USRE12465E - Type-writing machine - Google Patents

Type-writing machine Download PDF


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USRE12465E US RE12465 E USRE12465 E US RE12465E
United States
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Franz X. Wagner
Original Assignee
By Mesne Assign
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  • My invention relates class of writing-machines noWn as visible Writers, inwhich it is, usual tofvibrate theribbon to cover and uncoverthe printingpoint at each type impression, whereby the,
  • the invention relates particularly to means in machines of this class for accenting or un- 1 derscoring letters.
  • Figure 1 represents a transverse vertical sectionalvie'w of a machine embodying, my invention, th'e'fsection being taken about centrally through the machine from front to. rear controlled.
  • b the accent type-key for preventing the" ceding of'the carriage.
  • Fig. 3 is a side; view ofLthe same. with parts broken away for. the purpose of better illustration. 41s a skele'tonview similar to Fig. 1, but showing one typebar-,(theone that carries the accent-type) in printing position, its key depressed,and associated parts moved corre spondingly from-normal position, an ordinary type-bar being also shown in normal position.
  • Fig. 5 illustrates the locking dog or detent in effective position after thereturn of I accent-key to normal position.
  • plate 1 designates the framing of the machine, in which is mounted a segmental plate 2.
  • plate 2 carries a pivot-rod 3,.upon which the type-carriers or type-bars 4 are pivotally mounted.
  • Each of the type-bars! is connected to a bell-crank 5, pivoted at 6 to the framing of the machine and pivotally united to a key-lever 7, as indicated at 8.
  • the keylevers 7 are provided with the usual fingerkeys 9 and are pivoted at 10 to the framing of the machine.
  • Each of the type-bars is provided with a heel 11, which abuts against a universal bar 12 during the movement of the type-bar up to the printing-point, whereby a rearward movement is given to the universal bar, which usually is formed or shaped to conform to the curvature of the type-bar system, whereby all of the type-bar heels may operate the universal bar.
  • the carriage-feeding mechanism or escapement is connected to this universal bar, and each complete movement of the latter causes the platen-carriage 13 to be fed one space in the usual manner. of any type-bar the universal bar is moved During thev printing stroke back, as at Fig. 4, and during the return movement of any of the ordinary type-bars said universal bar returns to normal position, the movement of the universal bar thus being reciprocatory.
  • the carriage-feeding mechanism comprises a tanected to crank-arms or links 15. Said table carries feeding-dogs 16, which successively.
  • Said arm 19 is provided with a, slot 25, into which takes'a pin 26, the latter projecting from a crank-arm 27, that is rigidly connected to a rock-shaft 28, and the latter is provided-with ribbon-feeding arms 29', each of said arms being provided with a pawl 30, 7 5 that cooperates with a ratchet-wheel 31, and each of said ratchet-wheels being connected up in a suitable manner to the ribbon-spools,
  • Said ribbon-spools are designated as 33 and are mounted forwardly of the platen 34 in such a manner that the types may strike through the length of ribbon that reaches across in. front of the platen from spool to spool.
  • the writing is visible asit proceeds, because after 8 5 each impression the ribbon drops.
  • a slide or vibrator 35 is employed,
  • said vibrator being just in front of the platen and in the vicinity'of the printing-point and 0 carrying the ribbon up and down. Normally it stands in its lowest position, as at Fig. v1;
  • Said vibrator is controlled by an arm 36, pivoted at 37 upon afixture andprovided with a pin 38, whereby it is vibrated, said pin 38 engaging a slot 39, formed in an arm 40, u standing from the table 14, whereb the back- 1 00 Ward and forward movements 0 the table cause the arm 36 tovibrat'e, and thereby lift 7 and drop the ribbon vibrator or carrier 35.
  • said table 14 is connected to the universal bar 1 2, and hence the uni- 1o 5 versal bar effects the lifting "of the ribbon at each type stroke.
  • v v So much of the mechanism as has thus far been described constitutes mechanism of the well-known Underwood type writing mar10 chine and is well adapted for use in practicing my invention. I will now roceed to describe.
  • the tension of the 4 broadly considered comprises as an element a ribbon-vibrating mechanism operable by an while. I find .it' convenient to illustrate chine still it is .not limited thereto.
  • the leaking-dog is normally maintained in its 1 and 3, by aspring f locatedwithin the support a, and bearing up against said locking-dog.
