USRE13641E - beohman- - Google Patents

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USRE13641E US RE13641 E USRE13641 E US RE13641E
United States
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Hektby F. Bechmah
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Dttpbex Pbiettihg x P Press Combasty
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  • This invention relates presses, particularly .provenients in Ro-l and I hereby decl-are:
  • the printing and impression cylinders are arranged in substantially the same plane with the plate cylinders outermost so as to ypermit the cylinders to be readily plated from the sides upon the floor, and the ders can also be packed by the pressman standing press.
  • the inking mechanism is also ar-l cylinders at convenient access for 4the pressman.
  • the invention in brief consists in arranging a plurality of ,my printing mechanisms side by ⁇ side upon a common hase; with the cylinders in all .the several mechanisms parallel, and preferably in the same plane; the inechanismsbeing .suiliciently separated to allow the pressman to work etween sets of perfecting mechanisms yso Aas to conveniently w same While standing at the side thereof, and so ,that he can readily observe adjust the several hiking mechanisms;
  • the Webs may be slitted between the printing.A mechanisms and -.the folding mechanism-(the side by side rot-ary folders being preferably used)-and for large'papers one can be diverted over suitable angle bars into parallelism With the other half of the web, and directed therewith into one folder to be folded With other Webs similarly directed thereto, if desired.
  • any number of perfecting mechanisms may be arranged parallel upon the frame.l and the Webs all led from such mechanism down beneath the machine and thence led longitudinally thereof to the folder.
  • the printed VWeb's .passing below the print- Ying mechanisms are entirely out of tlievvay ofthe pressman and cannot interfere with all the "printing cylinders,
  • Fig. 2 is a plan view of Fig. l.
  • Fig. 3 is an end view thereof.
  • Fig. 4 is a detail view of the folder showing one method of assembling the webs..
  • A, B, C represent three perfecting mechanisms, each perfecting mechanism comprising plate cylinders l and.A
  • each plate cylinder is an ink distributing drum 5,v from which ink is lsupplied to the superposed plate cylinders by a set of rolls 5a and on which inl: is distributed by rolls 5d, and to which ink is supplied from a fountain 5j by a ductor 5g.
  • the printing and inking mechanisms in each group are preferably constructed substantially as described infmy Patent No. 823,098 of June 12, 1906.
  • the web a is led from roll a past a guide a2 down between cylinders I, la, and up between cylinders la, 2g, and then down 'between cylinders 2, 2a, being printed on one side byforms on cylinder 1 and perfected on the opposite side by the forms on cylinder 2.
  • the printing mechanism to and under a guide o3, and thence forward longitudinally of the press to'and over a guide at, thence up to and over a guide a5, and thence to a roller' 7, and thence to the foldroller 7, where it is associated with webs a, b, and passes therewith to the folder. 4
  • supporting tapes 6 running overl suitably driven pulleys 6b may be arranged beneath the press as shownv in Fig. l.
  • rotary folders 7e, 7b,l as shown in my Patent No. 854-,42 aforesaid, at one end of the ress;
  • These 'folders may be driven by a train of gearing 4P om a counter-shaft 4f, which is driven by bevel gear 4g. from a bevel gear 4h on shaft 4, as indicated in the drawings, Fig. l, so that the folding mechanism will be driven in exact' unison with the printing mechanism.
  • Each folder is handle two-page-wide webs, and as the plate cylinders are customarily four-pages long, the Wide webs A, B, C, may be divided longitudinally by means of suitably located It is then led down between ing cyiinders of a folding mechanism at one and over a guide c4, up over a guide c5 to designed t slit-ters, as 8a, 8b, 8, located at convenient ieee-i can be deflected into the path of or opposite the other half of such web, as indicated in Fig. 3.
  • sets of deiiec-A tors 9, 9b, 9C may be arranged 4at any suitable point, but ters and the roller 7.
