USRE14765E - Spbaying-machine - Google Patents

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USRE14765E US RE14765 E USRE14765 E US RE14765E
United States
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A. Urbach
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  • My invention relates to liquid atomizing the following is a speci or spraying apparatus, and it has for itsobject to provide a machine whereby the interior surfaces of a pneumatic automobile tire casing may bevefl'ec tively and expeditiously sprayed with a rubber solution or compound that is commonly employed as a lubricant for preventing the inner tube from adhering to the casing and that has heretofore been appliedby means of a brush.
  • FIG. 1 is a view in front elevation of a machine constructed in accordance therewith.
  • FIG. 2 is a plan and sectional view along the line IIII of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 3 is a side and sectional view of the machine.
  • Fig. 4 is a sectional view of the spreader roll and its mounting.
  • Fig. 5 is a vertical sectional view through a tire casing showing the manner in which it is spread by the spreader roll.
  • Fig. 6 is a vertical sectional view through the sprayer.
  • Fig. 7 is a side view of the sprayer, and Fig.8 is a horizontal sectional view through the sprayer.
  • the operating parts of the machine are carried by aframe or composed of gas pipe and comprising two vertical posts 1, three horizontal cross pieces 2, 3 and 4, and inclined braces 5 that are attached at their upper ends to the posts, andv at their lower ends to the floor.
  • a frame or composed of gas pipe comprising two vertical posts 1, three horizontal cross pieces 2, 3 and 4, and inclined braces 5 that are attached at their upper ends to the posts, andv at their lower ends to the floor.
  • a substantially L -shaped bracket 7 Secured to the front sides of the cross pieces 3 and 4 by means of clips 6 is a substantially L -shaped bracket 7 having a horizontal port on 8 that extends rearwardly and supports an electric motor 9, or any other suitable p ime mover, for driving the machine.
  • motor is suitably geared to a shaft 10 that of Allegheny I in any vertical position standard preferably bracket 7 and a second roller 13, similar to the roller 11, is loosely mounted upon it and constitutes an idler.
  • the concave rollers 11 and 13 are adapted to receive and support a tire casing 14 in a position to have its inner surface sprayed, and the driven roller. 11 causes the casing to rotate during the spraying operation.
  • the tire casing is supported in a vertical position upon the rollers 11 and 13'by means oftwo vertical guide rollers 15, that engage opposite sides'thereof and are carried by rods 16, the upper ends of which are attached to sleeves 17 that embrace ahorizontal supporting rod 18 carried by the top cross member 2 of the. standard.
  • the sleeves 17 are adjustable upon therod 18 to permit of receiving-tire casings of different widths between the guide rollers 15, set screws 19 being provided for clamping them in the positions to which they have been adjusted.
  • the front face of the vertical portion of the bracket 7 is provided with a vertical groove that constitutes a guideway for a block 20,; cleats 21 being provided for retaining the block in the guideway while a clamp 22 is employed for securing the block in which it is placed.
  • the block 20 is provided with ears 23 between which one end of a hollow arm 24 is pivotally .mounted.
  • the pivotal Inounting comprises a rod ,25 that projects through, and is freely movable in, one of the ears 23 and is-also fixed to the arm 24 so as to be rotatable therewith, the said rod being adapted to carry a sprayer 26 to be hereinafter described.
  • a spreader roll 27 having a substantially V-shaped 'face that is adapted to enterthe opening in the inner circumference of the tire casing and to locally spread the sides sprayer.
  • the arm is movable about its pivot by a handle 28 carried by the outer end of a rod or-shaft 29 that extends through the arm and is with a head 30.
  • The-end of the head is provided with a boss or rib 31 that extends transversely thereof at one side of its center and is adapted to engage the end of a pin 32 mounted in and projecting from the block 20, the pin being pressed forward by a provided at its inner end 7 1 spring 33.
