USRE12114E - Benjamin n - Google Patents

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USRE12114E US RE12114 E USRE12114 E US RE12114E
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Benjamin N. Hawes
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  • Thisin ven tlon relates to hyd rocarbon-burn- 4 ers adapted for use in the fire-boxes of stoves,
  • a lfurther object' is to improve the retort and superheatingpipe,'so constructing the same that the oil in being fed to the burner will be made to passinto the retort and suy perheatingpipe in an upwardly direction from the point of entrance tothe point where it is ignited, thus preventingr the accumulation of more oil in said parts than will in-Y stantly vaporize, thereby eliminating the, chance of slight-'explosions that frequently' 2 is a pers'pectiveviewof the supporting-pan 4 provided with a rib 5 to lcentral section ofihejet.
  • Fig. 5 is a perspecti ve view of aburner, showing a slightly-Inedified form of retorl; and
  • Fig. 6 is a central 'vertical section of the vburner shown in Fig. 5.
  • the base of the ⁇ burner is formed of the supporting-pan 1, havingl four upwardly-extending end'pieces 2, one at each corner, and twoopposite'lydisposed central partitions 3, thel purpose. of which will presently become apparenti
  • This pan sfurther prevent the oil, before the same is ignited to heat the burner, from' passing to the central-row of holes.y
  • the numeral 6 designates the ⁇ top or defie'ctin plate, which rests upon the pieces 2 and is provided with ⁇ short downwardly-projecting end flanges 7 and vside.flanges 8, which obviously prevent theftop plate from sliding either laterally or longitudinally upon, the panrwhen the parts areassembled.
  • the defiecting-plate is provided with.
  • Themixing-chambercan best be described as a plurality off tubes connected-togetherandcomin uncating with each athena central vertical tube 12, horizontal tube 13, and end tubes 14, allv of which are preferably of the same diameter and in the present instance preferably constructed in lateral halves firmly kheld together by two or more transverse bolts 15.
  • the central tube is provided with a flange or rib adjacent t0 its bot-tom edge aufLtwo laterally-extending slotted ears 16 for the ⁇ passage of short bolts 17, by which means. thje chamber is ⁇ firmly heldto the plate 6.
  • the lower end of the tube 12 ⁇ opens into the space 10 and the partitions 3 on ⁇ the lower plate come on eitherside of 'the opening 18 for the purpose of directly conducting tothe central tube a portionof the air passing-iluv vbetween "deflecting-plate/ 6 and plate 1 l the mixing-chamber, and is held thereto by plate, and f 4.5
  • the numeral 19 indicates the jet-pipe,which is closed at its ends, as indicated by the numeral 20, and provided with a central portion v 2l, in which is screwed the upper end of the superheatingpipe 22, ⁇ which pipe isbent around the mixing-chamber, as shown, and
  • cellent-results are accomplished byforming the jets with flaring mouths, as 33, and cham- ⁇ bers l34 and connecting the two by a hole or reduced. diameter.
  • PRG pro ect the which 'later results from the vaprizingv 'process in such 1nmanneras to aud kthoroughly mix it with air
  • I preferably provide in the bottom of the supporting-pan a series of openings 38, which are more or less covered, as the case may require, by a sliding plate 39 Yfor the obvious purpose of letting more or less air into the tube 12.
  • the nnmeral44 indicates projections which I provide on one of the lateral halves of the ymixing-chamber, said. projections being preferably arranged one in each of thevertical pipes and one ih the horizontal pipe 1,3,l and these projections enter corresponding depressions 45 in the opposite halves of themix ing-chamber, so that when the halves are assembled they will lit accurately together.
  • oil is let into the generator or retort, from whence it passes through the snlpe1'h atingpipe through. jets and is ignited on. the panand burns till the retort and superheating-pipe become sufficiently hot to convert the oil therein into vapor, which will issue from the jets in the forrnof gas, when itis forced Vdownpinto the hot air or mixing tubes 14, where it mixes with heated air coming through thetnbe 12, thus forming-a fixed thin blue flame per- !ectlyfree from smoke or soot.
