USD134205S - Design for a mechanical pencil tip - Google Patents

Design for a mechanical pencil tip Download PDF


Publication number
USD134205S US D134205 S USD134205 S US D134205S
United States
Prior art keywords
mechanical pencil
pencil tip
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Hugo S. Hasselquist
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Oct. 27, 1942. H. s. HASSELQUIST Des. 134,
MECHANICAL PENCIL TIP Filed July 15, 1942 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/ UIIIIIfl/ v INVENTOR. flaw ,6? HASSEZQU/ST' Patented 0a. 27, 1942 D 134,205
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A MECHANICAL PENCIL TIP Hugo S. Hasselquist, Oak Park, 111., assignor to Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, Jersey City, N. J., a corporation of New Jersey Application July 15, 1942, Serial No. 107,547
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view there- Be it known that '1, Hugo S. Hasselquist, a of taken substantially on line 22 of Fig. 3; and
citizen of the United States and a resident of Fig. 3 is an end elevation thereof, looking up- Oak Park, in the county of Cook and Stat of wardly, viewing Fig. 1.
Illinois, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim:
mental Design for Mechanical Pencil Tip, of The ornamental design for a mechanical penwhich the following is a specification, reference cil tip, as shown.
being had to the accompanying drawing, form- HUGO S. HASS'E-LQUIST.
ing a part thereof and in which Fig. 1 is an elevational view of a mechanical pencil tip embodying my new design;



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