USRE1187E - Improvement in water-wheels - Google Patents

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USRE1187E US RE1187 E USRE1187 E US RE1187E
United States
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Heney G. Nelson
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  • A represents the scroll of the wheel
  • B the water induction passage
  • G a central vent ordischarge-opening
  • D is the shaft of the wheel, having its lower end stepped at a in a framing, E, which supports the scroll A.
  • E which supports the scroll A.
  • On the shaft D are two polygonal flanged collars performing a divided adjustable hub, F F', which parts are placed and secured upon the shaft D by screw-bol ts bin each part F F.
  • This divided hub may be of cast-iron or other material, and each part has projecting from it a liange, c, said anges being in the same planes as the faces of the hub, and forming, in fact, portions of the faces, as' will be seen by referring to Figs. l and 3.
  • a bucket, G To each face or side of the divided hub F F there is secured a bucket, G, by bolts b, said bolts passing through the flanges c, and the two parts, F F', are thus connected by each bucket.
  • rlhe buckets G are simply wrought-iron plates Wood or cast-iron might be used, but wrou ght-iron would be preferable. However, I am not con fined to any material.
  • the shaft D is of wroughtiron, and the scroll A of cast-iron.
  • each shaft H H is attached to the under side of the scroll A.
  • each shaft is allowed to turn freely in their bearings e, and to each shaft a gate, I, is attached, each gate having a semicircul ar notch, f, made in it that it may when closed tit snugly around the shaft D.
  • the outer ends of the shafts H H are provided with geared sectors J J, which mesh into each other, and into one of the sectors, J, a pinion, K, gears, said pinion being ona shaft, L, which has a wheel, M, at its outer end.
  • the gates-l I, in consequence ot' being connected by the geared sectors J J, are raised and lowered simultaneously, and the discharge of the water from the scroll A, and consequently the speed of the wheel may be regulated as desired and with greater facility than usual.
  • Fig. 3 is a diagram showing the hubs set apart or adjusted upon the shaft, with a space between them, and vbuckets of greater width attached than the buckets shown in Fig. l, there being no change in the relative sizes ot' the parts except in the width of ⁇ the buckets.


l of a suitable length and height.
' sides of the vent O.
Specication forming part of Letters Patent No. 29,810, dated August 28, 1860; Reissue N0. 1,187, dated May 2l, 1861.
tion, taken in the line our Fig. 2, a horizontal section of the same, taken in the line y y, Fig. l. Fig. 3 is an explanatory diagram.
Similar letters of reference indicate lcorre- A spending parts in the three figures.
To enable those skilled in the art to fully understand and construct my invention, I will proceed to describe it.
A represents the scroll of the wheel, B the water induction passage, and G a central vent ordischarge-opening. D is the shaft of the wheel, having its lower end stepped at a in a framing, E, which supports the scroll A. On the shaft D are two polygonal flanged collars performing a divided adjustable hub, F F', which parts are placed and secured upon the shaft D by screw-bol ts bin each part F F. This divided hub may be of cast-iron or other material, and each part has projecting from it a liange, c, said anges being in the same planes as the faces of the hub, and forming, in fact, portions of the faces, as' will be seen by referring to Figs. l and 3. To each face or side of the divided hub F F there is secured a bucket, G, by bolts b, said bolts passing through the flanges c, and the two parts, F F', are thus connected by each bucket. rlhe buckets G are simply wrought-iron plates Wood or cast-iron might be used, but wrou ght-iron would be preferable. However, I am not con fined to any material. The shaft D is of wroughtiron, and the scroll A of cast-iron.
To the under side of the scroll A there are attached the parallel shafts H H at opposite These shafts are allowed to turn freely in their bearings e, and to each shaft a gate, I, is attached, each gate having a semicircul ar notch, f, made in it that it may when closed tit snugly around the shaft D.
tween them.
The two gates I I, vwhen closed, cover the vent or opening O and prevent the escape of water from the scroll A.
The outer ends of the shafts H H are provided with geared sectors J J, which mesh into each other, and into one of the sectors, J, a pinion, K, gears, said pinion being ona shaft, L, which has a wheel, M, at its outer end. The gates-l I, in consequence ot' being connected by the geared sectors J J, are raised and lowered simultaneously, and the discharge of the water from the scroll A, and consequently the speed of the wheel may be regulated as desired and with greater facility than usual.
By having the wheel formed by bolting buckets to the sides or faces of a polygonal hub a very simple, cheap, and durable wheel isv obtained, as all the work required is simply to bolt the buckets to the hub. In case of a bucket being injured, it may be readily de tached and replaced by a new one.
By having the hub divided or made in the form of two separate polygonal ilan ged parts or collars the said parts will form a sufficient hub for carrying different-sized buckets. My improvement may thus be extensively applied to various sizes and kinds of wheels.
Fig. 3 is a diagram showing the hubs set apart or adjusted upon the shaft, with a space between them, and vbuckets of greater width attached than the buckets shown in Fig. l, there being no change in the relative sizes ot' the parts except in the width of `the buckets.
When the hubs are set apart from each other, as in Fig. 3, there is an open space be- Thus large wheels may be con structed without any additional weight of hub whereas the common construction involves increased weight of hub wit-h increased size or draft of wheel. Vheels constructed with my improvement will therefore move easier and more economically size for size than wheels constructed in the ordinary manner.
I do not claim, broadly, the employment or use of gates placed at the discharge orifice or vent of the scroll or penstock of a waterwheel, for gates thusA placed have been previously used, althoughv arranged difterently from the plan herein shown and described, and not so convenient to operate.
I am aware that wheels with divided hubs have been previously used. The advantage of this ptrt of my invention consists in the all as herein shown and described, and for the facility afforded for securely attaching buckets formed of flat plates of meta-l or Wood.
purposes explained.
2. The arrangement of the gates I I, shafts Having thus described my invention, what .H H, and sectors J J With the shaft D, vent 1 claim therein as new, and desire to secure G, and case A, all as herein shown and de- Aby Letters Patent, is-
1. The combination of the polygonal flanged adjustable collars F F c With buckets G, formed otl simple plates of metal or other material, forming connections between the said collars, and secured to ilanges c, by bolts, b',
scribed, for the purpose set forth.
HENRY G. NELSON. Witnesses:



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