  • the function of the locking-dog as will presently be ex-:
  • lockingdog 0 is ineffective; but it may be set or depressed to effective position.
  • y means of a rod h, which is connected at its any of the key-levers which is to constitute what I term a blank key-lever or key, such blank key-lever being connected tothe accent type and being. termed cause it effects no feed of the carriage, as'do through an aperture g in the locking-dog, and
  • the lower end of ing-do' is a coiled spring which ears upon theldog and the upper end of which bears against a nut or nuts 9, by spring may be adjusted.
  • the spring ft exerts against the lockingwlogfbut'when the blank key is depressed. it pulls down the rod h and by means of the nut j thereon said spring is placed under tension sufficient to overcome the resistance of.- the dogsupporting spring f, and hence said locking-dog is forced down.
  • the free or forward end of this locking-dog is adapted to cooperate with alock ing-abutment 10,
  • the combi-' nation of a series of type-bars one of which carries an accent-type, a carriage, a ribbonvibrator, keys connected to the type-bars, means for enabling each of thekeys except the accent type-key to effect feeding movements of the carriage, and means for enabling all of the keys to'move said vibrator to cause the ribbon to cover the printing-point at each impression.
  • a universal bar operable by the keys'and having means foroperating said ribbon-vibrator, carria e-feedin devices op erable by said unlversa bar, anc means controlled by one of the type-keys for preventing the movement of the universal bar from effecting a feeding movement of the carria e.
  • a-type-writing machine the combination with ty es, typekeys, and a carria e, of carriage-fee .in mechanism controlled y the type-keys, a c etent capable of being set by'one of'said type-kc s in position to prevent the carria e from feeding, means for enabling any'of the remaining type-keys to re- "lease said detent, and a ribbon-vibrator operable by all of said type-keys.
  • type-keys a carriage-feeding mechanism co'ntroll d by the type-keys, and a detent for e by the remaining typeaeys.
  • t e combination with a system of rearwardlystriking type-bars and a carria e, ofa system of'keys connected to said typears, a univer- 1 sal bar-operable by said type-bars, a ribbonvibratoimovable by the unive-sal bar, carversal bar, and means controlled by one of said keys for preventing the feeding movement of the carriage.
  • the combination'of a carriage, feed mechanism therefor, a blank key means con-- trolled bysaid blank key for locking the feed mechanism out of operationya system of types one of which is controlled by, said blank key; said keyiorming one of a system of keys which control the ty es; and a ribbon-vibrator operable byflall the keys in thesystem.
  • brator ope riage-feeding devices controlledoby the uni-' spring-pressed loo connecting said do to one of said keys the and a keys. 1 4.
  • feedj mechanism for said cai'1'iage, a s ac ngkey for operating said feeding-moo anism.
  • ribboiifvibrator 0" arable all the ke 5, car'- riage-feedin 'mec' anism, .-'a locking- 1 0g for inventingeed of the carriage, a detachable -d 'og sup ort, means operatively connecting saidloc kulg type-keys,' and? a 1 cooperative lockini-abutment: iiio'vable by the remaining t e- 'eys 16.
  • atype-writin machine e combination of'types, keys t erefor, acarriag'e, a
  • a carriage-feedingmechanism a move 'le spring-pressed"lockmg dog, a spring-pressed connection between said locking-dog and one of said keys, and a cooperative abutment connected to the feeding mechanism.


' No. 12,465. REISSUED MAR. 27, 1906.
7 WIT/M8858: $9 g uvmvroa gmmmuwl Arm/mg REISSUED MAR. 27, 1906.
7 mmvr oa win/8858.-
fip'ecification of Beissued Letters Patent. Reissued fiar.27, 1906.
- ma num.s'aazsrdmdo ata 23,1900. i ilcaib -a ream-taint; 9,1904. Serial no. 211,874.,
To all when tit mJaycOn erIt:
Be'it known that I, FRAKZ .X fWAGis ian,
a citizen of the United Statea'residing'inthe borough of Manhattan, city, county, and
State. ofNew York, have invented certain newia'nd useful lm rovementsin Typ'e wrivin'g Machines, ofw. ich'the followingisafull,
. clear, and exact'description.
. "My invention relates class of writing-machines noWn as visible Writers, inwhich it is, usual tofvibrate theribbon to cover and uncoverthe printingpoint at each type impression, whereby the,
type is enabled tomake an impression through to feed the carriage.v The striking of the or.
then'is struck another which it is desired to accent.
