USRE11991E - campbell - Google Patents

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USRE11991E US RE11991 E USRE11991 E US RE11991E
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  • m a e fuiiy mlle y I) is m"- iy 1:215:61 the: an xi by the ear .lmve the gm as com mmwc-LM w .v 'KQSG- with 53 a mix using a 132;. "round; so
  • the armature E is preferably formed on. top with a central portion E, fitting loosely in a groove in the upper conducting member 0, and said armature is also formed with side flanges E extending to the sides of the said member .0 in recesses cutin the under side of the top of the conduit A, as is plainly shown in Fig.2.
  • the armature presents a large top surface to the influence ot' the magnets to insure a proper opening upof the trolley-frame and perfect contact of the wheels J with the member C as long as the magnets F are active over the conduit.
  • supports K for the trolley to support said trolley in an upright position when the members D D are in a closed positionthat-is, when the upper wheels J are out of engagement with the upper member 0 of the main conductor.
  • the supports Kare each in the form'of a lever fulcrumed on the lower portions of the members D D to swing in a transverse direction, the inner end ex-' tending in the path of the corresponding upper portion of the frame member, the outer end being adapted to engage the inner face of the side of the conduit A, so as to hold 40' the trolley D in an upright position, as shown -in the drawings.
  • the device is very simple and durable in construction, is positive in operation, especially as no springs or similar devices are employed and no extra mechanism is required in any w'ayon the car over that used in present systems, and the motormen use the present controller, the, in the same way as heretofore and have absolutely no larger or new mechanism to take care of.
  • the conduit can be cheaply constructed'and its bottom, sides, and top properly sealed and rendered moisture-proof to insure a proper working of the trolley at all times, and, besides, by having the surface conductor separatefrom the conduit and in the form of an iron or steel rail a very good contact is had at all times between the shoe and said conductor and irrespective of the relation between the mag-' nets and the armature E.
  • the sectional conductor-rail H is sufilciently removed from the conduit, sothat this rail, though made of iron, does not interfere with the proper magnetic control of the car-mag net over the armature secured to the trolley.
  • a conduit havinga sectionalmain conductor, a trolley mounted to travel in said conduit in contact with said sectional conductor and carrying an armature arranged to be acted upon by the magnets on a moving car to move the troll "ley in said conduit, a sectional surface condue-tor separated from and external to said conduit and electrically connected with the sectional main conductor in the interior of the conduit, and a contact-piece on the car for contact with the said sectional surface conductor, substantially as shown and described.
  • the said trolley being capableof opening up or folding to establish or break; connection with the members ofthe main conductor-in the conduit when the trolley is under magnetic influence or not, a sectional surface conductor separated from and extefrnal to said conduit and, electrically connected.
  • a conduit carrying amain conductor a trolley mounted to travel therein and capable of opening up or folding, to establish or break connection with the members. of the main conductor in the conduit when the trolley is under magnetic influence or not, and a trolley-support for the said trolley and thrown into action when the trolley folds up, to support the trolley in an upright position in the conduit, substantially as shown and described.
  • a trolley capable of making connection between two conductors when the trolley is under magnetic influence and arranged to break con-. nection between the conductorswhen the magnetic influence ceases, and means for supporting the trolley in an upright position when connection between the conductors is broken, substantially as described.
  • a trolley capable of making connection' between two conductors when the trolley is under magnetic influence, and arranged to break connection between the conductors when the magnetic influence ceases, saidtrolley having members comprising bars'pivotally connected with each other at or near their middle by a transverse pivot and adapted to open up or foid, substantially as set forth.
  • a trolley capable of making connection between two conductors when the trolleyois under magnetic influence, and arranged to break connection between the cond uctors when the magnetic influence ceases, said trolley having members pivotally connected with each other to open or fold, and a trolley-support carried by one of the members, and adaptedto be roe actuated by the other member when the memhers fold, to hold the trolley in an upright position.
  • a trolley o close to break the Tonnesv comprising a freme pivoted members
  • a troliey' comprising a, fremc having'two members piv' otelly connected with each other at or near their middle, eels journalcd on the ends of said members, and an armature cm'riedfby the np icr nortions of the members, the urine ture having it sliding connection with said portions, substantially as shown genil de scribed 14.