  • a helical spring 34 surrounds the outer end of the hol ow arm 24 and has its ends respectively attached. to the arm and the rod 29, the spring serving to normally maintain the parts in the relation shown in Fig; 4' with the rib or boss 31 above the pin 32. If the arm occupies its horizontal position, position. If the arm is moved from its vertical to its horizontal position, the pin 32 is pressed inwardly to permit of such movementand then assists in looking the arm. However, by turning the handle 28, the boss or rib 31 may be rotated to occupy a position below the end of the pin 32, thereby.
  • the roll 27 is formed with a'substantially V-shaped face and will therefore operate as a wedge to open but the tire. The lnclined. sides of the roll termi-.
  • the roll 2 is so constructed that a wed e shaped portion projects a distance outsi e of the shoulders less than the internal diameter of the tire, so that the outer periphery of the roll will be prevented from contacting with the internal painted surfaces by the shoulders a.
  • Suflicient pressure is also exerted upon the casing to and rotated by the roller 11 either manually or the sprin -33 operating through the pin 32.
  • the machine may be adapted to receive casings of any size from'the smallest to .the largest now regularly manufactured.
  • the sprayer 26 is carried by the extended pivot--rod- .25 However, it is not limited to the extended pivot--rod- .25.
  • the upper reservoir 41 is connected. by means of a pipe or hose 44 with a tank 45 carried by the upper part of the frame.
  • An aperture 46 in the bottom .Qf the plug provides communication between the upper and lower reservoirs that is controlled by a valve 47 having a stem 48 that projects out of the top of the plug, the valve and the it is thus locked in that ranged to direct thespray in three di'flferent directions in order to insure covering the entire internal surface of a tire casing.
  • the nozzles are also connected by means of annularpassage 52 with a passage 53 in the body portion 40 of the sprayer, which passage leads to a small chamber 54, an aperture in the bottom of which is closed by a ball valve 55 that is normally maintained against its seat by a spring 56, the said valve controlling communication between the chamber 54 and a lower chamber 57 that is connected, by means of a pipe 58, with a source of compressed air. operated by. means of a stem-or rod 59 that projects out of the top of the device and is normally held inits uppermost position by a sprin 60.
  • the c amber 57 is also connected, by means of a passage 63, with another chamber 64 that contams a ball valve .65 controlling communication between the said chamber and an upper chamber 66.
  • the ball valve is normally retained against its seat by a spring 67 and is actuated by a stem 68 that projects out of the top of the device and is. held in its uppermost position 'by a spring stem being held in their uppermost positions the plug 50 are three nozzles 51 that are ar- I
  • the ball valve is 5 69.
  • the chamber 66 is connected by means of a pipe 70 with the upper portion of the reservoir 42.
  • valve stems 48 and 59 are actuated, to open the valves 46 and 55 and to thereby admit both the liquid or mixture to be sprayed and air pressure to the nozzle '51, by means of a lever 72 that carries screws 73 and 74 adapted to engage the tops of the valve stems. 'By adjustment of the screws 73 and 74, the valves may be caused to open to the proper degree and in the proper relation to each other, which is preferably simulta-' neous.
  • the lever 75 that is adapted to engage'and actuate a second lever 76 having a lateral-projection 77 in which is threaded a screw 78 that engages the top of the valve stem 68, and also having a notch 79 for the reception of the said pin when the lever 7 2 is depressed as shown in 6.
  • the said parts are so arranged that, when the lever 72 is depressed, the pin 75 first en the face of the lever 76 and causes the valve 65 to be opened to admit air presf sure'from the tube 58 via the chamber 57, 'passage 63 and chamber 64 to chamber 66 and tube 70 to the top of.
  • the reservoir or 72 is also provided with a'pin 116" chamber 42, thereby forcing air through the central apertures of the nozzles and clean ing them thoroughly.
  • the pin 75 drops into.
  • the sprayer is thus effectively cleaned'both at the beginning and at the completion of the spraying operation, and freedom from clogging and great reliability of operation are thereby insured.
  • the liquid or mixture in the tank 45 is agitated to keep it thoroughly mixed and homogeneous by means of air pressure directed into it by a pipe or tube 81.