I the ribbon and' the latter. is immediatelyand' automatically withdrm'm,sov as to disclose the Written letters.
The invention relates particularly to means in machines of this class for accenting or un- 1 derscoring letters.
Oneof the t yes is pro-'. videdwi'th a suitableacc'enhmar and the key controlling type-key. omits to cause the usual letterefeed itng'moveinent oi the paper-caniage so that by striking the accent-key firstandlthen the ordinary key the letter anditsac cent are-u caused to register properly upon the Written sheet. Such an .accent type-key is. some-'- times calleda *blank? key, because-it omits dinary type-key of course causes'the carriage to feed as usual, so that the letters may ap- 'pear'in proper sequence upon the page; I
In the class ofvisible .Writer'sine ans com-f 'mon to, all of the type-keys areus ually-proe vided' for both feeding the carriage and v'i-; brating the ribbon ,to cover the printing? point. Usuallythe keys are adapted-topperate a universal baryw hichfin some; kinds of machines is. in the form ci a curved" bar. mounted just in rear of the t y e-bars and movable rearwardlyby meanslof eels formed upon the type-bars, and 'by means of said universal barlthe ribbon is'vibrated and the carriage-is fed. Thegist of my invention resides in causing'the. accent-key or blanklkoy to vibratethe ribbon without fiee din the cab, riage, so thatflthe accent-markr'nay e prop erly. printed whilethe carriage is held. until tiontothe accentrnark,j.
the ordinary typelis printed 1 in proper rela principally to that this t-y e is' first struck, and ey to print-the letter The accent 9 I vI 1ior'nro fmy invention illustrated the movement. Saidlockis no'rmally idle, but is capable of being set to .efle'ctive position by the said accentekey. Provision is also made dinary ty e-key as well 'key, to re ease said lock, may feed as usual.-
embodies'certain novel features of constrxiction,;.- arrangements of parts, and combinationsof devices, as wr concluding claims.
tion isshownup'on the well-known Under- Wood type-Writing machine, T'to; which said invention i s specially ada 'ously it maybe used in ot er styleso Writing machines, and thenecessary changes the inventlontojother machines will readily occur to'those skill ed inthe art.
Figure 1 represents a transverse vertical sectionalvie'w of a machine embodying, my invention, th'e'fsection being taken about centrally through the machine from front to. rear controlled. b the accent type-key for preventing the" ceding of'the carriage. Fig. 3 is a side; view ofLthe same. with parts broken away for. the purpose of better illustration. 41s a skele'tonview similar to Fig. 1, but showing one typebar-,(theone that carries the accent-type) in printing position, its key depressed,and associated parts moved corre spondingly from-normal position, an ordinary type-bar being also shown in normal position. Fig. 5 illustrates the locking dog or detent in effective position after thereturn of I accent-key to normal position.
for enabling any subsequently-operated oras the usual spacingsov that the carriage 1 In the accompany ng drawings my irivented, thou h obvi-- visiblej in detail of constructionforthe adaptationofi eration of the universal bar. A lock or detent controlled by the accent-key prevents the usual returnfmovement of the universal bar andc arriage-feeding mechanism, so that the carriage is not released .for a' feeding "The-illustrated form of the invention also i v75v b'e'hereinafter decl'ribed, and particularly pointedout in the thereof, the parts being-"in normal position. Fig; 2 is a detail plan view of a lock or detent In the several views like parts are identified by like signs.
1 designates the framing of the machine, in which is mounted a segmental plate 2. plate 2 carries a pivot-rod 3,.upon which the type-carriers or type-bars 4 are pivotally mounted. Each of the type-bars! is connected to a bell-crank 5, pivoted at 6 to the framing of the machine and pivotally united to a key-lever 7, as indicated at 8. The keylevers 7 are provided with the usual fingerkeys 9 and are pivoted at 10 to the framing of the machine. Each of the type-bars is provided with a heel 11, which abuts against a universal bar 12 during the movement of the type-bar up to the printing-point, whereby a rearward movement is given to the universal bar, which usually is formed or shaped to conform to the curvature of the type-bar system, whereby all of the type-bar heels may operate the universal bar. ,The carriage-feeding mechanism or escapement is connected to this universal bar, and each complete movement of the latter causes the platen-carriage 13 to be fed one space in the usual manner. of any type-bar the universal bar is moved During thev printing stroke back, as at Fig. 4, and during the return movement of any of the ordinary type-bars said universal bar returns to normal position, the movement of the universal bar thus being reciprocatory. In the present instance the carriage-feeding mechanism comprises a tanected to crank-arms or links 15. Said table carries feeding-dogs 16, which successively.
