USD9879S - Design for heating-stoves - Google Patents

Design for heating-stoves Download PDF


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USD9879S US D9879 S USD9879 S US D9879S
United States
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Patented Apri Now Rim-011a 80- Gal! Hula! IADI If GU'L'IEB 82: PROCJTOR,
Specification forming part of Design No. 9,879, dated April 3, 1877; application filed February 8,1877. [Term of Patent 7 years] To all whom it may concern Be it known that we, RICHARD A. GUL- TER and DAVID (J. Pnoc'ron, both of Peoria, in the county of Peoria and State of Illinois, have jointly originated and produced a Design for Heating-Stoves, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being bad to the accompanying engraving, making part of this specification, and to the letters of reference marked thereon.
The nature of our design is fully represented in the accompanying engraving of a heater, called the Minstrel, manufactured by our firm of Culter & Proctor, at Peoria, Illinois.
The base-section A is a departure from the usual form. The base-band a is plain. The succeeding ovolo a is ornamented, as shown in the engraving, and is succeeded by a ter' race, a, the glacis or escarpment a of which is ornamented with flutings, the parapet a being plain. The ash-chamber B is of the slight inclining curve shown, and has a baseband, b, and fillet b, and suitable egg ornamentation, b while its sides are adorned by ornamental panels, b the distinguishing characteristics being the foliated lozenge b and bordure b Capping the said chamber B is the base of the fire-pot (J, the said base 0 having a sloping band, 0 a plateau, 0 with annular beads 0 Rising from this to the grate-baud d is an ornamented escarpment, d. At the bottom of the tire-pot O is a fillet, e, and at its top two plain lapping cornice-bands, c c, supported by diglyph ornamentation e Said fire-pot is capped by the plateau projectionf, havingunnular beads/ from which rises the outer curving wall of the combustion chamber 1), in the usual form. The double mica windows are provided with chain ornamentation g.
A shelving plateau, h, orlnunented by annular beads h h and chain ornaments h, and may have the word Minstrel, the name we have given the stove, in relief thereon, suruiounts said combustion-elmin bcr.
Rising from the combustion-chaniber is the reservoir portion E, which resembles in general elfect a Roman sacrificial altar. Its base is composed of a fluted glacis, i, and a cavetto, i filleted at i I The slender vertical neck is the reservoirwall, and is ornamented by graceful pilasters, k, and panels k, distinguished by the foliated lozenge k and similar to the panels of the ashchamber.
A filleted abacus, l, succeeded by a cyma recta, l, caps the reservoir and supports the projecting table F, which has two ornamental terraces, m m.
The stove rests upon ornamental legs or feet a, which present angular panels, filled with small rectangles and lozenges, as distinctly shown.
For the purpose of description we have used certain arbitrary terms, which are intended only to approximately describe the several designs.
We claim- 1. The design for a stove, in which the base portion consists of base-band a, ovolo a, ornaniented as shown, terrace a and curving ash-chamber wall B, having filleted baseband b b, egg ornamentation b and panels I) 1) b substantially as described.
2. The design for a stove, in which the base of the fire-pot is ornamented by and consists of a sloping base-band, c capping the ash-chamber, a plateau, 0 having annular beads 0 grate-baud (I, and ornamented escarpment d, substantially as described.
25. The design for a stove, in which the fire pot G has at its bottom a fillet, e, and at its top the ornamental cornice e 6 e substantially as described.
4. The design for the reservoir portion E of a stove, such as set forth. consisting of the slender vertical ornamented neck, in combination with the prominent projecting table F, the whole resembling a Roman altar, as described.
5. The design of the reservoirbase, consisting of fluted glue 2'. in combination with filleted cavetto i i i, substantially as described.
U. The design of the reservoir-wall, having panels consisting of the l'oliated lozenge It,
In testimony whereof we have affixed our signatures in the presence of two witnesses.
in combination with pilasters k, ofthe pattern shown.
7. The design ofthe projecting Lnhle F, having the ornamental terraces in mi substantially as described. Witnesses:
8. The design of the feet of the stove, of JNO. E. HUNTER,
the shape and ornamentation shown. 0. H. WHITE.



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