USRE10325E - Machine for manufacturing rubber cloth - Google Patents

Machine for manufacturing rubber cloth Download PDF


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USRE10325E US RE10325 E USRE10325 E US RE10325E
United States
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Frank E. Albkich
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  • t me may 15, 1883.
  • planation. 4 In the drawingspa represents'ihe frame of 4 in like manner opposite the main roll, and is somewhat smaller or of less diameter. than" the main roll, though not necessarilyso.
  • the clothy to be coated. is made into an endless belt, and passes from the main or driving roll '1) over the supporting-rolls f, around the counter-roll g, and back under the st-retch-- ing or guide rollsf' to the main roll l).
  • the endless belt of cloth passes a main driving-roll, I), under a knife, k, and perhaps over rolls of even thickness to a counter-roll, g, thence back to roll '1), and $0 5 on until, say, teuto fortyeoatshavebeenap-. plied, the process being. a very" slow one, as the entire belt of cloth has to be returned to the single knilfe at each eoating.
  • the knives beingarrangedat a sn'ificient distance apart to permit the coating tobe properly dried after passing the first or main knife before it reaches the second or supplemental knife.
  • the knife as ordinarily constructed in machines of this character is straight and set so as to incline or, tip toward the approachingfabric; but it has been found that the coatingliquid, when poured in front ofa straight knife,
  • Knits I consisting of; the main .r'ollb, counter-roll g, knives I: .k, supporting-rolls f, guide-rolls f, and oprative mechanism, combined and arranged knife k, and. frame 0, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.


