USD96919S - Design for a coal range - Google Patents

Design for a coal range Download PDF


Publication number
USD96919S US D96919 S USD96919 S US D96919S
United States
Prior art keywords
coal range
Prior art date
Application number
Henry Lange
Original Assignee
Quincy Stove Manufacturing Company
Filing date
Publication date




Sept. 17, 193: H. LANGE I D 9 ,9
COAL RANGE Filed June 29, 1935 T W W9 ATTORNEYS.
Patented Sept. 17, 1935 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A COAL RANGE h Henry Lange, Quincy, 11]., assignor to Quincy Stove Manufacturing Company, Quincy, 111.
Application June 29, 1935, Serial No. 57,464
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a perspective view of the coal range,
Be it known that I, Henry Lange, a citizen of showing my new design.
the United States and a resident of the city of Figure 2 is an end view of my range.
Quincy, county of Adams, and State of Illinois, I claim:
have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental design for a coal range, as
Design for a Goal Range, of which the following shown.
is a specification, reference being had to the ac- HENRY LANGE.
companying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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