USD80787S - Design fob a ring - Google Patents

Design fob a ring Download PDF


Publication number
USD80787S US D80787 S USD80787 S US D80787S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Joseph Granat
Filing date
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March 25, 1930. GRANAT De- 80,787 f RING Filed Dg. 27, 1929 ATTORNEY Q Patented Mar. 25, 1930 y Des, 80,787
JOSEPH GRANAT, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA DESIGN FOR A RING Application filed December 27, 1929. Serial No. 33,942. Term of patent 3% years.
To all whom t may concern: e Figure I is a side View of a ring showing Be it known thaiJ I, JOSEPH GRANAT, a oitlmy design.
zen of the United Staies of America, resid- Figure II is atop plan View thereof.
ing at' San Francisco, in the county of San I claim:-
Franoisco and State of California, have 1n- The ornamental deslgn for a ring substanvented a new, original, and ornamental Detally as shown. sign for a Ring, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the ac- JOSEPH GRANAT.
companyng drawing, forming a part thereof.



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