or alternately engage a rack 17, mounted uponthe carriage, so as to effect an escapement or feed of the carriage at each reciprocation of the universal'bar-that is, at each,
complete lateral movement of the feed-dogs to and from their initial position. It will be understood, of course, that the carria e is fed upon the second or return stroke of t e dogs and ,universal barthat is, that the carriage remains motionless during the first or rearward stroke of said parts. The arms 15,
hereinbefore referred to, are rigidly connect- 'ed to a rock-shaft 18. A forwardly-projectingarm 19 is also secured to said rock-shaft, said arm and forward extension-20. Against-the under' side of said extension is adapted tobear an upwardlymovable crank-arm 21, the latter being fixed upon and projecting .rear- ,wardly from a rock-shaft 22, which is mounted in the framing of the machine and from which extend forwardly spacing-levers '23, carrying at their forwardends the usual spacing-key 24. B y depressing the spacingkey the arms 23 are carried down, the arm 21 elevated, thereby through the arm 19 rockin the shaft 18 and the arms15, which draw back the table 14, together with the; dogs 16,
being provided with a downward feeding dogs, and hence prevent the carriage and upon relief of the spacing-key from pressure the parts return to normal position, during which return movement the dogs cause or permit the carriage to advance one step. Said arm 19 is provided with a, slot 25, into which takes'a pin 26, the latter projecting from a crank-arm 27, that is rigidly connected to a rock-shaft 28, and the latter is provided-with ribbon-feeding arms 29', each of said arms being provided with a pawl 30, 7 5 that cooperates with a ratchet-wheel 31, and each of said ratchet-wheels being connected up in a suitable manner to the ribbon-spools,
upon which the ribbon 32 is carried. Said ribbon-spools are designated as 33 and are mounted forwardly of the platen 34 in such a manner that the types may strike through the length of ribbon that reaches across in. front of the platen from spool to spool. The writing is visible asit proceeds, because after 8 5 each impression the ribbon drops. For ele vating and dropping the ribbon at each type operation "a slide or vibrator 35 is employed,
said vibrator being just in front of the platen and in the vicinity'of the printing-point and 0 carrying the ribbon up and down. Normally it stands in its lowest position, as at Fig. v1;
but when any key is operated it is lifted so as to interpose the ribbon between the type and the paper, aswill be understood from Fig. 4. 5
Said vibrator is controlled by an arm 36, pivoted at 37 upon afixture andprovided with a pin 38, whereby it is vibrated, said pin 38 engaging a slot 39, formed in an arm 40, u standing from the table 14, whereb the back- 1 00 Ward and forward movements 0 the table cause the arm 36 tovibrat'e, and thereby lift 7 and drop the ribbon vibrator or carrier 35. As before explained, said table 14 is connected to the universal bar 1 2, and hence the uni- 1o 5 versal bar effects the lifting "of the ribbon at each type stroke. v v So much of the mechanism as has thus far been described constitutes mechanism of the well-known Underwood type writing mar10 chine and is well adapted for use in practicing my invention. I will now roceed to describe. the remaining devices 0 the mechan-' ism, with which cooperate the devices already described, to carry out the purposes of I 1 5 my invention. Said remainin devices comprise principally a detent or whereby the accent type-key (or blank key) may prevent the full return movement of the carriagex 1'20 from feeding; but I do not wish to be understood as intending to mean that my invention consists in merely addm these few remaining parts, since so far ast e broad featuresof the invention are concerned it is immaterial whether it be practiced in an Underwood or some other type of machine, and all of the. carriage-feeding and ribbon-vibrating mechanism may be varied widely within the scope My invention,
of the present invention.
' p the other type-keys.
' 'elevatedposition', Figs.
which the tension of the 4 broadly considered, comprises as an element a ribbon-vibrating mechanism operable by an while. I find .it' convenient to illustrate chine still it is .not limited thereto.
Shown at the rear portion of the machine and secured upon the framing .1 is a means of a screw b. 'This sup ort a may be.