  • the xed gas resulting from theadinixture-in the tubes 11 ⁇ of the heated' air and .oil-vapor is carried or forced ⁇ down throughrsaid tubes, where it comes in contact with the top of the'deiiec'tingplate, where it'is deflected and further mixeswith aircotning in'through lthe perforations in the wp plate and through theopen sides and' ends vof'thc supporting-pan.
  • Iclaimsaid plate to prosaid base comprising a central hollow section open at its lower end, and formed with laterally and downwardly extended hollow sections communicating with the central section,
  • said downwardly-extending sections being open at their lower .ends and terminating above the base, a jet-pipe having jetsv discharging downward through the downwardlyextended hollow sections, and a su perheatin gpipe connected to the jet-pipe;
  • a hydrocarbon-burner the combina- ⁇ ti'on with a suitable base, a mixing-chamber supported on said base comprising a central ⁇ hollow section open at its lower end, ⁇ and formed .with laterally and 'downwardly extended hollow sections, 'communicating with the central section, said downwardlyextending sections being open at their lower ends and terminating above the base, said later-v ally-extending section being provided with gas-inlet openings so arranged in said section that gas will be projected 'therethrough and through the downwardly-extending sections,
  • a mixing-chamber 4 supported on said -base comprising a central hollow section open at it's lower end, and formed with late-rally and downwardly ex- 45 t ling hollow sections, communicating with the central section, said downwardly-'extending sections being openat their lower ends land terminating above the ⁇ base, saidlaterally-extending sections being provided with gas-inlet openings so arranged in said sections Athat the gas will be projected therethrough and through vthe downwardlyextending sections, a jet-pipe, a superheatng-pipe having lconnection with Vthe jet-pipe, and a retortrarranged' ou an incline with relation to the superheating-pipe and having connec- Ition with said pipe,su'bstantiall y as described.
  • said downwardly-extending tubes being open at their lower ends and terminating'above the base, said laterally-extending tubes being provided with gas-inlet openings soarra-nged in said tube that the gas will beprojected therethrough and through the down-I wardly-extending tubes, a retort, a-jet-pipe, and a superheating-pipe ⁇ connecting the re- Vtort 'and jet-pipe, substantially as describe-ld..
  • a hydrocarbon-burner In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combination with a perforated base, a mixing-chamber supported on said base and formed of a 1 3.
  • the combinacentral tube open at its lower end and later'- v ally and downwardly extended tubes, the downwardly-extending tubes being open at their Vlower ends and terminating above the base and the laterally-extending tube being provided with gas-inlet openings through the vertical tubes, ajet-pipe supported above the mixing-chamber, an inclined superheatingpipe connected withthe jet-pipe at one end, aretort'conuected with the other end of said perheating-pipe, and arranged so that .the fuel-will pass upwardly through said retort to the' superheating-pipe for the purpose set forth.
  • wardly projecting tubes communicating 'vit-h Y a perforated deflecting-plate supported upon said pan, a mixing-chamber supported on the dedecting-plate and formed of a central tube open at its lower end and laterally and downthe central tube, said'downwardly-projecting tubes being open at their lower'ends, and terminating above the deilecting-plate, and said laterally-'extending tube being.
  • a hydrocarbon-burner the combination with a perforated supporti ngpan,a peri foratedfdeflecting-plate supported on said pan, a mixing-chamber supported onthe defleeting-plate and formedofja central tube ,open at its lower end, and laterally and downtral tube wardly projecting tubes being open at their lower ends and terminating above the deecting-plate, said laterally and downwardly projecting tubes being so connected with the cenas to receive the gas or air from the saidcentral tube, means for controlling the air passing through the base andthe central tube, a jet-pipe above the mixing-chamber, a retort, and a superheating-pipe connecting the retort and the jet-pipe, substantially as described.
  • a hydrocarbon burner comprising a suitable base, a dome or mixing-chamber supported on saidbase containing a central air ⁇ passage and formed with laterally-extending tral passage or duct and a pipe discharging gas-downward Athrough the dome, substantially ⁇ as described.