  • the webs can be dividedinto two sections as above described, and the sections led separately to the respective formers 7a, 7h; and then the section of webA ledv over one former vcan be diverted from' tl'ie rollers at the point th reef and led over to the rollers at the point of the other former' and there associated with the web coming from the lat ter, so that'the webs will be associated before going inthe folding rolls, but will be folded in two sections, insteadof in one book-fold.l
  • the section of web ledover the former 7, instead of going into the folding rolls 7f, is diverted under the roller 7*' at the apex Iof former 7a and led over to the roller 7h at the apex of the. former 7b, andthence passedf,-with the sections of web coming over the forme-r 7b, tothe folding rolls 7e.'-
  • the sections of web coming over former 7b could if desiredl be similarly diverted to the folder 17 and assembled with the web coming over the former l7a.
  • a plurality of parallel perfecting mechanisms arranged side by side but spaced apart so that the operator may ass between'. adjacent perfecting mechaisms, the plate and impression cylinders rin eac-h perfecting mechanism being arrange in substantially the same plane with-thc plate cylinders outermost; a web roll supported above each perfecting mechanism, and guides for directing a web from each r'oll downward-ly through the adjacent perfecting mechanism; with a pair of folding mechanisms at one end of the machine ⁇ guides whereby the printed webs may be directed beneath said printing mechanismy to said folding mechanisms, tapes supporting. the webs passing below the perfecting mechanisms tothe folder'means for slitting the webs, and means whereby the slit webs may be ldirected to one, or both,l of the folding mechanisms.
  • a plurality 'of parallel perfecting mechanisms arranged side by side 'that the operator may pass between adjacent perfecting mechanisms, the plate and impression cylinders i.-
  • each perfecting mechanism being arranged in substantially the same plane; a. web roll for each perfecting mechanism, and guides for directing a web from each roll to and downwardly through the related perfecting mechanism; with a plurality of folding and guides whereby the printed:
  • webs may be directed beneath said printing)Jr 'but spaced apart .pass between adjacent perfecting mecha- VVmsms, 'the plate and impression cylinders in e isseei .mechanisms to the saine folding mechanism or te dii'ierent folding mechanisms,
  • cach perfecting mechanism being arranged in substentilly the same plane and with the plate cylinders outermost; a .web rell snpported above each perfecting mechanism? and guides for direitingg,- a' web from each roll downwardly through the adjacent per'- fec-ting mechanism; with e :folding mechai nism at one end of the machine, guides whereby the printed webs may be directed beneath the series of perfecting mechanisms toward said folding mechanism, and guides for directing ⁇ the webs upwardly beside and between the folder and the adjacent printing' mechanism Sind then dbwnwardly to the folder.I substantially as described.


Reissued Nov. 11,1913n PPLIOATION E ILED bei. 13,1913.
HENRY F. anonimi?, or
' -RGTARY BINTING-PBESSM Reissned Nov, ill', fedidated `lYebra.arytrzl, 1913,Seria11 No. 587,278. Application for `reissue filed October 13,
191,3. Serial No. 734,552.
' To all 107mm may concern:
Be it lmoW- n that I,
.of Battle Creek, in lthefcounty' of Calhoun and State of Michigan, have invented cer-g tain new and useful Ii ,tary Printing-Presses; that the following 1s a ful description thereof, reference the accompanying drawings,
of this siecification. l l
This invention relates presses, particularly .provenients in Ro-l and I hereby decl-are:
l, clear, and exact. being had toi which form' to iv eb printing designed for use in produc'in-g` newspapers of very large size, and
especially relatesV ';o the shownin my Patents No.
type of presses 814,510 of March .6, 1906, and No. 880,960 of March 3, 19.08,
wherein the printing and impression cylinders are arranged in substantially the same plane with the plate cylinders outermost so as to ypermit the cylinders to be readily plated from the sides upon the floor, and the ders can also be packed by the pressman standing press.
ranged beneath the plate by prcssnen standing impression cylinor made-ready7 on the side of the The inking mechanism is also ar-l cylinders at convenient access for 4the pressman.
,In large newspaper oiiices where there 1s j great 'variation 1n the size ferent editions and large numbers of papers products of have to be printed a great used and floo: prime importance.
of papers in difspace becomes a matter of r,[he objects of my invention are toy econo` mize door space, of presses to. b e used and all their products at the same folder or and enable a larger number Within a given' space, assembled if desire-d folders so that thel of said presses can be assembled and folded together, and at the same time to place the web rolls Within easy access of the pressman; and to avoid the necessity of leading any tween or over the presses interfere with free access web or Webs be- Wlien they might thereto by the pressrnan; also to avoid the need of any over head web guides above the presses; plify the threading of the presses lto simand ythe leads of the Webs and to facilitate their assemblage, so that oy this given-floor space I can invention upon a arrange a larger number of such presses and Webs than it-has heretofore heen possible, even with the complate the half of each Web l his free access to ,pact yand simple ,arrangement of presses shown in my said patents.