  • a trolley comprisingn frame having two members piv otnlly connected with each other at or near their middle, wheels journziled at the ends of the said rncmbermand support for the trolley and carried by said frome, nnd adapted to be moved into an active position. when the two nvoted frame members close, substen as shown and described.
  • a, conduit containing a, main conductor comprising uppar and lower members, each having a lnngi- 8o tndinal groove in its inner face, a trolley com-' prising a frame having pivoted members, bottom and top Wheels on said n embers' and ndeptcdto travel in the groove'i'n the conductor, and an armature carried by the members '8 5 of the trolleyframe the said armature being formed von instep with a central portion fitting loosely in the groove of the upper member of the conductor, and also having side flanges extending to the sides of the said memher ofthe conductor, whereby the armature presents a large top surface to the influence of the magnets on the car, substantially as described,
  • aconduit carrying a, conductor, a trolley arranged to travel in the conduit and having members pivotally connected with 63th other to open or close, and a tr0lley-support consisting of' levers fnlcru med on the lower portions of the loo members to swing in a transverse direction, the upper or inner ends of said levers extending in the path of the corresponding upper portion of the frame members and adapted to be engaged thereby to swing the levers onbm5 ward when the frame members close, the outer or free ends of said levers being adapted to engage the sides of the conduit when the levars are swung outward, substantially as'de- In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses. 4


No, man.
Reissuafl May 20, I902.
(Appiication fllad In: 27, 1901.)
Wiznesses: I
I Inventor Gqovyal. avg-256E,
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Tin izwa w-systemasue era Pat- 311503 saetiaus'uo -onduc- 61. m a e fuiiy mlle y I) is m"- iy 1:215:61 the: an xi by the ear .lmve the gm as com mmwc-LM w .v 'KQSG- with 53 a mix using a 132;. "round; so
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e y a cmiduct 1* and wanes-ted 80 cam-1110mm Both G in the mnd'uifi; and ii are aauiioxml, as has FBQHOH of the sandmaa section of 13116 8 zztielycppssite 13} it,
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4o 2 i5 t" 3 line 2 21ml similar am mummor closed position,so that the height of the trolley D can varyslightly in order that the trolleymayaccomdate itself to the slightly-varying height of the conduit at various points alongits length. The armature E is preferably formed on. top with a central portion E, fitting loosely in a groove in the upper conducting member 0, and said armature is also formed with side flanges E extending to the sides of the said member .0 in recesses cutin the under side of the top of the conduit A, as is plainly shown in Fig.2. By the arrangement described the armature presents a large top surface to the influence ot' the magnets to insure a proper opening upof the trolley-frame and perfect contact of the wheels J with the member C as long as the magnets F are active over the conduit. i 1
On the lower portions of the members D D are arranged supports K for the trolley to support said trolley in an upright position when the members D D are in a closed positionthat-is, when the upper wheels J are out of engagement with the upper member 0 of the main conductor. The supports Kare each in the form'of a lever fulcrumed on the lower portions of the members D D to swing in a transverse direction, the inner end ex-' tending in the path of the corresponding upper portion of the frame member, the outer end being adapted to engage the inner face of the side of the conduit A, so as to hold 40' the trolley D in an upright position, as shown -in the drawings.
From the foregoing it will be seen that when the members D D of the frame close the upper portions of these members will come into contact with the inner ends of the supporting-levers K upon both sides of the trolley, so as to swing the lower ends of these levers outward symmetrically until they engage the sides of the conduit A. Consequently the trolley D is -held in an upright position, with the wheels J out of engagement with the members 0 ofthe'main conductor. As shown in the drawings, four such supports K are employed, (see Figs. 1 and 2,) and hey are deemed, sufficient to hold the troll in the desired position." v
The operation is as follows: Whenthe car is running, the influence of the magnets F on the armature E will hold the latter in a raised position, so that the wheels J travel in the groove of the upper member 0 of the main condufltor, and consequently electricity can pass fiom the feed-wire B, by means of the branch wire 13, to the lower member 0, and thence byihe wheels J, the frame members D D and the wheels J to the upper member C, to pass from the latter by the fiuence of said magnets on the armature E ceases, and consequently the members D D of the trolley-frame are free to close by swinging on their pivot D so that the wheels J move out of engagement with the member 0 of the main conductor, whereby electrical connection between the members 0 C of the main conductor ceases, and at the same .time the closing of'the trolley members causes an outward swinging of the levers or supports K, so that the trolley is supported in an upright position during the time the armature E is out of the magnetic influence of the magnets F. Furthermore, the movement of tho levers or supports K in contact with the. sides of the conduit .causes a braking of the trolley to bring the latter to a standstill in the cenduit. WVhen the car is replaced-on the track and the magnets F again exert magnetic infiuence on the armature E, then the latter is attracted in an upward directi.on,so that the members D and D of the trolley-frame swing I into an open position, whereby the wheels J again move in contact with the upper .sectional member 0 of the main conductor, and consequently electrical connection is again established between the members and the sectional main conductor.