  • a hydrocarbon-burner Y comprising a suitable base, amixingjchamber or dome supported on said base comprising'a hollow sectionhaving an air duct or passage therethrough and formedwi'th laterally-extended y hollow sections communicating with the cen'- ing downwardly throughthe lateral extension, and a superheating-pipe connected to thejet-pipe.
  • a hydrocarbon-burner comprising a suitable base, a mixing-chamber or dome su pported on saidbase and having an air duct or passage opening through the base, and formed with laterally-extending sections having air ducts orpassages communicating with the first-mentioned passage or duct, a gaspipe arranged to discharge gas through the through the first-mentioned passage or duct and mixed with the gas as it passes through the dome and a superheating-pipe connected to this discharge-pipe, substantially as described.
  • a hydrocarbon-burner comprising ⁇ a suitable base, a dome or mixing-chamber supported on said base and formed with an air passage or duct therethrough and a laterally-v extended hollow section communicating with the frst-mentionedpassageor duct, a gas-discharging device arranged to. discharge gas through the domeand create a draft whereby hot air is drawn through the first-mentioned lpassage or duct, a superheating-pipe connected't'o the gas-discharging device,and aIk 12.
  • the'combinaheating-pipe connecting the-retort., and jet-l pan and deflecting-plate. are heldtogether, f
  • a hydrocarbon -burner comprising a stantally as described. f' l5 5 suitable base, a mixing-chamber or dome sup- In testimony whereof I ax my signature ported on said base comprising a. hollow secin the presence of two witnesses.


- REISSUED MAY 19, 1903.
Reissued May 19, -1903.
or NEW YoRK, N. Y.
'- s'PEcr'FIcrIoN forming part yornements Leners Patent No. 12,114, dated may 19. 1903.
Original No. 711,855, 'dated October 21, 1902. pplioation fonreissnefiled December 3l.A 1902. lSerial No. 137,221.
loral whom it may concern.'
` `Be it known thatl, BENJAMIN NHAWES,
a citizen of theUnited States, residing in the city of New York', in the countyand State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Hydrocarbon-Burners, of which the following is aspecification:
Thisin ven tlon relates to hyd rocarbon-burn- 4 ers adapted for use in the fire-boxes of stoves,
ranges, dec., to take the fuel usually used. .u While it is my object to improve burners of this character generally in points of construction looking to the easy assembling of the parts and the more efficient operation with regard to the air circulation and ad'm'ixplace of coal o r other heated to a highdegree of heat before itpor and then passing yit directly to pointsA products of combustion, so that the greatest possible degree of heat can be obtained, my
primary object is to improve the combustion or mixing chamber, so constructing the same that the air inpassing through it lwill be reaches and mixes with the unburned oil-va,-
p where it mixes with the vapor in its highlyheatedstate, thus more electually continuing the rapid and perfect mixture ofoikgasand air and consequent combustibilityof the mix- I ture thus produced. l
A lfurther object' is to improve the retort and superheatingpipe,'so constructing the same that the oil in being fed to the burner will be made to passinto the retort and suy perheatingpipe in an upwardly direction from the point of entrance tothe point where it is ignited, thus preventingr the accumulation of more oil in said parts than will in-Y stantly vaporize, thereby eliminating the, chance of slight-'explosions that frequently' 2 is a pers'pectiveviewof the supporting-pan 4 provided with a rib 5 to lcentral section ofihejet. Fig. 5 is a perspecti ve view of aburner, showing a slightly-Inedified form of retorl; and Fig. 6 is a central 'vertical section of the vburner shown in Fig. 5.
