USD137295S - Design for a case fob a door lock - Google Patents

Design for a case fob a door lock Download PDF


Publication number
USD137295S US D137295 S USD137295 S US D137295S
United States
Prior art keywords
door lock
case fob
Prior art date
Application number
Samuel Oxhandler
Original Assignee
Sargent a Company
Filing date
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Feb. 15, 1944. s Q H E Des; 137,295
CASE FOR A noon LOCK Filed Nov. 17, 1945 Patented Feb. 15, 1944 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A CASE FOR A DOOR LOCK Samuel Oxhandler, Flushing, N. Y., assiguor to Sargent & Company, New Haven, Conn., a corporation of Connecticut Application November 17, 1943, Serial No. 111,713
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a side elevational view of the same;
Be it known that I, Samuel Oxhandler, a, citiand zen of the United States, residing in Flushing, Fig. 3 is an end view of the lock case looking in the county of Queens and State of New York, in the direction of the arrows 3-3 on Fig. 2.
have invented'a new, original, and ornamental I claim:
Design for a Case for a Door Look, of which the The ornamental design for a case for a door following is a specification, reference being had lock, substantially as shown.
to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, in which SAMUEL OXHANDLER.
Fig. 1 is a top plan view :of a case for a door lock showing my new design;



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