  • tire casings are rolled or otherwise fed upon the rollers 11 and 13 and the arm 24 is then lowered until it becomes locked in its horizontal position.
  • the spreader roll 27 then spreads the sides of the casing apart'and causes sufficient pressure to be exerted so that the driven roller 11 rotates the casing.
  • the cross-head of the sprayer 2:6 enters as; casing-"where it is spread, and then by manipulation of the levers 72 and 76, as before explained, the spraying o eration may be started and stopped.
  • the handle 29 is rotated'to unlock the arm 24, as before explained, to permit of its being raised.
  • a tire painting machine having in combination means for rotating the tire; means for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated and means insertible between the separated edges for applying aliquid to the interior surfaces of the tire.
  • a tire painting machine having in combination means for rotating a tire, a rollhaving a V shaped periphery, a sprayer arranged in the rear of the roll and means for forcing the roll'and sprayer in between the edges of the tire.
  • a tire spraying machine comprising means for rotating the tire, a spreaderroll adapted to separate the sides of the tire, a
  • a tire spraying machine comprising means for rotating the tire, a spreader roll adapted to separate the sides of the tire, a sprayer, and a mounting for the spreader roll and the sprayer that permits of their insertion into, and removal from, the tire.
  • a tire spraying machine comprising grooved rolls for supporting the. tire, means for driving one of the rolls, adjustable guide rolls between which the tire revolves, a .spreader roll, an arm carrying the spreader roll, an adjustable support to which the armis pivoted, means for locking the arm when the spreader roll engages the tire, and a spray-mg device movable with the arm.
  • a spraying machine comprising a reservoir, a nozzle in communication with the reservoir, means for supplying fluid pressure to the nozzle, a valve for controlling the said supply, and means for admitting fluid pressure to the reservoir. both when opening and closing the said valve.
  • a spraying machine comprising a reservoir, a nozzle in communication with the reservoir, means for separately supplying fluid pressure'to the nozzle and to the reservoir, valves for controlling thesaid supplies, and means for operating the valves whereby the fluid under pressure is admitted to the reservoir both before the opening and upon the closing of the valve controlling the fluid supply to the nozzle.
  • a spraying machme comprising two- .reservoirs, one above the other, a valve controlling communication between the reservoirs, nozzles having dlscharge openlngs 1n communlca-tlon with the lower reservoir,
  • a spraying machine comprising a nozzle, having a passage for air and a passage for liquid, means including valves for supplying liquid and compressed air continuously to the respective passages and subsequently supplying compressed air to the,
  • a sprayer comprising a nozzle hav ing passages for both a liquid and compressed air, means including valves for supplying liquid and air to the said passages, means for actuating said valves, means including' a valve for admitting compressed air to the liquid passage, and means whereby the latter valve is temporarilyopened prior to the opening of the aforesaid valves and is also temporarily opened subsequent to their closure.
  • a sprayer comprising ing passages for both a liquid and compressed air, means including valves for supplying liquid and air to thesaid passages, means for actuating said valves, means including a; third valve for supplying compressed airto the said liquid passage, and means whereby the aforesaid valve actuating means actuates the said. third valve when moved both to open and to close the aforesaid valves.
  • a sprayer comprising a nozzle having passages for botha liquid and compressed alr, means including valves for supplying liquid and air to the said passages, a
  • valves means including a third valve for supplying compressed air to the said liquid assage, a lever for actuating the said thir valve having means whereby it is actuated by the aforesaid lever and also whereby it retains the said lever in valve opening position until released.
  • means for supporting and rotating a tire casing means for supporting and rotating a tire casing, a pivoted support arranged in proximity to said means, a coating device carried by the pivoted support and adapted to be moved into the tire casing, and a spreading. element connected with the coating device and adapted to partly open the tire casing, to permit of the entrance of the coati device thereinto.