.The invention in brief consists in arranging a plurality of ,my printing mechanisms side by `side upon a common hase; with the cylinders in all .the several mechanisms parallel, and preferably in the same plane; the inechanismsbeing .suiliciently separated to allow the pressman to work etween sets of perfecting mechanisms yso Aas to conveniently w same While standing at the side thereof, and so ,that he can readily observe adjust the several hiking mechanisms;
and regulate .the tensions of the several Webs;at ,one v end of this group of printing mechanisms I arrange the foldingmechanism with `the folding cylinders preferably at right angles'to .the printing cylinders; the Webs are led from ,ab-ove to and through the', respective printing mechanisms and beneath v4the lsame, and then over suitable guides under the printing mechanisms to a oint between lthe printing mechanisms and the foldingl mechanism; then the Webs are directed up oversuitable guides to the folding mechanism.A allel and each runs in a straight line without lateral deflection, from the Web roll to the end of the machine (and thence to the folder). If very Wide Webs are employed the Webs may be slitted between the printing.A mechanisms and -.the folding mechanism-(the side by side rot-ary folders being preferably used)-and for large'papers one can be diverted over suitable angle bars into parallelism With the other half of the web, and directed therewith into one folder to be folded With other Webs similarly directed thereto, if desired. In this way any number of perfecting mechanisms may be arranged parallel upon the frame.l and the Webs all led from such mechanism down beneath the machine and thence led longitudinally thereof to the folder. The printed VWeb's .passing below the print- Ying mechanisms are entirely out of tlievvay ofthe pressman and cannot interfere with all the "printing cylinders,
and the inkin mechanisms and web tensional of which remain freely acing devices,
open to the inspectionl of the cessible and pressman.
' By using two side by side folders and E su angle bars, as in my Patent No. 854,142 of May 2l, i907, at one end of the machine, the total product of all the presses can be directed to eitherzfolderf-o-r the product can be divided. vin any desired manner and the parts sent? to different folders. A
In the .accompanying drawingsy I have diagrammatically illustrated such a press and will' now explain the invention with reference thereto.
In said 'drawingsliigure l is a diagrammatical side elevation of a' complete machine partly in section. Fig. 2 is a plan view of Fig. l. Fig. 3 is an end view thereof. Fig. 4 is a detail view of the folder showing one method of assembling the webs..
in the drawings A, B, C, represent three perfecting mechanisms, each perfecting mechanism comprising plate cylinders l and.A
52, and interposed co-acting impression cylinders la, 2a which are arrangedparallel and 'preferably in the same4 plane, said mechanisms being spaced apart so that a` pressman can enter therebetween. V
Beneath each plate cylinder is an ink distributing drum 5,v from which ink is lsupplied to the superposed plate cylinders by a set of rolls 5a and on which inl: is distributed by rolls 5d, and to which ink is supplied from a fountain 5j by a ductor 5g. The printing and inking mechanisms in each group are preferably constructed substantially as described infmy Patent No. 823,098 of June 12, 1906. chine the plate cylinders are rotated in a direction contrary to that described in my patent because of the reversal of travel of the web through the press, as hereinafter explained; and this reversing of the plate cylinders also causesa reversal of the inking mechanisms, and enables me to place the distributing rolls 5d on the outer side of the drum 5, instead'of at the inner side thereof, as in my said patent, so that in the present invention all the inking mechanisms will be direct-ly and easily accessible for inspection, at all times, even when the press is in operation', which is a material practical advantage tothe pressman.
