USD128826S - Design for an automatic cathead - Google Patents

Design for an automatic cathead Download PDF


Publication number
USD128826S US D128826 S USD128826 S US D128826S
United States
Prior art keywords
automatic cathead
Prior art date
Application number
Frank M. Owen
Original Assignee
Filing date
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Aug. 12, 1941.
F. M. OWEN Des. 128,826 7 AUTOMATIQCATHEAD Filed Jan. '27, 1939 INVENTOR ATTORNEY Patented Aug. 12, 1941 D 128,826
DESIGN FOR AW AUTOMATIC CATHEAD Frank M. Owen, Houston, Tex., assignor to American Iron & Machine Works Company, Okla- Q homa. City, Okla.
Application January 27, 1939, Serial No. 82,766
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is an end elevational view of an auto- Be it known that I, Frank M. Owen, a citizen matic cathead, showing my new design as viewed of the United States, residing at Houston, in the from the right of Fig. 2; and
county of Harris and State of Texas, hav in- Figure2 isaside elevational view.
vented a new, original and ornamental Design I claim:
for Automatic Catheads, of which the following The ornamental design for an automatic is a specification, reference being had to the accathead, as shown.
companying drawing, forming part thereof, and FRANK M. OWEN. in which:



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