  • a machine of the character described means for supporting and rotating support arranged a tlre casing,- a movable near said means, a coating device carried by the movable support. and adapted to enter the tire casing, and an element to spread and partly open the' tire casing prior to the entrance'of the coating device thereinto.
  • a machine for manipulating a tire a nozzle havcomprising means for rotating the tire, and a unitary convex roll for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated.
  • a machine for manipulating a tire comprising means for rotating the tire, means for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated, and means insertible between the separated edges for operating upon the interior'of the tire.
  • a machine for manipulating a tire comprising a pair of spaced grooved rolls for supporting the tire at circumferentially separated points, means for driving one of said rolls, and means for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated.
  • a machine for manipulating a tire comprising a pair of spaced grooved rolls for supporting the tire, and a convex spreader roll adapted to project into the tire opposite the supporting rolls and to progressively separate its edges as it. is rotated, one of said rolls being driven.
  • a tire spraying machine comprising means for rotating the tire, and a sprayer insertible into the tire for coating its interior surface.
  • a tire spraying machine comprising a sprayer insertible into the tire for coating its interior surface, and means for effecting relative rotation between the tire and the sprayer.
  • a tire spraying machine comprising.
  • a tire spraying machine comprising a sprayer located adJacent the opening of the tire for coating its interior surface,.and


Reissued Dec. 2,
Reiss ued Dec. 2, 1919.
ATTORNEY Reissuqd Dee, 2,1919.
SPRAYING- MACHINEJ Specification of Reissued Letters Patent. Reissued Dec. 2, 1919.
Original No. 1,231,222, dated June 26, 1917, Serial No; 68,222, filed December 22, 1915. Application for reissue filed June 20, 1919. Serial No. 305,698.
-To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, GUs'rAvE A. URBAoH, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of -Pittsburgh, in the county and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Spraying- Machines, of which fication.
My invention relates to liquid atomizing the following is a speci or spraying apparatus, and it has for itsobject to provide a machine whereby the interior surfaces of a pneumatic automobile tire casing may bevefl'ec tively and expeditiously sprayed with a rubber solution or compound that is commonly employed as a lubricant for preventing the inner tube from adhering to the casing and that has heretofore been appliedby means of a brush.
My invention is illustrated in the accomg panying drawings, Figure 1 of which is a view in front elevation of a machine constructed in accordance therewith. Fig. 2 is a plan and sectional view along the line IIII of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a side and sectional view of the machine. Fig. 4 is a sectional view of the spreader roll and its mounting. Fig. 5 is a vertical sectional view through a tire casing showing the manner in which it is spread by the spreader roll. Fig. 6 is a vertical sectional view through the sprayer. Fig. 7 is a side view of the sprayer, and Fig.8 is a horizontal sectional view through the sprayer. I
' The operating parts of the machine are carried by aframe or composed of gas pipe and comprising two vertical posts 1, three horizontal cross pieces 2, 3 and 4, and inclined braces 5 that are attached at their upper ends to the posts, andv at their lower ends to the floor. Secured to the front sides of the cross pieces 3 and 4 by means of clips 6 is a substantially L -shaped bracket 7 having a horizontal port on 8 that extends rearwardly and supports an electric motor 9, or any other suitable p ime mover, for driving the machine. The
" motor is suitably geared to a shaft 10 that of Allegheny I in any vertical position standard preferably bracket 7 and a second roller 13, similar to the roller 11, is loosely mounted upon it and constitutes an idler. I
The concave rollers 11 and 13 are adapted to receive and support a tire casing 14 in a position to have its inner surface sprayed, and the driven roller. 11 causes the casing to rotate during the spraying operation. The tire casing is supported in a vertical position upon the rollers 11 and 13'by means oftwo vertical guide rollers 15, that engage opposite sides'thereof and are carried by rods 16, the upper ends of which are attached to sleeves 17 that embrace ahorizontal supporting rod 18 carried by the top cross member 2 of the. standard. The sleeves 17 are adjustable upon therod 18 to permit of receiving-tire casings of different widths between the guide rollers 15, set screws 19 being provided for clamping them in the positions to which they have been adjusted.