From the foregoing it is evident that a proper conducting of the electricity from the feed-wire to the members on the'car is insured as long as the car is iniproper running condition, and in case the car leaves the track or the magnets lose their power then the surface. conductor H instantly becomes a dead-rail, and consequently there is no danger from said rail. Also, since the conductor H is sectional and since only the section or sections immediately adjacent the trolley D are electrically connected with the main conductor 0 through the trol-leyD and the sections of the conductor C, as is usual in this art, there is no considerable extent of exposed charged conductor in the street. Indeed it is possible fortthe entire charged condue-tor to be under the car itself, so that no portion of the external conductor H would be likely to cause accidents through persons coming in contact with the same.
The device is very simple and durable in construction, is positive in operation, especially as no springs or similar devices are employed and no extra mechanism is required in any w'ayon the car over that used in present systems, and the motormen use the present controller, the, in the same way as heretofore and have absolutely no larger or new mechanism to take care of.
It is understood that by having the surface conductor or third rail entirely outside of the conduit, but close to one side thereof, so as to be conveniently'engaged by the contact-shoe I, attached to the car, the conduit can be cheaply constructed'and its bottom, sides, and top properly sealed and rendered moisture-proof to insure a proper working of the trolley at all times, and, besides, by having the surface conductor separatefrom the conduit and in the form of an iron or steel rail a very good contact is had at all times between the shoe and said conductor and irrespective of the relation between the mag-' nets and the armature E. This is because the sectional conductor-rail H is sufilciently removed from the conduit, sothat this rail, though made of iron, does not interfere with the proper magnetic control of the car-mag net over the armature secured to the trolley.
- By supporting the trolley in an upright posiwithout using all of the same and parts may be used in connection with other-devices. I
do not, therefore, desire to be limited to the disclosure which Ihave made in this case;
What I claim as new, and what Idesire to secureby Letters Patent, isset forth in the appended claims:
1. In an electric-railway system, a conduit havinga sectionalmain conductor, a trolley mounted to travel in said conduit in contact with said sectional conductor and carrying an armature arranged to be acted upon by the magnets on a moving car to move the troll "ley in said conduit, a sectional surface condue-tor separated from and external to said conduit and electrically connected with the sectional main conductor in the interior of the conduit, and a contact-piece on the car for contact with the said sectional surface conductor, substantially as shown and described.
2. In an electric-railway system, a conduit containinga-main conductor consisting of two separated members, one of. which is connected with a source of electricity and the other of which is sectional, a trolley mounted to travel on the two members of the said main condnctor to electrically connectthe members, a sectional surface conductor at one side of the said conduit and electrically connected with the sectional member of the main conductor and a contact-piece moving with the car and Furthermore,"
moving car, the said trolley being capableof opening up or folding to establish or break; connection with the members ofthe main conductor-in the conduit when the trolley is under magnetic influence or not, a sectional surface conductor separated from and extefrnal to said conduit and, electrically connected.
with the sectional main-conductor member in the interior of the conduit and a contactpiece on the car for contact with said surface conductor,substantially as shown and described. V r
p 4. In an'electric-railway system, a closed conduit, a conductor connected with a source of electricity extending along the bottom of the conduit, asectional conductor extending along the top of the conduit, atrolley mounted to travel in the conduit to connect the .cou=
doctors at the top and bottom of the same,
a sectional surface conductor e'xternalto and separated from said conduit and means to.
electrically connect the sections of said surface conductor with the sections of said sec tional conductor at the top of'thecon'd'uit.