Framing in the machine adjacent to any of the key-levers in, the machine. In the present instance it is secured to anylportion of the located immediately in rear of one of the keylevers I 7 Pivoted upon 1 said extending forwardly therefrom is What term a locking-dOgi c, the pivot bein indi- .cated at d. Said locking-dog is cap'ab e of a upon its pivot, limited by. the dog strikin the top surface 6 of the support ct.v
slight downward movement which movement may be The leaking-dog is normally maintained in its 1 and 3, by aspring f locatedwithin the support a, and bearing up against said locking-dog. The function of the locking-dog, as will presently be ex-:
plained, is. to prevent feeding of t when an accent or In its normal elevated position said lockingdog 0 is ineffective; but it may be set or depressed to effective position. y means of a rod h, which is connected at its any of the key-levers which is to constitute what I term a blank key-lever or key, such blank key-lever being connected tothe accent type and being. termed cause it effects no feed of the carriage, as'do through an aperture g in the locking-dog, and
surrounding its projecting end above the look i, the lower end of ing-do' is a coiled spring which ears upon theldog and the upper end of which bears against a nut or nuts 9, by spring may be adjusted. In the normal position of the parts there is pr'actically'no tension exerted by the spring ft upon the lockingwlogfbut'when the blank key is depressed. it pulls down the rod h and by means of the nut j thereon said spring is placed under tension sufficient to overcome the resistance of.- the dogsupporting spring f, and hence said locking-dog is forced down. The free or forward end of this locking-dog is adapted to cooperate with alock ing-abutment 10,
with a notch l. tains' the locking dog above said lockingabutment, Fig. 1, so that ordinarily there is nothing to prevent the rocking of the shaft 28 or the corresponding movements of the universal bar. 12, and hence there is no interference with the feeding of the carriage unless the blank key is operated.
the invention in an Underwood mav bracket, support, or carrier a, which is attached by support a and he carriage blank type-key is struck.
lowerend to Said rod 72 extendsu'p which is carried .upon' the rockshaft 28 and is provided at itsupperend ormally the springf main-H Upon the depression of any one of the o'rdinary. typ -k y vibrating the bell-crank type-bar 4- upflto print. type-bar forces back theuniversal bar 12 'together with the table 14, (as sh'own'by arrow 9a,) and. the arm-40 upon the latter vibrates the pivoted arm or lever 36;, and. the latter in i 35, whereby the of the type is delivere uponehe platen. At
move'rearwardly, withoutghowever, pernnt ting the carriage to advance,
ordinarily remains stationary in order tore- I ceive thejtype impression in the proper osi- Upon the relief 0 the tion upon the paper. ordinary type-key from pressure 1 the key-lever; be 1- return to'normalosition; During such return movement of 'the universal bar the ribhon-vibrator drops, in g, and the dogs 16move forwardly and perrepeated as the keys are struck in succession. At. each reciprocation of the universal bar and table 14 the-arms 15 are 'vibrated and through armsl and 27 ,the shaft 28 is rocked, whereby arm29 upon said shaft .is rocked, and through the pawl 30 and ratchet wheel said shaft 28, also rocks forwardly (as shown by the arrow y) at each depression of a typekey. and rearwardly upon the upstroke" of the key, such movement of the arm k, howof the said arm lathe notchl-therein is swung thereinto, it-his downward movement of the locking-dog being effected by the spring '5,
ward pull of the-rod h,1occasioned1by the downward movement of the-key lever, to whichit is attached. This position of the parts is illustrated-at Fig 4.' The accent; mark rovided upon the type is impressed upon t e paper. The positioning of the ac 9 the lever-7 forced/down,
5 and swinging the The'he'el'll onthe turn elevates the ribbon carrier or'vibrator' ribbon is caused to cover the printing-point at the moment whengthe blow the "same time the carriage-feeding dogs 16 since the latter crank, type-bar; and universal bar so as to expose the w'rit which, of course, is compressed by the d'own- N mit the carriage to feed; This operation is 31 the ribbon is fed-longitudinally. It will Y 'be understood also that thearm k fixed upon a ever, being an-idle-one' during the usual op- Iro forwardly to permit the locking-dog c to drop cent-mark upon its type-bar will of course depend upon the character of the mark-and" position it is to occupylwith relation to l the the tter to bewritten. pen the relief of the accent type-key 9 frompressure'it returns to normal position, together with its type-bar; but the several parts of the ribboning mechanism do not return to I101'I I),&l 'POSi.-
yvibrating;carriage-feeding, andribbon-feedtion and naturally the carriage does not feed,
