USD79840S - Design fob an afbon - Google Patents

Design fob an afbon Download PDF


Publication number
USD79840S US D79840 S USD79840 S US D79840S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
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Application number
John B. Neelands
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Nov. 5, 1929. J. R. NEELANDS Des. 7.9, 4O
APRON Filed July 5', 1929 Patented Nov. 5, 1929 I I t UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE JOHN R. NEELANDS, 015 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA DESIGN FOR AN APRON Application filed July 5, 1929. Serial No. 31,948. Term of patent 3} years.
To all whom it may concern: The figure of the drawing is a perspective Be it known that I, JOHN R. NEELANDS, a View of the apron showing my new design.
citizen of the United States residing at Los I claim:
Angeles, in the county of Los Angeles and The ornamental design for an apron as State of California, have invented a new, shown.
original, and ornamental Design for an Apron, of which the following is a specifica- JOHN R. NEELANDS.
tion, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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