Referring to the drawings, the base of the` burner is formed of the supporting-pan 1, havingl four upwardly-extending end'pieces 2, one at each corner, and twoopposite'lydisposed central partitions 3, thel purpose. of which will presently become apparenti To permit the free passageof aix" through the bottomof the pan 1 when 'the same is in place in the lire-box of a store, Iprovide a .number of circular openings 4. This pan sfurther prevent the oil, before the same is ignited to heat the burner, from' passing to the central-row of holes.y
The numeral 6 designates the` top or defie'ctin plate, which rests upon the pieces 2 and is provided with` short downwardly-projecting end flanges 7 and vside.flanges 8, which obviously prevent theftop plate from sliding either laterally or longitudinally upon, the panrwhen the parts areassembled. The defiecting-plate is provided with. a number of air-holes 0, distributed` promiscuously over yitssurface to permity the heated air from the space 10 to pass above the plate 6, where it is brought in contact and mixes with the heatedair and gas in and belowthe mixing or combustion chamber 11-, as wil-l'clearly ap- .pearfartheralong Themixing-chambercan best be described as a plurality off tubes connected-togetherandcomin uncating with each athena central vertical tube 12, horizontal tube 13, and end tubes 14, allv of which are preferably of the same diameter and in the present instance preferably constructed in lateral halves firmly kheld together by two or more transverse bolts 15. The central tube is provided with a flange or rib adjacent t0 its bot-tom edge aufLtwo laterally-extending slotted ears 16 for the` passage of short bolts 17, by which means. thje chamber is` firmly heldto the plate 6. As shown at 1S, Fig. 6, the lower end of the tube 12` opens into the space 10 and the partitions 3 on`the lower plate come on eitherside of 'the opening 18 for the purpose of directly conducting tothe central tube a portionof the air passing-iluv vbetween "deflecting-plate/ 6 and plate 1 l the mixing-chamber, and is held thereto by plate, and f 4.5
1 f pan together. 31, which are verably. bynnts and the central tube and preventing the same from conflicting with air-currents more advantageously passing through the perforar` tions in the top plate 6 to reunite above the said plate with the air that passes up through the central tube and through the, mixing or combustion chamber. t
The numeral 19 indicates the jet-pipe,which is closed at its ends, as indicated by the numeral 20, and provided with a central portion v 2l, in which is screwed the upper end of the superheatingpipe 22,`which pipe isbent around the mixing-chamber, as shown, and
formed into a'vertical portion 23 and inclined portions 24 and 25, the end of the longer portion being screwedvinto the retort 26, which `will 'presently be described. The jet-pipe rests upon two vertical pieces 27, cast integral with one orv the other ofV the halves of vertical rods 28, bent tov form hooks 29, which h'ooliv over ythe pipe, pass through the top are held to the bottom 'plate pref- These rods also The pipe is provided with jets threaded and screwed into the -l .,;,-,pipe and when the parts are assemble.d 00m@ in thevt'ube 13 as to directly over circular openings 32, so located bring them at about the .,-i center of the tube 14, so that thegas in pass- -the panv l V channel 3h4 o f very much This has the eect or tendency to atomize the oil when the vsame isfrst fedinto the burner f '45 ratory to va'porilzing the' same and to more readily and vthus'render pable'ol generating'a [laine of a very high de-V rwillcreate a downdraft and air upthrough the tube 12, thus quickening` thefpassagejof the air through the last-inen- .tioned tube andvspace and side and ends of l., @I have found in practice that ex.
ing withconsiderable `force .into the tube 14 cellent-results are accomplished byforming the jets with flaring mouths, as 33, and cham-` bers l34 and connecting the two by a hole or reduced. diameter.
PRG pro ect the which 'later results from the vaprizingv 'process in such 1nmanneras to aud kthoroughly mix it with air,
it more combustible and cagree of he'at. The retort i 'where the pipe entersbeing swollen 'or enlarzed'and taper downv to the size of the su` perheating-pipe' where the elbows connect with said superheating-pipe and oil-inlet pipe.
By forming therretort .ranging the retort and-thesuperheating-ppe as shown-that is to say, with much more interior space than the vsame length of. superheating-pipe.and ar- "unan yincline conductstheloil inrco'mng into the burner constantly to a=higher point than the oil-inlet,. thus avoiding` `.they possibility of =heotlaccumulating in the :or superrenting-piper,
all tendency of said, oil. when @the pressure is relieved being to tlowback out .prevent their sliding 30, as clearly shown in Fig. 6.`
hold the deiiecting-plate and` draw tlnalheatedr 2d Vis f orme'd'in the main of two elbows 36co'upled by a pipe A37, the elbowsl l gas which .burns in a vof the burner into the supply-pipe, wh.ere no vaporzation takes place. By this arrangement I find that the possibility of slight explosions, which exert a backward pressure upon the supply-pipe and preventa steady uniform flame, is entirely eliminated.