The front face of the vertical portion of the bracket 7 is provided with a vertical groove that constitutes a guideway for a block 20,; cleats 21 being provided for retaining the block in the guideway while a clamp 22 is employed for securing the block in which it is placed. The block 20 is provided with ears 23 between which one end of a hollow arm 24 is pivotally .mounted. The pivotal Inountingcomprises a rod ,25 that projects through, and is freely movable in, one of the ears 23 and is-also fixed to the arm 24 so as to be rotatable therewith, the said rod being adapted to carry a sprayer 26 to be hereinafter described.
Mounted upon the free end of the hollow arm 24-is a spreader roll 27 having a substantially V-shaped 'face that is adapted to enterthe opening in the inner circumference of the tire casing and to locally spread the sides sprayer.- The arm is movable about its pivot by a handle 28 carried by the outer end of a rod or-shaft 29 that extends through the arm and is with a head 30. The-end of the head is provided with a boss or rib 31 that extends transversely thereof at one side of its center and is adapted to engage the end of a pin 32 mounted in and projecting from the block 20, the pin being pressed forward by a provided at its inner end 7 1 spring 33. A helical spring 34 surrounds the outer end of the hol ow arm 24 and has its ends respectively attached. to the arm and the rod 29, the spring serving to normally maintain the parts in the relation shown in Fig; 4' with the rib or boss 31 above the pin 32. If the arm occupies its horizontal position, position. If the arm is moved from its vertical to its horizontal position, the pin 32 is pressed inwardly to permit of such movementand then assists in looking the arm. However, by turning the handle 28, the boss or rib 31 may be rotated to occupy a position below the end of the pin 32, thereby.
releasing the arm for upward movement. When the handle 28 is released, the. spring 34 returns the parts to the position shown. As before stated, the roll 27 is formed with a'substantially V-shaped face and will therefore operate as a wedge to open but the tire. The lnclined. sides of the roll termi-.
nate in shoulders a which are adapted to bear upon the edges 6 of the tire and thereby cally spread apart by cause it to be driven exert a positive pressure on the tire to hold its outer periphery in driving enga ement with the driven roll-11. The roll 2 is so constructed that a wed e shaped portion projects a distance outsi e of the shoulders less than the internal diameter of the tire, so that the outer periphery of the roll will be prevented from contacting with the internal painted surfaces by the shoulders a. When the arm occupies its horizontal position, the sides of the tire casing are 10- the spreader roll 27, as shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 5. Suflicient pressure is also exerted upon the casing to and rotated by the roller 11 either manually or the sprin -33 operating through the pin 32. By axfjusting the 'block 20 vertically in its guideway the machine may be adapted to receive casings of any size from'the smallest to .the largest now regularly manufactured.
As before stated, the sprayer 26 is carried by the extended pivot--rod- .25 However, it
reservoirs 41 and 42 by means of a hollow plug 43 that'is inserted in its upper end.
The upper reservoir 41 is connected. by means of a pipe or hose 44 with a tank 45 carried by the upper part of the frame. An aperture 46 in the bottom .Qf the plug provides communication between the upper and lower reservoirs that is controlled by a valve 47 having a stem 48 that projects out of the top of the plug, the valve and the it is thus locked in that ranged to direct thespray in three di'flferent directions in order to insure covering the entire internal surface of a tire casing. The nozzles are also connected by means of annularpassage 52 with a passage 53 in the body portion 40 of the sprayer, which passage leads to a small chamber 54, an aperture in the bottom of which is closed by a ball valve 55 that is normally maintained against its seat by a spring 56, the said valve controlling communication between the chamber 54 and a lower chamber 57 that is connected, by means of a pipe 58, with a source of compressed air. operated by. means of a stem-or rod 59 that projects out of the top of the device and is normally held inits uppermost position by a sprin 60. I
The c amber 57 is also connected, by means of a passage 63, with another chamber 64 that contams a ball valve .65 controlling communication between the said chamber and an upper chamber 66. The ball valve is normally retained against its seat by a spring 67 and is actuated by a stem 68 that projects out of the top of the device and is. held in its uppermost position 'by a spring stem being held in their uppermost positions the plug 50 are three nozzles 51 that are ar- I The ball valve is 5 69. The chamber 66 is connected by means of a pipe 70 with the upper portion of the reservoir 42.