-'I`he several plate cylinders and their inking mechanisms and fountains are supported in standards 3, at the sides of the press, attached to a common base framel 3a. The plate and impression cylinders in each set are inter-gearedl as usual, and they all may be driven in unison by means of a train of driving gears 4b in each set mounted on 'one of thestandards and respectively transmitting motion from a train of driven gears 4 mounted uponthe base frame 3, and which may be driven from a main drive shaft 4 journaled in the base frame and located at any suitable point. This drive is indicated diagrammatically in Fig. 1, and although Iv do not consider the invention restricted to But in the present ma- Instead of arranging the web rolls at 'the' side of the printing mechanisms and threading them upwardly therethrough, as, shown in my aforesaid patents; in the present invention the web supply rolls a', 5', c', are mounted above the respective mechanisms A.,B, Q, in suit-able supports 3don the standards 3.
The web a is led from roll a past a guide a2 down between cylinders I, la, and up between cylinders la, 2g, and then down 'between cylinders 2, 2a, being printed on one side byforms on cylinder 1 and perfected on the opposite side by the forms on cylinder 2. the printing mechanism to and under a guide o3, and thence forward longitudinally of the press to'and over a guide at, thence up to and over a guide a5, and thence to a roller' 7, and thence to the foldroller 7, where it is associated with webs a, b, and passes therewith to the folder. 4
In order to prevent .sagging 'ofl the lengths of printed webs passing' beneath the Dress,
supporting tapes 6 running overl suitably driven pulleys 6b may be arranged beneath the press as shownv in Fig. l.
Preferably I arrange two rotary folders 7e, 7b,l as shown in my Patent No. 854-,42 aforesaid, at one end of the ress; These 'folders may be driven by a train of gearing 4P om a counter-shaft 4f, which is driven by bevel gear 4g. from a bevel gear 4h on shaft 4, as indicated in the drawings, Fig. l, so that the folding mechanism will be driven in exact' unison with the printing mechanism. Each folder is handle two-page-wide webs, and as the plate cylinders are customarily four-pages long, the Wide webs A, B, C, may be divided longitudinally by means of suitably located It is then led down between ing cyiinders of a folding mechanism at one and over a guide c4, up over a guide c5 to designed t slit-ters, as 8a, 8b, 8, located at convenient ieee-i can be deflected into the path of or opposite the other half of such web, as indicated in Fig. 3. For this purpose sets of deiiec-A tors 9, 9b, 9C, may be arranged 4at any suitable point, but ters and the roller 7. These deiectors opcrate to deflect one-half of each of the split webs, as described in my -aforesaid patents. With this arrangement if the press is printing four-page wide webs, such webs can be slit, and assembled, and directed into one folder, so that assuming each printing mechanism on the press-shown is printing 16 pages, a 48-page paper could be delivered at one folder; or if the webs were simpl-y slit, and their opposite halves sent ,to separate folders, two E24-page papers could be simultaneously delivered at 'each voperation ofl the press. With this arrangement of mechanisms one large paper can be delivered at either folder, or two papers of the same,.or
different, size (upl to the total page capacity of the press) can be delivered at each operation of the press. In the drawings an extra .web roll is indicated as supported above each printing mechanism, so that when one roll is exhausted the other can be quickly p ut in use; and while one roll is being used, another roll can be brought into position for use. VThe height of the center of each paper roll above the floor is vabout that of an ordinary pressman who can easily regulate the tension on the roll while 1 standing on the floor,
which is a great advantage of the press. Another important advantage is that the webs always pass down when the press is running; After leaving the paper' roll each web goes into the printing mechanism and thencev runs down Onto the tape supports, which carry it to the folder. And when run in this manner if any web should tear or break it Awill not hang back as it would doin case it was running upwardly, but it will be brought forward to where the pressman can easily get at it. In my press thereis no web or webs running down outside of or beside any of the printing mechanisms in a way to obscure or interfere with inspection and manipulation of any parts of the printing mechanisms or inking mechanisms while the press is running; veach lweb roll tension is under direct control of the pressman from the floor, and all the fountains, plates and packing, can' be easily inspected from the floor. Alley-Ways are left for the pressman bet-Ween the sets of printing mechanisms, so that all `the plate cylinders can be plated from the floor, and the pressman does not ,have to climb over or into any part ofthe press in order to plate the cylinders, or to pack the impressi-on cylinders; or to--ad3ust the inking mechanisms,
or the tension of any web.