because of' the engagement of the lockingdogc with the nose m of the locking-abutment is, Fig. 5, which holds the parts It, 28, 27, 19, 15, i4, and 16 from returning to nor mal position. The depression of the blank key having made the imprint of the accent anism in the direction of the arrow 1: inthe manner hereinbefore described, and this movement will cause-the locking-dog c to be freed from the nose m of the lockingabut' me'nt, and the locking-dog being thus released is elevated to normal position by its springf, it being understood that at this time the spring 2' is not under tension and affords no resistance to'the u ward or return movementof the lockingg to ineffective position. It will thus be seen that a movement of-the blank key causes the ribbon to cover the printing point and an imprint of the accent-mark to be made through the ribbon upon the paper or platen and simultaneously locks the carriage-feed mechanism out of operation and that a depression of any of the writing-keys will thencause an imprint to be made in the same space that the accentmark has been imprinted, or, in other words, in proper register with the accent-mark. At
the same time an automatic release of the feed mechanism will be effected, so that the operator may proceed with the writing in the usual manner. It will'likewise be observed that the'locking of the feed mechanism out of operationduring the imprint of the accentmark and the character which 006 erat es therewith and the rele'asing'of the fee mechanism immediately after such character is written is effected automatically. It will also be oberved that movement'of all parts of the-carriage-feeding mechanism is'effe'cted. when the spacing-key 24 is depressed. Thedepression of the spacing-key causes the arm 21 to be elevated, thereby shifting the parts of the carriage-feed mechanism inthe manner described by reason ofthe, cooperation of the arm- 21 with the extension 2Q.
I While I have described with considerable detail a construction embodying my invention, I am aware that various changes may be made without departing from the spirit of my invention. Thus While I have shown the locking mechanism so constructed as to bei o eratedin part by the mechanismlwhich directly effects the feed-of the ribboni but which nevertheless controlled andoperated.
by the feeding mechanism, it is obvious that i this movement of the parts may be effected from any portion-of the carriage-feed mech anism.
Having thus described my invention, 1- claim 1. In a type-writing machine, the combination of a series of type-bars one of which carries an accent-type, a carriage, a series of der the control of. the accent type-ke for preventing a feeding movement of sai carrlage. I
' 2. In a type-writing machine, the combi-' nation of a series of type-bars one of which carries an accent-type, a carriage, a ribbonvibrator, keys connected to the type-bars, means for enabling each of thekeys except the accent type-key to effect feeding movements of the carriage, and means for enabling all of the keys to'move said vibrator to cause the ribbon to cover the printing-point at each impression. I 3. In a"type-writing machine,- the combination with types, keys, a carriage, anda ribbon-vibrator, of a universal bar operable by the keys'and having means foroperating said ribbon-vibrator, carria e-feedin devices op erable by said unlversa bar, anc means controlled by one of the type-keys for preventing the movement of the universal bar from effecting a feeding movement of the carria e.
4. In a type-writing machine, the comIJination with ty es, type-keys, and a carriage, of a universal gar operable by the type-keys, a ribbon-vibrator operable by said universal" bar, carriage-feeding devices also operable by TOO said universal bar, and a detent operated'by one of the type-keys and control said universal-bar and carriage elements, forng one of,
preventing the feed of the carriage at the op:
eration of said key.
5. .111 a-type-writing machine, the combination with ty es, typekeys, and a carria e, of carriage-fee .in mechanism controlled y the type-keys, a c etent capable of being set by'one of'said type-kc s in position to prevent the carria e from feeding, means for enabling any'of the remaining type-keys to re- "lease said detent, and a ribbon-vibrator operable by all of said type-keys. 1
6. Ina type-writing machine, the combination with types, type-keys, and a carriage,
type-keys," a carriage-feeding mechanism co'ntroll d by the type-keys, and a detent for e by the remaining typeaeys.
' of la ribbon-vibrator operable by any of said Y not feed, and 1a spri I releasing said de'tent upon the movement 0 the universal bar by a succeeding key.
8. In a front-strikewriting machineythe-. combination with types, type-keys and a carri e, of a ribbon-vibratoroperable by-all of sai ke 's,'a normally ineffective carriage detent or ock, means for enabll type-keys -to set said detent toe 'ective position, and means for enabling/a subsequent stroke of any of the "other type-keys to., release said detent,
9. In a front-strike writi -machine,. the combination with t es, typeeys and a carriage, of'a carriage etent or lockwhich one of said type-keys is capable of setting but in capable of releasing and others of said .t pekeys are ca able of releasing but incapab e of setting, an a ribbon-vibrator controlled by all of said keys.
