forward portion overhanging said base frame, a cutter head movable towards and away from said overhanging forward portion having a chain carrying cutter bar extending forwardly therefrom in fixed relation with respect thereto, a feeding frame mounted on said base frame for angular movement in two converging slots in said base frame, and means .for supporting said cutting element on said feeding frame for pivotal movement with respect thereto about a vertical axis comprising a pivotal frame supported on said feeding frame and having pivotal connection with said feeding frame adjacent the forward end
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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3469885A (en) * 1968-10-15 1969-09-30 Westinghouse Air Brake Co Oscillating cutter ripper miner

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3469885A (en) * 1968-10-15 1969-09-30 Westinghouse Air Brake Co Oscillating cutter ripper miner

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