5. In an electric-railway system, a conduit carrying amain conductor, a trolley mounted to travel therein and capable of opening up or folding, to establish or break connection with the members. of the main conductor in the conduit when the trolley is under magnetic influence or not, and a trolley-support for the said trolley and thrown into action when the trolley folds up, to support the trolley in an upright position in the conduit, substantially as shown and described.
6. In an electricq'ailway system, a trolley capable of making connection between two conductors when the trolley is under magnetic influence and arranged to break con-. nection between the conductorswhen the magnetic influence ceases, and means for supporting the trolley in an upright position when connection between the conductors is broken, substantially as described.
7. In an electric-railway system, a trolley capable of making connection' between two conductors when the trolley is under magnetic influence, and arranged to break connection between the conductors when the magnetic influence ceases, saidtrolley having members comprising bars'pivotally connected with each other at or near their middle by a transverse pivot and adapted to open up or foid, substantially as set forth.
8. In an electric-railway system, a trolley capable of making connection between two conductors when the trolleyois under magnetic influence, and arranged to break connection between the cond uctors when the magnetic influence ceases, said trolley having members pivotally connected with each other to open or fold, and a trolley-support carried by one of the members, and adaptedto be roe actuated by the other member when the memhers fold, to hold the trolley in an upright position.
i). In an electric-railway system. a conduit otally m.
- r vel in said conduit said trolley having mbe at opted to open up to esneciion between said conductors 10 In an electricunilwny system, a conduit having internal cond natural, a trolley mounted to travel in, said ccndnit, said trolley having pivoted "members adopted to open up to establish. connection between said. conductors and to fold up or close in) break" the connec tion between snid conductors, and it support carried, by one of the members and adapted ted. by the other mernbercn the or" it troliey, to the supportin engagernfifi with tho inner surface of the conduit, to support the Holley in an "uprightposit-ion when folded out of engagement with one oi the conductors, substantially as shown enddescribed.
11. In eloctrimmilwny system, a trolley o close to break the Tonnesv comprising a freme pivoted members,
13. In 51h electric-railway system, a troliey' comprising a, fremc having'two members piv' otelly connected with each other at or near their middle, eels journalcd on the ends of said members, and an armature cm'riedfby the np icr nortions of the members, the urine ture having it sliding connection with said portions, substantially as shown genil de scribed 14., In an electric-railway system, a trolley comprisingn frame having two members piv otnlly connected with each other at or near their middle, wheels journziled at the ends of the said rncmbermand support for the trolley and carried by said frome, nnd adapted to be moved into an active position. when the two nvoted frame members close, substen as shown and described.
i at: eloctriornilwey system, trolley comp at frame having two members pivuocted with each other ator near their middie, Wheels jonnnnled at the'ends of tlml scribed.
the said members, and a support for the trol- 6o ley carried bysaid frame, and adapted to be moved into an active position when the two pivoted frame members close, said support consisting of levers pivoted to the lower portions of the frame members, andextending with one end into the path of the upper frame members, substantially as shown and described.- V I 16. In an electric-railway system, a, conduit carrying a, conductor, a trolley arranged to travel ii said 0 nd nit and comprisinga frame. having pivoted nembers free to Swing into an open or closed position, andan armature for the magneto on the car, the s'aid armature being carried by the upper portion-of the members of the trolley-frame and having side flanges, substantially as described.
17 In an electric-railway system, a, conduit containing a, main conductor comprising uppar and lower members, each having a lnngi- 8o tndinal groove in its inner face, a trolley com-' prising a frame having pivoted members, bottom and top Wheels on said n embers' and ndeptcdto travel in the groove'i'n the conductor, and an armature carried by the members '8 5 of the trolleyframe the said armature being formed von instep with a central portion fitting loosely in the groove of the upper member of the conductor, and also having side flanges extending to the sides of the said memher ofthe conductor, whereby the armature presents a large top surface to the influence of the magnets on the car, substantially as described,
18. In an electric-railway system, aconduit carrying a, conductor, a trolley arranged to travel in the conduit and having members pivotally connected with 63th other to open or close, and a tr0lley-support consisting of' levers fnlcru med on the lower portions of the loo members to swing in a transverse direction, the upper or inner ends of said levers extending in the path of the corresponding upper portion of the frame members and adapted to be engaged thereby to swing the levers onbm5 ward when the frame members close, the outer or free ends of said levers being adapted to engage the sides of the conduit when the levars are swung outward, substantially as'de- In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses. 4



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