10. In a front-strike Writing-machine, the
combination with a system of rearwardlystriki type-bars and a carriage, of a universal ar, a system of keys for operating the type-bars and the universal bar, a ribbon-vibrator movable by the universal bar, and means for enabling all except one of said keys to effect feeding mpvements ofsaidcarria e.
11. In a front-strikeWriting-machine, t e combination with a system of rearwardlystriking type-bars and a carria e, ofa system of'keys connected to said typears, a univer- 1 sal bar-operable by said type-bars, a ribbonvibratoimovable by the unive-sal bar, carversal bar, and means controlled by one of said keys for preventing the feeding movement of the carriage.
- 12. Inia device of the character specified, the combination'of a carriage, feed mechanism therefor, a blank key, means con-- trolled bysaid blank key for locking the feed mechanism out of operationya system of types one of which is controlled by, said blank key; said keyiorming one of a system of keys which control the ty es; and a ribbon-vibrator operable byflall the keys in thesystem.
13. In .a'device of the character specified; the combination of type-carriers, keys for operating said type-carriers, said keys including a blank key, a carriage, feed. mechanism for said carriage, means controlled by said blank key for locking the feed mechanism out of operation, means controlled by the remaining keys for releasing the locking'means,
one of' said" mainin keys};
brator ope: riage-feeding devices controlledoby the uni-' spring-pressed loo connecting said do to one of said keys the and a keys. 1 4.
the combination of type-carriers, keys there In'a device of'the character specified,
for including a blank key, a rlbbon-vibrator operable by all of said keys, a carriage,
. feedj mechanism for said cai'1'iage, a s ac ngkey for operating said feeding-moo anism.
without iri'nting, means coxitrolled by blank"- e'y for locking'the feed mechanism out-of; operation, and rneans controlled by the remainin ty e-keys and spacing key for releasing sai loc jug means; f' 1 In atype+wjrit1n hine, the combinat n of.-types,;keys terefor a carriage, a
ribboiifvibrator 0" arable all the ke 5, car'- riage-feedin 'mec' anism, .-'a locking- 1 0g for inventingeed of the carriage, a detachable -d 'og sup ort, means operatively connecting saidloc kulg type-keys,' and? a 1 cooperative lockini-abutment: iiio'vable by the remaining t e- 'eys 16. In atype-writin machine, e combination of'types, keys t erefor, acarriag'e, a
-ribbonvibrator o erable by all-the keys, carflags-feeding mec anism ,a. movable spring:
pressed locking+dog, .-.Ine ans operative'ly connecting said do its oneof'said keys, and a nod erative 'loc 'ng-abutment connected to sai' feeding mechanism.
17 in a type-"mating machine, the combijnation .of types, keys therefor, .aican'ia .e, a ribbon-vibrator operable byallthe e s,.
a carriage-feeding mechanism, a move lo I sai e s, acooperativ e locking-abutment assoc ate with 'saidieedmg mechanism, and
s ning-gressed-loeking-dog controlled by'one d dog releasing means controlled by there i tension of said'yiel mg means beingsufficient IIO to overcome'the tension of the spring of the locking-dogjand a cooperative locklng-ab'utment connectedtdthe carriage-feeding mechanism. j
" 19. In a'typewriting machine, the'combination of ty es, keys therefor, a ribbon-vibrator opera Ie by all the keys, a carria e,-
a carriage-feedingmechanism, a move 'le spring-pressed"lockmg dog, a spring-pressed connection between said locking-dog and one of said keys, and a cooperative abutment connected to the feeding mechanism.
20. In a' type-writing machine, the OOIIlbl- .nationof types, keys therefor,- a ribbon-vibrator opera 1e by allthe keys, a carriage, a carria e-rack, a feed-dog, means for moving one 0' said ;r'ack and dog elements laterally with relation to the other, and means controlled by nation of tyges, keys therefor, a ribbonvibrator opera le by all the keys, a carriage, a oarria e-rack, a feed-dog, means for moving 0l16'0 said rack and dog elements laterallywith relation to the other, a spacing-key,-
means connected to one of said type-keys for locking the movable feed element against [0 ,movement in one direction, and means for releaslng said movable feed element by the operation of any of the-xemaining type-keys or the specing-key.



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