The valve stems 48 and 59 are actuated, to open the valves 46 and 55 and to thereby admit both the liquid or mixture to be sprayed and air pressure to the nozzle '51, by means of a lever 72 that carries screws 73 and 74 adapted to engage the tops of the valve stems. 'By adjustment of the screws 73 and 74, the valves may be caused to open to the proper degree and in the proper relation to each other, which is preferably simulta-' neous.
The lever 75 that is adapted to engage'and actuate a second lever 76 having a lateral-projection 77 in which is threaded a screw 78 that engages the top of the valve stem 68, and also having a notch 79 for the reception of the said pin when the lever 7 2 is depressed as shown in 6.
The said partsare so arranged that, when the lever 72 is depressed, the pin 75 first en the face of the lever 76 and causes the valve 65 to be opened to admit air presf sure'from the tube 58 via the chamber 57, 'passage 63 and chamber 64 to chamber 66 and tube 70 to the top of. the reservoir or 72isalso provided with a'pin 116" chamber 42, thereby forcing air through the central apertures of the nozzles and clean ing them thoroughly. Upon further depression of the lever 72 the pin 75 drops into.
mitting the lever 72 to be raised by springs 49 and and the valves 47 and 55 to be shifted to closed position and thereby cutting off the flow of liquid and air to the chamber 42 and the nozzle 51 respectively.
Movement of the lever 76 to release the lever 72 again causes the valve to be opened, with the result that the spraying operation is terminated by blowing out any liquid that remains in the reservoir 42 or in the nozzles. The sprayer is thus effectively cleaned'both at the beginning and at the completion of the spraying operation, and freedom from clogging and great reliability of operation are thereby insured.
The liquid or mixture in the tank 45 is agitated to keep it thoroughly mixed and homogeneous by means of air pressure directed into it by a pipe or tube 81.
In the operation of the machine, tire casings are rolled or otherwise fed upon the rollers 11 and 13 and the arm 24 is then lowered until it becomes locked in its horizontal position. The spreader roll 27 then spreads the sides of the casing apart'and causes sufficient pressure to be exerted so that the driven roller 11 rotates the casing.
As the arm 24 is lowered, the cross-head of the sprayer 2:6 enters as; casing-"where it is spread, and then by manipulation of the levers 72 and 76, as before explained, the spraying o eration may be started and stopped. pon completion of the spraying operation, the handle 29 is rotated'to unlock the arm 24, as before explained, to permit of its being raised.
I claim as my invention:
1. A tire painting machine having in combination means for rotating the tire; means for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated and means insertible between the separated edges for applying aliquid to the interior surfaces of the tire.
2'. A tire painting machine having in combination means for rotating a tire, a rollhaving a V shaped periphery, a sprayer arranged in the rear of the roll and means for forcing the roll'and sprayer in between the edges of the tire.-
3. A tire spraying machine comprising means for rotating the tire, a spreaderroll adapted to separate the sides of the tire, a
mounting for the spreader roll that permits of its insertion into, and removal from, the tire, and means for spraying the interior of the tire.
4. A tire spraying machine comprising means for rotating the tire, a spreader roll adapted to separate the sides of the tire, a sprayer, and a mounting for the spreader roll and the sprayer that permits of their insertion into, and removal from, the tire.
5. A" tire spraying machine comprising grooved rolls for supporting the. tire, means for driving one of the rolls, adjustable guide rolls between which the tire revolves, a .spreader roll, an arm carrying the spreader roll, an adjustable support to which the armis pivoted, means for locking the arm when the spreader roll engages the tire, and a spray-mg device movable with the arm.