I preferably provide in the bottom of the supporting-pan a series of openings 38, which are more or less covered, as the case may require, by a sliding plate 39 Yfor the obvious purpose of letting more or less air into the tube 12.
The nnmeral44 indicates projections which I provide on one of the lateral halves of the ymixing-chamber, said. projections being preferably arranged one in each of thevertical pipes and one ih the horizontal pipe 1,3,l and these projections enter corresponding depressions 45 in the opposite halves of themix ing-chamber, so that when the halves are assembled they will lit accurately together. and
render the assembling of the parts easy and upon each other when the burner is assembled.
The construction ofthe burner shown in Figs. 5 and 6 is identical with that showniu Figs. 1 and 2,.with the exception that the 'retort is slightly modiiied, ytliesame being iormedwith a reduced side portion 40, into which is screwed elbow 41, which in-tnrn receives the inclined vportion 24 of the Isupporting-pipe. Tapped into thel face'of this retort is the oil-supply pipe 42, controlledby an orloo dinary valve 43,' through which the desired i amount of oil is permitted to pass to said re'- tort from a suitable oil-tank.k (Notshown.) It willbe noted in Ithis construction thatthe point of oil-supply is below the end o f the that saidV superheat.
superheating-pipe and ing-pipe is inclined from the point where it enters the retort to the point where it connects with the vertical section 23 of said su'- perheating-pipe. t
In operation oil is let into the generator or retort, from whence it passes through the snlpe1'h atingpipe through. jets and is ignited on. the panand burns till the retort and superheating-pipe become sufficiently hot to convert the oil therein into vapor, which will issue from the jets in the forrnof gas, when itis forced Vdownpinto the hot air or mixing tubes 14, where it mixes with heated air coming through thetnbe 12, thus forming-a fixed thin blue flame per- !ectlyfree from smoke or soot. The xed gas resulting from theadinixture-in the tubes 11`of the heated' air and .oil-vapor is carried or forced` down throughrsaid tubes, where it comes in contact with the top of the'deiiec'tingplate, where it'is deflected and further mixeswith aircotning in'through lthe perforations in the wp plate and through theopen sides and' ends vof'thc supporting-pan.
In burners of this character it is essential in ,order to obtain perfect comhnstiexrand a blue tlame that the air before it is brought in from' the jets contact with the gasas issues be heated to a very h-igh degree otheat, and
while in some instances,'depend in'g largely upon-the condition of the stove in which the burner is installed, it is, desirable' to use ay 5 top plate, such as I term the deflectingplate,l withair inletopenings therein, in otherinstances this is not necessary o r desirable, as I have found in practice that au' cirsuicieutly byvcontact with duce the 'desired results.
. Iclaimsaid plate to prosaid base comprising a central hollow section open at its lower end, and formed with laterally and downwardly extended hollow sections communicating with the central section,
said downwardly-extending sections being open at their lower .ends and terminating above the base, a jet-pipe having jetsv discharging downward through the downwardlyextended hollow sections, and a su perheatin gpipe connected to the jet-pipe;
2. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combina- `ti'on with a suitable base, a mixing-chamber supported on said base comprising a central `hollow section open at its lower end,` and formed .with laterally and 'downwardly extended hollow sections, 'communicating with the central section, said downwardlyextending sections being open at their lower ends and terminating above the base, said later-v ally-extending section being provided with gas-inlet openings so arranged in said section that gas will be projected 'therethrough and through the downwardly-extending sections,
a jet-pipe-and a superhcating-pipe connected to the'jet-pipe, substantially as described.
tion with a 'suitable base, a mixing-chamber 4 supported on said -base comprising a central hollow section open at it's lower end, and formed with late-rally and downwardly ex- 45 t ling hollow sections, communicating with the central section, said downwardly-'extending sections being openat their lower ends land terminating above the`base, saidlaterally-extending sections being provided with gas-inlet openings so arranged in said sections Athat the gas will be projected therethrough and through vthe downwardlyextending sections, a jet-pipe, a superheatng-pipe having lconnection with Vthe jet-pipe, and a retortrarranged' ou an incline with relation to the superheating-pipe and having connec- Ition with said pipe,su'bstantiall y as described.
4. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combina.- f
tion with asnitable base having air-inlet openings therethrough, a mixingchamber supported'on said base comprising a central hollow-setionopen at its lower end, and formed with laterally and downwardly extendedholbeing 'pp'ei'at their lowerends, and terminatingl above the base, a jetlpipe having jets 4culatixg beneath the deflecting-plate is heated low sections communicating with the central section, said downwardly-extending sections discharging ldownward through the downwardly-extended hollow sections, 'and a su-.
perheating-pipe connected with the v jet-pipe, substantially as described.
5. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combina-A tion with asuitablehase,havingair-inlet openings therethrough, a mixing-chamber .sup-
.ported on said base comprising a l central hollowsection op'en at it's lower end, and' formed with laterally and downwardly'extended hol-f.A
low sections 'communicating' with' the'central section, said downwardly-extending'sections being open at their lower ends'and terminat-y ing above the base, said laterallyexteuding section being provided with gas-inlet openings so arranged in said section that -the gas will, be projected therethrough andgthrough the downwardly-extended sections, a jet-pipe and a superheating-pipe connected' to the jetpipe, Vsubstantially as described. 6. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combination with a suitable base,having air-inlet openings therethrough, a mixing-chamber supported on said base and provided with a cen- -tral tube, open at its lower end', and formed Withlaterally and downwardly .extended tubes communicating with the central tube,
said downwardly-extending tubes being open at their lower ends and terminating'above the base, said laterally-extending tubes being provided with gas-inlet openings soarra-nged in said tube that the gas will beprojected therethrough and through the down-I wardly-extending tubes, a retort, a-jet-pipe, and a superheating-pipe` connecting the re- Vtort 'and jet-pipe, substantially as describe-ld..
7.' In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combination with a perforated base, a mixing-chamber supported on said base and formed of a 1 3. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combinacentral tube open at its lower end and later'- v ally and downwardly extended tubes, the downwardly-extending tubes being open at their Vlower ends and terminating above the base and the laterally-extending tube being provided with gas-inlet openings through the vertical tubes, ajet-pipe supported above the mixing-chamber, an inclined superheatingpipe connected withthe jet-pipe at one end, aretort'conuected with the other end of said perheating-pipe, and arranged so that .the fuel-will pass upwardly through said retort to the' superheating-pipe for the purpose set forth.
8. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combina- 'municating with acentral tube, said downwardly-extending tubes being open atftheir y 'lower ends and terminating above the deflecting-plate, said laterally-extending'pipes bev ingf'provided with gas-inlet openings, a jetsu perheatingpipe,said retort being of greater interior capacity than the same length of su- ,substantially as and pipe supported above the mixing-chamber and having jehs adapted to project the gas downwardly through the downwardly-extended tubes, a superheating-pipe having one end connected with the jetpipe,a retort connected to the other end of the superheating-pi'pe,said retort being of greater interior capacity than thesa'me length of superheating-pip'e, and so arranged that the oil will lHow upwardly through the retort to thesuperheating-pipe,
substantially as and vfor the purpose set forth. 9. In a hydrocarbon-burner,` the combination with a base comprising aperforated su py porting-pan cut away at Aits sides and ends,
wardly projecting tubes communicating 'vit-h Y a perforated deflecting-plate supported upon said pan, a mixing-chamber supported on the dedecting-plate and formed of a central tube open at its lower end and laterally and downthe central tube, said'downwardly-projecting tubes being open at their lower'ends, and terminating above the deilecting-plate, and said laterally-'extending tube being. provided with gas-inlet openings through which the gas is projected' through the downwardly-projectingtubes, a jet-pipe supportedabove the mixing-chamber, a superheating-pipe connected with the jet-pipe, and arrangedto conduct the fuel in avgenerally upward direction, from the point of oil-supply, a retort connected withtheother end of the superheating-pipe lateral halves, onev provided with projections and the other with depressions for the purpose set forth, and which halves when as- Y sembled, form a central tube'open at itslower end and laterally and `downwardly extending tubes communicating therewith, the downwardly-extending tubes being open at their lower ends and terminating above the deecting-plate, a jet-pipe supported above the' mixing-chamber,adapted to project gas downwardly through the same,a retort,and a superheating-pipe connecting theretort and jetpipe, substantially as described. l
11. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the combination with a perforated supporti ngpan,a peri foratedfdeflecting-plate supported on said pan, a mixing-chamber supported onthe defleeting-plate and formedofja central tube ,open at its lower end, and laterally and downtral tube wardly projecting tubes being open at their lower ends and terminating above the deecting-plate, said laterally and downwardly projecting tubes being so connected with the cenas to receive the gas or air from the saidcentral tube, means for controlling the air passing through the base andthe central tube, a jet-pipe above the mixing-chamber, a retort, and a superheating-pipe connecting the retort and the jet-pipe, substantially as described. f
tion with a perforated supporting-pan, of-.a defie'cting-plate supported 'on said pan, a -mix, ing-chamber supported ou y the deliectingplate and-formed ofav central tube open at its lower end and laterally and downwardly extending tubes connected with the rcentral tube, the downwardly-extending tubes being open at their lower ends and terminating above the deflecting-plate, a j et-pipeadapted to project gas downwardly through the downwardly-projecting tubes, a retort, a superpipe, hooked rods connectedwith the jetpipe, and extending downwardly lhroughrthe, base,whereby the jet-pipe is heldin its proper position above the mixing-chamber, and the substantially as described.l
13. A hydrocarbon burner comprising a suitable base, a dome or mixing-chamber supported on saidbase containing a central air` passage and formed with laterally-extending tral passage or duct and a pipe discharging gas-downward Athrough the dome, substantially` as described.
let. A hydrocarbon-burner Ycomprising a suitable base, amixingjchamber or dome supported on said base comprising'a hollow sectionhaving an air duct or passage therethrough and formedwi'th laterally-extended y hollow sections communicating with the cen'- ing downwardly throughthe lateral extension, and a superheating-pipe connected to thejet-pipe. A y
15. A hydrocarbon-burner comprising a suitable base, a mixing-chamber or dome su pported on saidbase and having an air duct or passage opening through the base, and formed with laterally-extending sections having air ducts orpassages communicating with the first-mentioned passage or duct, a gaspipe arranged to discharge gas through the through the first-mentioned passage or duct and mixed with the gas as it passes through the dome and a superheating-pipe connected to this discharge-pipe, substantially as described. y
16.*-A hydrocarbon-burner comprising `a suitable base, a dome or mixing-chamber supported on said base and formed with an air passage or duct therethrough and a laterally-v extended hollow section communicating with the frst-mentionedpassageor duct, a gas-discharging device arranged to. discharge gas through the domeand create a draft whereby hot air is drawn through the first-mentioned lpassage or duct, a superheating-pipe connected't'o the gas-discharging device,and aIk 12. In a hydrocarbon-burner, the'combinaheating-pipe connecting the-retort., and jet-l pan and deflecting-plate. are heldtogether, f
hollow sections communicating with the central section, a jet-pipe'hlav'in'g iets discharglateral extension whereby hot air is drawn f retort arranged on an incline with relation to where it is xnixed. with hot air from the first' the superheating-pipe and having connection passage or duct, and a superheating-ppe oonwith said pipe, substantially as described. nected with said gas-discharging device, enh i 17. A hydrocarbon -burner comprising a stantally as described. f' l5 5 suitable base, a mixing-chamber or dome sup- In testimony whereof I ax my signature ported on said base comprising a. hollow secin the presence of two witnesses.
tion for the passage of airv therethrough and formed' with laterally-extended hollow section or sections communicating with the cen- Witnesses: ro trai section, a gas-discharging device ar- MARIE J. HAWES,
ranged to discharge gas through the dome LUELLA SMITH.



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