Reissued May 15, 1883.
- 'srnc'rrrcn'rron rormin'g part of l teissued Letters Patent No. 10,325, t me may 15, 1883.
Original K011351113 dated December l, 1880 Application'for reissue filed March 9, 1883. I
To all whom it may concern Be it known that I F A K E. ALDRICH, of Boston, in the county of Suffolk and State of Massachusetts, have invented a certain new is a description suflieiently'fnll,clear, andexa act to enable any person skilled in theart or science towhich said invention appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, formingapart of this-specification, in which-- Figure 1 is a'vertical longitudinal section ofof this character is produced than was ,inor -j dinary use at llte' date when said-invention was made.
ment will hereadily understood'hy all conversant with such matters from the toll'oiring ex;
planation. 4 In the drawingspa represents'ihe frame of 4 in like manner opposite the main roll, and is somewhat smaller or of less diameter. than" the main roll, though not necessarilyso.
' .Between the main. and counter rolls, and journaled horizontally at proper intervals in the upper partpt the frame,. are' a series of supporting-rolls, f,and beneath,these,dispo'sed in the center or lower part of the frame-work,- are a" corresponding series. of stretching or gnide rolls,f.' Both' the supporting and guide '50 rolls are elliptical in form or 0t a'gre'ater difameter iit. their con ters than at their ends, andand useful Improvement in Machines for Manus facturin g Rubber Gloth,.of'which the following.
and claimed, by which a more effective device the machine, 0 themain roll, and g the counteringrpnlley, c. The counter-roll g 'is'journaled'- have a tendency to stretch the fabric laterally, thereby preventing longitudinal. wrinkling and obviating the necessity of-stretching ors'moothing it byihand. V A, i v
The clothy to be coated. is made into an endless belt, and passes from the main or driving roll '1) over the supporting-rolls f, around the counter-roll g, and back under the st-retch-- ing or guide rollsf' to the main roll l).
A spreading-knife, 70, attached tothesupport h, and usually made adjustable therein,
- is arranged near the main roll I), and between said rolland the first supporting-roll-f. This knife/is inclined toward the roll b, and reaches 6 5 entirely-across the. cloth ,or fabric, being so adjusted as to press firmly thereon.
A supplementary spreading-knife, k,".attachedto the adjustable support It and in- ,counter-roll g, this knife also stretching across the fabric and being adjusted to press thereon, like the'main knife k. I v ,In the use of my improvement, power is "applied to the pulley 22', causing the main and 7 counte r rolls to revolve and the cloth to traverseilr'thedirection.ofythearrows in Fig; 1? The rubber or'liquld coating is .then pouredupon the clothin front ofeach of the knives The nature" and operation. ofthe ;iinprovek k, vihich,.asthe cloth passes under the same, 8o pressesthe coating into the fabric and spreads i-t evenly, the surplus or overflow falling into ,the drip pans ll'hwhich are supported in the .fralne beneath the knives, as shown in F-igLLf A pressure-roller, d,journaled to move verti- 85- .cally in the auxiliary frames in parallelism with the roller b, and working in conjunction therewith, supplements the work of the knives by pressing-the coating into the fabric,-and I also calenders or finishes the cloth. .1 0 In some of the machinesiconstructeu prior to my invention the endless belt of cloth passes a main driving-roll, I), under a knife, k, and perhaps over rolls of even thickness to a counter-roll, g, thence back to roll '1), and $0 5 on until, say, teuto fortyeoatshavebeenap-. plied, the process being. a very" slow one, as the entire belt of cloth has to be returned to the single knilfe at each eoating.
greatly ekpedited by the employment of a sup clined toward the roll I), is disposed near the 70 I In my improved machine thelp rocess is no plemental knife in combination -with the pain I eontradistinction to the main roll b, and for the be horizontal when the properly inclined to the .given to the cloth through the machine.
knife, the knives beingarrangedat a sn'ificient distance apart to permit the coating tobe properly dried after passing the first or main knife before it reaches the second or supplemental knife. r
The knife as ordinarily constructed in machines of this character is straight and set so as to incline or, tip toward the approachingfabric; but it has been found that the coatingliquid, when poured in front ofa straight knife,
has a tendency to flow too'rapidly toward the edges of the fabric, thus leaving the center improperly supplied. To obviate thisobjeetion I curve the knife, as shown at n in Fig." 4, and attach it to a curved support, 'm, or
so construct and arrange it that it will, present a concave front'to the approaching fabric and liquid. The curve should he just sufiicient to overcome the tendency of the liquid to flow'to, the sides of the fabric and to produce an even 'coat throughout its width. A corresponding downward curve-is given to the edge of the knife, its"center being lowest, with a gradual upward slope toward either end to enable it to be inclined or tipped toward the approaching fabric without having its edge. at the center withdrawn from contact therewith, the
convexity of the edge vbeing such that it will bodyof the knife is I denominate the roll 9 the counter-rollfl in reason that it changes the traverse-orcourse by the main roll in passing Having thus explained n y invention, whatI I claim is"- 1. A machinefor applying the coating macloth, as described."
V edgeproperly in contact terial in the manufacture of'rubber cloth, liarin g a main roll, a counter-roll, and two spreading-knives, the knives being disposed on the line of traverse pursued by-- the cloth and adaptedto press thereon, in combination with means for properly supporting the cloth and presenting it to the action of the knives, substantially as set forth. v 7
2. The herein-described machine for applying the coating material'in the manufacture of rubber cloth, the same frame a,
to work substantially as specifiedp 3. In a machine for applying the: coating material'in themanufacture of rubber cloth,
the mild, in combination with the rolls b 9,
consisting of; the main .r'ollb, counter-roll g, knives I: .k, supporting-rolls f, guide-rolls f, and oprative mechanism, combined and arranged knife k, and. frame 0, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
'4. In amaohine forapplying tliecoatingmaterial in'the manufacture of rubber cloth, the elliptical rolls], in combination with the rolls b g and ,knifek, substmitially' as and for the purpose specified.
5. I n a rnachined'or applying wthecoatiug .Fateri'al in the manufacture of rubber. cloth,
he knife n, curred laterally to present a concave front to the approaching fabric and coating'material, and verticallyto permit the body of'the knife to be inclined and still keep its with the fabric substantiallyas shown and described;
, FRANK IE. ALDRICH.- Witnesses:
L. J. WHITE-.=-



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