6. A spraying machine comprising a reservoir, a nozzle in communication with the reservoir, means for supplying fluid pressure to the nozzle, a valve for controlling the said supply, and means for admitting fluid pressure to the reservoir. both when opening and closing the said valve.
7. A spraying machine comprising a reservoir, a nozzle in communication with the reservoir, means for separately supplying fluid pressure'to the nozzle and to the reservoir, valves for controlling thesaid supplies, and means for operating the valves whereby the fluid under pressure is admitted to the reservoir both before the opening and upon the closing of the valve controlling the fluid supply to the nozzle.
8. A spraying machme comprising two- .reservoirs, one above the other, a valve controlling communication between the reservoirs, nozzles having dlscharge openlngs 1n communlca-tlon with the lower reservoir,
means for supplying compressed air to the controlling the airsupply to the nozzles.
9. A spraying machine comprising a nozzle, having a passage for air and a passage for liquid, means including valves for supplying liquid and compressed air continuously to the respective passages and subsequently supplying compressed air to the,
liquid passage, whereby the latter may be freed from any obstruction.
10. A sprayer comprising a nozzle hav ing passages for both a liquid and compressed air, means including valves for supplying liquid and air to the said passages, means for actuating said valves, means including' a valve for admitting compressed air to the liquid passage, and means whereby the latter valve is temporarilyopened prior to the opening of the aforesaid valves and is also temporarily opened subsequent to their closure.
11. A sprayer comprising ing passages for both a liquid and compressed air, means including valves for supplying liquid and air to thesaid passages, means for actuating said valves, means including a; third valve for supplying compressed airto the said liquid passage, and means whereby the aforesaid valve actuating means actuates the said. third valve when moved both to open and to close the aforesaid valves.
12. A sprayer comprising a nozzle having passages for botha liquid and compressed alr, means including valves for supplying liquid and air to the said passages, a
lever for actuating. the said valves, means including a third valve for supplying compressed air to the said liquid assage, a lever for actuating the said thir valve having means whereby it is actuated by the aforesaid lever and also whereby it retains the said lever in valve opening position until released. r
13. In a machine of the character described, means for supporting and rotating a tire casing, a pivoted support arranged in proximity to said means, a coating device carried by the pivoted support and adapted to be moved into the tire casing, and a spreading. element connected with the coating device and adapted to partly open the tire casing, to permit of the entrance of the coati device thereinto.
14. a machine of the character described, means for supporting and rotating support arranged a tlre casing,- a movable near said means, a coating device carried by the movable support. and adapted to enter the tire casing, and an element to spread and partly open the' tire casing prior to the entrance'of the coating device thereinto.
15. A machine for manipulating a tire a nozzle havcomprising means for rotating the tire, and a unitary convex roll for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated.
16. A machine for manipulating a tire comprising means for rotating the tire, means for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated, and means insertible between the separated edges for operating upon the interior'of the tire.
17. A machine for manipulating a tire comprising a pair of spaced grooved rolls for supporting the tire at circumferentially separated points, means for driving one of said rolls, and means for progressively spreading the tire as it is rotated.
18. A machine for manipulating a tire comprising a pair of spaced grooved rolls for supporting the tire, and a convex spreader roll adapted to project into the tire opposite the supporting rolls and to progressively separate its edges as it. is rotated, one of said rolls being driven.
19. A tire spraying machine comprising means for rotating the tire, and a sprayer insertible into the tire for coating its interior surface. I
20. A tire spraying machine comprising a sprayer insertible into the tire for coating its interior surface, and means for effecting relative rotation between the tire and the sprayer.
21. A tire spraying machine comprising.
means for rotating the tire, and a sprayer located adjacent the opening of the tire for coating its interior surface while it is rotated.
' 22. A tire spraying machine comprising a sprayer located adJacent the opening of the tire for coating its interior surface,.and
means for efl'ecting relative rotation between the tire and the sprayer.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 31" day of May, 1919.



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