Anysection of the press; thrown preferably between the slitthe pressmans free out of operation by slipping one of the gears in its' train 'of gearsl 4l out of mesh, so that when printing small papers itis not necessary to run the entire machine, and one or more sections of the machine can be Operated while other sections are being made ready. v
Instead of assembling all the webs as above described and leading them to one folder so that they shall-all he folded and delivered in one large book-fold section by such folderthe webs can be dividedinto two sections as above described, and the sections led separately to the respective formers 7a, 7h; and then the section of webA ledv over one former vcan be diverted from' tl'ie rollers at the point th reef and led over to the rollers at the point of the other former' and there associated with the web coming from the lat ter, so that'the webs will be associated before going inthe folding rolls, but will be folded in two sections, insteadof in one book-fold.l
Thus, as indicated in Fig. 4, the section of web ledover the former 7, instead of going into the folding rolls 7f, is diverted under the roller 7*' at the apex Iof former 7a and led over to the roller 7h at the apex of the. former 7b, andthence passedf,-with the sections of web coming over the forme-r 7b, tothe folding rolls 7e.'- Of course the sections of web coming over former 7b could if desiredl be similarly diverted to the folder 17 and assembled with the web coming over the former l7a. u
' While I prefer to arrange aweb roll above each perfecting mechanism, as indicated in the drawings, I do not wish o be restricted A,tosuch particular location ofthe web supply rollsylas where there is plenty of press room the Vweb supply rolls might be located in any other convenient position, and webs yled therefrom, tothe guides a2, b2, 02 of their respective printing mechanisms.
What I claim is:
1. In combination, a plurality of parallel perfecting mechanisms arranged side by side but spaced apart so that the operator may ass between'. adjacent perfecting mechaisms, the plate and impression cylinders rin eac-h perfecting mechanism being arrange in substantially the same plane with-thc plate cylinders outermost; a web roll supported above each perfecting mechanism, and guides for directing a web from each r'oll downward-ly through the adjacent perfecting mechanism; with a pair of folding mechanisms at one end of the machine` guides whereby the printed webs may be directed beneath said printing mechanismy to said folding mechanisms, tapes supporting. the webs passing below the perfecting mechanisms tothe folder'means for slitting the webs, and means whereby the slit webs may be ldirected to one, or both,l of the folding mechanisms.
` but spaced apart so y 9,. ln combination, a plurality cf parallel' perfecting mechanisms arranged side by side 'but spaced apart so vthat the operator may pass between adjacent perfecting mecha.-V nisms, the plate and impression cylinders in eachperfecting mechanism being arranged" in substantially the same plane; a web roll foreach perfecting' mechanism, and' guides for directing' a web from each rolld'cwnward'ly to the related perfecting mechanism;
with fclding mechanisms, guides whereby the'printed webs may be directed beneath said printing mechanisms to said folding mechanisms;- means for slitting the webs, and means whereby the slit webs may be directed to the same or different folding mecl enisms.
Incombination, a plurality 'of parallel perfecting mechanisms arranged side by side 'that the operator may pass between adjacent perfecting mechanisms, the plate and impression cylinders i.-
.each perfecting mechanism being arranged in substantially the same plane; a. web roll for each perfecting mechanism, and guides for directing a web from each roll to and downwardly through the related perfecting mechanism; with a plurality of folding and guides whereby the printed:
webs may be directed beneath said printing)Jr 'but spaced apart .pass between adjacent perfecting mecha- VVmsms, 'the plate and impression cylinders in e isseei .mechanisms to the saine folding mechanism or te dii'ierent folding mechanisms,
4, In combinatien7 a series of parallel perfecting mechanisms arranged side by side so that the operateur: may
cach perfecting mechanism being arranged in substentilly the same plane and with the plate cylinders outermost; a .web rell snpported above each perfecting mechanism? and guides for direitingg,- a' web from each roll downwardly through the adjacent per'- fec-ting mechanism; with e :folding mechai nism at one end of the machine, guides whereby the printed webs may be directed beneath the series of perfecting mechanisms toward said folding mechanism, and guides for directing` the webs upwardly beside and between the folder and the adjacent printing' mechanism sind then dbwnwardly to the folder.I substantially as described.
In testimony that I claim the foregoing as my own, eflix my signature in presence of two witnesses.
F. E. HALL, ARTHUR E. Ecwnnn,
Copies of thispetent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the tiommissiener ef Patents.
Washington, D. (7.



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