USD134560S - Design for an airplane chair - Google Patents

Design for an airplane chair Download PDF


Publication number
USD134560S US D134560 S USD134560 S US D134560S
United States
Prior art keywords
airplane chair
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Application number
Wendell S. Fletcher
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Dec. 15, 19421 w, s FLETCHER Des. 134,560
AIRPLANE GHAI R Filed Nov; 14, 1941 I /v l/ENTOR WENDEU. a Faro/1? A GENT Patented Dec. 15, 1942 i Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN AIRPLANE CHAIR Wendell S. Fletcher, Burbank, Calif., assignor to Fletcher Aviation Corporation, Burbank, Calif.
Application November 14, 1941, Serial No. 104,156
Term of patent 3 years To all whom it may concern: Figure l is a side elevational View of an air- Be it known that I, Wendell S. Fletcher, a citplane chair, showing my new design;
izen of the United States, residing at Burbank, Figure 2 is a front perspective view;
in the county of Los Angeles and State of Cali- Figure 3 is a rear perspective view; and
fornia, have invented a new, original, and. or- Figure 4 is a bottom plan view thereof.
namental Design for an Airplane Chair, of which I claim:
the following is a specification, reference being The ornamental design for an airplane chair,
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a substantially as shown.
part thereof. WENDELL S. FLETCHER.



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